-- In this file we define functions that serves for interaction windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- create the game namespace without reseting if already created in an other file. if (game==nil) then game= {}; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called when server send an invitaion we receive a text id containing the string to display (invitor name) function game:onTeamInvation(textID) local ui = getUI('ui:interface:join_team_proposal'); ui.content.inside.invitor_name.textid = textID; ui.active = true; setTopWindow(ui); ui:center(); ui:blink(2); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:teamInvitationAccept() local ui = getUI('ui:interface:join_team_proposal'); ui.active = false; sendMsgToServer('TEAM:JOIN'); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:teamInvitationRefuse() local ui = getUI('ui:interface:join_team_proposal'); ui.active = false; sendMsgToServer('TEAM:JOIN_PROPOSAL_DECLINE'); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:switchChatTab(dbEntry) local db= 'UI:SAVE:ISENABLED:' .. dbEntry; local val= getDbProp(db); -- switch value if(val==0) then setDbProp(db, 1); else setDbProp(db, 0); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:updateEmoteMenu(prop, tooltip, tooltip_pushed, name, param) for i=0,9 do -- Get key shortcut local text = i18n.get('uiTalkMemMsg0' .. i); local key = runExpr( "getKey('talk_message','0" .. i .. "',1)" ); if (key ~= nil and key ~= '') then key = ' @{T25}@{2F2F}(' .. key .. ')'; text = concatUCString(text, key); end -- if we don't do the full getUI, it doesn't work (don't understand why) local uiQC= getUI("ui:interface:user_chat_emote_menu:quick_chat:" .. "qc" .. i); uiQC.uc_hardtext_format= text; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if (ui_free_chat_h == nil) then ui_free_chat_h = {} end if (ui_free_chat_w == nil) then ui_free_chat_w = {} end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:closeTellHeader(uiID) local ui = getUI('ui:interface:' .. uiID); -- save size ui_free_chat_h[uiID] = ui.h; ui_free_chat_w[uiID] = ui.w; -- reduce window size ui.pop_min_h = 32; ui.h = 0; ui.w = 216; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:openTellHeader(uiID) local ui = getUI('ui:interface:' .. uiID); ui.pop_min_h = 96; -- set size from saved values if (ui_free_chat_h[uiID] ~= nil) then ui.h = ui_free_chat_h[uiID]; end if (ui_free_chat_w[uiID] ~= nil) then ui.w = ui_free_chat_w[uiID]; end -- set Header Color to normal values (when a tell is closed and the telled player say someone, header change to "UI:SAVE:WIN:COLORS:INFOS") ui:setHeaderColor('UI:SAVE:WIN:COLORS:COM'); end --///////////////////////// --// TARGET WINDOW SETUP // --///////////////////////// -- local functions for tests local function levelToForceRegion(level) if level < 20 then return 1 elseif level >= 250 then return 6 else return math.floor(level / 50) + 2 end end local function levelToLevelForce(level) return math.floor(math.fmod(level, 50) * 5 / 50) + 1 end -- tmp var for tests in local mode local twPlayerLevel = 10 local twTargetLevel = 19 local twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) local twTargetLevelForce = levelToLevelForce(twTargetLevel) local twTargetPlayer = false local twPlayerInPVPMode = false local twTargetInPVPMode = false ----------------------------------- local function twGetPlayerLevel() if config.Local == 1 then return twPlayerLevel else return getPlayerLevel() end end ----------------------------------- local function twGetTargetLevel() if config.Local == 1 then return twTargetLevel else return getTargetLevel() end end ----------------------------------- local function twGetTargetForceRegion() if config.Local == 1 then return twTargetForceRegion else return getTargetForceRegion() end end ----------------------------------- local function twGetTargetLevelForce() if config.Local == 1 then return twTargetLevelForce else return getTargetLevelForce() end end ----------------------------------- local function twIsTargetPlayer() if config.Local == 1 then return twTargetPlayer else return isTargetPlayer() end end ----------------------------------- local function twIsPlayerInPVPMode() if config.Local == 1 then return twPlayerInPVPMode else return isPlayerInPVPMode() end end ----------------------------------- local function twIsTargetInPVPMode() if config.Local == 1 then return twTargetInPVPMode else return isTargetInPVPMode() end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This function is called when a new target is selected, it should update the 'consider' widget -- Level of the creature -- Is its level known (not too high ...) -- Boss/Mini-bosses/Names colored ring function game:updateTargetConsiderUI() --debugInfo("Updating consider widget") local targetWindow = getUI("ui:interface:target") -- local wgTargetSlotForce = targetWindow:find("slot_force") local wgTargetLevel = targetWindow:find("target_level") local wgImpossible = targetWindow:find("impossible") local wgSlotRing = targetWindow:find("slot_ring") local wgToolTip = targetWindow:find("target_tooltip") local wgPvPTag = targetWindow:find("pvp_tags") local wgHeader = targetWindow:find("header_opened") wgTargetSlotForce.active = true wgImpossible.active = true -- no selection ? if twGetTargetLevel() == -1 then wgTargetSlotForce.active = false wgTargetLevel.active = false wgImpossible.active = false wgSlotRing.active = false if (isTargetUser() and twIsPlayerInPVPMode()) then wgToolTip.tooltip = "" wgPvPTag.active = true wgHeader.h = 56; else wgPvPTag.active = false wgHeader.h = 34; wgToolTip.tooltip = i18n.get("uittConsiderTargetNoSelection") end return end local pvpMode = false wgPvPTag.active = false wgHeader.h = 34; -- if the selection is a player, then both the local & targeted player must be in PVP mode for the level to be displayed if (twIsTargetPlayer()) then -- don't display anything ... wgTargetSlotForce.active = false wgTargetLevel.active = false wgImpossible.active = false wgSlotRing.active = false wgToolTip.tooltip = "" if twIsTargetInPVPMode() then debugInfo("target in pvp") wgPvPTag.active = true wgHeader.h = 56; end return end -- depending on the number of people in the group, set the max diff for visibility between player level -- & creature level (x 10 per member) local maxDiffLevel = 10 if not pvpMode then -- exception there : when "pvping", don't relate the levelof the target to the level of the group, but to thelocal -- player only for gm = 0, 7 do if getDbProp("SERVER:GROUP:" .. tostring(gm) .. ":PRESENT") ~= 0 then maxDiffLevel = maxDiffLevel + 10 end end end --debugInfo("Max diff level= " .. tostring(maxDiffLevel)) local impossible = (twGetTargetLevel() - twGetPlayerLevel() > maxDiffLevel) wgSlotRing.active = false if impossible then -- targeted object is too hard too beat, display a skull wgTargetLevel.active = false wgImpossible.y = -5 wgImpossible.color = "255 50 50 255" else -- player can see the level of the targeted creature wgTargetLevel.active = true wgImpossible.y = 6 wgTargetLevel.hardtext = tostring(twGetTargetLevel()) wgImpossible.color = "255 255 255 255" wgTargetLevel.color = getDefine("region_force_" .. tostring(levelToForceRegion(twGetTargetLevel()))) end -- based on the 'level force', set a colored ring around the level local levelForce = twGetTargetLevelForce() wgTargetSlotForce.color = getDefine("region_force_" .. tostring(levelToForceRegion(twGetTargetLevel()))) wgImpossible.texture = getDefine("force_level_" .. tostring(levelForce)) wgImpossible.active = true if levelForce < 6 then wgToolTip.tooltip = i18n.get("uittConsiderTargetLevel") elseif levelForce == 6 then -- Named creature wgImpossible.color = "117 132 126 255" wgSlotRing.color = "117 132 126 255" wgTargetSlotForce.color = "117 132 126 255" wgSlotRing.texture = "consider_ring.tga" wgToolTip.tooltip = i18n.get("uittConsiderNamedOrMiniBoss") elseif levelForce == 7 then -- Boss wgImpossible.color = "156 98 65 255" wgSlotRing.color = "156 98 65 255" wgTargetSlotForce.color = "156 98 65 255" wgSlotRing.texture = "consider_ring.tga" wgToolTip.tooltip = i18n.get("uittConsiderNamedOrMiniBoss") elseif levelForce == 8 then -- Mini-Boss wgImpossible.color = "213 212 9 255" wgSlotRing.texture = "consider_ring.tga" wgSlotRing.color = "213 212 9 255" if isTargetNPC() then wgTargetSlotForce.color = "255 255 255 255" wgToolTip.tooltip = i18n.get("uittConsiderBossNpc") else wgTargetSlotForce.color = "213 212 9 255" wgToolTip.tooltip = i18n.get("uittConsiderBoss") end end if impossible then wgToolTip.tooltip = concatUCString(wgToolTip.tooltip, ucstring("\n"), i18n.get("uittConsiderUnknownLevel")) end end ---------------------- -- MISC local tests function -- no selection function twTest0() twTargetLevel = -1 twTargetPlayer = false game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, not impossible function twTest1() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 15 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = levelToLevelForce(twTargetLevel) game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, not impossible (limit) function twTest2() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 20 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = levelToLevelForce(twTargetLevel) game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, impossible function twTest3() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 21 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = levelToLevelForce(twTargetLevel) game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end ------ NAMED ------ -- selection, not impossible, named function twTest4() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 15 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 6 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, not impossible (limit), named function twTest5() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 20 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 6 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, impossible, named function twTest6() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 21 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 6 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end ------ BOSS ------ -- selection, not impossible, boss function twTest7() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 15 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 7 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, not impossible (limit), boss function twTest8() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 20 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 7 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, impossible, boss function twTest9() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 21 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 7 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end ------ MINI-BOSS ------ -- selection, not impossible, boss function twTest10() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 15 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 8 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, not impossible (limit), boss function twTest11() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 20 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 8 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end -- selection, impossible, boss function twTest12() twTargetPlayer = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 21 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = 8 game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end ------ PLAYER SELECTION ------ 2 players, no pvp function twTest13() twTargetPlayer = true twPlayerInPVPMode = false twTargetInPVPMode = false twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 15 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = levelToLevelForce(twTargetLevel) game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end function twTest14() twTargetPlayer = true twPlayerInPVPMode = true twTargetInPVPMode = true twPlayerLevel = 10 twTargetLevel = 15 twTargetForceRegion = levelToForceRegion(twTargetLevel) twTargetLevelForce = levelToLevelForce(twTargetLevel) game:updateTargetConsiderUI() end ------ 2 players, pvp -- groups function twGroup(groupSize) for gm = 0, 7 do if gm < groupSize then setDbProp("SERVER:GROUP:" .. tostring(gm) .. ":PRESENT", 1) else setDbProp("SERVER:GROUP:" .. tostring(gm) .. ":PRESENT", 0) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:closeWebIGBrowserHeader() local ui = getUI('ui:interface:webig'); -- save size ui_webig_browser_h = ui.h; ui_webig_browser_w = ui.w; -- reduce window size ui.pop_min_h = 32; ui.h = 0; ui.w = 150; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:openWebIGBrowserHeader() local ui = getUI('ui:interface:webig'); ui.pop_min_h = 96; -- set size from saved values if (ui_webig_browser_h ~= nil) then ui.h = ui_webig_browser_h; end if (ui_webig_browser_w ~= nil) then ui.w = ui_webig_browser_w; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local SavedUrl = ""; function game:chatUrl(url) SavedUrl = url runAH(nil, "active_menu", "menu=ui:interface:chat_uri_action_menu"); end function game:chatUrlCopy() runAH(nil, "copy_to_clipboard", SavedUrl) end function game:chatUrlBrowse() runAH(nil, "browse", "name=ui:interface:webig:content:html|url=" .. SavedUrl) end