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* DebugKit Debugger class. Extends and enhances core
* debugger. Adds benchmarking and timing functionality.
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link
* @package debug_kit
* @subpackage debug_kit.vendors
* @since DebugKit 0.1
* @license MIT License (
App::import('Core', 'Debugger');
App::import('Vendor', 'DebugKit.FireCake');
* Debug Kit Temporary Debugger Class
* Provides the future features that are planned. Yet not implemented in the 1.2 code base
* This file will not be needed in future version of CakePHP.
class DebugKitDebugger extends Debugger {
* Internal benchmarks array
* @var array
var $__benchmarks = array();
* Internal memory points array
* @var array
var $__memoryPoints = array();
* destruct method
* Allow timer info to be displayed if the code dies or is being debugged before rendering the view
* Cheat and use the debug log class for formatting
* @return void
* @access private
function __destruct() {
$_this =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
if (Configure::read('debug') < 2 || !$_this->__benchmarks) {
$timers = array_values(DebugKitDebugger::getTimers());
$end = end($timers);
echo '<table class="cake-sql-log"><tbody>';
echo '<caption>Debug timer info</caption>';
echo '<tr><th>Message</th><th>Start Time (ms)</th><th>End Time (ms)</th><th>Duration (ms)</th></tr>';
$i = 0;
foreach ($timers as $timer) {
$indent = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
if (($timers[$j]['end']) > ($timer['start']) && ($timers[$j]['end']) > ($timer['end'])) {
$indent = str_repeat(' » ', $indent);
$start = round($start * 1000, 0);
$end = round($end * 1000, 0);
$time = round($time * 1000, 0);
echo "<tr><td>{$indent}$message</td><td>$start</td><td>$end</td><td>$time</td></tr>";
echo '</tbody></table>';
* Start an benchmarking timer.
* @param string $name The name of the timer to start.
* @param string $message A message for your timer
* @return bool true
* @static
function startTimer($name = null, $message = null) {
$start = getMicrotime();
$_this =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
if (!$name) {
$named = false;
$calledFrom = debug_backtrace();
$_name = $name = Debugger::trimpath($calledFrom[0]['file']) . ' line ' . $calledFrom[0]['line'];
} else {
$named = true;
if (!$message) {
$message = $name;
$_name = $name;
$i = 1;
while (isset($_this->__benchmarks[$name])) {
$name = $_name . ' #' . $i;
if ($i > 1) {
$message .= ' #' . $i;
$_this->__benchmarks[$name] = array(
'start' => $start,
'message' => $message,
'named' => $named
return true;
* Stop a benchmarking timer.
* $name should be the same as the $name used in startTimer().
* @param string $name The name of the timer to end.
* @access public
* @return boolean true if timer was ended, false if timer was not started.
* @static
function stopTimer($name = null) {
$end = getMicrotime();
$_this =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
if (!$name) {
$names = array_reverse(array_keys($_this->__benchmarks));
foreach($names as $name) {
if (!empty($_this->__benchmarks[$name]['end'])) {
if (empty($_this->__benchmarks[$name]['named'])) {
} else {
$i = 1;
$_name = $name;
while (isset($_this->__benchmarks[$name])) {
if (empty($_this->__benchmarks[$name]['end'])) {
$name = $_name . ' #' . $i;
if (!isset($_this->__benchmarks[$name])) {
return false;
$_this->__benchmarks[$name]['end'] = $end;
return true;
* Get all timers that have been started and stopped.
* Calculates elapsed time for each timer. If clear is true, will delete existing timers
* @param bool $clear false
* @return array
* @access public
function getTimers($clear = false) {
$_this =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
$start = DebugKitDebugger::requestStartTime();
$now = getMicrotime();
$times = array();
if (!empty($_this->__benchmarks)) {
$firstTimer = current($_this->__benchmarks);
$_end = $firstTimer['start'];
} else {
$_end = $now;
$times['Core Processing (Derived)'] = array(
'message' => __d('debug_kit', 'Core Processing (Derived)', true),
'start' => 0,
'end' => $_end - $start,
'time' => round($_end - $start, 6),
'named' => null
foreach ($_this->__benchmarks as $name => $timer) {
if (!isset($timer['end'])) {
$timer['end'] = $now;
$times[$name] = array_merge($timer, array(
'start' => $timer['start'] - $start,
'end' => $timer['end'] - $start,
'time' => DebugKitDebugger::elapsedTime($name)
if ($clear) {
$_this->__benchmarks = array();
return $times;
* Clear all existing timers
* @return bool true
function clearTimers() {
$_this =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
$_this->__benchmarks = array();
return true;
* Get the difference in time between the timer start and timer end.
* @param $name string the name of the timer you want elapsed time for.
* @param $precision int the number of decimal places to return, defaults to 5.
* @return float number of seconds elapsed for timer name, 0 on missing key
* @static
function elapsedTime($name = 'default', $precision = 5) {
$_this =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
if (!isset($_this->__benchmarks[$name]['start']) || !isset($_this->__benchmarks[$name]['end'])) {
return 0;
return round($_this->__benchmarks[$name]['end'] - $_this->__benchmarks[$name]['start'], $precision);
* Get the total execution time until this point
* @access public
* @return float elapsed time in seconds since script start.
* @static
function requestTime() {
$start = DebugKitDebugger::requestStartTime();
$now = getMicroTime();
return ($now - $start);
* get the time the current request started.
* @access public
* @return float time of request start
* @static
function requestStartTime() {
if (defined('TIME_START')) {
$startTime = TIME_START;
} else if (isset($GLOBALS['TIME_START'])) {
$startTime = $GLOBALS['TIME_START'];
} else {
$startTime = env('REQUEST_TIME');
return $startTime;
* get current memory usage
* @return integer number of bytes ram currently in use. 0 if memory_get_usage() is not available.
* @static
function getMemoryUse() {
if (!function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
return 0;
return memory_get_usage();
* Get peak memory use
* @return integer peak memory use (in bytes). Returns 0 if memory_get_peak_usage() is not available
* @static
function getPeakMemoryUse() {
if (!function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
return 0;
return memory_get_peak_usage();
* Stores a memory point in the internal tracker.
* Takes a optional message name which can be used to identify the memory point.
* If no message is supplied a debug_backtrace will be done to identifty the memory point.
* If you don't have memory_get_xx methods this will not work.
* @param string $message Message to identify this memory point.
* @return boolean
function setMemoryPoint($message = null) {
$memoryUse = DebugKitDebugger::getMemoryUse();
if (!$message) {
$named = false;
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$message = Debugger::trimpath($trace[0]['file']) . ' line ' . $trace[0]['line'];
$self =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
if (isset($self->__memoryPoints[$message])) {
$originalMessage = $message;
$i = 1;
while (isset($self->__memoryPoints[$message])) {
$message = $originalMessage . ' #' . $i;
$self->__memoryPoints[$message] = $memoryUse;
return true;
* Get all the stored memory points
* @param boolean $clear Whether you want to clear the memory points as well. Defaults to false.
* @return array Array of memory marks stored so far.
function getMemoryPoints($clear = false) {
$self =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
$marks = $self->__memoryPoints;
if ($clear) {
$self->__memoryPoints = array();
return $marks;
* Clear out any existing memory points
* @return void
function clearMemoryPoints() {
$self =& DebugKitDebugger::getInstance();
$self->__memoryPoints = array();
* Handles object conversion to debug string.
* @param string $var Object to convert
* @access protected
function _output($data = array()) {
if (is_array($level)) {
$error = $level['error'];
$code = $level['code'];
if (isset($level['helpID'])) {
$helpID = $level['helpID'];
} else {
$helpID = '';
$description = $level['description'];
$file = $level['file'];
$line = $level['line'];
$context = $level['context'];
$level = $level['level'];
$files = $this->trace(array('start' => 2, 'format' => 'points'));
$listing = $this->excerpt($files[0]['file'], $files[0]['line'] - 1, 1);
$trace = $this->trace(array('start' => 2, 'depth' => '20'));
if ($this->_outputFormat == 'fb') {
$kontext = array();
foreach ((array)$context as $var => $value) {
$kontext[] = "\${$var}\t=\t" . $this->exportVar($value, 1);
$this->_fireError($error, $code, $description, $file, $line, $trace, $kontext);
} else {
$data = compact(
'level', 'error', 'code', 'helpID', 'description', 'file', 'path', 'line', 'context'
echo parent::_output($data);
* Create a FirePHP error message
* @param string $error Name of error
* @param string $code Code of error
* @param string $description Description of error
* @param string $file File error occured in
* @param string $line Line error occured on
* @param string $trace Stack trace at time of error
* @param string $context context of error
* @return void
* @access protected
function _fireError($error, $code, $description, $file, $line, $trace, $context) {
$name = $error . ' - ' . $description;
$message = "$error $code $description on line: $line in file: $file";
FireCake::error($message, $name);
FireCake::log($context, 'Context');
FireCake::log($trace, 'Trace');