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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "ai_share/ai_actions.h"
#include "ai_place.h"
#include "ai_mgr.h"
#include "ai_mgr_fauna.h"
#include "ai_mgr_npc.h"
#include "ai_grp.h"
#include "ai_grp_fauna.h"
#include "ai_grp_npc.h"
#include "ai_bot.h"
#include "ai_bot_fauna.h"
#include "ai_bot_npc.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "state_chat.h"
#include "event_reaction_container.h"
#include "continent.h"
namespace CAISActionEnums
// contexts for the command set
enum TContext
inline TContext parentContext(TContext context)
#define NO_PARENT return ContextNumContexts;
case ContextGlobal: NO_PARENT
case ContextEventContainer: NO_PARENT
case BaseContextMgr: return ContextEventContainer;
case ContextFaunaMgr: return BaseContextMgr;
case ContextNpcMgr: return BaseContextMgr;
case ContextNpcMgrKaravan: return ContextNpcMgr;
case ContextNpcMgrTribe: return ContextNpcMgr;
case ContextFaunaGrp: NO_PARENT
case ContextNpcGrp: NO_PARENT
case ContextNpcGrpKaravan: return ContextNpcGrp;
case ContextNpcBot: NO_PARENT
case BaseContextState: NO_PARENT
case ContextPositionalState: return BaseContextState;
case ContextPunctualState: return BaseContextState;
case ContextStateProfile: NO_PARENT
case ContextStateChat: NO_PARENT
case ContextContinent: NO_PARENT
case ContextRegion: return ContextContinent;
case ContextCellZone: return ContextRegion;
case ContextCell: return ContextCellZone;
case ContextFaunaZone: return ContextCell;
case ContextNpcZone: return ContextCell;
case ContextRoad: return ContextNpcZone;
case ContextRoadTrigger: return ContextRoad;
case ContextGroupDesc: return ContextGroupFamily;
case ContextBotDesc: return ContextGroupDesc;
case ContextOutpost: NO_PARENT
case ContextOutpostCharge: return ContextOutpost;
case ContextOutpostSquadFamily: return ContextOutpost;
case ContextOutpostGroupDesc: return ContextOutpostSquadFamily;
case ContextOutpostBotDesc: return ContextOutpostGroupDesc;
case ContextGroupFamily: return ContextRegion;
nlwarning("parentContext(context): Unknown context");
#undef NO_PARENT
class CAISActions: public CAIActions::IExecutor
// init & release
static void init()
if (CAISActions::Instance==NULL)
CAISActions::Instance=new CAISActions;
static void release()
// inheritted virtual interface
virtual void openFile(const std::string &fileName);
virtual void closeFile(const std::string &fileName);
virtual void execute(uint64 action,const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args);
virtual void begin(uint32 contextAlias);
virtual void end(uint32 contextAlias);
// instance data
// the 'actionMap' (map of action ids to handlers)
class IActionHandler;
typedef std::map <uint64,IActionHandler*> TActionMap;
TActionMap ActionMap[CAISActionEnums::ContextNumContexts];
// the actoin handler strucure and a macro for defining handlers easily
class IActionHandler
IActionHandler(CAISActionEnums::TContext context, const char *name)
if (CAISActions::Instance==NULL)
CAISActions::Instance=new CAISActions;
uint64 id=0;
uint i;
for (i=0;i<8 && name[i]!=0;++i)
((char *)&id)[i]=name[i];
// the following assert ensures that we never try to cram >8 letters into an int64
virtual const char *name()=0;
virtual void operator()(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args)=0;
#define DEFINE_ACTION(context,cmdName) \
struct CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName : public CAISActions::IActionHandler \
{ \
CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName() \
: CAISActions::IActionHandler(CAISActionEnums::context, #cmdName) { } \
virtual char const* name() { return #cmdName; } \
virtual void operator()(std::vector<CAIActions::CArg> const& args); \
}; \
static CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName ActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName; \
void CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName::operator()(std::vector<CAIActions::CArg> const& args)
#define DEFINE_ACTION_TEMPLATE1(context,cmdName,templateTypeName1) \
template <typename templateTypeName1> \
struct CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName : public CAISActions::IActionHandler \
{ \
char const* _Name; \
CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName(char const* name) \
: CAISActions::IActionHandler(CAISActionEnums::context, name), _Name(name) { } \
virtual char const* name() { return _Name; } \
virtual void operator()(std::vector<CAIActions::CArg> const& args); \
}; \
template <typename templateTypeName1> \
void CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName<templateTypeName1>::operator()(std::vector<CAIActions::CArg> const& args)
// cmdName + typeId should not exceed 8 characters long
#define DEFINE_ACTION_TEMPLATE1_INSTANCE(context,cmdName,typeId,typeName1) \
static CActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName<typeName1> ActionHandler_##context##_##cmdName(#cmdName#typeId)
// the singleton class instance
static CAISActions *Instance;
// The context stack
class CContextStack
static void init()
if (!initialised())
static void push(CAISActionEnums::TContext context)
if (!initialised()) init();
static CAISActionEnums::TContext topContext()
if (!initialised()) init();
return context(size()-1);
static CAISActionEnums::TContext context(uint i)
if (!initialised()) init();
return Stack[i];
static void setContext(CAISActionEnums::TContext context)
Stack.back() = context;
static uint size()
if (!initialised()) init();
return Stack.size();
static void pop()
static bool initialised()
return !Stack.empty();
static std::vector<CAISActionEnums::TContext> Stack;
// Pointers to managers, groups etc currently being worked on
class CWorkPtr
static void aiInstance(CAIInstance *instance) { Instance=instance; }
static CAIInstance *aiInstance() { nlassert(Instance); return Instance; }
static void mgr(CManager *m) { Mgr=m; }
static CManager *mgr() { return Mgr; }
static CMgrFauna *mgrFauna() { return dynamic_cast<CMgrFauna *>(Mgr); }
static CMgrNpc *mgrNpc() { return dynamic_cast<CMgrNpc *>(Mgr); }
static COutpostManager *mgrOutpost() { return dynamic_cast<COutpostManager *>(Mgr); }
static void grp(CGroup* g) { Grp=g; }
static CGroup *grp() { return Grp; }
static CGrpFauna *grpFauna() { return dynamic_cast<CGrpFauna *>(Grp); }
static CGroupNpc *grpNpc() { return dynamic_cast<CGroupNpc *>(Grp); }
static void bot(CBot *b) { Bot=b; }
static CBot *bot() { return Bot; }
static CBotFauna *botFauna() { return dynamic_cast<CBotFauna *>(Bot); }
static CBotNpc *botNpc() { return dynamic_cast<CBotNpc *>(Bot); }
static void stateState(CAIState *s) { State=s; }
static CAIState *stateState() { return State; }
static void eventReactionContainer(CStateMachine *eventContainer) { EventContainer=eventContainer; }
static CStateMachine *eventReactionContainer() { return EventContainer; }
static void stateProfile(CAIStateProfile *p) { Profile=p; }
static CAIStateProfile *stateProfile() { return Profile; }
static void stateChat(CAIStateChat *p) { Chat=p; }
static CAIStateChat *stateChat() { return Chat; }
static void continent(CContinent *c) { Continent = c;}
static CContinent *continent() { return Continent;}
static void region(CRegion *r) { Region = r;}
static CRegion *region() { return Region;}
static void groupFamily(CGroupFamily *gf) { GroupFamily = gf;}
static CGroupFamily *groupFamily() { return GroupFamily;}
static void cellZone(CCellZone *c) { CellZone = c;}
static CCellZone *cellZone() { return CellZone;}
static void cell(CCell *c) { Cell = c;}
static CCell *cell() { return Cell;}
static void faunaZone(CFaunaZone *z) { FaunaZone = z;}
static CFaunaZone *faunaZone() { return FaunaZone;}
static void npcZone(CNpcZone *z) { NpcZone = z;}
static CNpcZone *npcZone() { return NpcZone;}
static void road(CRoad *r) { Road = r;}
static CRoad *road() { return Road;}
static void roadTrigger(CRoadTrigger *t) { RoadTrigger = t;}
static CRoadTrigger *roadTrigger() { return RoadTrigger;}
static void groupDesc(CGroupDesc<CGroupFamily> *d) { GroupDesc = d;}
static CGroupDesc<CGroupFamily> *groupDesc() { return GroupDesc;}
static void botDesc(CBotDesc<CGroupFamily> *d) { BotDesc = d;}
static CBotDesc<CGroupFamily> *botDesc() { return BotDesc;}
static void outpost(COutpost *o) { Outpost = o;}
static COutpost *outpost() { return Outpost;}
// static void outpostCharge(COutpostCharge *oc) { OutpostCharge = oc;}
// static COutpostCharge *outpostCharge() { return OutpostCharge;}
static void squadVariantName(const std::string& n) { SquadVariantName = n;}
static const std::string& squadVariantName() { return SquadVariantName;}
static void outpostGroupDesc(CGroupDesc<COutpostSquadFamily> *d) { OutpostGroupDesc = d;}
static CGroupDesc<COutpostSquadFamily> *outpostGroupDesc() { return OutpostGroupDesc;}
static void outpostBotDesc(CBotDesc<COutpostSquadFamily> *d) { OutpostBotDesc = d;}
static CBotDesc<COutpostSquadFamily> *outpostBotDesc() { return OutpostBotDesc;}
static void groupDesc(IGroupDesc *d) { GroupDesc = d;}
static IGroupDesc *groupDesc() { return GroupDesc;}
static void botDesc(IBotDesc *d) { BotDesc = d;}
static IBotDesc *botDesc() { return BotDesc;}
static void addLogicAction(IAILogicAction *action, uint32 alias) { _LogicActionMap[alias] = action; }
// retrive logic action from alias
static IAILogicAction *getLogicActionFromAlias(uint32 alias) { return _LogicActionMap.count(alias) ? _LogicActionMap[alias] : NULL; }
// clear logic action map
static void clearLogicActionMap() { _LogicActionMap.clear(); }
// current logic action
static void logicAction(IAILogicAction *action) { _LogicAction = action; }
static IAILogicAction *logicAction() { return _LogicAction; }
static IAILogicAction *_LogicAction;
static std::map<uint32, IAILogicAction *> _LogicActionMap;
static CAIInstance* Instance;
static CManager* Mgr;
static CGroup* Grp;
static CBot* Bot;
static CAIState* State;
static CAIStateProfile* Profile;
static CAIStateChat* Chat;
static CStateMachine* EventContainer;
static CContinent* Continent;
static CRegion* Region;
static CGroupFamily* GroupFamily;
static CCellZone* CellZone;
static CCell* Cell;
static CFaunaZone* FaunaZone;
static CNpcZone* NpcZone;
static CRoad* Road;
static CRoadTrigger* RoadTrigger;
// static CGroupDesc<CGroupFamily>* GroupDesc;
// static CBotDesc<CGroupFamily>* BotDesc;
static COutpost* Outpost;
// static COutpostCharge* OutpostCharge;
static std::string SquadVariantName;
// static CGroupDesc<COutpostSquadFamily>* OutpostGroupDesc;
// static CBotDesc<COutpostSquadFamily>* OutpostBotDesc;
static IGroupDesc* GroupDesc;
static IBotDesc* BotDesc;
_Instance = Instance;
_Mgr =Mgr;
_Grp =Grp;
_Bot =Bot;
_State =State;
_Chat =Chat;
_EventReaction = NULL;
virtual ~CWorkPtr()
Instance = _Instance;
Mgr =_Mgr;
Grp =_Grp;
Bot =_Bot;
State =_State;
Profile =_Profile;
Chat =_Chat;
// the structure is only ever instantiated for context save purposes
CAIInstance* _Instance;
CManager* _Mgr;
CGroup* _Grp;
CBot* _Bot;
CAIState* _State;
CAIEventReaction* _EventReaction;
CAIStateProfile* _Profile;
CAIStateChat* _Chat;
CStateMachine* _EventContainer;
// Local routines for the action handlers to use
template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0,T1 &v1,T2 &v2,T3 &v3,T4 &v4,T5 &v5,T6 &v6)
if (args.size()!=7) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[1].get(v1)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 1",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[2].get(v2)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 2",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[3].get(v3)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 3",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[4].get(v4)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 4",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[5].get(v5)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 5",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[6].get(v6)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 6",actionName); return false; }
return true;
template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0,T1 &v1,T2 &v2,T3 &v3,T4 &v4,T5 &v5)
if (args.size()!=6) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[1].get(v1)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 1",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[2].get(v2)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 2",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[3].get(v3)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 3",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[4].get(v4)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 4",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[5].get(v5)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 5",actionName); return false; }
return true;
template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0,T1 &v1,T2 &v2,T3 &v3,T4 &v4)
if (args.size()!=5) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[1].get(v1)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 1",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[2].get(v2)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 2",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[3].get(v3)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 3",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[4].get(v4)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 4",actionName); return false; }
return true;
template <class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0,T1 &v1,T2 &v2,T3 &v3)
if (args.size()!=4) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[1].get(v1)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 1",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[2].get(v2)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 2",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[3].get(v3)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 3",actionName); return false; }
return true;
template <class T0, class T1, class T2>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0,T1 &v1,T2 &v2)
if (args.size()!=3) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[1].get(v1)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 1",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[2].get(v2)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 2",actionName); return false; }
return true;
template <class T0, class T1>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0,T1 &v1)
if (args.size()!=2) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[1].get(v1)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 1",actionName); return false; }
return true;
template <class T0>
inline bool getArgs(const std::vector <CAIActions::CArg> &args,
const char *actionName,T0 &v0)
if (args.size()!=1) { nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to argument count",actionName); return false; }
if (!args[0].get(v0)){ nlwarning("Action %s FAILED due to type of argument 0",actionName); return false; }
return true;