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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/fasthls_modifier.h"
#include "nel/misc/fast_floor.h"
#include "nel/misc/bitmap.h"
#include "nel/misc/system_info.h"
#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
CFastHLSModifier *CFastHLSModifier::_Instance= NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CFastHLSModifier::releaseInstance()
if( _Instance )
delete _Instance;
_Instance = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
uint i;
// build the HueTable.
_HueTable[i].buildFromHLS(360.0f*i/HueTableSize, 0.5f, 1);
// build conversion from uint16 to HLS.
CRGBA col;
float h,l,s;
h= (float)floor(255*(h/360.f)+0.5f);
l= (float)floor(255*l+0.5f);
s= (float)floor(255*s+0.5f);
_Color16ToHLS[i].H= (uint8)h;
_Color16ToHLS[i].L= (uint8)l;
_Color16ToHLS[i].S= (uint8)s;
_Color16ToHLS[i].A= 255;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
CFastHLSModifier &CFastHLSModifier::getInstance()
_Instance= new CFastHLSModifier;
return *_Instance;
// ***************************************************************************
CRGBA CFastHLSModifier::convert(uint H, uint L, uint S)
static CRGBA gray(128,128,128);
L+= L>>7;
S+= S>>7;
// H.
CRGBA col= _HueTable[H];
// S.
col.blendFromuiRGBOnly(gray, col, S);
// L.
col.modulateFromuiRGBOnly(col, L*2);
col.blendFromuiRGBOnly(col, CRGBA::White, (L-128)*2 );
return col;
#if defined(NL_COMP_VC71) || defined(NL_COMP_VC8) || defined(NL_COMP_VC9)
# pragma warning( push )
# pragma warning( disable : 4799 )
#pragma managed(push, off)
// ***************************************************************************
uint16 CFastHLSModifier::applyHLSMod(uint16 colorIn, uint8 dHue, uint dLum, uint dSat)
static uint64 mmBlank = 0;
static uint64 mmOne = INT64_CONSTANT(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF);
static uint64 mmGray = INT64_CONSTANT(0x0080008000800080);
static uint64 mmInterpBufer[4]= {0,0,0,INT64_CONSTANT(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF)};
dLum is actually 0xFFFFFF00 + realDLum
dSat is actually 0xFFFFFF00 + realDSat
uint16 retVal;
#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(NL_NO_ASM)
mov edi, offset mmInterpBufer
mov ecx, this
// get HLS in edx.
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
lea esi, [ecx]this._Color16ToHLS
mov ax, colorIn
mov edx, [esi+ eax*4]
// apply dh to H (ie dl!). Auto-wrap.
add dl, dHue
// get the color into mm0
mov bl, dl
lea esi, [ecx]this._HueTable
movd mm0, [esi+ ebx*4]
punpcklbw mm0, mmBlank
// get L into eax and S into ebx
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, edx
shr eax, 8
shr ebx, 16
and eax, 255
and ebx, 255
// add dLum/dSat and clamp to 1.
add eax, dLum
sbb ecx, ecx // ecx= FFFFFFFF if carry.
add ebx, dSat
sbb edx, edx
or eax, ecx // eax= FFFFFFFF if carry was set
or ebx, edx
// add Magic delta, and clamp to 0.
add eax, 256
sbb ecx, ecx // ecx= 0 if carry not set => result below 0.
add ebx, 256
sbb edx, edx
and eax, ecx // eax= 0 if result was below 0
and ebx, edx
// Load Sat/(1-Sat) into MMX
movd mm2, ebx
movq mm3, mmOne
punpckldq mm2, mm2 // mm2= 0000 00AA 0000 00AA
packssdw mm2, mm2 // mm2= 00AA 00AA 00AA 00AA
movq mm1, mmGray
psubusw mm3, mm2 // mm3= 1-sat.
// combine Color and Sat
pmullw mm0, mm2 // mm0= color*sat
pmullw mm1, mm3 // mm1= gray*(1-sat)
paddusw mm0, mm1 // mm0= color saturated
// shift and store into the buffer for Luminance interpolation
psrlw mm0, 8
movq [edi+ 8], mm0
movq [edi+ 16], mm0
// use edx as index for luminance: 0: L=0 to 127. 1: L=128 to 255.
mov edx, eax
shl eax, 1
shr edx, 7
and eax, 255 // 0-127 and 128-255 transform auto to 0-254
// expand 0-254 to 0-255
mov ecx, eax
shl edx, 4
shr ecx, 7
add eax, ecx
// Combine color and Luminance into MMX. interpolate 0->col or col->white according to edx.
// Load Lum/(1-Lum) into MMX
movd mm2, eax
movq mm3, mmOne
punpckldq mm2, mm2 // mm2= 0000 00AA 0000 00AA
packssdw mm2, mm2 // mm2= 00AA 00AA 00AA 00AA
psubusw mm3, mm2 // mm3= 1-lum.
// Combine color and Sat into MMX
movq mm0, [edi+ edx]
movq mm1, [edi+ edx + 8]
pmullw mm0, mm3 // mm0= color0*(1-lum)
pmullw mm1, mm2 // mm1= color1*lum
paddusw mm0, mm1 // mm0= final color
// shift and unpack
psrlw mm0, 8
packuswb mm0, mm0
movd eax, mm0
// pack to 16bits.
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, eax
shl eax, 8 // Red
shr ebx, 5 // Green
shr ecx, 19 // Blue
and eax, 0xF800
and ebx, 0x07E0
and ecx, 0x001F
or eax, ebx
or eax, ecx
mov retVal, ax
#endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
CHLSA hls= _Color16ToHLS[colorIn];
// apply (C version) Dhue, dLum and dSat
hls.H= uint8((hls.H + dHue) & 0xFF);
sint v= (sint)hls.L + (sint)(dLum-0xFFFFFF00);
hls.L= v;
v= (sint)hls.S + (sint)(dSat-0xFFFFFF00);
hls.S= v;
CRGBA ret= convert(hls.H, hls.L, hls.S);
retVal= ret.get565();
return retVal;
#pragma managed(pop)
#if defined(NL_COMP_VC71) || defined(NL_COMP_VC8) || defined(NL_COMP_VC9)
# pragma warning( pop )
// ***************************************************************************
#pragma managed(push, off)
void CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmapDXTC1Or1A(CBitmap &dst, const CBitmap &src, uint8 dh, uint dLum, uint dSat)
uint W= src.getWidth();
uint H= src.getHeight();
const uint8 *srcPix= &(src.getPixels()[0]);
uint8 *dstPix= &(dst.getPixels()[0]);
uint numBlock= (W*H)/16;
need to swap color and bits for DXTC1 or DXTC1A.
static uint32 bitLUT[8]= {
1,0,3,2, // reverse std order
1,0,2,3, // reverse order for "special 0/black packing"
// Do not use alpha mask for now.
uint16 srcCol0= ((uint16*)srcPix)[0];
uint16 srcCol1= ((uint16*)srcPix)[1];
bool srcSign= srcCol0>srcCol1;
// apply modifiers for 2 colors.
uint16 dstCol0= applyHLSMod(srcCol0, dh,dLum,dSat);
uint16 dstCol1= applyHLSMod(srcCol1, dh,dLum,dSat);
bool dstSign= dstCol0>dstCol1;
// must change bits too!
uint32 srcBits= ((uint32*)srcPix)[1];
uint32 dstBits= 0;
// take correct lut according to original sign
uint32 *lut;
lut= bitLUT;
lut= bitLUT+4;
// for all bits, transpose with lut.
#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(NL_NO_ASM)
mov eax, srcBits
mov esi, lut
mov edx, 0
mov ecx, 16
// prepare 1st.
rol eax, 2
mov ebx, eax
and ebx, 2
// do it 16 times.
or edx, [esi+ebx*4]
rol eax, 2
rol edx, 2
mov ebx, eax
and ebx, 2
dec ecx
jnz myLoop
ror edx, 2
mov dstBits, edx
for(uint n=16;n>0;n--)
// transform the id.
uint id= srcBits&3;
id= lut[id];
// write.
dstBits|= id<<30;
// don't decal last
// store
((uint32*)dstPix)[1]= dstBits;
// just copy bits
((uint32*)dstPix)[1]= ((uint32*)srcPix)[3];
((uint16*)dstPix)[0]= dstCol0;
((uint16*)dstPix)[1]= dstCol1;
// skip.
srcPix+= 8;
dstPix+= 8;
// Must end MMX, for applyHLSMod()
#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(NL_NO_ASM)
_asm emms;
#pragma managed(pop)
// ***************************************************************************
#pragma managed(push, off)
void CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmapDXTC3Or5(CBitmap &dst, const CBitmap &src, uint8 dh, uint dLum, uint dSat)
uint W= src.getWidth();
uint H= src.getHeight();
const uint8 *srcPix= &(src.getPixels()[0]);
uint8 *dstPix= &(dst.getPixels()[0]);
uint numBlock= (W*H)/16;
NB: don't need to swap color and bits for DXTC3 or DXTC5.
// Do not use alpha mask for now.
uint16 srcCol0= ((uint16*)srcPix)[4];
uint16 srcCol1= ((uint16*)srcPix)[5];
// apply modifiers for 2 colors.
((uint16*)dstPix)[4]= applyHLSMod(srcCol0, dh,dLum,dSat);
((uint16*)dstPix)[5]= applyHLSMod(srcCol1, dh,dLum,dSat);
// just copy bits
((uint32*)dstPix)[3]= ((uint32*)srcPix)[3];
// copy alpha part.
((uint32*)dstPix)[0]= ((uint32*)srcPix)[0];
((uint32*)dstPix)[1]= ((uint32*)srcPix)[1];
// skip bits and alpha part.
srcPix+= 16;
dstPix+= 16;
// Must end MMX, for applyHLSMod()
#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(NL_NO_ASM)
_asm emms;
#pragma managed(pop)
// ***************************************************************************
void CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmap(CBitmap &dst, const CBitmap &src, uint8 dh, sint dl, sint ds)
nlassert(src.getWidth()==dst.getWidth() && src.getHeight()==dst.getHeight());
// Magic add clamp.
uint dLum= 0xFFFFFF00 + dl;
uint dSat= 0xFFFFFF00 + ds;
if(src.getPixelFormat()==CBitmap::DXTC1 || src.getPixelFormat()==CBitmap::DXTC1Alpha)
convertDDSBitmapDXTC1Or1A(dst, src, dh, dLum, dSat);
else if(src.getPixelFormat()==CBitmap::DXTC3 || src.getPixelFormat()==CBitmap::DXTC5)
convertDDSBitmapDXTC3Or5(dst, src, dh, dLum, dSat);
// ***************************************************************************
void CFastHLSModifier::convertRGBABitmap(CBitmap &dst, const CBitmap &src, uint8 dh, sint dl, sint ds)
uint W= src.getWidth();
uint H= src.getHeight();
const CRGBA *srcPix= (const CRGBA*)&(src.getPixels()[0]);
CRGBA *dstPix= (CRGBA*)&(dst.getPixels()[0]);
uint numPix= W*H;
// Do not use alpha mask for now.
float H,L,S;
H*= 256.f/360.f;
L*= 255.f;
S*= 255.f;
H+= dh+0.5f;
L+= dl+0.5f;
S+= ds+0.5f;
clamp(H, 0, 255);
clamp(L, 0, 255);
clamp(S, 0, 255);
uint8 H8= (uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(H);
uint8 L8= (uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(L);
uint8 S8= (uint8)NLMISC::OptFastFloor(S);
*dstPix= convert(H8, L8, S8);
} // NL3D