
713 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "interface_group.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
namespace NLGUI
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
class CEventDescriptorLocalised;
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class CInterfaceList;
class CCtrlButton;
class CCtrlScroll;
class CViewText;
class COptionsContainerInsertion;
class COptionsContainerMove;
class CGroupContainer;
class CInterfaceManager;
class CViewBitmap;
class COptionsLayer;
class CGroupList;
// ***************************************************************************
* class describing a resizer for the container
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \date 2003
class CCtrlResizer : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlResizer(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual void draw ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Add a big delta so when the user is over the Resizer, always take it whatever other controls under
virtual uint getDeltaDepth() const { return 100; }
// get real resizer pos : if parent has pop_min_w == pop_max_w, then horizontal resizer will be discarded
// if parent has pop_min_h == pop_max_h, then vertical resizer will be discarded
THotSpot getRealResizerPos() const;
THotSpot getResizerPos() const { return _ResizerPos; }
void setResizerPos(THotSpot resizerPos) { _ResizerPos = resizerPos; }
bool IsMaxH; // Do this resizer is a MaxH resizer ?
// Max sizes for the parent
sint32 WMin, WMax;
sint32 HMin, HMax;
// from CCtrlBase
virtual bool canChangeVirtualDesktop() const { return !_MouseDown; }
sint32 resizeW (sint32 dx);
sint32 resizeH (sint32 dy);
THotSpot _ResizerPos; // how the resizer should resize its parent
bool _MouseDown;
sint32 _MouseDownX;
sint32 _MouseDownY;
sint32 _XBias;
sint32 _YBias;
// ***************************************************************************
* Class describing a Mover for the container
* Clicking on it can also open the container
* This can be used to move a container if it is movable.
* If the container is popable, it will first pull it of the hierarchy, then it becomes movable.
* It can also be used to change the position of a group container that is inserted in the list of another container.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \date 2003
class CCtrlMover : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlMover(const TCtorParam &param, bool canMove, bool canOpen);
virtual void draw ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
bool canMove() { return _CanMove; }
bool isMoving() const {return _Moving;}
bool isMovingInParentList() const { return _MovingInParentList; }
// from CCtrlBase
virtual bool canChangeVirtualDesktop() const { return !_Moving; }
sint32 _MoveStartX, _MoveStartY;
sint32 _MoveDeltaXReal, _MoveDeltaYReal;
sint64 _ScrollTime;
sint32 _StartIndex;
sint32 _InsertionIndex;
// clip window from parent list
sint32 _ParentListTop;
sint32 _ParentListBottom;
sint64 _WaitToOpenCloseDate;
bool _CanMove : 1;
bool _CanOpen : 1;
bool _Moving : 1;
bool _MovingInParentList : 1;
bool _HasMoved : 1;
bool _ParentScrollingUp : 1;
bool _ParentScrollingDown : 1;
bool _StopScrolling : 1; // stop scrolling at next draw
bool _WaitToOpenClose : 1;
static COptionsContainerInsertion *getInsertionOptions();
void setPoped(CGroupContainer *gc, sint32 x, sint32 y, CInterfaceManager *pIM, const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc);
void setMovingInParent(CGroupContainer *gc, sint32 x, sint32 y, CInterfaceManager *pIM, const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc);
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void updateInsertionIndex(const CGroupList *gl, sint32 posY);
void stopMove(CInterfaceManager *pIM);
bool runTitleActionHandler();
void handleScrolling();
// ***************************************************************************
* class describing a group of views controls and other groups
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupContainer : public CInterfaceGroup
enum { NumResizers = 8 };
// observer to know when children have moved. This can be used to keep external datas in sync
struct IChildrenObs
virtual void childrenMoved(uint srcIndex, uint destIndex, CGroupContainer *children) = 0;
CGroupContainer(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void draw ();
virtual void clearViews ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
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virtual void launch ();
virtual void setActive (bool state);
virtual bool getViewsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CViewBase*> &vVB); // Return true if x,y under the group
virtual bool getCtrlsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CCtrlBase*> &vICL);
void open();
void close();
void setup(); // Create the container
/** If insertion order is -1, pIC is added at the end of the container
* otherwise it is inserted after containers of a lower order
void attachContainer (CGroupContainer *pIC, sint insertionOrder = -1);
// Insert a container at the given index.
bool attachContainerAtIndex(CGroupContainer *pIC, uint index);
// Before a container is detached from parent, it should be pop in
void detachContainer (CGroupContainer *pIC);
void removeAllContainers();
void setOpen(bool opened)
if (opened)
bool isOpen() const { return _Opened; }
// Force Open for container setActive and open()
virtual void forceOpen();
/// Set the title open and close
virtual bool isMovable() const {return _Movable;}
void setMovable(bool b);
void setContent (CInterfaceGroup *pC);
std::string getTitle () const;
void setTitle (const std::string &title);
std::string getTitleOpened () const;
void setTitleOpened (const std::string &title);
std::string getTitleClosed () const;
void setTitleClosed (const std::string &title);
std::string getTitleColorAsString() const;
void setTitleColorAsString(const std::string &col);
void setHeaderColor (const std::string &ptr) {; }
// Get the header color draw. NB: depends if grayed, and if active.
NLMISC::CRGBA getDrawnHeaderColor () const;
ucstring getUCTitleOpened () const;
void setUCTitleOpened (const ucstring &title);
ucstring getUCTitleClosed () const;
void setUCTitleClosed (const ucstring &title);
ucstring getUCTitle () const;
void setUCTitle (const ucstring &title);
void setPopable(bool popable) { _Popable = popable; }
bool isPopable() const { return _Popable; }
bool isPopuped() const { return _Poped; }
void setMovableInParentList(bool /* movable */) { _MovableInParentList = true; }
bool isMovableInParentList() const { return _MovableInParentList; }
// high light the border of the container
void setHighLighted(bool hightlighted, uint8 alpha=255) { _HighLighted = hightlighted; _HighLightedAlpha = alpha; }
bool isHighLighted() const { return _HighLighted; }
// y offset for content of container
sint32 getContentYOffset() const { return (sint32) _ContentYOffset; }
void setContentYOffset(sint32 value);
// Window requires attention
void requireAttention();
// Lua exports
int luaBlink(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetHeaderColor(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupContainer, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("blink", luaBlink);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setHeaderColor", luaSetHeaderColor);
REFLECT_STRING("title", getTitle, setTitle);
REFLECT_STRING("title_opened", getTitleOpened, setTitleOpened);
REFLECT_STRING("title_closed", getTitleClosed, setTitleClosed);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_title_opened", getUCTitleOpened, setUCTitleOpened);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_title_closed", getUCTitleClosed, setUCTitleClosed);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_title", getUCTitle, setUCTitle);
REFLECT_STRING("title_color", getTitleColorAsString, setTitleColorAsString);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_min_h", getPopupMinH, setPopupMinH);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_max_h", getPopupMaxH, setPopupMaxH);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_min_w", getPopupMinW, setPopupMinW);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_max_w", getPopupMaxW, setPopupMaxW);
REFLECT_SINT32("title_delta_max_w", getTitleDeltaMaxW, setTitleDeltaMaxW);
REFLECT_SINT32("content_y_offset", getContentYOffset, setContentYOffset);
REFLECT_BOOL("openable", isOpenable, setOpenable);
REFLECT_BOOL("opened", isOpen, setOpen);
REFLECT_BOOL("lockable", isLockable, setLockable);
REFLECT_BOOL("locked", isLocked, setLocked);
REFLECT_SINT32("container_alpha", getContainerAlphaAsSInt32, setContainerAlpha);
REFLECT_SINT32("content_alpha", getContentAlphaAsSInt32, setContentAlpha);
REFLECT_SINT32("rollover_content_alpha", getRolloverAlphaContentAsSInt32, setRolloverAlphaContent);
REFLECT_SINT32("rollover_container_alpha", getRolloverAlphaContainerAsSInt32, setRolloverAlphaContainer);
REFLECT_BOOL("use_global_alpha_settings", isUsingGlobalAlpha, setUseGlobalAlpha);
REFLECT_STRING("on_alpha_settings_changed", getAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged, setAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged);
REFLECT_STRING("on_alpha_settings_changed_aparams", getAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams, setAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams);
REFLECT_BOOL("header_active", getHeaderActive, setHeaderActive);
REFLECT_BOOL("right_button_enabled", getRightButtonEnabled, setRightButtonEnabled);
sint32 getLayerSetup() const { return _LayerSetup; }
// if this window is popable, pop it at its actual position
void popupCurrentPos();
// Popup at previous memorized position
void popup();
/** Popin the window and possibly put it back in its father container, using the order defined in the list of the container.
* \param putBackInFather When true, put the window back in its former father container, otherwise, the container is unliked from the hierachy (parents are NULL)
* \param insertPos If this is equal to -1, then the window is inserted at its previous position. Otherwise it is inserted before the given position in the list
void popin(sint32 insertPos = -1, bool putBackInFatherContainer = true);
// get the mover control associated with that control, or NULL if none
CCtrlMover *getCtrlMover() const { return _Mover; }
// true if there is a mover and if the window is being moved
bool isMoving() const { return _Mover && _Mover->isMoving(); }
/** Force the container to blink (to tell the user that an event has happened).
* This uses the global color, so the container must use it
* This state is automatically disabled if the container is opened
* \param numBlinks 0 If the container should blink endlessly, the number of blink otherwise
virtual void enableBlink(uint numBlinks = 0);
virtual void disableBlink();
virtual bool isBlinking() const { return _Blinking; }
CGroupList *getList() const { return _List; }
CInterfaceGroup *getHeaderOpened() const { return _HeaderOpened; }
CInterfaceGroup *getHeaderClosed() const { return _HeaderClosed; }
CInterfaceGroup *getContent() const { return _Content; }
void setChildrenObs(IChildrenObs *obs) { _ChildrenObs = obs; }
IChildrenObs *getChildrenObs() const { return _ChildrenObs; }
// Get current father container (if any).
CGroupContainer *getFatherContainer() const;
// Get current father container (if any). If the container is popup, it gives the proprietary container
CGroupContainer *getProprietaryContainer() const;
bool isOpenable() const { return _Openable; }
void setOpenable(bool openable);
bool getHeaderActive() const { return _HeaderActive; }
void setHeaderActive(bool active) { _HeaderActive = active; }
bool getRightButtonEnabled() const { return _EnabledRightButton; }
void setRightButtonEnabled(bool enabled);
CCtrlScroll *getScroll() const { return _ScrollBar; }
bool isSavable() const { return _Savable; }
void setSavable(bool savable) { _Savable = savable; }
bool isActiveSavable() const { return _ActiveSavable; }
bool isLocalize() const { return _Localize; }
void setLocalize(bool localize) { _Localize = localize; }
void setPopupX(sint32 x) { _PopupX = x; }
void setPopupY(sint32 y) { _PopupY = y; }
void setPopupW(sint32 w) { _PopupW = w; }
void setPopupH(sint32 h) { _PopupH = h; }
sint32 getPopupX() const { return _PopupX; }
sint32 getPopupY() const { return _PopupY; }
sint32 getPopupW() const { return _PopupW; }
sint32 getPopupH() const { return _PopupH; }
sint32 getRefW() const { return _RefW; }
// alpha for content / container
void setUseGlobalAlpha(bool use);
void setContainerAlpha(uint8 alpha);
void setContentAlpha(uint8 alpha);
void setRolloverAlphaContent(uint8 alpha);
void setRolloverAlphaContainer(uint8 alpha);
// sin32 versions for export
void setContainerAlpha(sint32 alpha) { setContainerAlpha((uint8) alpha); }
void setContentAlpha(sint32 alpha) { setContentAlpha((uint8) alpha); }
void setRolloverAlphaContent(sint32 alpha) { setRolloverAlphaContent((uint8) alpha); }
void setRolloverAlphaContainer(sint32 alpha) { setRolloverAlphaContainer((uint8) alpha); }
bool isUsingGlobalAlpha() const { return _UseGlobalAlpha; }
uint8 getContainerAlpha() const { return _ContainerAlpha; }
uint8 getContentAlpha() const { return _ContentAlpha; }
uint8 getCurrentContainerAlpha() const { return _CurrentContainerAlpha; }
uint8 getCurrentContentAlpha() const { return _CurrentContentAlpha; }
uint8 getRolloverAlphaContent() const { return _RolloverAlphaContent; }
uint8 getRolloverAlphaContainer() const { return _RolloverAlphaContainer; }
// for export
sint32 getContainerAlphaAsSInt32() const { return (sint32) _ContainerAlpha; }
sint32 getContentAlphaAsSInt32() const { return (sint32) _ContentAlpha; }
sint32 getRolloverAlphaContentAsSInt32() const { return (sint32) _RolloverAlphaContent; }
sint32 getRolloverAlphaContainerAsSInt32() const { return (sint32) _RolloverAlphaContainer; }
/** Increase the rollover alpha for the current frame.
* Example of use : an edit box that has focus in a group container
void rollOverAlphaUp();
// force the rollover alpha to its max value, depending on there's keyboard focus or not
void forceRolloverAlpha();
bool isOpenWhenPopup() const { return _OpenWhenPopup; }
/// Locking of window (prevent it from being moved)
void setLockable(bool lockable);
bool isLockable() const { return _Lockable; }
void setLocked(bool locked);
bool isLocked() const { return _Locked; }
// to be called by the 'deactive check' handler
static void validateCanDeactivate(bool validate) { _ValidateCanDeactivate = validate; }
const std::string &getAHOnDeactiveCheck() const { return getAHName(_AHOnDeactiveCheck); }
const std::string &getAHOnDeactiveCheckParams() const { return _AHOnDeactiveCheckParams; }
const std::string &getAHOnCloseButton() const { return getAHName(_AHOnCloseButton); }
const std::string &getAHOnCloseButtonParams() const { return _AHOnCloseButtonParams; }
IActionHandler *getAHOnMovePtr() const { return _AHOnMove; }
const std::string &getAHOnMove() const { return getAHName(_AHOnMove); }
const std::string &getAHOnMoveParams() const { return _AHOnMoveParams; }
IActionHandler *getAHOnResizePtr() const { return _AHOnResize; }
const std::string &getAHOnResize() const { return getAHName(_AHOnResize); }
const std::string &getAHOnResizeParams() const { return _AHOnResizeParams; }
IActionHandler *getAHOnBeginMovePtr() const { return _AHOnBeginMove; }
const std::string &getAHOnBeginMove() const { return getAHName(_AHOnBeginMove); }
const std::string &getAHOnBeginMoveParams() const { return _AHOnBeginMoveParams; }
void setOnCloseButtonHandler(const std::string &h) { _AHOnCloseButton = getAH(h,_AHOnCloseButtonParams); }
void setOnCloseButtonParams(const std::string &p) { _AHOnCloseButtonParams = p; }
std::string getAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged() const { return getAHName(_AHOnAlphaSettingsChanged); }
std::string getAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams() const { return _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams; }
void setAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged(const std::string &h) { _AHOnAlphaSettingsChanged = getAH(h, _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams); }
void setAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams(const std::string &p) { _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams = p; }
void setModalParentList (const std::string &name);
bool checkIfModal(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& event); // Return true if we can handle the event (and prevent from selecting a window)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
bool isGrayed() const;
bool blinkAllSons();
// true if the resizer is enabled.
bool getEnabledResizer() const {return _EnabledResizer;}
sint32 getPopupMinW() const {return _PopupMinW;}
sint32 getPopupMaxW() const {return _PopupMaxW;}
sint32 getPopupMinH() const {return _PopupMinH;}
sint32 getPopupMaxH() const {return _PopupMaxH;}
sint32 getMinW() const {return _MinW;}
void setMinW(sint32 minW) { _MinW = minW;}
void setMaxW(sint32 maxW) { _MaxW = maxW;}
sint32 getMaxW() const {return _MaxW;}
void setPopupMinW(sint32 minW);
void setPopupMaxW(sint32 maxW);
void setPopupMinH(sint32 minW);
void setPopupMaxH(sint32 maxW);
// backup the current position of this container
void backupPosition();
// restore the current position of this container
void restorePosition();
// get x for backup position
sint32 getBackupX() const { return _BackupX; }
sint32 getBackupY() const { return _BackupY; }
// Set backup position
void setBackupPosition(sint32 x, sint32 y);
// clear backup
void clearBackup() { _PositionBackuped = false; }
// Test if position has been backuped (flag cleared by 'restorePosition()')
bool isPositionBackuped() const { return _PositionBackuped; }
// check if the container has been moved, resized, or popuped by the user (and eventually clear that flag)
bool getTouchFlag(bool clearFlag) const;
// from CInterfaceGroup
virtual void restoreAllContainersBackupPosition() { restorePosition(); }
// when isModal() is true, the whole interface cannot switch desktop
bool isModal() const { return _Modal; }
void setModal(bool modal) { _Modal = modal; }
// return true if the container has a modal parent window setuped => the whole interface cannot switch desktop
bool isModalSon() const { return !_ModalParents.empty(); }
// return the help web page of this container. "" if none
const std::string &getHelpPage() const { return _HelpPage; }
// set the help web page of this container. "" if none. NB: the help button is not updated
void setHelpPage(const std::string &newPage);
void setTitleDeltaMaxW(sint32 delta) { _TitleDeltaMaxW = delta; }
sint32 getTitleDeltaMaxW() const { return _TitleDeltaMaxW; }
uint8 _ContainerAlpha;
uint8 _ContentAlpha;
uint8 _CurrentContainerAlpha;
uint8 _CurrentContentAlpha;
uint8 _RolloverAlphaContainer; // Alpha for the window when mouse not over it
uint8 _ICurrentRolloverAlphaContainer;
uint8 _RolloverAlphaContent; // Alpha for the content when mouse not over it
uint8 _HighLightedAlpha;
float _CurrentRolloverAlphaContainer;
float _CurrentRolloverAlphaContent;
sint32 _LayerSetup;
ucstring _TitleTextOpened;
ucstring _TitleTextClosed;
CViewText *_TitleOpened;
CViewText *_TitleClosed;
sint32 _TitleDeltaMaxW;
CViewBitmap *_ViewOpenState; // Arrow showing if we are opened or not (if we are openable)
CCtrlButton *_RightButton; // Multi usage button : deactive or popup or popin
CCtrlButton *_HelpButton; // Help button
CGroupList *_List;
CCtrlScroll *_ScrollBar;
CGroupContainer *_OldFatherContainer;
// NB: _ModalParentNames is a list of modal parent, separated by '|'
std::string _ModalParentNames; // Modal handling between container (container can be linked together,
std::vector<CGroupContainer*> _ModalSons; // when the son is active the parent is not active
std::vector<CGroupContainer*> _ModalParents; // (but the rest of the interface is))
uint _InsertionOrder;
uint _BlinkDT;
uint _NumBlinks;
CInterfaceGroup *_Content; // Read From Script
CInterfaceGroup *_HeaderOpened; // Read From Script
CInterfaceGroup *_HeaderClosed; // Read From Script
CCtrlResizer *_Resizer[NumResizers]; // up to 8 resizers are available
CCtrlMover *_Mover;
IChildrenObs *_Obs;
// If layer==0 constraint on resize
sint32 _PopupMinW;
sint32 _PopupMaxW;
sint32 _PopupMinH;
sint32 _PopupMaxH;
// If layer>0 constraint on resize
sint32 _MinW;
sint32 _MaxW;
// backuped position
sint32 _BackupX;
sint32 _BackupY;
// old position at which the window was popup, -1 values means that the window hasn't been turned into a popup yet
sint32 _PopupX;
sint32 _PopupY;
sint32 _PopupW;
sint32 _PopupH;
sint32 _RefW;
sint32 _MoverDeltaW;
// action handler
IActionHandler *_AHOnOpen;
CStringShared _AHOnOpenParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnClose;
CStringShared _AHOnCloseParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnCloseButton;
CStringShared _AHOnCloseButtonParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnMove;
CStringShared _AHOnMoveParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnResize;
CStringShared _AHOnResizeParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnAlphaSettingsChanged;
CStringShared _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnBeginMove;
CStringShared _AHOnBeginMoveParams;
// action handler to test whether the windows can be deactivated (when the close button is pressed)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
IActionHandler *_AHOnDeactiveCheck;
CStringShared _AHOnDeactiveCheckParams;
// Observer to know when children have moved
IChildrenObs *_ChildrenObs;
// list of container that are poped up
std::vector<CGroupContainer *> _PopedCont;
// Open management
bool _Openable : 1; // Is the container can be manually opened or closed ?
bool _Opened : 1; // Is the container currently opened or closed ?
bool _OpenWhenPopup : 1; // Does the container must open when poped up ? (layer>0)
// and close when poped in...
bool _OpenAtStart : 1; // Mgt : to setup _Opened state at start
bool _OpenedBeforePopup : 1; // Mgt : Is the container opened before poped up ? (layer>0)
// Move management
bool _Movable : 1; // Is the container movable ?
bool _MovableInParentList: 1;
bool _Locked : 1; // Is the container locked (ie override movable, openable ...)
bool _Lockable : 1;
bool _MovingInParentList : 1; // Mgt : currently moving ?
// Pop up / pop in
bool _Popable : 1;
bool _Poped : 1;
bool _EnabledResizer : 1;
bool _HighLighted : 1;
bool _Blinking : 1;
bool _BlinkState : 1;
bool _Savable : 1;
bool _ActiveSavable : 1;
bool _UseGlobalAlpha : 1;
// Display title background or not
bool _HeaderActive : 1;
bool _EnabledRightButton : 1; // Is the Button Deactive/Popup/Popin is enabled ?
enum TTileClass {TitleText=0, TitleTextFormated, TitleTextId, TitleTextDynString};
uint8 _TitleClass : 2;
mutable bool _TouchFlag : 1;
bool _PositionBackuped : 1;
bool _Modal : 1; // the container is modal and prevent from switching virtual desktop
bool _EnabledHelpButton : 1; // Is the Button Help is enabled ?
bool _TitleOverExtendViewText : 1; // Does the title over extend view text
bool _Localize : 1;
CInterfaceProperty _HeaderColor;
sint8 _ContentYOffset;
// Special Top Resizer Height (for Inventory and ChatGroup). <0 (default) => take default option value
sint8 _ResizerTopSize;
uint8 _ICurrentRolloverAlphaContent;
static bool _ValidateCanDeactivate;
CStringShared _OptionsName;
// Web Page used for help
CStringShared _HelpPage;
sint32 getLayer();
void updateResizerSize(CCtrlResizer *cr);
void updateRightButton();
void updateHelpButton();
void updateMover();
void updateViewOpenState();
void updateTitle();
void createResizer(uint index, THotSpot posRef, THotSpot type, sint32 offsetX, sint32 offsetY, bool bMaxH);
void createResizerMaxH();
void removeResizerMaxH();
TTileClass convertTitleClass(const char *ptr);
static COptionsContainerMove *getMoveOptions();
COptionsLayer *getContainerOptions(sint32 ls=-1); // Depends if overload by OptionsName or default used
bool hasKeyboardFocus() const;
// private for modal system
void addModalParent (CGroupContainer *pParent);
void addModalSon (CGroupContainer *pSon);
// Avoid each frame setup layer0, layer1 etc...
enum {NumLayerName=10};
static const std::string _OptionLayerName[NumLayerName];
void triggerAlphaSettingsChangedAH();
// for use by CCtrlMover
// Tell that this group is moving in its parent list
void setMovingInParentList(bool enable);
CGroupList *getPreviousParentList() const { return _OldFatherContainer ? _OldFatherContainer->_List : NULL; }
CCtrlScroll *getPreviousParentScrollBar() const { return _OldFatherContainer ? _OldFatherContainer->_ScrollBar : NULL; }
CGroupContainer *getPreviousContainer() const { return _OldFatherContainer; }
// set the 'hasMoved' flag
void touch(bool touched = true) { _TouchFlag = touched; }
friend class CICDeactive;
/* End of interface_container.h */