2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdpch.h"
# include "mirror.h"
# include "synchronised_message.h"
# include <nel/georges/load_form.h>
# include <nel/misc/command.h>
# include <nel/misc/config_file.h>
# include <nel/net/service.h>
# include "tick_proxy_time_measure.h"
# include <functional>
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace NLNET ;
using namespace std ;
# pragma message(NL_LOC_MSG "Using **** FAST_MIRROR ****")
# else
# pragma message(NL_LOC_MSG "Not using FAST_MIRROR")
# endif
const string MirrorVersion = string ( " 1.10- " ) + string ( ListRowSizeString ) ; // ADDED: Unidirectional Mode (don't wait for delta)
CMirror * MirrorInstance = NULL ;
extern NLMISC : : TTime TimeBeforeTickUpdate ;
extern CVariable < sint32 > TotalSpeedLoop ;
extern CVariable < sint16 > ProcessMirrorUpdatesSpeed ;
extern CVariable < sint16 > ReceiveMessagesViaMirrorSpeed ;
uint32 TimeInMirrorCallback = 0 ;
uint32 TotalMirrorCallbackCalled = 0 ;
CVariable < uint32 > MirrorCallbackCount ( " ms " , " MirrorCallbackCount " , " Mirror synchronised callback counter per update " , 0 , 100 ) ;
CVariable < uint32 > MirrorCallbackTime ( " ms " , " MirrorCallbackTime " , " Mirror synchronised callback time per tick (in ms) " , 0 , 100 ) ;
CMirroredDataSet * TNDataSets : : InvalidDataSet ; // not used because expection thrown instead
struct CEntityAndPropName
CEntityId EntityId ;
string PropName ;
} ;
const std : : string WatchNotUpdatedStr = " not updated yet " ;
static std : : string MWATCH0 = WatchNotUpdatedStr , MWATCH1 = WatchNotUpdatedStr ,
MWATCH2 = WatchNotUpdatedStr , MWATCH3 = WatchNotUpdatedStr ,
MWATCH4 = WatchNotUpdatedStr , MWATCH5 = WatchNotUpdatedStr ,
MWATCH6 = WatchNotUpdatedStr , MWATCH7 = WatchNotUpdatedStr ,
MWATCH8 = WatchNotUpdatedStr , MWATCH9 = WatchNotUpdatedStr ;
static std : : string * mWatchStrings [ ] =
} ;
static CEntityAndPropName * WatchedPropValues [ sizeof ( mWatchStrings ) / sizeof ( mWatchStrings [ 0 ] ) ] =
} ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH0 , " watch string 0 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH1 , " watch string 1 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH2 , " watch string 2 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH3 , " watch string 3 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH4 , " watch string 4 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH5 , " watch string 5 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH6 , " watch string 6 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH7 , " watch string 7 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH8 , " watch string 8 " ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE ( mirror , string , MWATCH9 , " watch string 9 " ) ;
* Callback called at MS start - up
void cbMSUpDn ( const string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId serviceId , void * upOrDn )
MirrorInstance - > detectLocalMS ( serviceId , ( bool ) ( upOrDn ! = NULL ) ) ;
* Callback when any service up or down is detected
void cbAnyServiceUpDn ( const string & serviceName , TServiceId serviceId , void * vEventType )
// here we have an integer value stored in the 'void*' vEventType and we need to convert back to an integer
// for this we use pointer arithmetic with char* pointers in order to avoid compiler warnings
MirrorInstance - > processServiceEvent ( serviceName , serviceId , ( CMirror : : TServiceEventType ) ( ( char * ) vEventType - ( char * ) NULL ) ) ;
* Callback called when any service ( the mirror of which is ready ) is detected
* A service broadcasts the SMIRUB message when its mirror becomes ready ( up ) , so that
* other services can react to the new service ( for example by sending messages to it ) .
* If a service B is launched after a service A is ready , B will not receive SMIRUB .
* That ' s why A has got to send a SMIRUR ( reply ) to B to tell that its mirror is up ,
* when receiving the SMIRUB ( broadcast ) from B .
void cbServiceMirrorUpForSMIRUB ( const string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId serviceId , void * )
// If the incoming service is connected after us and we already have mirror ready, tell it
if ( MirrorInstance - > mirrorIsReady ( ) )
CMessage msgout ( " SMIRUR " ) ; // 'Service has MIRror system Up Reply'
MirrorInstance - > pushEntityRanges ( msgout ) ;
sendMessageViaMirror ( serviceId , msgout ) ; // via mirror to ensure that MARCS was sent to all remote MS before their client services get SMIRU (otherwise their potential messages couldn't be routed through their MS)
// else "SMIRU" will be broadcasted to all when mirror gets ready
* Callback when receiving the first game cycle
void cbSyncGameCycle ( )
if ( ! MirrorInstance - > mirrorIsReady ( ) )
MirrorInstance - > testMirrorReadyStatus ( ) ;
MirrorInstance - > userSyncCallback ( ) ;
* Declare the current service as an owner of the entities of the specified entity type .
* It means the current service will create ( at most maxNbEntities entities ) and remove
* this kind of entities ( it can remove only the ones it has created ) in all the datasets
* corresponding to the entity type .
* Another service can be a co - owner of the same entity type , but it will create and
* remove other entity ids .
void CMirror : : declareEntityTypeOwner ( uint8 entityTypeId , sint32 maxNbEntities )
// Ask the local mirror for a range of maxNbEntities in the datasets corresponding
// to entityTypeId
SEND_MSG_2P_TO_MIRROR ( DET , entityTypeId , maxNbEntities ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Declaring %d max entities of type %hu " , maxNbEntities , ( uint16 ) entityTypeId ) ;
TEntitiesCreatedInEntityType newEntityTypeOwned ( maxNbEntities ) ;
// Set the datasetlist
TNDataSets : : iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _NDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _NDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
/*vector<uint8>::iterator it;
for ( it = GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesFilter . begin ( ) ; it ! = GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesFilter . end ( ) ; + + it )
nldebug ( " %d " , ( * it ) ) ;
} */
if ( find ( GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesFilter . begin ( ) , GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesFilter . end ( ) , entityTypeId ) ! = GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesFilter . end ( ) )
newEntityTypeOwned . DataSetList . push_back ( & GET_NDATASET ( ids ) ) ;
if ( ! _EntityTypesOwned . insert ( make_pair ( entityTypeId , newEntityTypeOwned ) ) . second )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Cannot declare owning twice the same entity type " ) ;
+ + _PendingEntityTypesRanges ;
* Declare the current service as a user of the entities of the specified entity type .
* It means the current service wants to be receive the corresponding entities . It will
* be notified about their additions and removals .
* If more than one service is an owner of a particular entity type , declaring or not
* as a user the same entity type will specify if the service wants to receive or not
* the entities created by other owners ; of course the service is always aware of the
* entities it creates , although the mirror system does not notify them to itself .
/*void CMirror::declareEntityTypeUser( uint8 entityTypeId )
} */
* Note : there is not undeclaration of the current service as an owner of the entities
* of the specified entity type . This is done automatically when the service shuts down .
* RG
void CMirror : : receiveRangesForEntityType ( CMessage & msgin )
// Get "entitytype { <dataset, first, last> } and map to entity type for add/removeEntity
string datasetName ;
TDataSetIndex first , last ;
TServiceId declaratorServiceId ;
msgin . serial ( declaratorServiceId ) ;
//nlassert( declaratorServiceId == IService::getServiceId() );
uint8 entityTypeId ;
msgin . serial ( entityTypeId ) ;
TEntityTypesOwned : : iterator ito = _EntityTypesOwned . find ( entityTypeId ) ;
uint8 nbDatasets ;
msgin . serial ( nbDatasets ) ;
for ( sint i = 0 ; i ! = ( sint ) nbDatasets ; + + i )
msgin . serial ( datasetName ) ;
msgin . serial ( first , last ) ;
if ( first ! = INVALID_DATASET_INDEX )
TNDataSets : : iterator ids = _NDataSets . find ( datasetName ) ;
if ( ids ! = _NDataSets . end ( ) )
// Fill range manager
const TEntityRange & entityRange = GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . addEntityTypeRange ( entityTypeId , first , last ) ;
// Fill homogeneous information about ranges
GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . addDeclaredEntityRange ( entityTypeId , entityRange , declaratorServiceId ) ;
// Now, it's already done in declareEntityTypesOwned()
/*if ( ito != _EntityTypesOwned.end() )
GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList . push_back ( & GET_NDATASET ( ids ) ) ;
} */
nlassert ( find ( GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList . begin ( ) , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList . end ( ) , & GET_NDATASET ( ids ) ) ! = GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList . end ( ) ) ;
string errorStr ;
msgin . serial ( errorStr ) ;
nlerror ( " MIRROR: Could not acquire range for row management of entity type %hu in dataset %s. Reason: \n %s " , ( uint16 ) entityTypeId , datasetName . c_str ( ) , errorStr . c_str ( ) ) ;
- - _PendingEntityTypesRanges ;
testMirrorReadyStatus ( ) ;
Note :
An entity type can have several datasets ( ex : player has ' common ' , ' playercharacteristics ' )
A dataset can have several entity types owned ( ex : dataset ' common ' with player , npc )
* Add an entity into the mirror
bool CMirror : : addEntity ( bool fillEntityId , NLMISC : : CEntityId & entityId , bool declare )
// Find the structure of entities created for the entity type
TEntityTypesOwned : : iterator ito = _EntityTypesOwned . find ( entityId . getType ( ) ) ;
if ( ( ito ! = _EntityTypesOwned . end ( ) ) & &
( GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . CurrentNb < GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . MaxNb ) )
// For each dataset, add entity
TDataSetList & datasetList = GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList ;
if ( datasetList . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: No dataset to add entity %s (check if the %s is online and has good paths) " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , RANGE_MANAGER_SERVICE . c_str ( ) ) ;
bool allOk = true ;
uint nbAdded = 0 ;
TDataSetList : : iterator idsl ;
for ( idsl = datasetList . begin ( ) ; idsl ! = datasetList . end ( ) ; + + idsl )
uint res = ( * idsl ) - > addEntityToDataSet ( fillEntityId , entityId , declare ) ;
if ( res = = 0 )
allOk = false ;
nbAdded + = res ;
// in any case, only set the entityId from the first dataset
fillEntityId = false ;
if ( nbAdded ! = 0 )
+ + ( GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . CurrentNb ) ;
return allOk ;
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Cannot add entity %s " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
* Add an entity into the mirror . The caller must be an owner of the corresponding
* entity type and it must not create more entities than maxNbEntities ( see
* declareEntityTypeOwner ( ) ) . The entity will be added into all the datasets
* corresponding to the entity type ( possibly with a different row in each one ) .
* The entity will not be declared to all services until you call declareEntity ( ) ,
* either in CMirror ( global ) or in CMirroredDataSet ( per dataset ) .
* Returns false if part or all of the process failed ( for example , if the entity
* already exists in a dataset ) .
bool CMirror : : createEntity ( NLMISC : : CEntityId & entityId , bool fillEntityId )
return addEntity ( fillEntityId , entityId , false ) ;
* Declare the entity ( previously added by createEntity ( ) ) in all datasets
* concerned by its entity type .
* Returns false in case of failure .
* \ seealso CMirroredDataSet : : declareEntity ( ) for alternate version .
bool CMirror : : declareEntity ( const NLMISC : : CEntityId & entityId )
// Find the structure of entities created for the entity type
TEntityTypesOwned : : iterator ito = _EntityTypesOwned . find ( entityId . getType ( ) ) ;
if ( ito ! = _EntityTypesOwned . end ( ) )
// For each dataset, declare entity
TDataSetList & datasetList = GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( datasetList . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: No dataset to add entity %s (check if the %s is online and has good paths) " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , RANGE_MANAGER_SERVICE . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
# endif
TDataSetList : : iterator idsl ;
for ( idsl = datasetList . begin ( ) ; idsl ! = datasetList . end ( ) ; + + idsl )
TDataSetRow entityIndex = ( * idsl ) - > getDataSetRow ( entityId ) ;
if ( entityIndex . isValid ( ) )
( * idsl ) - > declareEntity ( entityIndex ) ;
return true ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Cannot declare entity %s " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
return false ;
* Remove an entity from the mirror . The caller must be an owner of the corresponding
* entity type ( see declareEntityTypeOwner ( ) ) and it must have added the specified
* entity before ( see addEntity ( ) ) .
* Returns false if part or all of the process failed .
bool CMirror : : removeEntity ( const CEntityId & entityId )
// Find the structure of entities created for the entity type
TEntityTypesOwned : : iterator ito = _EntityTypesOwned . find ( entityId . getType ( ) ) ;
if ( ( ito ! = _EntityTypesOwned . end ( ) ) & &
( GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . CurrentNb > 0 ) )
// For each dataset, ask for removal of entity (which will be deferred)
TDataSetList & datasetList = GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . DataSetList ;
uint nbRemoved = 0 ;
bool allOk = true ;
TDataSetList : : iterator idsl ;
for ( idsl = datasetList . begin ( ) ; idsl ! = datasetList . end ( ) ; + + idsl )
uint res = ( * idsl ) - > removeEntityFromDataSet ( entityId ) ;
if ( res = = 0 )
allOk = false ;
nbRemoved + = res ;
if ( nbRemoved ! = 0 ) // fix
- - ( GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ito ) . CurrentNb ) ;
return allOk ;
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Cannot remove entity %s " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
void CMirror : : receiveSMIdToAccessPropertySegment ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin )
// Read info from local Mirror Service
string propName ;
sint32 smid ;
uint32 dataTypeSize ;
msgin . serial ( propName ) ;
msgin . serial ( smid ) ;
msgin . serial ( dataTypeSize ) ;
void * pt = _PropAllocator . accessPropertySegment ( propName , smid ) ;
setPropertyInfo ( propName , pt , dataTypeSize ) ;
testMirrorReadyStatus ( ) ;
* Set the segment pointer in the property container
void CMirror : : setPropertyInfo ( std : : string & propName , void * segmentPt , uint32 dataTypeSize )
TPropertiesInMirror : : iterator ipm = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . find ( propName ) ;
if ( ipm ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) )
TPropertyInfo & propInfo = GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipm ) ;
CMirroredDataSet * ds = propInfo . DataSet ;
if ( ds )
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( propInfo . PropertyIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) // avoid entity ids
// Check data type size consistency between mirror client and mirror service
uint32 clientDataSize = ds - > getDataSizeOfProp ( propInfo . PropertyIndex ) ;
if ( clientDataSize ! = dataTypeSize )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: %s/P%hd (%s): data size %u does not match with the size on the local MS (%u) " , ds - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) , propInfo . PropertyIndex , propName . c_str ( ) , clientDataSize , dataTypeSize ) ;
# endif
// Set pointers
ds - > setPropertyPointer ( propName , propInfo . PropertyIndex , segmentPt , false ,
dataTypeSize , propInfo . flagReadOnly ( ) , propInfo . flagMonitorAssignment ( ) ) ;
* Access segments for non - subscribed properties allocated on the local MS ( useful for cleaning a whole row when creating an entity )
* Added : V1 .8
* Justification :
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Example : Let say one machine holds two services A and B . Another machine holds a service C .
* A is the owner of a dataset range ( it will create entities in the dataset ) .
* B is the writer of a property P ( it will init and write P values after A has created an entity ) .
* C is the reader of P .
* A must know the segment for P , even if it does not subscribe to P . Indeed , when A creates an entity E ,
* it has to clean the row E for all the properties allocated on the machine .
* If A did not clean E . P , B would not always have a blank E . P ( but C would ) .
* Then if B wrote E . P = V when it detected the creation of E , when the row E would be
* reassigned the new assignment E . P = V would overwrite an existing same V = > the value would
* not be emitted to the other machine and C would remain with its 0 value in E . P .
* Note :
* - - - - -
* Whenever a service starts , after declaring the properties it subscribes , it is sent by the local MS
* the list of other properties , to access the segments . The service won ' t start until the list is
* received , so that it never creates entity without cleaning all the properties , even the non - subscribes
* ones .
* Whenever another service starts , our service is sent by the local MS the new properties the other
* service uses . Our service may create some entities before the message is received , but it is not
* a problem because , as the non - subscribed properties are newly created , they can ' t have non - null
* content . Our service can remove some entities , but it can recreate an entity in the same raw before
* the message is received , because a row reassignment is blocked for sufficient time ( usually 100 game
* cycles ) .
void CMirror : : applyListOfOtherProperties ( CMessage & msgin , uint nbProps , const char * msgName , bool isInitial )
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i ! = nbProps ; + + i )
uint32 sheet ;
msgin . serial ( sheet ) ;
CSheetId sheetId ( sheet ) ;
TSDataSets : : iterator isd = _SDataSets . find ( sheetId ) ;
TPropertyIndex propIndex ;
sint32 smid ;
uint32 dataTypeSize ;
msgin . serial ( propIndex ) ;
msgin . serial ( smid ) ;
msgin . serial ( dataTypeSize ) ;
if ( isd ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) )
// Set pointers from smid if the property is not already subscribed
if ( GET_SDATASET ( isd ) . _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . Values = = NULL )
void * segmentPt = _PropAllocator . accessOtherPropertySegment ( smid ) ;
string emptyPropName ;
GET_SDATASET ( isd ) . setPropertyPointer ( emptyPropName , propIndex , segmentPt , false , dataTypeSize , false , false ) ; // not readonly because killList needs write access (checked in debug mode) in CMirroredDataSet::addEntityToDataSet()
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Added other property for P%hd smid %d " , propIndex , smid ) ;
nlwarning ( " Invalid dataset %s in %s " , sheetId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , msgName ) ;
if ( isInitial )
_ListOfOtherPropertiesReceived = true ;
testMirrorReadyStatus ( ) ;
bool CMirror : : datasetMatchesEntityTypesOwned ( const CMirroredDataSet & dataset ) const
TEntityTypesOwned : : const_iterator ieto ;
for ( ieto = _EntityTypesOwned . begin ( ) ; ieto ! = _EntityTypesOwned . end ( ) ; + + ieto )
const TDataSetList & dslist = GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ieto ) . DataSetList ;
TDataSetList : : const_iterator idsl ;
if ( find ( dslist . begin ( ) , dslist . end ( ) , & dataset ) ! = dslist . end ( ) )
return true ;
return false ;
* Receive trackers ( access or ignore them )
void CMirror : : receiveTracker ( bool entitiesOrProp , NLNET : : CMessage & msgin )
uint8 nb ;
string name ;
msgin . serial ( name ) ; // for entities (ATE): dataset name; for properties (ATP): property name
msgin . serial ( nb ) ;
static uint nbSent = 0 ;
if ( entitiesOrProp )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:ATE> Receiving %hu trackers for rows of %s " , ( uint16 ) nb , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = _NDataSets [ name ] ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i ! = nb ; + + i )
bool self ; // self <=> tracker for reading. !self <=> tracker for writing
sint32 smidAdd , smidRemove ;
msgin . serial ( self ) ;
msgin . serial ( smidAdd ) ;
msgin . serial ( smidRemove ) ;
nlassert ( smidAdd ! = InvalidSMId ) ;
nlassert ( smidRemove ! = InvalidSMId ) ;
sint32 mutidAdd , mutidRemove ;
msgin . serial ( mutidAdd ) ;
msgin . serial ( mutidRemove ) ;
nlassert ( mutidAdd ! = InvalidSMId ) ; // same ids as smids
nlassert ( mutidRemove ! = InvalidSMId ) ;
TServiceId serviceIdTracker ;
msgin . serial ( serviceIdTracker ) ;
bool isInitialTransmitTracker ;
msgin . serial ( isInitialTransmitTracker ) ;
// Ignore trackers corresponding to datasets in which we can't create any entities
// (the entity types owned were declared at the same time as when sending the subscribe
// message 'DATASETS' to the MS, i.e. when receiving the trackers the entity types
// owned are necessarily set).
bool trackerAdded = false ;
if ( self | | datasetMatchesEntityTypesOwned ( dataset ) )
// Add entity management tracker
dataset . accessEntityTrackers ( self , smidAdd , smidRemove , mutidAdd , mutidRemove ) ;
trackerAdded = true ;
CMessage msgout ;
// If the tracker belongs to a local service, reply to it, otherwise reply to the local MS.
// Note: if the tracker belongs to a local service who just exited, the local MS will have to detect it and do nothing.
// Note: corresponds to (!self) && CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getServiceName( serviceIdTracker ).empty()
TServiceId destServiceId = ( CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > isServiceLocal ( serviceIdTracker ) ? serviceIdTracker : localMSId ( ) ) ;
TServiceId from = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceId ( ) ;
if ( ( ! self ) & & trackerAdded )
// Send acknowledge of "add tracker for entities", because the destination service
// could have added some entities before we got the tracker, so it has to send
// its entity list to us for sync
msgout . setType ( " FWD_ACKATE " ) ; // sent via MS to ensure ordering on the dest service!
msgout . setType ( " FWD_ACKATE_FCO " ) ; // "for counter only"
msgout . serial ( destServiceId ) ;
msgout . serial ( from ) ;
msgout . serial ( isInitialTransmitTracker ) ;
msgout . serial ( name ) ; // dataset name
msgout . serial ( smidAdd ) ;
dataset . serialOutOwnedRanges ( msgout ) ; // required at least for the local case
// If there is no owned range, no entity can have been added (yet)
// but we still have to send the message, in order to unblock the tracker
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:ATE> Sent %s to %hu for %s, tracker of %hu " ,
msgout . getName ( ) . c_str ( ) ,
destServiceId . get ( ) ,
name . c_str ( ) ,
serviceIdTracker . get ( ) ) ;
+ + nbSent ;
catch ( EMirror & )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:ATE> Invalid dataset name %s for adding tracker " , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ATP> Receiving %hu trackers for property %s " , ( uint16 ) nb , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
TPropertyIndex propIndex ;
CMirroredDataSet * ds = getDataSetByPropName ( name , propIndex ) ;
if ( ds )
// Reset PropTrackersPending for the property
TPropertiesInMirror : : iterator ipm = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . find ( name ) ;
nlassert ( ipm ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) ) ;
GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipm ) . PropTrackersPending = false ;
// Access the property trackers
for ( uint i = 0 ; i ! = nb ; + + i )
bool self ; // self <=> tracker for reading. !self <=> tracker for writing
sint32 smid ;
sint32 mutid ;
TServiceId serviceIdTracker ;
msgin . serial ( self ) ;
msgin . serial ( smid ) ;
msgin . serial ( mutid ) ;
msgin . serial ( serviceIdTracker ) ;
// Add property tracker (if allocated)
if ( smid ! = InvalidSMId )
ds - > accessNewPropTracker ( self , propIndex , smid , mutid ) ;
if ( ! self )
// Send acknowledge of "add tracker for property changes"
// If the tracker belongs to a local service, reply to it, otherwise reply to the local MS.
// Note: if the tracker belongs to a local service who just exited, the local MS will have to detect it and do nothing.
// Note: corresponds to CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getServiceName( serviceIdTracker ).empty()
TServiceId destServiceId = ( CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > isServiceLocal ( serviceIdTracker ) ? serviceIdTracker : localMSId ( ) ) ;
TServiceId from = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceId ( ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " FWD_ACKATP " ) ;
msgout . serial ( destServiceId ) ; // sent via MS to ensure ordering on the dest service!
msgout . serial ( from ) ;
msgout . serial ( name ) ; // property name
msgout . serial ( smid ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " FWD_ACKATP_FCO " ) ; // "for counter only"
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " FWD_ACKATP_FCO " ) ; // "for counter only"
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ;
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: \t (tracker is disabled) " ) ;
+ + nbSent ;
//nldebug( "Sent FWD properties %u", nbSent );
nlwarning ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ATP> Invalid property name %s for adding tracker " , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
testMirrorReadyStatus ( ) ;
* Scan for existing entities in the received ranges
void CMirror : : receiveAcknowledgeAddEntityTracker ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , TServiceId serviceId )
bool isInitialTransmitTracker ;
string datasetname ;
msgin . serial ( isInitialTransmitTracker ) ; // not used here, only by MS
msgin . serial ( datasetname ) ;
vector < TServiceId8 > blankIgnoreList ;
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = _NDataSets [ datasetname ] ;
// Fill new service's EntityTrackerAdding with the current used dataset rows (not already removed),
// so that it will be notified of the entities that exist already, in the range of the sender
if ( dataset . _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . EntityIds & & dataset . _SelfEntityTrackers [ ADDING ] . isAllocated ( ) ) // only if already allocated
uint32 nbRanges , smid ;
msgin . serial ( smid , nbRanges ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i ! = nbRanges ; + + i )
TDataSetIndex first , last ;
msgin . serial ( first , last ) ;
uint nbAdded = dataset . scanAndResyncExistingEntities ( first , last + 1 , false , blankIgnoreList ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:ACKATE> AddingTracker (smid %d): filled %u entities in %s from new %s, range [%d..%d] " , dataset . _SelfEntityTrackers [ ADDING ] . smid ( ) , nbAdded , dataset . name ( ) . c_str ( ) , CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceUnifiedName ( serviceId ) . c_str ( ) , first , last ) ;
if ( nbRanges = = 0 )
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:ACKATE> AddingTracker (smid %d): no entity to add " , smid ) ;
// If it occurs when starting, it's not a problem because SC_EI will follow
// (AND SC_EI must scan also entities from local services)
// TODO:
// Handle this case, and set SC_EI back to non-local entities only
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:ACKATE> %s not allocated yet while receiving tracker ack " , dataset . _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . EntityIds ? " Entity tracker " : " Entity Id storage " ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Invalid dataset name %s for receiving ack of addEntityTracker " , datasetname . c_str ( ) ) ;
* Scan for non - null property values
void CMirror : : receiveAcknowledgeAddPropTracker ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , TServiceId serviceId )
string propName ;
// uint32 smid;
msgin . serial ( propName ) ;
//msgin.serial( smid );
TPropertyIndex propIndex ;
CMirroredDataSet * ds = getDataSetByPropName ( propName , propIndex ) ;
if ( ds )
// Fill tracker with non-zero values
if ( ds - > _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . Values ) // only if already allocated
// Find self prop tracker for the specified property
CChangeTrackerClientProp * tracker = ds - > getSelfPropTracker ( propIndex ) ;
if ( ! tracker )
//nlwarning( "PROPMGT: Tracker not found for property %s in %s", propName.c_str(), ds->name().c_str() );
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ACKATP> Tracker for prop %s not received yet while receiving tracker ack (normal only if pointing to group)! " , propName . c_str ( ) ) ;
else if ( tracker - > isAllocated ( ) )
uint nbChanges = ds - > scanAndResyncProp ( propIndex , tracker , serviceId ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ACKATP> Tracker (smid %d): filled %u changes for %s/P%hd from new %s " , tracker - > smid ( ) , nbChanges , ds - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) , propIndex , CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceUnifiedName ( serviceId ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Note: this will lead to unjustified changes! More are better than not enough!
// Should not occur since ack forwarded by the MS
nlwarning ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ACKATP> Tracker not allocated while receiving tracker ack for prop %s!! " , propName . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Should not occur since ack forwarded by the MS
nlwarning ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ACKATP> Values not ready for %s/P%hd!! " , ds - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) , propIndex ) ;
nlwarning ( " MIRROR:PROPMGT:ACKATP> Invalid property name %s for receiving ack of AddPropTracker " , propName . c_str ( ) ) ;
void CMirror : : deleteTracker ( CChangeTrackerClient & tracker , std : : vector < CChangeTrackerClient > & vect )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Releasing tracker with smid %d " , tracker . smid ( ) ) ;
// Release the tracker
if ( ! tracker . isPointingToGroupTracker ( ) )
tracker . release ( ) ;
// Delete the tracker object
tracker . ~ CChangeTrackerClient ( ) ;
tracker = vect . back ( ) ;
vect . pop_back ( ) ;
* Can handle case of tracker not known
void CMirror : : releaseTrackers ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin )
vector < sint32 > smidsToFindAndRemove ;
msgin . serialCont ( smidsToFindAndRemove ) ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
vector < sint32 > : : iterator istfar ;
for ( istfar = smidsToFindAndRemove . begin ( ) ; istfar ! = smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) ; + + istfar )
if ( ( * istfar ) ! = InvalidSMId )
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Need to remove tracker with smid %d " , ( * istfar ) ) ;
# endif
// Browse datasets
TSDataSets : : iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = GET_SDATASET ( ids ) ;
sint32 eti ;
for ( eti = REMOVING ; eti > = ADDING ; - - eti )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] . size ( ) ; )
if ( find ( smidsToFindAndRemove . begin ( ) , smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) , dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] [ i ] . smid ( ) ) ! = smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) )
deleteTracker ( dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] [ i ] , dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] ) ;
+ + i ; // deleteTracker() moves the last entry to the deleted place
/* ace: deleting an entry in a vector invalidates all iterators
TTrackerListForEnt : : iterator itl ;
for ( itl = dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] . begin ( ) ; itl < dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] . end ( ) ; )
if ( find ( smidsToFindAndRemove . begin ( ) , smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) , ( * itl ) . smid ( ) ) ! = smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) )
deleteTracker ( ( * itl ) , dataset . _EntityTrackers [ eti ] ) ;
+ + itl ; // deleteTracker() moves the last entry to the deleted place
TPropertyIndex propIndex ;
for ( propIndex = 0 ; propIndex ! = dataset . nbProperties ( ) ; + + propIndex )
// TODO: Skip properties not declared
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] . size ( ) ; )
if ( find ( smidsToFindAndRemove . begin ( ) , smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) , dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] [ i ] . smid ( ) ) ! = smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) )
deleteTracker ( dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] [ i ] , dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] ) ;
+ + i ; // deleteTracker() moves the last entry to the deleted place
/* ace: deleting an entry in a vector invalidates all iterators
TTrackerListForProp : : iterator itp ;
for ( itp = dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] . begin ( ) ; itp < dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] . end ( ) ; )
if ( find ( smidsToFindAndRemove . begin ( ) , smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) , ( * itp ) . smid ( ) ) ! = smidsToFindAndRemove . end ( ) )
deleteTracker ( ( * itp ) , dataset . _PropTrackers [ propIndex ] ) ;
+ + itp ; // deleteTracker() moves the last entry to the deleted place
void CMirror : : scanAndResyncEntitiesExceptIgnored ( const std : : vector < NLNET : : TServiceId8 > & creatorIdsToIgnore )
// Open self entity trackers
for ( TSDataSets : : iterator itd = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; itd ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + itd )
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = GET_SDATASET ( itd ) ;
dataset . enableEntityNotification ( ) ;
// Here, we could clear the entity trackers, so that the first notification session
// would report only the entities filled by scanAndResyncExistingEntities() below.
// But it would necessary to block the MS or any other service to write in it.
// Letting the trackers as they are is not harmful. Reasons:
// First
// - An online entity not in the tracker will be rescanned and added, thus notified
// Ex(*): an entity created by S1 before S2 connected
// - An online entity in the adding tracker will be rescanned thus notified (only once, it can't be added twice)
// Ex(*): an entity created by S1 after MS2 added S2's entity trackers
// - An offline entity in the adding tracker will not be notified ("lifetime too short")
// Ex(*): an entity added by S1 after MS2 added S2's entity trackers, removed since
// Ex(**):an entity added by S1 before S2 first connection, removed before now
// Then (removing notification MUST come after adding notification!)
// - An offline entity in the removg tracker will not be notified ("lifetime too short") because it's addition not notified so not in the entity map
// Ex(*): an entity added by S1 after MS2 added S2's entity trackers, removed since
// - An online entity in the removg tracker would be notified if its addition notification has added it into the entityId map
// It can't occur, because a row can't be reassigned before a minimal delay (100 gc) greater than the delay needed to receive SC_EI (10 gc).
// (*) S1 MS1 MS2 S2+-+ Example on S2 at second connection
// (**)S1 MS1 MS2 S2+ Example on S2 at first connection
// Prepare to execute "mirror ready commands" (note: they will be executed when receiving UMM from the MS for proper synchronization) and tell other services we are ready
testMirrorReadyStatus ( ) ;
nlassert ( _MirrorGotReadyLevel2 ) ;
// Add existing entities
for ( TSDataSets : : iterator itd = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; itd ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + itd )
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = GET_SDATASET ( itd ) ;
uint nbAdded = dataset . scanAndResyncExistingEntities ( 0 , dataset . maxNbRows ( ) , false , creatorIdsToIgnore ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT:SC_EI> Filled %u entities in %s, with %u creators ignored " , nbAdded , dataset . name ( ) . c_str ( ) , creatorIdsToIgnore . size ( ) ) ;
* Scan the entities to find if some are missing ( and add them ) ( debug feature )
void CMirror : : rescanExistingEntities ( CMirroredDataSet & dataset , NLMISC : : CLog & log , bool addUnknown )
if ( addUnknown )
vector < TServiceId8 > blankIgnoreList ;
uint nbAdded = dataset . scanAndResyncExistingEntities ( 0 , dataset . maxNbRows ( ) , true , blankIgnoreList ) ;
log . displayNL ( " MIRROR:ROWMGT: Filled %u entities in %s! " , nbAdded , dataset . name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Online entities not known by this service: " ) ;
dataset . displayUnknownEntities ( 0 , dataset . maxNbRows ( ) , log ) ;
* Callback for msg receive from mirror service : receive shared memory id and access memory
void cbRecvSMIdToAccessPropertySegment ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
MirrorInstance - > receiveSMIdToAccessPropertySegment ( msgin ) ;
void cbRecvRangesForEntityType ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
MirrorInstance - > receiveRangesForEntityType ( msgin ) ;
void cbRecvAddEntityTracker ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
MirrorInstance - > receiveTracker ( true , msgin ) ;
void cbRecvAddPropTracker ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
MirrorInstance - > receiveTracker ( false , msgin ) ;
void cbRecvAcknowledgeAddEntityTracker ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
TServiceId from ;
msgin . serial ( from ) ;
MirrorInstance - > receiveAcknowledgeAddEntityTracker ( msgin , from ) ;
void cbRecvAcknowledgeAddPropTracker ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
TServiceId from ;
msgin . serial ( from ) ;
MirrorInstance - > receiveAcknowledgeAddPropTracker ( msgin , from ) ;
void cbReleaseTrackers ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
MirrorInstance - > releaseTrackers ( msgin ) ;
void cbAllMirrorsOnline ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & /* serviceName */ , TServiceId /* serviceId */ )
sint16 nbOfMirrors ;
string versionStr = " prior to 1.5 " ;
bool hasVersion = false ;
msgin . serial ( nbOfMirrors ) ;
msgin . serial ( versionStr ) ;
hasVersion = true ;
catch ( EStreamOverflow & )
{ }
if ( ( ! hasVersion ) | | ( MirrorVersion ! = versionStr ) )
nlerror ( " Mirror version mismatch! This service: %s; Local MS: %s " , MirrorVersion . c_str ( ) , versionStr . c_str ( ) ) ;
MirrorInstance - > initAfterMirrorUp ( ) ;
* Receive the broadcasting of a service that has its mirror system ready
void cbRecvServiceHasMirrorReadyBroadcast ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , TServiceId serviceId )
cbServiceMirrorUpForSMIRUB ( serviceName , serviceId , 0 ) ;
MirrorInstance - > receiveServiceHasMirrorReady ( serviceName , serviceId , msgin ) ;
* Receive the reply of a SMIRUB
void cbRecvServiceHasMirrorReadyReply ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , TServiceId serviceId )
MirrorInstance - > receiveServiceHasMirrorReady ( serviceName , serviceId , msgin ) ;
* Set service mirror / up / down callback
void CMirror : : setServiceMUDCallback ( const string & serviceName , NLNET : : TUnifiedNetCallback cb , void * arg , bool back , bool synchronizedCallback , TServiceEventType et )
nlassert ( cb ! = NULL ) ;
TCallbackArgItemM cbItem ;
cbItem . Cb = cb ;
cbItem . Arg = arg ;
cbItem . Synchronized = synchronizedCallback ;
cbItem . EventType = et ;
if ( serviceName = = " * " )
if ( back )
_ServiceUpDnUniCallbacks . push_back ( cbItem ) ;
_ServiceUpDnUniCallbacks . insert ( _ServiceUpDnUniCallbacks . begin ( ) , cbItem ) ;
if ( back )
_ServiceUpDnCallbacks [ serviceName ] . push_back ( cbItem ) ;
_ServiceUpDnCallbacks [ serviceName ] . insert ( _ServiceUpDnCallbacks [ serviceName ] . begin ( ) , cbItem ) ;
* Set callbacks to call when a particular service has its mirror system ready . See . h
void CMirror : : setServiceMirrorUpCallback ( const string & serviceName , NLNET : : TUnifiedNetCallback cb , void * arg , bool back , bool synchronizedCallback )
setServiceMUDCallback ( serviceName , cb , arg , back , synchronizedCallback , ETMirrorUp ) ;
* This is the counterpart of setServiceMirrorUpCallback ( ) . See . h
void CMirror : : setServiceMirrorDownCallback ( const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TUnifiedNetCallback cb , void * arg , bool back , bool synchronizedCallback )
setServiceMUDCallback ( serviceName , cb , arg , back , synchronizedCallback , ETMirrorDn ) ;
* This is similar to CUnifiedNetwork : : setServiceUpCallback ( ) but it allows you to spawn or despawn
* entities in the callback if you set synchronizedCallback to true ( see isRunningSynchronizedCode ( ) )
void CMirror : : setServiceUpCallback ( const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TUnifiedNetCallback cb , void * arg , bool back , bool synchronizedCallback )
setServiceMUDCallback ( serviceName , cb , arg , back , synchronizedCallback , ETServiceUp ) ;
* This is similar to CUnifiedNetwork : : setServiceUpCallback ( ) but it allows you to spawn or despawn
* entities in the callback if you set synchronizedCallback to true ( see isRunningSynchronizedCode ( ) )
void CMirror : : setServiceDownCallback ( const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TUnifiedNetCallback cb , void * arg , bool back , bool synchronizedCallback )
setServiceMUDCallback ( serviceName , cb , arg , back , synchronizedCallback , ETServiceDn ) ;
* Receive the broadcasting of a service that has its mirror system ready
void CMirror : : receiveServiceHasMirrorReady ( const std : : string & serviceName , TServiceId serviceId , NLNET : : CMessage & msgin )
if ( _ServicesMirrorUpNotified . find ( serviceId ) ! = _ServicesMirrorUpNotified . end ( ) )
// This occurs when A and B cross-send a SMIRUB msg to each other at the same time
// (then A and B send SMIRUR, making A and B come here)
//MIRROR_DEBUG( "MIRROR: Ignoring second ServiceHasMirrorReady from %s-%hu", serviceName.c_str(), serviceId.get() );
return ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Service %s-%hu has mirror ready " , serviceName . c_str ( ) , serviceId . get ( ) ) ;
// Read the entity ranges declared by the sender service
uint32 nbDatasets ;
msgin . serial ( nbDatasets ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i ! = nbDatasets ; + + i )
CSheetId dsSheetId ;
msgin . serial ( dsSheetId ) ;
TEntityRangeOfType entityRanges ;
msgin . serialCont ( entityRanges ) ;
TSDataSets : : iterator it = _SDataSets . find ( dsSheetId ) ;
if ( it ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) )
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = ( * it ) . second ;
dataset . addDeclaredEntityRanges ( entityRanges , serviceId ) ;
catch ( EStreamOverflow & )
nlwarning ( " Received SMIRU from old version service %s-%hu " , serviceName . c_str ( ) , serviceId . get ( ) ) ;
// Callbacks
processServiceEvent ( serviceName , serviceId , ETMirrorUp ) ;
* React to a service mirror / up / down event
void CMirror : : processServiceEvent ( const std : : string & serviceName , TServiceId serviceId , TServiceEventType et )
switch ( et )
case ETMirrorUp :
// Store which 'service mirror up' are known
_ServicesMirrorUpNotified . insert ( serviceId ) ;
break ;
case ETServiceDn :
// Check if a 'service down' must call a 'service mirror down' callback as well
TNotifiedServices : : iterator isn = _ServicesMirrorUpNotified . find ( serviceId ) ;
if ( isn ! = _ServicesMirrorUpNotified . end ( ) )
processServiceEvent ( serviceName , serviceId , ETMirrorDn ) ;
_ServicesMirrorUpNotified . erase ( isn ) ;
break ;
default : ;
// Callbacks
TNameMappedCallbackM : : iterator it = _ServiceUpDnCallbacks . find ( serviceName ) ;
if ( it ! = _ServiceUpDnCallbacks . end ( ) )
// For MirrorUp event requested, call them, if queue them if flagged as synchronized
for ( list < TCallbackArgItemM > : : const_iterator it2 = ( * it ) . second . begin ( ) ; it2 ! = ( * it ) . second . end ( ) ; + + it2 )
const TCallbackArgItemM & cbItem = ( * it2 ) ;
if ( cbItem . EventType ! = et )
continue ;
if ( cbItem . Synchronized )
_SynchronizedServiceUpDnCallbackQueue . push_back ( TCallbackArgItemMExt ( cbItem , serviceName , serviceId ) ) ;
if ( cbItem . Cb )
cbItem . Cb ( serviceName , serviceId , cbItem . Arg ) ;
// For *
for ( uint c = 0 ; c ! = _ServiceUpDnUniCallbacks . size ( ) ; + + c )
const TCallbackArgItemM & cbItem = _ServiceUpDnUniCallbacks [ c ] ;
if ( cbItem . EventType ! = et )
continue ;
if ( cbItem . Synchronized )
_SynchronizedServiceUpDnCallbackQueue . push_back ( TCallbackArgItemMExt ( cbItem , serviceName , serviceId ) ) ;
if ( cbItem . Cb ! = NULL )
cbItem . Cb ( serviceName , serviceId , cbItem . Arg ) ;
* Return true if the specified service is known as " mirror ready "
bool CMirror : : serviceHasMirrorReady ( NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId ) const
return ( _ServicesMirrorUpNotified . find ( serviceId ) ! = _ServicesMirrorUpNotified . end ( ) ) ;
* Return true if the service reported by cbServiceDown ( " MS " ) or cbServiceUp ( " MS " ) is the local Mirror Service
bool CMirror : : detectLocalMS ( TServiceId serviceId , bool upOrDown )
/* // OLD CODE
TSockId hostid ;
CCallbackNetBase * cnb = CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getNetBase ( ( TServiceId ) serviceId , hostid ) ;
if ( cnb & & ( cnb - > hostAddress ( hostid ) . ipAddress ( ) = = CInetAddress : : localHost ( ) . ipAddress ( ) ) ) */
if ( CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > isServiceLocal ( serviceId ) )
if ( upOrDown )
_PropAllocator . setLocalMirrorServiceId ( serviceId ) ;
_AwaitingAllMirrorsOnline = true ;
// TODO: if MS resync supported, reset closure state back (see below)
_PropAllocator . setLocalMirrorServiceId ( TServiceId : : InvalidId ) ;
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Local Mirror Service %hu is down! (%s) " , serviceId . get ( ) , CInetAddress : : localHost ( ) . ipAddress ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Allow closure, otherwise the service won't quit (no more UMM message received)
// However, the tickReleaseFunc (if provided) must be called.
if ( _TickReleaseFunc )
_IsExecutingSynchronizedCode = true ; // prevent assertion failure
_TickReleaseFunc ( ) ; // no need of synchronization... the MS is down
_IsExecutingSynchronizedCode = false ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > clearForClosure ( ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > exit ( ) ; // we're not supporting MS resync at the moment => quit now
return true ;
return false ;
* Info : display the properties allocated on the mirror
void CMirror : : displayProperties ( NLMISC : : CLog & log ) const
TPropertiesInMirror : : const_iterator ipim ;
log . displayNL ( " Allocated properties: " ) ;
for ( ipim = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . begin ( ) ; ipim ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) ; + + ipim )
if ( GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . Segment )
log . displayNL ( " %s: %p " , ( * ipim ) . first . c_str ( ) , GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . Segment ) ;
TSDataSets : : const_iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
log . displayNL ( " * DataSet %s (sheetid %s) * " , GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . name ( ) . c_str ( ) , GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . sheetId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " EntityId: %p " , GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . EntityIds ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Properties: " ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i ! = GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays . size ( ) ; + + i )
log . displayNL ( " %p " , GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ i ] . Values ) ;
* Info : display the number of active entities , created by the current mirror
void CMirror : : displayEntityTypesOwned ( NLMISC : : CLog & log ) const
TEntityTypesOwned : : const_iterator ieto ;
for ( ieto = _EntityTypesOwned . begin ( ) ; ieto ! = _EntityTypesOwned . end ( ) ; + + ieto )
log . displayNL ( " * EntityType %hu * " , ( uint16 ) ( * ieto ) . first ) ;
log . displayNL ( " %d entities (max %d), concerning %u datasets " , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ieto ) . CurrentNb , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ieto ) . MaxNb , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_OWNED ( ieto ) . DataSetList . size ( ) ) ;
TSDataSets : : const_iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
log . displayNL ( " * DataSet %s * " , GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
TEntityRangeOfType : : const_iterator irot ;
for ( irot = GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesRanges . begin ( ) ; irot ! = GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . _EntityTypesRanges . end ( ) ; + + irot )
log . displayNL ( " EntityType %hu " , ( uint16 ) ( * irot ) . first ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Range: E%d to E%d " , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_RANGE ( irot ) . first ( ) , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_RANGE ( irot ) . last ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " NextFree: %d; Number of released indexes: %u " , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_RANGE ( irot ) . nextFree ( ) , GET_ENTITY_TYPE_RANGE ( irot ) . nbReleasedIndexes ( ) ) ;
* Info : display the contents of the rows corresponding to the entity id
void CMirror : : displayRows ( const NLMISC : : CEntityId & entityId , NLMISC : : CLog & log ) const
bool found = false ;
log . displayNL ( " Dumping row for entity %s: " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
TSDataSets : : const_iterator first ( _SDataSets . begin ( ) ) , last ( _SDataSets . end ( ) ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
const CMirroredDataSet & ds = first - > second ;
TDataSetRow dsr = ds . getDataSetRow ( entityId ) ;
if ( dsr . isValid ( ) )
found = true ;
const CSheetId & dataSetId = first - > first ;
log . displayNL ( " Dumping properties in dataset '%s': " , dataSetId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
for ( sint16 i = 0 ; i < ds . nbProperties ( ) ; + + i )
// retrive the i'th propertie
TPropertiesInMirror : : const_iterator it ( _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . begin ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it - > second . PropertyIndex = = i & & it - > second . DataSet = = & ds )
// we found the property
ds . displayPropValue ( it - > first , dsr , i , it - > second . getFlagsString ( ) . c_str ( ) , log ) ;
break ;
TPropertiesInMirror : : const_iterator ipim ;
log . displayNL ( " * Properties of entity %s (values, timestamps...) * " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
for ( ipim = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . begin ( ) ; ipim ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) ; + + ipim )
const string & propName = ( * ipim ) . first ;
if ( GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . allocated ( ) )
CMirroredDataSet * dataset = GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . DataSet ;
if ( dataset )
TDataSetRow entityIndex = dataset - > getDataSetRow ( entityId ) ;
if ( entityIndex . isValid ( ) )
TPropertyIndex propertyIndex = dataset - > getPropertyIndex ( propName ) ;
if ( propertyIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) // skip _EID_...
dataset - > displayPropValue ( propName , entityIndex , propertyIndex , GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . getFlagsString ( ) . c_str ( ) , log ) ;
found = true ;
// else // this occurs if the service did not declare the property
// {
// log.displayNL( "%s: property not allocated", propName.c_str() );
// }
if ( ! found )
log . displayNL ( " No such entity in any dataset " ) ;
* Debug : change a value from a string
void CMirror : : changeValue ( const NLMISC : : CEntityId & entityId , const std : : string & propName , const std : : string & valueStr )
bool propok = true ;
TPropertiesInMirror : : iterator ipim = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . find ( propName ) ;
if ( ipim ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) )
const string & propName = ( * ipim ) . first ;
if ( GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . allocated ( ) )
CMirroredDataSet * dataset = GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . DataSet ;
if ( dataset )
TDataSetRow entityIndex = dataset - > getDataSetRow ( entityId ) ;
if ( entityIndex . isValid ( ) )
TPropertyIndex propertyIndex = dataset - > getPropertyIndex ( propName ) ;
if ( propertyIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX )
dataset - > setValueFromString ( entityIndex , propertyIndex , valueStr ) ;
else propok = false ;
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Entity %s not found in dataset %s " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , dataset - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
else propok = false ;
else propok = false ;
else propok = false ;
if ( ! propok )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Property %s not found or allocated " , propName . c_str ( ) ) ;
* Constructor
CMirror : : CMirror ( ) :
_PendingEntityTypesRanges ( 0 ) ,
_MirrorAllReady ( false ) ,
_ReadyL1Callback ( NULL ) ,
_NotificationCallback ( NULL ) ,
_MirrorGotReadyLevel1 ( false ) ,
_MirrorGotReadyLevel2 ( false ) ,
_ListOfOtherPropertiesReceived ( false ) ,
_AwaitingAllMirrorsOnline ( false ) ,
_IsExecutingSynchronizedCode ( false ) ,
MonitoredEntity ( CEntityId : : Unknown ) ,
_ClosureRequested ( false ) ,
_UserSyncCallback ( NULL )
nlassert ( ! MirrorInstance ) ; // singleton check
MirrorInstance = this ;
void CMirror : : initAfterMirrorUp ( )
if ( _MirrorAllReady )
if ( _AwaitingAllMirrorsOnline )
// This is when a MS has been shutdown while we were using it! When it cames back,
// send our mirror info to it
resyncMirrorInfo ( ) ;
_AwaitingAllMirrorsOnline = false ; // now if receiving a "mirrors online" msg, it will not mean it's our local MS
doInitMirrorLevel1 ( ) ;
* Closure clearance callback
bool cbRequestClosure ( )
return MirrorInstance - > requestClosure ( ) ;
void CMirror : : doInitMirrorLevel1 ( )
if ( _MirrorGotReadyLevel1 )
return ;
_AwaitingAllMirrorsOnline = false ; // see in initAfterMirrorUp()
nlassert ( mirrorServiceIsUp ( ) ) ; // could fail if the serviceUp from the NS arrives later than the MIRO from the MS!
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Local Mirror Service found (service %hu) " , localMSId ( ) . get ( ) ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: %u datasets used by this service " , _DataSetsToLoad . size ( ) ) ;
if ( _SDataSetSheets . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: No dataset found, check if dataset.packed_sheets and the georges sheets are in the path " ) ;
// Inform the MS about the datasets we know (and this will add us in the client services list of the MS)
CMessage msgoutDATASETS ( " DATASETS " ) ;
msgoutDATASETS . serialCont ( _DataSetsToLoad ) ;
msgoutDATASETS . serial ( _MTRTag ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgoutDATASETS ) ;
// Init the needed CDataSetMS objects from the corresponding TDataSetSheets
uint16 dsIndex = 0 ;
string skippedDataSets ;
sint nbSkipped = 0 ;
TSDataSetSheets : : iterator ism ;
for ( ism = _SDataSetSheets . begin ( ) ; ism ! = _SDataSetSheets . end ( ) ; + + ism )
TDataSetSheet & dataSetSheet = ( * ism ) . second ;
if ( find ( _DataSetsToLoad . begin ( ) , _DataSetsToLoad . end ( ) , dataSetSheet . DataSetName ) ! = _DataSetsToLoad . end ( ) )
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: \t Dataset: %s " , dataSetSheet . DataSetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Create a CDataSetMS and insert into _SDataSets
CMirroredDataSet newDataSet ;
pair < TSDataSets : : iterator , bool > res = _SDataSets . insert ( make_pair ( ( * ism ) . first , newDataSet ) ) ;
// Init CMirroredDataSet object (request allocation of shared memory for entity ids)
GET_SDATASET ( res . first ) . init ( ( * ism ) . first , dataSetSheet , & _PropAllocator ) ;
// Insert into _NDataSets
_NDataSets . insert ( make_pair ( GET_SDATASET ( res . first ) . name ( ) , & GET_SDATASET ( res . first ) ) ) ;
storeDatasetPtToQuickArray ( dsIndex + + , & GET_SDATASET ( res . first ) ) ;
skippedDataSets + = " " + ( * ism ) . second . DataSetName ;
+ + nbSkipped ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: %u datasets loaded " , _SDataSets . size ( ) ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Skipped datasets:%s " , skippedDataSets . empty ( ) ? " (none) " : skippedDataSets . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( _DataSetsToLoad . size ( ) + nbSkipped > _SDataSetSheets . size ( ) )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Some required datasets are missing in sheetid.bin " ) ;
// We don't need the sheet information structures anymore
_SDataSetSheets . clear ( ) ;
// Call the user callback
_ReadyL1Callback ( this ) ;
// Request the list of other properties (that will be cleaned when creating an entity, even if this service did not subscribe them)
CMessage msgoutGop ( " GOP " ) ; // Get Other Properties
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgoutGop ) ;
// Set closure clearance callback (not in CMirror::init()) because
// launching the service with -Q would never exit if the MS is not up
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > setClosureClearanceCallback ( cbRequestClosure ) ;
_MirrorGotReadyLevel1 = true ;
* Send to a reconnecting MS the state of our mirror info
void CMirror : : resyncMirrorInfo ( )
CMessage msgout ( " SYNCMI " ) ;
// Resync entity types owned and trackers
uint16 nbdatasets = ( uint16 ) _SDataSets . size ( ) ;
msgout . serial ( nbdatasets ) ;
TSDataSets : : iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
msgout . serial ( const_cast < string & > ( GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . name ( ) ) ) ;
GET_SDATASET ( ids ) . serialOutMirrorInfo ( msgout ) ;
// Resync properties
_PropAllocator . serialOutMirrorInfo ( msgout ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ;
CMirror : : ~ CMirror ( )
// release();
* Release - mandatory to be called by the user if the object is static ,
* no matter if it is called again by the destructor
void CMirror : : release ( )
// Execute mirror release command before destroying all the data
executeMirrorReleaseCommands ( ) ;
// Release the trackers
TSDataSets : : iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
CMirroredDataSet & ds = GET_SDATASET ( ids ) ;
ds . _SelfEntityTrackers [ ADDING ] . release ( ) ;
ds . _SelfEntityTrackers [ REMOVING ] . release ( ) ;
TSelfPropTrackers : : iterator isp ;
for ( isp = ds . _SelfPropTrackers . begin ( ) ; isp ! = ds . _SelfPropTrackers . end ( ) ; + + isp )
( * isp ) . release ( ) ;
TTrackerListForEnt : : iterator iet ;
for ( iet = ds . _EntityTrackers [ ADDING ] . begin ( ) ; iet ! = ds . _EntityTrackers [ ADDING ] . end ( ) ; + + iet )
( * iet ) . release ( ) ;
for ( iet = ds . _EntityTrackers [ REMOVING ] . begin ( ) ; iet ! = ds . _EntityTrackers [ REMOVING ] . end ( ) ; + + iet )
( * iet ) . release ( ) ;
TTrackersLists : : iterator itl ;
for ( itl = ds . _PropTrackers . begin ( ) ; itl ! = ds . _PropTrackers . end ( ) ; + + itl )
TTrackerListForProp : : iterator ipt ;
for ( ipt = ( * itl ) . begin ( ) ; ipt ! = ( * itl ) . end ( ) ; + + ipt )
( * ipt ) . release ( ) ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
// Helper functor for testMirrorReadyStatus
class PropIndexIs : public binary_function < CChangeTrackerClientProp , TPropertyIndex , bool >
public :
bool operator ( ) ( const CChangeTrackerClientProp & tracker , TPropertyIndex propIndex ) const
return ( tracker . propIndex ( ) = = propIndex ) ;
} ;
# endif
* Set _MirrorAllReady to true if the conditions are met
void CMirror : : testMirrorReadyStatus ( )
if ( _MirrorAllReady )
return ;
// Check if mirrors and range manager are online
if ( ! _MirrorGotReadyLevel1 )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Still waiting for mirrors and range manager to be online " ) ;
return ;
// Check that we have received the first game cycle
if ( CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
// Check if mirror service is up and entity ranges ready
if ( ! mirrorIsUp ( ) )
//MIRROR_DEBUG( "MIRROR: Still waiting for entity ranges ready" );
return ;
// For each dataset
TNDataSets : : iterator ids ;
for ( ids = _NDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _NDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
// Test if SC_EI was received
if ( ! GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _IsEntityNotificationEnabled )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Still waiting for SC_EI " ) ;
return ;
// Test if entity ids are allocated
if ( ! propIsAllocated ( string ( " _EId_ " ) + ( * ids ) . first ) )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: %s: Still waiting for allocation of entity ids " , ( * ids ) . first . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Test if the self entity trackers are allocated
if ( ! GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _SelfEntityTrackers [ ADDING ] . isAllocated ( ) & & GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . _SelfEntityTrackers [ REMOVING ] . isAllocated ( ) ) // note: if one is allocated, the other one should be
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: %s: Still waiting for self entity trackers " , ( * ids ) . first . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// For each declared property
TPropertiesInMirror : : iterator ipm ;
for ( ipm = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . begin ( ) ; ipm ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) ; + + ipm )
TPropertyInfo & propinfo = GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipm ) ;
// Test if a declared property is still pending (i.e. not allocated yet)
if ( propinfo . Pending )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Still waiting for allocation of property %s/%hd " , propinfo . DataSet - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) , propinfo . PropertyIndex ) ;
return ;
// Among the allocated properties, test the prop trackers
if ( propinfo . allocated ( ) )
// Test if the prop tracker list has been received
if ( propinfo . PropTrackersPending & & ( propinfo . PropertyIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) ) // ignore "entity id" propinfo
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Still waiting for property tracker list of %s/%hd " , propinfo . DataSet - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) , propinfo . PropertyIndex ) ;
return ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
// Additional tests
if ( propinfo . flagNotifyChanges ( ) & & ( ! propinfo . flagGroupNotifiedByOtherProp ( ) ) )
nlassert ( propinfo . DataSet ) ;
TSelfPropTrackers : : iterator ipt = find_if ( propinfo . DataSet - > _SelfPropTrackers . begin ( ) , propinfo . DataSet - > _SelfPropTrackers . end ( ) , bind2nd ( PropIndexIs ( ) , propinfo . PropertyIndex ) ) ;
if ( ipt = = propinfo . DataSet - > _SelfPropTrackers . end ( ) )
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: Property %s/%hd with notification of changes: selfprop tracker not received " , propinfo . DataSet - > name ( ) . c_str ( ) , propinfo . PropertyIndex ) ;
# endif
// Expect the list of non-subscribed properties allocated on the local MS
if ( ! _ListOfOtherPropertiesReceived )
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: Still waiting for LOP " ) ;
return ;
// Success
if ( ! _MirrorGotReadyLevel2 )
// Broadcast our ready state to all other services!
CMessage msgout ( " SMIRUB " ) ; // 'Service has MIRror system Up Broadcast'
pushEntityRanges ( msgout ) ;
sendMessageViaMirrorToAll ( msgout ) ; // via mirror to ensure that MARCS was sent to all remote MS before their client services get SMIRU (otherwise their potential messages couldn't be routed through their MS)
nlinfo ( " Mirror system ready, %s " , ( _MTRTag = = AllTag ) ? " all MTR Tags " : toString ( " MTR Tag=%d " , _MTRTag ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! _NotificationCallback )
nlerror ( " No notification callback has been set, entities won't be updated in the mirror! " ) ;
// The start callbacks & commands will be executed when receiving the first UMM
// because they need to be synchronized with the MS
_MirrorGotReadyLevel2 = true ;
* Execute start callbacks & commands
void CMirror : : executeMirrorReady2CallbacksAndStartCommands ( )
// Ready level2 callbacks
vector < TMirrorReadyCallback > : : const_iterator icb ;
for ( icb = _ReadyL2Callbacks . begin ( ) ; icb ! = _ReadyL2Callbacks . end ( ) ; + + icb )
( * icb ) ( this ) ;
// Start commands when mirror ready
string cmdRoot ( " StartCommandsWhenMirrorReady " ) ;
vector < string > posts ;
if ( IService : : getInstance ( ) - > haveArg ( ' m ' ) )
string s = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getArg ( ' m ' ) ;
NLMISC : : explode ( s , string ( " : " ) , posts , false ) ;
// add an empty string
posts . push_back ( string ( ) ) ;
CConfigFile : : CVar * var ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < posts . size ( ) ; + + i )
string varName = cmdRoot + posts [ i ] ;
if ( ( var = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > ConfigFile . getVarPtr ( varName ) ) ! = NULL )
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Executing '%s'... " , varName . c_str ( ) ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < var - > size ( ) ; i + + )
ICommand : : execute ( var - > asString ( i ) , * InfoLog ) ;
* Execute start callbacks & commands
void CMirror : : executeMirrorReleaseCommands ( )
// Start commands when mirror ready
string cmdRoot ( " CommandsWhenMirrorRelease " ) ;
vector < string > posts ;
if ( IService : : getInstance ( ) - > haveArg ( ' m ' ) )
string s = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getArg ( ' m ' ) ;
NLMISC : : explode ( s , string ( " : " ) , posts , false ) ;
// add an empty string
posts . push_back ( string ( ) ) ;
CConfigFile : : CVar * var ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < posts . size ( ) ; + + i )
string varName = cmdRoot + posts [ i ] ;
if ( ( var = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > ConfigFile . getVarPtr ( varName ) ) ! = NULL )
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: Executing '%s'... " , varName . c_str ( ) ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < var - > size ( ) ; i + + )
ICommand : : execute ( var - > asString ( i ) , * InfoLog ) ;
void CMirror : : pushEntityRanges ( CMessage & msgout )
2010-05-13 20:45:24 +00:00
uint32 nbDatasets = ( uint32 ) _SDataSets . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
msgout . serial ( nbDatasets ) ;
for ( TSDataSets : : iterator ids = _SDataSets . begin ( ) ; ids ! = _SDataSets . end ( ) ; + + ids )
msgout . serial ( const_cast < CSheetId & > ( ( * ids ) . first ) ) ;
msgout . serialCont ( ( * ids ) . second . _EntityTypesRanges ) ;
* Global routine to be called by update
void CMirror : : updateWatches ( )
if ( mirrorIsReady ( ) )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i ! = sizeof ( mWatchStrings ) / sizeof ( mWatchStrings [ 0 ] ) ; + + i )
if ( WatchedPropValues [ i ] )
getPropValueStr ( WatchedPropValues [ i ] - > EntityId , WatchedPropValues [ i ] - > PropName , * ( mWatchStrings [ i ] ) ) ;
mWatchStrings [ i ] - > clear ( ) ;
void CMirror : : getPropValueStr ( const NLMISC : : CEntityId & entityId , const std : : string & propName , std : : string & result ) const
bool propok = true ;
TPropertiesInMirror : : const_iterator ipim = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . find ( propName ) ;
if ( ipim ! = _PropAllocator . _PropertiesInMirror . end ( ) )
const string & propName = ( * ipim ) . first ;
if ( GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . allocated ( ) )
CMirroredDataSet * dataset = GET_PROPERTY_INFO ( ipim ) . DataSet ;
if ( dataset )
TDataSetRow entityIndex = dataset - > getDataSetRow ( entityId ) ;
if ( entityIndex . isValid ( ) )
TPropertyIndex propertyIndex = dataset - > getPropertyIndex ( propName ) ;
if ( propertyIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX )
dataset - > getValueToString ( entityIndex , propertyIndex , result ) ;
result = toString ( " %s,%s=%s " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , propName . c_str ( ) , result . c_str ( ) ) ;
else propok = false ;
result = toString ( " <%s not found> " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
else propok = false ;
else propok = false ;
else propok = false ;
if ( ! propok )
result = toString ( " <%s not found> " , propName . c_str ( ) ) ;
* Provide a callback that will be called the first time mirrorIsReady ( ) return true .
* Note : immediately after having called all the callbacks passed to this method , the
* commands founds in StartCommandsWhenMirrorReady ( in the config file ) will be executed .
void CMirror : : addCallbackWhenMirrorReadyForUse ( TMirrorReadyCallback cbLevel2 )
nlassert ( cbLevel2 ) ;
_ReadyL2Callbacks . push_back ( cbLevel2 ) ;
* Send the transport class to a specified service using the service id
//void CMirrorTransportClass::send( uint8 sid )
/*// Experimental: forwarding without copy
CMessage & msgout = write ( ) ;
msgout . changeType ( " MT1MSG " ) ; // same size as CT_MSG
msgout . serial ( sid ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ; */
/*CMessage msgout( "MTC_MSG" );
CMessage & ctmsg = write ( ) ;
msgout . serialBuffer ( const_cast < uint8 * > ( ctmsg . buffer ( ) + ctmsg . getHeaderSize ( ) ) , ctmsg . length ( ) - ctmsg . getHeaderSize ( ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( sid , msgout ) ;
nldebug ( " %u: Sending MTC to service %hu " , CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) , ( uint16 ) sid ) ; */
// See in class declaration
* Send the transport class to a specified service using the service name
//void CMirrorTransportClass::send( std::string serviceName )
/*// Experimental: forwarding without copy
CMessage & msgout = write ( ) ;
msgout . changeType ( " MT2MSG " ) ; // same size as CT_MSG
msgout . serial ( serviceName ) ;
uint8 sns = serviceName . size ( ) ;
msgout . serial ( sns ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) , msgout ) ; */
/*CMessage msgout( "MTC_MSG" );
CMessage & ctmsg = write ( ) ;
msgout . serialBuffer ( const_cast < uint8 * > ( ctmsg . buffer ( ) + ctmsg . getHeaderSize ( ) ) , ctmsg . length ( ) - ctmsg . getHeaderSize ( ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( serviceName , msgout ) ;
nldebug ( " %u: Sending MTC to %s " , CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) , serviceName . c_str ( ) ) ; */
// See in class declaration
// Standard transport class callback
//extern void cbTCReceiveMessage (CMessage &msgin, const string &name, uint16 sid);
* Mirror transport class callback
/*void cbMirrorTCReceiveMessage( CMessage &msgin, const string &name, uint16 sid )
//nldebug( "Receiving MTC from service %hu", sid );
MirrorInstance - > _BufferedMTC . push_back ( make_pair ( msgin , sid ) ) ;
} */
* The mirror transport class are applied at the end of the service " tick update " method ,
* to ensure all entities have been processed .
* NOW this is replaced by the message chain provided in the message UMM , and the notification callback
* is called before .
/*void CMirror::applyBufferedTransportClasses()
CBufferedMirrorTCs : : const_iterator it ;
for ( it = _BufferedMTC . begin ( ) ; it ! = _BufferedMTC . end ( ) ; + + it )
nldebug ( " %u: Applying MTC from service %hu " , CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) , ( * it ) . second ) ;
//string senderName; // blank because not used
cbTCReceiveMessage ( const_cast < CMessage & > ( ( * it ) . first ) , " " , ( * it ) . second ) ; // change the sid: sender instead of forwarder MS
_BufferedMTC . clear ( ) ;
} */
* Receive the UMM Message ( callback )
void cbUpdateMirrorAndReceiveMessages ( CMessage & msgin , const string & , TServiceId )
MirrorInstance - > updateMirrorAndReceiveMessages ( msgin ) ;
// update the mirror counter var
MirrorCallbackCount = TotalMirrorCallbackCalled ;
MirrorCallbackTime = TimeInMirrorCallback ;
// reset the counters
TimeInMirrorCallback = 0 ;
TotalMirrorCallbackCalled = 0 ;
* Receive the UMM Message
void CMirror : : updateMirrorAndReceiveMessages ( CMessage & msgin )
_IsExecutingSynchronizedCode = true ;
// Synchronized release code
if ( _ClosureRequested )
if ( _TickReleaseFunc ) // should be non-null when we get here anyway
_TickReleaseFunc ( ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > clearForClosure ( ) ;
return ;
// Start callbacks & commands
if ( ( ! _MirrorAllReady ) & & _MirrorGotReadyLevel2 )
_MirrorAllReady = true ;
executeMirrorReady2CallbacksAndStartCommands ( ) ;
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > clearCurrentStatus ( " WaitingMirrorReady " ) ;
TAccurateTime TimeBeforeUMM = getAccurateTime ( ) ;
// Synchronized Service Up / Service Mirror Up / Service Down / Service Mirror Down callbacks
for ( std : : vector < TCallbackArgItemMExt > : : const_iterator iscq = _SynchronizedServiceUpDnCallbackQueue . begin ( ) ; iscq ! = _SynchronizedServiceUpDnCallbackQueue . end ( ) ; + + iscq )
const TCallbackArgItemMExt & cbItem = ( * iscq ) ;
if ( cbItem . Cb )
cbItem . Cb ( cbItem . ServiceName , cbItem . ServiceId , cbItem . Arg ) ;
_SynchronizedServiceUpDnCallbackQueue . clear ( ) ;
// Trigger the notification of mirror changes
if ( mirrorIsReady ( ) & & _NotificationCallback )
_NotificationCallback ( ) ;
TAccurateTime TimeBeforeReceiveMsgViaMirror = getAccurateTime ( ) ;
ProcessMirrorUpdatesSpeed = ( sint16 ) accTimeToMs ( TimeBeforeReceiveMsgViaMirror - TimeBeforeUMM ) ;
// Apply the messages
uint32 nbMsgs ;
msgin . serial ( nbMsgs ) ;
if ( mirrorIsReady ( ) )
uint32 i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = nbMsgs ; + + i )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// timer code added here by Sadge
// copied feom unified_network.cpp
static map < string , CHTimer > timers ;
map < string , CHTimer > : : iterator it ;
H_AUTO ( L5UCHTimerOverhead ) ;
string callbackName = " USRCB_ " + msgin . getName ( ) ;
it = timers . find ( callbackName ) ;
if ( it = = timers . end ( ) )
it = timers . insert ( make_pair ( callbackName , CHTimer ( NULL ) ) ) . first ;
( * it ) . second . setName ( ( * it ) . first . c_str ( ) ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( * it ) . second . before ( ) ;
TServiceId senderId ;
msgin . serial ( senderId ) ;
sint32 msgSize , msgPos ;
msgin . serial ( msgSize ) ;
TTime before = CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
// Modify msgin so that the upcoming submessages looks like a normal message for the corresponding callback
msgPos = msgin . getPos ( ) ;
string name = msgin . lockSubMessage ( msgSize ) ; // fake the length for the callback
TUnifiedMsgCallback cb = CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > findCallback ( name ) ;
string sn = CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceName ( senderId ) ;
if ( cb & & ! sn . empty ( ) )
cb ( msgin , sn , senderId ) ;
msgin . unlockSubMessage ( ) ; // set original length back and skip sub message
( * it ) . second . after ( ) ;
TTime after = CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
// sum the time used to do callback
TimeInMirrorCallback + = uint32 ( after - before ) ;
TotalMirrorCallbackCalled + + ;
else if ( nbMsgs ! = 0 )
string names ;
uint32 i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = nbMsgs ; + + i )
TServiceId senderId ;
msgin . serial ( senderId ) ;
sint32 msgSize , msgPos ;
msgin . serial ( msgSize ) ;
msgPos = msgin . getPos ( ) ;
std : : string messageName = msgin . lockSubMessage ( msgSize ) ;
// Get the class name if the message is a Transport Class
if ( messageName = = " CT_MSG " )
string className ;
CTransportClass : : readHeader ( msgin , className ) ;
messageName + = " __ " + className ;
// Report the name of the message
if ( messageName ! = " SMIRUB " ) // keep quiet if receiving a SMIRUB (Service Mirror Up Broadcast) at this time (info will be sent by SMIRUR instead)
names + = messageName + " " ;
msgin . unlockSubMessage ( ) ; // skip sub message
if ( ! names . empty ( ) )
// This should not occur much anymore, as sendMessageViaMirror() no longer sends if !serviceHasMirrorReady()
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: MSG: %u messages received via MS before mirror is ready, discarded: %s " , nbMsgs , names . c_str ( ) ) ;
_IsExecutingSynchronizedCode = false ;
TAccurateTime TimeAfterUMM = getAccurateTime ( ) ;
ReceiveMessagesViaMirrorSpeed = sint16 ( accTimeToMs ( TimeAfterUMM - TimeBeforeReceiveMsgViaMirror ) ) ;
TotalSpeedLoop = accTimeToMs ( TimeAfterUMM - TimeBeforeTickUpdate ) ;
void cbscanAndResyncEntitiesExceptIgnored ( CMessage & msgin , const string & , TServiceId )
vector < TServiceId8 > creatorIdsToIgnore ;
msgin . serialCont ( creatorIdsToIgnore ) ;
MirrorInstance - > scanAndResyncEntitiesExceptIgnored ( creatorIdsToIgnore ) ;
void cbApplyListOfOtherProperties ( CMessage & msgin , const string & , TServiceId )
uint32 nbProps ;
msgin . serial ( nbProps ) ;
MirrorInstance - > applyListOfOtherProperties ( msgin , nbProps , " LOP " , true ) ;
void cbAddListOfOtherProperties ( CMessage & msgin , const string & , TServiceId )
MirrorInstance - > applyListOfOtherProperties ( msgin , 1 , " AOP " , false ) ;
* Callback array
TUnifiedCallbackItem MirrorCbArray [ ] =
{ " RAP " , cbRecvSMIdToAccessPropertySegment } ,
{ " RG " , cbRecvRangesForEntityType } ,
{ " ATE " , cbRecvAddEntityTracker } ,
{ " ATP " , cbRecvAddPropTracker } ,
{ " ACKATE " , cbRecvAcknowledgeAddEntityTracker } ,
{ " ACKATP " , cbRecvAcknowledgeAddPropTracker } ,
{ " RT " , cbReleaseTrackers } ,
{ " MIRO " , cbAllMirrorsOnline } ,
{ " SMIRUB " , cbRecvServiceHasMirrorReadyBroadcast } ,
{ " SMIRUR " , cbRecvServiceHasMirrorReadyReply } ,
{ " UMM " , cbUpdateMirrorAndReceiveMessages } ,
{ " LOP " , cbApplyListOfOtherProperties } ,
{ " AOP " , cbAddListOfOtherProperties } ,
{ " SC_EI " , cbscanAndResyncEntitiesExceptIgnored }
} ;
const sint NB_MIRROR_CALLBACKS = sizeof ( MirrorCbArray ) / sizeof ( MirrorCbArray [ 0 ] ) ;
void cbTickUpdateFunc ( )
MirrorInstance - > onTick ( ) ;
* Initialize . Call before doing any mirror - related action .
void CMirror : : init ( std : : vector < std : : string > & dataSetsToLoad ,
TMirrorReadyCallback cbLevel1 ,
TNotificationCallback tickUpdateFunc ,
TNotificationCallback tickSyncFunc ,
TNotificationCallback tickReleaseFunc ,
TMTRTag tag )
IService : : getInstance ( ) - > setCurrentStatus ( " WaitingMirrorReady " ) ;
_DataSetsToLoad = dataSetsToLoad ;
_ReadyL1Callback = cbLevel1 ;
nlassert ( _ReadyL1Callback ) ;
bool expediteTock = false ;
CConfigFile : : CVar * varExpTock = IService : : getInstance ( ) - > ConfigFile . getVarPtr ( " ExpediteTOCK " ) ;
if ( varExpTock )
expediteTock = ( varExpTock - > asInt ( ) = = 1 ) ;
_TickUpdateFunc = tickUpdateFunc ;
_TickReleaseFunc = tickReleaseFunc ;
CTickEventHandler : : init ( cbTickUpdateFunc , tickSyncFunc , expediteTock ) ;
_UserSyncCallback = CTickEventHandler : : setSyncCallback ( cbSyncGameCycle , true ) ;
// Register to ServiceUp and ServiceDown
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceUpCallback ( " MS " , cbMSUpDn , ( void * ) true ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceDownCallback ( " MS " , cbMSUpDn , ( void * ) false ) ;
// in both of the following lines we have an integer value which we want to pass in the 'void*' third parameter to SetService....Callback
// for this we use pointer arithmetic with char* pointers in order to avoid compiler warnings
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceUpCallback ( " * " , cbAnyServiceUpDn , ( void * ) ( ( char * ) NULL + ETServiceUp ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > setServiceDownCallback ( " * " , cbAnyServiceUpDn , ( void * ) ( ( char * ) NULL + ETServiceDn ) ) ;
// Init mirror callbacks
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > addCallbackArray ( MirrorCbArray , NB_MIRROR_CALLBACKS ) ;
// Load the sheets of the datasets
loadForm ( " dataset " , IService : : getInstance ( ) - > WriteFilesDirectory . toString ( ) + " datasets.packed_sheets " , _SDataSetSheets ) ;
// Set the tag
nlassert ( ( tag > = AllTag ) & & ( tag ! = ExcludedTag ) ) ;
_MTRTag = tag ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: MV%s - %s - Expecting detection of local Mirror Service... " , MirrorVersion . c_str ( ) , ( tag = = AllTag ) ? " No Tag " : NLMISC : : toString ( " Tag=%hu " , ( uint16 ) _MTRTag ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: > Storing change service ids ENABLED " ) ;
# endif
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: > Checking datasetrow validity ENABLED " ) ;
# endif
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: > Fast mirror mode ENABLED " ) ;
# else
MIRROR_INFO ( " MIRROR: > Fast mirror mode DISABLED " ) ;
# endif
* Closure clearance callback
bool CMirror : : requestClosure ( )
_ClosureRequested = true ;
return ( _TickReleaseFunc = = NULL ) ; // quit immediately if there is no tick release callback
* Execute user callback when receiving first game cycle
void CMirror : : userSyncCallback ( )
if ( _UserSyncCallback )
_UserSyncCallback ( ) ;
void sendMessageViaMirror ( const std : : string & destServiceName , CMessage & msgout )
if ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) = = TServiceId : : InvalidId )
nlwarning ( " Ignoring attempt to send a message via the mirror before mirror ready: %s " , msgout . getName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
CMessage carrierMsgout ( " FWDMSG " ) ; // to (possibly) multiple services
/*vector<uint16> vec = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getConnectionList(), vecDest( vec.size() );
vector < uint16 > : : const_iterator it ;
for ( it = vec . begin ( ) ; it ! = vec . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceName ( * it ) = = destServiceName )
vecDest . push_back ( * it ) ;
uint8 counter = ( uint8 ) vecDest . size ( ) ;
carrierMsgout . serial ( counter ) ;
for ( it = vecDest . begin ( ) ; it ! = vecDest . end ( ) ; + + it )
carrierMsgout . serialCont ( * it ) ;
} */
uint8 counter = 0 ;
sint32 counterPos = carrierMsgout . reserve ( 1 ) ;
vector < TServiceId > vec = CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getConnectionList ( ) ;
for ( vector < TServiceId > : : const_iterator it = vec . begin ( ) ; it ! = vec . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceName ( * it ) = = destServiceName )
// Exclude services that are not known as "mirror ready" (would produce a warning in the MS)
if ( ! MirrorInstance - > serviceHasMirrorReady ( * it ) )
nlinfo ( " Discarding service %s-%hu in sendMessageViaMirror because not 'mirror ready' " , destServiceName . c_str ( ) , ( * it ) . get ( ) ) ;
continue ;
nlWrite ( carrierMsgout , serial , ( * it ) ) ;
+ + counter ;
if ( counter ! = 0 )
carrierMsgout . poke ( counter , counterPos ) ;
carrierMsgout . serialBuffer ( const_cast < uint8 * > ( msgout . buffer ( ) ) , msgout . length ( ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) , carrierMsgout ) ;
// Don't send if no corresponding service online (0 would be interpreted as a broadcast!)
string msgName ;
msgout . invert ( ) ;
getNameOfMessageOrTransportClass ( msgout , msgName ) ;
MIRROR_DEBUG ( " MIRROR: MSG: No service %s is online (%s) " , destServiceName . c_str ( ) , msgName . c_str ( ) ) ;
void sendMessageViaMirror ( TServiceId destServiceId , CMessage & msgout )
if ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) = = TServiceId : : InvalidId )
nlwarning ( " Ignoring attempt to send a message via the mirror before mirror ready: %s " , msgout . getName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
CMessage carrierMsgout ( " FWDMSG " ) ; // to single service
uint8 counter = 1 ;
carrierMsgout . serial ( counter ) ;
carrierMsgout . serial ( destServiceId ) ;
carrierMsgout . serialBuffer ( const_cast < uint8 * > ( msgout . buffer ( ) ) , msgout . length ( ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) , carrierMsgout ) ;
void sendMessageViaMirrorToAll ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgout )
if ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) = = TServiceId : : InvalidId )
nlwarning ( " Ignoring attempt to send a message via the mirror before mirror ready: %s " , msgout . getName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
CMessage carrierMsgout ( " FWDMSG " ) ;
uint8 counter = MSG_BROADCAST ;
carrierMsgout . serial ( counter ) ;
carrierMsgout . serialBuffer ( const_cast < uint8 * > ( msgout . buffer ( ) ) , msgout . length ( ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( MirrorInstance - > localMSId ( ) , carrierMsgout ) ;
* displayMirrorRow command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayMirrorRow , " Display the contents of the mirror for an entity (all datasets) " , " [<CEntityId> | <dataset> <entityIndex>] " )
CEntityId id ;
switch ( args . size ( ) )
case 0 : id = MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity ; break ;
case 1 : id . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ; break ;
case 2 :
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
TDataSetIndex entityIndex ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , entityIndex ) ;
if ( ( entityIndex < dataset . maxNbRows ( ) ) & & ( entityIndex ! = INVALID_DATASET_INDEX ) )
id = dataset . getEntityId ( dataset . getCurrentDataSetRow ( entityIndex ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " %s " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Invalid entity index provided " ) ;
return true ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
return true ;
break ;
default : return false ;
MirrorInstance - > displayRows ( id , log ) ;
return true ;
* setMirrorValue command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , setMirrorValue , " Change a value in the mirror " , " [<CEntityId>] <propName> <value> " )
CEntityId id ;
switch ( args . size ( ) )
case 2 : id = MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity ; break ;
case 3 : id . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ; break ;
default : return false ;
const size_t nargs = args . size ( ) ;
const char * afld = args [ nargs - 2 ] . c_str ( ) ;
const char * aval = args [ nargs - 1 ] . c_str ( ) ;
static char sval [ 64 ] ;
// for equivalence with display of mirror values in ai_server
// if input value is in form AAAA:BBBB:CCCC:DDDD -> treat as 64bit 0xDDDDCCCCBBBBAAAA
std : : string : : size_type i = args [ nargs - 1 ] . find ( ' : ' , 0 ) ;
if ( std : : string : : npos ! = i )
uint w0 , w1 , w2 , w3 ;
sscanf ( aval , " %x:%x:%x:%x " , & w0 , & w1 , & w2 , & w3 ) ;
uint64 u = static_cast < uint16 > ( w3 ) ;
u < < = 16 ;
u | = static_cast < uint16 > ( w2 ) ;
u < < = 16 ;
u | = static_cast < uint16 > ( w1 ) ;
u < < = 16 ;
u | = static_cast < uint16 > ( w0 ) ;
string strval = NLMISC : : toString ( u ) ;
// _ui64toa( u, &sval[0], 10 ); // Microsoft only
aval = strval . c_str ( ) ;
MirrorInstance - > changeValue ( id , afld , aval ) ;
return true ;
* addMirrorWatch command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , addMirrorWatch , " Watch a value of a property of an entity " , " [<CEntityId>] <propName> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
CEntityId id ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 )
id . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
id = MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity ;
log . displayNL ( " Only propName provided; using monitored entity %s, propName %s " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , args [ args . size ( ) - 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
uint i = 0 ;
bool found = false ;
while ( ! found )
if ( i > 9 )
log . displayNL ( " No more watch available " ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! WatchedPropValues [ i ] )
WatchedPropValues [ i ] = new CEntityAndPropName ( ) ;
WatchedPropValues [ i ] - > EntityId = id ;
WatchedPropValues [ i ] - > PropName = args [ args . size ( ) - 1 ] ;
log . displayNL ( " Watch %u set " , i ) ;
found = true ;
+ + i ;
return true ;
* setMirrorWatch command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , setMirrorWatch , " Set a particular watch of a property value " , " watchNb [<CEntityId>] <propName> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 )
return false ;
CEntityId id ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
id . fromString ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
id = MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity ;
log . displayNL ( " Only propName provided; using monitored entity %s " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
uint i ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , i ) ;
if ( ! WatchedPropValues [ i ] )
WatchedPropValues [ i ] = new CEntityAndPropName ( ) ;
WatchedPropValues [ i ] - > EntityId = id ;
WatchedPropValues [ i ] - > PropName = args [ args . size ( ) - 1 ] ;
log . displayNL ( " Watch %u set " , i ) ;
return true ;
* removeMirrorWatch
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , removeMirrorWatch , " Remove a particular watch " , " watchNb " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
uint i ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , i ) ;
if ( WatchedPropValues [ i ] )
delete WatchedPropValues [ i ] ;
WatchedPropValues [ i ] = NULL ;
mWatchStrings [ i ] - > clear ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Watch %u removed " , i ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Watch %u not found " , i ) ;
return true ;
* displayMirrorProperties command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayMirrorProperties , " Display the properties allocated in the mirror " , " " )
MirrorInstance - > displayProperties ( log ) ;
return true ;
* displayMirrorEntities command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayMirrorEntities , " Display all of part of the entities known in a dataset (255=all) " , " [<dataset> [<sortByDataSetRow=0> [<onlyEntityType=255> [<onlyCreatorId=255> [<onlyDynamicId=255>]]]]] " )
CMirroredDataSet * dataset = NULL ;
bool sortByDataSetRow = false ;
uint8 onlyEntityType = 0xFF ;
uint8 onlyCreatorId = 0xFF ;
uint8 onlyDynamicId = 0xFF ;
if ( args . empty ( ) )
if ( MirrorInstance - > dsBegin ( ) = = MirrorInstance - > dsEnd ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " No dataset found " ) ;
return true ;
dataset = & GET_NDATASET ( MirrorInstance - > dsBegin ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Displaying only first dataset " ) ;
else try
dataset = & MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 1 )
sortByDataSetRow = ( args [ 1 ] = = " 1 " ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
fromString ( args [ 2 ] , onlyEntityType ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , onlyCreatorId ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
fromString ( args [ 4 ] , onlyDynamicId ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
dataset - > displayEntities ( log , onlyEntityType , onlyCreatorId , onlyDynamicId , false , true , ! sortByDataSetRow , sortByDataSetRow ) ;
return true ;
* lookForMirrorValue command
NLMISC_COMMAND ( lookForMirrorValue , " Look for values with criteria (Value can be * for any value, or a value in the format displayed in displayMirrorRow) " , " <dataset> <propName> <valueString> [<onlyEntityType=255> [<onlyCreatorId=255> [<onlyDynamicId=255>]]] " )
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
string propName ;
bool anyValue = false ;
string valueSearchedStr ;
uint8 onlyEntityType = 0xFF ;
uint8 onlyCreatorId = 0xFF ;
uint8 onlyDynamicId = 0xFF ;
propName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
if ( args [ 2 ] = = " * " )
anyValue = true ;
valueSearchedStr = args [ 2 ] ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
fromString ( args [ 3 ] , onlyEntityType ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
fromString ( args [ 4 ] , onlyCreatorId ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
fromString ( args [ 5 ] , onlyDynamicId ) ;
MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) . lookForValue ( log , propName , anyValue , valueSearchedStr , onlyEntityType , onlyCreatorId , onlyDynamicId , false , true , false , true ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
* displayMirrorTrackers command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayMirrorTrackers , " Display the trackers for a dataset " , " <dataset> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 1 )
MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) . displayTrackers ( log ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
* displayMirrorProperties command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayMirrorDatasets , " Display the datasets loaded and some stats " , " " )
TNDataSets : : iterator ids ;
for ( ids = MirrorInstance - > dsBegin ( ) ; ids ! = MirrorInstance - > dsEnd ( ) ; + + ids )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset %s: %u entities online, %u offline (%d max rows), %hd properties, sheet %s " , ( * ids ) . first . c_str ( ) , GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . getNbOnlineEntities ( ) , GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . getNbOfflineEntities ( ) , GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . maxNbRows ( ) , GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . nbProperties ( ) , GET_NDATASET ( ids ) . sheetId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
* displayMirrorEntityTypesOwned command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayMirrorEntityTypesOwned , " Display the entity types owned by the service and related info " , " " )
MirrorInstance - > displayEntityTypesOwned ( log ) ;
return true ;
* rescanExistingEntities command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , rescanExistingEntities , " Scan the entities to find if some are missing and add them (debug feature) " , " <dataset> " )
if ( args . empty ( ) )
return false ;
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
MirrorInstance - > rescanExistingEntities ( dataset , log , true ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
return true ;
* displayUnknownOnlineEntities command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , displayUnknownOnlineEntities , " Scan the entities to find the online entities of which this service is not aware " , " <dataset> " )
if ( args . empty ( ) )
return false ;
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
MirrorInstance - > rescanExistingEntities ( dataset , log , false ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
return true ;
* monitorMirrorEntity command
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , monitorMirrorEntity , " Set/unset an entity for mirror commands when no argument provided " , " [<CEntityId> | <dataset> <entityIndex>] " )
switch ( args . size ( ) )
case 0 : MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity = CEntityId : : Unknown ; break ;
case 1 : MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ; break ;
case 2 :
CMirroredDataSet & dataset = MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
TDataSetIndex entityIndex ;
fromString ( args [ 1 ] , entityIndex ) ;
if ( ( entityIndex < ( uint32 ) dataset . maxNbRows ( ) ) & & ( entityIndex ! = INVALID_DATASET_INDEX ) )
MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity = dataset . getEntityId ( dataset . getCurrentDataSetRow ( entityIndex ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Invalid entity index provided " ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
log . displayNL ( " Dataset not found " ) ;
break ;
default : return false ;
log . displayNL ( " The monitored entity is %s " , MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity . isUnknownId ( ) ? " not set or unknown " : MirrorInstance - > MonitoredEntity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE ( mirror , sint32 , MainNbEntities , " Number of online entities in dataset fe_temp " )
// We can only read the value
if ( get )
if ( MirrorInstance - > mirrorIsReady ( ) )
* pointer = MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( " fe_temp " ) . getNbOnlineEntities ( ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
* pointer = - 2 ; // silent
* pointer = - 1 ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE ( mirror , sint32 , LocalEntities , " Number of online local entities in dataset fe_temp " )
// We can only read the value
if ( get )
if ( MirrorInstance - > mirrorIsReady ( ) )
* pointer = MirrorInstance - > getDataSet ( " fe_temp " ) . getNbOwnedEntities ( ) ;
catch ( EMirror & )
* pointer = - 2 ; // silent
* pointer = - 1 ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE ( mirror , string , MirrorVersion , " Version of mirror client " )
if ( get )
* pointer = MirrorVersion ;
namespace NLNET
extern bool createMessage ( CMessage & msgout , const vector < string > & args , CLog & log ) ;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( mirror , msgoutViaMirror , " Send a message to a specified service, via mirror (ex: msgoutViaMirror 131 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5) " , " msgout <ServiceName>|<ServiceId> <MessageName> [<ParamType> <Param>]* " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
if ( ! MirrorInstance - > mirrorIsReady ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " Mirror is not ready " ) ;
return false ;
uint16 sId ;
fromString ( args [ 0 ] , sId ) ;
TServiceId serviceId ( sId ) ;
string serviceName = args [ 0 ] ;
string messageName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( serviceId . get ( ) > 255 )
log . displayNL ( " Service Id %d must be between [1;255] " , serviceId . get ( ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( ( args . size ( ) - 2 ) % 2 ! = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " The number of parameter must be a multiple of 2 " ) ;
return false ;
CMessage msg ( messageName ) ;
if ( ! NLNET : : createMessage ( msg , args , log ) )
return false ;
if ( serviceId . get ( ) ! = 0 )
sendMessageViaMirror ( serviceId , msg ) ;
sendMessageViaMirror ( serviceName , msg ) ;
return true ;