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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#ifdef DEBUG_NEW
#define new DEBUG_NEW
CConfigFile *CConfigFile::s_instance = NULL;
CConfigFile::CConfigFile(QObject *parent):QObject(parent), m_version(-1),
m_defaultServerIndex(0), m_defaultProfileIndex(0), m_use64BitsClient(false), m_shouldUninstallOldClient(true)
s_instance = this;
// only keep language ISO 639 code
m_language = QLocale::system().name().left(2);
// default config file in included in resources
m_defaultConfigPath = ":/templates/ryzom_installer.ini";
// the config file we'll write
m_configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/ryzom_installer.ini";
s_instance = NULL;
bool CConfigFile::load()
// load default values
if (!load(m_defaultConfigPath)) return false;
// ignore return value, since we'll always have valid values
return true;
bool CConfigFile::load(const QString &filename)
if (!QFile::exists(filename)) return false;
QSettings settings(filename, QSettings::IniFormat);
int defaultVersion = m_version;
int currentVersion = settings.value("version", 0).toInt();
bool useDefaultValues = defaultVersion > currentVersion;
// set default version from default config
if (defaultVersion == -1) m_version = currentVersion;
if (useDefaultValues)
// make a backup of custom ryzom_installer.ini
QFile::copy(filename, filename + ".bak");
// custom choices, always keep them
m_language = settings.value("language", m_language).toString();
m_srcDirectory = settings.value("source_directory").toString();
m_installationDirectory = settings.value("installation_directory").toString();
m_use64BitsClient = settings.value("use_64bits_client", true).toBool();
m_shouldUninstallOldClient = settings.value("should_uninstall_old_client", true).toBool();
if (!useDefaultValues)
m_productName = settings.value("name").toString();
m_productPublisher = settings.value("publisher").toString();
m_productAboutUrl = settings.value("url_about").toString();
m_productUpdateUrl = settings.value("url_update").toString();
m_productHelpUrl = settings.value("url_help").toString();
m_productComments = settings.value("comments").toString();
int serversCount = settings.value("size").toInt();
m_defaultServerIndex = settings.value("default").toInt();
for (int i = 0; i < serversCount; ++i)
CServer &server = m_servers[i];
// custom choices, always keep them
int profilesCounts = settings.value("size").toInt();
m_defaultProfileIndex = settings.value("default").toInt();
for(int i = 0; i < profilesCounts; ++i)
CProfile &profile = m_profiles[i];
return !m_servers.isEmpty();
bool CConfigFile::save() const
QSettings settings(m_configPath, QSettings::IniFormat);
settings.setValue("version", m_version);
settings.setValue("language", m_language);
settings.setValue("source_directory", m_srcDirectory);
settings.setValue("installation_directory", m_installationDirectory);
settings.setValue("use_64bits_client", m_use64BitsClient);
settings.setValue("should_uninstall_old_client", m_shouldUninstallOldClient);
settings.setValue("name", m_productName);
settings.setValue("publisher", m_productPublisher);
settings.setValue("url_about", m_productAboutUrl);
settings.setValue("url_update", m_productUpdateUrl);
settings.setValue("url_help", m_productHelpUrl);
settings.setValue("comments", m_productComments);
settings.setValue("size", m_servers.size());
settings.setValue("default", m_defaultServerIndex);
for(int i = 0; i < m_servers.size(); ++i)
const CServer &server = m_servers[i];
settings.setValue("size", m_profiles.size());
settings.setValue("default", m_defaultProfileIndex);
for(int i = 0; i < m_profiles.size(); ++i)
const CProfile &profile = m_profiles[i];
return true;
bool CConfigFile::remove()
return QFile::remove(m_configPath);
CConfigFile* CConfigFile::getInstance()
return s_instance;
int CConfigFile::getServersCount() const
return m_servers.size();
const CServer& CConfigFile::getServer(int i) const
if (i < 0) i = m_defaultServerIndex;
if (i >= m_servers.size()) return NoServer;
const CServer& CConfigFile::getServer(const QString &id) const
for(int i = 0; i < m_servers.size(); ++i)
if (m_servers[i].id == id) return m_servers[i];
// default server
return getServer();
void CConfigFile::backupProfiles()
m_backupProfiles = m_profiles;
int CConfigFile::getProfilesCount() const
return m_profiles.size();
CProfile CConfigFile::getProfile(int i) const
if (i < 0) i = m_defaultProfileIndex;
if (i >= m_profiles.size()) return NoProfile;
CProfile CConfigFile::getProfile(const QString &id) const
for (int i = 0; i < m_profiles.size(); ++i)
if (m_profiles[i].id == id) return m_profiles[i];
// default profile
return getProfile();
void CConfigFile::setProfile(int i, const CProfile &profile)
m_profiles[i] = profile;
int CConfigFile::addProfile(const CProfile &profile)
return m_profiles.size()-1;
void CConfigFile::removeProfile(int i)
void CConfigFile::removeProfile(const QString &id)
for (int i = 0; i < m_profiles.size(); ++i)
if (m_profiles[i].id == id) removeProfile(i);
QString CConfigFile::getDesktopDirectory() const
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation);
QString CConfigFile::getMenuDirectory() const
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation) + "/" + QApplication::applicationName();
bool CConfigFile::has64bitsOS()
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
// 64 bits only supported under Vista and up
if (QSysInfo::windowsVersion() < QSysInfo::WV_VISTA) return false;
return QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture() == "x86_64";
int CConfigFile::getDefaultServerIndex() const
return m_defaultServerIndex;
void CConfigFile::setDefaultServerIndex(int index)
m_defaultServerIndex = index;
int CConfigFile::getDefaultProfileIndex() const
return m_defaultProfileIndex;
void CConfigFile::setDefaultProfileIndex(int index)
m_defaultProfileIndex = index;
bool CConfigFile::isRyzomInstallerConfigured() const
return m_profiles.size() > 0;
QString CConfigFile::getInstallationDirectory() const
return m_installationDirectory;
void CConfigFile::setInstallationDirectory(const QString &directory)
m_installationDirectory = directory;
QString CConfigFile::getSrcServerDirectory() const
return m_srcDirectory;
void CConfigFile::setSrcServerDirectory(const QString &directory)
m_srcDirectory = directory;
QString CConfigFile::getProfileDirectory() const
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation);
QString CConfigFile::getSrcProfileDirectory() const
QString filename = "client.cfg";
QStringList paths;
// same path as client
paths << getSrcServerDirectory();
// profile path root
paths << getProfileDirectory();
#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN32) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC)
// specific path under Linux
paths << QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation) + "/.ryzom";
// search config file in these locations
foreach(const QString &path, paths)
if (QFile::exists(path + "/" + filename)) return path;
return "";
bool CConfigFile::use64BitsClient() const
return m_use64BitsClient;
void CConfigFile::setUse64BitsClient(bool on)
m_use64BitsClient = on;
bool CConfigFile::shouldUninstallOldClient() const
return m_shouldUninstallOldClient;
void CConfigFile::setShouldUninstallOldClient(bool on)
m_shouldUninstallOldClient = on;
bool CConfigFile::uninstallingOldClient() const
return QFile::exists(getInstallationDirectory() + "/ryzom_installer_uninstalling_old_client");
void CConfigFile::setUninstallingOldClient(bool on) const
QString filename = getInstallationDirectory() + "/ryzom_installer_uninstalling_old_client";
if (on)
// writing a file to avoid asking several times when relaunching installer
QFile file(filename);
if (
// deleting the temporary file
if (QFile::exists(filename)) QFile::remove(filename);
QString CConfigFile::expandVariables(const QString &str) const
QString res = str;
res.replace("$TIMESTAMP", QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()));
res.replace("$LANG", m_language);
res.replace("$ARCH", getClientArch());
res.replace("$PRODUCT_NAME", m_productName);
res.replace("$PRODUCT_PUBLISHER", m_productPublisher);
res.replace("$PRODUCT_ABOUT_URL", m_productAboutUrl);
res.replace("$PRODUCT_HELP_URL", m_productHelpUrl);
res.replace("$PRODUCT_COMMENTS", m_productComments);
return res;
QString CConfigFile::getClientArch() const
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
return QString("win%1").arg(m_use64BitsClient ? 64:32);
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
// only 64 bits clients under OS X, because there not any 32 bits OS X version anymore
return "osx";
return QString("linux%1").arg(m_use64BitsClient ? 64:32);
QString CConfigFile::getCurrentDirectory()
return QDir::current().absolutePath();
QString CConfigFile::getParentDirectory()
QDir current = QDir::current();
return current.absolutePath();
QString CConfigFile::getApplicationDirectory()
return QApplication::applicationDirPath();
QString CConfigFile::getOldInstallationDirectory()
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Nevrax/RyzomInstall/InstallId=1917716796 (string)
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// NSIS previous official installer
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN64
// use WOW6432Node in 64 bits (64 bits OS and 64 bits Installer) because Ryzom old installer was in 32 bits
QSettings settings("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\WOW6432Node\\Nevrax\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
QSettings settings("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Nevrax\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
if (settings.contains("Ryzom Install Path"))
return QDir::fromNativeSeparators(settings.value("Ryzom Install Path").toString());
// check default directory if registry key not found
return CConfigFile::has64bitsOS() ? "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ryzom":"C:/Program Files/Ryzom";
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
return "/Applications/";
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation) + "/.ryzom";
QString CConfigFile::getOldInstallationLanguage()
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// NSIS previous official installer
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN64
// use WOW6432Node in 64 bits (64 bits OS and 64 bits Installer) because Ryzom old installer was in 32 bits
QSettings settings("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\WOW6432Node\\Nevrax\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
QSettings settings("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Nevrax\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
QString key = "Language";
if (settings.contains(key))
QString languageCode = settings.value(key).toString();
// 1036 = French (France), 1033 = English (USA), 1031 = German
if (languageCode == "1036") return "fr";
if (languageCode == "1031") return "de";
if (languageCode == "1033") return "en";
return "";
QString CConfigFile::getNewInstallationLanguage()
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// NSIS new official installer
QSettings settings("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Winch Gate\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
QString key = "Language";
if (settings.contains(key))
QString languageCode = settings.value(key).toString();
// 1036 = French (France), 1033 = English (USA), 1031 = German
if (languageCode == "1036") return "fr";
if (languageCode == "1031") return "de";
if (languageCode == "1033") return "en";
return "";
QString CConfigFile::getNewInstallationDirectory()
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// NSIS new official installer
QSettings settings("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Winch Gate\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
QString key = "Ryzom Install Path";
if (settings.contains(key))
return QDir::fromNativeSeparators(settings.value(key).toString());
// default location
return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation);
bool CConfigFile::isRyzomInstalledIn(const QString &directory) const
// check client and data
return isRyzomClientInstalledIn(directory) && areRyzomDataInstalledIn(directory);
bool CConfigFile::areRyzomDataInstalledIn(const QString &directory) const
if (directory.isEmpty()) return false;
QDir dir(directory);
// directory doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists()) return false;
if (!"data") || !dir.exists()) return false;
// at least 200 BNP in data directory
if (dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.bnp", QDir::Files).size() < 200) return false;
// ryzom.ttf or fonts.bnp is required
if (!dir.exists("fonts/ryzom.ttf") && !dir.exists("fonts.bnp")) return false;
// gamedev.bnp is required
if (!dir.exists("gamedev.bnp")) return false;
// interfaces.bnp is required
if (!dir.exists("interfaces.bnp")) return false;
// TODO: more checks
return true;
bool CConfigFile::isRyzomClientInstalledIn(const QString &directory) const
if (directory.isEmpty()) return false;
QDir dir(directory);
// directory doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists()) return false;
// current server
CServer server = getServer();
QString clientFilename = server.clientFilename;
// check if new client is defined and exists
if (!clientFilename.isEmpty() && !dir.exists(clientFilename))
clientFilename = server.clientFilenameOld;
// check if old client is defined and exists
if (!dir.exists(clientFilename)) return false;
// client 2.1-
// client 3.0+
// client_default.cfg doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists("client_default.cfg")) return false;
// TODO: more checks
return true;
bool CConfigFile::foundTemporaryFiles(const QString &directory) const
if (directory.isEmpty()) return false;
QDir dir(directory);
// directory doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists()) return false;
if (!"data")) return false;
QStringList filter;
filter << "*.string_cache";
// certificate should be in gamedev.bnp now
filter << "*.pem";
// only .ref files should be there
filter << "exedll*.bnp";
if (dir.exists("packedsheets.bnp"))
filter << "*.packed_sheets";
filter << "*.packed";
// temporary files
if (!dir.entryList(filter, QDir::Files).isEmpty()) return true;
// temporary directories
QStringList dirs = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
// fonts directory is not needed anymore if fonts.bnp exists
if (!dir.exists("fonts.bnp")) dirs.removeAll("fonts");
return !dirs.isEmpty();
bool CConfigFile::shouldCreateDesktopShortcut() const
const CProfile &profile = getProfile();
if (!profile.desktopShortcut) return false;
QString shortcut = profile.getClientDesktopShortcutFullPath();
return !shortcut.isEmpty() && !NLMISC::CFile::isExists(qToUtf8(appendLinkExtension(shortcut)));
bool CConfigFile::shouldCreateMenuShortcut() const
const CProfile &profile = getProfile();
if (!profile.menuShortcut) return false;
QString shortcut = profile.getClientMenuShortcutFullPath();
return !shortcut.isEmpty() && !NLMISC::CFile::isExists(qToUtf8(appendLinkExtension(shortcut)));
bool CConfigFile::shouldCopyInstaller() const
const CProfile &p = getProfile();
const CServer &s = getServer(p.server);
QString installerDst = getInstallationDirectory() + "/" + s.installerFilename;
// if installer not found in installation directory, extract it from BNP
if (!QFile::exists(installerDst)) return true;
QString installedVersion = getVersionFromExecutable(installerDst);
QString newVersion = QApplication::applicationVersion();
QVersionNumber installedVer = QVersionNumber::fromString(installedVersion);
QVersionNumber newVer = QVersionNumber::fromString(newVersion);
// if version is greater, copy it
return newVer > installedVer;
QString CConfigFile::getInstallerCurrentFilePath() const
// installer is always run from TEMP under Windows
return QApplication::applicationFilePath();
QString CConfigFile::getInstallerCurrentDirPath() const
// installer is always run from TEMP under Windows
return QApplication::applicationDirPath();
QString CConfigFile::getInstallerOriginalFilePath() const
return getInstallerOriginalDirPath() + "/" + QFileInfo(QApplication::applicationFilePath()).fileName();
QString CConfigFile::getInstallerOriginalDirPath() const
return m_installationDirectory;
QString CConfigFile::getInstallerMenuLinkFullPath() const
// don't put extension
return QString("%1/%2/%2 Installer").arg(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation)).arg(QApplication::applicationName());
QStringList CConfigFile::getInstallerRequiredFiles() const
// list of all files required by installer (and its executable too)
QStringList files;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// VC++ runtimes
#if _MSC_VER == 1900
// VC++ 2015
files << "msvcp140.dll";
files << "vcrunrime140.dll";
#elif _MSC_VER == 1800
// VC++ 2013
files << "msvcp120.dll";
files << "msvcr120.dll";
#elif _MSC_VER == 1700
// VC++ 2012
files << "msvcp110.dll";
files << "msvcr110.dll";
#elif _MSC_VER == 1600
// VC++ 2010
files << "msvcp100.dll";
files << "msvcr100.dll";
#elif _MSC_VER == 1500
// VC++ 2008
files << "msvcp90.dll";
files << "msvcr90.dll";
// unsupported compiler
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
// TODO: for OS X
// icon under Linux
files << "ryzom_installer.png";
// include current executable
files << QFileInfo(QApplication::applicationFilePath()).fileName();
return files;
QString CConfigFile::getSrcServerClientBNPFullPath() const
return QString("%1/unpack/exedll_%2.bnp").arg(getSrcServerDirectory()).arg(getClientArch());
OperationStep CConfigFile::getInstallNextStep() const
// get last used profile
const CProfile &profile = getProfile();
// get server used by it or default server
CServer server = getServer(profile.server);
// no or wrong profile
if (
// get last used server
server = getServer();
// no or wrong server
if (
// get first server
server = getServer(0);
// no server defined, shouldn't happen
if (
return DisplayNoServerError;
// only show wizard if installation directory undefined
if (getInstallationDirectory().isEmpty())
// if launched from current directory, it means we just patched files
QString currentDirectory = getCurrentDirectory();
if (!isRyzomInstalledIn(currentDirectory))
// Ryzom is in the same directory as Ryzom Installer
currentDirectory = getApplicationDirectory();
if (!isRyzomInstalledIn(currentDirectory))
// install or migrate depending if Ryzom was found in current directory
return currentDirectory.isEmpty() ? ShowInstallWizard:ShowMigrateWizard;
QString serverDirectory = server.getDirectory();
if (getSrcServerDirectory().isEmpty())
// user decided to download files
// downloaded files are kept in server directory
QString dataFile = getInstallationDirectory() + "/" + server.dataDownloadFilename;
QString clientFile = getInstallationDirectory() + "/" + expandVariables(server.clientDownloadFilename);
// data are not copied
if (!areRyzomDataInstalledIn(serverDirectory))
// when file is not finished, it has .part extension
if (!QFile::exists(dataFile))
return DownloadData;
return ExtractDownloadedData;
if (!isRyzomClientInstalledIn(serverDirectory))
// when file is not finished, it has .part extension
if (!QFile::exists(clientFile))
return DownloadClient;
return ExtractDownloadedClient;
// user decided to copy files
// data are not copied
if (!areRyzomDataInstalledIn(serverDirectory))
// selected directory contains Ryzom files (shouldn't fail)
if (areRyzomDataInstalledIn(getSrcServerDirectory()))
return CopyDataFiles;
return ShowInstallWizard;
// client is not extracted from BNP
if (!isRyzomClientInstalledIn(serverDirectory))
if (foundTemporaryFiles(serverDirectory))
return CleanFiles;
if (QFile::exists(getSrcServerClientBNPFullPath()))
return ExtractBnpClient;
QString clientFile = getInstallationDirectory() + "/" + expandVariables(server.clientDownloadFilename);
// when file is not finished, it has .part extension
if (!QFile::exists(clientFile))
return DownloadClient;
return ExtractDownloadedClient;
if (shouldCopyInstaller()) return CopyInstaller;
// no default profile
if (
return CreateProfile;
QString clientCfg = QString("%1/%2/client.cfg").arg(getProfileDirectory()).arg(;
// migration profile
if (!getSrcServerDirectory().isEmpty() && QFile::exists(getSrcProfileDirectory() + "/client.cfg") && !QFile::exists(clientCfg))
return CopyProfileFiles;
if (shouldCreateDesktopShortcut() || shouldCreateMenuShortcut())
return CreateProfileShortcuts;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// check that Add/Remove entry is created under Windows
QSettings settings("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Ryzom", QSettings::NativeFormat);
if (!settings.contains("InstallLocation")) return CreateAddRemoveEntry;
if (m_shouldUninstallOldClient && !getSrcServerDirectory().isEmpty())
// if old client must be uninstalled
if (!uninstallingOldClient() && QFile::exists(getSrcServerDirectory() + "/Uninstall.exe"))
return UninstallOldClient;
// if old client has been uninstalled
if (uninstallingOldClient() && !QFile::exists(getSrcServerDirectory() + "/Uninstall.exe"))
return Done;
QString CConfigFile::getProductName() const
return m_productName;
QString CConfigFile::getProductPublisher() const
return m_productPublisher;
QString CConfigFile::getProductAboutUrl() const
return expandVariables(m_productAboutUrl);
QString CConfigFile::getProductUpdateUrl() const
return expandVariables(m_productUpdateUrl);
QString CConfigFile::getProductHelpUrl() const
return expandVariables(m_productHelpUrl);
QString CConfigFile::getProductComments() const
return m_productComments;