
647 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "export_nel.h"
#include "export_appdata.h"
#include "../nel_export/std_afx.h"
#include "../nel_export/nel_export.h"
#include "../nel_export/nel_export_scene.h"
#include "nel/../../src/pacs/collision_mesh_build.h"
#include "nel/../../src/pacs/retriever_bank.h"
#include "nel/../../src/pacs/global_retriever.h"
#include "nel/../../src/pacs/build_indoor.h"
#include "nel/../../src/pacs/primitive_block.h"
#include "nel/3d/quad_grid.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
using namespace NLPACS;
// ***************************************************************************
typedef pair<uint, uint> TFaceRootMeshInfo;
typedef pair<uint, bool> TEdgeInfo;
CCollisionMeshBuild* CExportNel::createCollisionMeshBuild(std::vector<INode *> &nodes, TimeValue tvTime)
CCollisionMeshBuild *pCollisionMeshBuild = new CCollisionMeshBuild();
uint i, j, node;
uint totalVertices = 0,
totalFaces = 0,
totalSurfaces = 0;
vector<uint> rootMeshVertices;
vector<TFaceRootMeshInfo> facesRootMeshesInfo;
vector<string> rootMeshNames;
// merge all ondes into one CCollisionMeshBuild
for (node=0; node<nodes.size(); ++node)
// Get a pointer on the object's node
ObjectState os = nodes[node]->EvalWorldState(tvTime);
Object *obj = os.obj;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Check if there is an object
if (obj)
// Object can be converted in triObject ?
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(tvTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (tri)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// get the mesh name
uint meshId = rootMeshNames.size();
bool collision = getScriptAppData (nodes[node], NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION, 0) != 0;
bool exterior = getScriptAppData (nodes[node], NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR, 0) != 0;
bool deleteIt=false;
if (collision)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
uint i;
Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
// Get the object matrix
CMatrix ToWorldSpace;
Matrix3 verticesToWorld = nodes[node]->GetObjectTM(tvTime);
convertMatrix (ToWorldSpace, verticesToWorld);
// Convert the vertices
for (i=0; i<(uint)mesh.numVerts; ++i)
Point3 v=mesh.verts[i];
CVector vv=ToWorldSpace*CVector (v.x, v.y, v.z);
uint maxMatId = 0;
// Convert the faces
for (i=0; i<(uint)mesh.numFaces; ++i)
facesRootMeshesInfo.push_back(make_pair(meshId, i));
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().V[0] = mesh.faces[i].v[0]+totalVertices;
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().V[1] = mesh.faces[i].v[1]+totalVertices;
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().V[2] = mesh.faces[i].v[2]+totalVertices;
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().Visibility[0] = ((mesh.faces[i].flags & EDGE_B) != 0);
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().Visibility[1] = ((mesh.faces[i].flags & EDGE_C) != 0);
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().Visibility[2] = ((mesh.faces[i].flags & EDGE_A) != 0);
uint32 maxMaterialId = mesh.faces[i].getMatID();
if (!exterior && maxMaterialId > maxMatId)
maxMatId = maxMaterialId;
sint32 sid = (exterior) ? -1 : totalSurfaces+maxMaterialId;
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().Surface = sid;
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.back().Material = maxMaterialId;
totalVertices = pCollisionMeshBuild->Vertices.size();
totalFaces = pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.size();
totalSurfaces += maxMatId+1;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Delete the triObject if we should...
if (deleteIt)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Weld identical vertices.
// using a grid to store indexes of vertices
const sint GridSize = 64;
const float GridWidth = 1.0f;
const float WeldThreshold = 0.005f;
NL3D::CQuadGrid<uint> grid;
vector<uint> remapIds;
vector<CVector> remapVertices;
vector<CVector> &vertices = pCollisionMeshBuild->Vertices;
vector<CVector> previousVertices = pCollisionMeshBuild->Vertices;
vector<CCollisionFace> previousFaces = pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces;
grid.create(GridSize, GridWidth);
for (i=0; i<totalVertices; ++i)
remapIds[i] = i;
CAABBox box;
box.setHalfSize(CVector(WeldThreshold, WeldThreshold, 0.0f));
grid.insert(box.getMin(), box.getMax(), i);
for (i=0; i<totalVertices; ++i)
if (remapIds[i] != i)
CVector weldTo = vertices[i];
// select close vertices[i], vertices[i]);
// for each selected vertex, remaps it to the current vertex
NL3D::CQuadGrid<uint>::CIterator it;
for (it=grid.begin(); it!=grid.end(); ++it)
uint weldedId = *it;
CVector welded = vertices[weldedId];
if (weldedId <= i || rootMeshVertices[i] == rootMeshVertices[weldedId] ||
remapIds[weldedId] != weldedId || (welded-weldTo).norm() > WeldThreshold)
remapIds[weldedId] = i;
for (i=0; i<totalVertices; ++i)
if (remapIds[i] > i)
nlerror("found a greater remap id");
if (remapIds[i] == i)
uint newId = remapVertices.size();
remapIds[i] = newId;
remapIds[i] = remapIds[remapIds[i]];
for (i=0; i<totalFaces; ++i)
for (j=0; j<3; ++j)
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[j] = remapIds[pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[j]];
// check for errors
vector<string> warnings;
for (i=0; i<totalFaces; ++i)
if (pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[0] == pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[1] ||
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[1] == pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[2] ||
pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[2] == pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces[i].V[0])
warnings.push_back(string("mesh:") + rootMeshNames[facesRootMeshesInfo[i].first] + string(" face:") + toString(facesRootMeshesInfo[i].second));
// and clean up the mesh if some errors appear
vector<CCollisionFace>::iterator it;
for (it=pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.begin(); it!=pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.end(); )
if ((*it).V[0] == (*it).V[1] ||
(*it).V[1] == (*it).V[2] ||
(*it).V[2] == (*it).V[0])
it = pCollisionMeshBuild->Faces.erase(it);
pCollisionMeshBuild->Vertices = remapVertices;
// check bbox size
CAABBox box;
if (!pCollisionMeshBuild->Vertices.empty())
for (i=1; i<pCollisionMeshBuild->Vertices.size(); ++i)
CVector hs = box.getHalfSize();
if (hs.x > 255.0f || hs.y > 255.0f)
outputErrorMessage ("The bounding box of the selection exceeds 512 meters large!");
// report warnings
if (!warnings.empty())
string message = "Warning(s) occured during collision export\n(defective links may result) error";
for (i=0; i<warnings.size(); ++i)
message += string("\n")+warnings[i];
outputWarningMessage ((message+"\n\n(This message was copied in the clipboard)").c_str());
if (OpenClipboard (NULL))
HGLOBAL mem = GlobalAlloc (GHND|GMEM_DDESHARE, message.size()+1);
if (mem)
char *pmem = (char *)GlobalLock (mem);
strcpy (pmem, message.c_str());
GlobalUnlock (mem);
EmptyClipboard ();
SetClipboardData (CF_TEXT, mem);
CloseClipboard ();
vector<string> errors;
pCollisionMeshBuild->link(false, errors);
pCollisionMeshBuild->link(true, errors);
// report warnings
if (!errors.empty())
string message = "Error(s) occured during collision export\n(edge issues)";
for (i=0; i<errors.size(); ++i)
message += string("\nERROR: ")+errors[i];
outputErrorMessage ((message+"\n\n(This message was copied in the clipboard)").c_str());
if (OpenClipboard (NULL))
HGLOBAL mem = GlobalAlloc (GHND|GMEM_DDESHARE, message.size()+1);
if (mem)
char *pmem = (char *)GlobalLock (mem);
strcpy (pmem, message.c_str());
GlobalUnlock (mem);
EmptyClipboard ();
SetClipboardData (CF_TEXT, mem);
CloseClipboard ();
delete pCollisionMeshBuild;
pCollisionMeshBuild = NULL;
// Return the shape pointer or NULL if an error occured.
return pCollisionMeshBuild;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CExportNel::createCollisionMeshBuildList(std::vector<INode *> &nodes, TimeValue time,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild*> > &meshBuildList)
// Result to return
bool bRet=false;
// Eval the objects a time
uint i, j;
for (i=0; i<nodes.size(); ++i)
ObjectState os = nodes[i]->EvalWorldState(time);
if (!os.obj)
return bRet;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<INode *> > > igs;
for (i=0; i<nodes.size(); ++i)
// Object is flagged as a collision?
int bCol= getScriptAppData(nodes[i], NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION, BST_UNCHECKED);
if(bCol == BST_CHECKED)
// If yes, add it to list
std::string ig = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(nodes[i], NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME, "");
if (ig == "")
ig = "unknown_ig";
for (j=0; j<igs.size() && ig!=igs[j].first; ++j)
if (j == igs.size())
igs.push_back (std::pair<std::string, std::vector<INode *> >());
igs[j].first = ig;
for (i=0; i<igs.size(); ++i)
std::string igname = igs[i].first;
std::vector<INode *> &ignodes = igs[i].second;
// Object exist ?
CCollisionMeshBuild *pCmb = CExportNel::createCollisionMeshBuild(ignodes, time);
// Conversion success ?
if (pCmb)
meshBuildList.push_back(make_pair(igname, pCmb));
// All is good
return bRet;
// ***************************************************************************
void CExportNel::computeCollisionRetrieverFromScene(TimeValue time,
CRetrieverBank *&retrieverBank, CGlobalRetriever *&globalRetriever,
const char *igNamePrefix, const char *igNameSuffix, std::string &retIgName)
// Default: empty retrieverBank/globalRetriever
retrieverBank= NULL;
globalRetriever= NULL;
retIgName= "";
// get list of nodes from scene
std::vector<INode*> nodes;
getObjectNodes (nodes, time);
// build list of cmb.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild*> > meshBuildList;
if( createCollisionMeshBuildList(nodes, time, meshBuildList) && meshBuildList.size()>0 )
// create a retriverBnak and a global retrevier.
retrieverBank= new CRetrieverBank;
globalRetriever= new CGlobalRetriever;
// must init default grid.
// list of valid instance to create.
vector<pair<uint32, CVector> > retrieverInstances;
// fill the retrieverBank
uint i;
for(i=0; i<meshBuildList.size();i++)
std::string igname = meshBuildList[i].first;
CCollisionMeshBuild *pCmb = meshBuildList[i].second;
// compute a localRetriever
CLocalRetriever lr;
CVector translation;
string error;
if( NLPACS::computeRetriever(*pCmb, lr, translation, error ) )
// set his id to the igname.
// Force Loaded State since computed here!
// Add to the retrieverBank
uint32 lrId= retrieverBank->addRetriever(lr);
// add this valid retrieverInstnace.
retrieverInstances.push_back(make_pair(lrId, translation));
// free the CCollisionMeshBuild.
delete pCmb;
pCmb = NULL;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// does igname match prefix/suffix???
uint lenPrefix= strlen(igNamePrefix);
sint endPos;
// if no suffix
endPos= igname.size();
endPos= igname.find(igNameSuffix, lenPrefix);
// if found suffix, or empty suffix.
// Yes => setup the name between prefix/suffix
retIgName= igname.substr(lenPrefix, endPos-lenPrefix);
// fill the globalRetriever with all instances created.
for(i=0; i<retrieverInstances.size();i++)
// must set -translation
globalRetriever->makeInstance(retrieverInstances[i].first, 0, -retrieverInstances[i].second);
// compile the globalRetriever.
// ***************************************************************************
float CExportNel::getZRot (const NLMISC::CVector &i)
// Assume that tm.getK() is near CVector::K
// Get vectors
CVector _i = i;
// Normalize I
_i.z = 0;
_i.normalize ();
// Get cos a
float cosa = _i * CVector::I;
float sina = (CVector::I ^ _i) * CVector::K;
// Get a
return (sina>0) ? (float) acos (cosa) : (float)(2*Pi - acos (cosa));
// ***************************************************************************
bool CExportNel::buildPrimitiveBlock (TimeValue time, std::vector<INode*> objects, NLPACS::CPrimitiveBlock &primitiveBlock)
// Reserve some memory
primitiveBlock.Primitives.clear ();
primitiveBlock.Primitives.resize (objects.size());
// Ok ?
bool ok = true;
// For each object
uint o;
for (o=0; o<objects.size(); o++)
// Get a ref on the node
INode *node = objects[o];
// Select the node
_Ip->SelectNode (node);
// Get a pointer on the object's node
//Object *obj = node->EvalWorldState(time).obj;
Object *obj = node->GetObjectRef ();
// Check if there is an object
if (obj)
// Get the class id
Class_ID clid = obj->ClassID();
// Is the object a PACS primitive ?
if ( ( (clid.PartA() == NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_A) && (clid.PartB() == NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_B) ) ||
( (clid.PartA() == NEL_PACS_CYL_CLASS_ID_A) && (clid.PartB() == NEL_PACS_CYL_CLASS_ID_B) ) )
// Retrieve common parameters
int reaction;
int enterTrigger;
int exitTrigger;
int overlap;
uint collision;
uint occlusion;
int obstacle;
uint userdata0;
uint userdata1;
uint userdata2;
uint userdata3;
float absorbtion;
bool error =
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "Reaction", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &reaction, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "Obstacle", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &obstacle, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "EnterTrigger", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &enterTrigger, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "ExitTrigger", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &exitTrigger, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "OverlapTrigger", (ParamType2)TYPE_BOOL, &overlap, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "CollisionMask", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &collision, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "OcclusionMask", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &occlusion, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "UserData0", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &userdata0, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "UserData1", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &userdata1, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "UserData2", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &userdata2, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "UserData3", (ParamType2)TYPE_INT, &userdata3, 0)) ||
(!CExportNel::getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2(*node, "Absorbtion", (ParamType2)TYPE_FLOAT, &absorbtion, 0));
// Get the node matrix
CMatrix mt;
convertMatrix (mt, node->GetNodeTM (time));
// Retrieve specific parameters
float height;
float length[2];
float orientation;
if ( (clid.PartA() == NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_A) && (clid.PartB() == NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_B) )
// For boxes
nlverify (scriptEvaluate ("$.box.height", &height, scriptFloat));
nlverify (scriptEvaluate ("$.box.width", &length[0], scriptFloat));
nlverify (scriptEvaluate ("$.box.length", &length[1], scriptFloat));
// Get the orientation
orientation = getZRot (mt.getI());
// For cylinders
nlverify (scriptEvaluate ("$.cylinder.height", &height, scriptFloat));
nlverify (scriptEvaluate ("$.cylinder.radius", &length[0], scriptFloat));
length[1] = 0;
orientation = 0;
// No error?
if (!error)
// Fill the structure
CPrimitiveDesc &desc = primitiveBlock.Primitives[o];
desc.Length[0] = length[0];
desc.Length[1] = length[1];
desc.Height = height;
desc.Attenuation = absorbtion;
desc.Type = ( (clid.PartA() == NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_A) && (clid.PartB() == NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_B) ) ?
UMovePrimitive::_2DOrientedBox : UMovePrimitive::_2DOrientedCylinder;
desc.Reaction = (UMovePrimitive::TReaction)((reaction-1) << 4);
desc.Trigger = (UMovePrimitive::TTrigger)
(((enterTrigger!=0)?UMovePrimitive::EnterTrigger:0) |
((exitTrigger!=0)?UMovePrimitive::ExitTrigger:0) |
desc.Obstacle = obstacle != 0;
desc.OcclusionMask = occlusion;
desc.CollisionMask = collision;
desc.Position = mt.getPos ();
desc.Orientation = orientation;
desc.UserData = ((uint64)userdata0) | (((uint64)userdata1)<<16) | (((uint64)userdata2)<<32) | (((uint64)userdata3)<<48);
nlwarning ("Some properties are missing in objects \"%s\"", node->GetName());
ok = false;
nlwarning ("\"%s\" is not a PACS primitive", node->GetName());
ok = false;
nlwarning ("Can't evaluate object \"%s\"", node->GetName());
ok = false;
// Failed
if (ok)
_Ip->ForceCompleteRedraw ();
primitiveBlock.Primitives.clear ();
return ok;