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* The ModelTask handles creating and updating models files.
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.cake.console.libs.tasks
* @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.2
* @license MIT License (
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'bake.php';
* Task class for creating and updating model files.
* @package cake
* @subpackage cake.cake.console.libs.tasks
class ModelTask extends BakeTask {
* path to MODELS directory
* @var string
* @access public
var $path = MODELS;
* tasks
* @var array
* @access public
var $tasks = array('DbConfig', 'Fixture', 'Test', 'Template');
* Tables to skip when running all()
* @var array
* @access protected
var $skipTables = array('i18n');
* Holds tables found on connection.
* @var array
* @access protected
var $_tables = array();
* Holds validation method map.
* @var array
* @access protected
var $_validations = array();
* Execution method always used for tasks
* @access public
function execute() {
App::import('Model', 'Model', false);
if (empty($this->args)) {
if (!empty($this->args[0])) {
$this->interactive = false;
if (!isset($this->connection)) {
$this->connection = 'default';
if (strtolower($this->args[0]) == 'all') {
return $this->all();
$model = $this->_modelName($this->args[0]);
$object = $this->_getModelObject($model);
if ($this->bake($object, false)) {
if ($this->_checkUnitTest()) {
* Bake all models at once.
* @return void
function all() {
$this->listAll($this->connection, false);
$unitTestExists = $this->_checkUnitTest();
foreach ($this->_tables as $table) {
if (in_array($table, $this->skipTables)) {
$modelClass = Inflector::classify($table);
$this->out(sprintf(__('Baking %s', true), $modelClass));
$object = $this->_getModelObject($modelClass);
if ($this->bake($object, false) && $unitTestExists) {
* Get a model object for a class name.
* @param string $className Name of class you want model to be.
* @return object Model instance
function &_getModelObject($className, $table = null) {
if (!$table) {
$table = Inflector::tableize($className);
$object =& new Model(array('name' => $className, 'table' => $table, 'ds' => $this->connection));
return $object;
* Generate a key value list of options and a prompt.
* @param array $options Array of options to use for the selections. indexes must start at 0
* @param string $prompt Prompt to use for options list.
* @param integer $default The default option for the given prompt.
* @return result of user choice.
function inOptions($options, $prompt = null, $default = null) {
$valid = false;
$max = count($options);
while (!$valid) {
foreach ($options as $i => $option) {
$this->out($i + 1 .'. ' . $option);
if (empty($prompt)) {
$prompt = __('Make a selection from the choices above', true);
$choice = $this->in($prompt, null, $default);
if (intval($choice) > 0 && intval($choice) <= $max) {
$valid = true;
return $choice - 1;
* Handles interactive baking
* @access private
function __interactive() {
$this->out(sprintf("Bake Model\nPath: %s", $this->path));
$this->interactive = true;
$primaryKey = 'id';
$validate = $associations = array();
if (empty($this->connection)) {
$this->connection = $this->DbConfig->getConfig();
$currentModelName = $this->getName();
$useTable = $this->getTable($currentModelName);
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->connection);
$fullTableName = $db->fullTableName($useTable);
if (in_array($useTable, $this->_tables)) {
$tempModel = new Model(array('name' => $currentModelName, 'table' => $useTable, 'ds' => $this->connection));
$fields = $tempModel->schema(true);
if (!array_key_exists('id', $fields)) {
$primaryKey = $this->findPrimaryKey($fields);
} else {
$this->err(sprintf(__('Table %s does not exist, cannot bake a model without a table.', true), $useTable));
return false;
$displayField = $tempModel->hasField(array('name', 'title'));
if (!$displayField) {
$displayField = $this->findDisplayField($tempModel->schema());
$prompt = __("Would you like to supply validation criteria \nfor the fields in your model?", true);
$wannaDoValidation = $this->in($prompt, array('y','n'), 'y');
if (array_search($useTable, $this->_tables) !== false && strtolower($wannaDoValidation) == 'y') {
$validate = $this->doValidation($tempModel);
$prompt = __("Would you like to define model associations\n(hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, etc.)?", true);
$wannaDoAssoc = $this->in($prompt, array('y','n'), 'y');
if (strtolower($wannaDoAssoc) == 'y') {
$associations = $this->doAssociations($tempModel);
$this->out(__('The following Model will be created:', true));
$this->out("Name: " . $currentModelName);
if ($this->connection !== 'default') {
$this->out(sprintf(__("DB Config: %s", true), $this->connection));
if ($fullTableName !== Inflector::tableize($currentModelName)) {
$this->out(sprintf(__("DB Table: %s", true), $fullTableName));
if ($primaryKey != 'id') {
$this->out(sprintf(__("Primary Key: %s", true), $primaryKey));
if (!empty($validate)) {
$this->out(sprintf(__("Validation: %s", true), print_r($validate, true)));
if (!empty($associations)) {
$this->out(__("Associations:", true));
$assocKeys = array('belongsTo', 'hasOne', 'hasMany', 'hasAndBelongsToMany');
foreach ($assocKeys as $assocKey) {
$this->_printAssociation($currentModelName, $assocKey, $associations);
$looksGood = $this->in(__('Look okay?', true), array('y','n'), 'y');
if (strtolower($looksGood) == 'y') {
$vars = compact('associations', 'validate', 'primaryKey', 'useTable', 'displayField');
$vars['useDbConfig'] = $this->connection;
if ($this->bake($currentModelName, $vars)) {
if ($this->_checkUnitTest()) {
$this->bakeFixture($currentModelName, $useTable);
$this->bakeTest($currentModelName, $useTable, $associations);
} else {
return false;
* Print out all the associations of a particular type
* @param string $modelName Name of the model relations belong to.
* @param string $type Name of association you want to see. i.e. 'belongsTo'
* @param string $associations Collection of associations.
* @access protected
* @return void
function _printAssociation($modelName, $type, $associations) {
if (!empty($associations[$type])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($associations[$type]); $i++) {
$out = "\t" . $modelName . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $associations[$type][$i]['alias'];
* Finds a primary Key in a list of fields.
* @param array $fields Array of fields that might have a primary key.
* @return string Name of field that is a primary key.
* @access public
function findPrimaryKey($fields) {
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
if (isset($field['key']) && $field['key'] == 'primary') {
return $this->in(__('What is the primaryKey?', true), null, $name);
* interact with the user to find the displayField value for a model.
* @param array $fields Array of fields to look for and choose as a displayField
* @return mixed Name of field to use for displayField or false if the user declines to choose
function findDisplayField($fields) {
$fieldNames = array_keys($fields);
$prompt = __("A displayField could not be automatically detected\nwould you like to choose one?", true);
$continue = $this->in($prompt, array('y', 'n'));
if (strtolower($continue) == 'n') {
return false;
$prompt = __('Choose a field from the options above:', true);
$choice = $this->inOptions($fieldNames, $prompt);
return $fieldNames[$choice];
* Handles Generation and user interaction for creating validation.
* @param object $model Model to have validations generated for.
* @return array $validate Array of user selected validations.
* @access public
function doValidation(&$model) {
if (!is_object($model)) {
return false;
$fields = $model->schema();
if (empty($fields)) {
return false;
$validate = array();
foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
$validation = $this->fieldValidation($fieldName, $field, $model->primaryKey);
if (!empty($validation)) {
$validate[$fieldName] = $validation;
return $validate;
* Populate the _validations array
* @return void
function initValidations() {
$options = $choices = array();
if (class_exists('Validation')) {
$parent = get_class_methods(get_parent_class('Validation'));
$options = get_class_methods('Validation');
$options = array_diff($options, $parent);
$default = 1;
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
if ($option{0} != '_' && strtolower($option) != 'getinstance') {
$choices[$default] = strtolower($option);
$choices[$default] = 'none'; // Needed since index starts at 1
$this->_validations = $choices;
return $choices;
* Does individual field validation handling.
* @param string $fieldName Name of field to be validated.
* @param array $metaData metadata for field
* @return array Array of validation for the field.
function fieldValidation($fieldName, $metaData, $primaryKey = 'id') {
$defaultChoice = count($this->_validations);
$validate = $alreadyChosen = array();
$anotherValidator = 'y';
while ($anotherValidator == 'y') {
if ($this->interactive) {
$this->out(sprintf(__('Field: %s', true), $fieldName));
$this->out(sprintf(__('Type: %s', true), $metaData['type']));
$this->out(__('Please select one of the following validation options:', true));
$prompt = '';
for ($i = 1; $i < $defaultChoice; $i++) {
$prompt .= $i . ' - ' . $this->_validations[$i] . "\n";
$prompt .= sprintf(__("%s - Do not do any validation on this field.\n", true), $defaultChoice);
$prompt .= __("... or enter in a valid regex validation string.\n", true);
$methods = array_flip($this->_validations);
$guess = $defaultChoice;
if ($metaData['null'] != 1 && !in_array($fieldName, array($primaryKey, 'created', 'modified', 'updated'))) {
if ($fieldName == 'email') {
$guess = $methods['email'];
} elseif ($metaData['type'] == 'string' && $metaData['length'] == 36) {
$guess = $methods['uuid'];
} elseif ($metaData['type'] == 'string') {
$guess = $methods['notempty'];
} elseif ($metaData['type'] == 'integer') {
$guess = $methods['numeric'];
} elseif ($metaData['type'] == 'boolean') {
$guess = $methods['boolean'];
} elseif ($metaData['type'] == 'date') {
$guess = $methods['date'];
} elseif ($metaData['type'] == 'time') {
$guess = $methods['time'];
if ($this->interactive === true) {
$choice = $this->in($prompt, null, $guess);
if (in_array($choice, $alreadyChosen)) {
$this->out(__("You have already chosen that validation rule,\nplease choose again", true));
if (!isset($this->_validations[$choice]) && is_numeric($choice)) {
$this->out(__('Please make a valid selection.', true));
$alreadyChosen[] = $choice;
} else {
$choice = $guess;
if (isset($this->_validations[$choice])) {
$validatorName = $this->_validations[$choice];
} else {
$validatorName = Inflector::slug($choice);
if ($choice != $defaultChoice) {
if (is_numeric($choice) && isset($this->_validations[$choice])) {
$validate[$validatorName] = $this->_validations[$choice];
} else {
$validate[$validatorName] = $choice;
if ($this->interactive == true && $choice != $defaultChoice) {
$anotherValidator = $this->in(__('Would you like to add another validation rule?', true), array('y', 'n'), 'n');
} else {
$anotherValidator = 'n';
return $validate;
* Handles associations
* @param object $model
* @return array $assocaitons
* @access public
function doAssociations(&$model) {
if (!is_object($model)) {
return false;
if ($this->interactive === true) {
$this->out(__('One moment while the associations are detected.', true));
$fields = $model->schema(true);
if (empty($fields)) {
return false;
if (empty($this->_tables)) {
$this->_tables = $this->getAllTables();
$associations = array(
'belongsTo' => array(), 'hasMany' => array(), 'hasOne'=> array(), 'hasAndBelongsToMany' => array()
$possibleKeys = array();
$associations = $this->findBelongsTo($model, $associations);
$associations = $this->findHasOneAndMany($model, $associations);
$associations = $this->findHasAndBelongsToMany($model, $associations);
if ($this->interactive !== true) {
if ($this->interactive === true) {
if (empty($associations)) {
$this->out(__('None found.', true));
} else {
$this->out(__('Please confirm the following associations:', true));
$associations = $this->confirmAssociations($model, $associations);
$associations = $this->doMoreAssociations($model, $associations);
return $associations;
* Find belongsTo relations and add them to the associations list.
* @param object $model Model instance of model being generated.
* @param array $associations Array of inprogress associations
* @return array $associations with belongsTo added in.
function findBelongsTo(&$model, $associations) {
$fields = $model->schema(true);
foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
$offset = strpos($fieldName, '_id');
if ($fieldName != $model->primaryKey && $fieldName != 'parent_id' && $offset !== false) {
$tmpModelName = $this->_modelNameFromKey($fieldName);
$associations['belongsTo'][] = array(
'alias' => $tmpModelName,
'className' => $tmpModelName,
'foreignKey' => $fieldName,
} elseif ($fieldName == 'parent_id') {
$associations['belongsTo'][] = array(
'alias' => 'Parent' . $model->name,
'className' => $model->name,
'foreignKey' => $fieldName,
return $associations;
* Find the hasOne and HasMany relations and add them to associations list
* @param object $model Model instance being generated
* @param array $associations Array of inprogress associations
* @return array $associations with hasOne and hasMany added in.
function findHasOneAndMany(&$model, $associations) {
$foreignKey = $this->_modelKey($model->name);
foreach ($this->_tables as $otherTable) {
$tempOtherModel = $this->_getModelObject($this->_modelName($otherTable), $otherTable);
$modelFieldsTemp = $tempOtherModel->schema(true);
$pattern = '/_' . preg_quote($model->table, '/') . '|' . preg_quote($model->table, '/') . '_/';
$possibleJoinTable = preg_match($pattern , $otherTable);
if ($possibleJoinTable == true) {
foreach ($modelFieldsTemp as $fieldName => $field) {
$assoc = false;
if ($fieldName != $model->primaryKey && $fieldName == $foreignKey) {
$assoc = array(
'alias' => $tempOtherModel->name,
'className' => $tempOtherModel->name,
'foreignKey' => $fieldName
} elseif ($otherTable == $model->table && $fieldName == 'parent_id') {
$assoc = array(
'alias' => 'Child' . $model->name,
'className' => $model->name,
'foreignKey' => $fieldName
if ($assoc) {
$associations['hasOne'][] = $assoc;
$associations['hasMany'][] = $assoc;
return $associations;
* Find the hasAndBelongsToMany relations and add them to associations list
* @param object $model Model instance being generated
* @param array $associations Array of inprogress associations
* @return array $associations with hasAndBelongsToMany added in.
function findHasAndBelongsToMany(&$model, $associations) {
$foreignKey = $this->_modelKey($model->name);
foreach ($this->_tables as $otherTable) {
$tempOtherModel = $this->_getModelObject($this->_modelName($otherTable), $otherTable);
$modelFieldsTemp = $tempOtherModel->schema(true);
$offset = strpos($otherTable, $model->table . '_');
$otherOffset = strpos($otherTable, '_' . $model->table);
if ($offset !== false) {
$offset = strlen($model->table . '_');
$habtmName = $this->_modelName(substr($otherTable, $offset));
$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][] = array(
'alias' => $habtmName,
'className' => $habtmName,
'foreignKey' => $foreignKey,
'associationForeignKey' => $this->_modelKey($habtmName),
'joinTable' => $otherTable
} elseif ($otherOffset !== false) {
$habtmName = $this->_modelName(substr($otherTable, 0, $otherOffset));
$associations['hasAndBelongsToMany'][] = array(
'alias' => $habtmName,
'className' => $habtmName,
'foreignKey' => $foreignKey,
'associationForeignKey' => $this->_modelKey($habtmName),
'joinTable' => $otherTable
return $associations;
* Interact with the user and confirm associations.
* @param array $model Temporary Model instance.
* @param array $associations Array of associations to be confirmed.
* @return array Array of confirmed associations
function confirmAssociations(&$model, $associations) {
foreach ($associations as $type => $settings) {
if (!empty($associations[$type])) {
$count = count($associations[$type]);
$response = 'y';
foreach ($associations[$type] as $i => $assoc) {
$prompt = "{$model->name} {$type} {$assoc['alias']}?";
$response = $this->in($prompt, array('y','n'), 'y');
if ('n' == strtolower($response)) {
} elseif ($type == 'hasMany') {
$associations[$type] = array_merge($associations[$type]);
return $associations;
* Interact with the user and generate additional non-conventional associations
* @param object $model Temporary model instance
* @param array $associations Array of associations.
* @return array Array of associations.
function doMoreAssociations($model, $associations) {
$prompt = __('Would you like to define some additional model associations?', true);
$wannaDoMoreAssoc = $this->in($prompt, array('y','n'), 'n');
$possibleKeys = $this->_generatePossibleKeys();
while (strtolower($wannaDoMoreAssoc) == 'y') {
$assocs = array('belongsTo', 'hasOne', 'hasMany', 'hasAndBelongsToMany');
$this->out(__('What is the association type?', true));
$assocType = intval($this->inOptions($assocs, __('Enter a number',true)));
$this->out(__("For the following options be very careful to match your setup exactly.\nAny spelling mistakes will cause errors.", true));
$alias = $this->in(__('What is the alias for this association?', true));
$className = $this->in(sprintf(__('What className will %s use?', true), $alias), null, $alias );
$suggestedForeignKey = null;
if ($assocType == 0) {
$showKeys = $possibleKeys[$model->table];
$suggestedForeignKey = $this->_modelKey($alias);
} else {
$otherTable = Inflector::tableize($className);
if (in_array($otherTable, $this->_tables)) {
if ($assocType < 3) {
$showKeys = $possibleKeys[$otherTable];
} else {
$showKeys = null;
} else {
$otherTable = $this->in(__('What is the table for this model?', true));
$showKeys = $possibleKeys[$otherTable];
$suggestedForeignKey = $this->_modelKey($model->name);
if (!empty($showKeys)) {
$this->out(__('A helpful List of possible keys', true));
$foreignKey = $this->inOptions($showKeys, __('What is the foreignKey?', true));
$foreignKey = $showKeys[intval($foreignKey)];
if (!isset($foreignKey)) {
$foreignKey = $this->in(__('What is the foreignKey? Specify your own.', true), null, $suggestedForeignKey);
if ($assocType == 3) {
$associationForeignKey = $this->in(__('What is the associationForeignKey?', true), null, $this->_modelKey($model->name));
$joinTable = $this->in(__('What is the joinTable?', true));
$associations[$assocs[$assocType]] = array_values((array)$associations[$assocs[$assocType]]);
$count = count($associations[$assocs[$assocType]]);
$i = ($count > 0) ? $count : 0;
$associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['alias'] = $alias;
$associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['className'] = $className;
$associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['foreignKey'] = $foreignKey;
if ($assocType == 3) {
$associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['associationForeignKey'] = $associationForeignKey;
$associations[$assocs[$assocType]][$i]['joinTable'] = $joinTable;
$wannaDoMoreAssoc = $this->in(__('Define another association?', true), array('y','n'), 'y');
return $associations;
* Finds all possible keys to use on custom associations.
* @return array array of tables and possible keys
function _generatePossibleKeys() {
$possible = array();
foreach ($this->_tables as $otherTable) {
$tempOtherModel = & new Model(array('table' => $otherTable, 'ds' => $this->connection));
$modelFieldsTemp = $tempOtherModel->schema(true);
foreach ($modelFieldsTemp as $fieldName => $field) {
if ($field['type'] == 'integer' || $field['type'] == 'string') {
$possible[$otherTable][] = $fieldName;
return $possible;
* Assembles and writes a Model file.
* @param mixed $name Model name or object
* @param mixed $data if array and $name is not an object assume bake data, otherwise boolean.
* @access private
function bake($name, $data = array()) {
if (is_object($name)) {
if ($data == false) {
$data = $associations = array();
$data['associations'] = $this->doAssociations($name, $associations);
$data['validate'] = $this->doValidation($name);
$data['primaryKey'] = $name->primaryKey;
$data['useTable'] = $name->table;
$data['useDbConfig'] = $name->useDbConfig;
$data['name'] = $name = $name->name;
} else {
$data['name'] = $name;
$defaults = array('associations' => array(), 'validate' => array(), 'primaryKey' => 'id',
'useTable' => null, 'useDbConfig' => 'default', 'displayField' => null);
$data = array_merge($defaults, $data);
$this->Template->set('plugin', Inflector::camelize($this->plugin));
$out = $this->Template->generate('classes', 'model');
$path = $this->getPath();
$filename = $path . Inflector::underscore($name) . '.php';
$this->out("\nBaking model class for $name...");
$this->createFile($filename, $out);
return $out;
* Assembles and writes a unit test file
* @param string $className Model class name
* @access private
function bakeTest($className) {
$this->Test->interactive = $this->interactive;
$this->Test->plugin = $this->plugin;
$this->Test->connection = $this->connection;
return $this->Test->bake('Model', $className);
* outputs the a list of possible models or controllers from database
* @param string $useDbConfig Database configuration name
* @access public
function listAll($useDbConfig = null) {
$this->_tables = $this->getAllTables($useDbConfig);
if ($this->interactive === true) {
$this->out(__('Possible Models based on your current database:', true));
$this->_modelNames = array();
$count = count($this->_tables);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this->_modelNames[] = $this->_modelName($this->_tables[$i]);
$this->out($i + 1 . ". " . $this->_modelNames[$i]);
return $this->_tables;
* Interact with the user to determine the table name of a particular model
* @param string $modelName Name of the model you want a table for.
* @param string $useDbConfig Name of the database config you want to get tables from.
* @return void
function getTable($modelName, $useDbConfig = null) {
if (!isset($useDbConfig)) {
$useDbConfig = $this->connection;
App::import('Model', 'ConnectionManager', false);
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($useDbConfig);
$useTable = Inflector::tableize($modelName);
$fullTableName = $db->fullTableName($useTable, false);
$tableIsGood = false;
if (array_search($useTable, $this->_tables) === false) {
$this->out(sprintf(__("Given your model named '%s',\nCake would expect a database table named '%s'", true), $modelName, $fullTableName));
$tableIsGood = $this->in(__('Do you want to use this table?', true), array('y','n'), 'y');
if (strtolower($tableIsGood) == 'n') {
$useTable = $this->in(__('What is the name of the table?', true));
return $useTable;
* Get an Array of all the tables in the supplied connection
* will halt the script if no tables are found.
* @param string $useDbConfig Connection name to scan.
* @return array Array of tables in the database.
function getAllTables($useDbConfig = null) {
if (!isset($useDbConfig)) {
$useDbConfig = $this->connection;
App::import('Model', 'ConnectionManager', false);
$tables = array();
$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($useDbConfig);
$db->cacheSources = false;
$usePrefix = empty($db->config['prefix']) ? '' : $db->config['prefix'];
if ($usePrefix) {
foreach ($db->listSources() as $table) {
if (!strncmp($table, $usePrefix, strlen($usePrefix))) {
$tables[] = substr($table, strlen($usePrefix));
} else {
$tables = $db->listSources();
if (empty($tables)) {
$this->err(__('Your database does not have any tables.', true));
return $tables;
* Forces the user to specify the model he wants to bake, and returns the selected model name.
* @return string the model name
* @access public
function getName($useDbConfig = null) {
$enteredModel = '';
while ($enteredModel == '') {
$enteredModel = $this->in(__("Enter a number from the list above,\ntype in the name of another model, or 'q' to exit", true), null, 'q');
if ($enteredModel === 'q') {
$this->out(__("Exit", true));
if ($enteredModel == '' || intval($enteredModel) > count($this->_modelNames)) {
$this->err(__("The model name you supplied was empty,\nor the number you selected was not an option. Please try again.", true));
$enteredModel = '';
if (intval($enteredModel) > 0 && intval($enteredModel) <= count($this->_modelNames)) {
$currentModelName = $this->_modelNames[intval($enteredModel) - 1];
} else {
$currentModelName = $enteredModel;
return $currentModelName;
* Displays help contents
* @access public
function help() {
$this->out("Usage: cake bake model <arg1>");
$this->out("\tName of the model to bake. Can use");
$this->out("\tas a shortcut for plugin baking.");
$this->out('-connection <config>');
$this->out("\tset db config <config>. uses 'default' if none is specified");
$this->out("\tbakes model in interactive mode.");
$this->out("model <name>");
$this->out("\tbakes model file with no associations or validation");
$this->out("model all");
$this->out("\tbakes all model files with associations and validation");
* Interact with FixtureTask to automatically bake fixtures when baking models.
* @param string $className Name of class to bake fixture for
* @param string $useTable Optional table name for fixture to use.
* @access public
* @return void
* @see FixtureTask::bake
function bakeFixture($className, $useTable = null) {
$this->Fixture->interactive = $this->interactive;
$this->Fixture->connection = $this->connection;
$this->Fixture->plugin = $this->plugin;
$this->Fixture->bake($className, $useTable);