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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdnet.h"
#include "nel/net/module_gateway.h"
#include "nel/net/module.h"
#include "nel/net/module_manager.h"
#include "nel/net/module_socket.h"
#include "nel/net/module_message.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLNET
/** A simple gateway that interconnect module locally
* For testing purpose and simple case.
class CLocalGateway :
public CModuleBase,
public CModuleGateway,
public CModuleSocket
// the proxy that represent this gateway
// TModuleGatewayProxyPtr _ThisProxy;
typedef CTwinMap<TModuleProxyPtr, TStringId> TModuleProxies;
// The modules proxies
TModuleProxies _ModuleProxies;
// we need to unplug any plugged module
while (!_PluggedModules.getAToBMap().empty())
// must be done before the other destructors are called
** Gateway methods
virtual const std::string &getGatewayName() const
return getModuleName();
virtual const std::string &getFullyQualifiedGatewayName() const
return getModuleFullyQualifiedName();
/// Return the gateway proxy of this gateway
// virtual TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &getGatewayProxy()
// {
// nlassert(!_ThisProxy.isNull());
// return _ThisProxy;
// }
/// Create and bind to this gateway a new transport
virtual void createTransport(const std::string &/* transportClass */, const std::string &/* instanceName */)
/// Delete a transport (this will close any open route)
virtual void deleteTransport(const std::string &/* instanceName */)
/// Activate/stop peer invisible mode on a transport
virtual void setTransportPeerInvisible(const std::string &/* transportInstanceName */, bool /* peerInvisible */)
// unsupported
/// Activate/stop firewalling mode on a transport
virtual void setTransportFirewallMode(const std::string &/* transportInstanceName */, bool /* firewalled */)
throw (EGatewayFirewallBreak)
// unsupported
/// Send a command to a transport
virtual void transportCommand(const TParsedCommandLine &/* commandLine */)
virtual IGatewayTransport *getGatewayTransport(const std::string &/* transportName */) const
// there are no transport here
return NULL;
virtual uint32 getTransportCount() const
return 0;
virtual uint32 getRouteCount() const
return 0;
virtual uint32 getReceivedPingCount() const
return 0;
virtual void onRouteAdded(CGatewayRoute * /* route */)
/// A route is removed by a transport
virtual void onRouteRemoved(CGatewayRoute * /* route */)
/// A transport have received a message
virtual void onReceiveMessage(CGatewayRoute * /* from */, const CMessage &/* msgin */)
virtual void createSecurityPlugin(const std::string &/* className */)
virtual void sendSecurityCommand(const TParsedCommandLine &/* command */)
virtual void removeSecurityPlugin()
// virtual bool isGatewayServerOpen()
// {
// return false;
// }
// virtual CInetAddress getGatewayServerAddress()
// {
// CInetAddress invalid;
// return invalid;
// }
// virtual void getGatewayClientList(std::vector<TModuleGatewayProxyPtr> gatewayList)
// {
// return;
// }
// virtual void openGatewayServer(uint16 listeningPort)
// throw (EGatewayAlreadyOpen, EGatewayPortInUse)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// virtual void closeGatewayServer()
// throw (EGatewayNotOpen)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// virtual void shutdownGatewayServer()
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// virtual void onGatewayServerOpen()
// {
// }
// virtual void onGatewayServerClose()
// {
// }
// virtual TModuleGatewayConstant onClientGatewayConnect(TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &clientGateway)
// {
// return mgc_reject_connection;
// }
// virtual void onClientGatewayDisconnect(TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &clientGateway)
// {
// }
// virtual void getGatewayServerList(std::vector<TModuleGatewayProxyPtr> serverList)
// {
// return;
// }
// virtual bool isGatewayConnected()
// {
// return false;
// }
// virtual void connectGateway(CInetAddress serverAddress)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// virtual void disconnectGateway(TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &serverGateway)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// virtual void onGatewayConnection(const TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &serverGateway, TModuleGatewayConstant connectionResult)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// virtual void onGatewayDisconnection(const TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &serverGateway)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
virtual void onAddModuleProxy(IModuleProxy *addedModule)
// always disclose module to local modules
virtual void onRemoveModuleProxy(IModuleProxy * /* removedModule */)
virtual void discloseModule(IModuleProxy *moduleProxy)
throw (EGatewayNotConnected)
// check that the module is plugged here
nlassert(_ModuleProxies.getB(moduleProxy) != NULL);
// CModuleProxy *modProx = dynamic_cast<CModuleProxy *>(moduleProxy);
// nlassert(modProx != NULL);
nlassert(moduleProxy->getModuleGateway() == this);
// warn any plugged module
TPluggedModules::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_PluggedModules.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_PluggedModules.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
IModule *module = first->second;
if (module->getModuleId() != moduleProxy->getForeignModuleId())
virtual IModuleProxy *getPluggedModuleProxy(IModule * /* pluggedModule */)
return NULL;
virtual uint32 getProxyCount() const
return (uint32)_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().size();
/// Fill a vector with the list of proxies managed here. The module are filled in ascending proxy id order.
virtual void getModuleProxyList(std::vector<IModuleProxy*> &resultList) const
map<TModuleId, IModuleProxy*> index;
TModuleProxies::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
index.insert(make_pair(first->first->getModuleProxyId(), first->first));
// now build the vector
map<TModuleId, IModuleProxy*>::iterator first(index.begin()), last(index.end());
for( ; first != last; ++first)
// virtual void onReceiveModuleMessage(TModuleGatewayProxyPtr &senderGateway, TModuleMessagePtr &message)
// {
// }
virtual void sendModuleMessage(IModuleProxy * /* senderProxy */, IModuleProxy * /* addresseeProxy */, const CMessage &/* message */)
virtual void dispatchModuleMessage(IModuleProxy * /* senderProxy */, IModuleProxy * /* addresseeProxy */, const CMessage &/* message */)
// TModuleId sourceId = message->getSenderModuleProxyId();
// TModuleProxies::TAToBMap::const_iterator firstSource(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().begin()), lastSource(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().end());
// for (; firstSource != lastSource && firstSource->first->getForeignModuleId() != sourceId; ++firstSource) {}
// nlassert( firstSource != lastSource );
// TPluggedModules::iterator first(_PluggedModules.begin()), last(_PluggedModules.end());
// TModuleId destId = message->getAddresseeModuleProxyId();
// for (; first != last && (*first)->getModuleId() != destId; ++first) {}
// if (first != last)
// {
// (*first)->onProcessModuleMessage(firstSource->first, message);
// }
** Module methods
bool initModule(const TParsedCommandLine &initInfo)
bool ret = CModuleBase::initModule(initInfo);
// in fact, this gateway is so simple, that it have no option !
return ret;
std::string buildModuleManifest() const
return string();
void onServiceUp(const std::string &/* serviceName */, NLNET::TServiceId /* serviceId */)
void onServiceDown(const std::string &/* serviceName */, NLNET::TServiceId /* serviceId */)
void onModuleUpdate()
void onApplicationExit()
void onModuleUp(IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */)
void onModuleDown(IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */)
bool onProcessModuleMessage(IModuleProxy * /* senderModuleProxy */, const CMessage &/* message */)
return false;
void onModuleSecurityChange(IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */)
void onModuleSocketEvent(IModuleSocket * /* moduleSocket */, TModuleSocketEvent /* eventType */)
** Socket methods
const std::string &getSocketName()
return getModuleName();
void _sendModuleMessage(IModule *senderModule, TModuleId destModuleProxyId, const NLNET::CMessage &message )
throw (EModuleNotReachable, EModuleNotPluggedHere)
TModuleProxies::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last && first->first->getModuleProxyId() != destModuleProxyId; ++first) {}
if (first != last) { first->first->sendModuleMessage(senderModule, message); return;}
throw EModuleNotReachable();
virtual void _broadcastModuleMessage(IModule * /* senderModule */, const NLNET::CMessage &/* message */)
throw (EModuleNotPluggedHere)
void onModulePlugged(IModule *pluggedModule)
// A module has just been plugged here, we need to disclose it to the
// other module, and disclose other module to it.
// create a proxy for this module
IModuleProxy *modProx = IModuleManager::getInstance().createModuleProxy(
NULL, // the module is local, so there is no route
0, // the module is local, distance is 0
pluggedModule, // the module is local, so store the module pointer
// _ThisProxy,
// and store it
_ModuleProxies.add(modProx, CStringMapper::map(modProx->getModuleName()));
// disclose the new module to other modules
// second, disclose already plugged proxy to the new one
TModuleProxies::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->first->getModuleName() != pluggedModule->getModuleFullyQualifiedName())
/// Called just after a module as been effectively unplugged from a socket
void onModuleUnplugged(IModule *unpluggedModule)
// remove the proxy info
TModuleProxies::TBToAMap::const_iterator it(_ModuleProxies.getBToAMap().find(CStringMapper::map(getGatewayName()+"/"+unpluggedModule->getModuleFullyQualifiedName())));
nlassert(it != _ModuleProxies.getBToAMap().end());
IModuleProxy *modProx = it->second;
// warn all connected module that a module become unavailable
TPluggedModules::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_PluggedModules.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_PluggedModules.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
IModule *module = first->second;
if (module->getModuleFullyQualifiedName() != modProx->getModuleName())
// warn the unplugged module that all plugged modules are become unavailable
TModuleProxies::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->first->getModuleName() != unpluggedModule->getModuleFullyQualifiedName())
TModuleId localProxyId = modProx->getModuleProxyId();
// remove reference to the proxy
// release the module proxy
void getModuleList(std::vector<IModuleProxy*> &resultList)
TModuleProxies::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().begin()), last(_ModuleProxies.getAToBMap().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
// register the module factory
void forceLocalGatewayLink()
} // namespace NLNET