2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "profile.h"
#include "ai_bot_npc.h"
#include "ai_grp_npc.h"
#include "ai_generic_fight.h"
extern bool simulateBug(int bugId);
// Forard declarations
class CSpawnGroupNpc;
// Free variables and functions //
extern bool ai_profile_npc_VerboseLog;
// CBotProfileMoveTo //
class CBotProfileMoveTo
: public CAIBaseProfile
, public NLMISC::IDbgPtrData
CBotProfileMoveTo(AITYPES::TVerticalPos verticalPos, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& dest, CProfileOwner* owner);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void endProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const { return AITYPES::BOT_MOVE_TO; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
bool destinationReach() const;
CFollowPath::TFollowStatus _Status;
AITYPES::TVerticalPos _VerticalPos;
RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition _Dest;
CPathCont _PathCont;
CPathPosition _PathPos;
CAIVector _LastPos;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CSpawnBotNpc> _Bot;
// CBotProfileFollowPos //
class CBotProfileFollowPos
: public CAIBaseProfile
, public NLMISC::IDbgPtrData
CBotProfileFollowPos(CPathCont* pathCont, CProfileOwner* owner);
CBotProfileFollowPos(CBotProfileFollowPos const& other);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void endProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::BOT_FOLLOW_POS; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void setMaxSpeeds(float walkSpeed, float runSpeed);
void setStop(bool stop);
CFollowPath::TFollowStatus _Status;
CPathPosition _PathPos;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CSpawnBotNpc> _Bot;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CPathCont> _PathCont;
// maximum speed to use (for group with different creatures)
float _MaxWalkSpeed;
float _MaxRunSpeed;
// flag to stop temporary stop the movement
bool _Stop;
// CBotProfileWanderBase //
class CBotProfileWanderBase
: public CAIBaseProfile
void setTimer(uint32 ticks);
bool testTimer() const;
CAITimer _Timer;
// CBotProfileStandAtPos //
class CBotProfileStandAtPos
: public CBotProfileWanderBase
, public NLMISC::IDbgPtrData
CBotProfileStandAtPos(CProfileOwner* owner);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void endProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::BOT_STAND_AT_POS; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CSpawnBotNpc> _Bot;
// CBotProfileForage //
class CBotProfileForage
: public CBotProfileWanderBase
, public NLMISC::IDbgPtrData
CBotProfileForage(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CBotProfileForage();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void endProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const { return AITYPES::BOT_FORAGE; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void setOldSheet();
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CSpawnBotNpc> _Bot;
CAITimer _ForageTimer;
AISHEETS::ICreatureCPtr _OldSheet;
bool _TemporarySheetUsed;
// CActivityProfile //
class CActivityProfile
: public CAIBaseProfile
// CGrpProfileNormal //
class CGrpProfileNormal
: public CActivityProfile
CGrpProfileNormal(CProfileOwner* owner);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void endProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_NORMAL; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
bool isGroupFighting() const;
void setGroupFighting(bool groupFighting);
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CSpawnGroupNpc> _Grp;
bool _GroupFighting;
// CSlaveProfile //
// :TODO: Understand following comment, and act accordingly
// every bot add or remove must be done from a spawn/despawn/die event (and not this way!)
class CSlaveProfile
: public CAIBaseProfile
CSlaveProfile(CProfileOwner* owner);
/// @name IAIProfile partial implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void addBot(CBot* bot) = 0;
virtual void removeBot(CBot* bot) = 0;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CSpawnGroup> _Grp;
// CMoveProfile //
class CMoveProfile
: public CSlaveProfile
CMoveProfile(CProfileOwner* owner) ;
virtual CPathCont* getPathCont(CBot const* bot) = 0;
virtual void resumeBot(CBot const* bot);
float _MaxRunSpeed;
float _MaxWalkSpeed;
// CFightProfile //
class CFightProfile
: public CSlaveProfile
CFightProfile(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual std::vector<CBot*>& npcList() = 0;
virtual bool stillHaveEnnemy() const = 0;
// CGrpProfileGoToPoint //
class CGrpProfileGoToPoint
: public CMoveProfile
/// @name Constructors, destructor
CGrpProfileGoToPoint(CProfileOwner* owner, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& startPos, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& endPos, bool dontSendEvent = false);
virtual ~CGrpProfileGoToPoint();
enum TShapeType
class CBotFollower
virtual ~CBotFollower();
void setBotAtDest(bool atDest = true);
const bool& isBotAtDest() const;
bool _BotAtDest;
/// @name CMoveProfile implementation
virtual CPathCont* getPathCont(CBot const* bot);
/// @name CSlaveProfile implementation
virtual void addBot(CBot* bot);
virtual void removeBot(CBot* bot);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::MOVE_GOTO_POINT; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
virtual void stateChangeProfile();
virtual void resumeProfile();
bool profileTerminated() const;
void setDirection(bool forward);
bool getDirection();
void setCurrentDestination(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& dest);
void calcRatios();
void stopNpc(bool stop);
void assignGeometryFromState();
typedef std::map<CBot*, CBotFollower> TBotFollowerMap;
TBotFollowerMap _NpcList;
bool _ValidPosInit;
bool _FollowForward;
bool _ProfileTerminated;
bool _MustCalcRatios;
TShapeType _Shape;
RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition _StartPos;
RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition _EndPos;
/// flag to temporary stop the bots
bool _StopNpc;
// rectangle shape related vars.
float _XSize;
float _YSize;
float _Ratio;
double _Cx, _Cy;
uint32 _NbRange;
uint32 _NbLines;
uint32 _NbBotInNormalShape;
uint32 _Rest;
uint32 _GeomIndex;
CPathCont _PathCont;
CAIVector _GlobalOrient;
AITYPES::TVerticalPos _VerticalPos;
bool _DontSendEvent;
// CGrpProfileFollowRoute //
class CGrpProfileFollowRoute
: public CMoveProfile
CGrpProfileFollowRoute(CProfileOwner* owner, std::vector<CShape::TPosition> const& geometry, AITYPES::TVerticalPos const& verticalPos, bool dontSendEvent = false);
CGrpProfileFollowRoute(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileFollowRoute();
enum TShapeType
class CBotFollower
virtual ~CBotFollower();
void setBotAtDest(bool atDest = true);
const bool& isBotAtDest() const;
bool _BotAtDest;
void setDirection(bool forward);
bool getDirection();
void resumeProfile();
CPathCont* getPathCont(CBot const* bot);
void addBot(CBot* bot);
void removeBot(CBot* bot);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::MOVE_FOLLOW_ROUTE; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
bool profileTerminated() const;
void setCurrentValidPos(AITYPES::TVerticalPos verticalPos);
void calcRatios();
virtual void stateChangeProfile();
void stopNpc(bool stop);
void assignGeometryFromState();
typedef std::map<CBot*, CBotFollower> TBotFollowerMap;
TBotFollowerMap _NpcList;
bool _ValidPosInit;
bool _FollowForward;
bool _ProfileTerminated;
bool _MustCalcRatios;
TShapeType _Shape;
/// flag to temporary stop the bots
bool _StopNpc;
// rectangle shape related vars.
float _XSize;
float _YSize;
float _Ratio;
double _Cx, _Cy;
uint32 _NbRange;
uint32 _NbLines;
uint32 _NbBotInNormalShape;
uint32 _Rest;
uint32 _GeomIndex;
CPathCont _PathCont;
CAIVector _GlobalOrient;
bool _GeometryComeFromState;
std::vector<CShape::TPosition> const* _Geometry;
AITYPES::TVerticalPos _VerticalPos;
bool _DontSendEvent;
// CGrpProfileStandOnVertices //
class CGrpProfileStandOnVertices
: public CMoveProfile
// utility class
class CBotPositionner : public NLMISC::CRefCount
CBotPositionner(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag flags);
CBotPositionner(uint32 geomIndex, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag flags);
void setBotAtDest(bool atDest = true);
bool isBotAtDest() const;
CPathCont _PathCont;
uint32 _GeomIndex;
bool _BotAtDest;
CGrpProfileStandOnVertices(CProfileOwner* owner);
CPathCont *getPathCont (const CBot *bot);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::MOVE_STAND_ON_VERTICES; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void resumeProfile();
void setCurrentValidPos (CAIStatePositional *grpState);
void addBot(CBot* bot);
void removeBot(CBot* bot);
typedef std::map<const CBot*,NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CBotPositionner> > TNpcBotPositionnerMap;
TNpcBotPositionnerMap _NpcList;
bool _Finished;
RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag _DenyFlags;
// CGrpProfileWander //
class CGrpProfileWander
: public CMoveProfile
CGrpProfileWander(CProfileOwner* owner);
CGrpProfileWander(CProfileOwner* owner, CNpcZone const* const npcZone);
virtual ~CGrpProfileWander();
void setBotStandProfile(AITYPES::TProfiles botStandProfileType, IAIProfileFactory* botStandProfileFactory);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::MOVE_WANDER; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void addBot (CBot* bot);
void removeBot (CBot* bot);
CPathCont* getPathCont (CBot const* bot);
void stateChangeProfile();
void affectZoneFromStateMachine();
void resetDestinationReachedData();
void setTimer(uint32 ticks) { _Timer.set(ticks); }
bool testTimer() const { return _Timer.test(); }
CNpcZone const* currentZone() const { return _NpcZone; }
/// the profile type to apply to bot standing between two deplacement
AITYPES::TProfiles _BotStandProfileType;
/// the profile factory to apply to bot standing between two deplacement
/// a flag to force social interaction for the bots
bool _Social;
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CPlaceRandomPos> _RandomPos;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<const CNpcZone> _NpcZone;
std::vector<bool> _NpcDestinationReached;
bool _DestinationReachedAll;
bool _DestinationReachedFirst;
CAITimer _Timer;
// CGrpProfileWanderNoPrim //
/// This profile shouldn't require data primitive for wander zone
class CGrpProfileWanderNoPrim
: public CMoveProfile
// CGrpProfileWanderNoPrim(CProfileOwner* owner);
CGrpProfileWanderNoPrim(CProfileOwner* owner, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CNpcZonePlaceNoPrim> const& npcZone);
virtual ~CGrpProfileWanderNoPrim();
void setBotStandProfile(AITYPES::TProfiles botStandProfileType, IAIProfileFactory* botStandProfileFactory);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::MOVE_WANDER; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void addBot (CBot* bot);
void removeBot (CBot* bot);
CPathCont* getPathCont (CBot const* bot);
void stateChangeProfile();
// void affectZoneFromStateMachine();
void setTimer(uint32 ticks) { _Timer.set(ticks); }
bool testTimer() const { return _Timer.test(); }
// CNpcZone const* currentZone() const { return _NpcZone; }
/// the profile type to apply to bot standing between two deplacement
AITYPES::TProfiles _BotStandProfileType;
/// the profile factory to apply to bot standing between two deplacement
/// a flag to force social interaction for the bots
bool _Social;
// NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CPlaceRandomPos> _RandomPos;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CNpcZonePlaceNoPrim> _NpcZone;
CAITimer _Timer;
2012-03-04 13:01:11 +00:00
class CGrpProfileFollowPlayer :
public CMoveProfile
CGrpProfileFollowPlayer(CProfileOwner* owner, TDataSetRow const& playerRow, uint32 dispersionRadius);
2012-04-07 20:30:39 +00:00
virtual ~CGrpProfileFollowPlayer() {}
2012-03-04 13:01:11 +00:00
void setBotStandProfile(AITYPES::TProfiles botStandProfileType, IAIProfileFactory* botStandProfileFactory);
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
2012-04-07 20:30:39 +00:00
virtual void endProfile() {}
2012-03-04 13:01:11 +00:00
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::BOT_FOLLOW_POS; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const { return std::string("follow_player group profile"); }
2012-04-07 20:30:39 +00:00
void stateChangeProfile() {}
2012-03-04 13:01:11 +00:00
bool destinationReach() const;
2012-04-07 20:30:39 +00:00
void addBot (CBot* bot) {}
void removeBot (CBot* bot) {}
2012-03-04 13:01:11 +00:00
CPathCont* getPathCont (CBot const* bot) { return NULL; };
/// the profile type to apply to bot standing between two deplacement
AITYPES::TProfiles _BotStandProfileType;
/// the profile factory to apply to bot standing between two deplacement
CFollowPath::TFollowStatus _Status;
CPathPosition _PathPos;
CPathCont _PathCont;
CAIVector _LastPos;
TDataSetRow _PlayerRow;
uint32 _DispersionRadius;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// CGrpProfileIdle //
class CGrpProfileIdle
: public CMoveProfile
CGrpProfileIdle(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileIdle();
class CBotPositionner
virtual ~CBotPositionner();
CPathCont* getPathCont(CBot const* bot);
virtual void beginProfile();
void resumeProfile();
virtual void endProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
void addBot(CBot* bot);
void removeBot(CBot* bot);
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::MOVE_IDLE; }
typedef std::map<CBot*,CBotPositionner> TNpcBotPositionnerMap;
TNpcBotPositionnerMap _NpcList;
// CGrpProfileBandit //
class CGrpProfileBandit
: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileBandit(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileBandit();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_BANDIT; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
uint32 _AggroRange;
// CGrpProfileEscorted //
class CGrpProfileEscorted
: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileEscorted(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileEscorted();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_ESCORTED; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void stateChangeProfile();
bool _EscortTeamInRange;
// CGrpProfileGuard //
class CGrpProfileGuard
: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileGuard(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileGuard();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_GUARD; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
CAIVector _CenterPos;
uint32 _AggroRange;
// CGrpProfileGuardEscorted //
class CGrpProfileGuardEscorted
: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileGuardEscorted(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileGuardEscorted();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_GUARD_ESCORTED; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
void stateChangeProfile();
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CGrpProfileGuard> _GuardProfile;
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CGrpProfileEscorted> _EscortedProfile;
// CGrpProfileFaction //
class CGrpProfileFaction
: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileFaction(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileFaction();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual void endProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_FACTION; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
virtual void aggroEntity(CAIEntityPhysical const* entity);
void checkTargetsAround();
void noAssist() { bNoAssist = true; }
static std::string scriptFactionToFameFaction(std::string name);
static std::string fameFactionToScriptFaction(std::string name);
2012-03-04 13:01:11 +00:00
static bool scriptFactionToFameFactionGreaterThan(std::string name);
static sint32 scriptFactionToFameFactionValue(std::string name);
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CAITimer _checkTargetTimer;
bool bNoAssist;
static AITYPES::CPropertySet _FameFactions;
static void initFameFactions();
static bool entityHavePartOfFactions(CAIEntityPhysical const* entity, AITYPES::CPropertySetWithExtraList<TAllianceId> const& factions);
// CGrpProfileSquad //
// The Manager Parent of the Manager of this Grp class is COutpost //
class CGrpProfileSquad
: public CGrpProfileFaction
CGrpProfileSquad(CProfileOwner* owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileSquad();
/// @name IAIProfile implementation
virtual void beginProfile();
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::ACTIVITY_SQUAD; }
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
virtual void aggroEntity(CAIEntityPhysical const* entity);
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CAIPlace const> buildFirstHitPlace(TDataSetRow const& aggroBot);
/// Return the outpost to which the squad belongs, or NULL if not found
COutpost* getDefendedOutpost() { return dynamic_cast<COutpost*>(_Grp->getPersistent().getOwner()->getOwner()); }
// CGrpProfileFight //
class CGrpProfileFight
: public CFightProfile
, public CFightOrganizer
// TODO : set this parameters thrue the group, no hardcode them
CHECK_AROUND_PERIOD = 50, ///< Check every 5s
CHECK_AROUND_RADIUS = 60, ///< Check 60 meters around
CGrpProfileFight(CProfileOwner *owner);
virtual ~CGrpProfileFight();
virtual void beginProfile();
void endProfile();
void addBot (CBot *bot);
void removeBot (CBot *bot);
/// @name CFightOrganizer
virtual void setFight(CSpawnBot* bot, CAIEntityPhysical* ennemy);
virtual void setHeal(CSpawnBot* bot, CAIEntityPhysical* target);
virtual void setNoFight(CSpawnBot* bot);
virtual void setFlee(CSpawnBot* bot, CAIVector& fleeVect);
virtual void setReturnAfterFight(CSpawnBot* bot);
bool stillHaveEnnemy () const;
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const;
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType() const { return AITYPES::FIGHT_NORMAL; }
std::vector<CBot*> &npcList();
std::vector<CBot*> _NpcList;
/// A timer to check the friend groups around and set their aggro list if they are not fighting
CAITimer _CheckAround;
bool _WasRunning;
/* Profile factories */
//- Simple profile factories (based on generic factory) ----------------------
// CBotProfileStandAtPos
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CBotProfileStandAtPos> CBotProfileStandAtPosFactory;
// CBotProfileForage
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CBotProfileForage> CBotProfileForageFactory;
// CGrpProfileNormal
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileNormal> CGrpProfileNormalFactory;
// CGrpProfileFollowRoute
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileFollowRoute> CGrpProfileFollowRouteFactory;
// CGrpProfileWander
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileWander> CGrpProfileWanderFactory;
// CGrpProfileGuardFactory
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileGuard> CGrpProfileGuardFactory;
// CGrpProfileEscortedFactory
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileEscorted> CGrpProfileEscortedFactory;
// CGrpProfileGuardEscortedFactory
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileGuardEscorted> CGrpProfileGuardEscortedFactory;
// CGrpProfileFactionFactory
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileFaction> CGrpProfileFactionFactory;
// CGrpProfileSquadFactory
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileSquad> CGrpProfileSquadFactory;
// CGrpProfileStandOnVerticesFactory
typedef CAIGenericProfileFactory<CGrpProfileStandOnVertices> CGrpProfileStandOnVerticesFactory;
// CGrpProfileNoChange //
/// No change special profile
class CGrpProfileNoChangeFactory
: public IAIProfileFactory
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<IAIProfile> createAIProfile(CProfileOwner* owner)
return NULL;
// CGrpProfileBanditFactory //
class CGrpProfileBanditFactory
: public IAIProfileFactory
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<IAIProfile> createAIProfile(CProfileOwner* owner);
static float getDefaultBanditAggroRange();
static float _DefaultAggroRange;
//- Singleton profiles (stateless ones) --------------------------------------
extern CBotProfileStandAtPosFactory BotProfileStandAtPosFactory;
extern CBotProfileForageFactory BotProfileForageFactory;