// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // ViewDialog.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "log_analyser.h" #include "ViewDialog.h" #include "log_analyserDlg.h" #include <fstream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif extern CString LogDateString; static UINT WM_FINDREPLACE = ::RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING); time_t CurrentTime; void CListCtrlEx::initIt() { DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle | LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED ); } /* * Keyboard handler in list box */ afx_msg void CListCtrlEx::OnKeyDown( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags ) { // Transmit to List Ctrl AND to main window CListCtrl::OnKeyDown( nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)(_ViewDialog->GetParent()))->OnKeyDown( nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags ); } // Adapted from http://zeus.eed.usv.ro/misc/doc/prog/c/mfc/listview/sel_row.html void CListCtrlEx::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) { CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC); CRect rcItem(lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem); int nItem = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID; CImageList* pImageList; // Save dc state int nSavedDC = pDC->SaveDC(); // Get item image and state info LV_ITEM lvi; lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE; lvi.iItem = nItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.stateMask = 0xFFFF; // get all state flags GetItem(&lvi); BOOL bHighlight =((lvi.state & LVIS_DROPHILITED) || ( (lvi.state & LVIS_SELECTED) && ((GetFocus() == this) || (GetStyle() & LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) ) ) ); // Get rectangles for drawing CRect rcBounds, rcLabel, rcIcon; GetItemRect(nItem, rcBounds, LVIR_BOUNDS); GetItemRect(nItem, rcLabel, LVIR_LABEL); GetItemRect(nItem, rcIcon, LVIR_ICON); CRect rcCol( rcBounds ); CString sLabel = GetItemText( nItem, 0 ); // Labels are offset by a certain amount // This offset is related to the width of a space character int offset = pDC->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1 ).cx*2; CRect rcHighlight; CRect rcWnd; GetClientRect(&rcWnd); rcHighlight = rcBounds; rcHighlight.left = rcLabel.left; rcHighlight.right = rcWnd.right; // Draw the background color if( bHighlight ) pDC->SetBkColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); pDC->FillRect( rcHighlight, &CBrush(_ViewDialog->getBkColorForLine( nItem, bHighlight!=0 )) ); // Set clip region rcCol.right = rcCol.left + GetColumnWidth(0); CRgn rgn; rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcCol); pDC->SelectClipRgn(&rgn); rgn.DeleteObject(); // Draw state icon if (lvi.state & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) { int nImage = ((lvi.state & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK)>>12) - 1; pImageList = GetImageList(LVSIL_STATE); if (pImageList) { pImageList->Draw(pDC, nImage, CPoint(rcCol.left, rcCol.top), ILD_TRANSPARENT); } } // Draw normal and overlay icon pImageList = GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL); if (pImageList) { UINT nOvlImageMask=lvi.state & LVIS_OVERLAYMASK; pImageList->Draw(pDC, lvi.iImage, CPoint(rcIcon.left, rcIcon.top), ILD_TRANSPARENT | nOvlImageMask ); } // Draw item label - Column 0 rcLabel.left += offset/2; rcLabel.right -= offset; pDC->SetTextColor( _ViewDialog->getTextColorForLine( nItem, bHighlight!=0 ) ); pDC->DrawText(sLabel,-1,rcLabel,DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_NOCLIP | DT_VCENTER /*| DT_END_ELLIPSIS*/); // Draw labels for remaining columns LV_COLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH; rcBounds.right = rcHighlight.right > rcBounds.right ? rcHighlight.right : rcBounds.right; rgn.CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcBounds); pDC->SelectClipRgn(&rgn); for(int nColumn = 1; GetColumn(nColumn, &lvc); nColumn++) { rcCol.left = rcCol.right; rcCol.right += lvc.cx; sLabel = GetItemText(nItem, nColumn); if (sLabel.GetLength() == 0) continue; // Get the text justification UINT nJustify = DT_LEFT; switch(lvc.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) { case LVCFMT_RIGHT: nJustify = DT_RIGHT; break; case LVCFMT_CENTER: nJustify = DT_CENTER; break; default: break; } rcLabel = rcCol; rcLabel.left += offset; rcLabel.right -= offset; pDC->DrawText(sLabel, -1, rcLabel, nJustify | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS); } // Draw focus rectangle if item has focus if (lvi.state & LVIS_FOCUSED && (GetFocus() == this)) { pDC->DrawFocusRect(rcHighlight); } // Restore dc pDC->RestoreDC( nSavedDC ); } void CListCtrlEx::RepaintSelectedItems() { CRect rcBounds, rcLabel; // Invalidate focused item so it can repaint int nItem = GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_FOCUSED); if(nItem != -1) { GetItemRect(nItem, rcBounds, LVIR_BOUNDS); GetItemRect(nItem, rcLabel, LVIR_LABEL); rcBounds.left = rcLabel.left; InvalidateRect(rcBounds, FALSE); } // Invalidate selected items depending on LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS if(!(GetStyle() & LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS)) { for(nItem = GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED); nItem != -1; nItem = GetNextItem(nItem, LVNI_SELECTED)) { GetItemRect(nItem, rcBounds, LVIR_BOUNDS); GetItemRect(nItem, rcLabel, LVIR_LABEL); rcBounds.left = rcLabel.left; InvalidateRect(rcBounds, FALSE); } } UpdateWindow(); } /*void CListCtrlEx::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) { CListCtrl::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); // check if we are losing focus to label edit box if(pNewWnd != NULL && pNewWnd->GetParent() == this) return; // repaint items that should change appearance if((GetStyle() & LVS_TYPEMASK) == LVS_REPORT) RepaintSelectedItems(); } void CListCtrlEx::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { CListCtrl::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); // check if we are getting focus from label edit box if(pOldWnd!=NULL && pOldWnd->GetParent()==this) return; // repaint items that should change appearance if((GetStyle() & LVS_TYPEMASK)==LVS_REPORT) RepaintSelectedItems(); }*/ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CListCtrlEx, CListCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CListCtrlEx) ON_WM_KEYDOWN() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CViewDialog dialog CViewDialog::CViewDialog(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CViewDialog::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CViewDialog) m_Caption = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } void CViewDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CViewDialog) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, m_ListCtrl); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_Service, m_Caption); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } /* * Load, using the current filters */ void CViewDialog::reload() { SessionDatePassed = false; CWaitCursor wc; if ( LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty() || (LogSessionStartDate == "Beginning") ) { SessionDatePassed = true; } ((CButton*)GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON1 ))->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON2 ))->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); m_Caption.Format( "%s (%u file%s) %u+ %u- (%s)", Seriesname, Filenames.size(), Filenames.size()>1?"s":"", PosFilter.size(), NegFilter.size(), LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty()?"all":CString("session ")+LogSessionStartDate ); UpdateData( false ); clear(); setRedraw( false ); time( &CurrentTime ); // Translate bookmarks (phase 1) CurrentBookmark = -1; vector<int> bookmarksAbsoluteLines; if ( ! Bookmarks.empty() ) { getBookmarksAbsoluteLines( bookmarksAbsoluteLines ); Bookmarks.clear(); } loadFileOrSeries( bookmarksAbsoluteLines ); commitAddedLines(); setRedraw( true ); } /* * Code from IDisplayer::dateToHumanString() (NeL misc) */ string timeToStr( const time_t& date ) { static char cstime[25]; struct tm *tms = localtime(&date); if (tms) strftime (cstime, 25, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tms); else smprintf(cstime, 25, "bad date %d", (unsigned int)date); return cstime; } /* * Reload with old filter to get bookmarks absolute line numbers (not called if there's no bookmark) */ void CViewDialog::getBookmarksAbsoluteLines( vector<int>& bookmarksAbsoluteLines ) { // Read the files unsigned int currentAbsoluteLineNum = 0, currentLineNum = 0; for ( unsigned int i=0; i!=Filenames.size(); ++i ) { CString& filename = Filenames[i]; ifstream ifs( filename ); if ( ! ifs.fail() ) { char line [1024]; while ( ! ifs.eof() ) { ifs.getline( line, 1024 ); if ( SessionDatePassed ) { // Stop if the session is finished if ( (! LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty()) && (strstr( line, LogDateString )) ) { return; } // Test the filters if ( passFilter( line, PreviousPosFilter, PreviousNegFilter ) ) { // Translate bookmarks (phase 1: filtered -> absolute) vector<int>::iterator ibl; ibl = find( Bookmarks.begin(), Bookmarks.end(), currentLineNum ); if ( ibl != Bookmarks.end() ) { bookmarksAbsoluteLines.push_back( currentAbsoluteLineNum ); } ++currentLineNum; } ++currentAbsoluteLineNum; } else { // Look for the session beginning if ( strstr( line, LogSessionStartDate ) != NULL ) { SessionDatePassed = true; } } } } } } /* * Auto-detect file corruption (version for any NeL log file) */ bool detectLineCorruption( const char *cLine ) { string line = string(cLine); if ( ! line.empty() ) { bool corrupted = false; string::size_type p; // Some line may begin with no date, this is normal, we don't state them as corruption // Search for year not at beginning. Ex: "2003/" (it does not work when the year is different from the current one!) p = line.substr( 1 ).find( timeToStr( CurrentTime ).substr( 0, 5 ) ); if ( p != string::npos ) { ++p; // because searched from pos 1 // Search for date/time if ( (line.size()>p+20) && (line[p+10]==' ') && (line[p+13]==':') && (line[p+16]==':') && (line[p+19]==' ') ) { // Search for the five next blank characters. The fifth is followed by ": ". // (Date Time LogType ThreadId Machine/Service SourceFile Line : User-defined log line) unsigned int nbBlank = 0; string::size_type sp; for ( sp=p+20; sp!=line.size(); ++sp ) { if ( line[sp]==' ') ++nbBlank; if ( nbBlank==5 ) break; } if ( (nbBlank==5) && (line[sp+1]==':') && (line[sp+2]==' ') ) { return true; } } } } return false; } bool HasCorruptedLines; /* * */ std::string CViewDialog::corruptedLinesString( const std::vector<unsigned int>& corruptedLines ) { string res; if ( ! corruptedLines.empty() ) { CString s; s.Format( "%u", corruptedLines.size() ); res = " -> " + string(s) + " corrupted lines:"; vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator ivc; for ( ivc=corruptedLines.begin(); ivc!=corruptedLines.end(); ++ivc ) { s.Format( "%u", *ivc ); res += "\r\n line " + string(s) + " : " + string(Buffer[*ivc].Left(20)) + "..."; } HasCorruptedLines = true; } return res; } /* * Load a log file or series */ void CViewDialog::loadFileOrSeries( const vector<int>& bookmarksAbsoluteLines ) { // Header for 'files loaded' display string actualFilenames = "Files loaded"; if ( LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty() ) actualFilenames += ":\r\n"; else actualFilenames += " for Session of " + LogSessionStartDate + ":\r\n"; bool corruptionDetectionEnabled = (((CButton*)(((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->GetDlgItem( IDC_DetectCorruptedLines )))->GetCheck() == 1); HasCorruptedLines = false; vector<unsigned int> corruptedLines; // Read the files unsigned int currentAbsoluteLineNum = 0, currentLineNum = 0; for ( unsigned int i=0; i!=Filenames.size(); ++i ) { CString& filename = Filenames[i]; ifstream ifs( filename ); if ( ! ifs.fail() ) { char line [1024]; while ( ! ifs.eof() ) { ifs.getline( line, 1024 ); line[1023] = '\0'; // force valid end of line if ( SessionDatePassed ) { // Stop if the session is finished if ( (! LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty()) && (strstr( line, LogDateString )) ) { actualFilenames += string(filename) + corruptedLinesString( corruptedLines ) + "\r\n"; corruptedLines.clear(); goto endOfLoading; } // Test the filters if ( passFilter( line, PosFilter, NegFilter ) ) { // Auto-detect line corruption if ( corruptionDetectionEnabled && detectLineCorruption( line ) ) corruptedLines.push_back( currentLineNum ); // Translate bookmarks (phase 2: absolute -> filtered) if ( ! bookmarksAbsoluteLines.empty() ) { vector<int>::const_iterator ibal; ibal = find( bookmarksAbsoluteLines.begin(), bookmarksAbsoluteLines.end(), currentAbsoluteLineNum ); if ( ibal != bookmarksAbsoluteLines.end() ) { Bookmarks.push_back( currentLineNum ); } } // Add line to list box addLine( line ); ++currentLineNum; } ++currentAbsoluteLineNum; } else { // Look for the session beginning if ( strstr( line, LogSessionStartDate ) != NULL ) { SessionDatePassed = true; } } } if ( SessionDatePassed ) { actualFilenames += string(filename) + corruptedLinesString( corruptedLines ) + "\r\n"; corruptedLines.clear(); } } else { CString s; s.Format( "<Cannot open file %s>\r\n", filename ); actualFilenames += s; } } endOfLoading: if ( HasCorruptedLines ) { actualFilenames += "(When corrupted lines are present, it is possible that some other lines are missing)\r\n\ Select the line number and press Ctrl-G to scroll to the corrupted line.\r\n\ At any time, press Ctrl-L in this edit box to return to this list of files and corrupted lines."; } ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->displayCurrentLine( actualFilenames.c_str() ); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->memorizeFileList( actualFilenames.c_str() ); } /* * Set the filters (and backup the previous ones for bookmark translation) */ void CViewDialog::setFilters( const std::vector<CString>& posFilter, const std::vector<CString>& negFilter ) { PreviousPosFilter = PosFilter; PreviousNegFilter = NegFilter; PosFilter = posFilter; NegFilter = negFilter; } /* * Returns true if the string must be logged, according to the current filters */ bool CViewDialog::passFilter( const char *text, const std::vector<CString>& posFilter, const std::vector<CString>& negFilter ) const { bool yes = posFilter.empty(); bool found; vector<CString>::const_iterator ilf; // 1. Positive filter for ( ilf=posFilter.begin(); ilf!=posFilter.end(); ++ilf ) { found = ( strstr( text, *ilf ) != NULL ); if ( found ) { yes = true; // positive filter passed (no need to check another one) break; } // else try the next one } if ( ! yes ) { return false; // positive filter not passed } // 2. Negative filter for ( ilf=negFilter.begin(); ilf!=negFilter.end(); ++ilf ) { found = ( strstr( text, *ilf ) != NULL ); if ( found ) { return false; // negative filter not passed (no need to check another one) } } return true; // negative filter passed } /* * Load trace */ void CViewDialog::reloadTrace() { CWaitCursor wc; ((CButton*)GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON1 ))->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON2 ))->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); if ( LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty() ) { SessionDatePassed = true; if ( PosFilter.empty() ) m_Caption = "Trace of " + Seriesname + " (all)"; else m_Caption = "Trace of " + PosFilter[0] + " (all)"; } else { if ( LogSessionStartDate == "Beginning" ) { SessionDatePassed = true; } if ( PosFilter.empty() ) m_Caption = "Trace of " + Seriesname + " (session " + LogSessionStartDate + ")" ; else m_Caption = "Trace of " + PosFilter[0] + " (session " + LogSessionStartDate + ")" ; } UpdateData( false ); clear(); ifstream ifs( Seriesname ); if ( ! ifs.fail() ) { char line [1024]; while ( ! ifs.eof() ) { ifs.getline( line, 1024 ); if ( SessionDatePassed ) { // Stop if the session is finished if ( (! LogSessionStartDate.IsEmpty()) && (strstr( line, LogDateString )) ) break; // Read if it's a TRACE char *pc = strstr( line, "TRACE" ); if ( pc != NULL ) { if ( PosFilter.empty() || (strncmp( pc-PosFilter[0].GetLength(), PosFilter[0], PosFilter[0].GetLength() ) == 0) ) { ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->insertTraceLine( Index, pc+6 ); } } } else { // Look for the session beginning if ( strstr( line, LogSessionStartDate ) != NULL ) { SessionDatePassed = true; } } } addLine( "<After adding all the views" ); addLine( "you need, click Compute Traces" ); addLine( "to generate all the views>" ); } else { addLine( "<Cannot open log file>" ); } commitAddedLines(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CViewDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CViewDialog) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON1, OnButtonFilter) ON_NOTIFY(LVN_GETDISPINFO, IDC_LIST1, OnGetdispinfoList1) ON_NOTIFY(LVN_ITEMCHANGED, IDC_LIST1, OnItemchangedList1) ON_NOTIFY(NM_SETFOCUS, IDC_LIST1, OnSetfocusList1) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON2, OnButtonFind) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE( WM_FINDREPLACE, OnFindReplace ) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CViewDialog message handlers /* * */ void CViewDialog::OnSetfocusList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { // Force to display the current item when the current view changes if ( getSelectionIndex() != -1 ) displayString(); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->setCurrentView( Index ); m_ListCtrl.RepaintSelectedItems(); *pResult = 0; } /* * */ void CViewDialog::OnItemchangedList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; // Display the current item when it changes if ( pNMListView->iItem != -1 ) displayString(); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->setCurrentView( Index ); m_ListCtrl.RepaintSelectedItems(); *pResult = 0; } /* * Resize */ void CViewDialog::resizeView( int nbViews, int top, int left ) { RECT parentRect; GetParent()->GetClientRect( &parentRect ); int width = (int)((parentRect.right-32)*WidthR); RECT viewRect; viewRect.left = left; viewRect.top = top; viewRect.right = viewRect.left + width; viewRect.bottom = parentRect.bottom-10; MoveWindow( &viewRect, TRUE ); m_ListCtrl.MoveWindow( 5, 32, width-5, viewRect.bottom-top-42 ); LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH; lvc.cx = width-24; m_ListCtrl.SetColumn( 0, &lvc ); //m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ); // worse GetDlgItem( IDC_DragBar )->MoveWindow( 0, 0, 32, viewRect.bottom-top ); } /* * Return the nb of lines */ int CViewDialog::getNbLines() const { return (int)Buffer.size(); } /* * Return the nb of visible lines */ int CViewDialog::getNbVisibleLines() const { return m_ListCtrl.GetCountPerPage(); } /* * Fill from getNbLines() to maxNbLines with blank lines */ void CViewDialog::fillGaps( int maxNbLines ) { int nbLines = getNbLines(); for ( int i=0; i!=maxNbLines-nbLines; ++i ) { addLine( "" ); } } /* * Commit the lines previously added */ void CViewDialog::commitAddedLines() { m_ListCtrl.SetItemCount( (int)Buffer.size() ); m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth( 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ); } /* * Scroll */ void CViewDialog::scrollTo( int index ) { int deltaIndex = index - m_ListCtrl.GetTopIndex(); RECT rect; if ( m_ListCtrl.GetItemRect( 0, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS ) ) { int itemH = rect.bottom-rect.top; m_ListCtrl.Scroll( CSize( 0, deltaIndex*itemH ) ); } //m_ListCtrl.EnsureVisible( index, false ); } /* * Select */ void CViewDialog::select( int index ) { LVITEM itstate; itstate.mask = LVIF_STATE; itstate.state = 0; int sm = getSelectionIndex(); if ( sm != -1 ) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemState( sm, &itstate ); } if ( index != -1 ) { itstate.state = LVIS_SELECTED | /*LVIS_DROPHILITED |*/ LVIS_FOCUSED; m_ListCtrl.SetItemState( index, &itstate ); m_ListCtrl.SetSelectionMark( index ); } } /* * Return the index of the top of the listbox */ int CViewDialog::getScrollIndex() const { return m_ListCtrl.GetTopIndex(); } /* * Add the current scroll index to the bookmark list, or delete it if already inside the list */ void CViewDialog::addBookmark() { int bkIndex = getSelectionIndex(); vector<int>::iterator ibk = find( Bookmarks.begin(), Bookmarks.end(), bkIndex ); if ( ibk == Bookmarks.end() ) { // Add Bookmarks.push_back( bkIndex ); std::sort( Bookmarks.begin(), Bookmarks.end() ); // not very fast but not many items ((CLog_analyserDlg*)(GetParent()))->displayCurrentLine( "Bookmark set" ); } else { // Remove Bookmarks.erase( ibk ); } // Refresh the listbox view to display the right bookmark color ((CLog_analyserDlg*)(GetParent()))->SetFocus(); m_ListCtrl.SetFocus(); } /* * Scroll the listbox to the next stored bookmkark */ void CViewDialog::recallNextBookmark() { if ( Bookmarks.empty() ) return; // Precondition: the vector is sorted int origIndex = (CurrentBookmark==-1) ? getScrollIndex() : CurrentBookmark, destIndex; unsigned int i = 0; while ( (i < Bookmarks.size()) && (Bookmarks[i] <= origIndex) ) ++i; if ( i == Bookmarks.size() ) { // Origin index > all the bookmarks => go back to the first one destIndex = Bookmarks[0]; } else { // Go to the next bookmark destIndex = Bookmarks[i]; } CurrentBookmark = destIndex; // because scrollTo does not scroll if we are at the bottom of the list scrollTo( destIndex ); //select( destIndex ); } /* * Add several lines */ void CViewDialog::addText( const CString& lines ) { int pos, lineStartPos=0; for ( pos=0; pos<lines.GetLength(); ++pos ) { if ( lines[pos] == '\n' ) { addLine( lines.Mid( lineStartPos, pos-lineStartPos ) ); ++pos; // skip '\n' lineStartPos = pos; } } if ( lineStartPos > pos ) addLine( lines.Mid( lineStartPos, pos-lineStartPos ) ); } /* * Clear */ void CViewDialog::clear() { Buffer.clear(); m_ListCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); } /* * */ void CViewDialog::OnButtonFilter() { if ( ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->FilterDialog.DoModal() == IDOK ) { setFilters( ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->FilterDialog.getPosFilter(), ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->FilterDialog.getNegFilter() ); if ( ! ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->Trace ) { reload(); } } } BOOL CViewDialog::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); m_ListCtrl.GetHeaderCtrl()->ModifyStyle( 0, HDS_HIDDEN ); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn( 0, "" ); m_ListCtrl.setViewDialog( this ); m_ListCtrl.initIt(); Index = -1; BeginFindIndex = -1; FindDialog = NULL; FindMatchCase = false; FindDownwards = true; WidthR = 0.0f; CurrentBookmark = -1; return TRUE; } /* * Return the text color */ COLORREF CViewDialog::getTextColorForLine( int index, bool selected ) { if ( selected ) return ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); else { if ( Buffer[index].Find( "DBG" ) != -1 ) return RGB(0x80,0x80,0x80); else if ( Buffer[index].Find( "WRN" ) != -1 ) return RGB(0x80,0,0); else if ( (Buffer[index].Find( "ERR" ) != -1) || (Buffer[index].Find( "AST" ) != -1) ) return RGB(0xFF,0,0); else // INF and others return RGB(0,0,0); } } /* * Return the background color */ COLORREF CViewDialog::getBkColorForLine( int index, bool selected ) { unsigned int i = 0; while ( (i < Bookmarks.size()) && (Bookmarks[i]<index) ) ++i; if ( (i < Bookmarks.size()) && (index == Bookmarks[i]) ) if ( selected ) return (::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) + RGB(0xC0,0x90,0x90)) / 2; // selected bookmark else return RGB(0xC0,0x90,0x90); // bookmark else if ( selected ) return ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); // selected else return GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); // normal } /* * */ void formatLogStr( CString& str, bool displayHeaders ) { if ( ! displayHeaders ) { int pos = str.Find( " : " ); if ( pos != -1 ) { str.Delete( 0, pos + 3 ); } } } /* * Process string before displaying it in the view */ void CViewDialog::OnGetdispinfoList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { LV_DISPINFO* pDispInfo = (LV_DISPINFO*)pNMHDR; LV_ITEM* pItem= &(pDispInfo)->item; int iItemIndx = pItem->iItem; if (pItem->mask & LVIF_TEXT) //valid text buffer? { CString str = Buffer[iItemIndx]; formatLogStr( str, ((CButton*)(((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->GetDlgItem( IDC_DispLineHeaders )))->GetCheck() == 1 ); lstrcpy( pItem->pszText, str ); } *pResult = 0; } /* * Display string */ void CViewDialog::displayString() { // Build the string CString s; POSITION pos = m_ListCtrl.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while ( pos != NULL ) { int index = m_ListCtrl.GetNextSelectedItem( pos ); CString str = Buffer[index]; formatLogStr( str, ((CButton*)(((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->GetDlgItem( IDC_DispLineHeaders )))->GetCheck() == 1 ); s += str + "\r\n"; } // Display it ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->displayCurrentLine( s ); } /* * Search string */ void CViewDialog::OnButtonFind() { if ( FindDialog ) // spawn only 1 window return; m_ListCtrl.ModifyStyle( 0, LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS ); select( -1 ); DWORD frDown = FindDownwards ? FR_DOWN : 0; DWORD frMatchCase = FindMatchCase ? FR_MATCHCASE : 0; FindDialog = new CFindReplaceDialog(); FindDialog->Create( true, FindStr, NULL, frDown | frMatchCase | FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD, this ); } bool matchString( const CString& str, const CString& substr, bool matchCase, int& matchPos ) { if ( matchCase ) { matchPos = str.Find( substr ); return matchPos != -1; } else { CString str2 = str, substr2 = substr; str2.MakeUpper(); substr2.MakeUpper(); matchPos = str2.Find( substr2 ); return matchPos != -1; } } /* * */ afx_msg LRESULT CViewDialog::OnFindReplace(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Test 'Cancel' if ( FindDialog->IsTerminating() ) { FindDialog = NULL; m_ListCtrl.ModifyStyle( LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, 0 ); select( -1 ); return 0; } // Test 'Find' if ( FindDialog->FindNext() ) { FindMatchCase = (FindDialog->MatchCase() != 0); FindDownwards = (FindDialog->SearchDown() != 0); FindStr = FindDialog->GetFindString(); int lineIndex, matchPos; if ( FindDialog->SearchDown() ) { BeginFindIndex = (getSelectionIndex() == -1) ? 0 : getSelectionIndex() + 1; for ( lineIndex=BeginFindIndex; lineIndex!=(int)Buffer.size(); ++lineIndex ) { if ( matchString( Buffer[lineIndex], FindStr, FindDialog->MatchCase()!=0, matchPos ) ) { scrollTo( lineIndex ); select( lineIndex ); //BeginFindIndex = getSelectionIndex()+1; //displayString(); CString s; s.Format( "Found '%s' (downwards from line %d) at line %d:\r\n%s", FindStr, BeginFindIndex, lineIndex, Buffer[lineIndex] ); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->displayCurrentLine( s ); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->selectText( 1, matchPos, FindStr.GetLength() ); //BeginFindIndex = lineIndex+1; return 1; } } } else { BeginFindIndex = (getSelectionIndex() == -1) ? 0 : getSelectionIndex() - 1; for ( lineIndex=BeginFindIndex; lineIndex>=0; --lineIndex ) { if ( matchString( Buffer[lineIndex], FindStr, FindDialog->MatchCase()!=0, matchPos ) ) { scrollTo( lineIndex ); select( lineIndex ); //BeginFindIndex = getSelectionIndex()-1; //displayString(); CString s; s.Format( "Found '%s' (upwards from line %d) at line %d:\r\n%s", FindStr, BeginFindIndex, lineIndex, Buffer[lineIndex] ); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->displayCurrentLine( s ); ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->selectText( 1, matchPos, FindStr.GetLength() ); //BeginFindIndex = lineIndex-1; return 1; } } } CString s; s.Format( "Not found (%s from line %d)", FindDialog->SearchDown() ? "downwards" : "upwards", BeginFindIndex ); AfxMessageBox( s ); //BeginFindIndex = 0; return 0; } return 0; } void CViewDialog::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ( (Index > 0) && (ChildWindowFromPoint( point ) == GetDlgItem( IDC_DragBar )) ) { ((CLog_analyserDlg*)GetParent())->beginResizeView( Index ); } else { //PostMessage(WM_NCHITTEST,HTCAPTION,MAKELPARAM(point.x,point.y)); CDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } }