// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010  Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "stdpch.h"

#include "interface_group.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "group_container.h"
#include "group_editbox.h"
#include "group_scrolltext.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
#include "lua_ihm_ryzom.h"

#include "nel/misc/stream.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace NL3D;

#define IG_UNIQUE_ID(this) ((void*)&((this)->_GroupSizeRef)) // NB nico : use some pointer *inside* CInterfaceGroup as a unique id for lua registry (any field but
														     // the first), instead of using 'this'. 'this' is already used by
		                                                     //  CLuaIHM::pushReflectableOnStack as unique id to CInterfaceElement's ref pointers


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CInterfaceGroup, std::string, "interface_group");

CInterfaceGroup::CInterfaceGroup(const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlBase(param)
	_ParentSizeMax = NULL;
	_MaxW = _MaxH = 16384;
	_OffsetX = _OffsetY = 0;
	_Overlappable= true;
	_ResizeFromChildW= false;
	_ResizeFromChildH= false;
	_ResizeFromChildWMargin= 0;
	_ResizeFromChildHMargin= 0;
	_MaxWReal = _MaxHReal = 16384;
	_GroupSizeRef = 0;
	_Escapable= false;
	_UseCursor = true;
	_IsGroupContainer = false;
	_AHOnActive = NULL;
	_AHOnDeactive = NULL;
	_AHOnLeftClick = NULL;
	_AHOnRightClick = NULL;
	_AHOnEnter = NULL;
	_AHOnEscape = NULL;
	_NeedFrameUpdatePos= false;
	_LUAEnvTableCreated= false;

	CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->DebugTrackGroupsCreated( this );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::setIdRecurse(const std::string &id)
	for(std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::iterator it = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); it != _ChildrenGroups.end(); ++it)
	for(std::vector<CCtrlBase*>::iterator it = _Controls.begin(); it != _Controls.end(); ++it)
	for(std::vector<CViewBase*>::iterator it = _Views.begin(); it != _Views.end(); ++it)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::notifyActiveCalled(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorActiveCalledOnParent &desc)
	// notify children that the 'active' state of this group has changed
	for(std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::iterator it = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); it != _ChildrenGroups.end(); ++it)
	for(std::vector<CCtrlBase*>::iterator ctrlIt = _Controls.begin(); ctrlIt != _Controls.end(); ++ctrlIt)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::setActive(bool state)
	if(state != getActive())
		CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
		if (_AHOnActive != NULL && state)
			CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnActive, this, _AHOnActiveParams);
		if (_AHOnDeactive != NULL && !state)
			CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnDeactive, this, _AHOnDeactiveParams);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// delete any LUA group environnement
	// delete any LUA interface link "ondbchange"

//	NLMISC::TTime initStart;
//	initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime ();
//	nlinfo ("%d seconds for clearGroups '%s'", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000, _Id.c_str());
//	initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime ();
//	nlinfo ("%d seconds for clearViews '%s'", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000, _Id.c_str());
//	initStart = ryzomGetLocalTime ();
//	nlinfo ("%d seconds for clearControls '%s'", (uint32)(ryzomGetLocalTime ()-initStart)/1000, _Id.c_str());
	CInterfaceManager *manager = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
	manager->removeRefOnGroup (this);

	CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->DebugTrackGroupsDestroyed( this );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::clearViews()
	// Yoyo: important to not Leave NULL in the array, because of ~CGroupHTML and LibWWW callback
	// that may call CInterfaceManager::getElementFromId() (and this method hates having NULL in the arrays ^^)
		CViewBase *pVB = _Views.back();
		delEltOrder (pVB);
		delete pVB;
		// slower than a _Views.clear() out of loop, but we have to keep a clean array.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::clearControls()
	// Yoyo: important to not Leave NULL in the array, because of ~CGroupHTML() and LibWWW callback
	// that may call CInterfaceManager::getElementFromId() (and this method hates having NULL in the arrays ^^)
		CCtrlBase *pCB = _Controls.back();
		delEltOrder (pCB);
		delete pCB;
		// slower than a _Controls.clear() out of loop, but we have to keep a clean array.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::clearGroups()
	// Yoyo: important to not Leave NULL in the array, because of ~CGroupHTML() and LibWWW callback
	// that may call CInterfaceManager::getElementFromId() (and this method hates having NULL in the arrays ^^)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = _ChildrenGroups.back();
		delEltOrder (pIG);
		delete pIG;
		// slower than a _ChildrenGroups.clear() out of loop, but we have to keep a clean array.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::moveSBTrackY (CInterfaceGroup *target, sint32 dy)
	// Look if there is a vertical scrollbar with this target attached ...
	vector<CCtrlBase*>::iterator itc;
	for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc !=  _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase *pCB = *itc;
		CCtrlScroll *pSB = dynamic_cast<CCtrlScroll*>(pCB);
		if (pSB != NULL)
			if (pSB->getTarget() == target)
				return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::moveSBTargetY(CInterfaceGroup *target,sint32 dy)
	// Look if there is a vertical scrollbar with this target attached ...
	vector<CCtrlBase*>::iterator itc;
	for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc !=  _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase *pCB = *itc;
		CCtrlScroll *pSB = dynamic_cast<CCtrlScroll*>(pCB);
		if (pSB != NULL)
			if (pSB->getTarget() == target)
				return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::setPriority(uint8 nprio)
	if (nprio != _Priority)
		CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setWindowPriority(this, nprio);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
	if ( !CCtrlBase::parse(cur,parentGroup) )
		nlinfo ("cannot parse InterfaceElementLocalisable part");
		return false;

	//determine if the group is a window. If the property is not specified, set it to false.
	CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"win" ));

	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"overlappable" );
		_Overlappable= convertBool(ptr);

	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"escapable" );
	if(ptr)	_Escapable= convertBool(ptr);

	// determine if the group must be sized according to his sons.
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"child_resize_w" );
		_ResizeFromChildW= convertBool(ptr);
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"child_resize_h" );
		_ResizeFromChildH= convertBool(ptr);
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"child_resize_wmargin" );
		NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptr, _ResizeFromChildWMargin);
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"child_resize_hmargin" );
		NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptr, _ResizeFromChildHMargin);
	CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "on_active", "on_active_params", _AHOnActive, _AHOnActiveParams);
	CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "on_deactive", "on_deactive_params", _AHOnDeactive, _AHOnDeactiveParams);

	// Read user max size
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"max_w" );
	if (ptr) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptr, _MaxW);
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"max_h" );
	if (ptr) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptr, _MaxH);
	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"max_sizeref" );
	if (ptr)

	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"max_sizeparent" );
	if (ptr)
		string idparent = ptr;
		idparent = NLMISC::strlwr(idparent);
		if (idparent != "parent")
			if (parentGroup)
				idparent = parentGroup->getId() +":" +  string((const char*)ptr);
				idparent = "ui:" +  string((const char*)ptr);
			if (parentGroup)
				idparent = parentGroup->getId();
		CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->addParentSizeMaxAssociation (this, idparent);

	// left & right clicks
	CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "group_onclick_r", "group_params_r", _AHOnRightClick, _AHOnRightClickParams);
	CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "group_onclick_l", "group_params_l", _AHOnLeftClick, _AHOnLeftClickParams);

	// Each window (modal and groupContainer) can be validated by Enter. if "" => no op.
	CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "on_enter", "on_enter_params", _AHOnEnter, _AHOnEnterParams);

	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"win_priority" );
	if(ptr) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptr, _Priority);

	ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"use_cursor" );
	if(ptr)	_UseCursor= convertBool(ptr);

	// Each window (modal and groupContainer) can be escaped if "escapable" set
	// they can add an action handler before the hide
	CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "on_escape", "on_escape_params", _AHOnEscape, _AHOnEscapeParams);

	// LuaClass script
	ptr = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"lua_class");
	if(ptr)	CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->addLuaClassAssociation(this, (const char*)ptr);

	return true;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::parseMaxSizeRef(const char *ptr)
	parseSizeRef(ptr, _GroupSizeRef, _SizeDivW, _SizeDivH);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32 CInterfaceGroup::getMemory ()
	uint32 Mem = sizeof(*this);
	/*vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin() ; itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itg;
		Mem += pIG->getMemory();

	for (vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv = _Views.begin() ; itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
		CViewBase *pVB = *itv;
		Mem += pVB->getMemory();

	for (vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc = _Controls.begin() ; itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase* ctrl = *itc;
		Mem += ctrl->getMemory();
	return Mem;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::addToEltOrder(CViewBase *view, sint order)
	if (!view) return;
	if (order == -1)
		if (order > (sint) _EltOrder.size()) return;
		_EltOrder.insert(_EltOrder.begin() + order, view);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::addView (CViewBase *child, sint eltOrder /*= -1*/)
	if (!child)
		nlwarning("<CInterfaceGroup::addView> : tried to add a NULL view");
	addToEltOrder(child, eltOrder);

	// elt callBack.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::addCtrl (CCtrlBase *child, sint eltOrder /*= -1*/)
	if (!child)
		nlwarning("<CInterfaceGroup::addCtrl> : tried to add a NULL ctrl");
	addToEltOrder(child, eltOrder);

	// elt callBack.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::addGroup (CInterfaceGroup *child, sint eltOrder /*= -1*/)
	if (!child)
		nlwarning("<CInterfaceGroup::addGroup> : tried to add a NULL group");
	addToEltOrder(child, eltOrder);

	// elt callBack.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaAddGroup (CLuaState &ls)
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::addTab", 1);
	CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup *>(CLuaIHMRyzom::getUIOnStack(ls, 1));
	return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// id = incomplete path (text:list:a) lid complete one (ui:interface:content:text:list:a)
static bool reverseCheckPath(const string &id, const string &lid)
	string idTmp = id, lidTmp = lid;
//	bool isFound = true;
	while (idTmp.size() > 0)
		string tokid, toklid;

		string::size_type posid = idTmp.rfind (":");
		if (posid == string::npos)
			posid = 0;
			tokid = idTmp;
			tokid = idTmp.substr (posid+1);

		string::size_type poslid = lidTmp.rfind (":");
		if (poslid == string::npos)
			poslid = 0;
			toklid = lidTmp;
			toklid = lidTmp.substr (poslid+1);

		if (tokid != toklid)
			return false;

		if (posid > 0)
			idTmp = idTmp.substr (0, posid);
			idTmp = "";

		if (poslid > 0)
			lidTmp = lidTmp.substr (0, poslid);
			lidTmp = "";
	return true;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CViewBase*		CInterfaceGroup::getView  (const std::string &id)
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv;
	for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); ++itv)
		CViewBase *pVB = (*itv);
		if (reverseCheckPath(id, pVB->getId()))
			return *itv;
	// search in sons
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); ++itg)
		CViewBase* view = (*itg)->getView(id);
		if (view)
			return view;
	return NULL;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCtrlBase*		CInterfaceGroup::getCtrl  (const std::string &id)
	vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itv;
	for (itv = _Controls.begin(); itv != _Controls.end(); ++itv)
		CCtrlBase *pCB = (*itv);
		if (reverseCheckPath(id, pCB->getId()))
			return *itv;
	// search in sons
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); ++itg)
		CCtrlBase*pCtrl = (*itg)->getCtrl (id);
		if (pCtrl)
			return pCtrl;
	return NULL;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInterfaceGroup*CInterfaceGroup::getGroup (const std::string &id) const
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end();itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = (*itg);
		if (reverseCheckPath(id, pIG->getId()))
			return *itg;
	// search in sons
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); ++itg)
		CInterfaceGroup *pCtrl = (*itg)->getGroup (id);
		if (pCtrl)
			return pCtrl;
	return NULL;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delView  (CViewBase *child, bool dontDelete /* = false*/)
	for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32)_Views.size(); ++i)
		if (_Views[i] == child)
			if (!dontDelete) delete _Views[i];
			delEltOrder (child);
			return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delCtrl  (CCtrlBase *child, bool dontDelete /* = false*/)
	for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32)_Controls.size(); ++i)
		if (_Controls[i] == child)
			if (!dontDelete) delete _Controls[i];
			delEltOrder (child);
			return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delGroup (CInterfaceGroup *child, bool dontDelete /* = false*/)
	for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32)_ChildrenGroups.size(); ++i)
		if (_ChildrenGroups[i] == child)
			if (!dontDelete) delete _ChildrenGroups[i];
			delEltOrder (child);
			return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaDelGroup (CLuaState &ls)
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::delTab", 1);
	CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup *>(CLuaIHMRyzom::getUIOnStack(ls, 1));
	return 0;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaGetNumGroups(CLuaState &ls)
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::getNumGroups", 0);
	ls.push((double) _ChildrenGroups.size());
	return 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaGetGroup(CLuaState &ls)
	const char *funcName = "CInterfaceGroup::getGroup";
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::getGroup", 1);
	CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TNUMBER);
	uint index = (uint) ls.toNumber(1);
	if (index >= _ChildrenGroups.size())
		CLuaIHM::fails(ls, "getGroup : try to index group %s, but there are only %d son groups", ls.toString(1), (int) _ChildrenGroups.size());
	CLuaIHMRyzom::pushUIOnStack(ls, _ChildrenGroups[index]);
	return 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::delEltOrder (CViewBase *pElt)
	for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32)_EltOrder.size(); ++i)
		if (_EltOrder[i] == pElt)
			_EltOrder.erase (_EltOrder.begin()+i);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delView  (const std::string &id, bool dontDelete /* = false*/)
	return delView(getView(id), dontDelete);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delCtrl  (const std::string &id, bool dontDelete /* = false*/)
	return delCtrl(getCtrl(id), dontDelete);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delGroup (const std::string &id, bool dontDelete /* = false*/)
	return delGroup(getGroup(id), dontDelete);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::isChildGroup(const CInterfaceGroup *group) const
	return std::find(_ChildrenGroups.begin(), _ChildrenGroups.end(), group) != _ChildrenGroups.end();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event)
	if (CCtrlBase::handleEvent(event)) return true;
	if (!_Active)
		return false;

	CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();

	if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::system)
		NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &eds = (NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem&)event;
		if (eds.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem::activecalledonparent)
			// notify all childrens
			notifyActiveCalled((NLGUI::CEventDescriptorActiveCalledOnParent &) eds);

	if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::mouse)
		const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &)event;

		if (!isIn(eventDesc.getX(), eventDesc.getY()))
			return false;

		bool taken = false;

		// For each control in the group...
		vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc;
		for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
			CCtrlBase *pCB = *itc;
			if (pCB->getActive())
				taken = taken || pCB->handleEvent(eventDesc);
		if (taken)
			return true;

		// For each child group
		for (sint i = (sint)_ChildrenGroups.size()-1; i >= 0; --i)
			CInterfaceGroup *pIG = _ChildrenGroups[i];
			if (pIG->getActive())
				if (pIG->handleEvent(eventDesc))
					return true;

		if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown)
			if (_AHOnLeftClick != NULL)
				CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler(_AHOnLeftClick, this, _AHOnLeftClickParams);
				return true;

		if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightup)
			if (_AHOnRightClick != NULL)
				CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler(_AHOnRightClick, this, _AHOnRightClickParams);
				return true;
		if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mousewheel)
			// handle the Mouse Wheel only if interesting
			if (_H>_MaxH)
				CInterfaceGroup *currParent = _Parent;
				while (currParent)
					if (currParent->moveSBTrackY (this, eventDesc.getWheel()*12))
						return true;
					currParent = currParent->getParent();
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::executeControl (const std::string &/* sControlName */)
//	bool taken = false;
//	CCtrlBase *pIC = getCtrl (sControlName);
//	if (pIC != NULL)
//		pIC->callback(taken);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::draw ()
	sint32 oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH;
	makeNewClip (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);

	// Display sons only if not total clipped
	CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
	if( !rVR.isClipWindowEmpty() )
		// Draw all decorative elements
		vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
		for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
			CViewBase *pVB = *ite;
			if (pVB->getActive())

	restoreClip (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::drawNoClip()
	// Display sons only if not total clipped
	CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
	if( !rVR.isClipWindowEmpty() )
		// Draw all decorative elements
		vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
		for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
			CViewBase *pVB = *ite;
			if (pVB->getActive())

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::renderWiredQuads(CInterfaceElement::TRenderWired type, const std::string &uiFilter)
	if (!_Active) return;
	CInterfaceElement::renderWiredQuads(type, uiFilter);
	sint32 oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH;
	makeNewClip (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);
	for(std::vector<CViewBase*>::iterator it = _EltOrder.begin(); it != _EltOrder.end(); ++it)
		if (*it) (*it)->renderWiredQuads(type, uiFilter);
	restoreClip (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::drawElement (CViewBase *el)
	sint32 oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH;
	makeNewClip (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);


	restoreClip (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::checkCoords()
	//update all children elements
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
	for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
		CViewBase *pIE = *ite;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::executeLuaScriptOnDraw()
	// If some LUA script attached to me, execute it
		CInterfaceManager	*pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
		CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler("lua", this, _LUAOnDraw);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::doUpdateCoords()
	_MaxWReal = _MaxW;
	_MaxHReal = _MaxH;

	CInterfaceElement *el = NULL;

	if (_ParentSizeMax != NULL)
		el = _ParentSizeMax;
		if (_ParentSize != NULL)
			el = _ParentSize;
			if (_ParentPos != NULL)
				el = _ParentPos;
				el = _Parent;

	if (el != NULL)
		if (_GroupSizeRef&1)
			_MaxWReal += _SizeDivW * el->getWReal() / 10;

		if (_GroupSizeRef&2)
			_MaxHReal += _SizeDivH * el->getHReal() / 10;

	_XReal += _OffsetX;
	_YReal += _OffsetY;

	//update all children elements
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
	for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
		CViewBase *pIE = *ite;

	_XReal -= _OffsetX;
	_YReal -= _OffsetY;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::updateCoords()
	// update basis and sons one time.

	// if the group must resize from children
	if(_ResizeFromChildH || _ResizeFromChildW)
		// compute BBox of all childrens
		sint	width, height;
		evalChildrenBBox(_ResizeFromChildW, _ResizeFromChildH, width, height);
		// set forced size.
			_W= _ResizeFromChildWMargin + width;
			_H= _ResizeFromChildHMargin + height;


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::evalChildrenBBox(bool resizeFromChildW, bool resizeFromChildH, sint &width, sint &height) const
	sint	yMin=INT_MAX, yMax=INT_MIN;
	sint	xMin=INT_MAX, xMax=INT_MIN;
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
	for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
		CViewBase *pIE = *ite;
		if (pIE->getActive())
			const CInterfaceElement *el = pIE->getParentPos() ? pIE->getParentPos() : pIE->getParent();
			if (el == this)
				// to compute the bbox, don't use direct sons that have a sizeref on the resizing coordinate
				if ((resizeFromChildW && (pIE->getSizeRef() & 1))
					|| (resizeFromChildH && (pIE->getSizeRef() & 2))
			// avoid also some interface elements
			// get the real coords bounds.
			sint32	x0,y0,x1,y1;
			// If it is a group, minimize with MaxHReal / MaxWReal
			const CInterfaceGroup	*sonGroup= dynamic_cast<const CInterfaceGroup*>(pIE);
			// \todo yoyo: do not know why but don't work if this==scroll_text
			if(sonGroup && !dynamic_cast<const CGroupScrollText*>(this))
				sint32	oldSciX= -16384;
				sint32	oldSciY= -16384;
				sint32	oldSciW= 32768;
				sint32	oldSciH= 32768;
				sint32	w, h;
				sonGroup->computeCurrentClipContribution(oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH, x0, y0, w, h);
				x1= x0 + w;
				y1= y0 + h;
				x0= pIE->getXReal();
				y0= pIE->getYReal();
				x1= x0 + pIE->getWReal();
				y1= y0 + pIE->getHReal();
			// enlarge
				xMin= x0;
				yMin= y0;
				xMax= x1;
				yMax= y1;
	width = xMax - xMin;
	height = yMax - yMin;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::invalidateTexts (bool resetTextIndex)
	vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin() ; itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itg;

	for (vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv = _Views.begin() ; itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
		CViewBase *pVB = *itv;
		CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast<CViewText*>(pVB);
		if (pVT != NULL)
			if (resetTextIndex)
			pVT->updateTextContext ();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInterfaceElement* CInterfaceGroup::getElement (const std::string &id)
	if (_Id == id)
		return this;

	if (id.compare(0, _Id.size(), _Id) != 0)
		return NULL;

	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv;
	for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
		CViewBase *pVB = *itv;
#if !FINAL_VERSION		// For SpeedUp in final version
		nlassert(pVB);	// The element must not be NULL
		if (pVB->getId() == id)
			return pVB;

	vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase* ctrl = *itc;
#if !FINAL_VERSION		// For SpeedUp in final version
		nlassert(ctrl);	// The element must not be NULL
		if (ctrl->getId() == id)
			return ctrl;

	vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itg;
#if !FINAL_VERSION		// For SpeedUp in final version
		nlassert(pIG);	// The element must not be NULL
		CInterfaceElement *pIEL = pIG->getElement(id);
		if (pIEL != NULL)
			return pIEL;
	return NULL;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delElement (const std::string &id, bool noWarning)
	if (id.substr(0, _Id.size()) != _Id)
		return false;

	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv;
	for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
		CViewBase *pVB = *itv;
		if (pVB->getId() == id)
			delView  (pVB, false);
			return true;

	vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase* ctrl = *itc;
		if (ctrl->getId() == id)
			delCtrl (ctrl, false);
			return true;

	vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itg;
		if (pIG->getId() == id)
			// If this is a root window
			if (pIG->getRootWindow () == pIG)
				CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->unMakeWindow(pIG, noWarning);
			delGroup (pIG, false);
			return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::delElement (CInterfaceElement *pIE, bool noWarning)
	// delete correct type of element
		CInterfaceGroup		*pIG= static_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(pIE);
		// unmake window if it is
		if (pIG->getRootWindow () == pIG)
			CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->unMakeWindow(pIG, noWarning);
		return delGroup(pIG);
	else if(pIE->isCtrl())
		return delCtrl(static_cast<CCtrlBase*>(pIE));

	return delView(static_cast<CViewBase*>(pIE));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::isWindowUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y)
	return ((x >= _XReal) &&
			(x < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
			(y > _YReal) &&
			(y <= (_YReal + _HReal)));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInterfaceGroup* CInterfaceGroup::getGroupUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y)
	// Begins by the children
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pChild = *itg;
		CInterfaceGroup *pChildUnder = pChild->getGroupUnder (x-_XReal, y-_YReal);
		if (pChildUnder != NULL)
			if ( (x >= _XReal) &&
				(x < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
				(y > _YReal) &&
				(y <= (_YReal+ _HReal)))
				return pChildUnder;

	// If not found in childs then try in the parent one
	if ( (x >= _XReal) &&
		 (x < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
		 (y > _YReal) &&
		 (y <= (_YReal+ _HReal)))
		 return this;
	return NULL;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::getViewsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CViewBase*> &vVB)
	if (!((x >= _XReal) &&
		(x < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
		(y > _YReal) &&
		(y <= (_YReal+ _HReal))))
		return false;
	// test against current clip
	computeCurrentClipContribution(clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH,
								   clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH);

	if (!((x > clipX) &&
		(x < (clipX + clipW))&&
		(y > clipY) &&
		(y < (clipY + clipH))))
		return false;

	// same as draw order: start with parent
	std::vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _EltOrder.begin(); itc != _EltOrder.end(); itc++)
		if (!(*itc)->isCtrl() && !(*itc)->isGroup()) // must be a view
			CViewBase *pVB = *itc;
			if (pVB != NULL)
			if (pVB->getActive())
			if ( ((x) > pVB->getXReal()) &&
				 ((x) < (pVB->getXReal() + pVB->getWReal()))&&
				 ((y) > pVB->getYReal()) &&
				 ((y) < (pVB->getYReal() + pVB->getHReal())))
				vVB.push_back (pVB);

	// same as draw order: continue with children
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pChild = *itg;
		if (pChild->getActive())
//		bool bUnder = 
			pChild->getViewsUnder (x, y, clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH, vVB);
//			if (bUnder && (vICL.size() > 0))
//				return true;
	return true;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::getCtrlsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CCtrlBase*> &vICL)
	if (!((x >= _XReal) &&
		(x < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
		(y > _YReal) &&
		(y <= (_YReal+ _HReal))))
		return false;
	// test against current clip
	computeCurrentClipContribution(clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH,
								   clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH);

	if (!((x >= clipX) &&
		(x < (clipX + clipW))&&
		(y > clipY) &&
		(y <= (clipY + clipH))))
		return false;

	// same as draw order: start with parent
	std::vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _EltOrder.begin(); itc != _EltOrder.end(); itc++)
		if ((*itc)->isCtrl() && !(*itc)->isGroup()) // must be a ctrl but not a group (parsed later)
			CCtrlBase *pICL = (CCtrlBase *) *itc;
			if (pICL != NULL)
			if (pICL->getActive())
			if ( ((x) >= pICL->getXReal()) &&
				 ((x) < (pICL->getXReal() + pICL->getWReal()))&&
				 ((y) > pICL->getYReal()) &&
				 ((y) <= (pICL->getYReal() + pICL->getHReal())))
				vICL.push_back (pICL->getSubCtrl(x,y));

	// same as draw order: continue with children
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pChild = *itg;
		if (pChild->getActive())
//		bool bUnder = 
			pChild->getCtrlsUnder (x, y, clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH, vICL);
//			if (bUnder && (vICL.size() > 0))
//				return true;
	return true;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceGroup::getGroupsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CInterfaceGroup *> &vIGL)
	if (!((x >= _XReal) &&
		(x < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
		(y > _YReal) &&
		(y <= (_YReal+ _HReal))))
		return false;
	// test against current clip
	computeCurrentClipContribution(clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH,
								   clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH);

	if (!((x >= clipX) &&
		(x < (clipX + clipW))&&
		(y > clipY) &&
		(y <= (clipY + clipH))))
		return false;

	// same as draw order: start with parent
	std::vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _EltOrder.begin(); itc != _EltOrder.end(); itc++)
		if ((*itc)->isGroup()) // must be a group
			CInterfaceGroup *pIGL = (CInterfaceGroup *) *itc;
			if (pIGL != NULL)
			if (pIGL->getActive())
			if ( ((x) >= pIGL->getXReal()) &&
				 ((x) < (pIGL->getXReal() + pIGL->getWReal()))&&
				 ((y) > pIGL->getYReal()) &&
				 ((y) <= (pIGL->getYReal() + pIGL->getHReal())))
				vIGL.push_back (pIGL);

	// same as draw order: continue with children
	std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pChild = *itg;
		if (pChild->getActive())
//		bool bUnder = 
			pChild->getGroupsUnder (x, y, clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH, vIGL);
//			if (bUnder && (vICL.size() > 0))
//				return true;
	return true;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::absoluteToRelative (sint32 &x, sint32 &y)
	CInterfaceGroup *curGrp = _Parent;
	while (curGrp != NULL)
		x = x - curGrp->_XReal;
		y = y - curGrp->_YReal;
		curGrp = curGrp->_Parent;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::computeCurrentClipContribution(sint32 oldSciX, sint32 oldSciY, sint32 oldSciW, sint32 oldSciH,
										             sint32 &newSciXDest, sint32 &newSciYDest, sint32 &newSciWDest, sint32 &newSciHDest) const
	sint32 newSciX = _XReal;
	sint32 newSciY = _YReal;
	sint32 newSciW = _WReal;
	sint32 newSciH = _HReal;
	// If there is width size limiter
	if (_MaxWReal < _WReal)
		if ((_PosRef == Hotspot_TR) || (_PosRef == Hotspot_MR) || (_PosRef == Hotspot_BR))
			newSciX = _XReal + _WReal - _MaxWReal;
		newSciW = _MaxWReal;
	// If there is height size limiter
	if (_MaxHReal < _HReal)
		if ((_PosRef == Hotspot_TL) || (_PosRef == Hotspot_TM) || (_PosRef == Hotspot_TR))
			newSciY = _YReal + _HReal - _MaxHReal;
		newSciH = _MaxHReal;
	// Clip Left
	if (newSciX < oldSciX)
		newSciW = newSciW - (oldSciX - newSciX);
		newSciX = oldSciX;
	// Clip Right
	if ((newSciX+newSciW) > (oldSciX+oldSciW))
		newSciW = newSciW - ((newSciX+newSciW)-(oldSciX+oldSciW));
	// Clip Bottom
	if (newSciY < oldSciY)
		newSciH = newSciH - (oldSciY - newSciY);
		newSciY = oldSciY;
	// Clip Top
	if ((newSciY+newSciH) > (oldSciY+oldSciH))
		newSciH = newSciH - ((newSciY+newSciH)-(oldSciY+oldSciH));

	newSciXDest = newSciX;
	newSciYDest = newSciY;
	newSciWDest = newSciW;
	newSciHDest = newSciH;


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::makeNewClip (sint32 &oldSciX, sint32 &oldSciY, sint32 &oldSciW, sint32 &oldSciH)
	CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
	rVR.getClipWindow (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);

	sint32 newSciX, newSciY, newSciW, newSciH;
	computeCurrentClipContribution(oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH, newSciX, newSciY, newSciW, newSciH);
	rVR.setClipWindow (newSciX, newSciY, newSciW, newSciH);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::getClip(sint32 &x, sint32 &y, sint32 &w, sint32 &h) const
	CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
	uint32 sw, sh;
	rVR.getScreenSize(sw, sh);
	sint32 sciX = 0, sciY = 0, sciW = sw, sciH =sh;
	const CInterfaceGroup *currGroup = this;
		currGroup->computeCurrentClipContribution(sciX, sciY, sciW, sciH, sciX, sciY, sciW, sciH);
		currGroup = currGroup->_Parent;
	} while(currGroup);
	x = sciX;
	y = sciY;
	w = sciW;
	h = sciH;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::restoreClip (sint32 oldSciX, sint32 oldSciY, sint32 oldSciW, sint32 oldSciH)
	CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
	rVR.setClipWindow (oldSciX, oldSciY, oldSciW, oldSciH);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::launch ()
	// launch all elements
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
	for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
		CViewBase *pIE = *ite;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceGroup::getGroup(uint index) const
	if (index > _ChildrenGroups.size())
		nlwarning("<CInterfaceGroup::getGroup()> bad index;");
		return NULL;
	return _ChildrenGroups[index];

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::updateAllLinks()
		for(std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::iterator it = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); it != _ChildrenGroups.end(); ++it)
		for(std::vector<CCtrlBase*>::iterator it = _Controls.begin(); it != _Controls.end(); ++it)
		for(std::vector<CViewBase*>::iterator it = _Views.begin(); it != _Views.end(); ++it)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sint32 CInterfaceGroup::getAlpha() const
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv;
	for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
		CViewBase *pVB = *itv;
		sint32 a = pVB->getAlpha();
		if (a != -1)
			return a;

	vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase *pCB = *itc;
		sint32 a = pCB->getAlpha();
		if (a != -1)
			return a;

	vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itg;
		sint32 a = pIG->getAlpha();
		if (a != -1)
			return a;
	return -1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::setAlpha (sint32 a)
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv;
	for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
		CViewBase *pVB = *itv;

	vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc;
	for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
		CCtrlBase *pCB = *itc;

	vector<CInterfaceGroup*>::const_iterator itg;
	for (itg = _ChildrenGroups.begin(); itg != _ChildrenGroups.end(); itg++)
		CInterfaceGroup *pIG = *itg;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::setLeftClickHandler(const std::string &handler)
	_AHOnLeftClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(handler, _AHOnLeftClickParams);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::setRightClickHandler(const std::string &handler)
	_AHOnRightClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(handler, _AHOnRightClickParams);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGroupContainer *CInterfaceGroup::getEnclosingContainer()
	CInterfaceGroup *ig = this;
		if (ig->isGroupContainer()) return static_cast<CGroupContainer *>(ig);
		ig = ig->getParent();
	return NULL;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::dumpGroups()
	nlinfo("Num groups = %d", (int) _ChildrenGroups.size());
	for(uint k = 0; k < _ChildrenGroups.size(); ++k)
		std::string typeName = "???";
		if (_ChildrenGroups[k])
			const type_info &ti = typeid(*_ChildrenGroups[k]);
			typeName = ti.name();
		nlinfo("Group %d, name = %s, type=%s", k,  _ChildrenGroups[k] ? _ChildrenGroups[k]->getId().c_str() : "???", typeName.c_str());

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::dumpEltsOrder()
	nlinfo("Num elements = %d", (int) _EltOrder.size());
	for(uint k = 0; k < _EltOrder.size(); ++k)
		std::string typeName = "???";
		if (_ChildrenGroups[k])
			const type_info &ti = typeid(*_EltOrder[k]);
			typeName = ti.name();
		CInterfaceElement *el = _EltOrder[k];
		if (el)
			nlinfo("Element %d, name = %s, type=%s, x=%d, y=%d, parent_name=%s parentposname=%s xreal=%d, yreal=%d, wreal=%d, hreal=%d",
				   k, el->getId().c_str(), typeName.c_str(), el->getX(), el->getY(), el->getParent() ? el->getParent()->getId().c_str() : "no parent",
				   el->getParentPos() ? el->getParentPos()->getId().c_str() : "parent",
				   (int) el->getXReal(),
				   (int) el->getYReal(),
				   (int) el->getWReal(),
				   (int) el->getHReal()
			nlinfo("Element %d = NULL", (int) k);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sint CInterfaceGroup::getInsertionOrder(CViewBase *vb) const
	for(uint k = 0; k < _EltOrder.size(); ++k)
		if (_EltOrder[k] == vb) return (sint) k;
	return -1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sint32 CInterfaceGroup::getMaxUsedW() const
	sint maxWidth = 0;
	for (uint k = 0; k < _EltOrder.size(); ++k)
		// Get the child width
		sint32 width = _EltOrder[k]->getMaxUsedW()+_EltOrder[k]->getXReal() - getXReal();
		if (width > maxWidth)
			maxWidth = width;
	return maxWidth;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sint32 CInterfaceGroup::getMinUsedW() const
	sint32 minWidth = 0;
	for (uint k = 0; k < _EltOrder.size(); ++k)
		// Get the child width
		sint32 width = _EltOrder[k]->getMinUsedW()+_EltOrder[k]->getXReal() - getXReal();
		if (width > minWidth)
			minWidth = width;
	return minWidth;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::clearAllEditBox()
	for(uint k = 0; k < _ChildrenGroups.size(); ++k)
		if (_ChildrenGroups[k]) _ChildrenGroups[k]->clearAllEditBox();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::restoreAllContainersBackupPosition()
	for(uint k = 0; k < _ChildrenGroups.size(); ++k)
		if (_ChildrenGroups[k]) _ChildrenGroups[k]->restoreAllContainersBackupPosition();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::dumpSize(uint depth /*=0*/) const
	for(uint k = 0; k < _ChildrenGroups.size(); ++k)
		_ChildrenGroups[k]->dumpSize(depth + 1);
	for(uint k = 0; k < _Controls.size(); ++k)
		_Controls[k]->dumpSize(depth + 1);
	for(uint k = 0; k < _Views.size(); ++k)
		_Views[k]->dumpSize(depth + 1);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor)
	for(uint k = 0; k < _ChildrenGroups.size(); ++k)
	for(uint k = 0; k < _Controls.size(); ++k)
	for(uint k = 0; k < _Views.size(); ++k)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CInterfaceGroup::setUseCursor(bool use)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::onFrameUpdateWindowPos(sint dx, sint dy)
	// Move me.
	_XReal+= dx;
	_YReal+= dy;

	// Move all my sons.
	vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator ite;
	for (ite = _EltOrder.begin() ; ite != _EltOrder.end(); ite++)
		CViewBase *pIE = *ite;
		pIE->onFrameUpdateWindowPos(dx, dy);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::pushLUAEnvTable()
	CInterfaceManager	*pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
	CLuaState *lua= CLuaManager::getInstance().getLuaState();

		CLuaStackChecker lsc(lua);

		// Create a table and assign it in the REGISTRY."__ui_envtable"  table, with a userdata ptr
		lua->getTable(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);		// Stack: __ui_envtable
		lua->setTable(-3);						// Stack: __ui_envtable  (with .this={})

		// Created!
		_LUAEnvTableCreated= true;

	// Get the table from registry, and push it on stack
	CLuaStackChecker lsc(lua, 1);
	lua->getTable(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);		// __ui_envtable
	lua->getTable(-2);						// __ui_envtable   envtable
	lua->remove(-2);						// envtable

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::deleteLUAEnvTable(bool recurse)
		CInterfaceManager	*pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
		CLuaState *lua= CLuaManager::getInstance().getLuaState();

		// replace simply the table with Nil, letting LUA Garbage collector do the realease stuff
		CLuaStackChecker lsc(lua);
		lua->getTable(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);		// __ui_envtable
		lua->pushLightUserData(IG_UNIQUE_ID(this)); // NB nico : use some pointer *inside* that object as a unique id (any field but
															   // the first), instead of using 'this'. 'this' is already used by
		                                                       //  CLuaIHM::pushReflectableOnStack
		lua->setTable(-3);						// __ui_envtable

		_LUAEnvTableCreated= false;
	if (recurse)
		for(uint k = 0; k < _ChildrenGroups.size(); ++k)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::setLuaScriptOnDraw(const std::string &script)
	_LUAOnDraw= script;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::addLuaScriptOnDBChange(const std::string &dbList, const std::string &script)
	// remove any existing

	// create and attach the link
	NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInterfaceLink>	newLink= new CInterfaceLink;
	_LUAOnDbChange[dbList]= newLink;
	// Init and attach to list of untargeted links
	std::vector<CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo> noTargets;
	newLink->init(noTargets, NLMISC::toString("depends(%s)", dbList.c_str()), "lua", script, "", this);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::removeLuaScriptOnDBChange(const std::string &dbList)
	TLUAOnDbChange::iterator	it= _LUAOnDbChange.find(dbList);
		// Remove from link of untargeted Links
		// erase from map (thus the ptr should be deleted)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void	CInterfaceGroup::removeAllLUAOnDbChange()
	TLUAOnDbChange::iterator	it= _LUAOnDbChange.begin();
		// since deleted, must not do it++, but it= begin()
		it= _LUAOnDbChange.begin();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaFind(CLuaState &ls)
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::find", 1);
	CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::find", 1, LUA_TSTRING);
	std::string id = ls.toString(1);
	CInterfaceElement* element = findFromShortId(id);
	if (!element)
		CLuaIHMRyzom::pushUIOnStack(ls, element);
	return 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInterfaceElement* CInterfaceGroup::findFromShortId(const std::string &id)
	CInterfaceElement* element = NULL;
	element = getView(id);
	if (!element) element = getCtrl(id);
	if (!element) element = getGroup(id);
	return element;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaGetEnclosingContainer(CLuaState &ls)
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, "CInterfaceGroup::getEnclosingContainer", 0);
	CLuaIHMRyzom::pushUIOnStack(ls, getEnclosingContainer());
	return 1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CInterfaceGroup::luaDeleteLUAEnvTable(CLuaState &ls)
	const char *funcName = "deleteLUAenvTable";
	CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 1);
	CLuaIHM::checkArgType(ls, funcName, 1, LUA_TBOOLEAN); // is delete recursive
	return 0;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
	f.serial(_MaxW, _MaxH);
	f.serial(_MaxWReal, _MaxHReal);
	f.serial(_OffsetX, _OffsetY);

	nlSerialBitBool(f, _Overlappable);
	nlSerialBitBool(f, _ResizeFromChildW);
	nlSerialBitBool(f, _ResizeFromChildH);
	nlSerialBitBool(f, _Escapable);
	nlSerialBitBool(f, _UseCursor);
	nlSerialBitBool(f, _IsGroupContainer);
	nlSerialBitBool(f, _NeedFrameUpdatePos);


	serialAH(f, _AHOnActive);
	serialAH(f, _AHOnDeactive);

	// right & left clicks
	serialAH(f, _AHOnLeftClick);
	serialAH(f, _AHOnRightClick);

	// enter params.
	serialAH(f, _AHOnEnter);

	// escape AH
	serialAH(f, _AHOnEscape);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInterfaceElement *CInterfaceGroup::clone()
	CInterfaceElement *oldParentSizeMax = _ParentSizeMax;
	if (_ParentSizeMax == _Parent)
		_ParentSizeMax = NULL;
	CInterfaceElement *ret = CCtrlBase::clone();
	_ParentSizeMax	 = oldParentSizeMax;
	return ret;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceGroup::setMaxSizeRef(const std::string &maxSizeRef)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string CInterfaceGroup::getMaxSizeRefAsString() const
	return "IMPLEMENT ME!";