// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std_header.h" // #include "packed_world_builder.h" #include "builder_config.h" #include "zone_util.h" // #include "nel/misc/config_file.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h" #include "nel/misc/command.h" #include "nel/misc/debug.h" #include "nel/misc/array_2d.h" // #include "nel/3d/packed_world.h" #include "nel/3d/register_3d.h" // #include "game_share/scenario_entry_points.h" using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace R2; NLMISC::CLog g_log; class CPackedWorldHolder : public NLMISC::CRefCount { public: CPackedWorld PW; }; typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr CPackedWorldSmartPtr; // get all the islands that are inside the given rect static void getIslandsInside(sint32 xmin, sint32 xmax, sint32 ymin, sint32 ymax, std::vector &dest) { dest.clear(); R2::CScenarioEntryPoints &sep = R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::getInstance(); uint numIslands = (uint)sep.getCompleteIslands().size(); for(uint l = 0; l < numIslands; ++l) { const R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::CCompleteIsland &ci = sep.getCompleteIslands()[l]; bool outside = (ci.XMin >= xmax || ci.XMax <= xmin || ci.YMin >= ymax || ci.YMax <= ymin); if (!outside) { dest.push_back(&ci); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ////////////////// createDebug(); registerSerial3d(); if (argc != 2) { printf("usage : %s config_file_name.cfg\n", CFile::getFilename(argv[0]).c_str()); return -1; } CConfigFile cf; CBuilderConfig builderConfig; // try { cf.load(argv[1]); } catch(EStream &) { nlwarning("Error while reading config file\n"); return -1; } builderConfig.build(cf); // build the cache / output directories if needed if (!CFile::isExists(builderConfig.CWMapCachePath)) { CFile::createDirectory(builderConfig.CWMapCachePath); } // if (!CFile::isExists(builderConfig.CachePath)) { CFile::createDirectory(builderConfig.CachePath); } // if (!CFile::isExists(builderConfig.OutputPath)) { CFile::createDirectory(builderConfig.OutputPath); } // for(uint k = 0; k < builderConfig.SearchPaths.size(); ++k) { CPath::addSearchPath(builderConfig.SearchPaths[k], true, false); } CPath::remapExtension("dds", "tga", true); // R2::CScenarioEntryPoints &sep = R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::getInstance(); try { sep.loadCompleteIslands(); } catch(NLMISC::EStream &) { return -1; } if (sep.getCompleteIslands().empty()) { nlwarning("No entry points found or read error in"); return -1; } // CPackedWorldBuilder builder; std::vector islands; std::vector startPositions; uint numIslands = (uint)sep.getCompleteIslands().size(); // for(uint k = 0; k < numIslands; ++k) { std::vector zoneNames; const R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::CCompleteIsland &ep = sep.getCompleteIslands()[k]; std::string zoneMin = posToZoneName((float) ep.XMin, (float) ep.YMin); std::string zoneMax = posToZoneName((float) ep.XMax, (float) ep.YMax); sint zoneMinX, zoneMinY; sint zoneMaxX, zoneMaxY; nlverify(getZonePos(zoneMin, zoneMinX, zoneMinY)); nlverify(getZonePos(zoneMax, zoneMaxX, zoneMaxY)); for (sint y = zoneMinY; y <= zoneMaxY; ++y) { for (sint x = zoneMinX; x <= zoneMaxX; ++x) { zoneNames.push_back(posToZoneName(x * 160.f + 80.f, y * 160.f + 80.f) + ".zonel"); } } // If the packed island already exists, load its header to know from which zones it was built // This way, if the zones found in an island change it will get rebuilt bool mustRebuild = true; std::string islandPath = builderConfig.OutputPath + "/" + ep.Island + ".packed_island"; CPackedWorld tmpPW; if (CFile::fileExists(islandPath)) { try { CIFile f(islandPath); tmpPW.serialZoneNames(f); } catch(EStream &) { tmpPW.ZoneNames.clear(); } } // now, see which zones really should be found in that island std::vector presentZoneNames; std::vector presentZonePathes; for(uint l = 0; l < zoneNames.size(); ++l) { std::string zonePath = CPath::lookup(zoneNames[l], false, false); if (!zonePath.empty()) { presentZonePathes.push_back(zonePath); presentZoneNames.push_back(toLower(zoneNames[l])); } } // std::sort(tmpPW.ZoneNames.begin(), tmpPW.ZoneNames.end()); std::sort(presentZoneNames.begin(), presentZoneNames.end()); // if (tmpPW.ZoneNames.size() == presentZoneNames.size() && std::equal(tmpPW.ZoneNames.begin(), tmpPW.ZoneNames.end(), presentZoneNames.begin())) { // the same zones were found -> now check their dates against the island one uint32 packedIslandDate = CFile::getFileModificationDate(islandPath); mustRebuild = false; for(uint k = 0; k < presentZonePathes.size(); ++k) { if (CFile::getFileModificationDate(presentZonePathes[l]) > packedIslandDate) { mustRebuild = true; } } } // CPackedWorldSmartPtr packedIsland = new CPackedWorldHolder; if (!mustRebuild) { try { nlinfo("Loading island %s from cache (%d / %d)", ep.Island.c_str(), (int) k, (int) numIslands); CIFile f(islandPath); f.serial(packedIsland->PW); } catch(EStream &) { mustRebuild = true; // damaged file or bad version ? -> force rebuild delete packedIsland; // remove whatever was serialized packedIsland = new CPackedWorldHolder; } } if (mustRebuild) { builder.build(zoneNames, builderConfig.CachePath, false, packedIsland->PW, builderConfig.RefineThreshold); packedIsland->PW.ZoneNames = presentZoneNames; // save the result try { COFile f(islandPath); f.serial(packedIsland->PW); } catch(EStream &) { nlwarning("Island %s not saved.", ep.Island.c_str()); } } islands.push_back(packedIsland); CVector rayStart; if (!ep.EntryPoints.empty()) { rayStart.set((float) ep.EntryPoints[0].X, (float) ep.EntryPoints[0].Y, 10000.f); } else { rayStart.set(0.5f * (ep.XMin + ep.XMax), 0.5f * (ep.YMin + ep.YMax), 10000.f); } //CVector rayEnd((float) ep.X, (float) ep.Y, -10000); //CVector inter; //if (packedIsland->PW.raytrace(rayStart, rayEnd, inter)) //{ //startPositions.push_back(inter); //} //else //{ rayStart.z = 300.f; startPositions.push_back(rayStart); //} // TODO: add serialization here ... // TODO: add a check to see if no zones are more recent -> in this case, do nothing. // except if fly is wanted, in which case the packed version of the island should be reloaded. } // For all cwmap, keep a file with its coordinates (we need to serialize them because else we must read the whole cwmap // to retrieve those for(uint k = 0; k < builderConfig.CWMapList.size(); ++k) { // here, the rebuild require that we reload the whole map std::string cwMapPath = CPath::lookup(builderConfig.CWMapList[k], false, false); if (cwMapPath.empty()) { nlwarning("Can't find %s, island height maps wont be updated"); continue; } uint32 cwMapDate = CFile::getFileModificationDate(cwMapPath); std::string shortname = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(builderConfig.CWMapList[k]); bool mustRebuild = false; sint32 xmin, xmax; sint32 ymin, ymax; try { CIFile f(builderConfig.CWMapCachePath + "/" + shortname + ".cw_height"); f.serialCheck((uint32) 'OBSI'); f.serial(xmin); f.serial(xmax); f.serial(ymin); f.serial(ymax); } catch (EStream &) { mustRebuild = true; } // std::vector completeIslands; if (!mustRebuild) { getIslandsInside(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, completeIslands); for(uint l = 0; l < completeIslands.size(); ++l) { uint32 modifDate = CFile::getFileModificationDate(builderConfig.OutputPath + "/" + completeIslands[l]->Island + ".island_hm"); if (modifDate < cwMapDate) { mustRebuild = true; break; } } } // if (mustRebuild) { try { std::vector args(1); nlassert(ICommand::LocalCommands); // set the output path ICommand::TCommand::iterator commandIt; commandIt = ICommand::LocalCommands->find("setOutputPath"); //nlassert(commandIt != ICommand::LocalCommands->end()); args[0] = builderConfig.CWMapCachePath + "/"; commandIt->second->execute("", args, g_log, true); // build the height map commandIt = ICommand::LocalCommands->find("pacsBuildHeightMap16"); nlassert(commandIt != ICommand::LocalCommands->end()); args[0] = cwMapPath; commandIt->second->execute("", args, g_log, true); // now extract each island height // read back coordinates CIFile f(builderConfig.CWMapCachePath + "/" + shortname + ".cw_height"); f.serialCheck((uint32) 'OBSI'); f.serial(xmin); f.serial(xmax); f.serial(ymin); f.serial(ymax); CArray2D cwHeightMap; f.serial(cwHeightMap); // getIslandsInside(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, completeIslands); for(uint l = 0; l < completeIslands.size(); ++l) { nlwarning("Building heightmap for entry point %s", completeIslands[l]->Island.c_str()); const R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::CCompleteIsland &ep = *completeIslands[l]; if (ep.XMax == ep.XMin || ep.YMax == ep.YMin) { nlwarning("Bad dimensions for island %s, not building heightmap", ep.Island.c_str()); } else { CArray2D island; island.init(ep.XMax - ep.XMin, ep.YMax - ep.YMin, 0x7fff); // get result from global heightmap island.blit(cwHeightMap, ep.XMin - xmin, ep.YMin - ymin, island.getWidth(), island.getHeight(), 0, 0); // basic format for now ... try { COFile f(builderConfig.OutputPath + "/" + completeIslands[l]->Island + ".island_hm"); f.serialCheck((uint32) 'MHSI'); f.serial(island); // export tga for check if (builderConfig.HeightMapsAsTga) { CBitmap tgaHM; tgaHM.resize(island.getWidth(), island.getHeight()); sint16 hMax = -32768; sint16 hMin= 32767; uint numPix = island.getWidth() * island.getHeight(); for(CArray2D::iterator it = island.begin(); it != island.end(); ++it) { if (*it != 32767) { hMax = std::max(hMax, *it); hMin = std::min(hMin, *it); } } float scale = 255.f / favoid0((float) (hMax - hMin)); float bias = (float) - hMin; CRGBA *dest = (CRGBA *) &tgaHM.getPixels()[0]; for(CArray2D::iterator it = island.begin(); it != island.end(); ++it) { if (*it == 0x7fff) { *dest++ = CRGBA::Magenta; } else { float height = scale * ((*it) + bias); clamp(height, 0.f, 255.f); *dest++ = CRGBA((uint8) height, (uint8) height, (uint8) height); } } // COFile f(builderConfig.OutputPath + "/" + completeIslands[l]->Island + "_height_map.tga"); tgaHM.writeTGA(f, 0, true); } } catch(EStream &e) { e; // avoid compile warning nlwarning(e.what()); } } } } catch (Exception &e) { e; // avoid compile warning nlwarning(e.what()); } } } // if (builderConfig.Fly) { std::vector islandInfos; for(uint k = 0; k < islands.size(); ++k) { CPackedWorldBuilder::CIslandInfo islandInfo; const R2::CScenarioEntryPoints::CCompleteIsland &ci = sep.getCompleteIslands()[k]; islandInfo.CornerMin.set((float) ci.XMin, (float) ci.YMin, 0.f); islandInfo.CornerMax.set((float) ci.XMax, (float) ci.YMax, 0.f); islandInfo.TexName = ci.Island + "_sp.tga"; islandInfo.StartPosition = startPositions[k]; islandInfo.PW = &(islands[k]->PW); // The map is cropped because of power of 2 texture size limitation // -> change UVScale accordingly uint texWidth = (uint) ceilf(builderConfig.PixelPerMeter * (ci.XMax - ci.XMin)); uint texHeight = (uint) ceilf(builderConfig.PixelPerMeter * (ci.YMax - ci.YMin)); islandInfo.UScale = (float) texWidth / raiseToNextPowerOf2(texWidth); islandInfo.VScale = (float) texHeight / raiseToNextPowerOf2(texHeight); // islandInfos.push_back(islandInfo); } builder.fly(islandInfos, builderConfig.CamSpeed); } }