// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #if 0 #include "std_header.h" // #include "village.h" #include "zone_util.h" // #include "nel/georges/u_form.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h" #include "nel/georges/u_form_loader.h" // #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" // #include "3d/shape.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NL3D; //********************************************************************************************** CVillageGrid::CVillageGrid() { _ZoneMinX = 0; _ZoneMinY = 0; } //********************************************************************************************** void CVillageGrid::init(uint gridWidth, uint gridHeight, sint zoneMinX, sint zoneMinY) { reset(); nlassert(gridWidth > 0); nlassert(gridHeight > 0); _ZoneMinX = zoneMinX; _ZoneMinY = zoneMinY; VillageGrid.init(gridWidth, gridHeight); } //********************************************************************************************** void CVillageGrid::reset() { NLMISC::contReset(*this); } //********************************************************************************************** void CVillageGrid::addVillagesFromContinent(const std::string &continentSheetName) { // Load the form NLGEORGES::UFormLoader *loader = NLGEORGES::UFormLoader::createLoader(); // std::string path = CPath::lookup(continentSheetName, false, false); if (path.empty()) { nlwarning("Path not found for %s.", continentSheetName.c_str()); return; } NLGEORGES::UForm *villageForm; villageForm = loader->loadForm(path.c_str()); if(villageForm != NULL) { NLGEORGES::UFormElm &rootItem = villageForm->getRootNode(); // try to get the village list // Load the village list NLGEORGES::UFormElm *villagesItem; if(!(rootItem.getNodeByName (&villagesItem, "Villages") && villagesItem)) { nlwarning("No villages where found in %s", continentSheetName.c_str()); return; } // Get number of village uint numVillage; nlverify (villagesItem->getArraySize (numVillage)); // For each village for(uint k = 0; k < numVillage; ++k) { NLGEORGES::UFormElm *currVillage; if (!(villagesItem->getArrayNode (&currVillage, k) && currVillage)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get village %d in continent %s", continentSheetName.c_str(), k); continue; } // check that this village is in the dependency zones NLGEORGES::UFormElm *zoneNameItem; if (!currVillage->getNodeByName (&zoneNameItem, "Zone") && zoneNameItem) { nlwarning("Couldn't get zone item of village %d in continent %s", continentSheetName.c_str(), k); continue; } std::string zoneName; if (!zoneNameItem->getValue(zoneName)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get zone name of village %d in continent %s", continentSheetName.c_str(), k); continue; } sint zoneX, zoneY; if (!getZonePos(zoneName, zoneX, zoneY)) { nlwarning("Zone name of village %d in continent %s is invalid", continentSheetName.c_str(), k); continue; } sint villageMinX, villageMinY; sint villageMaxX, villageMaxY; // retrieve width & height of covered region uint32 regionWidth; uint32 regionHeight; float centerX, centerY; if (!currVillage->getValueByName(regionWidth, "Width") || !currVillage->getValueByName(regionHeight, "Height") || !currVillage->getValueByName(centerX, "CenterX") || !currVillage->getValueByName(centerY, "CenterY")) { nlwarning("Can't retrieve region covered by village %d in continent %s", continentSheetName.c_str(), k); continue; } // villageMinX = villageMaxX = zoneX; villageMinY = villageMaxY = zoneY; // extends with bbox from center to min corner if leveldesigner forgot to enter good width & height villageMaxX = std::max(villageMaxX, (sint) ((zoneX * 160.f + 2.f * centerX) / 160.f)); villageMaxY = std::max(villageMaxY, (sint) ((zoneY * 160.f + 2.f * centerY) / 160.f)); // villageMinX -= _ZoneMinX; villageMaxX -= _ZoneMinX; villageMinY -= _ZoneMinY; villageMaxY -= _ZoneMinY; // CVillage village; if (loadVillageSheet(currVillage, continentSheetName, k, village)) { // village.FileModificationDate = std::max(village.FileModificationDate, CFile::getFileModificationDate(path)); // Villages.push_back(CVillage()); Villages.back().swap(village); // for (sint y = villageMinY; y <= (sint) villageMaxY; ++y) { if (y < 0) continue; if (y >= (sint) VillageGrid.getHeight()) continue; for (sint x = villageMinX; x <= (sint) villageMaxX; ++x) { if (x < 0) continue; if (x >= (sint) VillageGrid.getWidth()) continue; VillageGrid(x, y).push_back(Villages.size() - 1); } } } } } else { nlwarning("Can't load continent form : %s", continentSheetName.c_str()); } } //********************************************************************************************** bool CVillageGrid::loadVillageSheet(const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *villageItem, const std::string &continentSheetName, uint villageIndex, CVillage &dest) { dest.IG.clear(); const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *igNamesItem; if (! (villageItem->getNodeByName (&igNamesItem, "IgList") && igNamesItem) ) { nlwarning("No list of IGs was found in the continent form %s, village #%d", continentSheetName.c_str(), (int) villageIndex); return false; } // Get number of village uint numIgs; nlverify (igNamesItem->getArraySize (numIgs)); const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *currIg; uint32 mostRecentIGDate = 0; for(uint l = 0; l < numIgs; ++l) { if (!(igNamesItem->getArrayNode (&currIg, l) && currIg)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get ig #%d in the continent form %s, in village #%d", l, continentSheetName.c_str(), (int) villageIndex); continue; } const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *igNameItem; currIg->getNodeByName (&igNameItem, "IgName"); std::string igName; if (!igNameItem->getValue (igName)) { nlwarning("Couldn't get ig name of ig #%d in the continent form %s, in village #%d", l, continentSheetName.c_str(), (int) villageIndex); continue; } if (igName.empty()) { nlwarning("Ig name of ig #%d in the continent form %s, in village #%d is an empty string", l, continentSheetName.c_str(), (int) villageIndex); continue; } // ensure .ig igName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(igName) + ".ig"; CIGInfo igInfo; // add this ig std::string nameLookup = CPath::lookup (igName, false, true); if (!nameLookup.empty()) { igInfo.Path = nameLookup; dest.IG.push_back(igInfo); mostRecentIGDate = std::max(mostRecentIGDate, CFile::getFileModificationDate(nameLookup)); } else { nlwarning("Couldn't find ig %s in continent form %s, in village %d", igName.c_str(), continentSheetName.c_str(), (int) villageIndex); } } dest.FileModificationDate = mostRecentIGDate; return true; } //********************************************************************************************** void CVillage::load(TShapeCache &shapeCache) { for(std::vector::iterator it = IG.begin(); it != IG.end(); ++it) { it->load(shapeCache); } } //********************************************************************************************** void CIGInfo::load(TShapeCache &shapeCache) { if (Loaded) return; Loaded = true; // even if loading fails, don't try twice to load it try { CIFile stream; stream.open(Path); printf(Path.c_str()); CSmartPtr ig = new CInstanceGroup; ig->serial(stream); IG = ig; // commit } catch(const EStream &e) { nlwarning(e.what()); } if (IG) { // complete cache for(uint k = 0; k < IG->getNumInstance(); ++k) { std::string shapeName = standardizeShapeName(IG->getShapeName(k)); if (NLMISC::strlwr(CFile::getExtension(shapeName)) == "pacs_prim") { continue; } TShapeCache::iterator it = shapeCache.find(shapeName); CShapeInfo si; bool buildOK = false; if (it == shapeCache.end()) { CShapeStream ss; try { CIFile stream; std::string path = CPath::lookup(shapeName, false, false); if (!path.empty()) { stream.open(path); ss.serial(stream); CShapeInfo si; si.build(*ss.getShapePointer()); delete ss.getShapePointer(); shapeCache[shapeName].swap(si); } } catch (const EStream &e) { // shape not loaded nlwarning(e.what()); } } } } } #endif