---------------------------- -- CONTEXTUAL COMMANDS UI -- ---------------------------- -- Code in this file manage the update of the contextual toolbar & -- contextual menu for the current selected instance, depending on the vailable options r2.ContextualCommands = { --ButtonCache = -- list of buttons already created in the toolbar -- each entry has the form : -- { Id="id_of_button_in_the_ui", CommandDesc={ }, } -- 'CommandDesc' is one of the command description returned -- by the selected instance when calling 'getAvailableCommands' -- } --{ --} -- description of each command CurrentCommands={}, -- map index of each command to the matching toolbar button IndexToButton = {}, -- Current instance for which this contextual toolbar is displayed CurrentInstance = nil, -- Index of last triggered command LastTriggeredCommandIndex = nil, -- Cache of buttons (to avoid costrly template instanciation). Key is the command, Value if a pointer to the button ButtonCache = {} } ------------ -- PUBLIC -- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Setup the contextual toolbar for the given instance -- passing nil just hides the toolbar function r2.ContextualCommands:setupToolbar(instance) self.CurrentInstance = instance table.clear(self.CurrentCommands) table.clear(self.IndexToButton) table.clear(self.LastTriggeredCommandIndex) local toolbar = self:getToolbar() local buttonList = toolbar:find("buttons") if not instance then toolbar.active = false -- put all buttons in the cache for futur reuse --for index, button in IndexToButton do -- detach button from its parent --if buttonlist.detachChild(button) then -- ButtonCache[CurrentCommands[index]] = button --end --end return end table.clear(self.CurrentCommands) if not instance.Ghost then instance:getAvailableCommands(self.CurrentCommands) end assert(self.CurrentCommands) toolbar.active = true buttonList:clear() for index, commandDesc in pairs(self.CurrentCommands) do self:addToolbarCommand(buttonList, commandDesc, index) end end local newCommands = {} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Update the toolbar content function r2.ContextualCommands:update() if self.CurrentInstance then table.clear(newCommands) if not self.CurrentInstance.Ghost then self.CurrentInstance:getAvailableCommands(newCommands) end if isEqual(newCommands, self.CurrentCommands) then return -- commands remains unchanged, no need to update the ui end end -- if one of the command is highlighted, let it highlighted after the toolbar has been rebuilt --local highlightedCommand --for index, button in self.IndexToButton do -- if button == r2.ToolUI:getActiveToolUI() then -- debugInfo("highlighted command found") -- highlightedCommand = self.CurrentCommands[index] -- break -- end --end self:setupToolbar(self.CurrentInstance) -- if one command was highlighted, highlight it again in new toolbar end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hightlight the button of the last triggered command function r2.ContextualCommands:highlightCurrentCommandButton() debugInfo("***") if self.LastTriggeredCommandIndex then r2.ToolUI:setActiveToolUI(self.IndexToButton[self.LastTriggeredCommandIndex]) end end ------------- -- PRIVATE -- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private : Get reference to the contextual toolBar function r2.ContextualCommands:getToolbar(instance) return getUI("ui:interface:r2ed_contextual_toolbar") end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private : add a new button in the toolbar function r2.ContextualCommands:addToolbarCommand(buttonList, commandDesc, index) if not commandDesc.ButtonBitmap or commandDesc.ButtonBitmap == "" then return -- no button wanted for this command end -- buld filenames for the 'normal', 'over' & 'pushed" textures local icon = commandDesc.ButtonBitmap local iconOver = nlfile.getFilenameWithoutExtension(icon) .. "_over." .. nlfile.getExtension(icon) local iconPushed = nlfile.getFilenameWithoutExtension(icon) .. "_pushed." .. nlfile.getExtension(icon) local tmplParams = { tooltip = commandDesc.TextId, id = tostring(index), icon = icon, icon_over = iconOver, icon_pushed = iconPushed, onclick_l = "lua", params_l = "r2.ContextualCommands:runCommand(" .. tostring(index) .. ")", w = "32", h = "32", offset_x = select(commandDesc.Separator == true, 8, 0) } local newButton = createGroupInstance("r2ed_tool", buttonList.id, tmplParams) if newButton then buttonList:addChild(newButton) self.IndexToButton[index] = newButton end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private : execute a command triggered by a toolbar button function r2.ContextualCommands:runCommand(index) assert(self.CurrentInstance) assert(self.CurrentCommands[index] ~= nil) self.LastTriggeredCommandIndex = index -- do actual call self.CurrentCommands[index].DoCommand(self.CurrentInstance) end