// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std3d.h" #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/3d/clip_trav.h" #include "nel/3d/hrc_trav.h" #include "nel/3d/render_trav.h" #include "nel/3d/anim_detail_trav.h" #include "nel/3d/load_balancing_trav.h" #include "nel/3d/cluster.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" #include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/camera.h" #include "nel/3d/quad_grid_clip_cluster.h" #include "nel/3d/quad_grid_clip_manager.h" #include "nel/3d/root_model.h" #include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h" #include "nel/3d/scene.h" #include "nel/3d/skeleton_model.h" #include "nel/misc/fast_floor.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; namespace NL3D { // *************************************************************************** CClipTrav::CClipTrav() : ViewPyramid(6), WorldPyramid(6) { _VisibleList.resize(1024); _CurrentNumVisibleModels= 0; CurrentDate = 0; Accel.create (64, 16.0f); ForceNoFrustumClip= false; _QuadGridClipManager= NULL; _TrackClusterVisibility= false; } // *************************************************************************** CClipTrav::~CClipTrav() { } // *************************************************************************** bool CClipTrav::fullSearch (vector& vCluster, const CVector& pos) { CQuadGrid::CIterator itAcc; // search with help of Accel bool bInWorld = true; Accel.select (pos, pos); itAcc = Accel.begin(); while (itAcc != Accel.end()) { CCluster *pCluster = *itAcc; if (pCluster->isIn (pos)) { vCluster.push_back (pCluster); bInWorld = false; } ++itAcc; } // if not found at all if (bInWorld) { vCluster.push_back (RootCluster); } // else must filter to take only the ones that are the lower in the hierarchy (same as in old code) else { uint i; std::set parentExclude; // for each cluster, avoid its parent for(i=0;iFather) { cluster= cluster->Father; parentExclude.insert(cluster); } } // reparse to remove clusters presents in the exclude set std::vector::iterator it; for(it=vCluster.begin(); it!=vCluster.end();) { if(parentExclude.find(*it)!=parentExclude.end()) it= vCluster.erase(it); else it++; } } /* // Old slow code (up to 5 ms on a 2.4 Ghz, in a big city). uint32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < pIG->_ClusterInstances.size(); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < pIG->_ClusterInstances[i]->Children.size(); ++j) { if (fullSearch (vCluster, pIG->_ClusterInstances[i]->Children[j]->Group, pos)) return true; } } for (i = 0; i < pIG->_ClusterInstances.size(); ++i) { if (pIG->_ClusterInstances[i]->isIn(pos)) vCluster.push_back (pIG->_ClusterInstances[i]); } if (vCluster.size() > 0) return true;*/ return true; } /// Set cluster tracking on/off (ie storage of thje visible cluster during clip traversal) void CClipTrav::setClusterVisibilityTracking(bool track) { _TrackClusterVisibility = track; } /// Check the activation of cluster visibility tracking. bool CClipTrav::getClusterVisibilityTracking() { return _TrackClusterVisibility; } /// Add a visible cluster to the list void CClipTrav::addVisibleCluster(CCluster *cluster) { _VisibleClusters.push_back(cluster); } /** Return the list of cluster visible after the clip traversal * You must activate the cluster tracking to obtain a result. */ const std::vector &CClipTrav::getVisibleClusters() { return _VisibleClusters; } // *************************************************************************** void CClipTrav::traverse() { H_AUTO( NL3D_TravClip ); // The root must exist CTransform *sceneRoot= Scene->getRoot(); // Increment the current date of the traversal ++CurrentDate; // Update Clip infos. CTravCameraScene::update(); // Compute pyramid in view basis. CVector pfoc(0,0,0); CVector lb(Left, Near, Bottom ); CVector lt(Left, Near, Top ); CVector rb(Right, Near, Bottom ); CVector rt(Right, Near, Top ); CVector lbFar(Left, Far, Bottom); CVector ltFar(Left, Far, Top ); CVector rbFar(Right, Far, Bottom); CVector rtFar(Right, Far, Top ); uint32 i, j; ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_NEAR].make(lt, lb, rt); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_FAR].make(lbFar, ltFar, rtFar); if(Perspective) { ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_LEFT].make(pfoc, lt, lb); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_TOP].make(pfoc, rt, lt); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_RIGHT].make(pfoc, rb, rt); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_BOTTOM].make(pfoc, lb, rb); } else { ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_LEFT].make(lt, ltFar, lbFar); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_TOP].make(lt, rtFar, ltFar); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_RIGHT].make(rt, rbFar, rtFar); ViewPyramid[NL3D_CLIP_PLANE_BOTTOM].make(lb, lbFar, rbFar); } // Compute pyramid in World basis. // The vector transformation M of a plane p is computed as p*M-1. // Here, ViewMatrix== CamMatrix-1. Hence the following formula. for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { WorldPyramid[i]= ViewPyramid[i]*ViewMatrix; } // bkup this pyramid (because this one may be modified by the cluster system). WorldFrustumPyramid= WorldPyramid; // update the QuadGridClipManager. if(_QuadGridClipManager) { _QuadGridClipManager->updateClustersFromCamera(CamPos); } H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_ClearLists ); // Clear the traversals list. Scene->getAnimDetailTrav().clearVisibleList(); Scene->getLoadBalancingTrav().clearVisibleList(); Scene->getLightTrav().clearLightedList(); Scene->getRenderTrav().clearRenderList(); H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_ClearLists ); H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_ResetVisible ); /* For all objects marked visible in preceding render, reset _Visible state here. NB: must reset _Visible State to false because sometimes traverseClip() are even not executed (Cluster clip, QuadGridClipManager clip...). And somes models read this _Visible state. eg: Skins/StickedObjects test the Visible state of their _AncestorSkeletonModel. */ for (i=0;i<_CurrentNumVisibleModels;i++) { // if the model still exists (see ~CTransform()) if( _VisibleList[i] ) { // disable his visibility. _VisibleList[i]->_Visible= false; // let him know that it is no more in the list. _VisibleList[i]->_IndexInVisibleList= -1; } } // Clear The visible List. _CurrentNumVisibleModels= 0; // Clear the visible cluster list. _VisibleClusters.clear(); H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_ResetVisible ); // Found where is the camera //======================== H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_FindCameraCluster); // Found the cluster where the camera is static vector vCluster; vCluster.clear(); sceneRoot->clipDelChild(RootCluster); // In which cluster is the camera ? CQuadGrid::CIterator itAcc; if (Camera->getClusterSystem() == (CInstanceGroup*)-1) { fullSearch(vCluster, CamPos); for (i = 0; i < vCluster.size(); ++i) sceneRoot->clipAddChild(vCluster[i]); } else { bool bInWorld = true; Accel.select (CamPos, CamPos); itAcc = Accel.begin(); while (itAcc != Accel.end()) { CCluster *pCluster = *itAcc; if (pCluster->Group == Camera->getClusterSystem()) if (pCluster->isIn (CamPos)) { sceneRoot->clipAddChild(pCluster); vCluster.push_back (pCluster); bInWorld = false; } ++itAcc; } if (bInWorld) { sceneRoot->clipAddChild(RootCluster); vCluster.push_back (RootCluster); } } /// Flag all cluster to know if they are in camera or not. for(i=0;isetCameraIn(true); } H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_FindCameraCluster); // Manage Moving Objects //===================== H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_MovingObjects); // Unlink the moving objects from their clusters CHrcTrav &hrcTrav= Scene->getHrcTrav(); for (i = 0; i < hrcTrav._MovingObjects.size(); ++i) { CTransformShape *pTfmShp = hrcTrav._MovingObjects[i]; static vector vModels; vModels.clear(); uint numClipParents= pTfmShp->clipGetNumParents(); for(j=0;jclipGetParent(j); // Does the father is a cluster ?? if ( pFather->isCluster() ) { vModels.push_back (pFather); } } // Remove me from all clusters for (j = 0; j < vModels.size(); ++j) { vModels[j]->clipDelChild(pTfmShp); } // Remove me from Root Too sceneRoot->clipDelChild(pTfmShp); // NB: only the SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup may still be here. } // Affect the moving objects to their clusters for (i = 0; i < hrcTrav._MovingObjects.size(); ++i) { CTransformShape *pTfmShp = hrcTrav._MovingObjects[i]; bool bInWorld = true; CAABBox box; pTfmShp->getAABBox (box); // Transform the box in the world CVector c = box.getCenter(); CVector p = box.getCenter()+box.getHalfSize(); const CMatrix &wm = pTfmShp->getWorldMatrix(); c = wm * c; p = wm * p; float s = (p - c).norm(); Accel.select (c+CVector(s,s,s), c+CVector(-s,-s,-s)); itAcc = Accel.begin(); while (itAcc != Accel.end()) { CCluster *pCluster = *itAcc; if (pCluster->Group == pTfmShp->getClusterSystem()) if (pCluster->isIn (c,s)) { pCluster->clipAddChild(pTfmShp); bInWorld = false; } ++itAcc; } // Moving object in the world -> link to root or to the CQuadGridClipManager. if (bInWorld) { if( _QuadGridClipManager && pTfmShp->isQuadGridClipEnabled() ) { // try to insert in the best cluster of the _QuadGridClipManager. if(!_QuadGridClipManager->linkModel(pTfmShp)) // if fails, link to "root". RootCluster->clipAddChild(pTfmShp); } else { RootCluster->clipAddChild(pTfmShp); } } } H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_MovingObjects); // Clip the graph. //===================== H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_Traverse); // Traverse the graph. sceneRoot->traverseClip(); // Unlink the cluster where we are for (i = 0; i < vCluster.size(); ++i) { // reset Camera In Flag. vCluster[i]->setCameraIn(false); // remove from Clip Root sceneRoot->clipDelChild(vCluster[i]); } H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_Traverse); // Load Balance the Skeleton CLod state here. // ========================= /* Can't do it in LoadBalancingTrav because sons with _AncestorSkeletonModel!=NULL may be hiden if a skeleton is displayed in CLod mode. So must do it here, then clip all sons of AncestoreSkeletonModelGroup. */ H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_LoadBalanceCLod); loadBalanceSkeletonCLod(); H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_LoadBalanceCLod); H_BEFORE( NL3D_TravClip_SkeletonClip); // At the end of the clip traverse, must update clip for Objects which have a skeleton ancestor // ========================= // those are linked to the SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup, so traverse it now. if (Scene->SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup) Scene->SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup->traverseClip(); // For All Shadow Casters (skeletons + others), clip their ShadowMap possible projection against the frustum only. // ========================= /* Done here, because can't do in clip() in case of a Model in a cluster (We insert in cluster with the Model BBox, not the Model + Shadow BBox). */ clipShadowCasters(); // Update Here the Skin render Lists of All visible Skeletons // ========================= /* Done here, because AnimDetail and Render need correct lists. NB: important to do it before Render Traversal, because updateSkinRenderLists() may change the transparency flag!! NB: can't do it in any traverse() because must be sure that it is done (traverseHRC not called if SonOfAncestorSkeletonModel, and traverseClip not called if in a cluster). NB: must do even if clipped because: 1/ maybe used for generateShadow() (through the ancestorSkeletonModel) 2/ the cost of method is 0 all the time (but when true changes) */ CScene::ItSkeletonModelList itSkel; for(itSkel= Scene->getSkeletonModelListBegin(); itSkel!=Scene->getSkeletonModelListEnd(); itSkel++) { CSkeletonModel *sm= *itSkel; sm->updateSkinRenderLists(); } H_AFTER( NL3D_TravClip_SkeletonClip); } // *************************************************************************** void CClipTrav::setQuadGridClipManager(CQuadGridClipManager *mgr) { _QuadGridClipManager= mgr; } // *************************************************************************** void CClipTrav::registerCluster (CCluster* pCluster) { pCluster->AccelIt = Accel.insert (pCluster->getBBox().getMin(), pCluster->getBBox().getMax(), pCluster); } // *************************************************************************** void CClipTrav::unregisterCluster (CCluster* pCluster) { if(!pCluster) return; Accel.erase(pCluster->AccelIt); // just ensure it point to NULL pCluster->AccelIt= CQuadGrid::CIterator(); } // *************************************************************************** void CClipTrav::loadBalanceSkeletonCLod() { CScene::ItSkeletonModelList itSkel; _TmpSortSkeletons.clear(); // **** compute CLod priority of each skeleton, for(itSkel= Scene->getSkeletonModelListBegin(); itSkel!=Scene->getSkeletonModelListEnd(); itSkel++) { CSkeletonModel *sm= *itSkel; float pr= sm->computeDisplayLodCharacterPriority(); // If valid priority (CLOd enabled, and skeleton visible) if(pr>0) { // if the priority is >1, then display as CLod if(pr>1) sm->setDisplayLodCharacterFlag(true); // else load balance. else { CSkeletonKey key; // don't bother OptFastFloor precision. NB: 0getMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm(); // Optim: need it only if too many skels if(_TmpSortSkeletons.size()>nMaxSkelsInNotCLodForm) { sort(_TmpSortSkeletons.begin(), _TmpSortSkeletons.end()); } // **** set CLod flag uint n= min(nMaxSkelsInNotCLodForm, (uint)_TmpSortSkeletons.size()); uint i; // The lowest priority are displayed in std form for(i=0;isetDisplayLodCharacterFlag(false); } // the other are displayed in CLod form for(i=n;i<_TmpSortSkeletons.size();i++) { _TmpSortSkeletons[i].SkeletonModel->setDisplayLodCharacterFlag(true); } } // *************************************************************************** void CClipTrav::reserveVisibleList(uint numModels) { // enlarge only. if(numModels>_VisibleList.size()) _VisibleList.resize(numModels); } // *************************************************************************** struct CFadeShadowMapSort { CTransform *Model; float Dist; bool operator<(const CFadeShadowMapSort &o) const { return DistgetEllapsedTime(); float distFadeStart= Scene->getShadowMapDistFadeStart(); float distFadeEnd= Scene->getShadowMapDistFadeEnd(); float OODeltaDistFade; if(distFadeEnd-distFadeStart>0) OODeltaDistFade= 1.0f/(distFadeEnd-distFadeStart); else OODeltaDistFade= 1000000; uint maxCastInScreen= Scene->getShadowMapMaxCasterInScreen(); uint maxCastAround= Scene->getShadowMapMaxCasterAround(); // **** First select ShadowCasters that are visible or that may have their shadow visible // Lod Models that will cast ShadowMaps. static std::vector aroundCasters; static std::vector screenCasters; aroundCasters.clear(); screenCasters.clear(); // For all casters for(itShadowCaster= Scene->getShadowCasterListBegin(); itShadowCaster!=Scene->getShadowCasterListEnd(); itShadowCaster++) { CTransform *sc= *itShadowCaster; nlassert(sc->canCastShadowMap()); CShadowMap *shadowMap= sc->getShadowMap(); nlassert( shadowMap ); // Binded to an Ancestor skeleton?? If so, don't render since the Ancestor Skeleton render all of his sons // Additionally, no-op if this caster is hidden in HRC!! if( sc->_AncestorSkeletonModel==NULL && sc->isHrcVisible() ) { bool visible= false; // if we are already visible, then its ok, we either don't need to test. if(sc->isClipVisible()) visible= true; // else do a bigger test else { // TODO_SHADOW: Select a better "Caster Sphere". // If the model "sc" is a CSkeletonModel, It depends also on Sticked objects/Skeletons. // Build the sphere around the caster that can receive shadow. CBSphere sphere; // Suppose an Object sphere of 3 meter radius, centered on caster Pos. const float objectRadius= 3.f; sphere.Center= sc->getWorldMatrix().getPos(); // Add to this sphere the max Depth extent. // NB: works because suppose that the Shadow BBox include the model Center. sphere.Radius= objectRadius + sc->getShadowMapMaxDepth(); // Clip This sphere against the Frustum. visible= true; for(uint i=0;isphere.Radius) { visible= false; break; } } } // If the ShadowMap is visible, add it to the List Of ShadowMap to Render. if(visible) Scene->getRenderTrav().getShadowMapManager().addShadowCaster(sc); // update Fading. CFadeShadowMapSort fsms; fsms.Model= sc; fsms.Dist= (sc->getWorldMatrix().getPos() - CamPos).norm(); // lod In and Out. aroundCasters.push_back(fsms); if(visible) screenCasters.push_back(fsms); // Compute normal Distance fading. shadowMap->DistanceFade= (fsms.Dist-distFadeStart)*OODeltaDistFade; // Increment the TemporalFadeOut by default (see below) shadowMap->TemporalOutScreenFade+= dFade; // if !visible, increment the InScreenFadeAccum if(!visible) shadowMap->InScreenFadeAccum+= dFade; } // If the model is not visible, or if temporary bound to a AncestorSkeletonModel else { // Increment the TemporalFadeOut. Because since will be hidden (or sticked) // for a long time, allow the process to free texture. shadowMap->TemporalOutScreenFade+= dFade; // Since not visible, increment the InScreenFadeAccum shadowMap->InScreenFadeAccum+= dFade; } } // **** Load Balance Models that cast ShadowMaps around, sort(aroundCasters.begin(), aroundCasters.end()); sort(screenCasters.begin(), screenCasters.end()); // For All Around nearest Casters, decrement their fadeOutScreen uint numNearCast= min((uint)aroundCasters.size(), maxCastAround); uint i; for(i=0;igetShadowMap(); // Decrement the fade. *2 because default incremented above. shadowMap->TemporalOutScreenFade-= 2*dFade; } // For InScreen Casters, increment or decrement their fadeInScreen. Also resolve InScreenFadeAccum. numNearCast= min((uint)screenCasters.size(), maxCastInScreen); // nearest: decrement fadeInScreen, and remove accum for(i=0;igetShadowMap(); // Decrement the fade. shadowMap->TemporalInScreenFade-= dFade + shadowMap->InScreenFadeAccum; // Since visible and resolved, reset accum shadowMap->InScreenFadeAccum= 0; } // farthest: increment fadeInScreen, and append accum for(i=numNearCast;igetShadowMap(); // Increment the fade. shadowMap->TemporalInScreenFade+= dFade + shadowMap->InScreenFadeAccum; // Since visible and resolved, reset accum shadowMap->InScreenFadeAccum= 0; } // clamp values, and release texture where appropriated for(itShadowCaster= Scene->getShadowCasterListBegin(); itShadowCaster!=Scene->getShadowCasterListEnd(); itShadowCaster++) { CTransform *sc= *itShadowCaster; nlassert(sc->canCastShadowMap()); CShadowMap *shadowMap= sc->getShadowMap(); shadowMap->processFades(); } // **** Use the rendered Skeletons ShadowMap to select the Ones that will be generated this Frame. Scene->getRenderTrav().getShadowMapManager().selectShadowMapsToGenerate(Scene); /* **** Then for All ShadowCasters not visibles but that will generate their shadowMap, - we must compute the LightTraversal(for ShadowLight direction) - for skeleton models only, we must compute the AnimDetailTraversal (for bone animation) We MUST NOT flag the skeleton as Visible, and we MUST NOT insert in LoadBalancing (since won't be rendered) NB: Do nothing for Sons of the Ancestor Skeleton because: 1/ light do nothing with them (see std clip) 2/ animDetail will be called recursively (see std clip and CSkeletonModel::traverseAnimDetail()) */ for(itShadowCaster= Scene->getShadowCasterListBegin(); itShadowCaster!=Scene->getShadowCasterListEnd(); itShadowCaster++) { CTransform *sc= *itShadowCaster; // compute its shadowMap this frame? and not visible? if(sc->isGeneratingShadowMap() && !sc->isClipVisible() ) { nlassert(sc->_AncestorSkeletonModel==NULL); // Add it only to the lightTrav if( sc->isLightable() ) Scene->getLightTrav().addLightedModel(sc); // If it is a skeleton, add it also to the anim detail if( sc->isSkeleton() && sc->isAnimDetailable() ) Scene->getAnimDetailTrav().addVisibleModel(sc); } } } }