<?php /** * This script will import all users of the nel db and add a matching ticket_user an ams_user entry for them. * @author Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe */ //require the pages that are being needed. require( '../../config.php' ); require( '../../../ams_lib/libinclude.php' ); ini_set( "display_errors", true ); error_reporting( E_ALL ); //var used to access the DB; global $cfg; try{ //SETUP THE WWW DB $dbs = new DBLayer("shard"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM user"; $statement = $dbs->executeWithoutParams($sql); $users = $statement->fetchAll(); foreach($users as $user){ //add user to web $dbw = new DBLayer("web"); if (! $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE Login = :name",array('name' => $user['Login']))->rowCount()){ $query = "INSERT INTO ams_user (Login, Password, Email, Language) VALUES (:name, :pass, :mail, :lang)"; global $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; $vars = array('name' => $user['Login'], 'pass' => $user['Password'], 'mail' => $user['Email'], 'lang' => $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); $id = $dbw->executeReturnId($query,$vars); $dbl = new DBLayer("lib"); $query = "INSERT INTO `ticket_user` (Permission, ExternId) VALUES (1, :id)"; $vars = array('id' => $id); $dbl->execute($query,$vars); } } print "The users were imported! "; }catch (PDOException $e){ print "There was an error while creating the admin account! "; }