rollout nel_matrix_properties "NeL Matrix Properties" ( spinner _LandScapeWidth "Zones X " range:[1,128,8] type:#integer align:#center width:140 spinner _LandScapeLength "Zones Y " range:[1,128,8] type:#integer align:#center width:140 ) rollout nel_displace_properties "Apply Height Map" ( spinner _DisplaceStrength "Strength " range:[1,512,128] type:#integer align:#center width:140 button smap "Select Height Map" align:#center width:178 on smap pressed do ( global _DisplaceMapFile = selectbitmap() ) ) rollout nel_matrix_create "NeL Matrix" ( button go "Create Matrix" align:#center width:178 label lab1 "ŠNeverborn Entertainment 2004" on go pressed do ( units.USType = #Dec_In units.SystemType = #Inches units.DisplayType = #US _PatchWidth = 160 _PatchLength = 160 _SegmentsX = 5 _SegmentsY = 7 _CurrentX = 400 _CurrentY = -560 _CurrentZ = 0 _DefaultX = 400 _DefaultY = -560 _DefaultZ = 0 _NameX = 3 _NameY = 65 _NameZ = 67 _Color = 1 for i = 1 to nel_matrix_properties._LandScapeLength.value do ( for i = 1 to nel_matrix_properties._LandScapeWidth.value do ( _Patch = Quadpatch pos:[_CurrentX, _CurrentY, _CurrentZ] = _NameX as string + "_" + bit.intAsChar _NameY + bit.intAsChar _NameZ _Patch.lengthsegs = _SegmentsY _Patch.widthsegs = _SegmentsX _Patch.length = _PatchWidth _Patch.width = _PatchLength if _Color == 1 then (_Patch.wireColor = [200,200,200]; _Color = 2) else (_Patch.wireColor = [100,100,100]; _Color = 1) convertTo _Patch Editable_Patch _NameX += 1 _CurrentY -= _PatchLength ) _Odd = mod nel_matrix_properties._LandScapeWidth.value 2 if _Odd == 0.0 do (if _Color == 2 then _Color = 1 else _Color = 2) _CurrentY = _DefaultY _CurrentX += _PatchWidth _NameX = 3 _NameZ += 1 if _NameZ == 91 do (_NameY = _NameY + 1; _NameZ = 65) ) max modify mode max select all dis = displace() modpanel.addModToSelection dis _DisplaceBitMap = _DisplaceMapFile dis.bitmap = _DisplaceBitMap dis.strength = nel_displace_properties._DisplaceStrength.value convertTo $ Editable_Patch clearSelection() ) ) NeL = newRolloutFloater "NeL Matrix v2.01" 206 236 addRollout nel_matrix_properties NeL addRollout nel_displace_properties NeL addRollout nel_matrix_create NeL -- ŠNeverborn Entertainment 2004 -- Debug -- --