-- This file contains a set of miscellanous functions that don't fit in any other place -- TODO nico : could be useful outside r2 -> export this --------------- -- FUNCTIONS -- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- equivalent of the ? : C operator, execpt that the 2 sides are evaluated before assignement function select(cond, valueForTrue, valueForFalse) if cond then return valueForTrue else return valueForFalse end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- execute a function for each key pair in a table function forEach(table, fn) local i, v = next(table,nil) -- get first index of "o" and its value while i do fn(i, v) i, v = next(table,i) -- get next index and its value end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- extension to table library : remove all content of a table without deleting the table object function table.clear(tbl) while next(tbl) do table.remove(tbl, next(tbl)) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- extension to table library : merge the content of two table remove the element, remove fields with duplicated keys (except for number) function table.merge(tbl1, tbl2) local k, v = next(tbl2) while k do if (type(k) == "number") then table.insert(tbl1, v) else tbl1[k] = v end k, v = next(tbl2, k) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Addtion to the string library : test wether a string match with the given pattern (returns true is so) function string.match(str, pattern) assert( type(str) == "string") if (str == nil) then debugInfo(debug.traceback()) assert(0) end local startPos, endPos = string.find(str, pattern) if startPos == nil then return false end return startPos == 1 and endPos == string.len(str) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- clone content of a table function clone(t) local new = {} local i, v = next(t, nil) while i do if (type(v)=="table") then v= clone(v) end new[i] = v i, v = next(t, i) end return new end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test if 2 values are equal -- If values are table, then a member wise comparison is done function isEqual(lhs, rhs) if type(lhs) ~= type(rhs) then return false end if type(lhs) == "table" then local lk, lv = next(lhs) -- keys local rk, rv = next(rhs) -- values while lk and rk do if not isEqual(lk, rk) then return false end if not isEqual(lv, rv) then return false end lk, lv = next(lhs, lk) rk, rv = next(rhs, rk) end if lk ~= nil or rk ~= nil then return false -- not same table length end return true else return lhs == rhs end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test if 2 values are equal -- If values are table, then a member wise comparison is done -- special : function pointer are ignored and considered equals function isEqualIgnoreFunctions(lhs, rhs) if type(lhs) ~= type(rhs) then return false end if type(lhs) == "table" then local lk, lv = next(lhs) -- keys local rk, rv = next(rhs) -- values while lk and rk do if not isEqualIgnoreFunctions(lk, rk) then return false end if not isEqualIgnoreFunctions(lv, rv) then return false end lk, lv = next(lhs, lk) rk, rv = next(rhs, rk) end if lk ~= nil or rk ~= nil then return false -- not same table length end return true elseif type(lhs) == "function" then return true else return lhs == rhs end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- clone of a table, but with a depth of 1 ... function shallowClone(t) local new = {} local i, v = next(t, nil) while i do new[i] = v i, v = next(t, i) end return new end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If args 'value' is nil then the arg 'default' is returned, else the actual 'value' is return function defaulting(value, default) if value == nil then return default else return value end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- return clamped value. Min and/or max are ignotred if null function clamp(value, min, max) local result = value if min then result = math.max(min, result) end if max then result = math.min(max, result) end return result end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- enclose a string by double quotes function strify(str) return [["]] .. tostring(str) .. [["]] end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- enclose a string by double quotes function strifyXml(str) strxml = string.gsub(str, ">", ">") strxml = string.gsub(strxml, "<", "<") strxml = string.gsub(strxml, "&", "&") strxml = string.gsub(strxml, "'", "'") strxml = string.gsub(strxml, '"', """) return [["]] .. tostring(strxml) .. [["]] end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- snap a position to ground, returning the z snapped coordinate function r2:snapZToGround(x, y) local x1, y1, z1 = r2:snapPosToGround(x, y) return z1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --built an ordered table from a table whose index are strings --example : -- --table = --{ --"bar" = test(), --"foo" = { "hello" }, --"abc" = 10, --} -- --result = sortAlphabeticaly(table) -- -- --result is an integer indexed table : --{ -- -- index = { sorted key, value } -- 1 = { "abc", 10 }, -- 2 = { "bar", test() }, -- 3 = { "foo", { "hello" } } --} -- function sortAlphabetically(src) local sortedTable = {} local index = 1 for k, v in pairs(src) do sortedTable[index] = { key = k, value = v } index = index + 1 end local function comp(val1, val2) return val1.key < val2.key end table.sort(sortedTable, comp) return sortedTable end ---------- -- INIT -- ---------- -- redefine the 'next' function of lua to use a "__next" function in the metatable -- useful to traverse C++ objects that are exposed to lua through the use of the metatable assert(next ~= nil) -- default lib should have been opened if oldNextFunction == nil then oldNextFunction = next end next = function(table, key) assert(table) local mt = getmetatable(table) if mt ~= nil then if mt.__next ~= nil then return mt.__next(table, key) end end -- tmp --if type(table) ~= "table" then -- debugInfo(debug.traceback()) -- debugInfo("'next' expect a table (or user data with __next metamethod) as its first parameter") -- return --end -- else use default 'next' function return oldNextFunction(table, key) end assert(table.getn ~= nil) -- default lib should have been opened if oldTableGetnFunction == nil then oldTableGetnFunction = table.getn end table.getn = function(table) assert(table) local mt = getmetatable(table) if mt ~= nil then if mt.__next ~= nil then return table.Size end end return oldTableGetnFunction(table) end -- redefine the hardcoded 'pairs' function to use the redefined 'next' -- hardcoded version uses the C version of next, not the lua one if it has been redefined if oldPairsFunction ~= nil then pairs = oldPairsFunction end if oldPairsFunction == nil then oldPairsFunction = pairs end if true then -- TODO nico : bad init of editor if I name this 'pairs' directly (don't know why), so named it 'specPairs' and used -- 'specPairs' when I must iterate over C++ objects ... specPairs = function(table) local function iterFunc(table, key) return next(table, key) end return iterFunc, table end end function r2.assert (param) if not param then assert(nil) end return param end function r2.isTable(node) if not node then return false end if type(node) == "table" then return true elseif type(node) == "userdata" then local mt = getmetatable(node) if mt~= nil and mt.__next ~= nil then return true end end return false end