// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std3d.h" #include #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/3d/driver.h" #include "nel/3d/shader.h" #include "nel/3d/vertex_buffer.h" #include "nel/misc/algo.h" //#include using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; namespace NL3D { // *************************************************************************** const uint32 IDriver::InterfaceVersion = 0x6a; // added cursors methods // *************************************************************************** IDriver::IDriver() : _SyncTexDrvInfos( "IDriver::_SyncTexDrvInfos" ) { _PolygonMode= Filled; _StaticMemoryToVRAM=false; _ResetCounter=0; } // *************************************************************************** IDriver::~IDriver() { // Must clean up everything before closing driver. // Must doing this in release(), so assert here if not done... { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&_SyncTexDrvInfos); TTexDrvInfoPtrMap &rTexDrvInfos = access.value(); nlassert( rTexDrvInfos.size() == 0 ); } nlassert(_TexDrvShares.size()==0); nlassert(_MatDrvInfos.size()==0); nlassert(_VBDrvInfos.size()==0); nlassert(_IBDrvInfos.size()==0); nlassert(_VtxPrgDrvInfos.size()==0); } // *************************************************************************** bool IDriver::release(void) { // Called by derived classes. // DO THIS FIRST => to auto kill real textures (by smartptr). // First, Because must not kill a pointer owned by a CSmartPtr. // Release Textures drv. ItTexDrvSharePtrList ittex; while( (ittex = _TexDrvShares.begin()) !=_TexDrvShares.end() ) { // NB: at CTextureDrvShare deletion, this->_TexDrvShares is updated (entry deleted); delete *ittex; } // Release refptr of TextureDrvInfos. Should be all null (because of precedent pass). { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&_SyncTexDrvInfos); TTexDrvInfoPtrMap &rTexDrvInfos = access.value(); // must be empty, because precedent pass should have deleted all. nlassert(rTexDrvInfos.empty()); } // Release material drv. ItMatDrvInfoPtrList itmat; while( (itmat = _MatDrvInfos.begin()) != _MatDrvInfos.end() ) { // NB: at IShader deletion, this->_MatDrvInfos is updated (entry deleted); delete *itmat; } // Release Shader drv. ItShaderDrvInfoPtrList itshd; while( (itshd = _ShaderDrvInfos.begin()) != _ShaderDrvInfos.end() ) { // NB: at IShader deletion, this->_MatDrvInfos is updated (entry deleted); delete *itshd; } // Release VBs drv. ItVBDrvInfoPtrList itvb; while( (itvb = _VBDrvInfos.begin()) != _VBDrvInfos.end() ) { // NB: at IVBDrvInfo deletion, this->_VBDrvInfos is updated (entry deleted); delete *itvb; } // Release IBs drv. ItIBDrvInfoPtrList itib; while( (itib = _IBDrvInfos.begin()) != _IBDrvInfos.end() ) { // NB: at IIBDrvInfo deletion, this->_IBDrvInfos is updated (entry deleted); delete *itib; } // Release VtxPrg drv. ItVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList itVtxPrg; while( (itVtxPrg = _VtxPrgDrvInfos.begin()) != _VtxPrgDrvInfos.end() ) { // NB: at IVertexProgramDrvInfos deletion, this->_VtxPrgDrvInfos is updated (entry deleted); delete *itVtxPrg; } return true; } // *************************************************************************** GfxMode::GfxMode(uint16 w, uint16 h, uint8 d, bool windowed, bool offscreen, uint frequency, sint8 aa) { Windowed = windowed; Width = w; Height = h; Depth = d; OffScreen = offscreen; Frequency = frequency; AntiAlias = aa; } // *************************************************************************** IDriver::TMessageBoxId IDriver::systemMessageBox (const char* message, const char* title, IDriver::TMessageBoxType type, IDriver::TMessageBoxIcon icon) { static const char* icons[iconCount]= { "", "WAIT:\n", "QUESTION:\n", "HEY!\n", "", "WARNING!\n", "ERROR!\n", "INFORMATION:\n", "STOP:\n" }; static const char* messages[typeCount]= { "Press any key...", "(O)k or (C)ancel ?", "(Y)es or (N)o ?", "(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore ?", "(Y)es (N)o (C)ancel ?", "(R)etry (C)ancel ?" }; printf ("%s%s\n%s", icons[icon], title, message); for(;;) { printf ("\n%s", messages[type]); int c=getchar(); if (type==okType) return okId; switch (c) { case 'O': case 'o': if ((type==okType)||(type==okCancelType)) return okId; break; case 'C': case 'c': if ((type==yesNoCancelType)||(type==okCancelType)||(type==retryCancelType)) return cancelId; break; case 'Y': case 'y': if ((type==yesNoCancelType)||(type==yesNoType)) return yesId; break; case 'N': case 'n': if ((type==yesNoCancelType)||(type==yesNoType)) return noId; break; case 'A': case 'a': if (type==abortRetryIgnoreType) return abortId; break; case 'R': case 'r': if (type==abortRetryIgnoreType) return retryId; break; case 'I': case 'i': if (type==abortRetryIgnoreType) return ignoreId; break; } } nlassert (0); // no! return okId; } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeVBDrvInfoPtr(ItVBDrvInfoPtrList vbDrvInfoIt) { _VBDrvInfos.erase(vbDrvInfoIt); } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeIBDrvInfoPtr(ItIBDrvInfoPtrList ibDrvInfoIt) { _IBDrvInfos.erase(ibDrvInfoIt); } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeTextureDrvInfoPtr(ItTexDrvInfoPtrMap texDrvInfoIt) { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&_SyncTexDrvInfos); TTexDrvInfoPtrMap &rTexDrvInfos = access.value(); rTexDrvInfos.erase(texDrvInfoIt); } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeTextureDrvSharePtr(ItTexDrvSharePtrList texDrvShareIt) { _TexDrvShares.erase(texDrvShareIt); } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeMatDrvInfoPtr(ItMatDrvInfoPtrList shaderIt) { _MatDrvInfos.erase(shaderIt); } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeShaderDrvInfoPtr(ItShaderDrvInfoPtrList shaderIt) { _ShaderDrvInfos.erase(shaderIt); } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::removeVtxPrgDrvInfoPtr(ItVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList vtxPrgDrvInfoIt) { _VtxPrgDrvInfos.erase(vtxPrgDrvInfoIt); } // *************************************************************************** bool IDriver::invalidateShareTexture (ITexture &texture) { // Create the shared Name. std::string name; getTextureShareName (texture, name); // Look for the driver info for this share name CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&_SyncTexDrvInfos); TTexDrvInfoPtrMap &rTexDrvInfos = access.value(); TTexDrvInfoPtrMap::iterator iteDrvInfo = rTexDrvInfos.find (name); if (iteDrvInfo != rTexDrvInfos.end()) { // Now parse all shared info TTexDrvSharePtrList::iterator shareIte = _TexDrvShares.begin (); while (shareIte != _TexDrvShares.end ()) { // Good one ? if ((*shareIte)->DrvTexture == iteDrvInfo->second) { // Remove this one TTexDrvSharePtrList::iterator toRemove = shareIte; shareIte++; delete (*toRemove); } else shareIte++; } // Ok return true; } return false; } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::getTextureShareName (const ITexture& tex, string &output) { // Create the shared Name. output= toLower(tex.getShareName()); // append format Id of the texture. static char fmt[256]; smprintf(fmt, 256, "@Fmt:%d", (uint32)tex.getUploadFormat()); output+= fmt; // append mipmap info if(tex.mipMapOn()) output+= "@MMp:On"; else output+= "@MMp:Off"; } // *************************************************************************** void IDriver::setStaticMemoryToVRAM (bool staticMemoryToVRAM) { _StaticMemoryToVRAM=staticMemoryToVRAM; } // *************************************************************************** class CTextureDebugInfo { public: uint MemoryCost; string Line; bool operator<(const CTextureDebugInfo &o) const {return LineName:_EmptyString; const string &s1= o.Category?o.Category->Name:_EmptyString; if(s0 == s1) return UpLoadFormat &result) { std::set texSet; // uint i; // reserve result, sort by UploadFormat map > tempInfo; // Parse all the DrvShare list uint totalSize= 0; ItTexDrvSharePtrList it= _TexDrvShares.begin(); for(;it!=_TexDrvShares.end();it++) { // get TexDrvInfos and owner ITextureDrvInfos *gltext= (ITextureDrvInfos*)(ITextureDrvInfos*)(*it)->DrvTexture; ITexture *text= (*it)->getOwnerTexture(); nlassert(gltext && text); // sort by upload format and texture category CTextureDebugKey infoKey; infoKey.UpLoadFormat= text->getUploadFormat(); nlassert(infoKey.UpLoadFormatgetTextureCategory(); // get the shareName string shareName; if(text->supportSharing()) shareName= toLower(text->getShareName()); else shareName= "Not Shared"; // only if not already append to the set if(texSet.insert(gltext).second) { uint memCost= gltext->getTextureMemoryUsed(); totalSize+= memCost; string typeStr= typeid(*text).name(); strFindReplace(typeStr, "class NL3D::", string()); tempInfo[infoKey].push_back(CTextureDebugInfo()); tempInfo[infoKey].back().Line= toString("Type: %15s. ShareName: %s. Size: %d Ko", typeStr.c_str(), shareName.c_str(), memCost/1024); tempInfo[infoKey].back().MemoryCost= memCost; } } // For convenience, sort map >::iterator itCat; for(itCat= tempInfo.begin();itCat!= tempInfo.end();itCat++) sort(itCat->second.begin(), itCat->second.end()); // Store into result, appending Tag for each Mo reached. +10* is for extra lines and security result.clear(); result.reserve(texSet.size() + 10*(tempInfo.size()) + totalSize/(1024*1024)); // copy and add tags for(itCat= tempInfo.begin();itCat!= tempInfo.end();itCat++) { const CTextureDebugKey &infoKey= itCat->first; vector &infoVect= itCat->second; string strUploadFormat; switch(infoKey.UpLoadFormat) { case ITexture::Auto: strUploadFormat= ("Format: Auto"); break; case ITexture::RGBA8888: strUploadFormat= ("Format: RGBA8888"); break; case ITexture::RGBA4444: strUploadFormat= ("Format: RGBA4444"); break; case ITexture::RGBA5551: strUploadFormat= ("Format: RGBA5551"); break; case ITexture::RGB888: strUploadFormat= ("Format: RGB888"); break; case ITexture::RGB565: strUploadFormat= ("Format: RGB565"); break; case ITexture::DXTC1: strUploadFormat= ("Format: DXTC1"); break; case ITexture::DXTC1Alpha: strUploadFormat= ("Format: DXTC1Alpha"); break; case ITexture::DXTC3: strUploadFormat= ("Format: DXTC3"); break; case ITexture::DXTC5: strUploadFormat= ("Format: DXTC5"); break; case ITexture::Luminance: strUploadFormat= ("Format: Luminance"); break; case ITexture::Alpha: strUploadFormat= ("Format: Alpha"); break; case ITexture::AlphaLuminance: strUploadFormat= ("Format: AlphaLuminance"); break; case ITexture::DsDt: strUploadFormat= ("Format: DsDt"); break; default: strUploadFormat= toString("Format??: %d", infoKey.UpLoadFormat); break; } // header info result.push_back(toString("**** %s. %s ****", infoKey.Category?infoKey.Category->Name.c_str():"", strUploadFormat.c_str()) ); // display stats for this format uint tagTotal= 0; uint curTotal= 0; for(uint j=0;j=1024*1024) { result.push_back(toString("---- %.1f Mo", float(curTotal)/(1024*1024))); tagTotal= 0; } } // append last line? if(tagTotal!=0) result.push_back(toString("---- %.1f Mo", float(curTotal)/(1024*1024))); } // append the total result.push_back(toString("**** Total ****")); result.push_back(toString("Total: %d Ko", totalSize/1024)); } // *************************************************************************** }