// Where to put all .zone generated OutZoneDir = "c:\temp\outLandscape"; // Where the reference zones are RefZoneDir = "R:\code\nel\tools\3d\build_gamedata\processes\ligo\zones"; // Where all .ligozone are (those used by the .land) LigoBankDir = "R:\code\nel\tools\3d\build_gamedata\processes\ligo\zoneLigos"; // The .bank file (used to know if a tile is oriented and the like) TileBankFile = "\\amiga\3D\Database\Landscape\_texture_Tiles\jungle\jungle.bank"; // The colormap .tga file to remplace zone usercolor (Performs USERCOLOR = USERCOLOR * (1-colormap.A) + colormap.RGB * colormap.A) ColorMapFile = ""; // The grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) HeightMapFile1 = ""; // The heightmap factor ZFactor1 = 1.0; // The grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) HeightMapFile2 = ""; // The heightmap factor ZFactor2 = 1.0; // Roughly light the zone (0-none, 1-patch, 2-noise) ZoneLight = 0; // A cellsize (zonesize) in meter CellSize = 160.0; // The .land to compute ZoneRegionFile = "\\amiga\3D\Database\Landscape\ligo\jungle\matis.land";