// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "nel/misc/config_file.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/bitmap.h" #include "nel/misc/block_memory.h" #include "nel/misc/i_xml.h" #include "nel/misc/app_context.h" #include "nel/ligo/zone_region.h" #include "nel/3d/scene_group.h" #include #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS #include #else #include #endif #include /* getcwd,chdir -- replacement for getCurDiretory & setCurDirectory on windows */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLLIGO; using namespace NL3D; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Out a string to the stdout and log.log void outString (string &sText) { createDebug (); InfoLog->displayRaw(sText.c_str()); //printf ("%s", sText.c_str()); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SExportOptions { string InputIGDir; string OutputIGDir; float CellSize; string HeightMapFile1; float ZFactor1; string HeightMapFile2; float ZFactor2; string LandFile; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool load (const string &sFilename) { FILE * f = fopen (sFilename.c_str(), "rt"); if (f == NULL) return false; else fclose (f); try { CConfigFile cf; cf.load (sFilename); // Out CConfigFile::CVar &cvOutputIGDir = cf.getVar("OutputIGDir"); OutputIGDir = cvOutputIGDir.asString(); // In CConfigFile::CVar &cvInputIGDir = cf.getVar("InputIGDir"); InputIGDir = cvInputIGDir.asString(); CConfigFile::CVar &cvCellSize = cf.getVar("CellSize"); CellSize = cvCellSize.asFloat(); CConfigFile::CVar &cvHeightMapFile1 = cf.getVar("HeightMapFile1"); HeightMapFile1 = cvHeightMapFile1.asString(); CConfigFile::CVar &cvZFactor1 = cf.getVar("ZFactor1"); ZFactor1 = cvZFactor1.asFloat(); CConfigFile::CVar &cvHeightMapFile2 = cf.getVar("HeightMapFile2"); HeightMapFile2 = cvHeightMapFile2.asString(); CConfigFile::CVar &cvZFactor2 = cf.getVar("ZFactor2"); ZFactor2 = cvZFactor2.asFloat(); CConfigFile::CVar &cvLandFile = cf.getVar("LandFile"); LandFile = cvLandFile.asString(); } catch (const EConfigFile &e) { string sTmp = string("ERROR : Error in config file : ") + e.what() + "\n"; outString (sTmp); return false; } return true; } }; struct CZoneLimits { sint32 _ZoneMinX; sint32 _ZoneMaxX; sint32 _ZoneMinY; sint32 _ZoneMaxY; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // win32 code void dir (const string &sFilter, vector &sAllFiles, bool bFullPath) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE hFind; char sCurDir[MAX_PATH]; sAllFiles.clear (); GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, sCurDir); hFind = FindFirstFile (sFilter.c_str(), &findData); while (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD res = GetFileAttributes(findData.cFileName); if (res != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(res&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (bFullPath) sAllFiles.push_back(string(sCurDir) + "\\" + findData.cFileName); else sAllFiles.push_back(findData.cFileName); } if (FindNextFile (hFind, &findData) == 0) break; } FindClose (hFind); } #else // posix version of the void dir(...) function. void dir (const string &sFilter, vector &sAllFiles, bool bFullPath) { char sCurDir[MAX_PATH]; DIR* dp = NULL; struct dirent *dirp= NULL; getcwd ( sCurDir, MAX_PATH ) ; sAllFiles.clear (); if ( (dp = opendir( sCurDir )) == NULL) { string sTmp = string("ERROR : Can't open the dir : \"")+string(sCurDir)+string("\"") ; outString ( sTmp ) ; return ; } while ( (dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { std:string sFileName = std::string(dirp->d_name) ; if ( sFileName.substr((sFileName.length()-sFilter.length()),sFilter.length()). find(sFilter)!= std::string::npos ) { if (bFullPath) sAllFiles.push_back(string(sCurDir) + "/" + sFileName); else sAllFiles.push_back(sFileName); } } closedir(dp); } #endif // endif posix version of "void dir(...)" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CZoneRegion *loadLand (const string &filename) { CZoneRegion *ZoneRegion = NULL; try { CIFile fileIn; if (fileIn.open (filename)) { // Xml CIXml xml (true); nlverify (xml.init (fileIn)); ZoneRegion = new CZoneRegion; ZoneRegion->serial (xml); } else { string sTmp = string("Can't open the land file : ") + filename; outString (sTmp); } } catch (const Exception& e) { string sTmp = string("Error in land file : ") + e.what(); outString (sTmp); } return ZoneRegion; } // *************************************************************************** CInstanceGroup* LoadInstanceGroup (const char* sFilename) { CIFile file; CInstanceGroup *newIG = new CInstanceGroup; if( file.open( sFilename ) ) { try { newIG->serial (file); } catch (const Exception &) { // Cannot save the file delete newIG; return NULL; } } else { delete newIG; return NULL; } return newIG; } // *************************************************************************** void SaveInstanceGroup (const char* sFilename, CInstanceGroup *pIG) { COFile file; if( file.open( sFilename ) ) { try { pIG->serial (file); } catch (const Exception &e) { string stTmp = string(e.what()) ; outString( stTmp ); } } else { string stTemp = string("Couldn't create ") + string(sFilename) ; outString( stTemp ); } } /** Get the Z of the height map at the given position */ static float getHeightMapZ(float x, float y, const CZoneLimits &zl, const SExportOptions &options, CBitmap *heightMap1, CBitmap *heightMap2) { float deltaZ = 0.0f, deltaZ2 = 0.0f; CRGBAF color; sint32 SizeX = zl._ZoneMaxX - zl._ZoneMinX + 1; sint32 SizeY = zl._ZoneMaxY - zl._ZoneMinY + 1; clamp (x, options.CellSize * zl._ZoneMinX, options.CellSize * (zl._ZoneMaxX + 1)); clamp (y, options.CellSize * zl._ZoneMinY, options.CellSize * (zl._ZoneMaxY + 1)); if (heightMap1 != NULL) { color = heightMap1->getColor ( (x - options.CellSize * zl._ZoneMinX) / (options.CellSize * SizeX), 1.0f - ((y - options.CellSize * zl._ZoneMinY) / (options.CellSize * SizeY))); color *= 255.f; deltaZ = color.A; deltaZ = deltaZ - 127.0f; // Median intensity is 127 deltaZ *= options.ZFactor1; } if (heightMap2 != NULL) { color = heightMap2->getColor ( (x - options.CellSize * zl._ZoneMinX) / (options.CellSize * SizeX), 1.0f - ((y - options.CellSize * zl._ZoneMinY) / (options.CellSize * SizeY))); color *= 255.f; deltaZ2 = color.A; deltaZ2 = deltaZ2 - 127.0f; // Median intensity is 127 deltaZ2 *= options.ZFactor2; } return deltaZ + deltaZ2; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int nNbArg, char**ppArgs) { if (!NLMISC::INelContext::isContextInitialised()) new CApplicationContext(); NL3D_BlockMemoryAssertOnPurge = false; char sCurDir[MAX_PATH]; getcwd (sCurDir,MAX_PATH); if (nNbArg != 2) { printf ("Use : ig_elevation configfile.cfg\n"); printf ("\nExample of config.cfg\n\n"); printf ("InputIGDir = \"ig_land_max\";\n"); printf ("OutputIGDir = \"ig_land_max_elev\";\n"); printf ("CellSize = 160.0;\n"); printf ("HeightMapFile1 = \"w:/database/landscape/ligo/jungle/big.tga\";\n"); printf ("ZFactor1 = 1.0;\n"); printf ("HeightMapFile2 = \"w:/database/landscape/ligo/jungle/noise.tga\";\n"); printf ("ZFactor2 = 0.5;\n"); printf ("LandFile = \"w:/matis.land\";\n"); return -1; } SExportOptions options; if (!options.load(ppArgs[1])) { return -1; } // Get all ig files in the input directory and elevate to the z of the double heightmap // Load the land CZoneRegion *ZoneRegion = loadLand(options.LandFile); CZoneLimits zl; if (ZoneRegion) { zl._ZoneMinX = ZoneRegion->getMinX() < 0 ? 0 : ZoneRegion->getMinX(); zl._ZoneMaxX = ZoneRegion->getMaxX() > 255 ? 255 : ZoneRegion->getMaxX(); zl._ZoneMinY = ZoneRegion->getMinY() > 0 ? 0 : ZoneRegion->getMinY(); zl._ZoneMaxY = ZoneRegion->getMaxY() < -255 ? -255 : ZoneRegion->getMaxY(); } else { nlwarning("A ligo .land file cannot be found"); zl._ZoneMinX = 0; zl._ZoneMaxX = 255; zl._ZoneMinY = 0; zl._ZoneMaxY = 255; } // Load the 2 height maps CBitmap *HeightMap1 = NULL; if (options.HeightMapFile1 != "") { HeightMap1 = new CBitmap; try { CIFile inFile; if (inFile.open(options.HeightMapFile1)) { HeightMap1->load (inFile); } else { string sTmp = string("Couldn't not open ")+string(options.HeightMapFile1) +string(" : heightmap 1 map ignored"); outString(sTmp); delete HeightMap1; HeightMap1 = NULL; } } catch (const Exception &e) { string sTmp = string("Cant load height map : ") + options.HeightMapFile1 + " : " + e.what(); outString (sTmp); delete HeightMap1; HeightMap1 = NULL; } } CBitmap *HeightMap2 = NULL; if (options.HeightMapFile2 != "") { HeightMap2 = new CBitmap; try { CIFile inFile; if (inFile.open(options.HeightMapFile2)) { HeightMap2->load (inFile); } else { string sTmp = string("Couldn't not open ")+string(options.HeightMapFile2) +string(" : heightmap 2 map ignored\n"); outString(sTmp); delete HeightMap2; HeightMap2 = NULL; } } catch (const Exception &e) { string sTmp = string("Cant load height map : ") + options.HeightMapFile2 + " : " + e.what() + "\n"; outString (sTmp); delete HeightMap2; HeightMap1 = NULL; } } // Get all files vector vAllFiles; chdir (options.InputIGDir.c_str()); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS dir ("*.ig", vAllFiles, false); #else // posix version dir (".ig", vAllFiles, false); #endif chdir (sCurDir); for (uint32 i = 0; i < vAllFiles.size(); ++i) { chdir (options.InputIGDir.c_str()); CInstanceGroup *pIG = LoadInstanceGroup (vAllFiles[i].c_str()); chdir (sCurDir); if (pIG != NULL) { bool realTimeSunContribution = pIG->getRealTimeSunContribution(); // For all instances !!! CVector vGlobalPos; CInstanceGroup::TInstanceArray IA; vector Clusters; vector Portals; vector PLN; pIG->retrieve (vGlobalPos, IA, Clusters, Portals, PLN); if (IA.empty() && PLN.empty() && Portals.empty() && Clusters.empty()) continue; uint k; // elevate instance for(k = 0; k < IA.size(); ++k) { CVector instancePos = vGlobalPos + IA[k].Pos; IA[k].Pos.z += getHeightMapZ(instancePos.x, instancePos.y, zl, options, HeightMap1, HeightMap2); } // lights for(k = 0; k < PLN.size(); ++k) { CVector lightPos = vGlobalPos + PLN[k].getPosition(); PLN[k].setPosition( PLN[k].getPosition() + getHeightMapZ(lightPos.x, lightPos.y, zl, options, HeightMap1, HeightMap2) * CVector::K); } // portals std::vector portal; for(k = 0; k < Portals.size(); ++k) { Portals[k].getPoly(portal); if (portal.empty()) { nlwarning("Empty portal found"); continue; } // compute mean position of the poly CVector meanPos(0, 0, 0); uint l; for(l = 0; l < portal.size(); ++l) meanPos += portal[l]; meanPos /= (float) portal.size(); meanPos += vGlobalPos; float z = getHeightMapZ(meanPos.x, meanPos.y, zl, options, HeightMap1, HeightMap2); for(l = 0; l < portal.size(); ++l) { portal[l].z += z; } Portals[k].setPoly(portal); } // clusters std::vector volume; CMatrix transMatrix; for(k = 0; k < Clusters.size(); ++k) { CVector clusterPos = vGlobalPos + Clusters[k].getBBox().getCenter(); float z = getHeightMapZ(clusterPos.x, clusterPos.y, zl, options, HeightMap1, HeightMap2); transMatrix.setPos(z * CVector::K); Clusters[k].applyMatrix(transMatrix); } CInstanceGroup *pIGout = new CInstanceGroup; pIGout->build (vGlobalPos, IA, Clusters, Portals, PLN); pIGout->enableRealTimeSunContribution(realTimeSunContribution); chdir (options.OutputIGDir.c_str()); SaveInstanceGroup (vAllFiles[i].c_str(), pIGout); chdir (sCurDir); delete pIG; } } return 1; }