settings[$Model->alias])) { $this->settings[$Model->alias] = array('recursive' => true, 'notices' => true, 'autoFields' => true); } if (!is_array($settings)) { $settings = array(); } $this->settings[$Model->alias] = array_merge($this->settings[$Model->alias], $settings); } /** * Runs before a find() operation. Used to allow 'contain' setting * as part of the find call, like this: * * `Model->find('all', array('contain' => array('Model1', 'Model2')));` * * {{{ * Model->find('all', array('contain' => array( * 'Model1' => array('Model11', 'Model12'), * 'Model2', * 'Model3' => array( * 'Model31' => 'Model311', * 'Model32', * 'Model33' => array('Model331', 'Model332') * ))); * }}} * * @param object $Model Model using the behavior * @param array $query Query parameters as set by cake * @return array * @access public */ function beforeFind(&$Model, $query) { $reset = (isset($query['reset']) ? $query['reset'] : true); $noContain = ((isset($this->runtime[$Model->alias]['contain']) && empty($this->runtime[$Model->alias]['contain'])) || (isset($query['contain']) && empty($query['contain']))); $contain = array(); if (isset($this->runtime[$Model->alias]['contain'])) { $contain = $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['contain']; unset($this->runtime[$Model->alias]['contain']); } if (isset($query['contain'])) { $contain = array_merge($contain, (array)$query['contain']); } if ($noContain || !$contain || in_array($contain, array(null, false), true) || (isset($contain[0]) && $contain[0] === null)) { if ($noContain) { $query['recursive'] = -1; } return $query; } if ((isset($contain[0]) && is_bool($contain[0])) || is_bool(end($contain))) { $reset = is_bool(end($contain)) ? array_pop($contain) : array_shift($contain); } $containments = $this->containments($Model, $contain); $map = $this->containmentsMap($containments); $mandatory = array(); foreach ($containments['models'] as $name => $model) { $instance =& $model['instance']; $needed = $this->fieldDependencies($instance, $map, false); if (!empty($needed)) { $mandatory = array_merge($mandatory, $needed); } if ($contain) { $backupBindings = array(); foreach ($this->types as $relation) { if (!empty($instance->__backAssociation[$relation])) { $backupBindings[$relation] = $instance->__backAssociation[$relation]; } else { $backupBindings[$relation] = $instance->{$relation}; } } foreach ($this->types as $type) { $unbind = array(); foreach ($instance->{$type} as $assoc => $options) { if (!isset($model['keep'][$assoc])) { $unbind[] = $assoc; } } if (!empty($unbind)) { if (!$reset && empty($instance->__backOriginalAssociation)) { $instance->__backOriginalAssociation = $backupBindings; } else if ($reset && empty($instance->__backContainableAssociation)) { $instance->__backContainableAssociation = $backupBindings; } $instance->unbindModel(array($type => $unbind), $reset); } foreach ($instance->{$type} as $assoc => $options) { if (isset($model['keep'][$assoc]) && !empty($model['keep'][$assoc])) { if (isset($model['keep'][$assoc]['fields'])) { $model['keep'][$assoc]['fields'] = $this->fieldDependencies($containments['models'][$assoc]['instance'], $map, $model['keep'][$assoc]['fields']); } if (!$reset && empty($instance->__backOriginalAssociation)) { $instance->__backOriginalAssociation = $backupBindings; } else if ($reset) { $instance->__backAssociation[$type] = $backupBindings[$type]; } $instance->{$type}[$assoc] = array_merge($instance->{$type}[$assoc], $model['keep'][$assoc]); } if (!$reset) { $instance->__backInnerAssociation[] = $assoc; } } } } } if ($this->settings[$Model->alias]['recursive']) { $query['recursive'] = (isset($query['recursive'])) ? $query['recursive'] : $containments['depth']; } $autoFields = ($this->settings[$Model->alias]['autoFields'] && !in_array($Model->findQueryType, array('list', 'count')) && !empty($query['fields'])); if (!$autoFields) { return $query; } $query['fields'] = (array)$query['fields']; foreach (array('hasOne', 'belongsTo') as $type) { if (!empty($Model->{$type})) { foreach ($Model->{$type} as $assoc => $data) { if ($Model->useDbConfig == $Model->{$assoc}->useDbConfig && !empty($data['fields'])) { foreach ((array) $data['fields'] as $field) { $query['fields'][] = (strpos($field, '.') === false ? $assoc . '.' : '') . $field; } } } } } if (!empty($mandatory[$Model->alias])) { foreach ($mandatory[$Model->alias] as $field) { if ($field == '--primaryKey--') { $field = $Model->primaryKey; } else if (preg_match('/^.+\.\-\-[^-]+\-\-$/', $field)) { list($modelName, $field) = explode('.', $field); if ($Model->useDbConfig == $Model->{$modelName}->useDbConfig) { $field = $modelName . '.' . ( ($field === '--primaryKey--') ? $Model->$modelName->primaryKey : $field ); } else { $field = null; } } if ($field !== null) { $query['fields'][] = $field; } } } $query['fields'] = array_unique($query['fields']); return $query; } /** * Resets original associations on models that may have receive multiple, * subsequent unbindings. * * @param object $Model Model on which we are resetting * @param array $results Results of the find operation * @param bool $primary true if this is the primary model that issued the find operation, false otherwise * @access public */ function afterFind(&$Model, $results, $primary) { if (!empty($Model->__backContainableAssociation)) { foreach ($Model->__backContainableAssociation as $relation => $bindings) { $Model->{$relation} = $bindings; unset($Model->__backContainableAssociation); } } } /** * Unbinds all relations from a model except the specified ones. Calling this function without * parameters unbinds all related models. * * @param object $Model Model on which binding restriction is being applied * @return void * @access public * @link */ function contain(&$Model) { $args = func_get_args(); $contain = call_user_func_array('am', array_slice($args, 1)); $this->runtime[$Model->alias]['contain'] = $contain; } /** * Permanently restore the original binding settings of given model, useful * for restoring the bindings after using 'reset' => false as part of the * contain call. * * @param object $Model Model on which to reset bindings * @return void * @access public */ function resetBindings(&$Model) { if (!empty($Model->__backOriginalAssociation)) { $Model->__backAssociation = $Model->__backOriginalAssociation; unset($Model->__backOriginalAssociation); } $Model->resetAssociations(); if (!empty($Model->__backInnerAssociation)) { $assocs = $Model->__backInnerAssociation; unset($Model->__backInnerAssociation); foreach ($assocs as $currentModel) { $this->resetBindings($Model->$currentModel); } } } /** * Process containments for model. * * @param object $Model Model on which binding restriction is being applied * @param array $contain Parameters to use for restricting this model * @param array $containments Current set of containments * @param bool $throwErrors Wether unexisting bindings show throw errors * @return array Containments * @access public */ function containments(&$Model, $contain, $containments = array(), $throwErrors = null) { $options = array('className', 'joinTable', 'with', 'foreignKey', 'associationForeignKey', 'conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit', 'offset', 'unique', 'finderQuery', 'deleteQuery', 'insertQuery'); $keep = array(); $depth = array(); if ($throwErrors === null) { $throwErrors = (empty($this->settings[$Model->alias]) ? true : $this->settings[$Model->alias]['notices']); } foreach ((array)$contain as $name => $children) { if (is_numeric($name)) { $name = $children; $children = array(); } if (preg_match('/(? $children); } $children = (array)$children; foreach ($children as $key => $val) { if (is_string($key) && is_string($val) && !in_array($key, $options, true)) { $children[$key] = (array) $val; } } $keys = array_keys($children); if ($keys && isset($children[0])) { $keys = array_merge(array_values($children), $keys); } foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { if (is_array($key)) { continue; } $optionKey = in_array($key, $options, true); if (!$optionKey && is_string($key) && preg_match('/^[a-z(]/', $key) && (!isset($Model->{$key}) || !is_object($Model->{$key}))) { $option = 'fields'; $val = array($key); if ($key{0} == '(') { $val = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', substr(substr($key, 1), 0, -1)); } elseif (preg_match('/ASC|DESC$/', $key)) { $option = 'order'; $val = $Model->{$name}->alias.'.'.$key; } elseif (preg_match('/[ =!]/', $key)) { $option = 'conditions'; $val = $Model->{$name}->alias.'.'.$key; } $children[$option] = is_array($val) ? $val : array($val); $newChildren = null; if (!empty($name) && !empty($children[$key])) { $newChildren = $children[$key]; } unset($children[$key], $children[$i]); $key = $option; $optionKey = true; if (!empty($newChildren)) { $children = Set::merge($children, $newChildren); } } if ($optionKey && isset($children[$key])) { if (!empty($keep[$name][$key]) && is_array($keep[$name][$key])) { $keep[$name][$key] = array_merge((isset($keep[$name][$key]) ? $keep[$name][$key] : array()), (array) $children[$key]); } else { $keep[$name][$key] = $children[$key]; } unset($children[$key]); } } if (!isset($Model->{$name}) || !is_object($Model->{$name})) { if ($throwErrors) { trigger_error(sprintf(__('Model "%s" is not associated with model "%s"', true), $Model->alias, $name), E_USER_WARNING); } continue; } $containments = $this->containments($Model->{$name}, $children, $containments); $depths[] = $containments['depth'] + 1; if (!isset($keep[$name])) { $keep[$name] = array(); } } if (!isset($containments['models'][$Model->alias])) { $containments['models'][$Model->alias] = array('keep' => array(),'instance' => &$Model); } $containments['models'][$Model->alias]['keep'] = array_merge($containments['models'][$Model->alias]['keep'], $keep); $containments['depth'] = empty($depths) ? 0 : max($depths); return $containments; } /** * Calculate needed fields to fetch the required bindings for the given model. * * @param object $Model Model * @param array $map Map of relations for given model * @param mixed $fields If array, fields to initially load, if false use $Model as primary model * @return array Fields * @access public */ function fieldDependencies(&$Model, $map, $fields = array()) { if ($fields === false) { foreach ($map as $parent => $children) { foreach ($children as $type => $bindings) { foreach ($bindings as $dependency) { if ($type == 'hasAndBelongsToMany') { $fields[$parent][] = '--primaryKey--'; } else if ($type == 'belongsTo') { $fields[$parent][] = $dependency . '.--primaryKey--'; } } } } return $fields; } if (empty($map[$Model->alias])) { return $fields; } foreach ($map[$Model->alias] as $type => $bindings) { foreach ($bindings as $dependency) { $innerFields = array(); switch ($type) { case 'belongsTo': $fields[] = $Model->{$type}[$dependency]['foreignKey']; break; case 'hasOne': case 'hasMany': $innerFields[] = $Model->$dependency->primaryKey; $fields[] = $Model->primaryKey; break; } if (!empty($innerFields) && !empty($Model->{$type}[$dependency]['fields'])) { $Model->{$type}[$dependency]['fields'] = array_unique(array_merge($Model->{$type}[$dependency]['fields'], $innerFields)); } } } return array_unique($fields); } /** * Build the map of containments * * @param array $containments Containments * @return array Built containments * @access public */ function containmentsMap($containments) { $map = array(); foreach ($containments['models'] as $name => $model) { $instance =& $model['instance']; foreach ($this->types as $type) { foreach ($instance->{$type} as $assoc => $options) { if (isset($model['keep'][$assoc])) { $map[$name][$type] = isset($map[$name][$type]) ? array_merge($map[$name][$type], (array)$assoc) : (array)$assoc; } } } } return $map; } }