// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by object_viewer.rc // #define IDR_MAINFRAME 1 #define IDEMPTY 3 #define ID_SAVEALL 3 #define ID_NO 4 #define IDI_MAIN_ICO 101 #define IDD_SLOT 1000 #define IDD_MAIN_DLG 1001 #define IDC_SCROLLBAR1 1002 #define IDD_ANIMATION_SET 1002 #define IDC_SCROLLBAR 1002 #define IDC_RED_AMOUNT 1002 #define IDC_PSI_SCROLLBAR 1002 #define IDC_SLOT_NAME 1003 #define IDD_SELECT_STRING 1003 #define IDC_GREEN_AMOUNT 1003 #define IDC_THETA_SCROLLBAR 1003 #define IDD_ANIMATION 1004 #define IDC_BLUE_AMOUNT 1004 #define IDC_PHI_SCROLLBAR 1004 #define IDC_BLEND 1005 #define IDD_SCENE 1005 #define IDC_ALPHA_AMOUNT 1005 #define IDD_PARTICLE 1006 #define IDC_DOOMY_BLEND 1007 #define IDD_EDITABLE_RANGE 1007 #define IDC_START_BLEND 1008 #define IDD_LOCATED_PROPERTIES 1008 #define IDC_START_BLEND_SPIN 1009 #define IDB_PARTICLE_SYSTEM 1009 #define IDC_END_BLEND 1010 #define IDB_LOCATED 1010 #define IDC_END_BLEND_SPIN 1011 #define IDB_PARTICLE 1011 #define IDC_START_TIME 1012 #define IDB_EMITTER 1012 #define IDC_START_TIME_SPIN 1013 #define IDB_FORCE 1013 #define IDC_END_TIME 1014 #define IDB_COLLISION_ZONE 1014 #define IDC_END_TIME_SPIN 1015 #define IDB_LIGHT 1015 #define IDC_SPEED_FACTOR 1016 #define IDD_SELECT_RANGE 1016 #define IDC_SPEED_FACTOR_SPIN 1017 #define IDR_PARTICLE_MENU 1017 #define IDR_LOCATED_MENU 1017 #define IDC_SMOOTHNESS 1018 #define IDR_MENU1 1018 #define IDC_SMOOTHNESS_SPIN 1019 #define IDD_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_START_STOP 1019 #define IDC_SET_ANIMATION 1020 #define IDB_START_SYSTEM 1020 #define IDC_SET_SKELETON 1021 #define IDC_TREE 1021 #define IDB_STOP_SYSTEM 1021 #define IDC_ADD_ANIMATION 1022 #define IDC_ALIGN_BLEND 1022 #define IDD_SIZEDPARTICLE 1022 #define IDD_ATTRIB_DLG 1022 #define IDC_RESET 1023 #define IDC_LIST 1023 #define IDC_OFFSET 1023 #define IDC_TREE2 1024 #define IDC_OFFSET_SPIN 1024 #define IDR_MENU2 1024 #define IDC_ADD_SKEL_WT 1025 #define IDC_TIME_LINE 1025 #define IDR_LOCATED_BINDABLE_MENU 1025 #define IDC_FRW 1026 #define IDR_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_MENU 1026 #define IDC_LIST_INSERT 1026 #define IDC_FFW 1027 #define IDD_LOCATED_BINDABLE 1027 #define IDC_LIST_DELETE 1027 #define IDB_PARTICLE_SIZE 1028 #define IDC_LIST_UP 1028 #define IDC_START 1029 #define IDB_PARTICLE_COLOR 1029 #define IDC_LIST_DOWN 1029 #define IDC_END 1030 #define IDB_PARTICLE_ANGLE 1030 #define IDC_SET_ANIM_LENGTH 1030 #define IDC_START_EDIT 1031 #define IDD_COLOR_EDIT 1031 #define IDC_END_EDIT 1032 #define IDC_CLAMP 1032 #define IDC_REPEAT 1033 #define IDD_VALUE_BLENDER 1033 #define IDC_DISABLE 1034 #define IDD_GRADIENT_DLG 1034 #define IDC_CURRENT_FRAME 1035 #define IDC_INVERT_SKELETON_WEIGHT 1035 #define IDD_EMITTER_DIALOG 1035 #define IDC_SPEED 1036 #define IDC_LOAD_MESH 1036 #define IDC_ENABLE 1036 #define IDC_LOAD_PLAYLIST 1037 #define IDB_EMISSION_QUANTITY 1037 #define IDC_CLEAR_SCENE 1038 #define IDB_EMISSION_PERIOD 1038 #define IDC_SAVE_PLAYLIST 1039 #define IDB_MODULATE_STRENGHT 1039 #define IDC_LOAD_SCENE 1040 #define IDD_TEXTURE_CHOOSER 1040 #define IDC_VIEW_ANIMATION 1041 #define IDD_LOCATED_TARGET_DLG 1041 #define IDC_VIEW_ANIMATIONSET 1042 #define IDC_STOP 1042 #define IDB_LOCATED_INSTANCE 1042 #define IDC_VIEW_SLOTS 1043 #define IDC_PLAY 1043 #define IDD_PS_MOVER 1043 #define IDC_LOOP 1044 #define IDC_RESET_CAMERA 1044 #define IDD_BASIS_EDIT 1044 #define IDC_EULER 1045 #define IDC_OBJECT_MODE 1046 #define IDB_BASIS 1046 #define IDC_MOVE_SPEED 1047 #define IDD_HINT_ROTATE_THE_SAME 1047 #define IDC_VIEW_PARTICLE 1048 #define IDD_TAIL_PARTICLE 1048 #define IDC_SLIDER 1050 #define IDC_MOVE_ELEMENT 1050 #define IDD_CHOOSE_MESH 1050 #define IDC_SELECT_RANGE 1051 #define IDD_DIRECTION_ATTR 1051 #define IDC_MAX_RANGE 1052 #define IDD_DIRECTION_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_UPDATE_VALUE 1053 #define IDD_ZONE 1053 #define IDC_VALUE 1054 #define IDC_LIMITED_LIFE_TIME 1054 #define IDC_MIN_RANGE 1055 #define IDC_CHECK2 1055 #define IDC_SYSTEM_BASIS 1055 #define IDC_TAIL_PERSIST_AFTER_DEATH 1055 #define IDR_MOVE_ELEMENT 1055 #define IDC_ACCURATE_INTEGRATION 1055 #define IDC_DISPLAY_INTERPOLATION 1055 #define IDC_BORDERS_ONLY 1055 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_MESH 1055 #define IDC_BYPASS_AUTOLOD 1055 #define IDR_LOCATED_INSTANCE_MENU 1056 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_BENDPHASE 1056 #define IDC_LIFE_MIN_VALUE 1057 #define IDD_TEXTURE_ANIM 1057 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_SCALEXY 1057 #define IDC_LIFE_MAX_VALUE 1058 #define IDB_ANIM_SEQUENCE 1058 #define IDC_PARTICLE_NUMBER_POS 1059 #define IDD_SCHEME_EDIT 1059 #define IDD_MEMORY_VALUE_DLG 1060 #define IDC_MASS_MIN_VALUE 1061 #define IDB_FORCE_INTENSITY 1061 #define IDC_MASS_MAX_VALUE 1062 #define IDC_LIFETIME_MIN_STATIC 1063 #define IDB_LIFE_TIME 1063 #define IDC_LOWER_BOUND 1064 #define IDB_WEIGHT 1064 #define IDC_UPPER_BOUND 1065 #define IDR_OBJECT_VIEWER_MENU 1065 #define IDD_EDIT_USER_PARAM 1065 #define IDD_EDIT_PARTICLE_SYSTEM 1067 #define IDD_BIN_OP 1068 #define IDR_TOOL_EDIT 1069 #define IDC_COMBO1 1070 #define IDC_USE_SCHEME 1070 #define IDC_TYPE_OF_EMISSION 1070 #define IDC_TAIL_SHAPE 1070 #define IDC_COLLISION_BEHAVIOUR 1070 #define IDC_USER_PARAM_INDEX 1070 #define IDC_BIN_OP 1070 #define IDC_PS_DIE_ON_EVENT 1070 #define IDC_MAP_SIZE 1070 #define IDC_COMBO_DIST_TYPE 1070 #define IDC_MAIN_OP 1070 #define IDC_CURRENT_STAGE 1070 #define IDC_DEGRADATION_EXPONENT 1070 #define IDC_EDITED_OBJECT 1070 #define IDC_PROJECTION_MODE 1070 #define IDC_MATRIX_MODE 1070 #define IDC_TRAIL_COORD_SYSTEM 1070 #define IDC_OUTPUTPATH_OPTION 1070 #define IDC_START_PICTURE 1071 #define IDD_SET_VALUE 1071 #define IDC_ALTERNATE_OP 1071 #define IDC_STOP_PICTURE 1072 #define IDC_SCHEME 1073 #define IDC_START_MULTIPLE_PICTURE 1073 #define IDC_EDIT_SCHEME 1074 #define IDI_APP_ICON 1074 #define IDC_PAUSE_PICTURE 1074 #define IDB_SOUND 1075 #define IDC_GET_SCHEME 1075 #define IDC_CLAMP_ATTRIB 1076 #define IDD_SOUND 1076 #define IDC_SCHEME_INPUT 1077 #define IDB_SOUND_VOLUME 1077 #define IDC_ATTRIB_NB_CYCLES 1078 #define IDB_SOUND_FREQ 1078 #define IDD_ABOUT 1079 #define IDC_PUT_SCHEME 1079 #define IDD_LB_EXTERN_ID 1080 #define IDC_ATTR_BITMAP 1081 #define IDD_PICK_SOUND 1081 #define IDC_CONSTANT_VALUE_POS 1082 #define IDD_CHOOSE_FRAME_DELAY 1082 #define IDD_EDITSPINNER 1083 #define IDD_SCHEME_BANK_DLG 1084 #define IDD_CHOOSE_NAME 1085 #define IDC_AVAILABLE_TARGET 1086 #define IDB_PARTICLE_WIDTH 1086 #define IDC_PARTICLE_COLOR 1087 #define IDB_PARTICLE_HEIGHT 1087 #define IDC_BINDABLE_TYPE 1088 #define IDD_CURVE_EDIT 1088 #define IDC_BROWSE_COLOR 1089 #define IDD_DAYNIGHT 1089 #define IDC_VALUE1 1090 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_DLG 1090 #define IDC_VALUE2 1091 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_DENSITY_DLG 1091 #define IDC_EDITED_VALUE 1092 #define IDD_CHOOSE_POOL_ID 1092 #define IDC_INSERT_VALUE 1093 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_NOISE_VALUE_DLG 1093 #define IDC_ADD_VALUE 1094 #define IDC_VALUE_UP 1095 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_APPEARANCE_DLG 1095 #define IDC_VALUE_DOWN 1096 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_SCALE_DLG 1096 #define IDC_REMOVE_VALUE 1097 #define IDC_GRADIENT_LIST 1098 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_ROTATE_DLG 1098 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_SELECT_OTHER 1099 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_COPY 1100 #define IDC_EMITTED_TYPE 1101 #define IDD_DIALOG_PROGRESS 1101 #define IDD_VEGETABLE_WIND 1102 #define IDD_MULTITEX 1103 #define IDC_BROWSE_TEXTURE 1104 #define IDC_REMOVE_TEXTURE 1105 #define IDC_EDIT_MULTITEXTURING 1106 #define IDD_CONSTRAINT_MESH_DLG 1106 #define IDD_CONSTRAINT_MESH_TEX_DLG 1107 #define IDC_USE_SPEED_BASIS 1108 #define IDC_ADD_TARGET 1109 #define IDD_CONSTRAINT_MESH_GLOBAL_TEX_ANIM_DLG 1109 #define IDC_REMOVE_TARGET 1110 #define IDD_EDIT_MORPH_MESH 1110 #define IDC_TARGET 1111 #define IDB_MORPH_SCHEME 1111 #define IDC_ENABLE_X 1112 #define IDD_RIBBON_DLG 1112 #define IDC_ENABLE_Y 1113 #define IDC_XPOS 1113 #define IDD_AUTO_LOD 1113 #define IDC_ENABLE_Z 1114 #define IDC_YPOS 1114 #define IDC_ZPOS 1115 #define IDC_CURSOR1 1115 #define IDC_UPDATE_XPOS 1116 #define IDD_GLOBAL_COLOR 1116 #define IDC_UPDATE_YPOS 1117 #define IDD_GLOBAL_WIND 1117 #define IDC_UPDATE_ZPOS 1118 #define IDB_PAUSE_SYSTEM 1118 #define IDC_SUB_COMPONENT 1119 #define IDD_SETUP_FOG 1120 #define IDC_PSI_VALUE 1121 #define IDD_SOUND_ANIM_DLG 1121 #define IDR_VEGETABLE_MENU 1121 #define IDC_THETA_VALUE 1122 #define IDC_HINT_PRECOMPUTED_ROTATIONS 1122 #define IDD_SCENE_ROT 1122 #define IDC_PHI_VALUE 1123 #define IDC_ROT_SPEED_MIN 1123 #define IDC_UPDATE_MIN_ROT_SPEED 1124 #define IDD_SELECT_SIZE 1124 #define IDC_ROT_SPEED_MAX 1125 #define IDC_TAIL_FADE 1125 #define IDD_LIGHT_GROUP_FACTOR 1125 #define IDC_UPDATE_MAX_ROT_SPEED 1126 #define IDC_TAIL_IN_SYSTEM_BASIS 1126 #define IDC_BROWSE_SHAPE 1126 #define IDD_FOLLOWPATH 1126 #define IDC_NB_MODELS 1127 #define IDC_SHAPE_NAME 1127 #define IDC_UPDATE_NB_MODELS 1128 #define IDC_VECT_I 1128 #define IDD_CHOOSE_BG_COLOR 1128 #define IDC_VECT_MINUS_I 1129 #define IDD_PS_LIGHT 1129 #define IDC_VECT_J 1130 #define IDB_LIGHT_ATTEN_START 1130 #define IDC_VECT_MINUS_J 1131 #define IDB_LIGHT_ATTEN_END 1131 #define IDD_CHOOSE_SUN_COLOR 1131 #define IDC_CUSTOM_DIRECTION 1132 #define IDB_BITMAP1 1133 #define IDC_VECT_K 1134 #define IDB_BITMAP2 1134 #define IDC_VECT_MINUS_K 1135 #define IDB_PS_WORKSPACE 1136 #define IDR_PARTICLE_DLG_MENU 1137 #define IDD_SAVE_OPTIONS_DLG 1138 #define IDC_ENABLE_TEXTURE_ANIM 1139 #define IDD_DIALOG1 1139 #define IDD_CREATE_FILE 1139 #define IDC_CHOOSE_TEXTURES 1140 #define IDR_PARTICLE_WORKSPACE_MENU 1140 #define IDC_NO_SAMPLES 1141 #define IDB_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_NOT_LOADED 1141 #define IDC_BLENDING_MODE 1142 #define IDR_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_NOT_LOADED_MENU 1142 #define IDC_BLENDING_MODE_STATIC 1143 #define IDD_SKIPPABLE_MESSAGE_BOX 1143 #define IDC_BG_COLOR 1144 #define IDB_START_MULTIPLE_SYSTEM 1144 #define IDD_CHOOSE_ANIM 1145 #define IDD_SKELETON_SCALE_DLG 1146 #define IDC_EDIT_INPUT 1147 #define IDC_ENABLE_SLOW_DOWN 1148 #define IDD_TUNE_MRM_DLG 1148 #define IDC_FORCE_LIFE_TIME_UPDATE 1149 #define IDD_SNAPSHOT_TOOL 1149 #define IDC_DISPLAY_BBOX 1152 #define IDC_BB_X 1153 #define IDC_BB_Y 1154 #define IDC_BB_Z 1155 #define IDC_UPDATE_BBOX 1156 #define IDC_PRECOMPUTE_BBOX 1157 #define IDC_INC_BBOX 1158 #define IDC_SOUND_NAME 1158 #define IDC_DEC_BBOX 1159 #define IDC_BROWSE_SOUND 1159 #define IDC_DIE_WHEN_OUT_OF_RANGE 1160 #define IDC_APPLY_AFTER_DELAY 1161 #define IDC_DIE_WHEN_OUT_OF_FRUSTRUM 1162 #define IDC_DISGRADE_WITH_LOD 1163 #define IDC_PERFORM_MOTION_WHEN_OUT_OF_FRUSTUM 1163 #define IDC_VERSION 1164 #define IDC_ENABLE_EXTERN_ID 1165 #define IDC_ID_VALUE 1166 #define IDC_LIST1 1168 #define IDC_SPAWN 1169 #define IDC_BUTTON1 1170 #define IDC_MUTE 1171 #define IDC_PLAY_SOUND 1171 #define IDC_ZOOM_IN 1171 #define IDC_DELETE_POOL 1171 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_INSERT 1171 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_GENERAL_NONE 1171 #define IDC_UPDATE_SPEED_ALTERNATE 1171 #define IDC_FRAME_DELAY 1172 #define IDC_GO_UP 1172 #define IDC_RENAME_POOL 1172 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_REMOVE 1172 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_APPERANCE_ALL 1172 #define IDC_CHANGE 1172 #define IDC_CONVERT_SPEED_VECTOR_FROM_EMITTER_BASIS 1173 #define IDC_GO_DOWN 1173 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_GETOTHER 1173 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_SAVE_SET 1173 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_APPEARANCE_NONE 1173 #define IDC_INSERT 1173 #define IDC_REMOVE 1174 #define IDC_CENTER_CURVE 1174 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_SAVE_DESC 1174 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_POSITION_ALL 1174 #define IDC_SCHEME_LIST 1175 #define IDC_FIRST_EQUAL_LAST 1175 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_POSITION_NONE 1175 #define IDC_UP 1175 #define IDC_NAME_CHOSEN 1176 #define IDC_RENAME 1176 #define IDC_DOWN 1176 #define IDC_SAVE_BANK 1177 #define IDC_LOAD_BANK 1178 #define IDC_INDE_SIZES 1179 #define IDC_SIZE_WIDTH 1180 #define IDC_SIZE_HEIGHT 1181 #define IDC_WIDTH_HEIGHT_BOX 1182 #define IDC_ZOOM_OUT 1183 #define IDC_ADD_POINT 1184 #define IDC_REMOVE_POINT 1185 #define IDC_MOVE_POINT 1186 #define IDC_SMOOTHING_ON 1187 #define IDC_LAST_EQUAL_FIRST 1188 #define IDC_PARAMETRIC_MOTION 1189 #define IDC_TRIGGER_ON_DEATH 1191 #define IDC_EDIT_TRIGGER_ON_DEATH 1192 #define IDC_INPLACE 1194 #define IDC_INC_POS 1195 #define IDC_USE_LIST 1195 #define IDC_USE_MIXER 1196 #define IDC_PLAYLIST 1197 #define IDC_SLIDER1 1198 #define IDC_SLIDER_ANGLE_MIN 1198 #define IDC_SLIDER_VEGETABLE_SCALE_NOISE 1198 #define IDC_SLIDER_VEGETABLE_WIND_POWER 1198 #define IDC_ANIM_SPEED 1198 #define IDC_LIGHT_GROUP1 1198 #define IDC_SSD_SLIDER_BONE_SX 1198 #define IDC_TMD_SLIDER 1198 #define IDC_SLIDER_ANGLE_MAX 1199 #define IDC_SLIDER_VEGETABLE_WIND_BENDSTART 1199 #define IDC_LIGHT_GROUP2 1199 #define IDC_SSD_SLIDER_BONE_SY 1199 #define IDC_TMD_SLIDER_MAX 1199 #define IDC_LIST_VEGETABLE 1200 #define IDC_SLIDER_VEGETABLE_WIND_FREQUENCY 1200 #define IDC_LIGHT_GROUP3 1200 #define IDC_SSD_SLIDER_BONE_SZ 1200 #define IDC_SSD_SLIDER_SKIN_SX 1201 #define IDC_SSD_SLIDER_SKIN_SY 1202 #define IDC_AUTOMATIC_WAVES_GENERATION 1203 #define IDC_SSD_SLIDER_SKIN_SZ 1203 #define IDC_VEGETABLE_NOISE_VALUE_NAME 1204 #define IDC_LOAD_POOL 1205 #define IDC_SAVE_POOL 1206 #define IDC_POOL_LIST 1211 #define IDC_WATER_UNIT_SIZE 1212 #define IDC_DAMPING 1213 #define IDC_FILTER_WEIGHT 1214 #define IDC_IMPULSION_STRENGHT 1215 #define IDC_PERIOD 1216 #define IDC_IMPULSION_RADIUS 1217 #define IDC_ADD_POOL 1218 #define IDC_POOL_ID 1219 #define IDC_PROPAGATION_TIME 1219 #define IDC_POOL_NAME 1220 #define IDC_RADIO_ANGLE_FLOOR 1223 #define IDC_RADIO_ANGLE_WALL 1224 #define IDC_RADIO_ANGLE_CEILING 1225 #define IDC_EDIT_ANGLE_MIN 1226 #define IDC_EDIT_ANGLE_MAX 1227 #define IDC_CHECK_MAX_DENSITY 1228 #define IDC_STATIC_MAX_DENSITY 1229 #define IDC_STATIC_SELECT_VEGETABLE 1230 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_BROWSE 1233 #define IDC_LIST_VEGETABLE_COLOR 1237 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_ADD 1238 #define IDC_STATIC_VEGETABLE_SCALE 1239 #define IDC_STATIC_VEGETABLE_SHAPENAME 1240 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_APPEND_SET 1241 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_LOAD_DESC 1242 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_CLEAR 1243 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_LOAD_SET 1244 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_COPY 1245 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_SUBSET_COPY 1246 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_DISTANCE 1247 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_MAXDENSITY 1248 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_DENSITY 1249 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_ANGLESETUP 1250 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_BENDFACTOR 1251 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_COLORSETUP 1252 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_COLORNOISE 1253 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_GENERAL_ALL 1254 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_SCALEZ 1255 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_REFRESH 1255 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_ROTATEY 1256 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_ROTATEX 1257 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_SHOW 1257 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_ROTATEZ 1258 #define IDC_PROGRESS1 1258 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_AUTOMATIC 1258 #define IDC_STATIC_PROGRESS_DESC 1259 #define IDC_BUTTON_VEGETABLE_SETUP_WIND 1260 #define IDC_STATIC_VEGETABLE_WIND_POWER 1261 #define IDC_STATIC_VEGETABLE_WIND_BENDSTART 1262 #define IDC_STATIC_VEGETABLE_WIND_FREQUENCY 1263 #define IDC_BUTTON_CLOSE 1264 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_SNAPTOGROUND 1265 #define IDC_CHECK_VEGETABLE_ENABLE 1266 #define IDC_STATIC_VEGETABLE_PERF 1267 #define IDC_U_SPEED_1 1269 #define IDC_V_SPEED_1 1270 #define IDC_U_SPEED_2 1271 #define IDC_V_SPEED_2 1272 #define IDS_U_SPEED_1 1273 #define IDS_V_SPEED_1 1274 #define IDS_U_SPEED_2 1275 #define IDS_V_SPEED_2 1276 #define IDC_TEX_CHOOSER 1277 #define IDC_U_SPEED_1_ALTERNATE 1278 #define IDC_V_SPEED_1_ALTERNATE 1279 #define IDC_U_SPEED_2_ALTERNATE 1280 #define IDC_V_SPEED_2_ALTERNATE 1281 #define IDS_U_SPEED_1_ALTERNATE 1282 #define IDS_V_SPEED_1_ALTERNATE 1283 #define IDS_U_SPEED_2_ALTERNATE 1284 #define IDS_V_SPEED_2_ALTERNATE 1285 #define IDC_TEX_CHOOSER_ALTERNATE 1286 #define IDC_UPDATE_SPEED 1287 #define IDC_EDIT_MULTITEX 1288 #define IDC_ENABLE_ALTERNATE_TEX 1289 #define IDC_ENABLE_MULTITEXTURING 1290 #define IDC_MULTITEX 1291 #define IDC_MULTITEX_BORDER 1292 #define IDC_FORCE_BASIC_CAPS 1293 #define IDC_USE_PARTICLE_DATE2 1294 #define IDC_USE_PARTICLE_DATE 1295 #define IDC_FORCE_STAGE_0_MODULATION 1295 #define IDC_FORCE_STAGE_1_MODULATION 1296 #define IDC_FORCE_STAGE_2_MODULATION 1297 #define IDC_FORCE_STAGE_3_MODULATION 1298 #define IDC_FORCE_VERTEX_COLOR_LIGHTING 1299 #define IDC_U_SPEED_TEXT 1300 #define IDC_V_SPEED_TEXT 1301 #define IDC_U_ACCEL_TEXT 1302 #define IDC_V_ACCEL_TEXT 1303 #define IDC_U_SPEED 1304 #define IDC_CURR_STAGE 1305 #define IDC_V_SPEED 1305 #define IDC_TEX_ANIM_TYPE_TEXT 1306 #define IDC_U_ACCEL 1306 #define IDC_TEX_ANIM_TYPE 1307 #define IDC_V_ACCEL 1307 #define IDC_U_SCALE_SPEED_TEXT 1308 #define IDC_REINIT_WHEN_NEW_ELEMENT_IS_CREATED 1308 #define IDC_V_SCALE_SPEED_TEXT 1309 #define IDC_ENABLE_MORPHING 1309 #define IDC_U_SCALE_ACCEL_TEXT 1310 #define IDC_EDIT_MORPH 1310 #define IDC_V_SCALE_ACCEL_TEXT 1311 #define IDC_MORPH_FRAME 1311 #define IDC_U_SCALE_SPEED 1312 #define IDC_MESHS 1312 #define IDC_V_SCALE_SPEED 1313 #define IDC_ADD 1313 #define IDC_U_SCALE_ACCEL 1314 #define IDC_MORPH_SCHEME 1314 #define IDC_V_SCALE_ACCEL 1315 #define IDC_DELAYED_EMISSION 1315 #define IDC_U_SCALE_START_TEXT 1316 #define IDC_MAX_EMISSION_COUNT 1316 #define IDC_V_SCALE_START_TEXT 1317 #define IDC_SPEED_INHERITANCE_FACTOR_FRAME 1317 #define IDC_U_SCALE_START 1318 #define IDC_DELAYED_EMISSION_FRAME 1318 #define IDC_RED_EDIT 1318 #define IDC_V_SCALE_START 1319 #define IDC_MAX_EMISSION_COUNT_FRAME 1319 #define IDC_BLUE_EDIT 1319 #define IDC_USE_HERMITTE_INTERPOLATION 1319 #define IDC_WROT_SPEED_TEXT 1320 #define IDC_GREEN_EDIT 1320 #define IDC_CONSTANT_LENGTH 1320 #define IDC_WROT_ACCEL_TEXT 1321 #define IDC_ALPHA_EDIT 1321 #define IDC_RIBBON_LENGTH 1321 #define IDC_WROT_SPEED 1322 #define IDC_LOD_DEGRADATION 1322 #define IDC_ANIM_TYPE 1322 #define IDC_WROT_ACCEL 1323 #define IDC_ANIM_TYPE_CTRL 1323 #define IDC_LIFE_MGT_PRESETS 1324 #define IDC_U_START_TEXT 1324 #define IDC_SHARABLE 1325 #define IDC_V_START_TEXT 1325 #define IDC_ENABLE_AUTO_LOD 1326 #define IDC_U_START 1326 #define IDC_EDIT_AUTO_LOD 1327 #define IDC_V_START 1327 #define IDC_START_PERCENT_DIST 1328 #define IDC_NO_AUTO_LOD 1329 #define IDC_MAX_DIST_LOD_BIAS 1329 #define IDC_GLOBAL_COLOR 1330 #define IDC_EDIT_GLOBAL_COLOR 1331 #define IDC_COLOR_ATTRIB 1332 #define IDC_INPUT_MULTIPLIER_TXT 1333 #define IDC_SRC_INPUT_TXT 1334 #define IDC_SKIP_PARTICLES 1335 #define IDC_BUMP_FACTOR_TXT 1337 #define IDC_BUMP_FACTOR 1338 #define IDC_CONSISTENT_EMISSION 1340 #define IDC_SLIDER_GLOBAL_WIND_POWER 1341 #define IDC_STATIC_GLOBAL_WIND_POWER 1342 #define IDC_EDIT1 1343 #define IDC_EDIT2 1344 #define IDC_ADDANIMSOUND 1344 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_ADD 1344 #define IDC_RMANIMSOUND 1345 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_REMOVE 1345 #define IDC_ROTY 1345 #define IDC_SSD_EDIT_BONE_SZ 1345 #define IDC_OUTPUT_PATH 1345 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_SAVE 1346 #define IDC_SSD_EDIT_SKIN_SZ 1346 #define IDC_SOUNDANIMINFO 1347 #define IDC_ROTZ 1347 #define IDC_SOUNDANIMSCROLL 1348 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_DELETE 1348 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_ZOOMIN 1349 #define IDC_SOUNDANIMZOOM 1350 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_MARK 1350 #define IDC_SOUNDANIMZOOMLABEL 1351 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND_ZOOMOUT 1352 #define IDC_SOUNDANIMTRACK 1354 #define IDC_SOUND_ANIM_SCROLLBAR 1356 #define IDC_SOUND_ANIM_LIST 1357 #define IDC_ARG0 1358 #define IDC_ARG1 1359 #define IDC_ROTX 1359 #define IDC_ARG2 1360 #define IDC_ENABLE_LOAD_BALANCING 1360 #define IDC_ARG3 1361 #define IDC_GLOBAL_USER_PARAM_1 1361 #define IDC_GLOBAL_USER_PARAM_2 1362 #define IDC_GLOBAL_DIRECTION 1362 #define IDC_GLOBAL_USER_PARAM_3 1363 #define IDC_DIRECTION_TEXT 1363 #define IDC_GLOBAL_USER_PARAM_4 1364 #define IDC_WIDTH 1364 #define IDC_HEIGHT 1365 #define IDC_BYPASS_MAX_NUM_STEPS 1366 #define IDC_MAX_DIST_BIAS_TEXT 1367 #define IDC_INVALID_BUILD 1367 #define IDC_COLOR_PLACEHOLDER 1368 #define IDC_ATTEN_START_PLACEHOLDER 1369 #define IDC_ATTEN_END_PLACEHOLDER 1370 #define IDC_FORCE_GLOBAL_LIGHITNG 1370 #define ID_GLOBAL_COLOR_LIGHTING 1371 #define IDC_SPECULAR 1372 #define IDC_DIFFUSE 1373 #define IDC_AUTO_DELAY 1373 #define IDC_AMBIENT 1374 #define IDC_DISPLAY_HELPERS 1374 #define IDC_ALIGN_ON_MOTION 1375 #define IDC_AUTO_BBOX 1376 #define IDC_RESET_BBOX 1377 #define IDC_ENABLE_AUTO_COUNT 1378 #define IDC_RESET_COUNT 1379 #define IDC_NUM_PARTICLES 1380 #define IDC_CURR_NUM_PARTS 1381 #define IDC_SYSTEM_DATE 1381 #define IDC_ASSIGN_COUNT 1382 #define IDC_NUM_ASKED_FACES 1382 #define IDC_TIME_THRESHOLD_PLACE_HOLDER 1383 #define IDC_MAX_STEP_PLACE_HOLDER 1384 #define IDC_LOCK_FRAME_DELAY 1385 #define IDC_AUTOREPEAT 1386 #define IDC_LINK_TO_SKELETON 1387 #define IDC_UNLINK_FROM_SKELETON 1388 #define IDC_LINK_PLAY_TO_SCENE_PLAY 1389 #define IDC_DIRECTION 1390 #define IDC_DIRECTION_MODE 1391 #define IDC_KEEP_ORIGINAL_PITCH 1392 #define IDC_ZTEST 1393 #define IDC_ZBIAS_TEXT 1394 #define IDC_ZBIAS 1395 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR_END0 1396 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR_END1 1397 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR_END2 1398 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR_START0 1402 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR_START1 1403 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR_START2 1404 #define IDC_STICK_BONE 1409 #define IDC_RESTICK_ALL 1410 #define IDC_SSD_LIST 1411 #define IDC_SSD_EDIT_BONE_SX 1412 #define IDC_SSD_EDIT_BONE_SY 1413 #define IDC_SSD_EDIT_SKIN_SX 1414 #define IDC_SSD_EDIT_SKIN_SY 1415 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_SAVE 1416 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_SAVEAS 1417 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_UNDO 1418 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_FILENAME 1419 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_BONE_SX 1420 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_BONE_SY 1421 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_BONE_SZ 1422 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_SKIN_SX 1423 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_SKIN_SY 1424 #define IDC_SSD_STATIC_SKIN_SZ 1425 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_REDO 1426 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_MIRROR 1427 #define IDC_RIBBON_ORIENTATION 1428 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_LOAD_SCALE 1428 #define IDC_ZALIGN 1429 #define IDC_SSD_BUTTON_SAVE_SCALE 1429 #define IDC_TDM_STATIC_MAX 1430 #define IDC_TDM_STATIC 1431 #define IDC_MESH_ERROR 1432 #define IDC_BROWSE_INPUT_PATH 1433 #define IDC_BROWSE_OUTPUT_PATH 1434 #define IDC_RECURSE_SUBFOLDER 1435 #define IDC_ADD_FILTER 1438 #define IDC_REMOVE_FILTER 1439 #define IDC_EDIT_FILTER 1440 #define IDC_FORMAT 1444 #define IDC_INPUT_PATH 1445 #define IDC_GO 1446 #define IDC_FILTERS 1447 #define IDC_CLOSE 1448 #define IDC_LOG 1449 #define IDC_DUMP_TEXTURE_SETS 1451 #define IDC_VIEW_FRONT 1452 #define IDC_VIEW_RIGHT 1453 #define IDC_VIEW_LEFT 1454 #define IDC_VIEW_TOP 1455 #define IDC_VIEW_BOTTOM 1456 #define IDC_VIEW_BACK 1457 #define IDC_POSTFIX_VIEWNAME 1458 #define IDC_VIEW_ALL 1459 #define IDC_VIEW_NONE 1460 #define IDM_DOT_LOC 2000 #define IDM_LOOKAT_LOC 2001 #define IDM_FANLIGHT_LOC 2002 #define IDM_RIBBON_LOC 2003 #define IDM_TAILDOT_LOC 2004 #define IDM_MESH_LOC 2005 #define IDM_CONSTRAINT_MESH_LOC 2006 #define IDM_FACE_LOC 2007 #define IDM_SHOCKWAVE_LOC 2008 #define IDM_GRAVITY_FORCE_LOC 2009 #define IDM_DIRECTIONNAL_FORCE_LOC 2010 #define IDM_SPRING_FORCE_LOC 2011 #define IDM_FLUID_FRICTION_LOC 2012 #define IDM_CENTRAL_GRAVITY_LOC 2013 #define IDM_CYLINDRIC_VORTEX_LOC 2014 #define IDM_BROWNIAN_MOVE_LOC 2015 #define IDM_ZONE_PLANE_LOC 2016 #define IDM_ZONE_SPHERE_LOC 2017 #define IDM_ZONE_RECTANGLE_LOC 2018 #define IDM_ZONE_DISC_LOC 2019 #define IDM_ZONE_CYLINDER_LOC 2020 #define IDM_DIRECTIONNAL_EMITTER_LOC 2021 #define IDM_OMNIDIRECTIONNAL_EMITTER_LOC 2022 #define IDM_RECTANGLE_EMITTER_LOC 2023 #define IDM_CONIC_EMITTER_LOC 2024 #define IDM_SPHERICAL_EMITTER_LOC 2025 #define IDM_SOUND_LOC 2026 #define IDC_LOCATION 3396 #define IDC_STATIC_LOCATION 3397 #define IDC_BROWSE 3398 #define IDC_STATIC_FILENAME 3399 #define IDC_MB_TEXT 3399 #define IDC_FILENAME 3400 #define IDC_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN 3400 #define IDC_MB_CONTENT 3401 #define IDC_ANIM 3403 #define IDC_BROWSE_ANIM 3404 #define IDC_ACTIVE_PS 3405 #define IDC_ANIM_LIST 3406 #define IDC_CLEAR_ANIM 3406 #define IDC_TRIGGER_ANIM 3407 #define IDD_WATER_POOL 3666 #define IDM_DOT 32773 #define IDM_LOOKAT 32774 #define IDM_FANLIGHT 32775 #define IDM_RIBBON 32776 #define IDM_TAILDOT 32777 #define IDM_MESH 32778 #define IDM_CONSTRAINT_MESH 32779 #define IDM_FACE 32780 #define IDM_DIRECTIONNAL_EMITTER 32781 #define IDM_OMNIDIRECTIONNAL_EMITTER 32782 #define IDM_RECTANGLE_EMITTER 32783 #define IDM_CONIC_EMITTER 32784 #define IDM_GRAVITY_FORCE 32786 #define IDM_SPRING_FORCE 32787 #define IDM_ZONE_PLANE 32788 #define IDM_ZONE_SPHERE 32789 #define IDM_ZONE_RECTANGLE 32790 #define IDM_ZONE_DISC 32791 #define IDM_ZONE_CYLINDER 32792 #define IDM_DELETE_PARTICLE 32793 #define IDM_DELETE_LOCATED 32793 #define ID_ESSAI1_ESSAI2 32797 #define ID_A_ESSAI 32798 #define ID_BINDPARTICLE_PONT 32800 #define ID__A 32801 #define ID__B 32802 #define ID_MENU_DELETE 32803 #define ID_MENU_DELETE_PS 32803 #define IDM_CLEAR_PS_CONTENT 32803 #define ID_MENU_NEWLOCATED 32804 #define IDM_DELETE_LOCATED_BINDABLE 32806 #define ID_INSTANCIATE_LOCATED 32807 #define ID_MENU_SAVE_PS 32808 #define ID_MENU_LOAD_PS 32809 #define ID_ENABLE_ELEMENT_XROTATE 32810 #define ID_ENABLE_ELEMENT_YROTATE 32811 #define ID_ENABLE_ELEMENT_ZROTATE 32812 #define IDM_SHOCKWAVE 32813 #define IDM_DELETE_LOCATED_INSTANCE 32814 #define IDM_RESET_ROTATION 32815 #define IDM_FLUID_FRICTION 32816 #define IDM_CYLINDRIC_VORTEX 32818 #define IDM_SPHERICAL_EMITTER 32819 #define IDM_DIRECTIONNAL_FORCE 32820 #define IDM_CENTRAL_GRAVITY 32821 #define IDM_BROWNIAN_MOVE 32822 #define IDM_LB_LOD1N2 32823 #define ID_FILE_EXIT 32824 #define IDM_LB_LOD1 32824 #define ID_CLEAR 32825 #define IDM_LB_LOD2 32825 #define ID_FILE_LOADCONFIG 32826 #define ID_FILE_SAVECONFIG 32827 #define ID_VIEW_SETBACKGROUND 32828 #define ID_VIEW_RESET_CAMERA 32829 #define ID_VIEW_OBJECTMODE 32830 #define ID_VIEW_FIRSTPERSONMODE 32831 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERAMODE 32832 #define ID_VIEW_SETMOVESPEED 32833 #define ID_WINDOW_ANIMATIONSET 32836 #define ID_WINDOW_MIXERSSLOTS 32837 #define ID_WINDOW_PARTICLES 32838 #define ID_EDIT_MOVEELEMENT 32839 #define ID_EDIT_X 32840 #define ID_EDIT_Y 32841 #define ID_EDIT_Z 32842 #define ID_WINDOW_ANIMATION 32845 #define ID_BUTTON32846 32846 #define ID_BUTTON32847 32847 #define ID_BUTTON32848 32848 #define ID_BUTTON32849 32849 #define ID_BUTTON32852 32852 #define IDS_BAD_FD_VALUE 32853 #define IDS_CAPTION_ERROR 32854 #define IDS_VERTICES 32855 #define IDS_SHAPE_FILE_NOT_MESH 32856 #define IDM_SOUND 32857 #define IDS_SHAPE_NOT_LOADED 32857 #define ID_HELP_ABOUTOBJECTVIEWER 32858 #define IDS_TOO_MUCH_VERTICES 32858 #define IDM_LB_EXTERN_ID 32859 #define IDS_NO_FINITE_DURATION 32859 #define IDS_NO_FINITE_DURATION_FOR_OBJ 32860 #define ID_FILE_BINDSCENEANIMATION 32861 #define IDS_ERROR 32861 #define IDM_SET_FRAME_DELAY 32862 #define IDS_AUTO_COUNT_ERROR 32862 #define IDM_REMOVE_ALL_INSTANCES_FROM_SCENE 32863 #define IDS_WARNING 32863 #define IDM_MERGE_PS 32864 #define IDS_NUM_PARTICLES 32864 #define IDM_RIBBON_LOOK_AT 32865 #define IDS_SYSTEM_DATE 32865 #define IDM_RIBBON_LOOK_AT_LOC 32866 #define IDS_UNLOCK_PS 32866 #define IDM_MAGNETIC_FORCE 32867 #define IDS_LOCK_PS 32867 #define IDM_MAGNETIC_FORCE_LOC 32868 #define IDS_FORCE_APPLIED_ON_OBJECT_THAT_LAST_FOREVER 32868 #define IDM_RADIAL_EMITTER 32869 #define IDS_PS_NO_FINITE_DURATION 32869 #define IDM_RADIAL_EMITTER_LOC 32870 #define IDS_HAS_FORCE_APPLIED 32870 #define ID_WINDOW_DAYNIGHT 32871 #define IDS_ENABLE_AUTOCOUNT 32871 #define ID_WINDOW_VEGETABLE 32872 #define IDS_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_EDITOR 32872 #define ID_WINDOW_WATER_POOL 32873 #define IDS_NO_SKELETON_IN_SCENE 32873 #define IDS_CHOOSE_BONE_FOR_PS 32874 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_1 32875 #define IDS_NOT_STICKED_TO_SKELETON 32875 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_4 32876 #define IDS_FX_USER_MATRIX 32876 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_2 32877 #define IDS_SCENE_MATRIX 32877 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_3 32878 #define IDS_FX_MATRIX 32878 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_5 32879 #define IDS_NUM_WANTED_FACES 32879 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_6 32880 #define IDS_BAD_ZBIAS 32880 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_7 32881 #define IDS_FORCE_ZBIAS 32881 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_TEXTURE_SET_8 32882 #define IDS_FX_HAS_LOOP 32882 #define ID_WINDOW_GLOBALWIND 32883 #define IDS_PS_WORKSPACE_MODIFIED 32883 #define ID_EDIT_MOVE_OBJECT_LIGHT_TEST 32884 #define IDS_SAVE_MODIFIED_PS 32884 #define IDM_COPY_LOCATED 32885 #define IDS_SAVE_FILE 32885 #define IDS_CONTINUE_SAVING 32886 #define IDM_COPY_BINDABLE 32887 #define IDS_CHOOSE_WORKSPACE_NAME 32887 #define IDM_PASTE_BINDABLE 32888 #define IDS_EMPTY_PATH 32888 #define IDM_PASTE_LOCATED 32889 #define IDS_FILENAME_PATH 32889 #define IDM_ACTIVATE_FOG 32890 #define IDS_COULDNT_CREATE_DIRECTORY 32890 #define IDM_SETUP_FOG 32891 #define IDS_INVALID_FILENAME 32891 #define ID_MENU_ADD 32892 #define IDS_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE 32892 #define ID_MENU_REMOVE 32893 #define ID_MENU_INSERT 32894 #define ID_MENU_COPY 32895 #define IDS_OVERWRITE_FILE 32895 #define ID_MENU_LOADVEGETDESC 32896 #define IDS_PS_ALREADY_INSERTED 32896 #define ID_MENU_SAVEVEGETDESC 32897 #define IDS_COULDNT_INSTANCIATE_PS 32897 #define ID_MENU_SHOW 32898 #define ID_MENU_SHOWONLY 32899 #define IDS_CLEAR_CONTENT 32899 #define ID_MENU_SHOWALL 32900 #define IDS_PARTICLE_EDITOR 32900 #define ID_WINDOW_SOUND 32901 #define IDS_CANT_CHANGE_PS_NAME 32901 #define ID_WINDOW_ANIMSOUND 32902 #define IDS_CREATE_NEW_PS 32902 #define IDM_SHUFFLE_TEXTURE_SET 32903 #define IDS_CHOOSE_BASE_PATH 32903 #define IDS_SAVED 32904 #define ID_EDIT_MOVECAMERA 32905 #define IDS_LOADED 32905 #define ID_EDIT_MOVESCENE 32906 #define IDS_READY 32906 #define IDS_REMOVE_ALL_PS 32907 #define ID_VIEW_RESET_SCENE_ROOT 32908 #define IDS_NO_ACTIVE_PS 32908 #define ID_VIEW_SET_SCENE_ROTATION 32909 #define IDS_SELECT_ANIMATION 32909 #define IDC_RELOAD_TEXTURES 32910 #define IDS_INCLUDE_PARTICLE_WORKSPACE_INFOS 32910 #define ID_SHOOT_SCENE 32911 #define IDS_OBJECT_VIEWER 32911 #define ID_SCENE_SETLIGHTGROUPFACTOR 32912 #define IDS_ERROR_IN_MORPH_MESH 32912 #define IDS_CHOOSE_SNAPSHOT_INPUT_PATH 32913 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_FIRST 32914 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_0 32914 #define IDS_CHOOSE_SNAPSHOT_OUTPUT_PATH 32914 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_1 32915 #define IDS_GETTING_PATH_CONTENT 32915 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_2 32916 #define IDS_DESKTOP_TOO_SMALL_FOR_SNAPSHOT 32916 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_3 32917 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_NO_FILES_FOUND 32917 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_4 32918 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_NO_FILTER_MATCH_FOUND 32918 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_5 32919 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_FILES_TO_PROCESS 32919 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_6 32920 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_NO_CONTENT_RETRIEVED 32920 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_LAST 32921 #define ID_SCENE_CAMERA_7 32921 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED 32921 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_EMPTY_INPUT_PATH 32922 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_EMPTY_INPUT_PATH_NOT_FOUND 32923 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_EMPTY_OUTPUT_PATH 32924 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY 32925 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_OUTPUT_PATH_CREATION_FAILED 32926 #define IDS_SNAPSHOT_NO_VIEW_SELECTED 32927 #define ID_WINDOW_CHOOSE_FRAME_DELAY 32955 #define ID_WINDOW_CHOOSE_BG_COLOR 32956 #define IDM_LIGHT 32957 #define IDM_LIGHT_LOC 32958 #define ID_EDIT_MOVE_FX 32959 #define ID_VIEW_RESET_FX_ROOT 32960 #define ID_WINDOW_CHOOSE_SUN_COLOR 32961 #define ID_EDIT_MOVE_FX_USER_MATRIX 32962 #define IDM_RESET_FX_USER_MATRIX 32963 #define IDM_SHOW_SCENE_MATRIX 32964 #define IDM_SHOW_FX_MATRIX 32965 #define IDM_SHOW_FX_USER_MATRIX 32966 #define IDM_FORCE_ZBIAS 32967 #define IDM_CREATE_NEW_PS_WORKSPACE 32968 #define IDM_LOAD_PS_WORKSPACE 32969 #define IDM_SAVE_PS_WORKSPACE 32970 #define IDM_SAVE_ALL_PS_WORKSPACE 32971 #define IDM_INSERT_NEW_PS 32972 #define IDM_CREATE_NEW_PS 32973 #define IDM_RELOAD_PS 32974 #define IDM_REMOVE_PS_FROM_WORKSPACE 32975 #define IDM_SET_ACTIVE_PARTICLE_SYSTEM 32976 #define IDM_PS_SORT_BY_FILENAME 32977 #define IDM_PS_SORT_BY_NAME 32978 #define IDM_VIEW_PS_FILENAME 32980 #define IDM_REMOVE_ALL_PS 32981 #define IDM_SAVE_PS_AS 32982 #define iDM_SHOW_OCCLUSION_TEST_MESHS 32983 #define ID_WINDOW_SKELETON_SCALE 32984 #define ID_WINDOW_TUNE_MRM 32985 #define IDM_SNAPSHOT_TOOL 32986 #define ID_PS_EDITOR_STATUS 36111 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 1151 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32987 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1460 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 1001 #endif #endif