// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . ////////////// // Includes // ////////////// #include "stdpch.h" #include "login.h" #include "login_patch.h" #include "nel/misc/common.h" #include "nel/misc/debug.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/thread.h" #include "nel/misc/big_file.h" #include "nel/misc/system_utils.h" #include "nel/net/tcp_sock.h" #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/input_handler_manager.h" #include "interface_v3/group_editbox.h" #include "interface_v3/group_quick_help.h" #include "interface_v3/view_text.h" #include "interface_v3/ctrl_button.h" #include "interface_v3/ctrl_text_button.h" #include "sound_manager.h" #include "far_tp.h" #include "actions_client.h" #include "time_client.h" #include "client_cfg.h" #include "global.h" #include "input.h" #include "libwww.h" #include "http_client.h" #include "http_client_curl.h" #include "login_progress_post_thread.h" #include "init.h" #include "release.h" #include "bg_downloader_access.h" #include "game_share/crypt.h" #include "game_share/bg_downloader_msg.h" void ConnectToShard(); // *************************************************************************** using namespace NLMISC; using namespace NLNET; using namespace NL3D; using namespace std; // *************************************************************************** vector Shards; string LoginLogin, LoginPassword, ClientApp, Salt; uint32 LoginShardId = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Completed only after that ryzom downloader has run its 'check' task : // It is a bitfield indexed by BGDownloader::TDownloadID that indicate the parts that are available for patch uint32 AvailablePatchs = 0; // next wanted patch for the background downloader BGDownloader::TDownloadID BGDownloaderWantedPatch = BGDownloader::DownloadID_RoS; // R2 mode var --------------- /// domain server version for patch string R2ServerVersion; /// name of the version (used to alias many version under the same name), /// the value is used to get the release not if not empty string VersionName; /// Backup patch server to use in case of failure of all other servers string R2BackupPatchURL; /// a list of patch server to use randomly vector R2PatchURLs; #define CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN "ui:login:checkpass:content:eb_login:eb" #define CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD "ui:login:checkpass:content:eb_password:eb" #define GROUP_LIST_SHARD "ui:login:sharddisp:content:shard_list" #define CTRL_BUTTON_CONNECT "ui:login:sharddisp:content:but_con" #define GROUP_LIST_CAT "ui:login:catdisp:content:cat_list" #define CTRL_BUTTON_CLOSE_PATCH "ui:login:patching:content:but_close" #define VIEW_TOTAL_SIZE "ui:login:catdisp:content:global_patch:size" #define VIEW_NON_OPTIONAL_SIZE "ui:login:catdisp:content:nonopt_patch:size" #define VIEW_TOTAL_SIZE_PATCH "ui:login:patching:content:global_patch:size" #define CTRL_BUTTON_BACKTOLOGIN "ui:login:webstart:content:back_to_login" #define CTRL_BUTTON_RELOADTESTPAGE "ui:login:webstart:content:reload_test_page" #define CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_LOGIN "ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr:eb_login:eb" #define CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_PASSWORD "ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr:eb_password:eb" #define CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_CONFIRMPASSWORD "ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr:eb_confirm_password:eb" #define CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_EMAIL "ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr:eb_email:eb" #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS 0 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_SHARDDISP 1 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKING 2 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CATDISP 3 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_PATCHING 4 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_REBOOT 5 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_EULA 6 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_DATASCAN 7 #define UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CREATE_ACCOUNT 9 // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // INTERFACE // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** bool loginFinished = false; bool loginOK = false; sint32 ShardSelected = -1; CPatchManager::SPatchInfo InfoOnPatch; uint32 TotalPatchSize; CLoginStateMachine LoginSM; // *************************************************************************** // Pop a fatal error message box, giving the option to 'quit' the client, plus a help button static void fatalMessageBox(const ucstring &msg) { CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); im->messageBoxWithHelp(msg, "ui:login", "login_quit"); } // *************************************************************************** // Pop an error message box, giving the option to go back to main menu, plus a help button static void errorMessageBox(const ucstring &msg) { CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); im->messageBoxWithHelp(msg, "ui:login", "on_back_to_login"); } // *************************************************************************** void createOptionalCatUI() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceGroup *pList = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_CAT)); if (pList == NULL) { nlwarning("element "GROUP_LIST_CAT" not found probably bad login_main.xml"); return; } // Update optional categories CInterfaceGroup *pPrevLine = NULL; for(uint i = 0; i < InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size(); i++) { vector< pair < string, string > > params; params.clear(); params.push_back(pair("id", "c"+toString(i))); if (i>0) params.push_back(pair("posref", "BL TL")); CInterfaceGroup *pNewLine = pIM->createGroupInstance("t_cat", GROUP_LIST_CAT, params); if (pNewLine != NULL) { CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("name")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Name); pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("size")); if (pVT != NULL) { pVT->setText(BGDownloader::getWrittenSize(InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Size)); } // Add to the list pNewLine->setParent(pList); pNewLine->setParentSize(pList); pNewLine->setParentPos(pPrevLine); pList->addGroup(pNewLine); pPrevLine = pNewLine; } } pList->invalidateCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** void initEula() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); if (!ClientCfg.SkipEULA && CFile::fileExists(getLogDirectory() + "show_eula")) { pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_EULA); // if we display the eula, it means we make a patch so we clean the cache directory // (clear cache after each patch) nlinfo("Deleting cached files"); vector cached; CPath::getPathContent("cache", true, false, true, cached); for(uint i = 0; i < cached.size(); i++) CFile::deleteFile(cached[i]); } else { pIM->runActionHandler("accept_eula", NULL); } } // *************************************************************************** static void setDataScanLog(const ucstring &text) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:datascan:content:log_txt:log")); if (pVT != NULL) { pVT->setText(text); } } // *************************************************************************** static void setDataScanState(const ucstring &text, ucstring progress= ucstring()) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:datascan:content:state")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(text); pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:datascan:content:progress")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(progress); } void initCatDisplay() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); // Check is good now ask the player if he wants to apply the patch pPM->getInfoToDisp(InfoOnPatch); if ((InfoOnPatch.NonOptCat.size() > 0) || (InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size() > 0) || (InfoOnPatch.ReqCat.size() > 0)) { createOptionalCatUI(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CATDISP); } else { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_run_patch); // pIM->runActionHandler("login_patch", NULL); } } void initReboot() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_REBOOT); } // *************************************************************************** static void setPatcherStateText(const std::string &baseUIPath, const ucstring &str) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(baseUIPath + ":content:state")); if (pVT != NULL) { pVT->setText(str); } } // *************************************************************************** static void setPatcherProgressText(const std::string &baseUIPath, const ucstring &str) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(baseUIPath + ":content:progress")); if (pVT != NULL) { pVT->setText(str); } } // *************************************************************************** static void updatePatchingInfoText(const std::string &baseUIPath) { CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); CBGDownloaderAccess &bgDownloader = CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance(); if (isBGDownloadEnabled()) { bgDownloader.update(); if (bgDownloader.getDownloadThreadPriority() == BGDownloader::ThreadPriority_Paused) { setPatcherStateText(baseUIPath, CI18N::get("uiBGD_Paused")); setPatcherProgressText(baseUIPath, ucstring()); } else { setPatcherStateText(baseUIPath, bgDownloader.getCurrentMessage()); if (bgDownloader.getTotalFilesToGet() != 0) { setPatcherProgressText(baseUIPath, toString("%d/%d", (int) bgDownloader.getCurrentFilesToGet(), (int) bgDownloader.getTotalFilesToGet())); } else { setPatcherProgressText(baseUIPath, ucstring()); } } } else { ucstring state; vector log; if(pPM->getThreadState(state, log)) { setPatcherStateText(baseUIPath, state); if (pPM->getTotalFilesToGet() != 0) { setPatcherProgressText(baseUIPath, toString("%d/%d", pPM->getCurrentFilesToGet(), pPM->getTotalFilesToGet())); } else { setPatcherProgressText(baseUIPath, ucstring()); } } } } // *************************************************************************** // Main loop of the login step void loginMainLoop() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); CBGDownloaderAccess &bgDownloader = CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance(); bool windowBlinkDone = false; bool fatalMessageBoxShown = false; while (LoginSM.getCurrentState() != CLoginStateMachine::st_connect && LoginSM.getCurrentState() != CLoginStateMachine::st_end && LoginSM.getCurrentState() != CLoginStateMachine::st_ingame) // while (loginFinished == false) { CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // Update the DT T0 and T1 global variables updateClientTime(); CInputHandlerManager::getInstance()->pumpEvents(); Driver->clearBuffers(CRGBA::Black); Driver->setMatrixMode2D11(); // Update sound if (SoundMngr != NULL) SoundMngr->update(); // Interface handling & displaying pIM->updateFrameEvents(); pIM->updateFrameViews(NULL); CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); // if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) // { // pIM->displayUIViewBBoxs(""); // pIM->displayUICtrlBBoxs(""); // pIM->displayUIGroupBBoxs(""); // } // Force the client to sleep a bit. if(ClientCfg.Sleep >= 0) { nlSleep(ClientCfg.Sleep); } // Display Driver->swapBuffers(); // sint32 screen = pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->getValue32(); if (LoginSM.getCurrentState() == CLoginStateMachine::st_check_patch) // if (screen == UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKING) // If we are in checking mode { nlSleep(10); // For the checking thread bool res = false; BGDownloader::TTaskResult taskResult = BGDownloader::TaskResult_Unknown; bool finished = false; ucstring bgDownloaderError; if (isBGDownloadEnabled()) { finished = bgDownloader.isTaskEnded(taskResult, bgDownloaderError); } else { finished = pPM->isCheckThreadEnded(res); } if (finished) { setPatcherStateText("ui:login:checking", ucstring()); setPatcherProgressText("ui:login:checking", ucstring()); if (isBGDownloadEnabled()) { AvailablePatchs = bgDownloader.getAvailablePatchs(); #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS { // Get the window HWND hWnd = Driver->getDisplay(); nlassert (hWnd); // Show the window, unless it has been minimized, in // which case we don't pop it unexpectedly if (!windowBlinkDone) { bgDownloader.hideDownloader(); ShowWindow (hWnd, SW_RESTORE); windowBlinkDone = true; } } #endif switch(taskResult) { case BGDownloader::TaskResult_Success: if (AvailablePatchs & (1 << BGDownloaderWantedPatch)) // is there a patch for what we want now ? { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_patch_needed); } else { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_no_patch); } break; case BGDownloader::TaskResult_Error: { if (!fatalMessageBoxShown) { fatalMessageBox(bgDownloaderError); fatalMessageBoxShown = true; } } break; default: if (!fatalMessageBoxShown) { fatalMessageBox(CI18N::get("uiErrChecking")); fatalMessageBoxShown = true; } break; } } else { if(res) { // Check is good now ask the player if he wants to apply the patch pPM->getInfoToDisp(InfoOnPatch); AvailablePatchs = InfoOnPatch.getAvailablePatchsBitfield(); if ((InfoOnPatch.NonOptCat.size() > 0) || (InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size() > 0) || (InfoOnPatch.ReqCat.size() > 0)) { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_patch_needed); // createOptionalCatUI(); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CATDISP); } else { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_no_patch); // pIM->runActionHandler("login_patch", NULL); } } else { ucstring errMsg = CI18N::get("uiErrChecking"); if (!pPM->getLastErrorMessage().empty()) { errMsg = pPM->getLastErrorMessage(); } if (!fatalMessageBoxShown) { fatalMessageBox(errMsg); fatalMessageBoxShown = true; } } } } else { // update interface content updatePatchingInfoText("ui:login:checking"); } } // else if (screen == UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_DATASCAN) // If we are in ScanData mode else if (LoginSM.getCurrentState() == CLoginStateMachine::st_scan_data) { nlSleep(10); // For the checking thread bool res; if (pPM->isScanDataThreadEnded(res)) { // if interface consider it was running before if(pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:DATASCAN_RUNNING")->getValue32()!=0) { // no more running pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:DATASCAN_RUNNING")->setValue32(0); if(res) { // touch any file with checksum error, and get their number uint numFiles= pPM->applyScanDataResult(); // Report result if(numFiles==0) setDataScanState(CI18N::get("uiScanDataSucess")); else { ucstring fmt= CI18N::get("uiScanDataErrors"); strFindReplace(fmt, "%d", toString(numFiles)); setDataScanState(fmt); } } else { ucstring errMsg = CI18N::get("uiErrDataScanning"); if (!pPM->getLastErrorMessage().empty()) { errMsg = pPM->getLastErrorMessage(); } pIM->messageBoxWithHelp(errMsg, "ui:login"); } // the log may have changed ucstring dsLog; if(pPM->getDataScanLog(dsLog)) setDataScanLog(dsLog); } } else { // update inteface content ucstring state; vector log; // get state if(pPM->getThreadState(state, log)) { // set state setDataScanState(state, toString("%d/%d", pPM->getCurrentFilesToGet(), pPM->getTotalFilesToGet())); } // set special data scan log ucstring dsLog; if(pPM->getDataScanLog(dsLog)) setDataScanLog(dsLog); } } // else if (screen == UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_PATCHING) // If we are in patching mode else if (LoginSM.getCurrentState() == CLoginStateMachine::st_patch) { nlSleep(30); // For the patching thread int currentPatchingSize; int totalPatchSize; if (isBGDownloadEnabled()) { currentPatchingSize = bgDownloader.getPatchingSize(); totalPatchSize = bgDownloader.getTotalSize(); BGDownloader::TTaskResult taskResult; bool finished = false; ucstring bgDownloaderError; finished = bgDownloader.isTaskEnded(taskResult, bgDownloaderError); if (finished) { //bgDownloader.hideDownloader(); // restore the search paths (all bnp files were removed from CPath to allows // the patcher to overwrite them) // create a file to prompt eula next time CFile::createEmptyFile(getLogDirectory() + "show_eula"); if (taskResult == BGDownloader::TaskResult_Error) { setPatcherStateText("ui:login:patching", ucstring()); setPatcherProgressText("ui:login:patching", ucstring()); if (!fatalMessageBoxShown) { fatalMessageBox(bgDownloaderError); fatalMessageBoxShown = true; } } else { bgDownloader.getPatchCompletionFlag(true /* clear flag */); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_close_patch); } } else { updatePatchingInfoText("ui:login:patching"); } } else { totalPatchSize = TotalPatchSize; currentPatchingSize = pPM->getPatchingSize(); bool res; if (pPM->isPatchThreadEnded(res)) { if(res) { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_close_patch); } else { ucstring errMsg = CI18N::get("uiErrPatchApply"); if (!pPM->getLastErrorMessage().empty()) { errMsg = pPM->getLastErrorMessage(); } if (!fatalMessageBoxShown) { fatalMessageBox(errMsg); fatalMessageBoxShown = true; } } } else { updatePatchingInfoText("ui:login:patching"); } } CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(VIEW_TOTAL_SIZE_PATCH)); ucstring sTmp; sTmp = BGDownloader::getWrittenSize(currentPatchingSize); sTmp += " / " + BGDownloader::getWrittenSize(totalPatchSize); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(sTmp); } // else if (screen == UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CATDISP) // If we are displaying patch info else if (LoginSM.getCurrentState() == CLoginStateMachine::st_display_cat) { // Non optional stuff (non opt cat and req cat) // Add req cat size : given the optional cat we determines the required cat uint32 nNonOptSize = 0; TotalPatchSize = 0; vector ReqCat; CInterfaceGroup *pList = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_CAT)); if (pList != NULL) { for(uint i = 0; i < InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size(); i++) { CInterfaceGroup *pLine = pList->getGroup("c"+toString(i)); if (pLine != NULL) { CCtrlButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pLine->getCtrl("on_off")); if ((pCB != NULL) && (pCB->getPushed())) { TotalPatchSize += InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Size; if (InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Req != -1) { uint32 j; for (j = 0; j < ReqCat.size(); ++j) if (ReqCat[j] == InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Req) break; // Add just once the req cat size to the non optional size if (j == ReqCat.size()) { ReqCat.push_back(InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Req); nNonOptSize += InfoOnPatch.ReqCat[InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Req].Size; } } } } } } // Add non optional cats for (uint32 i = 0; i < InfoOnPatch.NonOptCat.size(); ++i) nNonOptSize += InfoOnPatch.NonOptCat[i].Size; TotalPatchSize += nNonOptSize; // Total size of the patches is optional cats + required cat (f(optCat)) + non opt cat CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(VIEW_TOTAL_SIZE)); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(BGDownloader::getWrittenSize(TotalPatchSize)); pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(VIEW_NON_OPTIONAL_SIZE)); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(BGDownloader::getWrittenSize(nNonOptSize)); } } } void initLoginScreen() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:DISPLAY_ACCOUNT_BUTTONS")->setValue32(ClientCfg.DisplayAccountButtons); // Active inputs Actions.enable(true); EditActions.enable(true); if(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.exists("VerboseLog")) pPM->setVerboseLog(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("VerboseLog").asInt() == 1); if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Using verbose log mode"); ClientApp = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("Application").asString(0); CSystemUtils::setRootKey("Software\\Nevrax\\Ryzom"); string l = CSystemUtils::getRegKey("Login"); if(!l.empty()) { CGroupEditBox *pGEB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); if (pGEB != NULL) pGEB->setInputString(l); pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD "|select_all=false"); } else { pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN "|select_all=false"); } CCtrlTextButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_BUTTON_CONNECT)); if (pCB != NULL) pCB->setActive(false); loginFinished = false; loginOK = false; } void initAutoLogin() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupEditBox *pGEBLog = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); CGroupEditBox *pGEBPwd = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD)); pGEBLog->setInputString(LoginLogin); pGEBPwd->setInputString(LoginPassword); pIM->runActionHandler("on_login", NULL, ""); if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_login_ok); } else { // Select good shard ShardSelected = -1; for (uint32 i = 0; i < Shards.size(); ++i) { if (Shards[i].ShardId == LoginShardId) { ShardSelected = i; break; } } if (ShardSelected == -1) { pIM->messageBoxWithHelp(CI18N::get("uiErrServerLost"), "ui:login"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_quit); } else { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_login_ok); // pIM->runActionHandler("login_connect_2", NULL); } } } // *************************************************************************** // Called from client.cpp bool login() { CLoginProgressPostThread::getInstance().step(CLoginStep(LoginStep_LoginScreen, "login_step_login_screen")); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); if (LoginLogin.empty()) loginIntro(); pIM->initLogin(); CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); bool tmpDI = ClientCfg.DisableDirectInput; ClientCfg.DisableDirectInput = true; InitMouseWithCursor(false); Driver->showCursor (false); SetMouseFreeLook (); SetMouseCursor (false); SetMouseSpeed (ClientCfg.CursorSpeed); SetMouseAcceleration (ClientCfg.CursorAcceleration); InitMouseWithCursor (ClientCfg.HardwareCursor); ClientCfg.DisableDirectInput = tmpDI; // if (ClientCfg.TestBrowser) // { // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_WEBSTART); // // // hide 'back to login' button // CInterfaceElement *backToLogin = pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_BUTTON_BACKTOLOGIN); // if (backToLogin) // backToLogin->setActive(false); // // // show 'reload test page' button // CInterfaceElement *reloadTest = pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_BUTTON_RELOADTESTPAGE); // if (reloadTest) // reloadTest->setActive(true); // // // start the browser // CGroupHTML *pGH = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_BROWSER)); // // pGH->browse(ClientCfg.TestBrowserUrl.c_str()); // // } // else // { //// pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS); //// pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:DISPLAY_ACCOUNT_BUTTONS")->setValue32(ClientCfg.DisplayAccountButtons); // } // Active inputs Actions.enable(true); EditActions.enable(true); if(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.exists("pPM->isVerboseLog()")) pPM->setVerboseLog(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("VerboseLog").asInt() == 1); if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Using verbose log mode"); ClientApp = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("Application").asString(0); // string l = getRegKeyValue("Login").c_str(); // // if(!l.empty()) // { // CGroupEditBox *pGEB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); // if (pGEB != NULL) // pGEB->setInputString(l); // pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD "|select_all=false"); // } // else // { // pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN "|select_all=false"); // } ShardSelected = -1; // CCtrlTextButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_BUTTON_CONNECT)); // if (pCB != NULL) pCB->setActive(false); // // loginFinished = false; // loginOK = false; // Comes from a current patch // if (!LoginLogin.empty()) // { // CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // CGroupEditBox *pGEBLog = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); // CGroupEditBox *pGEBPwd = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD)); // pGEBLog->setInputString(LoginLogin); // pGEBPwd->setInputString(LoginPassword); // pIM->runActionHandler("on_login", NULL, ""); // // Select good shard // ShardSelected = -1; // for (uint32 i = 0; i < Shards.size(); ++i) // { // if (Shards[i].ShardId == LoginShardId) // { // ShardSelected = i; // break; // } // } // // if (ShardSelected == -1) // pIM->messageBox(CI18N::get("uiErrServerLost"), "ui:login"); // else // pIM->runActionHandler("login_connect_2", NULL); // } // start the login state machine LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_init_done); // run the main loop loginMainLoop(); // Uninit all pIM->uninitLogin(); // Disable inputs Actions.enable(false); EditActions.enable(false); return loginOK; } // *************************************************************************** // INTERFACE HELPERS // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** void removeSpace(string &s) { uint i = 0; while (s.size()>0) { if (s[i] == ' ') s.erase(i, 1); else i++; if (i >= s.size()) break; } } // *************************************************************************** static void getPatchParameters(std::string &url, std::string &ver, std::vector &patchURIs) { if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) { patchURIs = R2PatchURLs; url = R2BackupPatchURL; ver = R2ServerVersion; } else { nlassert(ShardSelected != -1); patchURIs = Shards[ShardSelected].PatchURIs; url = Shards[ShardSelected].EmergencyPatchURL; ver = Shards[ShardSelected].Version; if (!ClientCfg.PatchUrl.empty()) url = ClientCfg.PatchUrl; if (!ClientCfg.PatchVersion.empty()) ver = ClientCfg.PatchVersion; } } // *************************************************************************** std::string getBGDownloaderCommandLine() { #ifdef NL_DEBUG CConfigFile::CVar *bgdCommandLine = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("BackgroundDownloaderCommandLine"); if (bgdCommandLine != NULL && !bgdCommandLine->asString().empty()) { return bgdCommandLine->asString(); } #endif string url; string ver; std::vector patchURIs; getPatchParameters(url, ver, patchURIs); std::string commandLine = /*R2ServerVersion + " " + VersionName + " " + */ url + " " + ver; for (uint i = 0; i < patchURIs.size(); ++i) { commandLine += " " + patchURIs[i]; } return commandLine; } // *************************************************************************** void initPatchCheck() { // start the patching system CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); string url; string ver; std::vector patchURIs; if (!ClientCfg.R2Mode) { // nb Nico : refactored this code. // In previous code, the following was not set in R2Mode, possible bug ?...let as before anyway ... // store the selected shard for restarting after patch LoginShardId = Shards[ShardSelected].ShardId; } if (!isBGDownloadEnabled()) { getPatchParameters(url, ver, patchURIs); pPM->init(patchURIs, url, ver); pPM->startCheckThread(true /* include background patchs */); } else { BGDownloader::CTaskDesc taskDesc(BGDownloader::DLState_CheckPatch); CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().requestDownloadThreadPriority(BGDownloader::ThreadPriority_Normal, false); CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().startTask(taskDesc, getBGDownloaderCommandLine(), true /* showDownloader */); } pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKING); setPatcherStateText("ui:login:checking", ucstring()); setPatcherProgressText("ui:login:checking", ucstring()); } void initShardDisplay() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_SHARDDISP); CInterfaceGroup *pList = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_SHARD)); if (pList == NULL) { nlwarning("element "GROUP_LIST_SHARD" not found probably bad login_main.xml"); return; } /* // To test more servers for (uint fff = 0; fff < 20; ++fff) { CShard s ( toString("%05d",fff), fff%3, fff+32, toString("%s%d","pipo",fff), 32*fff%46546, "", "http://www.ryzom.com" ); Shards.push_back(s); }*/ CInterfaceGroup *pPrevLine = NULL; for(uint i = 0; i < Shards.size(); i++) { vector< pair < string, string > > params; params.clear(); params.push_back(pair("id", "s"+toString(i))); if (i>0) params.push_back(pair("posref", "BL TL")); CInterfaceGroup *pNewLine =pIM->createGroupInstance("t_shard", GROUP_LIST_SHARD, params); if (pNewLine != NULL) { CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("name")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(Shards[i].Name); pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("version")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(Shards[i].Version); CViewBase *pVBon = pNewLine->getView("online"); CViewBase *pVBoff = pNewLine->getView("offline"); if ((pVBon != NULL) && (pVBoff != NULL)) { pVBon->setActive (Shards[i].Online); pVBoff->setActive (!Shards[i].Online); } pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("nbplayer")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(toString(Shards[i].NbPlayers)); // Add to the list pNewLine->setParent(pList); pNewLine->setParentSize(pList); pNewLine->setParentPos(pPrevLine); pList->addGroup(pNewLine); pPrevLine = pNewLine; } } // UI Patch if (!Shards.empty()) { CCtrlButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_SHARD ":s0:but")); if (pCB != NULL) pCB->setPushed(true); pIM->runActionHandler (pCB->getActionOnLeftClick(), pCB, pCB->getParamsOnLeftClick()); } pList->invalidateCoords(); } // *************************************************************************** void onlogin(bool vanishScreen = true) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Remove space before and after each string login & password removeSpace(LoginLogin); removeSpace(LoginPassword); if(!LoginLogin.empty()) CSystemUtils::setRegKey("Login", LoginLogin); if(vanishScreen) pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(-1); // Check the login/pass // main menu page for r2mode string res = checkLogin(LoginLogin, LoginPassword, ClientApp); if (res.empty()) { // if not in auto login, push login ok event if (LoginSM.getCurrentState() != CLoginStateMachine::st_auto_login) LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_login_ok); return; // Ok there is something ! Display next window if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) { // if (ClientCfg.PatchWanted) // { // // start the patching system // CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); // // pPM->init(R2PatchURLs, R2BackupPatchURL, R2ServerVersion); // // pPM->startCheckThread(); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKING); // } // else // { // // go directly to web browser // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_WEBSTART); // // CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // // start the browser // CGroupHTML *pGH = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_BROWSER)); // // pGH->browse(RingMainURL.c_str()); // } // return; } else { // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_SHARDDISP); } // CInterfaceGroup *pList = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_SHARD)); // if (pList == NULL) // { // nlwarning("element "GROUP_LIST_SHARD" not found probably bad login_main.xml"); // return; // } // /* // To test more servers // for (uint fff = 0; fff < 20; ++fff) // { // CShard s ( toString("%05d",fff), fff%3, fff+32, toString("%s%d","pipo",fff), // 32*fff%46546, "", "http://www.ryzom.com" ); // Shards.push_back(s); // }*/ // // CInterfaceGroup *pPrevLine = NULL; // for(uint i = 0; i < Shards.size(); i++) // { // vector< pair < string, string > > params; // params.clear(); // params.push_back(pair("id", "s"+toString(i))); // if (i>0) // params.push_back(pair("posref", "BL TL")); // // CInterfaceGroup *pNewLine =pIM->createGroupInstance("t_shard", GROUP_LIST_SHARD, params); // if (pNewLine != NULL) // { // CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("name")); // if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(Shards[i].Name); // // pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("version")); // if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(Shards[i].Version); // // CViewBase *pVBon = pNewLine->getView("online"); // CViewBase *pVBoff = pNewLine->getView("offline"); // if ((pVBon != NULL) && (pVBoff != NULL)) // { // pVBon->setActive (Shards[i].Online); // pVBoff->setActive (!Shards[i].Online); // } // // pVT = dynamic_cast(pNewLine->getView("nbplayer")); // if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setText(toString(Shards[i].NbPlayers)); // // // // Add to the list // pNewLine->setParent(pList); // pNewLine->setParentSize(pList); // pNewLine->setParentPos(pPrevLine); // pList->addGroup(pNewLine); // // pPrevLine = pNewLine; // } // } // // UI Patch // if (!Shards.empty()) // { // CCtrlButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_SHARD ":s0:but")); // if (pCB != NULL) // pCB->setPushed(true); // pIM->runActionHandler (pCB->getActionOnLeftClick(), pCB, pCB->getParamsOnLeftClick()); // // } // pList->invalidateCoords(); } else { // close the socket in case of error HttpClient.disconnect(); pIM->messageBoxWithHelp("Error : " + res, "ui:login"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_bad_login); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS); // // if (LoginLogin.empty()) // pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN "|select_all=false"); // else // pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD "|select_all=false"); } } class CAHOnLogin : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnLogin called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupEditBox *pGEBLog = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); CGroupEditBox *pGEBPwd = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD)); if ((pGEBLog == NULL) || (pGEBPwd == NULL)) { nlwarning("element "CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN" or "CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD" not found probably bad login_main.xml"); return; } LoginLogin = pGEBLog->getInputStringAsStdString(); LoginPassword = pGEBPwd->getInputStringAsStdString(); onlogin(); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnLogin, "on_login"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOnGameConfiguration : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnGameConfiguration called"); static string Configurator = "ryzom_configuration_rd.exe"; if (CFile::fileExists (Configurator)) { // launch the ryzom configurator launchProgram(Configurator, ""); loginFinished = true; loginOK = false; LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_quit); } else { nlwarning(" can't find ryzom configurator : %s",Configurator.c_str()); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnGameConfiguration, "on_game_configuration"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHLoginQuit : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHLoginQuit called"); loginFinished = true; loginOK = false; LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_quit); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLoginQuit, "login_quit"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHLoginTab : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHLoginTab called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); if (pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->getValue32() == UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS) { CCtrlBase *pCB = pIM->getCaptureKeyboard(); if (pCB != NULL) { CCtrlBase *pNewCB; string sID = pCB->getId(); if (sID == CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN) pNewCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD)); else pNewCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); pIM->setCaptureKeyboard(pNewCB); } } else if (pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->getValue32() == UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CREATE_ACCOUNT) { CCtrlBase *pCB = pIM->getCaptureKeyboard(); if (pCB != NULL) { CCtrlBase *pNewCB; string sID = pCB->getId(); if (sID == CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_LOGIN) pNewCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_PASSWORD)); else if (sID == CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_PASSWORD) pNewCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_CONFIRMPASSWORD)); else if (sID == CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_CONFIRMPASSWORD) pNewCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_EMAIL)); else pNewCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_LOGIN)); pIM->setCaptureKeyboard(pNewCB); } } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLoginTab, "login_tab"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHShardSelect : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHShardSelect called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CCtrlButton *pCB = NULL; // Unselect if (ShardSelected != -1) { pCB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_SHARD ":s"+toString(ShardSelected)+":but")); if (pCB != NULL) pCB->setPushed(false); } pCB = dynamic_cast(pCaller); if (pCB != NULL) { string name = pCB->getId(); name = name.substr(0,name.rfind(':')); name = name.substr(name.rfind(':')+2,name.size()); fromString(name, ShardSelected); pCB->setPushed(true); } CCtrlTextButton *pCTB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_BUTTON_CONNECT)); if (pCTB != NULL) pCTB->setActive(true); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHShardSelect, "shard_select"); // *************************************************************************** void ConnectToShard() { nlinfo("ConnectToShard called"); if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) { // r2 mode loginFinished = true; loginOK = true; LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_enter_game); } else { // legacy mode nlassert(ShardSelected != -1); string res = selectShard(Shards[ShardSelected].ShardId, Cookie, FSAddr); if(res.empty()) { loginFinished = true; loginOK = true; LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_enter_game); } else { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); pIM->messageBoxWithHelp("Error :" + res, "ui:login"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_conn_failed); } } } // *************************************************************************** class CAHLoginConnect : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHLoginConnect called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); if (ShardSelected == -1) return; if (!Shards[ShardSelected].Online) { pIM->messageBoxWithHelp(CI18N::get("uiErrOffLineShard"), "ui:login"); return; } LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_shard_selected); // std::vector patchURIs = Shards[ShardSelected].PatchURIs; // string url = Shards[ShardSelected].EmergencyPatchURL; // string ver = Shards[ShardSelected].Version; // // if (!ClientCfg.PatchUrl.empty()) // url = ClientCfg.PatchUrl; // // if (!ClientCfg.PatchVersion.empty()) // ver = ClientCfg.PatchVersion; // // pPM->init(patchURIs, url, ver); // // LoginShardId = Shards[ShardSelected].ShardId; // // if (ClientCfg.PatchWanted) // { // pPM->startCheckThread(); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKING); // } // else // { // pIM->runActionHandler("login_patch",NULL); // } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLoginConnect, "login_connect"); // *************************************************************************** // Can be called after a patching process (ryzom relaunch and call this AH to // see if we have to continue patching or directly go ingame) class CAHLoginConnect2 : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHLoginConnect2 called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); if (Shards[ShardSelected].PatchURIs.empty() && Shards[ShardSelected].EmergencyPatchURL.empty()) { pIM->messageBoxWithHelp(CI18N::get("uiErrCantPatch"), "ui:login"); return; } LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_shard_selected); // std::vector patchURIs = Shards[ShardSelected].PatchURIs; // string url = Shards[ShardSelected].EmergencyPatchURL; // string ver = Shards[ShardSelected].Version; // // if (!ClientCfg.PatchUrl.empty()) // url = ClientCfg.PatchUrl; // // if (!ClientCfg.PatchVersion.empty()) // ver = ClientCfg.PatchVersion; // // pPM->init(patchURIs, url, ver); // // if ((ClientCfg.PatchWanted) && // (!Shards[ShardSelected].Version.empty()) && // (Shards[ShardSelected].Version != pPM->getClientVersion())) // { // pPM->startCheckThread(); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKING); // } // else // { // // Version is good, eula then connect and launch the client // showEULA(); // } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLoginConnect2, "login_connect_2"); void initPatch() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); if (!isBGDownloadEnabled()) { // Get the list of optional categories to patch vector vCategories; CInterfaceGroup *pList = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_CAT)); if (pList == NULL) { nlwarning("element "GROUP_LIST_CAT" not found probably bad login_main.xml"); return; } for(uint i = 0; i < InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size(); i++) { // Ok for the moment all optional categories must be patched even if the player // does not want it. Because we cant detect that a continent have to be patched ingame. vCategories.push_back(InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Name); /* // Code to check if the player wants an optional category or not CInterfaceGroup *pLine = pList->getGroup("c"+toString(i)); if (pLine != NULL) { CCtrlButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pLine->getCtrl("on_off")); if (pCB != NULL) { if (pCB->getPushed()) vCategories.push_back(rAllCats[i]); } } */ } pPM->startPatchThread(vCategories, true); } else { // NB : here we only do a part of the download each time BGDownloader::CTaskDesc taskDesc(BGDownloader::DLState_GetAndApplyPatch, (1 << BGDownloaderWantedPatch)); CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().startTask(taskDesc, string(), true /* showDownloader */); // no command line since bg downloader should already be started // release lock on bnp, so that they can be written NLMISC::CBigFile::getInstance().removeAll(); } pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_PATCHING); CInterfaceElement *closeBtn = pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_BUTTON_CLOSE_PATCH); if (closeBtn) closeBtn->setActive(false); setPatcherStateText("ui:login:patching", ucstring()); setPatcherProgressText("ui:login:patching", ucstring()); } // *************************************************************************** // Called after the check has been done. The page is full of optional categories that must be selected for patching class CAHLoginPatch : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHLoginPatch called"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_run_patch); // CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); // // // Get the list of optional categories to patch // vector vCategories; // // CInterfaceGroup *pList = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_LIST_CAT)); // if (pList == NULL) // { // nlwarning("element "GROUP_LIST_CAT" not found probably bad login_main.xml"); // return; // } // // for(uint i = 0; i < InfoOnPatch.OptCat.size(); i++) // { // // Ok for the moment all optional categories must be patched even if the player // // does not want it. Because we cant detect that a continent have to be patched ingame. // vCategories.push_back(InfoOnPatch.OptCat[i].Name); // // /* // // Code to check if the player wants an optional category or not // CInterfaceGroup *pLine = pList->getGroup("c"+toString(i)); // if (pLine != NULL) // { // CCtrlButton *pCB = dynamic_cast(pLine->getCtrl("on_off")); // if (pCB != NULL) // { // if (pCB->getPushed()) // vCategories.push_back(rAllCats[i]); // } // } // */ // } // // // Start patching // if (ClientCfg.PatchWanted) // { // pPM->startPatchThread(vCategories); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_PATCHING); // } // else // { // ConnectToShard(); // } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLoginPatch, "login_patch"); // *************************************************************************** // Called after the check has been done. The page is full of optional categories that must be selected for patching class CAHClosePatch : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHClosePatch called"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_close_patch); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHClosePatch, "close_patch"); // *************************************************************************** // Called after pushing the read note at the opening of the modal window class CAHSetReleaseNote : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &sParams) { nlinfo("CAHSetReleaseNote called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); string sShard = getParam(sParams, "shard"); string sGroupHtml = getParam(sParams, "group"); CGroupHTML *pQH = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(sGroupHtml)); if (pQH == NULL) return; string sURL; if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) { // ring release note sURL = ClientCfg.RingReleaseNotePath + "?version=" + (VersionName.empty() ? R2ServerVersion : VersionName)+ "&lang=" + ClientCfg.LanguageCode + "&ca=" + ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("Application").asString(0); "&startPage="+RingMainURL; } else { // legacy ryzom release note uint32 nShardId; if (sShard == "selected") nShardId = ShardSelected; else fromString(sShard.substr(1), nShardId); sURL = ClientCfg.ReleaseNotePath + "?version=" + Shards[nShardId].Version + "&lang=" + ClientCfg.LanguageCode + "&id=" + toString(Shards[nShardId].ShardId) + "&ca=" + ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("Application").asString(0); } pQH->browse(sURL.c_str()); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHSetReleaseNote, "set_release_note"); // *************************************************************************** // Called after pushing the read note at the opening of the modal window class CAHReboot : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHReboot called"); // create a file to prompt eula next time CFile::createEmptyFile(getLogDirectory() + "show_eula"); CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); try { if (isBGDownloadEnabled()) { CBGDownloaderAccess::getInstance().reboot(); } else { CPatchManager::getInstance()->reboot(); } LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_reboot); } catch (NLMISC::EDiskFullError &) { im->messageBoxWithHelp(CI18N::get("uiPatchDiskFull"), "ui:login"); } catch (NLMISC::EWriteError &) { im->messageBoxWithHelp(CI18N::get("uiPatchWriteError"), "ui:login"); } catch (std::exception &e) { im->messageBoxWithHelp(ucstring(e.what()), "ui:login", "login_quit"); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHReboot, "reboot"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHAcceptEula : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHAcceptEula called"); CFile::deleteFile(getLogDirectory() + "show_eula"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_accept_eula); // if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) // { // // open web browser // CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_WEBSTART); // // // start the browser // CGroupHTML *pGH = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(GROUP_BROWSER)); // // pGH->browse(RingMainURL.c_str()); // } // else // { // ConnectToShard(); // } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHAcceptEula, "accept_eula"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOpenURL : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &sParams) { nlinfo("CAHOpenURL called"); string url; string installTag; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Check for special install tag const char *KeyName = "InstallTag"; installTag = CSystemUtils::getRegKey(KeyName); if (installTag.length() > 1) { nldebug("Found install tag '%s'", url.c_str()); } else { DWORD ret = 0; LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, ret, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); // Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf. // ... // Display the string. nlwarning("RegQueryValue for '%s' : %s", KeyName, lpMsgBuf); // Free the buffer. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); } #else # pragma message(Install tag not supported) #endif /* if (sParams == "cfg_CreateAccountURL") { url = ClientCfg.CreateAccountURL; if (!installTag.empty()) { url += string("/?from=")+installTag; } } else */if (sParams == "cfg_EditAccountURL") { url = ClientCfg.EditAccountURL; } else if (sParams == "cfg_BetaAccountURL") { url = ClientCfg.BetaAccountURL; } else if (sParams == "cfg_ForgetPwdURL") { url = ClientCfg.ForgetPwdURL; } else if (sParams == "cfg_LoginSupportURL") { url= ClientCfg.LoginSupportURL; } else if (sParams == "cfg_FreeTrialURL") { url = ClientCfg.FreeTrialURL; if (!installTag.empty()) { url += string("&from=")+installTag; } } else if (sParams == "cfg_ConditionsTermsURL") { url = ClientCfg.ConditionsTermsURL; } else { nlwarning("no URL found"); return; } string::size_type pos_lang = url.find("/en/"); if(pos_lang!=string::npos) url.replace(pos_lang+1, 2, ClientCfg.getHtmlLanguageCode()); if(url.find('?')!=string::npos) url += "&"; else url += "?"; url += "language=" + ClientCfg.LanguageCode; openURL(url.c_str()); nlinfo("openURL %s",url.c_str()); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOpenURL, "open_url"); static vector VideoModes; vector StringModeList; vector StringPresetList; vector< pair > CfgPresetList; sint CurrentMode = -1; sint CurrentPreset = -1; // *************************************************************************** class CAHInitResLod : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHInitResLod called"); if (Driver == NULL) return; // **** Init Video Modes VideoModes.clear(); Driver->getModes(VideoModes); StringModeList.push_back("uiConfigWindowed"); // Remove modes under 800x600 and get the unique strings sint i, j; for (i=0; i < (sint)VideoModes.size(); ++i) { if ((VideoModes[i].Width < 800) || (VideoModes[i].Height < 600)) { VideoModes.erase(VideoModes.begin()+i); --i; } else { bool bFound = false; string tmp = toString(VideoModes[i].Width)+" x "+toString(VideoModes[i].Height); for (j = 0; j < (sint)StringModeList.size(); ++j) { if (StringModeList[j] == tmp) { bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) { StringModeList.push_back(tmp); if ((VideoModes[i].Width <= ClientCfg.Width) && (VideoModes[i].Height <= ClientCfg.Height)) { if (CurrentMode == -1) { CurrentMode = j; } else { if ((VideoModes[i].Width >= VideoModes[CurrentMode].Width) && (VideoModes[i].Height >= VideoModes[CurrentMode].Height)) CurrentMode = j; } } } } } // If no modes are available, display a message and exit if (VideoModes.empty()) { Driver->systemMessageBox("No Video Modes available!\n" "Minimum Video mode to play Ryzom is 800x600.\n", "No Video Mode!", NL3D::UDriver::okType, NL3D::UDriver::exclamationIcon); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // If the client is in windowed mode, still in windowed mode and do not change anything if (ClientCfg.Windowed) CurrentMode = 0; // If we have not found the mode so it can be an error or machine change, so propose the first available else if (CurrentMode == -1) CurrentMode = 1; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:checkpass:content:res_value")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setHardText(StringModeList[CurrentMode]); StringPresetList.clear(); StringPresetList.push_back("uiLodValueLow"); StringPresetList.push_back("uiLodValueMedium"); StringPresetList.push_back("uiLodValueNormal"); StringPresetList.push_back("uiLodValueHigh"); StringPresetList.push_back("uiLodValueCustom"); CurrentPreset = 4; // CInterfaceDDX::CustomPreset // first indicates the preset-able cfg-variable // second indicates if its a double variable (else it's an int) CfgPresetList.clear(); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("LandscapeTileNear", true)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("LandscapeThreshold", true)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("Vision", true)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("MicroVeget", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("MicroVegetDensity", true)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("FxNbMaxPoly", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("Cloud", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("CloudQuality", true)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("CloudUpdate", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("Shadows", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("SkinNbMaxPoly", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("CharacterFarClip", true)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("Bloom", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("SquareBloom", false)); CfgPresetList.push_back(pair("DensityBloom", true)); // Check if all the preset-able cfg-variable are in a preset mode sint nPreset = -1; for (uint32 i = 0; i < CfgPresetList.size(); ++i) { CConfigFile::CVar *cfgVarPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr(CfgPresetList[i].first); if (cfgVarPtr == NULL) continue; // Get the preset of the variable i sint nVarPreset = 0; for (uint32 j = 0; j < 4; ++j) // CInterfaceDDX::NumPreset { string sPresetName = CfgPresetList[i].first + "_ps" + toString(j); CConfigFile::CVar *presetVarPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr(sPresetName); if(presetVarPtr) { if (CfgPresetList[i].second) // Is it a double ? { if (cfgVarPtr->asDouble() == presetVarPtr->asDouble()) nVarPreset |= (1 << j); } else { if (cfgVarPtr->asInt() == presetVarPtr->asInt()) nVarPreset |= (1 << j); } } } if (nPreset == -1) nPreset = nVarPreset; else nPreset &= nVarPreset; if (nPreset == 0) break; } if (nPreset != 0) { if (nPreset&1) CurrentPreset = 0; else if (nPreset&2) CurrentPreset = 1; else if (nPreset&4) CurrentPreset = 2; else if (nPreset&8) CurrentPreset = 3; } pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:checkpass:content:lod_value")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setHardText(StringPresetList[CurrentPreset]); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHInitResLod, "init_res_lod"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHMoreRes : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHMoreRes called"); if (CurrentMode < ((sint)StringModeList.size()-1)) CurrentMode++; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:checkpass:content:res_value")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setHardText(StringModeList[CurrentMode]); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHMoreRes, "more_res"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHLessRes : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHLessRes called"); if (CurrentMode > 0) CurrentMode--; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:checkpass:content:res_value")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setHardText(StringModeList[CurrentMode]); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLessRes, "less_res"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHMoreLod : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHMoreLod called"); if (CurrentPreset < ((sint)StringPresetList.size()-1)) CurrentPreset++; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:checkpass:content:lod_value")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setHardText(StringPresetList[CurrentPreset]); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHMoreLod, "more_lod"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHLessLod : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHMoreLod called"); if (CurrentPreset > 0) CurrentPreset--; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:checkpass:content:lod_value")); if (pVT != NULL) pVT->setHardText(StringPresetList[CurrentPreset]); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLessLod, "less_lod"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHUninitResLod : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* sParams */) { nlinfo("CAHUninitResLod called"); // If the mode requested is a windowed mode do nothnig if (CurrentMode != 0) { ClientCfg.Windowed = false; // Get W, H uint16 w = 0, h = 0; { string vidModeStr = StringModeList[CurrentMode]; string tmp = vidModeStr.substr(0,vidModeStr.find('x')-1); fromString(tmp, w); tmp = vidModeStr.substr(vidModeStr.find('x')+2,vidModeStr.size()); fromString(tmp, h); } ClientCfg.Width = w; ClientCfg.Height = h; } if (CurrentPreset != 4) // CInterfaceDDX::CustomPreset { for (uint32 i = 0; i < CfgPresetList.size(); ++i) { CConfigFile::CVar *cfgVarPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr(CfgPresetList[i].first); if (cfgVarPtr == NULL) continue; string sPresetName = CfgPresetList[i].first + "_ps" + toString(CurrentPreset); CConfigFile::CVar *presetVarPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr(sPresetName); if(presetVarPtr) { if (CfgPresetList[i].second) // Is it a double ? cfgVarPtr->setAsDouble(presetVarPtr->asDouble()); else cfgVarPtr->setAsInt(presetVarPtr->asInt()); } } } // **** Save the config if (ClientCfg.SaveConfig) ClientCfg.ConfigFile.save (); ClientCfg.IsInvalidated = true; } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHUninitResLod, "uninit_res_lod"); void initDataScan() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); // reset the log setDataScanLog(ucstring()); // Start Scanning pPM->startScanDataThread(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_DATASCAN); pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:DATASCAN_RUNNING")->setValue32(1); } // *************************************************************************** // Called after the check has been done. The page is full of optional categories that must be selected for patching class CAHOnScanDataStart : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnScanDataStart called"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_data_scan); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnScanDataStart, "on_scan_data_start"); // *************************************************************************** // Called when the user cancel the scan class CAHOnScanDataClose : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnScanDataClose called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); // if the scan is still running if(pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:DATASCAN_RUNNING")->getValue32()!=0) { // request to stop the thread pPM->askForStopScanDataThread(); // Log. setDataScanState(CI18N::get("uiCancelingScanData")); } else { LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_close_data_scan); // Come Back to Login Screen. // pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS); // // // Give focus to password if some login entered // string loginEB; // CGroupEditBox *pGEB = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN)); // if(pGEB) // loginEB= pGEB->getInputStringAsStdString(); // // if none entered // if (loginEB.empty()) // pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_LOGIN "|select_all=false"); // else // pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_PASSWORD "|select_all=false"); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnScanDataClose, "on_scan_data_close"); // *************************************************************************** inline string parseTooltip(const string & initString, const string & tagName) { string tooltip; string::size_type tooltipPos = initString.find(tagName); if(tooltipPos != string::npos) { tooltip = initString.substr(tooltipPos); // start of tooltip tooltip = tooltip.substr(tooltip.find(">")+1); // end of tooltip tooltip = tooltip.substr(0, tooltip.find("<")); } ucstring uc; uc.fromUtf8(tooltip);; tooltip = uc.toString(); return tooltip; } inline string parseCommentError(const string & initString, const string & tagName) { string error; string::size_type errorPos = initString.find(tagName); if(errorPos != string::npos) { error = initString.substr(errorPos); // start of comment error = error.substr(error.find(">")+1); // end of comment error = error.substr(0, error.find("<")); } ucstring uc; uc.fromUtf8(error);; error = uc.toString(); return error; } bool initCreateAccount() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // reset UI CInterfaceGroup *createAccountUI = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:create_account")); if(createAccountUI) { // show "submit interface", hide "login interface" CInterfaceGroup * grSubmit = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("submit_gr")); if(grSubmit) grSubmit->setActive(true); CInterfaceGroup * grLogin = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("login_gr")); if(grLogin) grLogin->setActive(false); // empty edit boxes std::vector< std::string > editBoxes(4); editBoxes[0] = "eb_login"; editBoxes[1] = "eb_password"; editBoxes[2] = "eb_confirm_password"; editBoxes[3] = "eb_email"; for(uint i=0; i(createAccountUI->findFromShortId(editBoxes[i] + ":eb")); if(eb) eb->setInputString(ucstring("")); } // conditions button CCtrlBaseButton * but = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("accept_cond")); if(but) but->setPushed(true); // get rules from url string url = ClientCfg.CreateAccountURL; CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); if (!CurlHttpClient.connect(url)) { nlwarning("Can't connect"); return false; } std::string lang = ClientCfg.LanguageCode; if(lang=="wk") lang = "uk"; CurlHttpClient.verifyServer(true); // set this to false if you need to connect to the test environment std::string params = "language=" + lang; if(!CurlHttpClient.sendGet(url, params, pPM->isVerboseLog())) { ucstring errorMessage("Can't send (error code 60)"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return false; } string res; if(!CurlHttpClient.receive(res, pPM->isVerboseLog())) { ucstring errorMessage("Can't receive (error code 61)"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return false; } if(res.empty()) { ucstring errorMessage("Empty result (error code 13)"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return false; } CurlHttpClient.disconnect(); // initialize rules in interface std::vector< std::pair< std::string , std::string > > rules(5); rules[0] = std::pair("rules_login", "id=tooltip-Username"); rules[1] = std::pair("rules_password", "id=tooltip-Password"); rules[2] = std::pair("rules_password_conf", "id=tooltip-ConfirmPass"); rules[3] = std::pair("rules_email", "id=tooltip-Email"); rules[4] = std::pair("rules_conditions", "id=tooltip-TaC"); for(uint i=0; i(createAccountUI->findFromShortId(rules[i].first)); if(text) { string tooltip = parseTooltip(res, rules[i].second); text->setHardText(tooltip); text->setActive(false); } } // welcome text CViewText * text = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("errors_list")); if(text) { text->setHardText(toString(CI18N::get("uiCreateAccountWelcome"))); text->setMultiLineSpace(20); text->setColor(CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)); CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("erros_txt")); if(group) { group->updateCoords(); CInterfaceGroup * groupScroll = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("err_back_scrollbar")); if(groupScroll) groupScroll->setActive(group->getHReal() > group->getMaxHReal()); CCtrlScroll * scroll = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("err_scroll_bar")); if(scroll) scroll->setTrackPos(scroll->getHReal()); } } // hide rules CInterfaceGroup * rulesGr = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("rules_gr")); if(rulesGr) rulesGr->setActive(false); // must be done after hide rules pIM->runActionHandler("set_keyboard_focus", NULL, "target=" CTRL_EDITBOX_CREATEACCOUNT_LOGIN "|select_all=false"); } pIM->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CREATE_ACCOUNT); return true; } // *************************************************************************** // Called when the user focus one of the edit boxes during the account creation class CAHCreateAccountRules : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &Params) { nlinfo("CAHCreateAccountRules called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceGroup *createAccountUI = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:create_account")); if(createAccountUI) { CInterfaceGroup * rulesGr = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("rules_gr")); if(rulesGr) rulesGr->setActive(false); std::vector< std::string > rules(4); rules[0] = "rules_login"; rules[1] = "rules_password"; rules[2] = "rules_password_conf"; rules[3] = "rules_email"; for(uint i=0; i(createAccountUI->findFromShortId(rules[i])); if(text) { text->setActive(Params==rules[i]); if(Params==rules[i]) { if(rulesGr) rulesGr->setActive(text->getText() != ucstring("")); } } } } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHCreateAccountRules, "create_account_rules"); // *************************************************************************** // Called when the user choose the account creation class CAHOnCreateAccount : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnCreateAccount called"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_create_account); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnCreateAccount, "on_create_account"); // *************************************************************************** // Called when the user submit the account creation class CAHOnCreateAccountSubmit : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnCreateAccountSubmit called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceGroup *createAccountUI = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:create_account")); if(createAccountUI) { // recover data from UI std::vector< std::string > editBoxes(4); editBoxes[0] = "eb_login"; editBoxes[1] = "eb_password"; editBoxes[2] = "eb_confirm_password"; editBoxes[3] = "eb_email"; std::vector< std::string > results(4); for(uint i=0; i(createAccountUI->findFromShortId(editBoxes[i] + ":eb")); if(eb) results[i] = eb->getInputString().toUtf8(); } // text CViewText * text = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("email_adress")); if(text) text->setHardText(results[3]); // conditions button bool conditionsPushed = false; CCtrlBaseButton * but = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("accept_cond")); if(but) conditionsPushed = !but->getPushed(); string url = ClientCfg.CreateAccountURL; CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); if (!CurlHttpClient.connect(url)) { ucstring errorMessage("Can't connect"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return; } std::string params = "Username=" + results[0] + "&Password=" + results[1] + "&ConfirmPass=" + results[2] + "&Email=" + results[3]; if(conditionsPushed) params += "&TaC=1"; std::string md5 = results[0] + results[1] + "" + results[3]; md5 = NLMISC::getMD5((uint8*)md5.data(), (uint32)md5.size()).toString(); params += "&SC=" + md5; std::string lang = ClientCfg.LanguageCode; if(lang=="wk") lang = "uk"; params += "&Language=" + lang; CurlHttpClient.verifyServer(true); // set this to false if you need to connect to the test environment if(!CurlHttpClient.sendPost(url, params, pPM->isVerboseLog())) { ucstring errorMessage("Can't send (error code 60)"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return; } string res; if(!CurlHttpClient.receive(res, pPM->isVerboseLog())) { ucstring errorMessage("Can't receive (error code 61)"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return; } if(res.empty()) { ucstring errorMessage("Empty result (error code 13)"); errorMessageBox(errorMessage); nlwarning(errorMessage.toString().c_str()); return; } CurlHttpClient.disconnect(); // parse html string::size_type okPos = res.find("email_sent"); if(okPos != string::npos) { // show "submit interface", hide "login interface" CInterfaceGroup * grSubmit = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("submit_gr")); if(grSubmit) grSubmit->setActive(false); CInterfaceGroup * grLogin = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("login_gr")); if(grLogin) grLogin->setActive(true); } else { // initialize error comments in interface CViewText * text = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("errors_list")); if(text) { text->setMultiLineSpace(10); text->setColor(CRGBA(250, 30, 30, 255)); std::vector< std::string > errors(5); errors[0] = "id=\"comment-Username\""; errors[1] = "id=\"comment-Password\""; errors[2] = "id=\"comment-ConfirmPass\""; errors[3] = "id=\"comment-Email\""; errors[4] = "id=\"comment-TaC\""; string error; for(uint i=0; isetHardText(error); CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("erros_txt")); if(group) { group->updateCoords(); CInterfaceGroup * groupScroll = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("err_back_scrollbar")); if(groupScroll) groupScroll->setActive(group->getHReal() > group->getMaxHReal()); CCtrlScroll * scroll = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("err_scroll_bar")); if(scroll) scroll->setTrackPos(scroll->getHReal()); } } } } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnCreateAccountSubmit, "on_create_account_submit"); // *************************************************************************** // Called when the user cancel the account creation class CAHOnCreateAccountClose : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHOnCreateAccountClose called"); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_close_create_account); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnCreateAccountClose, "on_create_account_close"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHCreateAccountLogin : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { nlinfo("CAHCreateAccountLogin called"); CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CInterfaceGroup *createAccountUI = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:login:create_account")); if(createAccountUI) { CGroupEditBox * eb = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("eb_login:eb")); if(eb) LoginLogin = eb->getInputString().toUtf8(); eb = dynamic_cast(createAccountUI->findFromShortId("eb_password:eb")); if(eb) LoginPassword = eb->getInputString().toUtf8(); onlogin(false); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHCreateAccountLogin, "create_account_login"); // *************************************************************************** // Called by html embeded lua script class CAHOnConnectToShard: public IActionHandler { virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &Params) { // warning : pCaller is null when event come from lua scrip embeded in HTML Cookie = getParam(Params, "cookie"); FSAddr = getParam(Params, "fsAddr"); // replace the '_' with '|' in the cookie string for (uint i=0; igetDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SCREEN")->setValue32(UI_VARIABLES_SCREEN_CHECKPASS); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHOnBackToLogin, "on_back_to_login"); // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // NETWORK CONNECTION // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** string checkLogin(const string &login, const string &password, const string &clientApp) { CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); Shards.clear(); if(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.exists("VerboseLog")) pPM->setVerboseLog(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("VerboseLog").asInt() == 1); if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Using verbose log mode"); if(!HttpClient.connectToLogin()) return "Can't connect (error code 1)"; if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Connected"); string res; // ask server for salt if(!HttpClient.sendGet(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("StartupPage").asString()+"?cmd=ask&login="+login+"&lg="+ClientCfg.LanguageCode, "", pPM->isVerboseLog())) return "Can't send (error code 60)"; if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Sent request for password salt"); if(!HttpClient.receive(res, pPM->isVerboseLog())) return "Can't receive (error code 61)"; if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Received request login check"); if(res.empty()) return "Empty answer from server (error code 62)"; if(res[0] == '0') { // server returns an error nlwarning("server error: %s", res.substr(2).c_str()); return res.substr(2); } else if(res[0] == '1') { Salt = res.substr(2); } else { // server returns ??? nlwarning("%s", res.c_str()); return res; } // send login + crypted password + client app and cp=1 (as crypted password) if(!HttpClient.connectToLogin()) return "Can't connect (error code 63)"; if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Connected"); if (ClientCfg.R2Mode) { // R2 login sequence std::string cryptedPassword = CCrypt::crypt(password, Salt); if(!HttpClient.sendGet(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("StartupPage").asString()+"?cmd=login&login="+login+"&password="+cryptedPassword+"&clientApplication="+clientApp+"&cp=1"+"&lg="+ClientCfg.LanguageCode)) return "Can't send (error code 2)"; // the response should contains the result code and the cookie value if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Sent request login check"); if(!HttpClient.receive(res, pPM->isVerboseLog())) return "Can't receive (error code 3)"; if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Received request login check"); if(res.empty()) return "Empty answer from server (error code 4)"; if(res[0] == '0') { // server returns an error nlwarning("server error: %s", res.substr(2).c_str()); return res.substr(2); } else if(res[0] == '1') { //nlwarning(res.c_str()); vector lines; explode(res, std::string("\n"), lines, false); if (lines.size() != 2) { return toString("Invalid server return, found %u lines, want 2", lines.size()); } vector parts; explode(lines[0], std::string("#"), parts, false); if (parts.size() < 5) return "Invalid server return, missing cookie and/or Ring URLs"; // server returns ok, we have the cookie // store the cookie value and FS address for next page request CurrentCookie = parts[1]; Cookie = CurrentCookie; FSAddr = parts[2]; // store the ring startup page RingMainURL = parts[3]; FarTP.setURLBase(parts[4]); if(parts.size() >= 6 && parts[5] == "1") { // we want stats extern bool startStat; startStat = true; } // parse the second line (contains the domain info) parts.clear(); explode(lines[1], std::string("#"), parts, false); if (parts.size() < 3) return "Invalid server return, missing patch URLs"; R2ServerVersion = parts[0].c_str(); R2BackupPatchURL = parts[1]; explode(parts[2], std::string(" "), R2PatchURLs, true); } else { // unexpected content #if !FINAL_VERSION string ret = toString("DEV : Invalid server return, missing return code in \n%s", res.c_str()); return ret; #else return "Invalid server return, missing return code"; #endif } } else { // standard ryzom login sequence std::string cryptedPassword = CCrypt::crypt(password, Salt); if(!HttpClient.sendGet(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("StartupPage").asString()+"?login="+login+"&password="+cryptedPassword+"&clientApplication="+clientApp+"&cp=1")) return "Can't send (error code 2)"; /* if(!send(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("StartupPage").asString()+"?login="+login+"&password="+password+"&clientApplication="+clientApp)) return "Can't send (error code 2)"; */ if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Sent request login check"); if(!HttpClient.receive(res, pPM->isVerboseLog())) return "Can't receive (error code 3)"; if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) nlinfo("Received request login check"); if(res.empty()) return "Empty answer from server (error code 4)"; if(res[0] == '0') { // server returns an error nlwarning("server error: %s", res.substr(2).c_str()); return res.substr(2); } else if(res[0] == '1') { // server returns ok, we have the list of shard uint nbs; fromString(res.substr(2), nbs); vector lines; explode(res, std::string("\n"), lines, true); if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) { nlinfo ("Exploded, with nl, %zu res", lines.size()); /* for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { nlinfo (" > '%s'", lines[i].c_str()); }*/ } if(lines.size() != nbs+1) { nlwarning("bad shard lines number %zu != %d", lines.size(), nbs+1); nlwarning("'%s'", res.c_str()); return "bad lines numbers (error code 5)"; } for(uint i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) { vector res; explode(lines[i], std::string("|"), res); if(pPM->isVerboseLog()) { nlinfo ("Exploded with '%s', %zu res", "|", res.size()); /* for (uint i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { nlinfo (" > '%s'", res[i].c_str()); }*/ } if (res.size() < 7 && res.size() > 8) { nlwarning("bad | numbers %zu != %d", res.size(), 8); nlwarning("'%s'", lines[i].c_str()); return "bad pipe numbers (error code 6)"; } bool online; fromString(res[1], online); uint32 shardId; fromString(res[2], shardId); uint32 nbPlayers; fromString(res[4], nbPlayers); Shards.push_back(CShard(res[0], online, shardId, res[3], nbPlayers, res[5], res[6])); nlinfo("Shard %u, addr = %s, id = %u, name = %s, PatchURIs = %s", i, res[5].c_str(), shardId, res[3].c_str(), res[6].c_str()); if (res.size() == 8) { explode(res[7], std::string(" "), Shards.back().PatchURIs); } } } else { // server returns ??? nlwarning("%s", res.c_str()); return res; } } return ""; } // *************************************************************************** string selectShard(uint32 shardId, string &cookie, string &addr) { cookie = addr = ""; if(!HttpClient.connectToLogin()) return "Can't connect (error code 7)"; if(LoginLogin.empty()) return "Empty Login (error code 8)"; if(LoginPassword.empty()) return "Empty Password (error code 9)"; if(ClientApp.empty()) return "Empty Client Application (error code 10)"; // send login + crypted password + client app and cp=1 (as crypted password) std::string cryptedPassword = CCrypt::crypt(LoginPassword, Salt); if(!HttpClient.sendGet(ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVar("StartupPage").asString()+"?cmd=login&shardid="+toString(shardId)+"&login="+LoginLogin+"&password="+cryptedPassword+"&clientApplication="+ClientApp+"&cp=1")) return "Can't send (error code 11)"; string res; CPatchManager *pPM = CPatchManager::getInstance(); if(!HttpClient.receive(res, pPM->isVerboseLog())) return "Can't receive (error code 12)"; if(res.empty()) return "Empty result (error code 13)"; if(res[0] == '0') { // server returns an error nlwarning("server error: %s", res.substr(2).c_str()); return res.substr(2); } else if(res[0] == '1') { // server returns ok, we have the access vector line; explode(res, std::string(" "), line, true); if (line.size() < 2 || line.size() > 3) { nlwarning("bad launch lines number %d != %d", line.size(), 2); return "bad launch line number (error code 14)"; } cookie = line[0].substr(2); addr = line[1]; std::vector patchURIs; CShard* shard = NULL; uint i; for (i=0; i= 3) { explode(line[2], "|", shard->PatchURIs, true); nlinfo("received %d main patch server URIs:", shard->PatchURIs.size()); uint i; for (i=0; iPatchURIs.size(); ++i) nlinfo("%d: '%s'", i, shard->PatchURIs[i].c_str()); } */ } else { // server returns ??? nlwarning("%s", res.c_str()); return res; } return ""; } /*void mainLandPatch() { if (!AvailablePatchs) return; nlassert(AvailablePatchs & (1 << BGDownloader::DownloadID_MainLand)); // only handled case for now // no-op BGDownloaderWantedPatch = BGDownloader::DownloadID_MainLand; CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); im->initLogin(); // login machine should be in the 'end' state !! nlassert(LoginSM.getCurrentState() == CLoginStateMachine::st_end); LoginSM.pushEvent(CLoginStateMachine::ev_mainland_patch); loginMainLoop(); // patch is handled in the login mainloop // there should have been a reboot there, so quit if something went wrong... release(); exit(0); } */ // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // INTRO HANDLING // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** #include "init_main_loop.h" bool loginIntroSkip; void loginIntro() { // Display of nevrax logo is done at init time (see init.cpp) just before addSearchPath (second one) for (uint i = 0; i < 1; i++) // previously display nevrax then nvidia { if (i != 0) { beginLoading(IntroNVidia); ucstring nmsg(""); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); } Driver->AsyncListener.reset(); updateClientTime(); CInputHandlerManager::getInstance()->pumpEventsNoIM(); updateClientTime(); loginIntroSkip = false; sint64 CurTime = T0; while (loginIntroSkip == false) { updateClientTime(); if ((T0 - CurTime) > 5000) // 5s before quiting break; // Update messages CInputHandlerManager::getInstance()->pumpEventsNoIM(); // Exit ? if (Driver->AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyESCAPE) || Driver->AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeyRETURN) || Driver->AsyncListener.isKeyPushed (KeySPACE)) break; const ucstring nmsg(""); ProgressBar.newMessage (nmsg); CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls(); } } beginLoading(StartBackground); ProgressBar.finish(); }