/*#ifndef _VILLAGE_H #define _VILLAGE_H #include "nel/misc/array_2d.h" #include "3d/shape_info.h" // #include "3d/scene_group.h" // #include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h" // #include namespace NLGEORGES { class UFormElm; } class CIGInfo { public: std::string Path; NLMISC::CSmartPtr IG; // NULL if not loaded yet bool Loaded; public: CIGInfo() : Loaded(false) {} // load data & complete shape cache. no-op if datas where already loaded void load(NL3D::TShapeCache &shapeCache); }; class CVillage { public: std::vector IG; uint32 FileModificationDate; public: void swap(CVillage &other) { IG.swap(other.IG); std::swap(other.FileModificationDate, FileModificationDate); } // load data & complete shape cache. no-op if datas where already loaded void load(NL3D::TShapeCache &shapeCache); }; class CVillageGrid { public: std::vector Villages; NLMISC::CArray2D > VillageGrid; // each grid cells gives the list of villages that overlap that cell (identified by their indices into 'Villages') public: CVillageGrid(); // void init(uint gridWidth, uint gridHright, sint zoneMinX, sint zoneMinY); void reset(); // Load & add all villages of a continent to the map void addVillagesFromContinent(const std::string &continentSheetName); private: sint _ZoneMinX; sint _ZoneMinY; private: bool loadVillageSheet(const NLGEORGES::UFormElm *villageItem, const std::string &continentSheetName, uint villageIndex, CVillage &dest); }; #endif */