#!/usr/bin/python # # \file 2_build.py # \brief Build rbank # \date 2009-03-10-22-43-GMT # \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi) # Python port of game data build pipeline. # Build rbank # # NeL - MMORPG Framework # Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util sys.path.append("../../configuration") if os.path.isfile("log.log"): os.remove("log.log") log = open("log.log", "w") from scripts import * from buildsite import * from process import * from tools import * from directories import * printLog(log, "") printLog(log, "-------") printLog(log, "--- Build rbank") printLog(log, "-------") printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))) printLog(log, "") # Find tools BuildIgBoxes = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, BuildIgBoxesTool, ToolSuffix) ExecTimeout = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix) BuildRbank = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, BuildRbankTool, ToolSuffix) GetNeighbors = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, GetNeighborsTool, ToolSuffix) BuildIndoorRbank = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, BuildIndoorRbankTool, ToolSuffix) # AiBuildWmap = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, AiBuildWmapTool, ToolSuffix) printLog(log, "") # Build rbank bbox printLog(log, ">>> Build rbank bbox <<<") if BuildIgBoxes == "": toolLogFail(log, BuildIgBoxesTool, ToolSuffix) else: mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankBboxBuildDirectory) cf = open("build_ig_boxes.cfg", "w") cf.write("\n") cf.write("Pathes = {\n") for dir in IgLookupDirectories: mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir) cf.write("\t\"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir + "\", \n") for dir in ShapeLookupDirectories: mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir) cf.write("\t\"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir + "\", \n") cf.write("};\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("IGs = {\n") for dir in IgLookupDirectories: files = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir, "", ".ig") for file in files: cf.write("\t\"" + os.path.basename(file)[0:-len(".ig")] + "\", \n") cf.write("};\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("Output = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankBboxBuildDirectory + "/temp.bbox\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.close() subprocess.call([ BuildIgBoxes ]) os.remove("build_ig_boxes.cfg") printLog(log, "") printLog(log, ">>> Build rbank build config <<<") cf = open("build_rbank.cfg", "w") cf.write("\n") cf.write("// Rbank settings\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("Verbose = " + str(RBankVerbose) + ";\n") cf.write("CheckConsistency = " + str(RBankConsistencyCheck) + ";\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory) cf.write("ZonePath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SmallbankExportDirectory) cf.write("BanksPath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SmallbankExportDirectory + "/\";\n") cf.write("Bank = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SmallbankExportDirectory + "/" + BankTileBankName + ".smallbank\";\n") cf.write("ZoneExt = \".zonew\";\n") cf.write("ZoneNHExt = \".zonenhw\";\n") cf.write("IGBoxes = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankBboxBuildDirectory + "/temp.bbox\";\n") mkPath(log, LeveldesignWorldDirectory) cf.write("LevelDesignWorldPath = \"" + LeveldesignWorldDirectory + "\";\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory) cf.write("IgLandPath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgLandBuildDirectory + "\";\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgOtherBuildDirectory) cf.write("IgVillagePath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgOtherBuildDirectory + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankTessellationBuildDirectory) cf.write("TessellationPath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankTessellationBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") cf.write("TessellateLevel = " + str(BuildQuality) + ";\n") # BuildQuality cf.write("\n") cf.write("WaterThreshold = 1.0;\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("OutputRootPath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankSmoothBuildDirectory) cf.write("SmoothDirectory = \"" + RbankSmoothBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankRawBuildDirectory) cf.write("RawDirectory = \"" + RbankRawBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("ReduceSurfaces = " + str(RbankReduceSurfaces) + ";\n") cf.write("SmoothBorders = " + str(RbankSmoothBorders) + ";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("ComputeElevation = " + str(RbankComputeElevation) + ";\n") cf.write("ComputeLevels = " + str(RbankComputeLevels) + ";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("LinkElements = " + str(RbankLinkElements) + ";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("CutEdges = " + str(RbankCutEdges) + ";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("UseZoneSquare = " + str(RbankUseZoneSquare) + ";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("// The whole landscape\n") cf.write("ZoneUL = \"" + RbankZoneUl + "\";\n") cf.write("ZoneDR = \"" + RbankZoneDr + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankPreprocBuildDirectory) cf.write("PreprocessDirectory = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankPreprocBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("// The global retriever processing settings\n") cf.write("GlobalRetriever = \"temp.gr\";\n") cf.write("RetrieverBank = \"temp.rbank\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("GlobalUL = \"" + RbankZoneUl + "\";\n") cf.write("GlobalDR = \"" + RbankZoneDr + "\";\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("// Which kind of stuff to do\n") cf.write("TessellateZones = 0;\n") cf.write("MoulineZones = 0;\n") cf.write("ProcessRetrievers = 0;\n") cf.write("ProcessGlobal = 0;\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("Zones = {\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory) files = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory, "", ".zonew") for file in files: cf.write("\t\"" + os.path.basename(file) + "\", \n") cf.write("};\n") cf.write("\n") cf.write("Pathes = {\n") mkPath(log, WorldEditorFilesDirectory); cf.write("\t\"" + WorldEditorFilesDirectory + "\", \n"); mkPath(log, PrimitivesDirectory); cf.write("\t\"" + PrimitivesDirectory + "\", \n"); for dir in IgLookupDirectories: mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir) cf.write("\t\"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir + "\", \n") for dir in ShapeLookupDirectories: mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir) cf.write("\t\"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + dir + "\", \n") cf.write("};\n") cf.write("\n") cf.close() printLog(log, "") printLog(log, ">>> Build rbank check prims <<<") if BuildRbank == "": toolLogFail(log, BuildRbankTool, ToolSuffix) elif ExecTimeout == "": toolLogFail(log, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix) else: subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(RbankBuildTesselTimeout), BuildRbank, "-C", "-p", "-g" ]) printLog(log, "") printLog(log, ">>> Build rbank process all passes <<<") if BuildRbank == "": toolLogFail(log, BuildRbankTool, ToolSuffix) if GetNeighbors == "": toolLogFail(log, GetNeighborsTool, ToolSuffix) elif ExecTimeout == "": toolLogFail(log, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix) else: zonefiles = findFiles(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory, "", ".zonew") for zonefile in zonefiles: zone = os.path.basename(zonefile)[0:-len(".zonew")] lr1 = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankSmoothBuildDirectory + "/" + zone + ".lr" nearzones = subprocess.Popen([ GetNeighbors, zone ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip().split(" ") printLog(log, "ZONE " + zone + ": " + str(nearzones)) zone_to_build = 0 for nearzone in nearzones: sourcePath = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory + "/" + nearzone + ".zonew" if (os.path.isfile(sourcePath)): if (needUpdate(log, sourcePath, lr1)): zone_to_build = 1 sourcePath = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory + "/" + zone + ".zonew" if zone_to_build: printLog(log, sourcePath + " -> " + lr1) subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(RbankBuildTesselTimeout), BuildRbank, "-c", "-P", "-g", os.path.basename(zonefile) ]) else: printLog(log, "SKIP " + lr1) printLog(log, "") printLog(log, ">>> Build rbank process global <<<") # TODO: Check if the LR changed? if BuildRbank == "": toolLogFail(log, BuildRbankTool, ToolSuffix) elif ExecTimeout == "": toolLogFail(log, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix) else: subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(RbankBuildProcglobalTimeout), BuildRbank, "-c", "-P", "-G" ]) printLog(log, "") os.remove("build_rbank.cfg") printLog(log, ">>> Build rbank indoor <<<") if BuildIndoorRbank == "": toolLogFail(log, BuildIndoorRbankTool, ToolSuffix) elif ExecTimeout == "": toolLogFail(log, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix) else: retrieversDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankRetrieversBuildDirectory mkPath(log, retrieversDir) removeFilesRecursiveExt(log, retrieversDir, ".rbank") removeFilesRecursiveExt(log, retrieversDir, ".gr") removeFilesRecursiveExt(log, retrieversDir, ".lr") cf = open("build_indoor_rbank.cfg", "w") cf.write("\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbExportDirectory) cf.write("MeshPath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbExportDirectory + "/\";\n") # cf.write("Meshes = { };\n") cf.write("Meshes = \n") cf.write("{\n") meshFiles = findFilesNoSubdir(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbExportDirectory, ".cmb") lenCmbExt = len(".cmb") for file in meshFiles: cf.write("\t\"" + file[0:-lenCmbExt] + "\", \n") cf.write("};\n") cf.write("OutputPath = \"" + retrieversDir + "/\";\n") # mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankOutputBuildDirectory) # cf.write("OutputPath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankOutputBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") cf.write("OutputPrefix = \"unused\";\n") cf.write("Merge = 1;\n") mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankSmoothBuildDirectory) cf.write("MergePath = \"" + ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankSmoothBuildDirectory + "/\";\n") cf.write("MergeInputPrefix = \"temp\";\n") cf.write("MergeOutputPrefix = \"tempMerged\";\n") # cf.write("MergeOutputPrefix = \"" + RbankRbankName + "\";\n") cf.write("AddToRetriever = 1;\n") cf.write("\n") cf.close() subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(RbankBuildIndoorTimeout), BuildIndoorRbank ]) os.remove("build_indoor_rbank.cfg") printLog(log, "") retrieversDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankRetrieversBuildDirectory mkPath(log, retrieversDir) outputDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RbankOutputBuildDirectory mkPath(log, outputDir) printLog(log, ">>> Move gr, rbank and lr <<<") if needUpdateDirNoSubdir(log, retrieversDir, outputDir): removeFilesRecursiveExt(log, outputDir, ".rbank") removeFilesRecursiveExt(log, outputDir, ".gr") removeFilesRecursiveExt(log, outputDir, ".lr") copyFilesRenamePrefixExt(log, retrieversDir, outputDir, "tempMerged", RbankRbankName, ".rbank") copyFilesRenamePrefixExt(log, retrieversDir, outputDir, "tempMerged", RbankRbankName, ".gr") copyFilesRenamePrefixExt(log, retrieversDir, outputDir, "tempMerged_", RbankRbankName + "_", ".lr") else: printLog(log, "SKIP *") log.close() # end of file