// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "std3d.h" #include "nel/3d/ps_mesh.h" #include "nel/3d/ps_macro.h" #include "nel/3d/shape.h" #include "nel/3d/mesh.h" #include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/shape_bank.h" #include "nel/3d/texture_mem.h" #include "nel/3d/scene.h" #include "nel/3d/ps_located.h" #include "nel/3d/particle_system.h" #include "nel/3d/particle_system_shape.h" #include "nel/3d/particle_system_model.h" #include "nel/3d/ps_iterator.h" #include "nel/misc/stream.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" namespace NL3D { //////////////////// // static members // //////////////////// CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare CPSConstraintMesh::_MeshDisplayShare(16); CVertexBuffer CPSConstraintMesh::_PreRotatedMeshVB; // mesh has no normals CVertexBuffer CPSConstraintMesh::_PreRotatedMeshVBWithNormal; // mesh has normals CPSConstraintMesh::TMeshName2RamVB CPSConstraintMesh::_MeshRamVBs; // this produce a random unit vector static CVector MakeRandomUnitVect(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(MakeRandomUnitVect) CVector v((float) ((rand() % 20000) - 10000) ,(float) ((rand() % 20000) - 10000) ,(float) ((rand() % 20000) - 10000) ); v.normalize(); return v; } //////////////////////////// // CPSMesh implementation // //////////////////////////// //==================================================================================== const std::string DummyShapeName("dummy mesh shape"); /** a private function that create a dummy mesh :a cube with dummy textures */ static CMesh *CreateDummyMesh(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CreateDummyMesh) CMesh::CMeshBuild mb; CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild mbb; mb.VertexFlags = CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag; mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(-.5f, -.5f, -.5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(.5f, -.5f, -.5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(.5f, -.5f, .5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(-.5f, -.5f, .5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(-.5f, .5f, -.5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(.5f, .5f, -.5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(.5f, .5f, .5f)); mb.Vertices.push_back(CVector(-.5f, .5f, .5f)); // index for each face uint32 tab[] = { 4, 1, 0, 4, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 6, 3, 2, 6, 7, 3, 7, 0, 3, 7, 4, 0, 7, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0 }; for (uint k = 0; k < 6; ++k) { CMesh::CFace f; f.Corner[0].Vertex = tab[6 * k]; f.Corner[0].Uvws[0] = NLMISC::CUVW(0, 0, 0); f.Corner[1].Vertex = tab[6 * k + 1]; f.Corner[1].Uvws[0] = NLMISC::CUVW(1, 1, 0); f.Corner[2].Vertex = tab[6 * k + 2]; f.Corner[2].Uvws[0] = NLMISC::CUVW(0, 1, 0); f.MaterialId = 0; mb.Faces.push_back(f); f.Corner[0].Vertex = tab[6 * k + 3]; f.Corner[0].Uvws[0] = NLMISC::CUVW(0, 0, 0); f.Corner[1].Vertex = tab[6 * k + 4]; f.Corner[1].Uvws[0] = NLMISC::CUVW(1, 0, 0); f.Corner[2].Vertex = tab[6 * k + 5]; f.Corner[2].Uvws[0] = NLMISC::CUVW(1, 1, 0); f.MaterialId = 0; mb.Faces.push_back(f); } CMaterial mat; CTextureMem *tex = new CTextureMem; tex->makeDummy(); mat.setTexture(0, tex); mat.setLighting(false); mat.setColor(CRGBA::White); mbb.Materials.push_back(mat); CMesh *m = new CMesh; m->build(mbb, mb); return m; } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_IStream ) (void)f.serialVersion(3); CPSParticle::serial(f); CPSSizedParticle::serialSizeScheme(f); CPSRotated3DPlaneParticle::serialPlaneBasisScheme(f); CPSRotated2DParticle::serialAngle2DScheme(f); f.serial(_Shape); if (f.isReading()) { uint maxSize = 0; if (_Owner) { maxSize = _Owner->getMaxSize(); _Instances.resize(maxSize); } for(uint k = 0; k < maxSize; ++k) { _Instances.insert(NULL); } } } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::setShape(const std::string &shape) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_setShape) if (shape == _Shape) return; _Shape = shape; removeAllInstancesFromScene(); } //==================================================================================== uint32 CPSMesh::getNumWantedTris() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_getNumWantedTris) /// we don't draw any face ! (the meshs are drawn by the scene) return 0; } //==================================================================================== bool CPSMesh::hasTransparentFaces(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_hasTransparentFaces) /// we don't draw any tri ! (the meshs are drawn by the scene) return false; } //==================================================================================== bool CPSMesh::hasOpaqueFaces(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_hasOpaqueFaces) /// We don't draw any tri ! return false; } //==================================================================================== bool CPSMesh::hasLightableFaces() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_hasLightableFaces) /// we don't draw any tri ! (the meshs are drawn by the scene) return false; } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::releaseAllRef() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_releaseAllRef) CPSParticle::releaseAllRef(); nlassert(_Owner && _Owner->getScene()); removeAllInstancesFromScene(); } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::removeAllInstancesFromScene() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_removeAllInstancesFromScene) for(uint k = 0; k < _Instances.getSize(); ++k) { if (_Instances[k]) { if (_Owner) _Owner->getScene()->deleteInstance(_Instances[k]); _Instances[k] = NULL; } } } //==================================================================================== CTransformShape *CPSMesh::createInstance() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_createInstance) CScene *scene = _Owner->getScene(); nlassert(scene); // the setScene method of the particle system should have been called CTransformShape *instance = scene->createInstance(_Shape); if (!instance) { // mesh not found ... IShape *is = CreateDummyMesh(); scene->getShapeBank()->add(DummyShapeName, is); instance = scene->createInstance(DummyShapeName); nlassert(instance); } instance->setTransformMode(CTransform::DirectMatrix); instance->hide(); // the object hasn't the right matrix yet so we hide it. It'll be shown once it is computed return instance; } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::newElement(const CPSEmitterInfo &info) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_newElement) newPlaneBasisElement(info); newAngle2DElement(info); newSizeElement(info); nlassert(_Owner); nlassert(_Owner->getOwner()); CTransformShape *instance = createInstance(); nlassert(instance); _Instances.insert(instance); } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::deleteElement(uint32 index) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_deleteElement) deleteSizeElement(index); deleteAngle2DElement(index); deletePlaneBasisElement(index); // check whether CTransformShape have been instanciated nlassert(_Owner); nlassert(_Owner->getOwner()); CScene *scene = _Owner->getScene(); nlassert(scene); // the setScene method of the particle system should have been called if (_Instances[index]) { scene->deleteInstance(_Instances[index]); } _Instances.remove(index); } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::step(TPSProcessPass pass) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_step) if (pass == PSMotion) { updatePos(); } else if (pass == PSToolRender) // edition mode only { showTool(); } } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::updatePos() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_updatePos) const uint MeshBufSize = 512; PARTICLES_CHECK_MEM; nlassert(_Owner); const uint32 size = _Owner->getSize(); if (!size) return; _Owner->incrementNbDrawnParticles(size); // for benchmark purpose if (!_Instances[0]) { for (uint k = 0; k < size; ++k) { nlassert(!_Instances[k]); _Instances[k] = createInstance(); } } float sizes[MeshBufSize]; float angles[MeshBufSize]; static CPlaneBasis planeBasis[MeshBufSize]; uint32 leftToDo = size, toProcess; float *ptCurrSize; const uint ptCurrSizeIncrement = _SizeScheme ? 1 : 0; float *ptCurrAngle; const uint ptCurrAngleIncrement = _Angle2DScheme ? 1 : 0; CPlaneBasis *ptBasis; const uint ptCurrPlaneBasisIncrement = _PlaneBasisScheme ? 1 : 0; TPSAttribVector::const_iterator posIt = _Owner->getPos().begin(), endPosIt; TInstanceCont::iterator instanceIt = _Instances.begin(); do { toProcess = leftToDo < MeshBufSize ? leftToDo : MeshBufSize; if (_SizeScheme) { ptCurrSize = (float *) (_SizeScheme->make(_Owner, size - leftToDo, &sizes[0], sizeof(float), toProcess, true)); } else { ptCurrSize =& _ParticleSize; } if (_Angle2DScheme) { ptCurrAngle = (float *) (_Angle2DScheme->make(_Owner, size - leftToDo, &angles[0], sizeof(float), toProcess, true)); } else { ptCurrAngle =& _Angle2D; } if (_PlaneBasisScheme) { ptBasis = (CPlaneBasis *) (_PlaneBasisScheme->make(_Owner, size - leftToDo, &planeBasis[0], sizeof(CPlaneBasis), toProcess, true)); } else { ptBasis = &_PlaneBasis; } endPosIt = posIt + toProcess; CMatrix mat, tmat; // the matrix used to get in the right basis const CMatrix &transfo = getLocalToWorldMatrix(); do { tmat.identity(); mat.identity(); tmat.translate(*posIt); mat.setRot( ptBasis->X * CPSUtil::getCos((sint32) *ptCurrAngle) + ptBasis->Y * CPSUtil::getSin((sint32) *ptCurrAngle) , ptBasis->X * CPSUtil::getCos((sint32) *ptCurrAngle + 64) + ptBasis->Y * CPSUtil::getSin((sint32) *ptCurrAngle + 64) , ptBasis->X ^ ptBasis->Y ); mat.scale(*ptCurrSize); (*instanceIt)->setMatrix(transfo * tmat * mat); if (CParticleSystem::OwnerModel) { // make sure the visibility is the same if (CParticleSystem::OwnerModel->isHrcVisible()) { (*instanceIt)->show(); } else { (*instanceIt)->hide(); } (*instanceIt)->setClusterSystem(CParticleSystem::OwnerModel->getClusterSystem()); } ++instanceIt; ++posIt; ptCurrSize += ptCurrSizeIncrement; ptCurrAngle += ptCurrAngleIncrement; ptBasis += ptCurrPlaneBasisIncrement; } while (posIt != endPosIt); leftToDo -= toProcess; } while (leftToDo); PARTICLES_CHECK_MEM; } //==================================================================================== void CPSMesh::resize(uint32 size) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_resize) nlassert(size < (1 << 16)); resizeSize(size); resizeAngle2D(size); resizePlaneBasis(size); if (size < _Instances.getSize()) { for(uint k = size; k < _Instances.getSize(); ++k) { if (_Owner) _Owner->getScene()->deleteInstance(_Instances[k]); } } _Instances.resize(size); } //==================================================================================== CPSMesh::~CPSMesh() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSMesh_CPSMeshDtor) if (_Owner && _Owner->getOwner()) { removeAllInstancesFromScene(); } else { #ifdef NL_DEBUG for (TInstanceCont::iterator it = _Instances.begin(); it != _Instances.end(); ++it) { nlassert(*it == NULL); // there's a leak..:( } #endif } } ////////////////////////////////////// // CPSConstraintMesh implementation // ////////////////////////////////////// /// private : eval the number of triangles in a mesh static uint getMeshNumTri(const CMesh &m) { NL_PS_FUNC(getMeshNumTri) uint numFaces = 0; for (uint k = 0; k < m.getNbMatrixBlock(); ++k) { for (uint l = 0; l < m.getNbRdrPass(k); ++l) { const CIndexBuffer pb = m.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(k, l); numFaces += pb.getNumIndexes()/3; } } return numFaces; } //==================================================================================== /// private use : check if there are transparent and / or opaque faces in a mesh static void CheckForOpaqueAndTransparentFacesInMesh(const CMesh &m, bool &hasTransparentFaces, bool &hasOpaqueFaces) { NL_PS_FUNC(CheckForOpaqueAndTransparentFacesInMesh) hasTransparentFaces = false; hasOpaqueFaces = false; for (uint k = 0; k < m.getNbRdrPass(0); ++k) { const CMaterial &currMat = m.getMaterial(m.getRdrPassMaterial(0, k)); if (!currMat.getZWrite()) { hasTransparentFaces = true; } else // z-buffer write or no blending -> the face is opaque { hasOpaqueFaces = true; } } } //==================================================================================== /// private use : check if there are lightable faces in a mesh static bool CheckForLightableFacesInMesh(const CMesh &m) { NL_PS_FUNC(CheckForLightableFacesInMesh) for (uint k = 0; k < m.getNbRdrPass(0); ++k) { const CMaterial &currMat = m.getMaterial(m.getRdrPassMaterial(0, k)); if (currMat.isLighted()) return true; } return false; } /** Well, we could have put a method template in CPSConstraintMesh, but some compilers * want the definition of the methods in the header, and some compilers * don't want friend with function template, so we use a static method template of a friend class instead, * which gives us the same result :) */ class CPSConstraintMeshHelper { public: template static void drawMeshs(T posIt, CPSConstraintMesh &m, uint size, uint32 srcStep, bool opaque) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMeshHelper_drawMeshs) const CVertexBuffer &modelVb = m.getMeshVB(0); // size for model vertices const uint inVSize = modelVb.getVertexSize(); // vertex size // driver setup IDriver *driver = m.getDriver(); m.setupDriverModelMatrix(); // buffer to compute sizes float sizes[ConstraintMeshBufSize]; float *ptCurrSize; uint ptCurrSizeIncrement = m._SizeScheme ? 1 : 0; T endPosIt; uint leftToDo = size, toProcess; /// get a vb in which to write. It has the same format than the input mesh, but can also have a color flag added CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplay &md= m._MeshDisplayShare.getMeshDisplay(m._Meshes[0], modelVb, modelVb.getVertexFormat() | (m._ColorScheme ? CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag : 0)); m.setupRenderPasses((float) m._Owner->getOwner()->getSystemDate() - m._GlobalAnimDate, md.RdrPasses, opaque); CVertexBuffer &outVb = md.VB; const uint outVSize = outVb.getVertexSize(); // we don't have precomputed mesh there ... so each mesh must be transformed, which is the worst case CPlaneBasis planeBasis[ConstraintMeshBufSize]; CPlaneBasis *ptBasis; uint ptBasisIncrement = m._PlaneBasisScheme ? 1 : 0; const uint nbVerticesInSource = modelVb.getNumVertices(); sint inNormalOff=0; sint outNormalOff=0; if (modelVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) { inNormalOff = modelVb.getNormalOff(); outNormalOff = outVb.getNormalOff(); } if (m._ColorScheme) { CVertexBuffer::TVertexColorType vtc = driver->getVertexColorFormat(); m._ColorScheme->setColorType(vtc); if (modelVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) { const_cast(modelVb).setVertexColorFormat(vtc); } } CVertexBufferRead vbaRead; modelVb.lock (vbaRead); do { toProcess = std::min(leftToDo, ConstraintMeshBufSize); outVb.setNumVertices(toProcess * nbVerticesInSource); { CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; outVb.lock(vba); uint8 *outVertex = (uint8 *) vba.getVertexCoordPointer(); if (m._SizeScheme) { ptCurrSize = (float *) (m._SizeScheme->make(m._Owner, size -leftToDo, &sizes[0], sizeof(float), toProcess, true, srcStep)); } else { ptCurrSize = &m._ParticleSize; } if (m._PlaneBasisScheme) { ptBasis = (CPlaneBasis *) (m._PlaneBasisScheme->make(m._Owner, size -leftToDo, &planeBasis[0], sizeof(CPlaneBasis), toProcess, true, srcStep)); } else { ptBasis = &m._PlaneBasis; } endPosIt = posIt + toProcess; // transfo matrix & scaled transfo matrix; CMatrix M, sM; if (m._Meshes.size() == 1) { /// unmorphed case do { const uint8 *inVertex = (const uint8 *) vbaRead.getVertexCoordPointer(); uint k = nbVerticesInSource; // do we need a normal ? if (modelVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) { M.identity(); M.setRot(ptBasis->X, ptBasis->Y, ptBasis->X ^ ptBasis->Y); sM = M; sM.scale(*ptCurrSize); // offset of normals in the prerotated mesh do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(modelVb, inVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(modelVb, inVertex + inNormalOff); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex + outNormalOff); // translate and resize the vertex (relatively to the mesh origin) *(CVector *) outVertex = *posIt + sM * *(CVector *) inVertex; // copy the normal *(CVector *) (outVertex + outNormalOff) = M * *(CVector *) (inVertex + inNormalOff); inVertex += inVSize; outVertex += outVSize; } while (--k); } else { // no normal to transform sM.identity(); sM.setRot(ptBasis->X, ptBasis->Y, ptBasis->X ^ ptBasis->Y); sM.scale(*ptCurrSize); do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(modelVb, inVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex); // translate and resize the vertex (relatively to the mesh origin) *(CVector *) outVertex = *posIt + sM * *(CVector *) inVertex; inVertex += inVSize; outVertex += outVSize; } while (--k); } ++posIt; ptCurrSize += ptCurrSizeIncrement; ptBasis += ptBasisIncrement; } while (posIt != endPosIt); } else { // morphed case // first, compute the morph value for each mesh float morphValues[ConstraintMeshBufSize]; float *currMorphValue; uint morphValueIncr; if (m._MorphScheme) // variable case { currMorphValue = (float *) m._MorphScheme->make(m._Owner, size - leftToDo, &morphValues[0], sizeof(float), toProcess, true, srcStep); morphValueIncr = 1; } else /// constant case { currMorphValue = &m._MorphValue; morphValueIncr = 0; } do { const uint numShapes = (uint)m._Meshes.size(); const uint8 *m0, *m1; float lambda; float opLambda; const CVertexBuffer *inVB0, *inVB1; if (*currMorphValue >= numShapes - 1) { lambda = 0.f; opLambda = 1.f; inVB0 = inVB1 = &(m.getMeshVB(numShapes - 1)); } else if (*currMorphValue <= 0) { lambda = 0.f; opLambda = 1.f; inVB0 = inVB1 = &(m.getMeshVB(0)); } else { uint iMeshIndex = (uint) *currMorphValue; lambda = *currMorphValue - iMeshIndex; opLambda = 1.f - lambda; inVB0 = &(m.getMeshVB(iMeshIndex)); inVB1 = &(m.getMeshVB(iMeshIndex + 1)); } CVertexBufferRead vba0; inVB0->lock (vba0); CVertexBufferRead vba1; inVB1->lock (vba1); m0 = (uint8 *) vba0.getVertexCoordPointer(); m1 = (uint8 *) vba1.getVertexCoordPointer(); uint k = nbVerticesInSource; // do we need a normal ? if (modelVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) { M.identity(); M.setRot(ptBasis->X, ptBasis->Y, ptBasis->X ^ ptBasis->Y); sM = M; sM.scale(*ptCurrSize); // offset of normals in the prerotated mesh do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER((*inVB0), m0); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER((*inVB1), m1); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER((*inVB0), m0 + inNormalOff); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER((*inVB1), m1 + inNormalOff); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex + outNormalOff); // morph, and transform the vertex *(CVector *) outVertex = *posIt + sM * (opLambda * *(CVector *) m0 + lambda * *(CVector *) m1); // morph, and transform the normal *(CVector *) (outVertex + outNormalOff) = M * (opLambda * *(CVector *) (m0 + inNormalOff) + lambda * *(CVector *) (m1 + inNormalOff)).normed(); m0 += inVSize; m1 += inVSize; outVertex += outVSize; } while (--k); } else { // no normal to transform sM.identity(); sM.setRot(ptBasis->X, ptBasis->Y, ptBasis->X ^ ptBasis->Y); sM.scale(*ptCurrSize); do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER((*inVB0), m0); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER((*inVB1), m1); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex); // morph, and transform the vertex *(CVector *) outVertex = *posIt + sM * (opLambda * *(CVector *) m0 + opLambda * *(CVector *) m1); m0 += inVSize; m1 += inVSize; outVertex += outVSize; } while (--k); } ++posIt; ptCurrSize += ptCurrSizeIncrement; ptBasis += ptBasisIncrement; currMorphValue += morphValueIncr; } while (posIt != endPosIt); } // compute colors if needed if (m._ColorScheme) { m.computeColors(outVb, modelVb, size - leftToDo, toProcess, srcStep, *driver, vba, vbaRead); } } // render meshs driver->activeVertexBuffer(outVb); m.doRenderPasses(driver, toProcess, md.RdrPasses, opaque); leftToDo -= toProcess; } while (leftToDo); } template static void drawPrerotatedMeshs(T posIt, U indexIt, CPSConstraintMesh &m, uint size, uint32 srcStep, bool opaque) { // get the vb from the original mesh const CVertexBuffer &modelVb = m.getMeshVB(0); /// precompute rotation in a VB from the src mesh CVertexBuffer &prerotVb = m.makePrerotatedVb(modelVb); // driver setup IDriver *driver = m.getDriver(); m.setupDriverModelMatrix(); // renderPasses setup nlassert(m._Owner); // storage for sizes of meshs float sizes[ConstraintMeshBufSize]; // point the size for the current mesh float *ptCurrSize; uint ptCurrSizeIncrement = m._SizeScheme ? 1 : 0; T endPosIt; uint leftToDo = size, toProcess; const uint nbVerticesInSource = modelVb.getNumVertices(); // size of a complete prerotated model const uint prerotatedModelSize = prerotVb.getVertexSize() * modelVb.getNumVertices(); /// get a mesh display struct on this shape, with eventually a primary color added. CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplay &md = m._MeshDisplayShare.getMeshDisplay(m._Meshes[0], modelVb, modelVb.getVertexFormat() | (m._ColorScheme ? CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag : 0)); m.setupRenderPasses((float) m._Owner->getOwner()->getSystemDate() - m._GlobalAnimDate, md.RdrPasses, opaque); CVertexBuffer &outVb = md.VB; // size of vertices in prerotated model const uint inVSize = prerotVb.getVertexSize(); // size ofr vertices in dest vb const uint outVSize = outVb.getVertexSize(); // offset of normals in vertices of the prerotated model, and source model uint normalOff=0; uint pNormalOff=0; if (prerotVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) { normalOff = outVb.getNormalOff(); pNormalOff = prerotVb.getNormalOff(); } if (m._ColorScheme) { CVertexBuffer::TVertexColorType vtc = driver->getVertexColorFormat(); m._ColorScheme->setColorType(vtc); if (modelVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) { const_cast(modelVb).setVertexColorFormat(vtc); } } CVertexBufferRead PrerotVba; prerotVb.lock(PrerotVba); do { toProcess = std::min(leftToDo, ConstraintMeshBufSize); outVb.setNumVertices(toProcess * nbVerticesInSource); { CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; outVb.lock(vba); if (m._SizeScheme) { // compute size ptCurrSize = (float *) (m._SizeScheme->make(m._Owner, size - leftToDo, &sizes[0], sizeof(float), toProcess, true, srcStep)); } else { // pointer on constant size ptCurrSize = &m._ParticleSize; } endPosIt = posIt + toProcess; uint8 *outVertex = (uint8 *) vba.getVertexCoordPointer(); /// copy datas for several mesh do { uint8 *inVertex = (uint8 *) PrerotVba.getVertexCoordPointer() + prerotatedModelSize * *indexIt; // prerotated vertex uint k = nbVerticesInSource; if (prerotVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) // has it a normal ? { do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(prerotVb, inVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex + normalOff); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(prerotVb, inVertex + pNormalOff); // translate and resize the vertex (relatively to the mesh origin) *(CVector *) outVertex = *posIt + *ptCurrSize * *(CVector *) inVertex; // copy the normal *(CVector *) (outVertex + normalOff ) = *(CVector *) (inVertex + pNormalOff); inVertex += inVSize; outVertex += outVSize; } while (--k); } else { do { // translate and resize the vertex (relatively to the mesh origin) CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(outVb, outVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(prerotVb, inVertex); *(CVector *) outVertex = *posIt + *ptCurrSize * *(CVector *) inVertex; inVertex += inVSize; outVertex += outVSize; } while (--k); } ++indexIt; ++posIt; ptCurrSize += ptCurrSizeIncrement; } while (posIt != endPosIt); // compute colors if needed if (m._ColorScheme) { m.computeColors(outVb, modelVb, size - leftToDo, toProcess, srcStep, *driver, vba, PrerotVba); } } /// render the result driver->activeVertexBuffer(outVb); m.doRenderPasses(driver, toProcess, md.RdrPasses, opaque); leftToDo -= toProcess; } while (leftToDo); PARTICLES_CHECK_MEM } }; CPSConstraintMesh::CPSConstraintMesh() : _NumFaces(0), _ModelBank(NULL), _ModulatedStages(0), _Touched(1), _HasOpaqueFaces(0), _VertexColorLightingForced(false), _GlobalAnimationEnabled(0), _ReinitGlobalAnimTimeOnNewElement(0), _HasLightableFaces(0), _ValidBuild(0), _MorphValue(0), _MorphScheme(NULL) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_CPSConstraintMesh) if (CParticleSystem::getSerializeIdentifierFlag()) _Name = std::string("ConstraintMesh"); } //==================================================================================== uint32 CPSConstraintMesh::getNumWantedTris() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getNumWantedTris) // nlassert(_ModelVb); //return _NumFaces * _Owner->getMaxSize(); return _NumFaces * _Owner->getSize(); } //==================================================================================== bool CPSConstraintMesh::hasTransparentFaces(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_hasTransparentFaces) if (!_Touched) return _HasTransparentFaces != 0; /// we must update the mesh to know whether it has transparent faces update(); return _HasTransparentFaces != 0; } //==================================================================================== bool CPSConstraintMesh::hasOpaqueFaces(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_hasOpaqueFaces) if (!_Touched) return _HasOpaqueFaces != 0; update(); return _HasOpaqueFaces != 0; } //==================================================================================== bool CPSConstraintMesh::hasLightableFaces() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_hasLightableFaces) if (!_Touched) return _HasLightableFaces != 0; update(); return _HasLightableFaces != 0; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setShape(const std::string &meshFileName) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setShape) _MeshShapeFileName.resize(1); _MeshShapeFileName[0] = meshFileName; _Touched = 1; _ValidBuild = 0; } //=========================================================================== std::string CPSConstraintMesh::getShape(void) const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getShape) if (_Touched) { const_cast(this)->update(); } nlassert(_MeshShapeFileName.size() == 1); return _MeshShapeFileName[0]; } //==================================================================================== bool CPSConstraintMesh::isValidBuild() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_isValidBuild) if (_Touched) { const_cast(this)->update(); } return _ValidBuild != 0; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setShapes(const std::string *shapesNames, uint numShapes) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setShapes) _MeshShapeFileName.resize(numShapes); std::copy(shapesNames, shapesNames + numShapes, _MeshShapeFileName.begin()); _Touched = 1; _ValidBuild = 0; } //==================================================================================== uint CPSConstraintMesh::getNumShapes() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getNumShapes) if (_Touched) { const_cast(this)->update(); } return (uint)_MeshShapeFileName.size(); } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::getShapesNames(std::string *shapesNames) const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getShapesNames) if (_Touched) { const_cast(this)->update(); } std::copy(_MeshShapeFileName.begin(), _MeshShapeFileName.end(), shapesNames); } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setShape(uint index, const std::string &shapeName) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setShape) nlassert(index < _MeshShapeFileName.size()); _MeshShapeFileName[index] = shapeName; _Touched = 1; _ValidBuild = 0; } //==================================================================================== const std::string &CPSConstraintMesh::getShape(uint index) const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getShape) if (_Touched) { const_cast(this)->update(); } nlassert(index < _MeshShapeFileName.size()); return _MeshShapeFileName[index]; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setMorphValue(float value) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setMorphValue) delete _MorphScheme; _MorphScheme = NULL; _MorphValue = value; } //==================================================================================== float CPSConstraintMesh::getMorphValue() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getMorphValue) return _MorphValue; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setMorphScheme(CPSAttribMaker *scheme) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setMorphScheme) delete _MorphScheme; _MorphScheme = scheme; if (_MorphScheme->hasMemory()) _MorphScheme->resize(_Owner->getMaxSize(), _Owner->getSize()); } //==================================================================================== CPSAttribMaker *CPSConstraintMesh::getMorphScheme() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getMorphScheme) return _MorphScheme; } //==================================================================================== const CPSAttribMaker *CPSConstraintMesh::getMorphScheme() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getMorphScheme) return _MorphScheme; } //==================================================================================== static CMesh *GetDummyMeshFromBank(CShapeBank &sb) { NL_PS_FUNC(GetDummyMeshFromBank) static const std::string dummyMeshName("dummy constraint mesh shape"); if (sb.getPresentState(dummyMeshName) == CShapeBank::Present) { return NLMISC::safe_cast(sb.addRef(dummyMeshName)); } else { // no dummy shape created -> add one to the bank CMesh *m = CreateDummyMesh(); sb.add(std::string("dummy constraint mesh shape"), m); return m; } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::getShapeNumVerts(std::vector &numVerts) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getShapeNumVerts) _Touched = 1; // force reload update(&numVerts); } //==================================================================================== bool CPSConstraintMesh::update(std::vector *numVertsVect /*= NULL*/) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_update) bool ok = true; if (!_Touched) return ok; clean(); nlassert(_Owner->getScene()); CScene *scene = _Owner->getScene(); _ModelBank = scene->getShapeBank(); IShape *is = 0; uint32 vFormat = 0; uint numVerts = 0; uint8 uvRouting[CVertexBuffer::MaxStage]; if (_MeshShapeFileName.size() == 0) { _MeshShapeFileName.resize(1); _MeshShapeFileName[0] = DummyShapeName; } _Meshes.resize(_MeshShapeFileName.size()); _MeshVertexBuffers.resize(_MeshShapeFileName.size()); std::fill(_MeshVertexBuffers.begin(), _MeshVertexBuffers.end(), (CVertexBuffer *) NULL); if (numVertsVect) numVertsVect->resize(_MeshShapeFileName.size()); for (uint k = 0; k < _MeshShapeFileName.size(); ++k) { if (_ModelBank->getPresentState(_MeshShapeFileName[k]) == CShapeBank::Present) { CMesh *mesh = dynamic_cast( _ModelBank->addRef(_MeshShapeFileName[k])); if (!mesh) { nlwarning("Tried to bind a shape that is not a mesh to a mesh particle : %s", _MeshShapeFileName[k].c_str()); _ModelBank->release(is); ok = false; if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = ShapeFileIsNotAMesh; } else { _Meshes[k] = mesh; /// get the mesh format, or check that is was the same that previous shapes ' one if (k == 0) { vFormat = mesh->getVertexBuffer().getVertexFormat(); numVerts = mesh->getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(); std::copy(mesh->getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting(), mesh->getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting() + CVertexBuffer::MaxStage, uvRouting); if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = (sint) numVerts; } else { if (vFormat != mesh->getVertexBuffer().getVertexFormat()) { nlwarning("Vertex format differs between meshs"); ok = false; } if (numVerts != mesh->getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices()) { nlwarning("Num vertices differs between meshs"); ok = false; } if (!std::equal(mesh->getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting(), mesh->getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting() + CVertexBuffer::MaxStage, uvRouting)) { nlwarning("UV routing differs between meshs"); ok = false; } if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = (sint) mesh->getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(); } } } else { try { _ModelBank->load(_MeshShapeFileName[k]); } catch (NLMISC::EPathNotFound &) { nlwarning("mesh not found : %s; used as a constraint mesh particle", _MeshShapeFileName[k].c_str()); // shape not found, so not present in the shape bank -> we create a dummy shape } if (_ModelBank->getPresentState(_MeshShapeFileName[k]) != CShapeBank::Present) { ok = false; if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = ShapeFileNotLoaded; } else { is = _ModelBank->addRef(_MeshShapeFileName[k]); if (!dynamic_cast(is)) // is it a mesh { nlwarning("Tried to bind a shape that is not a mesh to a mesh particle : %s", _MeshShapeFileName[k].c_str()); _ModelBank->release(is); ok = false; if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = ShapeFileIsNotAMesh; } else { CMesh &m = * NLMISC::safe_cast(is); /// make sure there are not too many vertices if (m.getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices() > ConstraintMeshMaxNumVerts) { nlwarning("Tried to bind a mesh that has more than %d vertices to a particle mesh: %s", (int) ConstraintMeshMaxNumVerts, _MeshShapeFileName[k].c_str()); _ModelBank->release(is); ok = false; if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = ShapeHasTooMuchVertices; } else { _Meshes[k] = &m; if (k == 0) { vFormat = m.getVertexBuffer().getVertexFormat(); numVerts = m.getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(); std::copy(m.getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting(), m.getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting() + CVertexBuffer::MaxStage, uvRouting); if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = numVerts; } else { uint32 otherVFormat = m.getVertexBuffer().getVertexFormat(); uint otherNumVerts = m.getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices(); if (otherVFormat != vFormat || otherNumVerts != numVerts || !(std::equal(m.getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting(), m.getVertexBuffer().getUVRouting() + CVertexBuffer::MaxStage, uvRouting))) { ok = false; } if (numVertsVect) (*numVertsVect)[k] = otherNumVerts; } } } } } if (!ok && !numVertsVect) break; } if (!ok) { releaseShapes(); _Meshes.resize(1); _MeshVertexBuffers.resize(1); _Meshes[0] = GetDummyMeshFromBank(*_ModelBank); _MeshVertexBuffers[0] = &_Meshes[0]->getVertexBuffer(); } const CMesh &m = *_Meshes[0]; /// update the number of faces _NumFaces = getMeshNumTri(m); /* notifyOwnerMaxNumFacesChanged(); if (_Owner && _Owner->getOwner()) { _Owner->getOwner()->notifyMaxNumFacesChanged(); }*/ /// update opacity / transparency state bool hasTransparentFaces, hasOpaqueFaces; CheckForOpaqueAndTransparentFacesInMesh(m, hasTransparentFaces, hasOpaqueFaces); _HasTransparentFaces = hasTransparentFaces; _HasOpaqueFaces = hasOpaqueFaces; _HasLightableFaces = CheckForLightableFacesInMesh(m); _GlobalAnimDate = _Owner->getOwner()->getSystemDate(); _Touched = 0; _ValidBuild = ok ? 1 : 0; nlassert(_Meshes.size() > 0); return ok; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::hintRotateTheSame(uint32 nbConfiguration, float minAngularVelocity, float maxAngularVelocity ) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_hintRotateTheSame) nlassert(nbConfiguration <= ConstraintMeshMaxNumPrerotatedModels); // TODO : avoid code duplication with CPSFace ... _MinAngularVelocity = minAngularVelocity; _MaxAngularVelocity = maxAngularVelocity; _PrecompBasis.resize(nbConfiguration); if (nbConfiguration) { // each precomp basis is created randomly; for (uint k = 0; k < nbConfiguration; ++k) { CVector v = MakeRandomUnitVect(); _PrecompBasis[k].Basis = CPlaneBasis(v); _PrecompBasis[k].Axis = MakeRandomUnitVect(); _PrecompBasis[k].AngularVelocity = minAngularVelocity + (rand() % 20000) / 20000.f * (maxAngularVelocity - minAngularVelocity); } // we need to do this because nbConfs may have changed fillIndexesInPrecompBasis(); } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::fillIndexesInPrecompBasis(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_fillIndexesInPrecompBasis) // TODO : avoid code duplication with CPSFace ... const uint32 nbConf = (uint32)_PrecompBasis.size(); if (_Owner) { _IndexInPrecompBasis.resize( _Owner->getMaxSize() ); } for (CPSVector::V::iterator it = _IndexInPrecompBasis.begin(); it != _IndexInPrecompBasis.end(); ++it) { *it = rand() % nbConf; } } //==================================================================================== /// serialisation. Derivers must override this, and call their parent version void CPSConstraintMesh::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_IStream ) sint ver = f.serialVersion(4); if (f.isReading()) { clean(); } CPSParticle::serial(f); CPSSizedParticle::serialSizeScheme(f); CPSRotated3DPlaneParticle::serialPlaneBasisScheme(f); // prerotations ... if (f.isReading()) { uint32 nbConfigurations; f.serial(nbConfigurations); if (nbConfigurations) { f.serial(_MinAngularVelocity, _MaxAngularVelocity); } hintRotateTheSame(nbConfigurations, _MinAngularVelocity, _MaxAngularVelocity); } else { uint32 nbConfigurations = (uint32)_PrecompBasis.size(); f.serial(nbConfigurations); if (nbConfigurations) { f.serial(_MinAngularVelocity, _MaxAngularVelocity); } } // saves the model file name, or an empty string if nothing has been set static std::string emptyStr; if (ver < 4) // early version : no morphing support { if (!f.isReading()) { if (_MeshShapeFileName.size() > 0) { f.serial(_MeshShapeFileName[0]); } else { f.serial(emptyStr); } } else { _MeshShapeFileName.resize(1); f.serial(_MeshShapeFileName[0]); _Touched = true; _ValidBuild = 0; } } if (ver > 1) { CPSColoredParticle::serialColorScheme(f); f.serial(_ModulatedStages); if (f.isReading()) { bool vcEnabled; f.serial(vcEnabled); _VertexColorLightingForced = vcEnabled; } else { bool vcEnabled = (_VertexColorLightingForced != 0); f.serial(vcEnabled); } } if (ver > 2) // texture animation { if (f.isReading()) { bool gaEnabled; f.serial(gaEnabled); _GlobalAnimationEnabled = gaEnabled; if (gaEnabled) { PGlobalTexAnims newPtr(new CGlobalTexAnims); // create new //std::swap(_GlobalTexAnims, newPtr); // replace old _GlobalTexAnims = newPtr; f.serial(*_GlobalTexAnims); } bool rgt; f.serial(rgt); _ReinitGlobalAnimTimeOnNewElement = rgt; } else { bool gaEnabled = (_GlobalAnimationEnabled != 0); f.serial(gaEnabled); if (gaEnabled) { f.serial(*_GlobalTexAnims); } bool rgt = _ReinitGlobalAnimTimeOnNewElement != 0; f.serial(rgt); } } if (ver > 3) // mesh morphing { if (!f.isReading()) { // remove path TMeshNameVect meshNamesWithoutPath = _MeshShapeFileName; std::transform(meshNamesWithoutPath.begin(), meshNamesWithoutPath.end(), meshNamesWithoutPath.begin(), std::ptr_fun(NLMISC::CFile::getFilename)); f.serialCont(meshNamesWithoutPath); } else { f.serialCont(_MeshShapeFileName); } bool useScheme; if (f.isReading()) { delete _MorphScheme; } else { useScheme = _MorphScheme != NULL; } f.serial(useScheme); if (useScheme) { f.serialPolyPtr(_MorphScheme); } else { f.serial(_MorphValue); } } } //==================================================================================== CPSConstraintMesh::~CPSConstraintMesh() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_CPSConstraintMeshDtor) clean(); delete _MorphScheme; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::releaseShapes() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_releaseShapes) for (TMeshVect::iterator it = _Meshes.begin(); it != _Meshes.end(); ++it) { if (*it) { if (_ModelBank) _ModelBank->release(*it); } } _Meshes.clear(); _MeshVertexBuffers.clear(); } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::clean(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_clean) if (_ModelBank) { releaseShapes(); } } //==================================================================================== CVertexBuffer &CPSConstraintMesh::makePrerotatedVb(const CVertexBuffer &inVb) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_makePrerotatedVb) // get a VB that has positions and eventually normals CVertexBuffer &prerotatedVb = inVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag ? _PreRotatedMeshVBWithNormal : _PreRotatedMeshVB; CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; prerotatedVb.lock (vba); CVertexBufferRead vbaIn; inVb.lock (vbaIn); // size of vertices for source VB const uint vSize = inVb.getVertexSize(); // size for vertices in prerotated model const uint vpSize = prerotatedVb.getVertexSize(); // offset of normals in vertices of the prerotated model, and source model uint normalOff=0; uint pNormalOff=0; if (prerotatedVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) { normalOff = inVb.getNormalOff(); pNormalOff = prerotatedVb.getNormalOff(); } const uint nbVerticesInSource = inVb.getNumVertices(); // rotate basis // and compute the set of prerotated meshs that will then duplicated (with scale and translation) to create the Vb of what must be drawn uint8 *outVertex = (uint8 *) vba.getVertexCoordPointer(); for (CPSVector::V::iterator it = _PrecompBasis.begin(); it != _PrecompBasis.end(); ++it) { // not optimized at all, but this will apply to very few elements anyway... CMatrix mat; mat.rotate(CQuat(it->Axis, CParticleSystem::EllapsedTime * it->AngularVelocity)); CVector n = mat * it->Basis.getNormal(); it->Basis = CPlaneBasis(n); mat.identity(); mat.setRot(it->Basis.X, it->Basis.Y, it->Basis.X ^ it->Basis.Y); uint8 *inVertex = (uint8 *) vbaIn.getVertexCoordPointer(); uint k = nbVerticesInSource; // check whether we need to rotate normals as well... if (inVb.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag) { do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(inVb, inVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(inVb, inVertex + normalOff); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(prerotatedVb, outVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(prerotatedVb, outVertex + pNormalOff); * (CVector *) outVertex = mat.mulVector(* (CVector *) inVertex); * (CVector *) (outVertex + normalOff) = mat.mulVector(* (CVector *) (inVertex + pNormalOff) ); outVertex += vpSize; inVertex += vSize; } while (--k); } else { // no normal included do { CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(prerotatedVb, outVertex); CHECK_VERTEX_BUFFER(inVb, inVertex); * (CVector *) outVertex = mat.mulVector(* (CVector *) inVertex); outVertex += vpSize; inVertex += vSize; } while (--k); } } return prerotatedVb; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::step(TPSProcessPass pass) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_step) if ( (pass == PSBlendRender && hasTransparentFaces()) || (pass == PSSolidRender && hasOpaqueFaces()) ) { draw(pass == PSSolidRender); } else if (pass == PSToolRender) // edition mode only { showTool(); } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::draw(bool opaque) { // if (!FilterPS[4]) return; NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_draw) PARTICLES_CHECK_MEM; nlassert(_Owner); update(); // update mesh datas if needed uint32 step; uint numToProcess; computeSrcStep(step, numToProcess); if (!numToProcess) return; _Owner->incrementNbDrawnParticles(numToProcess); // for benchmark purpose if (_PrecompBasis.size() == 0) /// do we deal with prerotated meshs ? { if (step == (1 << 16)) { CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawMeshs(_Owner->getPos().begin(), *this, numToProcess, step, opaque ); } else { CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawMeshs(TIteratorVectStep1616(_Owner->getPos().begin(), 0, step), *this, numToProcess, step, opaque ); } } else { if (step == (1 << 16)) { CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawPrerotatedMeshs(_Owner->getPos().begin(), _IndexInPrecompBasis.begin(), *this, numToProcess, step, opaque ); } else { typedef CAdvance1616Iterator::V::const_iterator, uint32> TIndexIterator; CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawPrerotatedMeshs(TIteratorVectStep1616(_Owner->getPos().begin(), 0, step), TIndexIterator(_IndexInPrecompBasis.begin(), 0, step), *this, numToProcess, step, opaque ); } } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setupMaterialColor(CMaterial &destMat, CMaterial &srcMat) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setupMaterialColor) if (destMat.getShader() != CMaterial::Normal) return; for (uint k = 0; k < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES; ++k) { if (_ModulatedStages & (1 << k)) { destMat.texEnvArg0RGB(k, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcColor); destMat.texEnvArg0Alpha(k, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcAlpha); destMat.texEnvArg1RGB(k, CMaterial::Diffuse, CMaterial::SrcColor); destMat.texEnvArg1Alpha(k, CMaterial::Diffuse, CMaterial::SrcAlpha); destMat.texEnvOpRGB(k, CMaterial::Modulate); destMat.texEnvOpAlpha(k, CMaterial::Modulate); } else // restore from source material { destMat.setTexEnvMode(k, srcMat.getTexEnvMode(k)); } } if (_ColorScheme == NULL) // per mesh color ? { destMat.setColor(_Color); if (destMat.isLighted()) { destMat.setDiffuse(_Color); } } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setupRenderPasses(float date, TRdrPassSet &rdrPasses, bool opaque) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setupRenderPasses) // render meshs : we process each rendering pass for (TRdrPassSet::iterator rdrPassIt = rdrPasses.begin(); rdrPassIt != rdrPasses.end(); ++rdrPassIt) { CMaterial &Mat = rdrPassIt->Mat; CMaterial &SourceMat = rdrPassIt->SourceMat; /// check whether this material has to be rendered if ((opaque && Mat.getZWrite()) || (!opaque && ! Mat.getZWrite())) { // has to setup material constant color ? // global color not supported for mesh /* CParticleSystem &ps = *(_Owner->getOwner()); if (!_ColorScheme) { NLMISC::CRGBA col; col.modulateFromColor(SourceMat.getColor(), _Color); if (ps.getColorAttenuationScheme() == NULL || ps.isUserColorUsed()) { col.modulateFromColor(col, ps.getGlobalColor()); } Mat.setColor(col); } else { Mat.setColor(ps.getGlobalColor()); }*/ /** Force modulation for some stages & setup global color */ setupMaterialColor(Mat, SourceMat); /// force vertex lighting bool forceVertexcolorLighting; if (_ColorScheme != NULL) { forceVertexcolorLighting = _VertexColorLightingForced != 0 ? true : SourceMat.getLightedVertexColor(); } else { forceVertexcolorLighting = false; } if (forceVertexcolorLighting != Mat.getLightedVertexColor()) // avoid to touch mat if not needed { Mat.setLightedVertexColor(forceVertexcolorLighting); } ///global texture animation if (_GlobalAnimationEnabled != 0) { for (uint k = 0; k < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES; ++k) { if (Mat.getTexture(k) != NULL) { Mat.enableUserTexMat(k, true); CMatrix mat; _GlobalTexAnims->Anims[k].buildMatrix(date, mat); Mat.setUserTexMat(k ,mat); } } } } } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::doRenderPasses(IDriver *driver, uint numObj, TRdrPassSet &rdrPasses, bool opaque) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_doRenderPasses) // render meshs : we process each rendering pass for (TRdrPassSet::iterator rdrPassIt = rdrPasses.begin(); rdrPassIt != rdrPasses.end(); ++rdrPassIt) { CMaterial &Mat = rdrPassIt->Mat; if ((opaque && Mat.getZWrite()) || (!opaque && ! Mat.getZWrite())) { /// setup number of primitives to be rendered rdrPassIt->PbTri.setNumIndexes(((rdrPassIt->PbTri.capacity()/3) * numObj / ConstraintMeshBufSize) * 3); rdrPassIt->PbLine.setNumIndexes(((rdrPassIt->PbLine.capacity()/2) * numObj / ConstraintMeshBufSize) * 2); /// render the primitives driver->activeIndexBuffer (rdrPassIt->PbTri); driver->renderTriangles(rdrPassIt->Mat, 0, rdrPassIt->PbTri.getNumIndexes()/3); if (rdrPassIt->PbLine.getNumIndexes() != 0) { driver->activeIndexBuffer (rdrPassIt->PbLine); driver->renderLines(rdrPassIt->Mat, 0, rdrPassIt->PbLine.getNumIndexes()/2); } } } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::computeColors(CVertexBuffer &outVB, const CVertexBuffer &inVB, uint startIndex, uint toProcess, uint32 srcStep, IDriver &drv, CVertexBufferReadWrite &vba, CVertexBufferRead &vbaIn ) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_computeColors) nlassert(_ColorScheme); // there are 2 case : 1 - the source mesh has colors, which are modulated with the current color // 2 - the source mesh has no colors : colors are directly copied into the dest vb if (inVB.getVertexFormat() & CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) // case 1 { // TODO: optimisation : avoid to duplicate colors... _ColorScheme->makeN(_Owner, startIndex, vba.getColorPointer(), outVB.getVertexSize(), toProcess, inVB.getNumVertices(), srcStep); // modulate from the source mesh // todo hulud d3d vertex color RGBA / BGRA uint8 *vDest = (uint8 *) vba.getColorPointer(); uint8 *vSrc = (uint8 *) vbaIn.getColorPointer(); const uint vSize = outVB.getVertexSize(); const uint numVerts = inVB.getNumVertices(); uint meshSize = vSize * numVerts; for (uint k = 0; k < toProcess; ++k) { NLMISC::CRGBA::modulateColors((CRGBA *) vDest, (CRGBA *) vSrc, (CRGBA *) vDest, numVerts, vSize, vSize); vDest += meshSize; } } else // case 2 { _ColorScheme->makeN(_Owner, startIndex, vba.getColorPointer(), outVB.getVertexSize(), toProcess, inVB.getNumVertices(), srcStep); } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::newElement(const CPSEmitterInfo &info) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_newElement) newSizeElement(info); newPlaneBasisElement(info); // TODO : avoid code duplication with CPSFace ... const uint32 nbConf = (uint32)_PrecompBasis.size(); if (nbConf) // do we use precomputed basis ? { _IndexInPrecompBasis[_Owner->getNewElementIndex()] = rand() % nbConf; } newColorElement(info); if (_GlobalAnimationEnabled && _ReinitGlobalAnimTimeOnNewElement) { _GlobalAnimDate = _Owner->getOwner()->getSystemDate(); } if (_MorphScheme && _MorphScheme->hasMemory()) _MorphScheme->newElement(info); } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::deleteElement(uint32 index) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_deleteElement) deleteSizeElement(index); deletePlaneBasisElement(index); // TODO : avoid code cuplication with CPSFace ... if (_PrecompBasis.size()) // do we use precomputed basis ? { // replace ourself by the last element... _IndexInPrecompBasis[index] = _IndexInPrecompBasis[_Owner->getSize() - 1]; } deleteColorElement(index); if (_MorphScheme && _MorphScheme->hasMemory()) _MorphScheme->deleteElement(index); } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::resize(uint32 size) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_resize) nlassert(size < (1 << 16)); resizeSize(size); resizePlaneBasis(size); // TODO : avoid code cuplication with CPSFace ... if (_PrecompBasis.size()) // do we use precomputed basis ? { _IndexInPrecompBasis.resize(size); } resizeColor(size); if (_MorphScheme && _MorphScheme->hasMemory()) _MorphScheme->resize(size, _Owner->getSize()); } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::updateMatAndVbForColor(void) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_updateMatAndVbForColor) // nothing to do for us... } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::forceStageModulationByColor(uint stage, bool force) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_forceStageModulationByColor) nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES); if (force) { _ModulatedStages |= 1 << stage; } else { _ModulatedStages &= ~(1 << stage); } } //==================================================================================== bool CPSConstraintMesh::isStageModulationForced(uint stage) const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_isStageModulationForced) nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES); return (_ModulatedStages & (1 << stage)) != 0; } //==================================================================================== /** This duplicate a primitive block n time in the destination primitive block * This is used to draw several mesh at once * For each duplication, vertices indices are shifted from the given offset (number of vertices in the mesh) */ static void DuplicatePrimitiveBlock(const CIndexBuffer &srcBlock, CIndexBuffer &destBlock, uint nbReplicate, uint vertOffset) { NL_PS_FUNC(DuplicatePrimitiveBlock) PARTICLES_CHECK_MEM; // this must be update each time a new primitive is added // loop counters, and index of the current primitive in the dest pb uint k, l, index; // the current vertex offset. uint currVertOffset; // duplicate triangles uint numTri = srcBlock.getNumIndexes()/3; destBlock.setFormat(NL_DEFAULT_INDEX_BUFFER_FORMAT); destBlock.setNumIndexes(3 * numTri * nbReplicate); index = 0; currVertOffset = 0; CIndexBufferRead ibaRead; srcBlock.lock (ibaRead); CIndexBufferReadWrite ibaWrite; destBlock.lock (ibaWrite); nlassert(destBlock.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices16); // TMP TMP TMP if (ibaRead.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices16) { const TIndexType *triPtr = (TIndexType *) ibaRead.getPtr(); const TIndexType *currTriPtr; // current Tri for (k = 0; k < nbReplicate; ++k) { currTriPtr = triPtr; for (l = 0; l < numTri; ++l) { ibaWrite.setTri(3*index, currTriPtr[0] + currVertOffset, currTriPtr[1] + currVertOffset, currTriPtr[2] + currVertOffset); currTriPtr += 3; ++ index; } currVertOffset += vertOffset; } } else { const uint32 *triPtr = (uint32 *) ibaRead.getPtr(); const uint32 *currTriPtr; // current Tri for (k = 0; k < nbReplicate; ++k) { currTriPtr = triPtr; for (l = 0; l < numTri; ++l) { nlassert(currTriPtr[0] + currVertOffset <= 0xffff); nlassert(currTriPtr[1] + currVertOffset <= 0xffff); nlassert(currTriPtr[2] + currVertOffset <= 0xffff); // ibaWrite.setTri(3*index, (uint16) (currTriPtr[0] + currVertOffset), (uint16) (currTriPtr[1] + currVertOffset), (uint16) (currTriPtr[2] + currVertOffset)); currTriPtr += 3; ++ index; } currVertOffset += vertOffset; } } // TODO quad / strips duplication : (unimplemented in primitive blocks for now) PARTICLES_CHECK_MEM; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::initPrerotVB() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_initPrerotVB) // position, no normals _PreRotatedMeshVB.setVertexFormat(CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag); _PreRotatedMeshVB.setNumVertices(ConstraintMeshMaxNumPrerotatedModels * ConstraintMeshMaxNumVerts); _PreRotatedMeshVB.setName("CPSConstraintMesh::_PreRotatedMeshVB"); // position & normals _PreRotatedMeshVBWithNormal.setVertexFormat(CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag); _PreRotatedMeshVBWithNormal.setNumVertices(ConstraintMeshMaxNumPrerotatedModels * ConstraintMeshMaxNumVerts); _PreRotatedMeshVB.setName("CPSConstraintMesh::_PreRotatedMeshVBWithNormal"); } //==================================================================================== CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplay &CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::getMeshDisplay(CMesh *mesh, const CVertexBuffer &meshVB, uint32 format) { NL_PS_FUNC(CMeshDisplayShare_getMeshDisplay) nlassert(mesh); // linear search is ok because of small size for(std::list::iterator it = _Cache.begin(); it != _Cache.end(); ++it) { if (it->Format == format && it->Mesh == mesh) { // relink at start (most recent use) _Cache.splice(_Cache.begin(), _Cache, it); return it->MD; } } if (_NumMD == _MaxNumMD) { _Cache.pop_back(); // remove least recently used mesh -- _NumMD; } //NLMISC::TTicks start = NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime(); _Cache.push_front(CMDEntry()); _Cache.front().Mesh = mesh; _Cache.front().Format = format; buildRdrPassSet(_Cache.front().MD.RdrPasses, *mesh); _Cache.front().MD.VB.setName("CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplay"); buildVB(_Cache.front().MD.VB, meshVB, format); ++ _NumMD; /*NLMISC::TTicks end = NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime(); nlinfo("mesh setup time = %.2f", (float) (1000 * NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond(end - start))); */ return _Cache.front().MD; } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::buildRdrPassSet(TRdrPassSet &dest, const CMesh &m) { NL_PS_FUNC(CMeshDisplayShare_buildRdrPassSet) // we don't support skinning for mesh particles, so there must be only one matrix block nlassert(m.getNbMatrixBlock() == 1); // SKINNING UNSUPPORTED dest.resize(m.getNbRdrPass(0)); const CVertexBuffer &srcVb = m.getVertexBuffer(); for (uint k = 0; k < m.getNbRdrPass(0); ++k) { dest[k].Mat = m.getMaterial(m.getRdrPassMaterial(0, k)); dest[k].SourceMat = dest[k].Mat; DuplicatePrimitiveBlock(m.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(0, k), dest[k].PbTri, ConstraintMeshBufSize, srcVb.getNumVertices() ); } } //==================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::buildVB(CVertexBuffer &dest, const CVertexBuffer &meshVb, uint32 destFormat) { NL_PS_FUNC(CMeshDisplayShare_buildVB) /// we duplicate the original mesh data's 'ConstraintMeshBufSize' times, eventually adding a color nlassert(destFormat == meshVb.getVertexFormat() || destFormat == (meshVb.getVertexFormat() | (uint32) CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag) ); dest.setVertexFormat(destFormat); dest.setPreferredMemory(CVertexBuffer::AGPVolatile, true); dest.setNumVertices(ConstraintMeshBufSize * meshVb.getNumVertices()); for(uint k = 0; k < CVertexBuffer::MaxStage; ++k) { dest.setUVRouting((uint8) k, meshVb.getUVRouting()[k]); } CVertexBufferReadWrite vba; dest.lock (vba); CVertexBufferRead vbaIn; meshVb.lock (vbaIn); uint8 *outPtr = (uint8 *) vba.getVertexCoordPointer(); uint8 *inPtr = (uint8 *) vbaIn.getVertexCoordPointer(); uint meshSize = dest.getVertexSize() * meshVb.getNumVertices(); if (destFormat == meshVb.getVertexFormat()) // no color added { for (uint k = 0; k < ConstraintMeshBufSize; ++k) { ::memcpy((void *) (outPtr + k * meshSize), (void *) inPtr, meshSize); } } else // color added, but not available in src { sint colorOff = dest.getColorOff(); uint inVSize = meshVb.getVertexSize(); uint outVSize = dest.getVertexSize(); for (uint k = 0; k < ConstraintMeshBufSize; ++k) { for (uint v = 0; v < meshVb.getNumVertices(); ++v) { // copy until color ::memcpy((void *) (outPtr + k * meshSize + v * outVSize), (void *) (inPtr + v * inVSize), colorOff); // copy datas after color ::memcpy((void *) (outPtr + k * meshSize + v * outVSize + colorOff + sizeof(uint8[4])), (void *) (inPtr + v * inVSize + colorOff), inVSize - colorOff); } } } } //===================================================================================== CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnim::CGlobalTexAnim() : TransOffset(NLMISC::CVector2f::Null), TransSpeed(NLMISC::CVector2f::Null), TransAccel(NLMISC::CVector2f::Null), ScaleStart(1 ,1), ScaleSpeed(NLMISC::CVector2f::Null), ScaleAccel(NLMISC::CVector2f::Null), WRotSpeed(0), WRotAccel(0) { NL_PS_FUNC(CGlobalTexAnim_CGlobalTexAnim) } //===================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnim::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream) { NL_PS_FUNC(CGlobalTexAnim_IStream ) // version 1 : added offset sint ver = f.serialVersion(1); if (ver >= 1) { f.serial(TransOffset); } f.serial(TransSpeed, TransAccel, ScaleStart, ScaleSpeed, ScaleAccel); f.serial(WRotSpeed, WRotAccel); } //===================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnim::buildMatrix(float date, NLMISC::CMatrix &dest) { NL_PS_FUNC(CGlobalTexAnim_buildMatrix) float fDate = (float) date; float halfDateSquared = 0.5f * fDate * fDate; NLMISC::CVector2f pos = fDate * TransSpeed + halfDateSquared * fDate * TransAccel + TransOffset; NLMISC::CVector2f scale = ScaleStart + fDate * ScaleSpeed + halfDateSquared * fDate * ScaleAccel; float rot = fDate * WRotSpeed + halfDateSquared * WRotAccel; float fCos, fSin; if (rot != 0.f) { fCos = ::cosf(- rot); fSin = ::sinf(- rot); } else { fCos = 1.f; fSin = 0.f; } NLMISC::CVector I(fCos, fSin, 0); NLMISC::CVector J(-fSin, fCos, 0); dest.setRot(scale.x * I, scale.y * J, NLMISC::CVector::K); NLMISC::CVector center(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.f); NLMISC::CVector t(pos.x, pos.y, 0); dest.setPos(t + dest.mulVector(center) - center); } //===================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setGlobalTexAnim(uint stage, const CGlobalTexAnim &properties) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setGlobalTexAnim) nlassert(_GlobalAnimationEnabled != 0); nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES); nlassert(_GlobalTexAnims.get()); _GlobalTexAnims->Anims[stage] = properties; } //===================================================================================== const CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnim &CPSConstraintMesh::getGlobalTexAnim(uint stage) const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getGlobalTexAnim) nlassert(_GlobalAnimationEnabled != 0); nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES); nlassert(_GlobalTexAnims.get()); return _GlobalTexAnims->Anims[stage]; } //===================================================================================== CPSConstraintMesh::TTexAnimType CPSConstraintMesh::getTexAnimType() const { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_getTexAnimType) return (TTexAnimType) (_GlobalAnimationEnabled != 0 ? GlobalAnim : NoAnim); } //===================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::setTexAnimType(TTexAnimType type) { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_setTexAnimType) nlassert(type < Last); if (type == getTexAnimType()) return; // does the type of animation change ? switch (type) { case NoAnim: _GlobalTexAnims.reset(); restoreMaterials(); _GlobalAnimationEnabled = 0; break; case GlobalAnim: { PGlobalTexAnims newPtr(new CGlobalTexAnims); //std::swap(_GlobalTexAnims, newPtr); _GlobalTexAnims = newPtr; _GlobalAnimationEnabled = 1; } break; default: break; } } //===================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnims::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream) { NL_PS_FUNC(CGlobalTexAnims_IStream ) f.serialVersion(0); for (uint k = 0; k < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES; ++k) { f.serial(Anims[k]); } } //===================================================================================== void CPSConstraintMesh::restoreMaterials() { NL_PS_FUNC(CPSConstraintMesh_restoreMaterials) update(); CMeshDisplay &md= _MeshDisplayShare.getMeshDisplay(_Meshes[0], getMeshVB(0), _Meshes[0]->getVertexBuffer().getVertexFormat() | (_ColorScheme ? CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag : 0)); TRdrPassSet rdrPasses = md.RdrPasses; // render meshs : we process each rendering pass for (TRdrPassSet::iterator rdrPassIt = rdrPasses.begin(); rdrPassIt != rdrPasses.end(); ++rdrPassIt) { rdrPassIt->Mat = rdrPassIt->SourceMat; } } //===================================================================================== const CVertexBuffer &CPSConstraintMesh::getMeshVB(uint index) { nlassert(!_Touched); nlassert(index < _Meshes.size()); nlassert(_MeshVertexBuffers.size() == _Meshes.size()); const CVertexBuffer *vb = _MeshVertexBuffers[index]; if (!vb ) { CMesh &mesh = * NLMISC::safe_cast((IShape *) _Meshes[index]); vb = _MeshVertexBuffers[index] = &mesh.getVertexBuffer(); } if (vb->getLocation() != CVertexBuffer::NotResident) { TMeshName2RamVB::iterator it = _MeshRamVBs.find(_MeshShapeFileName[index]); if (it == _MeshRamVBs.end()) { CVertexBuffer &destVb = _MeshRamVBs[_MeshShapeFileName[index]]; CMesh &mesh = * NLMISC::safe_cast((IShape *) _Meshes[index]); mesh.getVertexBuffer().copyVertices(destVb); _MeshVertexBuffers[index] = vb = &destVb; } else { _MeshVertexBuffers[index] = vb = &it->second; } } nlassert(vb->getLocation() == CVertexBuffer::NotResident); return *vb; } //===================================================================================== void CPSMesh::onShow(bool shown) { for(uint k = 0; k < _Instances.getSize(); ++k) { if (_Instances[k]) { if (shown) { _Instances[k]->show(); } else { _Instances[k]->hide(); } } } } } // NL3D