#!/bin/bash rm log.log 2> /dev/null # *** Build interface # Get the database directory database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` # Get the interface directories interface_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_source_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` # Get the interface directories to compress in one DXTC only interface_source_dxtc_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_source_dxtc_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_source_dxtc_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` # Log error echo ------- > log.log echo --- Build interface >> log.log echo ------- >> log.log echo ------- echo --- Build interface echo ------- date >> log.log date # For each interface directory for i in $interface_source_directories ; do # Copy niouname=`echo $i | sed -e 's&/&_&g'` rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log build_interface.exe tga/texture_$niouname.tga tga_tmp # Idle ../../idle.bat done # For each interface directory to compress in one DXTC rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] for i in $interface_source_dxtc_directories ; do # Copy cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log done # build all files in tga_tmp into one tga. Let the OpenGL compress it at runTime (better result for some important cases) build_interface.exe tga/texture_interfaces_dxtc.tga tga_tmp # DO NOT COMPRESS ../../bin/tga2dds tga_tmp/texture_interfaces_dxtc.tga -o tga/texture_interfaces_dxtc.dds -a 5 # Compress animation. Important to avoid 'memory fragmentation' mv -u 3d/*.[aA][nN][iI][mM] anim_tmp 2>> log.log anim_builder.exe anim_tmp 3d ../../cfg/properties.cfg # Idle ../../idle.bat