-- Script configuration DefaultPostFixe = "_nel_shoot.tga" rollout db_shooter_rollout "Database Erase Mesh" ( Label RootDataBaseLabel "Root path: " align:#left EditText RootDataBase text:"c:\database" align:#left Label MeshNameLabel "Mesh name: " align:#left EditText MeshName text:"toto" align:#left Button EraseMesh "Erase (warning !!!)" width:110 align:#left on EraseMesh pressed do ( -- Path name path = RootDataBase.text -- Make sure the path name is formatted if path.count > 0 then ( -- Get last character lastChar = path[path.count] if ( lastChar != '\\' ) and ( lastChar != '/' ) then ( path += "\\" ) ) -- List the file in this folder files = getFiles (path+"*.max") -- For each filename for i in files do ( -- Open the project if (loadMaxFile i) == true then ( -- Array to delete arrayToDelete = #() -- For each geometry node for i in geometry do ( if (i.name == MeshName.text) then ( append arrayToDelete i ) ) -- Modified modified = false -- Erase the objects for i in arrayToDelete do ( delete i modified = true ) -- Modified ? if (modified == true) then ( -- Save the file max file save ) ) ) ) ) if dbase_cleaner_floater != undefined do ( closerolloutfloater dbase_cleaner_floater ) dbase_cleaner_Floater = newRolloutFloater "NeL DB Erase Mesh" 400 815 800 200 addrollout db_shooter_rollout dbase_cleaner_Floater