// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "profilesdialog.h" #include "profilesmodel.h" #include "serversmodel.h" #include "operationdialog.h" #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif CProfilesDialog::CProfilesDialog(QWidget *parent):QDialog(parent), m_currentProfileIndex(-1) { setupUi(this); connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onAddProfile())); connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onDeleteProfile())); connect(profilesListView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(onProfileClicked(QModelIndex))); connect(executableBrowseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onExecutableBrowseClicked())); connect(directoryButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(onProfileDirectoryClicked())); m_model = new CProfilesModel(this); m_serversModel = new CServersModel(this); profilesListView->setModel(m_model); serverComboBox->setModel(m_serversModel); int index = CConfigFile::getInstance()->getDefaultProfileIndex(); profilesListView->setCurrentIndex(m_model->index(index, 0)); displayProfile(index); } CProfilesDialog::~CProfilesDialog() { } void CProfilesDialog::accept() { saveProfile(m_currentProfileIndex); m_model->save(); QDialog::accept(); } void CProfilesDialog::onAddProfile() { addProfile(); } void CProfilesDialog::onDeleteProfile() { QMessageBox::StandardButton res = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirmation"), tr("You're going to delete a profile, files won't be deleted and you'll have to do that manually.\nAre you sure to delete this profile?")); if (res != QMessageBox::Yes) return; QModelIndex index = profilesListView->currentIndex(); deleteProfile(index.row()); } void CProfilesDialog::onProfileClicked(const QModelIndex &index) { qDebug() << "clicked on" << index; displayProfile(index.row()); } void CProfilesDialog::displayProfile(int index) { bool enabled = index > -1; profileIdLabel->setEnabled(enabled); nameEdit->setEnabled(enabled); serverComboBox->setEnabled(enabled); argumentsEdit->setEnabled(enabled); commentsEdit->setEnabled(enabled); if (index < 0) return; saveProfile(m_currentProfileIndex); const CProfile &profile = m_model->getProfiles()[index]; QString executable = profile.executable; if (executable.isEmpty()) { executable = CConfigFile::getInstance()->getServerClientFullPath(profile.server); } QString profileDirectory = CConfigFile::getInstance()->getProfileDirectory() + "/" + profile.id; // update all widgets with content of profile profileIdLabel->setText(profile.id); nameEdit->setText(profile.name); serverComboBox->setCurrentIndex(m_serversModel->getIndexFromServerID(profile.server)); executablePathLabel->setText(QFileInfo(profile.executable).fileName()); argumentsEdit->setText(profile.arguments); commentsEdit->setPlainText(profile.comments); directoryPathLabel->setText(profileDirectory); desktopShortcutCheckBox->setChecked(profile.desktopShortcut); menuShortcutCheckBox->setChecked(profile.menuShortcut); // disable click on button if directory doesn't exist directoryButton->setEnabled(QFile::exists(profileDirectory)); updateExecutableVersion(index); m_currentProfileIndex = index; } void CProfilesDialog::saveProfile(int index) { if (index < 0) return; CProfile &profile = m_model->getProfiles()[index]; profile.name = nameEdit->text(); profile.server = m_serversModel->getServerIDFromIndex(serverComboBox->currentIndex()); profile.arguments = argumentsEdit->text(); profile.comments = commentsEdit->toPlainText(); profile.desktopShortcut = desktopShortcutCheckBox->isChecked(); profile.menuShortcut = menuShortcutCheckBox->isChecked(); } void CProfilesDialog::deleteProfile(int index) { if (index < 0) return; m_model->removeRow(index); COperationDialog dialog; } void CProfilesDialog::addProfile() { int index = m_model->rowCount(); // append the new profile m_model->insertRow(index); CConfigFile *config = CConfigFile::getInstance(); CProfile &profile = m_model->getProfiles()[index]; const CServer &server = config->getServer(config->getDefaultServerIndex()); int nextId = 0; // search an ID that doesn't correspond to an existing profile directory while (QFile::exists(config->getProfileDirectory() + "/" + QString::number(nextId))) ++nextId; // increment this ID until not used in profiles while(nextId < 100) { bool found = false; // search if this ID is already used in existing profiles foreach(const CProfile &p, m_model->getProfiles()) { if (p.id == QString::number(nextId)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) break; // increment ID ++nextId; } // set default parameters profile.id = QString::number(nextId); profile.server = server.id; profilesListView->setCurrentIndex(m_model->index(index, 0)); displayProfile(index); // TODO: copy files to new server if files don't exist } void CProfilesDialog::updateExecutableVersion(int index) { if (index < 0) return; const CProfile &profile = m_model->getProfiles()[index]; QString executable = profile.executable; // file empty, use default one if (executable.isEmpty()) { executable = CConfigFile::getInstance()->getInstallationDirectory() + "/" + profile.server + "/"; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) executable += "ryzom_client_r.exe"; #elif defined(Q_OS_APPLE) executable += "Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/Ryzom"; #else executable += "ryzom_client"; #endif } // file doesn't exist if (!QFile::exists(executable)) return; // launch executable with --version argument QProcess process; process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process.start(executable, QStringList() << "--version", QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!process.waitForStarted()) return; QByteArray data; // read all output while (process.waitForReadyRead()) data.append(process.readAll()); // convert output to string QString versionString = QString::fromUtf8(data); // parse version from output QRegExp reg("([A-Za-z0-1_.]+) ((DEV|FV) ([0-9.]+))"); if (reg.indexIn(versionString) > -1) { executableVersionLabel->setText(reg.cap(2)); } } void CProfilesDialog::onExecutableBrowseClicked() { if (m_currentProfileIndex < 0) return; CProfile &profile = m_model->getProfiles()[m_currentProfileIndex]; QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Please choose Ryzom client executable to launch"), profile.executable, tr("Executables (*.exe)")); if (file.isEmpty()) return; profile.executable = file; executablePathLabel->setText(QFileInfo(profile.executable).fileName()); updateExecutableVersion(m_currentProfileIndex); } void CProfilesDialog::onProfileDirectoryClicked() { if (m_currentProfileIndex < 0) return; const CProfile &profile = m_model->getProfiles()[m_currentProfileIndex]; QString profileDirectory = CConfigFile::getInstance()->getProfileDirectory() + "/" + profile.id; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(profileDirectory)); }