(int) Maximum value in the graphs * - width => (int) * - valueType => string (value, percentage) * - style => array * * @var array */ var $__defaultSettings = array( 'max' => 100, 'width' => 350, 'valueType' => 'value', ); /** * bar method * * @param $value Value to be graphed * @param $offset how much indentation * @param $options Graph options * @return string Html graph * @access public */ function bar($value, $offset, $options = array()) { $settings = array_merge($this->__defaultSettings, $options); extract($settings); $graphValue = ($value / $max) * $width; $graphValue = max(round($graphValue), 1); if ($valueType == 'percentage') { $graphOffset = 0; } else { $graphOffset = ($offset / $max) * $width; $graphOffset = round($graphOffset); } return $this->Html->div( 'debug-kit-graph-bar', $this->Html->div( 'debug-kit-graph-bar-value', ' ', array( 'style' => "margin-left: {$graphOffset}px; width: {$graphValue}px", 'title' => sprintf(__d('debug_kit', "Starting %sms into the request, taking %sms", true), $offset, $value), ) ), array('style' => "width: {$width}px;"), false ); } }