-- Allocate 20 Me for the script heapSize += 15000000 nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile" nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a" if nlErrorStream == undefined then nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename -- Unhide category fn unhidecategory = ( if (geometry.count > 0) then ( unhide geometry[1] if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then max hide object toggle ) if (shapes.count > 0) then ( unhide shapes[1] if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then max hide shape toggle ) if (lights.count > 0) then ( unhide lights[1] if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then max hide light toggle ) if (cameras.count > 0) then ( unhide cameras[1] if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then max hide camera toggle ) if (helpers.count > 0) then ( unhide helpers[1] if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then max hide helper toggle ) ) -- Log a message fn nlerror message = ( if nlErrorStream != undefined then ( format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream flush nlErrorStream ) -- To the console print message ) try ( -- Get files in the "pacs_prim_source_directory" directory files = getFiles "pacs_prim_source_directory/*.max" gc () -- Sort files sort files gc () -- No file ? if files.count != 0 then ( -- For each files for i = 1 to files.count do ( try ( -- Output file output = "output_directory/" + (getFilenameFile files[i]) + ".pacs_prim" -- Compare file date if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then ( -- Free memory and file handles gc () heapfree -- Reset 3dsmax resetMAXFile #noprompt -- Open the max project nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...") if (loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then ( -- Unhide category unhidecategory() -- Select none max select none -- Select all PACS primitives for i in geometry do ( if ((classof i) == nel_pacs_cylinder) or ((classof i) == nel_pacs_box) then selectmore i ) -- Array of node arrayNode = selection as array -- Something to export ? if (arrayNode.count != 0) then ( -- Export the collision if (NelExportPACSPrimitives arrayNode output) == false then ( nlerror ("ERROR exporting PACS primitives in file "+files[i]) ) else ( nlerror ("OK PACS primitives in file "+files[i]) ) ) else ( nlerror ("WARNING no PACS primitives in file "+files[i]) ) ) else ( -- Error nlerror ("ERROR exporting collision: can't open the file "+files[i]) ) ) else ( nlerror ("SKIPPED "+files[i]) ) ) catch ( -- Error nlerror ("ERROR error exporting collision in files " + files[i]) ) ) ) else ( nlerror ("WARNING no collision file in folder pacs_prim_source_directory") ) ) catch ( -- Error nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting collision in folder pacs_prim_source_directory") ) -- Bye resetMAXFile #noprompt quitMAX #noPrompt quitMAX () #noPrompt