// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdmisc.h" #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/misc/mem_displayer.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "nel/misc/command.h" #include "nel/misc/debug.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # define NOMINMAX # include # include # pragma comment(lib, "imagehlp.lib") # ifdef NL_OS_WIN64 # define DWORD_TYPE DWORD64 # else # define DWORD_TYPE DWORD # endif // NL_OS_WIN64 #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS using namespace std; #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif namespace NLMISC { // UNTIL we found who to walk in the call stack wihtout error, we disactive this feature #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS static const uint32 stringSize = 1024; static string getFuncInfo (DWORD_TYPE funcAddr, DWORD_TYPE stackAddr) { string str ("NoSymbol"); DWORD symSize = 10000; PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL sym = (PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL) GlobalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED, symSize); ::ZeroMemory (sym, symSize); sym->SizeOfStruct = symSize; sym->MaxNameLength = symSize - sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL); DWORD_TYPE disp = 0; if (SymGetSymFromAddr (GetCurrentProcess(), funcAddr, &disp, sym) == FALSE) { return str; } CHAR undecSymbol[stringSize]; if (UnDecorateSymbolName (sym->Name, undecSymbol, stringSize, UNDNAME_COMPLETE | UNDNAME_NO_THISTYPE | UNDNAME_NO_SPECIAL_SYMS | UNDNAME_NO_MEMBER_TYPE | UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS | UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS ) > 0) { str = undecSymbol; } else if (SymUnDName (sym, undecSymbol, stringSize) == TRUE) { str = undecSymbol; } if (disp != 0) { str += " + "; str += toString ((uint32)disp); str += " bytes"; } // replace param with the value of the stack for this param string parse = str; str = ""; uint pos = 0; sint stop = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < parse.size (); i++) { if (parse[i] == '<') stop++; if (parse[i] == '>') stop--; if (stop==0 && (parse[i] == ',' || parse[i] == ')')) { char tmp[32]; sprintf (tmp, "=0x%p", *((ULONG*)(stackAddr) + 2 + pos++)); str += tmp; } str += parse[i]; } GlobalFree (sym); return str; } static string getSourceInfo (DWORD_TYPE addr) { string str; IMAGEHLP_LINE line; ::ZeroMemory (&line, sizeof (line)); line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(line); // It doesn't work in windows 98 /* DWORD disp; if (SymGetLineFromAddr (GetCurrentProcess(), addr, &disp, &line)) { str = line.FileName; str += "(" + toString (line.LineNumber) + ")"; } else */ { IMAGEHLP_MODULE module; ::ZeroMemory (&module, sizeof(module)); module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(module); if (SymGetModuleInfo (GetCurrentProcess(), addr, &module)) { str = module.ModuleName; } else { str = ""; } char tmp[32]; sprintf (tmp, "!0x%X", addr); str += tmp; } return str; } static DWORD_TYPE __stdcall GetModuleBase(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD_TYPE dwReturnAddress) { IMAGEHLP_MODULE moduleInfo; if (SymGetModuleInfo(hProcess, dwReturnAddress, &moduleInfo)) return moduleInfo.BaseOfImage; else { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION memoryBasicInfo; if (::VirtualQueryEx(hProcess, (LPVOID) dwReturnAddress, &memoryBasicInfo, sizeof(memoryBasicInfo))) { DWORD cch = 0; char szFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; cch = GetModuleFileNameA((HINSTANCE)memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase, szFile, MAX_PATH); if (cch && (lstrcmp(szFile, "DBFN")== 0)) { if (!SymLoadModule(hProcess, NULL, "MN", NULL, (DWORD) memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase, 0)) { // DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); // nlinfo("Error: %d", dwError); } } else { if (!SymLoadModule(hProcess, NULL, ((cch) ? szFile : NULL), NULL, (DWORD) memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase, 0)) { // DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); // nlinfo("Error: %d", dwError); } } return (DWORD) memoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase; } // else // nlinfo("Error is %d", GetLastError()); } return 0; } static void displayCallStack (CLog *log) { static string symbolPath; DWORD symOptions = SymGetOptions(); symOptions |= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES; symOptions &= ~SYMOPT_UNDNAME; SymSetOptions (symOptions); // // Create the path where to find the symbol // if (symbolPath.empty()) { CHAR tmpPath[stringSize]; symbolPath = "."; if (GetEnvironmentVariable ("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH", tmpPath, stringSize)) { symbolPath += ";"; symbolPath += tmpPath; } if (GetEnvironmentVariable ("_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH", tmpPath, stringSize)) { symbolPath += ";"; symbolPath += tmpPath; } if (GetEnvironmentVariable ("SYSTEMROOT", tmpPath, stringSize)) { symbolPath += ";"; symbolPath += tmpPath; symbolPath += ";"; symbolPath += tmpPath; symbolPath += "\\system32"; } } // // Initialize // if (SymInitialize (GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { nlwarning ("DISP: SymInitialize(%p, '%s') failed", GetCurrentProcess(), symbolPath.c_str()); return; } #ifdef NL_OS_WIN64 WOW64_CONTEXT context; #else CONTEXT context; #endif ::ZeroMemory (&context, sizeof(context)); context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; #ifdef NL_OS_WIN64 if (Wow64GetThreadContext (GetCurrentThread(), &context) == FALSE) #else if (GetThreadContext (GetCurrentThread(), &context) == FALSE) #endif { nlwarning ("DISP: GetThreadContext(%p) failed", GetCurrentThread()); return; } STACKFRAME callStack; ::ZeroMemory (&callStack, sizeof(callStack)); callStack.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; callStack.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; callStack.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; callStack.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; callStack.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; callStack.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; for (uint32 i = 0; ; i++) { DWORD MachineType; #ifdef NL_OS_WIN64 MachineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; #else MachineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; #endif BOOL res = StackWalk (MachineType, GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), &callStack, NULL, NULL, SymFunctionTableAccess, GetModuleBase, NULL); /* if (res == FALSE) { DWORD r = GetLastError (); nlinfo ("%d",r); } */ if (i == 0) continue; if (res == FALSE || callStack.AddrFrame.Offset == 0) break; string symInfo, srcInfo; symInfo = getFuncInfo (callStack.AddrPC.Offset, callStack.AddrFrame.Offset); srcInfo = getSourceInfo (callStack.AddrPC.Offset); log->displayNL (" %s : %s", srcInfo.c_str(), symInfo.c_str()); } } #else // NL_OS_WINDOWS static void displayCallStack (CLog *log) { log->displayNL ("no call stack info available"); } #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS /* * Constructor */ CMemDisplayer::CMemDisplayer (const char *displayerName) : IDisplayer (displayerName), _NeedHeader(true), _MaxStrings(50), _CanUseStrings(true) { setParam (50); } void CMemDisplayer::setParam (uint32 maxStrings) { _MaxStrings = maxStrings; } // Log format: "2000/01/15 12:05:30 : " void CMemDisplayer::doDisplay ( const CLog::TDisplayInfo& args, const char *message ) { // stringstream ss; string str; bool needSpace = false; if (!_CanUseStrings) return; if (_NeedHeader) { str += HeaderString(); _NeedHeader = false; } if (args.Date != 0) { str += dateToHumanString(args.Date); needSpace = true; } if (!args.ProcessName.empty()) { if (needSpace) { str += " "; needSpace = false; } str += args.ProcessName; needSpace = true; } if (args.LogType != CLog::LOG_NO) { if (needSpace) { str += " "; needSpace = false; } str += logTypeToString(args.LogType); needSpace = true; } // Write thread identifier if ( args.ThreadId != 0 ) { if (needSpace) { str += " "; needSpace = false; } #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS str += NLMISC::toString("%5x", args.ThreadId); #else str += NLMISC::toString("%08x", args.ThreadId); #endif needSpace = true; } if (args.FileName != NULL) { if (needSpace) { str += " "; needSpace = false; } str += CFile::getFilename(args.FileName); needSpace = true; } if (args.Line != -1) { if (needSpace) { str += " "; needSpace = false; } str += NLMISC::toString(args.Line); needSpace = true; } if (needSpace) { str += " : "; needSpace = false; } str += message; // clear old line while (_Strings.size () > _MaxStrings) { _Strings.pop_front (); } _Strings.push_back (str); } void CMemDisplayer::write (CLog *log, bool quiet) { if (log == NULL) log = InfoLog; if ( ! quiet ) { log->forceDisplayRaw ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); log->forceDisplayRaw ("----------------------------------------- display MemDisplayer history -------\n"); log->forceDisplayRaw ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } for (deque::iterator it = _Strings.begin(); it != _Strings.end(); it++) { log->forceDisplayRaw ((*it).c_str()); } if ( ! quiet ) { log->forceDisplayRaw ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); log->forceDisplayRaw ("----------------------------------------- display MemDisplayer callstack -----\n"); log->forceDisplayRaw ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); displayCallStack(log); log->forceDisplayRaw ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); log->forceDisplayRaw ("----------------------------------------- end of MemDisplayer display --------\n"); log->forceDisplayRaw ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } void CMemDisplayer::write (string &str, bool crLf) { for (deque::iterator it = _Strings.begin(); it != _Strings.end(); it++) { str += (*it); if ( crLf ) { if ( (!str.empty()) && (str[str.size()-1] == '\n') ) { str[str.size()-1] = '\r'; str += '\n'; } } } } void CLightMemDisplayer::doDisplay ( const CLog::TDisplayInfo& /* args */, const char *message ) { //stringstream ss; string str; //bool needSpace = false; if (!_CanUseStrings) return; str += message; // clear old line while (_Strings.size () >= _MaxStrings) { _Strings.pop_front (); } _Strings.push_back (str); } } // NLMISC