// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" // #include "editor.h" #include "tool_select_move.h" #include "entity_sorter.h" // #include "../interface_v3/interface_manager.h" #include "../client_cfg.h" #include "../entities.h" #include "../global.h" #include "displayer_visual.h" #include "../sheet_manager.h" #include "dmc/com_lua_module.h" // #include "nel/misc/matrix.h" using namespace NLMISC; namespace R2 { // *************************************************************** CToolSelectMove::CToolSelectMove() { _MouseX = -1; _MouseY = -1; _DeltaX = 0; _DeltaY = 0; _ValidPos = false; _State = Idle; _Moved = false; _Duplicating = false; _InitiallyAccessible = false; _InitiallyValidShape = true; _DeltaAnchor.set(0, 0, 0); _StartPos.set(0, 0, 0); _LastValidPos.set(0, 0, 0); } // *************************************************************** bool CToolSelectMove::checkAdditionnalRoomLeftFor(CInstance &instance) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_checkAdditionnalRoomLeftFor) CLuaObject &luaProj = instance.getLuaProjection(); CLuaState &ls = getEditor().getLua(); CLuaStackRestorer lsr(&ls, 0); // check ai & static cost : if they are too big, can't create the duplicate if (!luaProj.callMethodByNameNoThrow("getAiCost", 0, 1) || !ls.isNumber(-1)) { return false; } uint aiCost = (uint) ls.toNumber(-1); ls.pop(); if (!luaProj.callMethodByNameNoThrow("getStaticObjectCost", 0, 1)) { return false; } uint staticCost = (uint) ls.toNumber(-1); ls.pop(); if (!getEditor().verifyRoomLeft(aiCost, staticCost)) { return false; } return true; } // *************************************************************** CInstance *CToolSelectMove::createGhost(CInstance &instance) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_createGhost) CLuaState &ls = getEditor().getLua(); // copy then do a local paste CLuaStackRestorer lsr(&ls, 0); // CLuaObject &luaProj = instance.getLuaProjection(); CLuaObject &classDef = instance.getClass(); if (luaProj.callMethodByNameNoThrow("copy", 0, 1)) { // now we got a table that is an exact (canonical) copy of the original object, with the // same instance ids.. // prepare for new insertion by renaming these instance id's (which 'newCopy' does) if (classDef["newCopy"].callNoThrow(1, 1)) { // now, insert the new copy as a ghost in the new scene if (classDef["pasteGhost"].callNoThrow(1, 1)) { CLuaObject ghost(ls); // pop the ghost from stack CInstance *newInst = getEditor().getInstanceFromId(ghost["InstanceId"].toString()); if (newInst) { if (!newInst->getGhost()) { nlwarning("When duplicating an object using the 'select/move' tool, temporary duplicate should be inserted \ as a ghost in the scene, removing object..."); getEditor().getDMC().requestEraseNode(newInst->getId(), "", -1); } // set the flag so that the cost of this object isn't taken in account in the displayed quotas newInst->getLuaProjection()["User"].setValue("GhostDuplicate", true); getEditor().setSelectedInstance(newInst); newInst->getDisplayerVisual()->setDisplayFlag(CDisplayerVisual::FlagHideActivities, true); nlwarning("CToolSelectMove: beginning duplicate with instance with id %s", newInst->getId().c_str()); // show in "frozen" state { /*CObjectNumber *numberValue = new CObjectNumber(2); // 2 = frozen state getEditor().getDMC().requestSetNode(newInst->getId(), "DisplayMode", numberValue); delete numberValue; */ newInst->getDisplayerVisual()->setDisplayMode(CDisplayerVisual::DisplayModeFrozen); getEditor().getEntitySorter()->clipEntitiesByDist(); return newInst; } } } } } return NULL; } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::beginAction(CInstance &instance) { _DeltaAnchor.set(0, 0, 0); //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_beginAction) _StartTime = T1; CDisplayerVisual *dv = instance.getDisplayerVisual(); if(!dv) { cancel(); return; } _InitiallyAccessible = dv->isAccessible(); _InitiallyValidShape = true; CDisplayerVisual *parentDV = dv->getParent(); if (parentDV && parentDV->isGroup()) { _InitiallyAccessible = _InitiallyAccessible && parentDV->isAccessible(); _InitiallyValidShape = parentDV->isValidShape(); } // getMousePos(_MouseX, _MouseY); // must work with eval link point because world pos may be realy far from link pos (for regions) ISelectableObject::TSelectionType selectionType = dv->getSelectionType(); switch(selectionType) { case ISelectableObject::GroundProjected: { // because displayed instance is projected on scene (like roads, regions ...) // anchor point is scene / mouse ray intersection point CTool::CWorldViewRay worldViewRay; computeWorldViewRay(_MouseX, _MouseY, worldViewRay); CVector inter; // intersection of view ray with landscape _ValidPos = false; switch(computeLandscapeRayIntersection(worldViewRay, inter)) { case NoIntersection: return; break; case ValidPacsPos: case InvalidPacsPos: _StartPos = inter; break; default: nlassert(0); break; } } break; case ISelectableObject::LocalSelectBox: case ISelectableObject::WorldSelectBox: dv->snapToGround(); _StartPos = dv->evalLinkPoint(false); break; default: nlassert(0); break; } _DeltaAnchor = _StartPos - dv->getWorldPos(); // nico : tmp fix to have correct z until luaSnapToGround is fixed if (instance.getEntity()) { instance.getEntity()->snapToGround(); _StartPos.z = instance.getEntity()->pos().z; } //nlwarning("starting to move instance at pos %s", NLMISC::toString(_StartPos.asVector()).c_str()); const NL3D::CFrustum &fru = MainCam.getFrustum(); CVector posInCam = MainCam.getMatrix().inverted() * _StartPos; CVector projectedPos = fru.projectZ(posInCam); /** Compute delta in screen space between instance position and the click position * We maintain that delta when the instance moves */ uint32 w, h; getScreenSize(w, h); if (!isMouseOnWorldMap()) { _DeltaX = _MouseX - (sint32) (w * projectedPos.x); _DeltaY = _MouseY - (sint32) (h * projectedPos.y); } else { _DeltaX = 0; _DeltaY = 0; } /////////////////////// // TMP TMP TMP _PosRefX = (sint32) (w * projectedPos.x); _PosRefY = (sint32) (h * projectedPos.y); // /* CVector debugPos; CVector rayOrigin; CVector rayDir; computeWorldViewRay(_MouseX - _DeltaX, _MouseY - _DeltaY, rayOrigin, rayDir); computeLandscapeRayIntersection(rayOrigin, rayOrigin + 1000.f * rayDir, debugPos); */ //nlwarning("ref point = %s", NLMISC::toString(debugPos).c_str()); // _RefX = _MouseX - _DeltaX; _RefY = _MouseY - _DeltaY; // _MouseRefX = _MouseX; _MouseRefY = _MouseY; /////////////////////// _ValidPos = false; _Moved = false; if (isShiftDown()) { // see in advance if there will be room left to create a duplicate for this object if (!checkAdditionnalRoomLeftFor(instance)) { _State = Idle; getEditor().setCurrentTool(NULL); return; } _Duplicating = true; _ValidPos = true; // valid pos for first frame _FinalPos = _StartPos; _GhostInstance = NULL; } _LastValidPos = _StartPos; dv->setMoveInProgress(true); } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::cancelAction(CInstance &instance) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_cancelAction) CDisplayerVisual *dv = instance.getDisplayerVisual(); nlassert(dv); dv->setMoveInProgress(false); if (_Moved) { std::string posInstanceId = instance.getPosInstanceId(); if (posInstanceId.empty()) return; getEditor().requestRollbackLocalNode(posInstanceId, ""); } if (_Duplicating) { // remove the ghost node if (_GhostInstance) { nlassert(_GhostInstance->getGhost()); // should have been inserted as a ghost in the scene // getEditor().getDMC().requestEraseNode(_GhostInstance->getId(), "", -1); } } _Duplicating = false; } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::commitAction(CInstance &instance) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_commitAction) CDisplayerVisual *dv = instance.getDisplayerVisual(); nlassert(dv); dv->setMoveInProgress(false); if (!_ValidPos) { cancelAction(instance); } else { if (_Duplicating && _Moved) { if (!_GhostInstance) { cancelAction(instance); return; } if (!_GhostInstance->getGhost()) { cancelAction(instance); return; } CLuaState &ls = getEditor().getLua(); CLuaObject luaProj = _GhostInstance->getLuaProjection(); if (!checkAdditionnalRoomLeftFor(*_GhostInstance)) { cancelAction(instance); return; } CLuaStackRestorer lsr(&ls, ls.getTop()); // duplicate the ghost, and insert in the scene for real CLuaObject classDef = instance.getClass(); std::string oldName = luaProj["Name"].toString(); // keep name, because the newCopy call // will generate a newone, causing indices to increase 2 by 2 // restore default value for display mode //getEditor().getDMC().requestEraseNode(_GhostInstance->getId(), "DisplayMode", -1); if (_GhostInstance->getDisplayerVisual()) { _GhostInstance->getDisplayerVisual()->setDisplayMode(CDisplayerVisual::DisplayModeVisible); } if (_Moved) { if (luaProj.callMethodByNameNoThrow("copy", 0, 1)) { { std::string posInstanceId = instance.getPosInstanceId(); if (!posInstanceId.empty()) { getEditor().requestRollbackLocalNode(posInstanceId, ""); // Locally modified coords have // (of a local object ...) // have been read during the copy, // get rid of them... } } getDMC().newAction(CI18N::get("uiR2EDCopyAction") + _GhostInstance->getDisplayName()); getEditor().getDMC().requestEraseNode(_GhostInstance->getId(), "", -1); // now, instanciate cannonical copy if (classDef["newCopy"].callNoThrow(1, 1)) { // set real pos for the copy & the name CLuaObject newCopy(ls); CLuaObject pos = newCopy["Position"]; try { newCopy.setValue("Name", oldName); pos.setValue("x", _FinalPos.x); pos.setValue("y", _FinalPos.y); pos.setValue("z", _FinalPos.z); } catch(ELuaNotATable &) { nlwarning("Error while setting position of copied object"); } // ... and paste for real if (_AutoGroup.getGroupingCandidate()) { newCopy.push(); std::auto_ptr desc(CComLuaModule::getObjectFromLua(ls.getStatePointer())); _AutoGroup.group(desc.get(), _FinalPos); } else { newCopy.push(); ls.push(false); // second parameter is for "not a new place" ls.push(instance.getId()); // last param give the original instance id of the object being copied classDef["paste"].callNoThrow(3, 1); getEditor().getDMC().getActionHistoric().endAction(); getEditor().getDMC().flushActions(); } } } else { std::string posInstanceId = instance.getPosInstanceId(); if (!posInstanceId.empty()) { getEditor().requestRollbackLocalNode(posInstanceId, ""); // Locally modified coords // (of a local object ...) // have been read during the copy, // get rid of them... } } } _Duplicating = false; } else if (_Moved) { if (!_ValidPos) { cancelAction(instance); } else { ucstring instanceName = instance.getDisplayName(); if(instanceName == CI18N::get("uiR2EDNoName")) instanceName = ucstring(instance.getClassName()); //getDMC().newAction(CI18N::get("uiR2EDMoveAction") + instance.getDisplayName()); getDMC().newAction(CI18N::get("uiR2EDMoveAction") + instanceName); std::string posInstanceId = instance.getPosInstanceId(); if (posInstanceId.empty()) return; std::string instanceId = instance.getObjectTable()->getAttr("InstanceId")->toString(); R2::getEditor().getLua().push(instanceId); R2::getEditor().callEnvFunc( "checkLeaderDistAndUngroup", 1, 0); getEditor().requestCommitLocalNode(posInstanceId, ""); } } else { cancelAction(instance); } } } // *************************************************************** const char *CToolSelectMove::getCursorForPossibleAction() const { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_getCursorForPossibleAction) return isShiftDown() ? "curs_can_pan_dup.tga" : "curs_can_pan.tga"; } // *************************************************************** const char *CToolSelectMove::getDefaultCursor() const { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_getDefaultCursor) if (isMouseOnUI() && !isMouseOnWorldMap()) return DEFAULT_CURSOR; return isShiftDown() ? "curs_dup.tga" : DEFAULT_CURSOR; } // *************************************************************** const char *CToolSelectMove::getPickCursor() const { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_getPickCursor) return isShiftDown() ? "curs_pick_dup.tga" : "curs_pick.tga"; } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::updateAction(CInstance &instance) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_updateAction) CDisplayerVisual *vd = _GhostInstance ? _GhostInstance->getDisplayerVisual() : instance.getDisplayerVisual(); if(!vd) return; setMouseCursor(_Duplicating ? "curs_pan_dup.tga" : "curs_pan.tga"); sint32 mx, my; getMousePos(mx, my); sint32 autoPanDx, autoPanDy; handleWorldMapAutoPan(autoPanDx, autoPanDy); CDisplayerVisual *vdParent = vd->getParent(); if (mx != _MouseX || my != _MouseY || autoPanDx || autoPanDy) { if (!autoPanDx && !autoPanDy) { const sint32 moveThreshold = 2; const sint32 timeThreshold = 300; // if some time elapsed, then do the move if (!_Moved && abs(mx - _MouseRefX) < moveThreshold && abs(my - _MouseRefY) < moveThreshold && (T1 - _StartTime) < timeThreshold ) { // discard small displacement when clicking (move is unwanted most of the time) return; } } if (_Duplicating && !_GhostInstance) { _GhostInstance = createGhost(instance); if (!_GhostInstance) { _State = Idle; getEditor().setCurrentTool(NULL); return; } vd = _GhostInstance->getDisplayerVisual(); if (!vd) return; vdParent = vd->getParent(); } // _Moved = true; // mouse has moved // TODO : onMouseMove msg // update mouse pos _MouseX = mx; _MouseY = my; // CTool::CWorldViewRay worldViewRay; // _ValidPos = true; // if (!isMouseOnWorldMap()) { if (isMouseOnUI()) { _FinalPos = _LastValidPos; _ValidPos = false; } else { computeWorldViewRay(mx - _DeltaX, my - _DeltaY, worldViewRay); } } else { computeWorldViewRay(mx, my, worldViewRay); if (!worldViewRay.OnMiniMap) { _FinalPos = _LastValidPos; _ValidPos = false; } } if (_ValidPos) { CVector inter; // intersection of view ray with landscape _ValidPos = false; switch(computeLandscapeRayIntersection(worldViewRay, inter)) { case NoIntersection: // no collision, can't drop instance, so let it at its start position _FinalPos = _LastValidPos; _ValidPos = false; break; case ValidPacsPos: //nlwarning("moving instance at pos %s", NLMISC::toString(inter).c_str()); _FinalPos = inter; _ValidPos = isValid2DPos(inter); if (_ValidPos) { _LastValidPos = _FinalPos; } break; case InvalidPacsPos: // If the object moved is a region or a group, invalid pacs pos // may still be acceptable as long as an intersection was found if (vd->isInvalidPacsPosAcceptable()) { _FinalPos = inter; _ValidPos = true; // good pos to drop instance } else { _FinalPos = inter; _ValidPos = false; } break; default: nlassert(0); break; } } _FinalPos = _FinalPos - _DeltaAnchor; // make final pos relative to parent if (!_Duplicating && vd->inheritPos() && instance.getParent()) { if (vdParent) { _FinalPos = _FinalPos - vdParent->getWorldPos(); } } // setInstancePos(_FinalPos, instance); } if (_InitiallyAccessible) { // NB : do not do the test if initially inaccessible to allow user to go to an 'accessible' state more easily if (!vd->isAccessible()) { _ValidPos = false; } if (vdParent && !vdParent->isAccessible()) { _ValidPos = false; } } // if (_InitiallyValidShape) { // is started from an invalid shape, allow to use intermediate invalid shapes to correct it if (vdParent && vdParent->isGroup() && !vdParent->isValidShape()) { _ValidPos = false; } } if (_Moved && _ValidPos) { std::string instanceId = instance.getObjectTable()->getAttr("InstanceId")->toString(); R2::getEditor().getLua().push(instanceId); R2::getEditor().callEnvFunc( "checkGroupDistance", 1, 1); if (!R2::getEditor().getLua().isBoolean(-1)) { nlassert(0 && "checkGroupDistance return wrong type"); } bool positionOk = R2::getEditor().getLua().toBoolean(-1); R2::getEditor().getLua().pop(); _ValidPos = positionOk; } // if (!_ValidPos && _Moved) { setMouseCursor("curs_stop.tga"); } // TMP TMP /* { uint32 w, h; getScreenSize(w, h); Driver->setMatrixMode3D(MainCam); Driver->setModelMatrix(CMatrix::Identity); drawBox(_StartPos - CVector(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f), _StartPos + CVector(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f), CRGBA::Magenta); Driver->setMatrixMode2D11(); Driver->drawLine((_RefX - 5) / (float) w, _RefY / (float) h, (_RefX + 5) / (float) w, _RefY / (float) h, CRGBA::Red); Driver->drawLine(_RefX / (float) w, (_RefY - 5) / (float) h, _RefX / (float) w, (_RefY + 5) / (float) h, CRGBA::Red); // Driver->drawLine((_PosRefX - 5) / (float) w, _PosRefY / (float) h, (_PosRefX + 5) / (float) w, _PosRefY / (float) h, CRGBA::Green); Driver->drawLine(_PosRefX / (float) w, (_PosRefY - 5) / (float) h, _PosRefX / (float) w, (_PosRefY + 5) / (float) h, CRGBA::Green); // Driver->drawLine((_MouseRefX - 5) / (float) w, _MouseRefY / (float) h, (_MouseRefX + 5) / (float) w, _MouseRefY / (float) h, CRGBA::Yellow); Driver->drawLine(_MouseRefX / (float) w, (_MouseRefY - 5) / (float) h, _MouseRefX / (float) w, (_MouseRefY + 5) / (float) h, CRGBA::Yellow); // } */ } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::setInstancePos(const NLMISC::CVectorD &pos, CInstance &instance) { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_setInstancePos) std::string posInstanceId = instance.getPosInstanceId(); if (posInstanceId.empty()) return; CObject *newPos = buildVector(pos, posInstanceId); getEditor().requestSetLocalNode(_GhostInstance ? _GhostInstance->getId() : instance.getId(), "Position", newPos); delete newPos; } // *************************************************************** bool CToolSelectMove::isActionPossibleOn(const CInstance &instance) const { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_isActionPossibleOn) CInstance &mutableInstance = const_cast(instance); CDisplayerVisual *dv = mutableInstance.getDisplayerVisual(); if (dv && dv->getActualDisplayMode() != CDisplayerVisual::DisplayModeVisible) { return false; } if (isShiftDown()) { CLuaStackRestorer lsr(&getEditor().getLua(), 0); mutableInstance.getLuaProjection().callMethodByNameNoThrow("isCopyable", 0, 1); // isCopyable should be 'const', so no worries here ... if (getEditor().getLua().toBoolean(1)) { return true; } return false; } return true; } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::onActivate() { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_onActivate) setContextHelp(CI18N::get("uiR2EDToolSelectMove")); } // *************************************************************** void CToolSelectMove::updateBeforeRender() { //H_AUTO(R2_CToolSelectMove_updateBeforeRender) if (_Duplicating && _GhostInstance) { _AutoGroup.update(_FinalPos, _GhostInstance->getPaletteId(), _ValidPos && !isCtrlDown()); _GhostInstance->getDisplayerVisual()->setDisplayFlag(CDisplayerVisual::FlagHideActivities, _AutoGroup.getGroupingCandidate() != NULL); } else { if (!_Duplicating && _GhostInstance) _GhostInstance->getDisplayerVisual()->setDisplayFlag(CDisplayerVisual::FlagHideActivities, false); } } ///////////////////// // ACTION HANDLERS // ///////////////////// /** * Make the select/move tool current */ class CAHSelectMove : public IActionHandler { virtual void execute(CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { getEditor().setCurrentTool(new CToolSelectMove); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHSelectMove, "r2ed_select_move"); } // R2