// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpacs.h" #include "chain.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; // Functions for vertices comparison. // total order relation static inline bool isStrictlyLess(const CVector &a, const CVector &b) { if (a.x < b.x) return true; if (a.x > b.x) return false; if (a.y < b.y) return true; if (a.y > b.y) return false; if (a.z < b.y) return true; return false; } static inline bool isStrictlyGreater(const CVector &a, const CVector &b) { if (a.x > b.x) return true; if (a.x < b.x) return false; if (a.y > b.y) return true; if (a.y < b.y) return false; if (a.z > b.y) return true; return false; } static inline bool isEqual(const CVector &a, const CVector &b) { return (a == b); } // COrderedChain3f methods implementation void NLPACS::COrderedChain3f::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) { /* Version 0: - base version. */ (void)f.serialVersion(0); f.serialCont(_Vertices); f.serial(_Forward); f.serial(_ParentId); f.serial(_IndexInParent); } // end of COrderedChain3f methods implementation // COrderedChain methods implementation // translates the ordered chain by the vector translation void NLPACS::COrderedChain::translate(const CVector &translation) { uint i; CVector2s translat; translat.pack(translation); for (i=0; i<_Vertices.size(); ++i) _Vertices[i] += translat; } // void NLPACS::COrderedChain::traverse(sint from, sint to, bool forward, vector &path) const { sint i; if (forward) { if (from < 0) from = 0; if (to < 0) to = (sint)_Vertices.size()-1; for (i=from+1; i<=to; ++i) path.push_back(_Vertices[i]); } else { if (from < 0) from = (sint)_Vertices.size()-2; if (to < 0) to = -1; for (i=from; i>to; --i) path.push_back(_Vertices[i]); } } // float NLPACS::COrderedChain::distance(const CVector &position) const { float minDist = 1.0e10f; uint i; CVector2f pos = CVector2f(position); for (i=0; i+1<_Vertices.size(); ++i) { CVector2f a = _Vertices[i].unpack(), b = _Vertices[i+1].unpack(); CVector2f d = (b-a); float len = d.norm(); d /= len; CVector2f n = CVector2f(d.y, -d.x); float l = (pos-a)*d; float dist; if (l < 0.0f) { dist = (pos-a).norm(); } else if (l > len) { dist = (pos-b).norm(); } else { dist = (float)fabs((pos-a)*n); } if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; } } return minDist; } // serializes the ordered chain void NLPACS::COrderedChain::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) { /* Version 0: - base version. Version 1: - added _Min and _Max vectors */ sint ver= f.serialVersion(1); f.serialCont(_Vertices); f.serial(_Forward); f.serial(_ParentId); f.serial(_IndexInParent); f.serial(_Length); if (ver >= 1) { f.serial(_Min, _Max); } else if (f.isReading() && !_Vertices.empty()) { uint i; _Max = _Min = _Vertices[0]; for (i=1; i<_Vertices.size(); ++i) { _Min.minof(_Min, _Vertices[i]); _Max.maxof(_Max, _Vertices[i]); } } } // end of COrderedChain methods implementation // CChain methods implementation // builds the CChain from a list of vertices and a left and right surfaces id. // the chains vector is the vector where to store generated ordered chains. // thisId is the current id of the CChain, and edge is the number of the edge the CChain belongs to (-1 // if none.) void NLPACS::CChain::make(const vector &vertices, sint32 left, sint32 right, vector &chains, uint16 thisId, vector &fullChains, vector &useOChainId) { sint first = 0, last = 0, i; _Left = left; _Right = right; _Length = 0.0f; // splits the vertices list in ordered sub chains. while (first < (sint)vertices.size()-1) { last = first+1; bool forward = isStrictlyLess(vertices[first], vertices[last]); // first checks if the subchain goes forward or backward. if (forward) for (; last < (sint)vertices.size() && isStrictlyLess(vertices[last-1], vertices[last]); ++last) ; else for (; last < (sint)vertices.size() && isStrictlyGreater(vertices[last-1], vertices[last]); ++last) ; --last; // inserts the new subchain id within the CChain. uint32 subChainId; if (useOChainId.empty()) { subChainId = (uint32)chains.size(); if (subChainId > 65535) nlerror("in NLPACS::CChain::make(): reached the maximum number of ordered chains"); chains.resize(chains.size()+1); fullChains.resize(fullChains.size()+1); } else { subChainId = useOChainId.back(); useOChainId.pop_back(); } _SubChains.push_back((uint16)subChainId); // and creates a new COrderedChain COrderedChain3f &subchain3f = fullChains[subChainId]; subchain3f._Vertices.reserve(last-first+1); subchain3f._Forward = forward; subchain3f._ParentId = thisId; subchain3f._IndexInParent = uint16(_SubChains.size()-1); // and then copies the vertices (sorted, btw!) if (forward) for (i=first; i<=last; ++i) subchain3f._Vertices.push_back(vertices[i]); else for (i=last; i>=first; --i) subchain3f._Vertices.push_back(vertices[i]); first = last; COrderedChain &subchain = chains[subChainId]; subchain.pack(subchain3f); subchain.computeMinMax(); float length = 0.0f; for (i=0; i<(sint)subchain._Vertices.size()-1; ++i) length += (subchain._Vertices[i+1]-subchain._Vertices[i]).norm(); subchain._Length = length; _Length += length; } } // serializes the CChain void NLPACS::CChain::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) { /* Version 0: - base version. */ (void)f.serialVersion(0); f.serialCont(_SubChains); f.serial(_Left, _Right); f.serial(_StartTip, _StopTip); f.serial(_Length); f.serial(_LeftLoop, _LeftLoopIndex); f.serial(_RightLoop, _RightLoopIndex); } // unifiies the chain void NLPACS::CChain::unify(vector &ochains) { CVector2s snap; uint i; snap = (ochains[_SubChains[0]].isForward()) ? ochains[_SubChains[0]]._Vertices.back() : ochains[_SubChains[0]]._Vertices.front(); for (i=1; i<_SubChains.size(); ++i) { if (ochains[_SubChains[i]].isForward()) { if (ochains[_SubChains[i]]._Vertices.front() != snap) nlwarning("ochain %d and %d are not stuck together", _SubChains[i-1], _SubChains[i]); ochains[_SubChains[i]]._Vertices.front() = snap; snap = ochains[_SubChains[i]]._Vertices.back(); } else { if (ochains[_SubChains[i]]._Vertices.back() != snap) nlwarning("ochain %d and %d are not stuck together", _SubChains[i-1], _SubChains[i]); ochains[_SubChains[i]]._Vertices.back() = snap; snap = ochains[_SubChains[i]]._Vertices.front(); } } } // void NLPACS::CChain::setStartVector(const NLPACS::CVector2s &v, vector &ochains) { if (ochains[_SubChains.front()].isForward()) ochains[_SubChains.front()]._Vertices.front() = v; else ochains[_SubChains.front()]._Vertices.back() = v; } // void NLPACS::CChain::setStopVector(const NLPACS::CVector2s &v, vector &ochains) { if (ochains[_SubChains.back()].isForward()) ochains[_SubChains.back()]._Vertices.back() = v; else ochains[_SubChains.back()]._Vertices.front() = v; } // NLPACS::CVector2s NLPACS::CChain::getStartVector(vector &ochains) { if (ochains[_SubChains.front()].isForward()) return ochains[_SubChains.front()]._Vertices.front(); else return ochains[_SubChains.front()]._Vertices.back(); } // NLPACS::CVector2s NLPACS::CChain::getStopVector(vector &ochains) { if (ochains[_SubChains.back()].isForward()) return ochains[_SubChains.back()]._Vertices.back(); else return ochains[_SubChains.back()]._Vertices.front(); } // end of CChain methods implementation