// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include #include #include "lua_loadlib.h" typedef lua_State * (*Tlua_open) (void); typedef void (*Tlua_close) (lua_State *L); typedef lua_State *(*Tlua_newthread) (lua_State *L); typedef lua_CFunction (*Tlua_atpanic) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf); typedef int (*Tlua_gettop) (lua_State *L); typedef void (*Tlua_settop) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_pushvalue) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_remove) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_insert )(lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_replace) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef int (*Tlua_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz); typedef void (*Tlua_xmove) (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n); typedef int (*Tlua_isnumber) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef int (*Tlua_isstring) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef int (*Tlua_iscfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef int (*Tlua_isuserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef int (*Tlua_type) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef const char *(*Tlua_typename) (lua_State *L, int tp); typedef int (*Tlua_equal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); typedef int (*Tlua_rawequal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); typedef int (*Tlua_lessthan) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); typedef lua_Number (*Tlua_tonumber) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef int (*Tlua_toboolean) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef const char *(*Tlua_tostring) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef size_t (*Tlua_strlen) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef lua_CFunction (*Tlua_tocfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void *(*Tlua_touserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef lua_State *(*Tlua_tothread) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef const void *(*Tlua_topointer) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_pushnil) (lua_State *L); typedef void (*Tlua_pushnumber) (lua_State *L, lua_Number n); typedef void (*Tlua_pushlstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l); typedef void (*Tlua_pushstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s); typedef const char *(*Tlua_pushvfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp); typedef const char *(*Tlua_pushfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); typedef void (*Tlua_pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n); typedef void (*Tlua_pushboolean) (lua_State *L, int b); typedef void (*Tlua_pushlightuserdata) (lua_State *L, void *p); typedef void (*Tlua_gettable) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_rawget) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_rawgeti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n); typedef void (*Tlua_newtable) (lua_State *L); typedef void *(*Tlua_newuserdata) (lua_State *L, size_t sz); typedef int (*Tlua_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex); typedef void (*Tlua_getfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_settable) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_rawset) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_rawseti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n); typedef int (*Tlua_setmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex); typedef int (*Tlua_setfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_call) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); typedef int (*Tlua_pcall) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc); typedef int (*Tlua_cpcall) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud); typedef int (*Tlua_load) (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *dt, const char *chunkname); typedef int (*Tlua_dump) (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkwriter writer, void *data); typedef int (*Tlua_yield) (lua_State *L, int nresults); typedef int (*Tlua_resume) (lua_State *L, int narg); typedef int (*Tlua_getgcthreshold) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tlua_getgccount) (lua_State *L); typedef void (*Tlua_setgcthreshold) (lua_State *L, int newthreshold); typedef const char *(*Tlua_version) (void); typedef int (*Tlua_error) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tlua_next) (lua_State *L, int idx); typedef void (*Tlua_concat) (lua_State *L, int n); typedef int (*Tlua_pushupvalues) (lua_State *L); typedef void (*Tlua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar); typedef int (*Tlua_getstack) (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar); typedef int (*Tlua_getinfo) (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar); typedef const char *(*Tlua_getlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); typedef const char *(*Tlua_setlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); typedef const char *(*Tlua_getupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); typedef const char *(*Tlua_setupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); typedef int (*Tlua_sethook) (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count); typedef lua_Hook (*Tlua_gethook) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tlua_gethookmask) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tlua_gethookcount) (lua_State *L); // from lauxlib.h typedef void (*TluaL_openlib) (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_reg *l, int nup); typedef int (*TluaL_getmetafield) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e); typedef int (*TluaL_callmeta) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e); typedef int (*TluaL_typerror) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname); typedef int (*TluaL_argerror) (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg); typedef const char *(*TluaL_checklstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l); typedef const char *(*TluaL_optlstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, const char *def, size_t *l); typedef lua_Number (*TluaL_checknumber) (lua_State *L, int numArg); typedef lua_Number (*TluaL_optnumber) (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def); typedef void (*TluaL_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg); typedef void (*TluaL_checktype) (lua_State *L, int narg, int t); typedef void (*TluaL_checkany) (lua_State *L, int narg); typedef int (*TluaL_newmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname); typedef void (*TluaL_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname); typedef void *(*TluaL_checkudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname); typedef void (*TluaL_where) (lua_State *L, int lvl); typedef int (*TluaL_error) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); typedef int (*TluaL_findstring) (const char *st, const char *const lst[]); typedef int (*TluaL_ref) (lua_State *L, int t); typedef void (*TluaL_unref) (lua_State *L, int t, int ref); typedef int (*TluaL_getn) (lua_State *L, int t); typedef void (*TluaL_setn) (lua_State *L, int t, int n); typedef int (*TluaL_loadfile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename); typedef int (*TluaL_loadbuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *name); typedef void (*TluaL_buffinit) (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B); typedef char *(*TluaL_prepbuffer) (luaL_Buffer *B); typedef void (*TluaL_addlstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l); typedef void (*TluaL_addstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s); typedef void (*TluaL_addvalue) (luaL_Buffer *B); typedef void (*TluaL_pushresult) (luaL_Buffer *B); typedef int (*Tlua_dofile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename); typedef int (*Tlua_dostring) (lua_State *L, const char *str); typedef int (*Tlua_dobuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *n); // from lualib.h typedef int (*Tluaopen_base) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tluaopen_table) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tluaopen_io) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tluaopen_string) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tluaopen_math) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tluaopen_debug) (lua_State *L); typedef int (*Tluaopen_loadlib) (lua_State *L); // from lua.h Tlua_open dlllua_open; Tlua_close dlllua_close; Tlua_newthread dlllua_newthread; Tlua_atpanic dlllua_atpanic; Tlua_gettop dlllua_gettop; Tlua_settop dlllua_settop; Tlua_pushvalue dlllua_pushvalue; Tlua_remove dlllua_remove; Tlua_insert dlllua_insert ; Tlua_replace dlllua_replace; Tlua_checkstack dlllua_checkstack; Tlua_xmove dlllua_xmove; Tlua_isnumber dlllua_isnumber; Tlua_isstring dlllua_isstring; Tlua_iscfunction dlllua_iscfunction; Tlua_isuserdata dlllua_isuserdata; Tlua_type dlllua_type; Tlua_typename dlllua_typename; Tlua_equal dlllua_equal; Tlua_rawequal dlllua_rawequal; Tlua_lessthan dlllua_lessthan; Tlua_tonumber dlllua_tonumber; Tlua_toboolean dlllua_toboolean; Tlua_tostring dlllua_tostring; Tlua_strlen dlllua_strlen; Tlua_tocfunction dlllua_tocfunction; Tlua_touserdata dlllua_touserdata; Tlua_tothread dlllua_tothread; Tlua_topointer dlllua_topointer; Tlua_pushnil dlllua_pushnil; Tlua_pushnumber dlllua_pushnumber; Tlua_pushlstring dlllua_pushlstring; Tlua_pushstring dlllua_pushstring; Tlua_pushvfstring dlllua_pushvfstring; Tlua_pushfstring dlllua_pushfstring; Tlua_pushcclosure dlllua_pushcclosure; Tlua_pushboolean dlllua_pushboolean; Tlua_pushlightuserdata dlllua_pushlightuserdata; Tlua_gettable dlllua_gettable; Tlua_rawget dlllua_rawget; Tlua_rawgeti dlllua_rawgeti; Tlua_newtable dlllua_newtable; Tlua_newuserdata dlllua_newuserdata; Tlua_getmetatable dlllua_getmetatable; Tlua_getfenv dlllua_getfenv; Tlua_settable dlllua_settable; Tlua_rawset dlllua_rawset; Tlua_rawseti dlllua_rawseti; Tlua_setmetatable dlllua_setmetatable; Tlua_setfenv dlllua_setfenv; Tlua_call dlllua_call; Tlua_pcall dlllua_pcall; Tlua_cpcall dlllua_cpcall; Tlua_load dlllua_load; Tlua_dump dlllua_dump; Tlua_yield dlllua_yield; Tlua_resume dlllua_resume; Tlua_getgcthreshold dlllua_getgcthreshold; Tlua_getgccount dlllua_getgccount; Tlua_setgcthreshold dlllua_setgcthreshold; Tlua_version dlllua_version; Tlua_error dlllua_error; Tlua_next dlllua_next; Tlua_concat dlllua_concat; Tlua_pushupvalues dlllua_pushupvalues; Tlua_getstack dlllua_getstack; Tlua_getinfo dlllua_getinfo; Tlua_getlocal dlllua_getlocal; Tlua_setlocal dlllua_setlocal; Tlua_getupvalue dlllua_getupvalue; Tlua_setupvalue dlllua_setupvalue; Tlua_sethook dlllua_sethook; Tlua_gethook dlllua_gethook; Tlua_gethookmask dlllua_gethookmask; Tlua_gethookcount dlllua_gethookcount; // from lauxlib.h TluaL_openlib dllluaL_openlib; TluaL_getmetafield dllluaL_getmetafield; TluaL_callmeta dllluaL_callmeta; TluaL_typerror dllluaL_typerror; TluaL_argerror dllluaL_argerror; TluaL_checklstring dllluaL_checklstring; TluaL_optlstring dllluaL_optlstring; TluaL_checknumber dllluaL_checknumber; TluaL_optnumber dllluaL_optnumber; TluaL_checkstack dllluaL_checkstack; TluaL_checktype dllluaL_checktype; TluaL_checkany dllluaL_checkany; TluaL_newmetatable dllluaL_newmetatable; TluaL_getmetatable dllluaL_getmetatable; TluaL_checkudata dllluaL_checkudata; TluaL_where dllluaL_where; TluaL_error dllluaL_error; TluaL_findstring dllluaL_findstring; TluaL_ref dllluaL_ref; TluaL_unref dllluaL_unref; TluaL_getn dllluaL_getn; TluaL_setn dllluaL_setn; TluaL_loadfile dllluaL_loadfile; TluaL_loadbuffer dllluaL_loadbuffer; TluaL_buffinit dllluaL_buffinit; TluaL_prepbuffer dllluaL_prepbuffer; TluaL_addlstring dllluaL_addlstring; TluaL_addstring dllluaL_addstring; TluaL_addvalue dllluaL_addvalue; TluaL_pushresult dllluaL_pushresult; Tlua_dofile dlllua_dofile; Tlua_dostring dlllua_dostring; Tlua_dobuffer dlllua_dobuffer; // from lua lib.h Tluaopen_base dllluaopen_base; Tluaopen_table dllluaopen_table; Tluaopen_io dllluaopen_io; Tluaopen_string dllluaopen_string; Tluaopen_math dllluaopen_math; Tluaopen_debug dllluaopen_debug; Tluaopen_loadlib dllluaopen_loadlib; // call to actual dll function lua_State *lua_open (void) { return dlllua_open(); } void lua_close (lua_State *L) { dlllua_close(L); } lua_State *lua_newthread (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_newthread(L); } lua_CFunction lua_atpanic (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf) { return dlllua_atpanic(L, panicf); } int lua_gettop (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gettop(L); } void lua_settop (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_settop(L, idx); } void lua_pushvalue (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_pushvalue(L, idx); } void lua_remove (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_remove(L, idx); } void lua_insert (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_insert (L, idx); } void lua_replace (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_replace(L, idx); } int lua_checkstack (lua_State *L, int sz) { return dlllua_checkstack(L, sz); } void lua_xmove (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n) { dlllua_xmove(from, to, n); } int lua_isnumber (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isnumber(L, idx); } int lua_isstring (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isstring(L, idx); } int lua_iscfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_iscfunction(L, idx); } int lua_isuserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isuserdata(L, idx); } int lua_type (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_type(L, idx); } const char *lua_typename (lua_State *L, int tp) { return dlllua_typename(L, tp); } int lua_equal (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_equal(L, idx1, idx2); } int lua_rawequal (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_rawequal(L, idx1, idx2); } int lua_lessthan (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_lessthan(L, idx1, idx2); } lua_Number lua_tonumber (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tonumber(L, idx); } int lua_toboolean (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_toboolean(L, idx); } const char *lua_tostring (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tostring(L, idx); } size_t lua_strlen (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_strlen(L, idx); } lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tocfunction(L, idx); } void *lua_touserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_touserdata(L, idx); } lua_State *lua_tothread (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tothread(L, idx); } const void *lua_topointer (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_topointer(L, idx); } void lua_pushnil (lua_State *L) { dlllua_pushnil(L); } void lua_pushnumber (lua_State *L, lua_Number n) { dlllua_pushnumber(L, n); } void lua_pushlstring (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l) { dlllua_pushlstring(L, s, l); } void lua_pushstring (lua_State *L, const char *s) { dlllua_pushstring(L, s); } const char *lua_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp) { const char *result; va_list _args; va_start (_args, fmt); result = dlllua_pushvfstring(L, fmt, _args); va_end(_args); return result; } const char *lua_pushfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *result; va_list _args; va_start (_args, fmt); result = dlllua_pushfstring(L, fmt, _args); va_end(_args); return result; } void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n) { dlllua_pushcclosure(L, fn, n); } void lua_pushboolean (lua_State *L, int b) { dlllua_pushboolean(L, b); } void lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *L, void *p) { dlllua_pushlightuserdata(L, p); } void lua_gettable (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_gettable(L, idx); } void lua_rawget (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_rawget(L, idx); } void lua_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) { dlllua_rawgeti(L, idx, n); } void lua_newtable (lua_State *L) { dlllua_newtable(L); } void *lua_newuserdata (lua_State *L, size_t sz) { return dlllua_newuserdata(L, sz); } int lua_getmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) { return dlllua_getmetatable(L, objindex); } void lua_getfenv (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_getfenv(L, idx); } void lua_settable (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_settable(L, idx); } void lua_rawset (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_rawset(L, idx); } void lua_rawseti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) { dlllua_rawseti(L, idx, n); } int lua_setmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) { return dlllua_setmetatable(L, objindex); } int lua_setfenv (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_setfenv(L, idx); } void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults) { dlllua_call(L, nargs, nresults); } int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc) { return dlllua_pcall(L, nargs, nresults, errfunc); } int lua_cpcall (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud) { return dlllua_cpcall(L, func, ud); } int lua_load (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *dt, const char *chunkname) { return dlllua_load(L, reader, dt, chunkname); } int lua_dump (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkwriter writer, void *data) { return dlllua_dump(L, writer, data); } int lua_yield (lua_State *L, int nresults) { return dlllua_yield(L, nresults); } int lua_resume (lua_State *L, int narg) { return dlllua_resume(L, narg); } int lua_getgcthreshold (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_getgcthreshold(L); } int lua_getgccount (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_getgccount(L); } void lua_setgcthreshold (lua_State *L, int newthreshold) { dlllua_setgcthreshold(L, newthreshold); } const char *lua_version (void) { return dlllua_version(); } int lua_error (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_error(L); } int lua_next (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_next(L, idx); } void lua_concat (lua_State *L, int n) { dlllua_concat(L, n); } int lua_pushupvalues (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_pushupvalues(L); } int lua_getstack (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar) { return dlllua_getstack(L, level, ar); } int lua_getinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar) { return dlllua_getinfo(L, what, ar); } const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { return dlllua_getlocal(L, ar, n); } const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { return dlllua_setlocal(L, ar, n); } const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) { return dlllua_getupvalue(L, funcindex, n); } const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) { return dlllua_setupvalue(L, funcindex, n); } int lua_sethook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count) { return dlllua_sethook(L, func, mask, count); } lua_Hook lua_gethook (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethook(L); } int lua_gethookmask (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethookmask(L); } int lua_gethookcount (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethookcount(L); } // from lauxlib.h void luaL_openlib (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_reg *l, int nup) { dllluaL_openlib(L, libname, l, nup); } int luaL_getmetafield (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e) { return dllluaL_getmetafield(L, obj, e); } int luaL_callmeta (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e) { return dllluaL_callmeta(L, obj, e); } int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_typerror(L, narg, tname); } int luaL_argerror (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg) { return dllluaL_argerror(L, numarg, extramsg); } const char *luaL_checklstring (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l) { return dllluaL_checklstring(L, numArg, l); } const char *luaL_optlstring (lua_State *L, int numArg, const char *def, size_t *l) { return dllluaL_optlstring(L, numArg, def, l); } lua_Number luaL_checknumber (lua_State *L, int numArg) { return dllluaL_checknumber(L, numArg); } lua_Number luaL_optnumber (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def) { return dllluaL_optnumber(L, nArg, def); } void luaL_checkstack (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg) { dllluaL_checkstack(L, sz, msg); } void luaL_checktype (lua_State *L, int narg, int t) { dllluaL_checktype(L, narg, t); } void luaL_checkany (lua_State *L, int narg) { dllluaL_checkany(L, narg); } int luaL_newmetatable (lua_State *L, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_newmetatable(L, tname); } void luaL_getmetatable (lua_State *L, const char *tname) { dllluaL_getmetatable(L, tname); } void *luaL_checkudata (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_checkudata(L, ud, tname); } void luaL_where (lua_State *L, int lvl) { dllluaL_where(L, lvl); } int luaL_error (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) { int result; va_list _args; va_start (_args, fmt); result = dllluaL_error(L, fmt, _args); va_end(_args); return result; } int luaL_findstring (const char *st, const char *const lst[]) { return dllluaL_findstring(st, lst); } int luaL_ref (lua_State *L, int t) { return dllluaL_ref(L, t); } void luaL_unref (lua_State *L, int t, int ref) { dllluaL_unref(L, t, ref); } int luaL_getn (lua_State *L, int t) { return dllluaL_getn(L, t); } void luaL_setn (lua_State *L, int t, int n) { dllluaL_setn(L, t, n); } int luaL_loadfile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) { return dllluaL_loadfile(L, filename); } int luaL_loadbuffer (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *name) { return dllluaL_loadbuffer(L, buff, sz, name); } void luaL_buffinit (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_buffinit(L, B); } char *luaL_prepbuffer (luaL_Buffer *B) { return dllluaL_prepbuffer(B); } void luaL_addlstring (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l) { dllluaL_addlstring(B, s, l); } void luaL_addstring (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s) { dllluaL_addstring(B, s); } void luaL_addvalue (luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_addvalue(B); } void luaL_pushresult (luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_pushresult(B); } int lua_dofile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) { return dlllua_dofile(L, filename); } int lua_dostring (lua_State *L, const char *str) { return dlllua_dostring(L, str); } int lua_dobuffer (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *n) { return dlllua_dobuffer(L, buff, sz, n); } // from lualib.h int luaopen_base (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_base(L); } int luaopen_table (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_table(L); } int luaopen_io (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_io(L); } int luaopen_string (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_string(L); } int luaopen_math (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_math(L); } int luaopen_debug (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_debug(L); } int luaopen_loadlib (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_loadlib(L); } int loadLuaDLL() { HMODULE libHandle = LoadLibrary("lua.dll"); if (!libHandle) return 0; #define GET_LUA_PROC(name) dll##name = (T##name) GetProcAddress(libHandle, #name); if (!dll##name) return 0; // from lua.h GET_LUA_PROC(lua_close) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newthread) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_atpanic) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettop) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settop) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushvalue) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_remove) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_insert) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_replace) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_checkstack) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_xmove) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isnumber) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isstring) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_iscfunction) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isuserdata) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_type) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_typename) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_equal) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawequal) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_lessthan) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tonumber) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_toboolean) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tostring) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_strlen) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tocfunction) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_touserdata) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tothread) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_topointer) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnil) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnumber) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlstring) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushstring) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushcclosure) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushboolean) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlightuserdata) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettable) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawget) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawgeti) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newtable) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newuserdata) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getmetatable) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getfenv) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settable) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawset) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawseti) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setmetatable) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setfenv) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_call) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pcall) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_cpcall) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_load) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dump) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_yield) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_resume) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgcthreshold) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgccount) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setgcthreshold) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_version) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_error) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_next) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_concat) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushupvalues) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getstack) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getinfo) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getlocal) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setlocal) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getupvalue) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setupvalue) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_sethook) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethook) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookmask) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookcount) // from lauxlib.h GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_openlib) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetafield) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_callmeta) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_typerror) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_argerror) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checklstring) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optlstring) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checknumber) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optnumber) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkstack) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checktype) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkany) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_newmetatable) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetatable) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkudata) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_where) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_error) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_findstring) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_ref) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_unref) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getn) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_setn) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadfile) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadbuffer) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_buffinit) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_prepbuffer) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addlstring) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addstring) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addvalue) GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_pushresult) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dofile) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dostring) GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dobuffer) // from lua lib.h GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_base) GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_table) GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_io) GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_string) GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_math) GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_debug) GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_loadlib) return 1; }