settings[$model->alias])) { unset($this->settings[$model->alias]); } } /** * Before find callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @param array $queryData Data used to execute this query, i.e. conditions, order, etc. * @return mixed False if the operation should abort. An array will replace the value of $query. * @access public */ function beforeFind(&$model, $query) { } /** * After find callback. Can be used to modify any results returned by find and findAll. * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @param mixed $results The results of the find operation * @param boolean $primary Whether this model is being queried directly (vs. being queried as an association) * @return mixed An array value will replace the value of $results - any other value will be ignored. * @access public */ function afterFind(&$model, $results, $primary) { } /** * Before validate callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @return mixed False if the operation should abort. Any other result will continue. * @access public */ function beforeValidate(&$model) { } /** * Before save callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @return mixed False if the operation should abort. Any other result will continue. * @access public */ function beforeSave(&$model) { } /** * After save callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @param boolean $created True if this save created a new record * @access public */ function afterSave(&$model, $created) { } /** * Before delete callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @param boolean $cascade If true records that depend on this record will also be deleted * @return mixed False if the operation should abort. Any other result will continue. * @access public */ function beforeDelete(&$model, $cascade = true) { } /** * After delete callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @access public */ function afterDelete(&$model) { } /** * DataSource error callback * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @param string $error Error generated in DataSource * @access public */ function onError(&$model, $error) { } /** * Overrides Object::dispatchMethod to account for PHP4's broken reference support * * @see Object::dispatchMethod * @access public * @return mixed */ function dispatchMethod(&$model, $method, $params = array()) { if (empty($params)) { return $this->{$method}($model); } $params = array_values($params); switch (count($params)) { case 1: return $this->{$method}($model, $params[0]); case 2: return $this->{$method}($model, $params[0], $params[1]); case 3: return $this->{$method}($model, $params[0], $params[1], $params[2]); case 4: return $this->{$method}($model, $params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3]); case 5: return $this->{$method}($model, $params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3], $params[4]); default: $params = array_merge(array(&$model), $params); return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $method), $params); break; } } /** * If $model's whitelist property is non-empty, $field will be added to it. * Note: this method should *only* be used in beforeValidate or beforeSave to ensure * that it only modifies the whitelist for the current save operation. Also make sure * you explicitly set the value of the field which you are allowing. * * @param object $model Model using this behavior * @param string $field Field to be added to $model's whitelist * @access protected * @return void */ function _addToWhitelist(&$model, $field) { if (is_array($field)) { foreach ($field as $f) { $this->_addToWhitelist($model, $f); } return; } if (!empty($model->whitelist) && !in_array($field, $model->whitelist)) { $model->whitelist[] = $field; } } } /** * Model behavior collection class. * * Defines the Behavior interface, and contains common model interaction functionality. * * @package cake * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model */ class BehaviorCollection extends Object { /** * Stores a reference to the attached name * * @var string * @access public */ var $modelName = null; /** * Lists the currently-attached behavior objects * * @var array * @access private */ var $_attached = array(); /** * Lists the currently-attached behavior objects which are disabled * * @var array * @access private */ var $_disabled = array(); /** * Keeps a list of all methods of attached behaviors * * @var array */ var $__methods = array(); /** * Keeps a list of all methods which have been mapped with regular expressions * * @var array */ var $__mappedMethods = array(); /** * Attaches a model object and loads a list of behaviors * * @access public * @return void */ function init($modelName, $behaviors = array()) { $this->modelName = $modelName; if (!empty($behaviors)) { foreach (Set::normalize($behaviors) as $behavior => $config) { $this->attach($behavior, $config); } } } /** * Attaches a behavior to a model * * @param string $behavior CamelCased name of the behavior to load * @param array $config Behavior configuration parameters * @return boolean True on success, false on failure * @access public */ function attach($behavior, $config = array()) { list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($behavior); $class = $name . 'Behavior'; if (!App::import('Behavior', $behavior)) { $this->cakeError('missingBehaviorFile', array(array( 'behavior' => $behavior, 'file' => Inflector::underscore($behavior) . '.php', 'code' => 500, 'base' => '/' ))); return false; } if (!class_exists($class)) { $this->cakeError('missingBehaviorClass', array(array( 'behavior' => $class, 'file' => Inflector::underscore($class) . '.php', 'code' => 500, 'base' => '/' ))); return false; } if (!isset($this->{$name})) { if (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($class)) { if (PHP5) { $this->{$name} = ClassRegistry::getObject($class); } else { $this->{$name} =& ClassRegistry::getObject($class); } } else { if (PHP5) { $this->{$name} = new $class; } else { $this->{$name} =& new $class; } ClassRegistry::addObject($class, $this->{$name}); if (!empty($plugin)) { ClassRegistry::addObject($plugin.'.'.$class, $this->{$name}); } } } elseif (isset($this->{$name}->settings) && isset($this->{$name}->settings[$this->modelName])) { if ($config !== null && $config !== false) { $config = array_merge($this->{$name}->settings[$this->modelName], $config); } else { $config = array(); } } if (empty($config)) { $config = array(); } $this->{$name}->setup(ClassRegistry::getObject($this->modelName), $config); foreach ($this->{$name}->mapMethods as $method => $alias) { $this->__mappedMethods[$method] = array($alias, $name); } $methods = get_class_methods($this->{$name}); $parentMethods = array_flip(get_class_methods('ModelBehavior')); $callbacks = array( 'setup', 'cleanup', 'beforeFind', 'afterFind', 'beforeSave', 'afterSave', 'beforeDelete', 'afterDelete', 'afterError' ); foreach ($methods as $m) { if (!isset($parentMethods[$m])) { $methodAllowed = ( $m[0] != '_' && !array_key_exists($m, $this->__methods) && !in_array($m, $callbacks) ); if ($methodAllowed) { $this->__methods[$m] = array($m, $name); } } } if (!in_array($name, $this->_attached)) { $this->_attached[] = $name; } if (in_array($name, $this->_disabled) && !(isset($config['enabled']) && $config['enabled'] === false)) { $this->enable($name); } elseif (isset($config['enabled']) && $config['enabled'] === false) { $this->disable($name); } return true; } /** * Detaches a behavior from a model * * @param string $name CamelCased name of the behavior to unload * @return void * @access public */ function detach($name) { list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($name); if (isset($this->{$name})) { $this->{$name}->cleanup(ClassRegistry::getObject($this->modelName)); unset($this->{$name}); } foreach ($this->__methods as $m => $callback) { if (is_array($callback) && $callback[1] == $name) { unset($this->__methods[$m]); } } $this->_attached = array_values(array_diff($this->_attached, (array)$name)); } /** * Enables callbacks on a behavior or array of behaviors * * @param mixed $name CamelCased name of the behavior(s) to enable (string or array) * @return void * @access public */ function enable($name) { $this->_disabled = array_diff($this->_disabled, (array)$name); } /** * Disables callbacks on a behavior or array of behaviors. Public behavior methods are still * callable as normal. * * @param mixed $name CamelCased name of the behavior(s) to disable (string or array) * @return void * @access public */ function disable($name) { foreach ((array)$name as $behavior) { if (in_array($behavior, $this->_attached) && !in_array($behavior, $this->_disabled)) { $this->_disabled[] = $behavior; } } } /** * Gets the list of currently-enabled behaviors, or, the current status of a single behavior * * @param string $name Optional. The name of the behavior to check the status of. If omitted, * returns an array of currently-enabled behaviors * @return mixed If $name is specified, returns the boolean status of the corresponding behavior. * Otherwise, returns an array of all enabled behaviors. * @access public */ function enabled($name = null) { if (!empty($name)) { return (in_array($name, $this->_attached) && !in_array($name, $this->_disabled)); } return array_diff($this->_attached, $this->_disabled); } /** * Dispatches a behavior method * * @return array All methods for all behaviors attached to this object * @access public */ function dispatchMethod(&$model, $method, $params = array(), $strict = false) { $methods = array_keys($this->__methods); foreach ($methods as $key => $value) { $methods[$key] = strtolower($value); } $method = strtolower($method); $check = array_flip($methods); $found = isset($check[$method]); $call = null; if ($strict && !$found) { trigger_error(sprintf(__("BehaviorCollection::dispatchMethod() - Method %s not found in any attached behavior", true), $method), E_USER_WARNING); return null; } elseif ($found) { $methods = array_combine($methods, array_values($this->__methods)); $call = $methods[$method]; } else { $count = count($this->__mappedMethods); $mapped = array_keys($this->__mappedMethods); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (preg_match($mapped[$i] . 'i', $method)) { $call = $this->__mappedMethods[$mapped[$i]]; array_unshift($params, $method); break; } } } if (!empty($call)) { return $this->{$call[1]}->dispatchMethod($model, $call[0], $params); } return array('unhandled'); } /** * Dispatches a behavior callback on all attached behavior objects * * @param model $model * @param string $callback * @param array $params * @param array $options * @return mixed * @access public */ function trigger(&$model, $callback, $params = array(), $options = array()) { if (empty($this->_attached)) { return true; } $options = array_merge(array('break' => false, 'breakOn' => array(null, false), 'modParams' => false), $options); $count = count($this->_attached); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $name = $this->_attached[$i]; if (in_array($name, $this->_disabled)) { continue; } $result = $this->{$name}->dispatchMethod($model, $callback, $params); if ($options['break'] && ($result === $options['breakOn'] || (is_array($options['breakOn']) && in_array($result, $options['breakOn'], true)))) { return $result; } elseif ($options['modParams'] && is_array($result)) { $params[0] = $result; } } if ($options['modParams'] && isset($params[0])) { return $params[0]; } return true; } /** * Gets the method list for attached behaviors, i.e. all public, non-callback methods * * @return array All public methods for all behaviors attached to this collection * @access public */ function methods() { return $this->__methods; } /** * Gets the list of attached behaviors, or, whether the given behavior is attached * * @param string $name Optional. The name of the behavior to check the status of. If omitted, * returns an array of currently-attached behaviors * @return mixed If $name is specified, returns the boolean status of the corresponding behavior. * Otherwise, returns an array of all attached behaviors. * @access public */ function attached($name = null) { if (!empty($name)) { return (in_array($name, $this->_attached)); } return $this->_attached; } }