// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "ai_bot_fauna.h" #include "ai_grp_fauna.h" #include "ai_mgr_fauna.h" #include "ai_player.h" #include "ai_bot_npc.h" #include "ai_grp_npc.h" #include "ai_profile_fauna.h" #include "dyn_grp_inline.h" using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; using namespace RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH; using namespace AITYPES; /****************************************************************************/ /* File configuration */ /****************************************************************************/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug defines // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMPACT_POS_WARNINGS compress flooding warnings concerning path problems. // Positions where the problems occures are stored and displayed and cleared // every minute. // :TODO: /!\ As it cannot be tested without long-time run with several // players the following define can be commented to restore previous behavior. #define COMPACT_POS_WARNINGS 1 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some combat constants static float const CONSIDER_MIN_DIST = 6.f; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stuff used for management of log messages #ifdef NL_DEBUG static bool VerboseLog = false; #endif #ifndef NL_DEBUG static bool VerboseLog = false; #endif #define LOG if (!VerboseLog) {} else nlinfo // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Control over verbose nature of logging NLMISC_COMMAND(verboseFaunaLog,"Turn on or off or check the state of verbose fauna activity logging","") { if(args.size()>1) return false; if(args.size()==1) StrToBool (VerboseLog, args[0]); log.displayNL("verboseLogging is %s",VerboseLog?"ON":"OFF"); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Control over verbose nature of logging NLMISC_COMMAND(verboseFaunaBot,"Turn on or off or check the state of verbose fauna bot","") { if(args.size()>1) return false; if(args.size()==1) StrToBool (VerboseLog, args[0]); nlinfo("VerboseLogging is %s",VerboseLog?"ON":"OFF"); return true; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Local classes definition and function declatations */ /****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBotProfileGoAway // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CBotProfileGoAway : public CAIBaseProfile { public: CBotProfileGoAway(CProfileOwner* owner, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag denyFlags, float speed = 0.f, CAIFaunaActivityBaseSpawnProfile* lastProfile = NULL); virtual void beginProfile(); virtual void endProfile() { } // Speed is in the range [0;1] void setSpeed(float speed) { _Speed = speed; } float speed () { return _Speed; } CAIVector& getDecalageRef() { return _Decalage; } CAIFaunaActivityBaseSpawnProfile* lastProfile() const { return _LastProfile; } virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate); virtual std::string getOneLineInfoString() const { return std::string("go_away profile"); } virtual TProfiles getAIProfileType () const { return BOT_GO_AWAY; } public: RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection _LastDir; RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CMapPosition _LastStartPos; CPathPosition _PathPos; CPathCont _fightGoAwayPathContainer; protected: CAIVector _Decalage; CSpawnBot* _Bot; float _Speed; NLMISC::CSmartPtr _LastProfile; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBotProfileGoAway // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CBotProfileGoAwayFactory : public IAIProfileFactory { public: NLMISC::CSmartPtr createAIProfile(CProfileOwner* owner); }; CBotProfileGoAwayFactory BotProfileGoAway; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const char *cyclesStateName(CFaunaActivity::TCycleState s); /****************************************************************************/ /* Function definitions */ /****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSpawnBotFauna // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CSpawnBotFauna::CSpawnBotFauna(TDataSetRow const& row, CBot& owner, NLMISC::CEntityId const& id, float radius, uint32 level, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag denyFlags) : CSpawnBot(row, owner, id, radius, level, denyFlags) { setCycleState(CFaunaActivity::CycleStateUndefined); // we start with a wander activity. setAIProfile(this, &WanderFaunaProfileFactory, false); _NextBestTargetUpdate.set(1); // next. _Hungry = 1.f; } CSpawnBotFauna::~CSpawnBotFauna () { } CBotFauna& CSpawnBotFauna::getPersistent() const { return static_cast(CSpawnBot::getPersistent()); } bool CSpawnBotFauna::canMove() const { return /*!isRooted() && */walkSpeed() != 0 && getPersistent().faunaType()!=AITYPES::FaunaTypePlant; } float CSpawnBotFauna::getCollisionDist(float angTo) const { // :TODO: Rehabilitate behaviour based on sheet (see this function history in CVS) return radius(); } void CSpawnBotFauna::sendInfoToEGS() const { CFaunaBotDescription &fbd = CAIS::instance().getFaunaDescription(); fbd.Bots.push_back(dataSetRow()); fbd.GrpAlias.push_back(getPersistent().grp().getAlias()); } void CSpawnBotFauna::update(TProfiles activity, uint32 ticksSinceLastUpdate) { H_AUTO(CSpawnBotFauna_update); nlassert(!getAISpawnProfile().isNull()); // this piece of code change the current comportment of the fauna in regards of the group comportment. ++AISStat::BotTotalUpdCtr; ++AISStat::BotFaunaUpdCtr; TProfiles faunaActivity = getAIProfileType(); if (faunaActivity==BOT_FLEE && !isFeared() && getUnreachableTarget().isNULL()) { setDefaultComportment(); faunaActivity=getAIProfileType(); } { if ( spawnGrp().mustDespawnBots() && ( spawnGrp().despawnImmediately() || ( faunaActivity!=BOT_FIGHT && faunaActivity!=BOT_FLEE ) ) ) // if its group is out of time. { spawnGrp().addBotToDespawnAndRespawnTime(&getPersistent(), 1, 2); // .. set the bot to be despawn and gives the control to its group. return; } if ( faunaActivity!=ACTIVITY_CORPSE && (spawnGrp().getUpdatePriority()<(2<<2)) ) // 2*40 -> 80 meters { if ( faunaActivity!=BOT_FIGHT || !NLMISC::safe_cast(getAIProfile())->isHitting()) { if ( _NextBestTargetUpdate.test() || faunaActivity==BOT_GO_AWAY) { getBestTarget (); faunaActivity=getAIProfileType(); // activity could have changed. _NextBestTargetUpdate.set(15); // getbesttarget every 1.5 secs .. } } } if ( faunaActivity==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || faunaActivity==ACTIVITY_RESTING || faunaActivity==ACTIVITY_WANDERING ) { if (faunaActivity!=activity) { CAIFaunaActivityBaseSpawnProfile *profile=NLMISC::safe_cast(getAIProfile()); if (!(profile->getMovementMagnet().isNull())) { if (profile->getMovementMagnet()->getMovementType()==CMovementMagnet::Movement_Move) { switch(activity) { case ACTIVITY_RESTING: setAIProfile(this,&RestFaunaProfileFactory, false); break; case ACTIVITY_GRAZING: setAIProfile(this,&GrazeFaunaProfileFactory, false); break; case ACTIVITY_WANDERING: setAIProfile(this,&WanderFaunaProfileFactory, false); break; case ACTIVITY_PLANTIDLE: setAIProfile(this,&PlanteIdleFaunaProfileFactory, false); break; default: nlwarning("Unsupported activity for fauna bot"); break; } } } } } } // the behaviour update. if (!isStuned()) { updateProfile(ticksSinceLastUpdate); // if normal activity .. update Aggro. if ( faunaActivity!=BOT_FIGHT && faunaActivity!=BOT_FLEE ) { this->CBotAggroOwner::update(ticksSinceLastUpdate); } } } float CSpawnBotFauna::getReturnDistCheck() const { if (getPersistent().isSheetValid() && getPersistent().getSheet()->AggroReturnDistCheck()>=0.f) return getPersistent().getSheet()->AggroReturnDistCheck(); else return AggroReturnDistCheckFauna; } void CSpawnBotFauna::eventEngaged(TDataSetRow const& originId) { } void CSpawnBotFauna::processEvent(CCombatInterface::CEvent const& event) { // no self aggro. if (event._targetRow==event._originatorRow) return; // To remove when debug done .. CAIEntityPhysical *ep = CAIS::instance().getEntityPhysical(event._originatorRow); if (ep==NULL || ep->getAIInstance()->getChildIndex()!=getAIInstance()->getChildIndex()) { nlwarning("AIInstance Problem !!"); return; } if ((event._nature==ACTNATURE::FIGHT || event._nature==ACTNATURE::OFFENSIVE_MAGIC) && !getPersistent().ignoreOffensiveActions()) { float aggro = event._weight; if (aggro>-0.15f) { aggro = -0.15f; } if (event._nature==ACTNATURE::OFFENSIVE_MAGIC) { aggro = (float)((1.f+aggro)*0.5f-1.f); // maximize aggro for magic //insure if aggressor is player, player have it's target seted for BOSS assist CBotPlayer *player=dynamic_cast(ep); if(player) { CAIEntityPhysical *target=player->getVisualTarget(); if (target) player->setTarget(target); } } addAggroFor(event._originatorRow, aggro, true); } } void CSpawnBotFauna::getBestTarget() { // Get ourself CBotFauna& thisBotFauna = getPersistent(); // Get our group CGrpFauna& grp = thisBotFauna.grp(); // Get our type TFaunaType faunaType = grp.getType(); // Compute an aggro radius float const AggroRadius = faunaType==FaunaTypeHerbivore?30.f:aggroRadius(); // used if the bot is too far from its group center to use its vision. ??? CAIVision vision; CAIVision::iterator itVision, itVisionEnd; // VISUAL_LOOK_AT_DIST // ASSistDist float const VISUAL_LOOK_AT_DIST = 10.f; // Compute a test radius float testradius = AggroRadius; // is a minimum for other bot consideration. if (testradiusAssistDist()) testradius=thisBotFauna.getSheet()->AssistDist(); testradius+=radius(); // Get the vision vision.updateBotsAndPlayers(getAIInstance(), CAIVector(pos()), (uint32)(testradius+3.f), (uint32)(testradius+3.f)); itVision = vision.begin(); itVisionEnd = vision.end(); // Vars for the most interesting player float bestCuriosityScore = (radius()+1.5f)*2000.f; CAIEntityPhysical* curiosityPlayer = NULL; // Vars for the most appealing target float bestVisualScore = 0.f; CAIEntityPhysical* visualTarget = NULL; if (!getVisualTarget().isNULL()) { if ( getTarget().isNULL() // check if we are looking to a too far visual target. && ( _VisualTargetTimer.test() || getVisualTarget()->pos().quickDistTo(pos())>VISUAL_LOOK_AT_DIST ) // if the target is too far .. ) { _VisualTargetTimer.set(CAIS::rand32(40)+25); bestVisualScore=1.f; setVisualTarget(NULL); } if (!_VisualTargetTimer.test()) { bestVisualScore=1.f; } } // (yet) unknown vars float bestScore = 0.f; bool goAway = false; TProfiles thisProfileType = getAIProfile()->getAIProfileType(); uint32 const thisFaunaGroupIndex = thisBotFauna.getSheet()->GroupPropertiesIndex(); sint32 const thisHeight = wpos().getMetricHeight (); // For each entity in the visual range for ( ; itVision!=itVisionEnd; ++itVision) { // The other entity CAIEntityPhysical* const entity = itVision->getSpawnObj(); // If the other entity is not real or if it is us, skip it if (entity==NULL || entity==this) continue; // We compute the vector to the other entity CAIVector delta = pos(); delta -= entity->pos(); // We compute the dist to it double const dist = delta.quickNorm(); // Check that the entity is in the test radius if (dist <= (testradius+entity->radius())) { // inf 10 m .. this second test was only put here for test .. need more tuning before generalization. bool const tooHigh = abs(entity->wpos().getMetricHeight()-thisHeight)>10000; if (tooHigh) continue; // Depending on the type of the entity switch (entity->getRyzomType()) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The other is a player case RYZOMID::player: { // Depending what we are... switch(faunaType) { // ...but in fact whathever we are case FaunaTypePlant: case FaunaTypeHerbivore: case FaunaTypePredator: { // Get the root cell of the player (for safe zone stuff) CRootCell const* const rootCell = entity->wpos().getRootCell(); // If player is a valid target and if we dont like him if ( entity->isAlive() && distgetPropertiesCst(AISHEETS::CSheets::getInstance()->playerGroupIndex()).attack() && rootCell && rootCell->getFlag()==0) // not in safe zone. { // Set some aggro setAggroMinimumFor(entity->dataSetRow(), 0.8f*0.5f, false); } // If we don't have to aggro, and we're not a plant else if (faunaType!=FaunaTypePlant) { // Cast to player CBotPlayer* player = NLMISC::type_cast(entity); // CBotPlayer* player = NLMISC::safe_cast(entity); // If player is aggressive and close enough if (player->isAggressive() && distAssistDist())) { // If we are in an interruptible state if ( thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_RESTING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_WANDERING) { // Get our profile IMouvementMagnetOwner* magnetOwner = dynamic_cast(getAIProfile()); if (magnetOwner) { // Get our movement magnet CMovementMagnet* movementMagnet = magnetOwner->getMovementMagnet(); // If we have one and we are not moving finish it if (movementMagnet!=NULL && movementMagnet->getMovementType()!=CMovementMagnet::Movement_Move) movementMagnet->stateTimer().set(0); } } // Get out of the switch, next tick we'll aggro him break; } // Check for curiosity if ( canMove() && !player->isAggressive() && entity->wpos().isValid() && (entity->wpos().getFlags()&entity->getAStarFlag())==0) { // Suppose we can go to him bool canChange = true; // If we are doing something not very interesting if ( thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_RESTING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_WANDERING) { // We change only... canChange = false; IMouvementMagnetOwner* magnetOwner = dynamic_cast(getAIProfile()); if (magnetOwner && !(magnetOwner->getMovementMagnet().isNull())) { // ...if we are just moving canChange = magnetOwner->getMovementMagnet()->getMovementType()==CMovementMagnet::Movement_Move; } } if (canChange) { // Compute a curiosity score, taking into account the time and the dist float const targetterNumber = (float)entity->totalTargeterCount(); float const targetterScore = 1 + targetterNumber*targetterNumber*targetterNumber; float const time = (float)_TimeBeforeNextCuriosity.timeRemaining(); float const curiosityScore = targetterScore * time * (float)dist; // If it's the most interesting player if (curiosityScore=(VISUAL_LOOK_AT_DIST-1.f)) ) // Skip it break; // If we have no visual target if ( !((CAIEntityPhysical*)getVisualTarget()) && !((CAIEntityPhysical*)getTarget())) { float const score = (float)(1.f/(1.f+dist+CAIS::rand32(7))); if (score>bestVisualScore) { bestVisualScore=score; visualTarget = entity; } } } } break; default: break; } } break; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The other is a npc case RYZOMID::npc: { // Depending on what we are switch(faunaType) { // If we're a plant case FaunaTypePlant: // Ignore the npc break; // If we're an herbivore case FaunaTypeHerbivore: { // If we already have a visual target or the entity is too far if ( bestVisualScore==1.f || dist>(VISUAL_LOOK_AT_DIST-1.f) || ( ((CAIEntityPhysical*)getVisualTarget()) || ((CAIEntityPhysical*)getTarget())) ) // Skip it break; // If we are doing something not interesting if ( thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_RESTING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_WANDERING) { // We look at the npc if he is appealing float const score = (float)(1.f/(1.f+dist+CAIS::rand32(7))); if (score>bestVisualScore) { bestVisualScore=score; visualTarget=entity; } } } break; // If we are a predator case FaunaTypePredator: { // Get the entity as a npc bot CSpawnBotNpc* botNpc = NLMISC::safe_cast(entity); // If it is an escorted entity if (botNpc->spawnGrp().activityProfile().getAIProfileType() == ACTIVITY_ESCORTED) { // Aggro it setAggroMinimumFor(entity->dataSetRow(), 0.8f, false); } } break; default: break; } } break; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The other is an animal // :TODO: Finish the doc of that method case RYZOMID::creature: case RYZOMID::pack_animal: { CSpawnBot *botCreat=NLMISC::safe_cast(entity); CGroup &creatGrp=botCreat->getPersistent().getGroup(); const uint32 otherCreatGrpIndex=botCreat->getPersistent().getSheet()->GroupPropertiesIndex(); const AISHEETS::CGroupProperties &groupProp=thisBotFauna.getSheet()->getPropertiesCst(otherCreatGrpIndex); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Assist it ? // if creature is fighting if (botCreat->hasBeenHit(20)) // 20 ticks (2 seconds) persistent test .. { // if nearest than assist dist .. // and same group // or assist compatibility. if ( distAssistDist() && ( &creatGrp==&grp || groupProp.assist()) ) { const CAIEntityPhysical *const target=botCreat->getTarget(); if ( target && target->getRyzomType()==RYZOMID::player) { setAggroMinimumFor(target->dataSetRow(), 0.2f, false); } // check attackers and give minimum aggro. CAIEntityPhysical const* attacker = botCreat->firstTargeter(); while (attacker!=NULL) { if (attacker->getRyzomType()==RYZOMID::player) { setAggroMinimumFor(attacker->dataSetRow(), 0.2f, false); } attacker = attacker->nextTargeter(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Attack it ? if (groupProp.attack()) { if ( canMove () && hungry ()>0 ) { if (entity->isAlive()) { if (!((CAIEntityPhysical*)getTarget())) { if (runSpeed()>entity->runSpeed()) { // got enought life ? (more than 75%). if ((4*currentHitPoints())>(3*maxHitPoints())) { // check if the herbivore is in the current place const CAIPlace *place=spawnGrp().targetPlace(); float alpha((float)place->midPos().quickDistTo(CAIVector(entity->wpos()))); alpha -= place->getRadius(); if (alpha<0) alpha=0; alpha=(float)(1/(1+alpha*0.1)); setAggroMinimumFor(entity->dataSetRow(), 0.8f*alpha*0.5f, false); } } } } else { if (entity->food()>0) { if ( ( ( thisProfileType!=BOT_FIGHT && thisProfileType!=BOT_FLEE ) || (((CAIEntityPhysical*)getTarget())==NULL || ((CAIEntityPhysical*)getTarget())==entity) ) && thisProfileType!=BOT_GO_AWAY && thisProfileType!=ACTIVITY_EAT_CORPSE ) { CSpawnBot *botCreat=NLMISC::safe_cast(entity); // if its a corpse, change our behaviour to eat. IAIProfile* profile = botCreat->getAIProfile(); if ( profile && profile->getAIProfileType()==ACTIVITY_CORPSE && botCreat->wpos().isValid() && !(botCreat->wpos().getFlags()&botCreat->getAStarFlag()) ) { CCorpseFaunaProfile *corpseProfile=NLMISC::safe_cast(profile); if ( !corpseProfile->haveEater() && !corpseProfile->eated() ) { // start a eater comportment. corpseProfile->setEater(true); setAIProfile(new CEatCorpseFaunaProfile(this,entity->dataSetRow(), getAStarFlag())); } } } } } } } else { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flee from it ? const AISHEETS::CGroupProperties &groupProp=botCreat->getPersistent().getSheet()->getPropertiesCst(thisFaunaGroupIndex); // the other creature may attack us .. :O if (groupProp.attack()) { if ( canMove() && entity->isAlive() && runSpeed()runSpeed()) { TProfiles creatActivity=getAIProfileType(); if (dist<(testradius*0.5f)) { if ( creatActivity==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || creatActivity==ACTIVITY_RESTING || creatActivity==ACTIVITY_WANDERING ) { CAIFaunaActivityBaseSpawnProfile *botProfile=NLMISC::safe_cast(getAIProfile()); setAIProfile(new CBotProfileGoAway(this,getAStarFlag(), 1.f, botProfile)); creatActivity=BOT_GO_AWAY; } else { if (creatActivity==ACTIVITY_CURIOSITY) { setAIProfile(new CBotProfileGoAway(this,getAStarFlag(), 1.f, NULL)); creatActivity=BOT_GO_AWAY; } } } if (creatActivity==BOT_GO_AWAY) { CAIVector dir=delta; const float qNorm=(float)dir.quickNorm(); dir.normalize(1000.f/(qNorm+1.f)); CBotProfileGoAway *const profile=NLMISC::safe_cast(getAIProfile()); profile->getDecalageRef()+=dir; float speed=100.f/(qNorm*qNorm+1.f); if (speed>1.f) speed=1.f; profile->setSpeed(speed); goAway=true; } } } } if ( bestVisualScore==1.f || dist>(VISUAL_LOOK_AT_DIST-1.f)) break; // if no visual target. if (!((CAIEntityPhysical*)getVisualTarget()) && !((CAIEntityPhysical*)getTarget())) { if ( thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_RESTING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_WANDERING ) { const float score=(float)(1.f/(1.f+dist+CAIS::rand32(7))); if (score>bestVisualScore) { bestVisualScore=score; visualTarget=entity; } } } } break; default: break; } } // if entity is in test radius } // for each entity in visual range TProfiles faunaActivity=getAIProfileType(); if (faunaActivity==BOT_GO_AWAY) { CBotProfileGoAway *profile=NLMISC::safe_cast(getAIProfile()); if (!goAway) //profile->decalage().isNull()) { CAIFaunaActivityBaseSpawnProfile* lastProfile = profile->lastProfile(); if (canMove() && lastProfile) { IMouvementMagnetOwner* magnetOwner = NLMISC::safe_cast(lastProfile); CMovementMagnet* movementMagnet = magnetOwner->getMovementMagnet(); if (movementMagnet) { movementMagnet->setState(CMovementMagnet::Movement_Wait_Anim); movementMagnet->stateTimer().set(CAIS::rand32(51)+50); // wait between 5 and 10 seconds. } setAIProfile(lastProfile, CProfilePtr::START_RESUME); } else { setDefaultComportment(); } } } thisProfileType=getAIProfile()->getAIProfileType(); if (curiosityPlayer) { if ( thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_WANDERING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_RESTING ) { setAIProfile(new CCuriosityFaunaProfile(this,curiosityPlayer->dataSetRow(), getAStarFlag())); } } else { if (_TimeBeforeNextCuriosity.test()) { _TimeBeforeNextCuriosity.set((CAIS::rand32(120)+120)*10); // consider every 2 to 4 minutes; } } if (visualTarget) { thisProfileType=getAIProfile()->getAIProfileType(); if ( thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_GRAZING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_RESTING || thisProfileType==ACTIVITY_WANDERING ) { setVisualTarget(visualTarget); _VisualTargetTimer.set(CAIS::rand32(60)+10); } } } float CSpawnBotFauna::aggroRadius() { switch (cycleState()) { case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateVeryHungry: case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateStarving: if (spawnGrp().getPersistent().places()[CGrpFauna::EAT_PLACE]->atPlace(CAIVector(pos()))) return getPersistent().getSheet()->AggroRadiusHunting(); else return getPersistent().getSheet()->AggroRadiusHungry(); default: return getPersistent().getSheet()->AggroRadiusNotHungry(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMovementMagnet // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMovementMagnet::CMovementMagnet(CSpawnBotFauna& botFauna, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag flag) : _BotFauna(botFauna) , _PathPos(botFauna.theta()) , _PathCont(flag) , _denyFlags(flag) { // start by moving during a variable time, just to disperse bot in their place.(must be initialised by constructor) _StateTimer.set(0); // do not wait a long time .. :) _State = Movement_Wait_Anim; _PathPos._Angle = _BotFauna.theta(); _Speed = _BotFauna.walkSpeed(); } CMovementMagnet::~CMovementMagnet() { } void CMovementMagnet::setBotAngle() { _PathPos._Angle = _BotFauna.theta(); } CAIVector const& CMovementMagnet::getDestination() const { #ifdef NL_DEBUG nlassert(isDestinationValid ()); #endif return _PathCont.getDestination(); } bool CMovementMagnet::isDestinationValid() const { return _PathCont.getDestPos().isValid(); } void CMovementMagnet::getNewDestination(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& alternativePos, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag denyFlag) { if (CAIS::frand()>_BotFauna.getPersistent().getSheet()->GroupDispersion()) // to make some variety. { // first, try to take the same way as another bot of the group with the same comportment. CCont &bots = _BotFauna.spawnGrp().bots(); uint32 nbBots=bots.size(); float bestScore=0.f; CAIVector bestDest; for (uint32 i=0;i(bots[i]); if (!bot) continue; CSpawnBotFauna *faunaBot=bot->getSpawn(); if ( !faunaBot || faunaBot==&_BotFauna || faunaBot->getAIProfileType()!=_BotFauna.getAIProfileType() ) continue; IMouvementMagnetOwner* magnetOwner = dynamic_cast(faunaBot->getAIProfile()); if (!magnetOwner) continue; const CMovementMagnet *const movementMagnet = magnetOwner->getMovementMagnet(); if ( !movementMagnet || !movementMagnet->isDestinationValid()) continue; const CAIVector &destPos=movementMagnet->getDestination (); if ( destPos==_LastDest || destPos==_PathCont.getDestination()) continue; if ( !faunaBot->wpos().isValid() || (faunaBot->wpos().getFlags()&denyFlag)!=0) continue; // can be optimize by in avoid inversion. const float distToBot=(float)(1.f/(faunaBot->pos().quickDistTo(_BotFauna.pos())+1.f)); if (distToBot0) { _LastDest=_PathCont.getDestination(); _PathCont.setDestination(vp_auto, bestDest); return; } } // if failed, then try to take an random destination. // here, we have to find another place to go (!) uint32 nbTries = 64; CWorldPosition newPos; float bestScore = 0; CSpawnGroupFauna const& grpFauna = _BotFauna.spawnGrp(); CAIPlace const* const place = grpFauna.targetPlace(); do { --nbTries; CWorldPosition wRndPos; _BotFauna.spawnGrp().targetPlace()->getRandomPos(wRndPos); // check if its a nogo and water proof position. if ( !wRndPos.isValid() || (wRndPos.getTopologyRef().getCstTopologyNode().getFlags()&denyFlag)!=0 ) continue; #if !FINAL_VERSION nlassertex(wRndPos.isValid(), ("Error: can't find a valid pos in place '%s'", _BotFauna.spawnGrp().targetPlace()->getAliasFullName().c_str())); #else if (!wRndPos.isValid()) nlwarning("Error: can't find a valid pos in place '%s'", _BotFauna.spawnGrp().targetPlace()->getAliasFullName().c_str()); #endif CAIVector const newPosVector = CAIVector(wRndPos); double const distToGrp = newPosVector.quickDistTo(grpFauna.getCenterPos()); double distToBot = newPosVector.quickDistTo(_BotFauna.pos()); // if too near, then make this score not too good, else add some value to minimize the effect of bot dist / group dist. distToBot += (distToBot<=1.0)?30.0:4.0; float const score = (float)(distToGrp/distToBot); if (score0); if (!newPos.isValid()) { _PathCont.setDestination(vp_auto, alternativePos); // the alternative pos given by parameters. nlwarning("Error: can't find a valid pos in place '%s' near %s", _BotFauna.spawnGrp().targetPlace()->getAliasFullName().c_str(), _BotFauna.spawnGrp().targetPlace()->worldValidPos().toString().c_str()); } else _PathCont.setDestination(vp_auto, newPos); } void CMovementMagnet::update(uint32 waitTime, uint32 ticksSinceLastUpdate, bool ignoreBadPos) { H_AUTO(MovementMagnet); switch (_State) { BeginAnim: _State=Movement_Anim; _StateTimer.set((uint32)((waitTime*0.5)+CAIS::rand16(waitTime))); // drop through to Wait case Movement_Anim: // this is a small hack to allow migration code to avoid turning if (waitTime==0) goto BeginMove; // this is the basic wait code - it waits! if (_StateTimer.test()) goto BeginWaitAnim; break; BeginWaitAnim: // select a random angle in range +/-pi, biased towards 0 // and setup dTheta and dThetaTimer to avoid turning again at start of movement _StateTimer.set(100); //secs (wait for the anim to stop) _State=Movement_Wait_Anim; case Movement_Wait_Anim: if (_StateTimer.test()) goto BeginMove; break; BeginMove: _State=Movement_Move; getNewDestination (_BotFauna.wpos(), _denyFlags); // drop through to Move _Speed=_BotFauna.walkSpeed(); case Movement_Move: { if (!_BotFauna.canMove()) break; float distToDest=(float)_PathCont.getDestination().quickDistTo(_BotFauna.pos()); distToDest-=((_BotFauna.getPersistent().getChildIndex()&7)+1.5f); float dist=_Speed*ticksSinceLastUpdate; CAIVector lastPos=_BotFauna.pos(); { CAIVector deviateVector(CAngle(_BotFauna.theta().asRadians()+(Pi*0.5f)*sin(CTimeInterface::gameCycle()*0.03f+_BotFauna.getPersistent().getChildIndex())).asVector2d()); _BotFauna.setMoveDecalage(_BotFauna.moveDecalage()+deviateVector); } CFollowPath::TFollowStatus status = CFollowPath::getInstance()->followPath( &_BotFauna, _PathPos, _PathCont, dist, dist*.5f, .5f); if (!ignoreBadPos) { if (status==CFollowPath::FOLLOW_NO_PATH) // No Path Found ! getNewDestination (_BotFauna.wpos(), _denyFlags); // drop through to Move if (distToDest<=0 || lastPos.quickDistTo(_BotFauna.pos())<(dist*0.5f)) // too much people. { goto BeginAnim; } } } break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CReturnMovementMagnet // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CReturnMovementMagnet::CReturnMovementMagnet(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& forcedDest, CSpawnBotFauna& botFauna, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag flag) : CMovementMagnet(botFauna, flag) , _ForcedDest(forcedDest) { /* RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition wpos; if (CWorldContainer::getWorldMap().setWorldPosition(forcedDest.h(), wpos, forcedDest.toAIVector())) { setWPos(wpos); } else { nlerror("Impossible to create a valid world pos for return magnet.") } */ // sint32 z = forcedDest.h(); // CAIVector const vect = forcedDest.toAIVector(); // bool res = CWorldContainer::getWorldMap().setWorldPosition(z, _ForcedDest, vect); // nlassert(res); } void CReturnMovementMagnet::getNewDestination(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& alternativePos, RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::TAStarFlag denyFlag) { if (_ForcedDest.isValid() && (_ForcedDest.getTopologyRef().getCstTopologyNode().getFlags()&denyFlag)==0) _PathCont.setDestination(_ForcedDest); else CMovementMagnet::getNewDestination(alternativePos, denyFlag); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBotFauna // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAIS::CCounter& CBotFauna::getSpawnCounter() { return CAIS::instance()._FaunaBotCounter; } CBotFauna::CBotFauna(AITYPES::TFaunaType type, CGroup* owner, CAIAliasDescriptionNode* alias) : CBot(owner, alias) , _Type(type) , _Sheet(NULL) { _Sheet = CBotFaunaSheetPtr(new CBotFaunaSheet(NULL)); _Sheet->setSheet(CBot::getSheet()); } CBotFauna::~CBotFauna() { if (isSpawned()) { despawnBot(); } } CSpawnBot* CBotFauna::getSpawnBot(TDataSetRow const& row, NLMISC::CEntityId const& id, float radius) { return new CSpawnBotFauna(row, *this, id, radius, getSheet()->Level(), getGroup().getAStarFlag()); } bool CBotFauna::reSpawn(bool sendMessage) { // we made some tries because its an random positionned spawn that may failed some times .. uint32 maxtries = 100; while (!spawn() && maxtries>0) { --maxtries; } if (!isSpawned() && sendMessage) { LOG("Cannot spawn a fauna bot %s", getFullName().c_str()); } return isSpawned(); } // :KLUDGE: This methods is a part of the trick for bot respawn // :TODO: Clean that mess bool CBotFauna::finalizeSpawnFauna() { getSpawn()->sendInfoToEGS(); // execute birth script :) AISHEETS::ICreature::TScriptCompList const& scriptList = getSheet()->BirthScriptList(); FOREACHC(it, AISHEETS::ICreature::TScriptCompList, scriptList) (*it)->update(*getSpawn()); return true; } // nothing special is made, its a simple bot spawn. bool CBotFauna::spawn() { // initialise the energy value. initEnergy(NLMISC::safe_cast(getOwner())->getEnergyCoef()); if (!CBot::spawn()) return false; // :KLUDGE: Last part calls a tricky method also called by sheetChanged // :TODO: Clean that mess return finalizeSpawnFauna(); } void CBotFauna::despawnBot() { CBot::despawnBot(); } CGrpFauna& CBotFauna::grp() const { return *static_cast(getOwner()); } CMgrFauna& CBotFauna::mgr() const { return *static_cast(grp().getOwner()); } void CBotFauna::getSpawnPos(CAIVector& triedPos, CWorldPosition& pos, CWorldMap const& worldMap, CAngle& spawnTheta) { nlassert(grp().getSpawnObj()); CSpawnGroupFauna* grpFauna = grp().getSpawnObj(); CBotFauna* leader = grpFauna->leader(); spawnTheta = CAngle(CAIS::frand(2*NLMISC::Pi)); // if possible, fauna must spawn near its leader. if (leader && leader->isSpawned() && getSheet()->FaunaType()!=FaunaTypePlant) { RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition leaderPos=leader->getSpawn()->wpos(); // if the leader is not in the current place .. if (!grpFauna->targetPlace()->atPlace(leaderPos)) { // spawn the fauna near the leader (same place for instance). pos = leaderPos; } } if (!pos.isValid()) { // if we try to spawn a plant, try to find a position where no plant already are. if (getSheet()->FaunaType()==FaunaTypePlant) { bool rejected = true; uint32 nbTry = 64; while (nbTry-- > 0 && rejected) { grpFauna->targetPlace()->getRandomPos(pos); // Check if this place is Valid for us .. CAIVision vision; vision.updateBotsAndPlayers(getAIInstance(), pos,0,2); std::vector > const& bots = vision.bots(); rejected = false; FOREACHC(it, std::vector >, bots) { CAIEntityPhysical const* const phys = (*it)->getSpawnObj(); if (!phys || phys->getRyzomType()!=RYZOMID::creature) continue; CSpawnBotFauna const* const fauna = NLMISC::safe_cast(phys); if ( fauna!=NULL && fauna->getPersistent().getSheet()->FaunaType()==FaunaTypePlant && fauna->pos().quickDistTo(pos.toAIVector())<2) { rejected = true; break; } } }; #if !FINAL_VERSION if (rejected) { nlwarning ("Solo Plant Pos Spawn Not Found at: %s", pos.toString().c_str()); } #endif } else { uint32 tries = 100; // think we won't be so expensive in the average case. while (tries-- > 0) { RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CCompatibleResult res; grpFauna->targetPlace()->getRandomPos(pos); areCompatiblesWithoutStartRestriction(pos, grpFauna->targetPlace()->worldValidPos(), getGroup().getAStarFlag(), res); if (res.isValid()) // Cool! break; } } } triedPos = pos.toAIVector(); } std::string CBotFauna::getOneLineInfoString() const { return std::string("Fauna bot '") + getName() + "'" + "(AliasName : "+getAliasFullName()+")"; } void CBotFauna::sheetChanged() { if (getSpawnObj()) { // Get bot state RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition botWPos = getSpawnObj()->wpos(); CAngle spawnTheta = getSpawnObj()->theta(); float botMeterSize = getSheet()->Scale()*getSheet()->Radius(); // :TODO: Save profile info // If stuck bot position may be outside collision and must be recomputed if (isStuck() || IsRingShard) getSpawnPos(lastTriedPos, botWPos, CWorldContainer::getWorldMap(), spawnTheta); // Delete old bot CMirrors::removeEntity(getSpawnObj()->getEntityId()); setSpawn(NULL); // automatic smart pointer deletion notifyBotDespawn(); // Finalize spawn object creation if (!finalizeSpawn(botWPos, spawnTheta, botMeterSize)) return; // :KLUDGE: Both finalizeSpawn and finalizeSpawnFauna are called, // sheetChanged has a strange herited meaning and may confuse future // coders // :TODO: Clean that mess and find a more elegant C++ solution to the // problem finalizeSpawnFauna(); } } void CBotFauna::triggerSetSheet(AISHEETS::ICreatureCPtr const& sheet) { // :KLUDGE: This test is there to mimick the behaviour of the client. This // is not the better way to do this, but the client is so... well, you see // what I mean. if (EGSPD::CPeople::Creature<=sheet->Race() && sheet->Race()(owner)) , _PathPos(NLMISC::safe_cast(owner)->theta()) , _Speed(speed) , _LastProfile(lastProfile) , _fightGoAwayPathContainer(denyFlags) { } void CBotProfileGoAway::beginProfile() { _LastDir = RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection::UNDEFINED); _fightGoAwayPathContainer.setDestination(vp_auto, CAIVector(_Bot->pos())); _Bot->setMode(MBEHAV::NORMAL); } void CBotProfileGoAway::updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate) { H_AUTO(BotGoAwayProfileUpdate) CFollowPathContext fpcBotGoAwayProfileUpdate("BotGoAwayProfileUpdate"); if (!_Bot->canMove()) return; bool calcDone=true; if (_Decalage.isNull()) _Decalage.setX(1+_Decalage.x()); // hum .. RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection startDir(_Decalage.x(), _Decalage.y(), true); // if we need to change our destination. if ( startDir!=_LastDir || _fightGoAwayPathContainer.getDestPos(/*_Bot->size()*/).hasSameFullCellId(_Bot->wpos()) ) { float BestScore=-1.f; RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition BestPos; const RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldMap &worldMap=CWorldContainer::getWorldMap(/*_Bot->size()*/); calcDone=false; sint nbStep=0; while (nbStep<8) { // try to find a direction around startDir. RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection dir(startDir); dir.addStep((RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection::TDeltaDirection) ((nbStep&1)?(nbStep>>1):(-(nbStep>>1)))); const RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CRootCell *rootCell=worldMap.getRootCellCst(_Bot->wpos().stepCell(dir.dx(),dir.dy())); // _Bot->wpos() if (rootCell) { for (uint32 pointIndex=0;pointIndex<4;pointIndex++) { const RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition &wpos=rootCell->getWorldPosition(pointIndex); if (wpos.isValid()) { CCompatibleResult res; areCompatiblesWithoutStartRestriction(_Bot->wpos(), wpos, _fightGoAwayPathContainer.getDenyFlags(), res); if (!res.isValid()) { // nlwarning("Error case avoided. Please report this warning to jvuarand."); continue; } CAIVector deltaToDest(wpos-_Bot->wpos()); const float score=(float) CAIVector(wpos-_Bot->wpos()).dot(_Decalage); //*deltaToDest.norm(); if ( score>BestScore && deltaToDest.quickNorm()>2.f) // minimum distance requires. { BestScore=score; BestPos=wpos; } } } } nbStep++; } RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CCompatibleResult res; if (_Bot->wpos().isValid() && BestPos.isValid()) { areCompatiblesWithoutStartRestriction(_Bot->wpos(), BestPos, _fightGoAwayPathContainer.denyFlags(), res, true); if (BestPos.isValid() && res.isValid()) { _LastDir=startDir; _LastStartPos=_Bot->wpos(); calcDone=true; _fightGoAwayPathContainer.setDestination(vp_auto, BestPos); } } } // if we found somewhere to go, then go there .. if (calcDone) { const float dist= ((1.f-_Speed)*_Bot->walkSpeed()+_Speed*_Bot->runSpeed())*ticksSinceLastUpdate; _Decalage.normalize(100.f*1000.f); _Decalage += CAIVector(_Bot->pos()); CFollowPath::TFollowStatus const status = CFollowPath::getInstance()->followPath( _Bot, _PathPos, _fightGoAwayPathContainer, dist, dist*.71f, .5f, true, &_Decalage); if (status==CFollowPath::FOLLOW_NO_PATH) { #if !FINAL_VERSION nlwarning("GoAway followpath problem (!!)"); #endif } } else { _LastDir=RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CDirection::UNDEFINED); } _Decalage=CAIVector(0,0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBotProfileGoAway // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NLMISC::CSmartPtr CBotProfileGoAwayFactory::createAIProfile(CProfileOwner* owner) { nlassert(false); return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const char *cyclesStateName(CFaunaActivity::TCycleState s) { switch (s) { case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateHungry: return "HUNGRY"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateVeryHungry: return "VERY_HUNGRY"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateStarving: return "STARVING"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateDigesting: return "DIGESTING"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateTired: return "TIRED"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateVeryTired: return "VERY_TIRED"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateExhausted: return "EXHAUSTED"; case CFaunaActivity::CycleStateShaking: return "SHAKING"; default: break; } return "UNKNOWN STATE"; }