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884 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_scrolltext.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_tree.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_table.h"
#include "nel/gui/libwww_types.h"
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> TStyle;
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlButton;
class CCtrlScroll;
class CGroupList;
class CGroupMenu;
class CDBGroupComboBox;
class CGroupParagraph;
extern std::string CurrentCookie;
// HTML group
* Widget to have a resizable scrolltext and its scrollbar
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupHTML : public CGroupScrollText
/// Web browser options for CGroupHTML
struct SWebOptions
/// Id of the browser ( e.g.: Chrome, Firefox, Ryzom )
std::string appName;
/// Version of the browser
std::string appVersion;
/// Language code of the browser( e.g.: en, hu )
std::string languageCode;
/// List of domains the widget can consider secure.
std::vector< std::string > trustedDomains;
/// Maximum concurrent MultiCurl connections per CGroupHTML instance
sint32 curlMaxConnections;
SWebOptions(): curlMaxConnections(2)
static SWebOptions options;
class CStyleParams
CStyleParams () : FontFamily(""), TextColor(255,255,255,255)
uint FontSize;
uint FontWeight;
bool FontOblique;
std::string FontFamily;
bool Underlined;
bool StrikeThrough;
sint32 Width;
sint32 Height;
sint32 MaxWidth;
sint32 MaxHeight;
// Constructor
CGroupHTML(const TCtorParam ¶m);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// CInterfaceGroup Interface
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
// Events
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
// Browse
virtual void browse (const char *url);
// parse html string using libxml2 parser
virtual bool parseHtml(std::string htmlString);
// Refresh
void refresh();
// submit form
void submitForm (uint formId, const char *submitButtonType, const char *submitButtonName, const char *submitButtonValue, sint32 x, sint32 y);
// Browse error
void browseError (const char *msg);
// stop browse
void stopBrowse ();
bool isBrowsing();
void clean() { stopBrowse(); updateRefreshButton(); removeContent(); }
// Update coords
void updateCoords();
// New paragraph
void newParagraph(uint beginSpace);
// End of the paragraph
void endParagraph();
// Timeout
void setTimeout(float tm) {_TimeoutValue= std::max(0.f, tm);}
float getTimeout() const {return (float)_TimeoutValue;}
// Some constants
bool ErrorColorGlobalColor;
bool LinkColorGlobalColor;
bool TextColorGlobalColor;
bool H1ColorGlobalColor;
bool H2ColorGlobalColor;
bool H3ColorGlobalColor;
bool H4ColorGlobalColor;
bool H5ColorGlobalColor;
bool H6ColorGlobalColor;
uint TextFontSize;
uint H1FontSize;
uint H2FontSize;
uint H3FontSize;
uint H4FontSize;
uint H5FontSize;
uint H6FontSize;
uint TDBeginSpace;
uint PBeginSpace;
uint LIBeginSpace;
uint ULBeginSpace;
uint LIIndent;
uint ULIndent;
float LineSpaceFontFactor;
std::string DefaultButtonGroup;
std::string DefaultFormTextGroup;
std::string DefaultFormTextAreaGroup;
std::string DefaultFormSelectGroup;
std::string DefaultFormSelectBoxMenuGroup;
std::string DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal;
std::string DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed;
std::string DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver;
std::string DefaultRadioButtonBitmapNormal;
std::string DefaultRadioButtonBitmapPushed;
std::string DefaultRadioButtonBitmapOver;
std::string DefaultBackgroundBitmapView;
std::string CurrentLinkTitle;
struct TFormField {
TFormField(const std::string &k, const std::string &v)
std::string name;
std::string value;
struct SFormFields {
void clear()
void add(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
Values.push_back(TFormField(key, value));
std::vector<TFormField> Values;
// Browser home
std::string Home;
// Undo browse: Browse the precedent url browsed. no op if none
void browseUndo ();
// Redo browse: Browse the precedent url undoed. no op if none
void browseRedo ();
// clear undo/redo
void clearUndoRedo();
std::string getURL() const { return _URL; }
void setURL(const std::string &url);
int luaBrowse(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRefresh(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRemoveContent(CLuaState &ls);
int luaInsertText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddString(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddImage(CLuaState &ls);
int luaBeginElement(CLuaState &ls);
int luaEndElement(CLuaState &ls);
int luaShowDiv(CLuaState &ls);
int luaParseHtml(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRenderHtml(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("browse", luaBrowse)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("refresh", luaRefresh)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeContent", luaRemoveContent)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("insertText", luaInsertText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addString", luaAddString)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addImage", luaAddImage)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("beginElement", luaBeginElement)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("endElement", luaEndElement)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("showDiv", luaShowDiv)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("parseHtml", luaParseHtml)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("renderHtml", luaRenderHtml)
REFLECT_FLOAT("timeout", getTimeout, setTimeout)
protected :
// \name callback from libwww
// Begin of the parsing of a HTML document
virtual void beginBuild ();
// End of the parsing of a HTML document
virtual void endBuild ();
// A new text block has been parsed
virtual void addText (const char * buf, int len);
// A new begin HTML element has been parsed (<IMG> for exemple)
virtual void beginElement (uint element_number, const std::vector<bool> &present, const std::vector<const char *> &value);
// A new end HTML element has been parsed (</IMG> for exemple)
virtual void endElement (uint element_number);
// A new begin unparsed element has been found
virtual void beginUnparsedElement(const char *buffer, int length);
// A new end unparsed element has been found
virtual void endUnparsedElement(const char *buffer, int length);
// Add GET params to the url
virtual void addHTTPGetParams (std::string &url, bool trustedDomain);
// Add POST params to the libwww list
virtual void addHTTPPostParams (SFormFields &formfields, bool trustedDomain);
// the current request is terminated
virtual void requestTerminated();
// libxml2 html parser functions
void htmlElement(xmlNode *node, int element_number);
void htmlWalkDOM(xmlNode *a_node);
// Get Home URL
virtual std::string home();
// Parse style html tag
TStyle parseStyle(const std::string &str_styles);
// Handle some work at each pass
virtual void handle ();
// \name internal methods
// Add a group in the current parent group
void addGroup (CInterfaceGroup *group, uint beginSpace);
// Get the current parent group
CInterfaceGroup *getCurrentGroup();
// Update current paragraph dependent data
void paragraphChange ();
// Clear the contexts info
void clearContext();
// Translate a char
bool translateChar(ucchar &output, ucchar input, ucchar lastChar) const;
// Add a string in the current paragraph
void addString(const ucstring &str);
// Add an image in the current paragraph
void addImage(const char *image, bool globalColor, bool reloadImg=false, const CStyleParams &style = CStyleParams());
// Add a text area in the current paragraph
CInterfaceGroup *addTextArea (const std::string &templateName, const char *name, uint rows, uint cols, bool multiLine, const ucstring &content, uint maxlength);
// Add a combo box in the current paragraph
CDBGroupComboBox *addComboBox(const std::string &templateName, const char *name);
CGroupMenu *addSelectBox(const std::string &templateName, const char *name);
// Add a button in the current paragraph. actionHandler, actionHandlerParams and tooltip can be NULL.
CCtrlButton *addButton(CCtrlButton::EType type, const std::string &name, const std::string &normalBitmap, const std::string &pushedBitmap,
const std::string &overBitmap, bool useGlobalColor, const char *actionHandler, const char *actionHandlerParams, const char *tooltip,
const CStyleParams &style = CStyleParams());
// Set the background color
void setBackgroundColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA &bgcolor);
// Set the background
void setBackground (const std::string &bgtex, bool scale, bool tile);
// Force the current string to be in a single string
void flushString();
// Set the title
void setTitle (const ucstring &title);
// Lookup a url in local file system
bool lookupLocalFile (std::string &result, const char *url, bool isUrl);
// Delete page content and prepare next page
void removeContent ();
// Current URL for relative links in page
std::string _URL;
// Current URL
std::string _DocumentUrl;
std::string _DocumentDomain;
// Valid base href was found
bool _IgnoreBaseUrlTag;
// Fragment from loading url
std::string _UrlFragment;
std::map<std::string,NLGUI::CInterfaceElement *> _Anchors;
std::vector<std::string> _AnchorName;
// Parser context
bool _ReadingHeadTag;
bool _IgnoreHeadTag;
// Current DOMAIN
bool _TrustedDomain;
// Title prefix
ucstring _TitlePrefix;
// Title string
ucstring _TitleString;
// Need to browse next update coords..
bool _BrowseNextTime;
bool _PostNextTime;
uint _PostFormId;
std::string _PostFormSubmitType;
std::string _PostFormSubmitButton;
std::string _PostFormSubmitValue;
sint32 _PostFormSubmitX;
sint32 _PostFormSubmitY;
// Browsing..
bool _Browsing;
bool _Connecting;
double _TimeoutValue; // the timeout in seconds
double _ConnectingTimeout;
sint _RedirectsRemaining;
// Automatic page refresh
double _LastRefreshTime;
double _NextRefreshTime;
std::string _RefreshUrl;
// minimal embeded lua script support
// Note : any embeded script is executed immediately after the closing
// element has been found
// True when the <lua> element has been encountered
bool _ParsingLua;
bool _IgnoreText;
// the script to execute
std::string _LuaScript;
bool _LuaHrefHack;
bool _Object;
std::string _ObjectScript;
// Data container for active curl transfer
class CCurlWWWData * _CurlWWW;
// Current paragraph
std::string _DivName;
CGroupParagraph* _Paragraph;
inline CGroupParagraph *getParagraph()
return _Paragraph;
/*if (_Paragraph.empty())
return NULL;
return _Paragraph.back();*/
// PRE mode
std::vector<bool> _PRE;
inline bool getPRE() const
if (_PRE.empty())
return false;
return _PRE.back();
// DL list
class HTMLDListElement {
: DT(false), DD(false)
{ }
bool DT;
bool DD;
std::vector<HTMLDListElement> _DL;
// OL and UL
class HTMLOListElement {
HTMLOListElement(int start, std::string type)
: Value(start),Type(type), First(true)
{ }
std::string getListMarkerText() const;
sint32 Value;
std::string Type;
bool First;
std::vector<HTMLOListElement> _UL;
// A mode
std::vector<bool> _A;
inline bool getA() const
if (_A.empty())
return false;
return _A.back();
// IL mode
bool _LI;
// Current text color
std::vector<NLMISC::CRGBA> _TextColor;
inline const NLMISC::CRGBA &getTextColor() const
if (_TextColor.empty())
return TextColor;
return _TextColor.back();
// Current global color flag
std::vector<bool> _GlobalColor;
inline bool getGlobalColor() const
if (_GlobalColor.empty())
return false;
return _GlobalColor.back();
// Current font name
std::vector<std::string> _FontFamily;
inline const char* getFontFamily() const
if (_FontFamily.empty())
return "";
return _FontFamily.back().c_str();
// Current font size
std::vector<uint> _FontSize;
inline uint getFontSize() const
if (_FontSize.empty())
return TextFontSize;
return _FontSize.back();
inline uint getFontSizeSmaller() const
if (getFontSize() < 5)
return 3;
return getFontSize()-2;
std::vector<uint> _FontWeight;
inline uint getFontWeight() const
if (_FontWeight.empty())
return 400;
return _FontWeight.back();
std::vector<bool> _FontOblique;
inline bool getFontOblique() const
if (_FontOblique.empty())
return false;
return _FontOblique.back();
std::vector<bool> _FontUnderlined;
inline bool getFontUnderlined() const
if (_FontUnderlined.empty())
return false;
return _FontUnderlined.back();
std::vector<bool> _FontStrikeThrough;
inline bool getFontStrikeThrough() const
if (_FontStrikeThrough.empty())
return false;
return _FontStrikeThrough.back();
// Current link
std::vector<std::string> _Link;
inline const char *getLink() const
if (_Link.empty())
return "";
return _Link.back().c_str();
std::vector<std::string> _LinkTitle;
inline const char *getLinkTitle() const
if (_LinkTitle.empty())
return "";
return _LinkTitle.back().c_str();
std::vector<std::string> _LinkClass;
inline const char *getLinkClass() const
if (_LinkClass.empty())
return "";
return _LinkClass.back().c_str();
std::vector<bool> _BlockLevelElement;
inline bool isBlockLevelElement() const
if (_BlockLevelElement.empty())
return false;
return _BlockLevelElement.back();
// Divs (i.e. interface group)
std::vector<class CInterfaceGroup*> _Divs;
inline CInterfaceGroup *getDiv() const
if (_Divs.empty())
return NULL;
return _Divs.back();
// Tables
std::vector<class CGroupTable*> _Tables;
inline CGroupTable *getTable() const
if (_Tables.empty())
return NULL;
return _Tables.back();
// Cells
std::vector<class CGroupCell*> _Cells;
// TR
std::vector<bool> _TR;
inline bool getTR() const
if (_TR.empty())
return false;
return _TR.back();
// Forms
class CForm
class CEntry
CEntry ()
TextArea = NULL;
Checkbox = NULL;
ComboBox = NULL;
SelectBox = NULL;
sbRBRef = NULL;
sbMultiple = false;
sbOptionDisabled = -1;
InitialSelection = 0;
// Variable name
std::string Name;
// Variable value
ucstring Value;
// Text area group
CInterfaceGroup *TextArea;
// Checkbox
CCtrlButton *Checkbox;
// Combobox group
CDBGroupComboBox *ComboBox;
// Combobox with multiple selection or display size >= 2
CGroupMenu *SelectBox;
// Single or multiple selections for SelectBox
bool sbMultiple;
// Marks OPTION element as disabled
// Only valid when parsing html
sint sbOptionDisabled;
// First radio button in SelectBox if single selection
CCtrlBaseButton *sbRBRef;
// select values (for the <select> tag)
std::vector<std::string> SelectValues;
sint InitialSelection; // initial selection for the combo box
// The action the form has to perform
std::string Action;
// The text area associated with the form
std::vector<CEntry> Entries;
std::vector<CForm> _Forms;
std::vector<CInterfaceGroup *> _Groups;
// Cells parameters
class CCellParams
CCellParams () : BgColor(0,0,0,0)
Align = CGroupCell::Left;
VAlign = CGroupCell::Middle;
LeftMargin = 0;
NoWrap = false;
std::string Style;
CGroupCell::TAlign Align;
CGroupCell::TVAlign VAlign;
sint32 LeftMargin;
bool NoWrap;
std::vector<CCellParams> _CellParams;
// Indentation
uint _Indent;
// Current node is a title
bool _Title;
// Current node must be localized
bool _Localize;
// Current node is a text area
bool _TextArea;
std::string _TextAreaTemplate;
ucstring _TextAreaContent;
std::string _TextAreaName;
uint _TextAreaRow;
uint _TextAreaCols;
uint _TextAreaMaxLength;
// current mode is in select option
bool _SelectOption;
ucstring _SelectOptionStr;
// Current node is a object
std::string _ObjectType;
std::string _ObjectData;
std::string _ObjectMD5Sum;
std::string _ObjectAction;
std::string _TextAreaScript;
// Get last char
ucchar getLastChar() const;
// Current link view
class CViewLink *_CurrentViewLink;
class CViewBitmap *_CurrentViewImage;
// Current group table
class CGroupCell *_CurrentCell;
// The main group
class CGroupListAdaptor *_GroupListAdaptor;
// For auto selecting the node in a BrowseTree bound to this HTML web page
std::string _BrowseTree;
// select the tree node that has the correct url
const std::string &selectTreeNodeRecurs(CGroupTree::SNode *node, const std::string &url);
// search if the action / params match the url. look recurs into procedures
bool actionLaunchUrlRecurs(const std::string &ah, const std::string ¶ms, const std::string &url);
void registerAnchor(CInterfaceElement* elm);
// Browse undo and redo
enum {MaxUrlUndoRedo= 256};
std::string _BrowseUndoButton;
std::string _BrowseRedoButton;
std::string _BrowseRefreshButton;
// _BrowseUrl is different from _URL, in that _URL may change in handle()
std::string _AskedUrl;
std::deque<std::string> _BrowseUndo;
std::deque<std::string> _BrowseRedo;
void pushUrlUndoRedo(const std::string &url);
void doBrowse(const char *url, bool force = false);
void doBrowseAnchor(const std::string &anchor);
void updateUndoRedoButtons();
void updateRefreshButton();
// For Killing request. Associate each CGroupHTML object with a unique ID.
uint32 _GroupHtmlUID;
static uint32 _GroupHtmlUIDPool;
typedef std::map<uint32, NLMISC::CRefPtr<CGroupHTML> > TGroupHtmlByUIDMap;
static TGroupHtmlByUIDMap _GroupHtmlByUID;
// read style attribute
void getStyleParams(const std::string &styleString, CStyleParams &style, bool inherit = true);
void applyCssMinMax(sint32 &width, sint32 &height, sint32 minw=0, sint32 minh=0, sint32 maxw=0, sint32 maxh=0);
// load and render local html file (from bnp for example)
void doBrowseLocalFile(const std::string &filename);
// load remote content using either GET or POST
void doBrowseRemoteUrl(const std::string &url, const std::string &referer, bool doPost = false, const SFormFields &formfields = SFormFields());
// render html string as new browser page
bool renderHtmlString(const std::string &html);
// initialize formfields list from form elements on page
void buildHTTPPostParams (SFormFields &formfields);
// decode all HTML entities
static ucstring decodeHTMLEntities(const ucstring &str);
// ImageDownload system
enum TDataType {ImgType= 0, BnpType};
struct CDataImageDownload
CDataImageDownload(CViewBase *img, CStyleParams style): Image(img), Style(style)
CViewBase * Image;
CStyleParams Style;
struct CDataDownload
CDataDownload(CURL *c, const std::string &u, const std::string &d, FILE *f, TDataType t, CViewBase *i, const std::string &s, const std::string &m, const CStyleParams &style = CStyleParams()) : curl(c), url(u), dest(d), luaScript(s), md5sum(m), type(t), fp(f)
if (t == ImgType) imgs.push_back(CDataImageDownload(i, style));
CURL *curl;
std::string url;
std::string dest;
std::string luaScript;
std::string md5sum;
TDataType type;
FILE *fp;
std::vector<CDataImageDownload> imgs;
std::vector<CDataDownload> Curls;
CURLM *MultiCurl;
int RunningCurls;
void initImageDownload();
void checkImageDownload();
void addImageDownload(const std::string &url, CViewBase *img, const CStyleParams &style = CStyleParams());
std::string localImageName(const std::string &url);
std::string getAbsoluteUrl(const std::string &url);
bool isTrustedDomain(const std::string &domain);
void setImage(CViewBase *view, const std::string &file);
void setImageSize(CViewBase *view, const CStyleParams &style = CStyleParams());
// BnpDownload system
void initBnpDownload();
void checkBnpDownload();
bool addBnpDownload(const std::string &url, const std::string &action, const std::string &script, const std::string &md5sum);
std::string localBnpName(const std::string &url);
void releaseDownloads();
void checkDownloads();
// HtmlType download finished
void htmlDownloadFinished(const std::string &content, const std::string &type, long code);
// cURL transfer callbacks
static size_t curlHeaderCallback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *pCCurlWWWData);
static size_t curlDataCallback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *pCCurlWWWData);
static size_t curlProgressCallback(void *pCCurlWWWData, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow);
// adapter group that store y offset for inputs inside an html form
class CGroupHTMLInputOffset : public CInterfaceGroup
sint32 Offset;
CGroupHTMLInputOffset(const TCtorParam ¶m);
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);