khanat-opennel-code/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_mesh_lib/calc_lm_rt.cpp d5c601ffa5 initial version
2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

1267 lines
41 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdafx.h" // Precompiled header
#include "export_nel.h"
#include "export_appdata.h"
#include "calc_lm_rt.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NL3D;
using namespace NLMISC;
// ***********************************************************************************************
// CRTWorld
// ***********************************************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRTWorld::CRTWorld (bool errorInDialog, bool view, bool absolutePath, Interface *ip, std::string errorTitle, CExportNel *exp)
_Ip = ip;
_AbsolutePath = absolutePath;
_View = view;
_ErrorInDialog = errorInDialog;
_ErrorTitle = errorTitle;
_Export = exp;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < vMB.size(); ++i)
delete vMB[i];
delete vMBB[i];
for (i = 0; i < vLightAccel.size(); ++i)
if (vLightAccel[i] != NULL)
delete vLightAccel[i];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTWorld::build (vector<SLightBuild> &AllLights, CVector &trans, bool bExcludeNonSelected, const set<INode*> &excludeNode, const set<INode*> &includeNode)
uint32 i, j, k;
TTicks ttTemp = CTime::getPerformanceTime();
DWORD t = timeGetTime();
GlobalTrans = trans;
// Get all the nodes in the scene
if( bExcludeNonSelected )
getAllSelectedNode (vMB, vMBB, vINode, AllLights, excludeNode, includeNode);
getAllNodeInScene (vMB, vMBB, vINode, AllLights, excludeNode);
// Transform the meshbuilds vertices and normals to have world coordinates
for( i = 0; i < vMB.size(); ++i )
convertToWorldCoordinate (vMB[i], vMBB[i], GlobalTrans);
if (InfoLog)
InfoLog->display("Object Construction : %d ms\n", timeGetTime()-t);
// Construct all cube grids from all lights
//wrt.cgAccel.resize( AllLights.size() );
//wrt.dirAccel.resize( AllLights.size() );
vLight.resize (AllLights.size());
vLightAccel.resize (AllLights.size());
for (i = 0; i < AllLights.size(); ++i)
SLightBuild &rLight = AllLights[i];
vLight[i].Position = rLight.Position;
vLight[i].Direction = rLight.Direction;
vLight[i].rSoftShadowRadius = rLight.rSoftShadowRadius;
vLight[i].rSoftShadowConeLength = rLight.rSoftShadowConeLength;
vLightAccel[i] = NULL;
switch (rLight.Type)
// ------------------------
case SLightBuild::LightAmbient:
vLight[i].Type = CRTLight::RTLightAmbient;
// --------------------------
case SLightBuild::LightSpot: // For the moment spot like point
vLight[i].Type = CRTLight::RTLightSpot;
case SLightBuild::LightPoint:
vLight[i].Type = CRTLight::RTLightPoint;
CRTLightAccelPoint *pLAP = new CRTLightAccelPoint;
pLAP->create( 64 ); // width of each grid in number of square
for( j = 0; j < vMB.size(); ++j )
if (rLight.setExclusion.find (vINode[j]->GetName()) != rLight.setExclusion.end())
for (k = 0; k < vMB[j]->Faces.size(); ++k)
SGridCell cell;
cell.pF = &(vMB[j]->Faces[k]);
cell.pMB = vMB[j];
cell.pMBB = vMBB[j];
CTriangle tri = CTriangle(
cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[0].Vertex] - rLight.Position,
cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[1].Vertex] - rLight.Position,
cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[2].Vertex] - rLight.Position );
if (intersectionTriangleSphere (tri, CBSphere(CVector(0,0,0), rLight.rRadiusMax)))
pLAP->insert( tri, cell );
vLightAccel[i] = pLAP;
// ------------------------
case SLightBuild::LightDir:
vLight[i].Type = CRTLight::RTLightDir;
CRTLightAccelDir *pLAD = new CRTLightAccelDir;
pLAD->create (64, rLight.rDirRadius/64.0f, rLight.Direction);
for( j = 0; j < vMB.size(); ++j )
if (rLight.setExclusion.find (vINode[j]->GetName()) != rLight.setExclusion.end())
for (k = 0; k < vMB[j]->Faces.size(); ++k)
SGridCell cell;
cell.pF = &(vMB[j]->Faces[k]);
cell.pMB = vMB[j];
cell.pMBB = vMBB[j];
CTriangle tri = CTriangle(
cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[2].Vertex] );
// Convert the triangle into a sphere
CBSphere s;
s.Center = (tri.V0 + tri.V1 + tri.V2)/3.0f;
s.Radius = (tri.V0-s.Center).norm();
float tmp = (tri.V1-s.Center).norm();
if (tmp > s.Radius) s.Radius = tmp;
tmp = (tri.V2-s.Center).norm();
if (tmp > s.Radius) s.Radius = tmp;
if (intersectionSphereCylinder (s, rLight.Position, rLight.Direction, rLight.rDirRadius))
float t = ((s.Center - rLight.Position)*rLight.Direction) / (rLight.Direction*rLight.Direction);
if ((t-s.Radius) < pLAD->rMin)
pLAD->rMin = t - s.Radius;
if ((t+s.Radius) > pLAD->rMax)
pLAD->rMax = t + s.Radius;
pLAD->insert (tri, cell);
vLightAccel[i] = pLAD;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRGBAF CRTWorld::raytrace (NLMISC::CVector &vVertex, sint32 nLightNb, uint8& rtVal, bool bSoftShadow)
CRGBAF Factor = CRGBAF(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
CVector vVertexPos, vLightPos, vSelect;
CRTLight &rLight = vLight[nLightNb];
switch (rLight.Type)
case SLightBuild::LightAmbient:
Factor = CRGBAF(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
case SLightBuild::LightSpot:
case SLightBuild::LightPoint:
CVector light_p = vVertex - rLight.Position;
float light_p_distance = light_p.norm();
light_p_distance = light_p_distance - (0.01f+(0.05f*light_p_distance/100.0f)); // Substract n centimeter
light_p *= light_p_distance;
vLightPos = rLight.Position;
vVertexPos = rLight.Position + light_p;
vSelect = vVertexPos - vLightPos;
case SLightBuild::LightDir:
float lightdist = ((vVertex - rLight.Position)*rLight.Direction) / (rLight.Direction.norm());
CRTLightAccelDir *pLAD = (CRTLightAccelDir*)(vLightAccel[nLightNb]);
lightdist = lightdist - pLAD->rMin;
vLightPos = vVertex - rLight.Direction*lightdist;
vVertexPos = vVertex - (0.01f+(0.05f*lightdist/100.0f))*rLight.Direction;
vSelect = vVertexPos;
float rSoftShadowRadius = rLight.rSoftShadowRadius;
// Work with the directionnal light only for now
if ((bSoftShadow) && (rLight.Type == SLightBuild::LightDir))
CRTRay RayOfLight;
float rAreaInit;
RayOfLight.initDirectionnal(8, vVertex, rLight.Direction, rSoftShadowRadius, rLight.rSoftShadowConeLength);
rAreaInit = RayOfLight.getArea();
vLightAccel[nLightNb]->select (vSelect, rSoftShadowRadius);
while (!vLightAccel[nLightNb]->isEndSel())
// Get selected element
SGridCell cell = vLightAccel[nLightNb]->getSel();
CTriangle t(cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[0].Vertex],
cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[2].Vertex] );
RayOfLight.clip (t);
if (RayOfLight.Shapes.size() == 0)
return CRGBAF(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Next selected element
float rVal = RayOfLight.getArea() / rAreaInit; // rVal = AreaNotShadowed / AreaInit
return CRGBAF(rVal, rVal, rVal, 255.0f);
else // Normal shadowing
vLightAccel[nLightNb]->select (vSelect);
while (!vLightAccel[nLightNb]->isEndSel())
// Get selected element
SGridCell cell = vLightAccel[nLightNb]->getSel();
testCell (Factor, cell, vLightPos, vVertexPos, rtVal);
if ((Factor.R == 0.0f) &&
(Factor.G == 0.0f) &&
(Factor.B == 0.0f))
return Factor;
// Next selected element
return Factor;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTWorld::testCell (CRGBAF &retValue, SGridCell &cell, CVector &vLightPos, CVector &vVertexPos, uint8& rtVal)
CVector hit;
CTriangle t(cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[0].Vertex],
cell.pMB->Vertices[cell.pF->Corner[2].Vertex] );
CPlane plane;
plane.make( t.V0, t.V1, t.V2 );
if( t.intersect( vLightPos, vVertexPos, hit, plane ) )
if( cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getBlend() ||
cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getAlphaTest() )
{ // This is a transparent face we have to look in the texture
ITexture *pT = cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getTexture(0);
if( pT == NULL )
retValue *= 1.0f - (cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getOpacity()/255.0f);
cPixMap = CRGBAF(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
CVector gradU, gradV;
t.computeGradient( cell.pF->Corner[0].Uvws[0].U,
cell.pF->Corner[2].Uvws[0].U, gradU );
t.computeGradient( cell.pF->Corner[0].Uvws[0].V,
cell.pF->Corner[2].Uvws[0].V, gradV );
float u = cell.pF->Corner[0].Uvws[0].U+gradU*(hit-t.V0);
float v = cell.pF->Corner[0].Uvws[0].V+gradV*(hit-t.V0);
u = fmodf( u, 1.0f ); if( u < 0.0f ) u += 1.0f;
v = fmodf( v, 1.0f ); if( v < 0.0f ) v += 1.0f;
if( pT->getWidth() == 0 )
cPixMap = pT->getColor( u,v );
cPixMap.A *= cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getOpacity()/255.0f;
cPixMap.R *= cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getDiffuse().R/255.0f;
cPixMap.G *= cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getDiffuse().G/255.0f;
cPixMap.B *= cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getDiffuse().B/255.0f;
if (cell.pMBB->Materials[cell.pF->MaterialId].getStainedGlassWindow())
retValue = (1.0f - cPixMap.A)*( retValue*(1.0f-cPixMap.A) +
retValue*cPixMap*cPixMap.A );
retValue *= (1.0f - cPixMap.A);
rtVal = 255;
{ // This is not a transparent face so if we intersect we get shadow
if( rtVal < 255 ) rtVal += 1;
retValue = CRGBAF(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTWorld::addNode (INode *pNode, vector< CMesh::CMeshBuild* > &Meshes, vector< CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild* > &MeshesBase,
vector< INode* > &INodes, vector<SLightBuild> &AllLights, const set<INode*> &excludeNode, TimeValue tvTime)
if (! RPO::isZone (*pNode, tvTime) )
if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, tvTime))
// Nel export
CExportNel exportNel (_ErrorInDialog, _View, true, _Ip, _ErrorTitle, NULL);
CAABBox aabbox;
exportNel.buildMeshAABBox(*pNode, aabbox, tvTime);
// Not an excluded node ?
bool bInteract = false;
if (excludeNode.find (pNode) == excludeNode.end())
for( uint32 i = 0; i < AllLights.size(); ++i )
if( isInteractionWithLight (AllLights[i], aabbox))
bInteract = true;
if( bInteract )
int nAccelType = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL, 32);
if ((nAccelType&3) == 0) // If not an accelerator
CMesh::CMeshBuild *pMB;
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pMBB;
pMB = exportNel.createMeshBuild ( *pNode, tvTime, pMBB);
if( pMBB->bCastShadows )
Meshes.push_back( pMB );
MeshesBase.push_back( pMBB );
INodes.push_back( pNode );
delete pMB; // No interaction so delete the mesh
delete pMBB; // No interaction so delete the mesh
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTWorld::getAllSelectedNode (vector< CMesh::CMeshBuild* > &Meshes,
vector< CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild* > &MeshesBase,
vector< INode* > &INodes,
vector<SLightBuild> &AllLights, const set<INode*> &excludeNode, const set<INode*> &includeNode)
// Get time
TimeValue tvTime = _Ip->GetTime();
// Get node count
int nNumSelNode = _Ip->GetSelNodeCount();
// Save all selected objects
for (int nNode=0; nNode<nNumSelNode; nNode++)
// Get the node
INode* pNode = _Ip->GetSelNode (nNode);
// Already in the include list ?
if (includeNode.find (pNode) == includeNode.end())
// Add the node
addNode (pNode, Meshes, MeshesBase, INodes, AllLights, excludeNode, tvTime);
// Add the included
set<INode*>::const_iterator ite = includeNode.begin();
while (ite != includeNode.end())
// Add the included object
addNode (*ite, Meshes, MeshesBase, INodes, AllLights, excludeNode, tvTime);
// Next node
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTWorld::getAllNodeInScene (vector< CMesh::CMeshBuild* > &Meshes,
vector< CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild* > &BaseMeshes,
vector< INode* > &INodes,
vector<SLightBuild> &AllLights, const set<INode*> &excludeNode,
INode* pNode)
if( pNode == NULL )
pNode = _Ip->GetRootNode();
// Get a pointer on the object's node
TimeValue tvTime = _Ip->GetTime();
// Add the node
addNode (pNode, Meshes, BaseMeshes, INodes, AllLights, excludeNode, tvTime);
for( sint32 i = 0; i < pNode->NumberOfChildren(); ++i )
getAllNodeInScene( Meshes, BaseMeshes, INodes, AllLights, excludeNode, pNode->GetChildNode(i) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTWorld::intersectionTriangleSphere( CTriangle &t, CBSphere &s )
// if a vertex of the triangle is in the sphere
CVector v = t.V0 - s.Center;
float f = v.norm();
if( f < s.Radius )
return true;
v = t.V1 - s.Center;
f = v.norm();
if( f < s.Radius )
return true;
v = t.V2 - s.Center;
f = v.norm();
if( f < s.Radius )
return true;
// Ok sonow project the center of the triangle on the plane
CPlane p;
p.make( t.V0, t.V1, t.V2 );
CVector newCenter = p.project( s.Center );
v = newCenter - s.Center;
float newRadius = v.norm() / s.Radius;
if( newRadius > 1.0 )
newRadius = 1.0;
newRadius = cosf( newRadius * PI / 2.0f );
CVector n = p.getNormal();
CPlane p2;
p2.make( t.V0, t.V1, t.V0 + n ); p2.normalize();
f = p2*newCenter;
p2.make( t.V1, t.V2, t.V1 + n ); p2.normalize();
float f2 = p2*newCenter;
p2.make( t.V2, t.V0, t.V2 + n ); p2.normalize();
float f3 = p2*newCenter;
// Is the newcenter insied the triangle ?
if( ( f <= 0.0 ) && ( f2 <= 0.0 ) && ( f3 <= 0.0 ) )
return true;
if( ( f >= 0.0 ) && ( f2 >= 0.0 ) && ( f3 >= 0.0 ) )
return true;
// Is the newCenter at a distance < newradius from one of the triangle edge ?
if( ( fabs(f) < newRadius ) || ( fabs(f2) < newRadius ) || ( fabs(f3) < newRadius ) )
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTWorld::intersectionSphereCylinder (CBSphere &s, CVector &cyCenter, CVector &cyDir, float cyRadius)
float t = ((s.Center - cyCenter)*cyDir) / (cyDir*cyDir);
CVector Xp = cyCenter + t*cyDir;
float d = (s.Center-Xp).norm();
if (d <= (cyRadius+s.Radius))
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTWorld::isInteractionWithLight (SLightBuild &rSLB, CAABBox &meshBox)
switch( rSLB.Type )
case SLightBuild::LightAmbient: // No need an ambient light...
return false;
case SLightBuild::LightSpot: // For the moment spot like point
case SLightBuild::LightPoint:
// Get light bbox
CAABBox lightBox;
lightBox.setCenter( rSLB.Position );
lightBox.extend( rSLB.Position - CVector(rSLB.rRadiusMax,0,0) );
lightBox.extend( rSLB.Position + CVector(rSLB.rRadiusMax,0,0) );
lightBox.extend( rSLB.Position - CVector(0,rSLB.rRadiusMax,0) );
lightBox.extend( rSLB.Position + CVector(0,rSLB.rRadiusMax,0) );
lightBox.extend( rSLB.Position - CVector(0,0,rSLB.rRadiusMax) );
lightBox.extend( rSLB.Position + CVector(0,0,rSLB.rRadiusMax) );
if( lightBox.intersect( meshBox ) )
return true;
if( meshBox.include( lightBox.getMin() ) )
return true;
if( lightBox.include( meshBox.getMin() ) )
return true;
case SLightBuild::LightDir:
// Use acceleration for dir light to not select all nodes in scene
CBSphere s;
s.Radius = meshBox.getHalfSize().norm();
s.Center = meshBox.getCenter();
// Test against the cylinder
if (intersectionSphereCylinder (s, rSLB.Position, rSLB.Direction, rSLB.rDirRadius))
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTWorld::isInteractionLightMesh (SLightBuild &rSLB, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild &rMB, NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &rMBB)
if (rSLB.Type == SLightBuild::LightAmbient)
return false;
// Get the mesh bbox. Warning the vertices need to be transformed.
CAABBox meshBox;
CMatrix MBMatrix = getObjectToWorldMatrix (&rMB, &rMBB);
MBMatrix.movePos (GlobalTrans);
for( uint32 j = 0; j < rMB.Vertices.size(); ++j )
if( j == 0 )
meshBox.setCenter( MBMatrix * rMB.Vertices[j] );
meshBox.extend( MBMatrix * rMB.Vertices[j] );
return isInteractionWithLight(rSLB, meshBox);
// ***********************************************************************************************
// Ray representation for soft shadow
// ***********************************************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTRay::initDirectionnal (uint32 nNbSide, const NLMISC::CVector &vVertex, const NLMISC::CVector &lightDir, float rRadius, float rDistCyl)
// Construct the matrix with K= vertex to light direction
CVector vDirection = -lightDir;
CVector I = (fabs(vDirection*CVector(1.f,0,0))>0.99)?CVector(0.f,1.f,0.f):CVector(1.f,0.f,0.f);
CVector K = vDirection;
CVector J = K^I;
// Setup the Inv Vertex Basis
_InvVertexMat.setRot (I, J, K, true);
_InvVertexMat.setPos (vVertex);
// Build the clipping pyramids, in vertex space
CVector lb(-rRadius, -rRadius, rDistCyl);
CVector lt(-rRadius, rRadius, rDistCyl);
CVector rb(rRadius, -rRadius, rDistCyl);
CVector rt(rRadius, rRadius, rDistCyl);
// Cone pyramid: perspective and capped at near (for precision and z division) and far (where start the cylinder)
_ConePyramid[0].make(-CVector::K, CVector(0,0,0.01f)); // near
_ConePyramid[1].make( CVector::K, CVector(0,0,rDistCyl)); // far
// NB: don't need the full clip (faster)
/*_ConePyramid[2].make(CVector::Null, lt, lb); // left
_ConePyramid[3].make(CVector::Null, rt, lt); // top
_ConePyramid[4].make(CVector::Null, rb, rt); // right
_ConePyramid[5].make(CVector::Null, lb, rb); // bottom*/
// Cylinder pyramid: orthogonal and capped at near (ie rDistCyl, where start the cylinder) only
_CylinderPyramid[0].make(-CVector::K, CVector(0,0,rDistCyl)); // near
// NB: don't need the full clip (faster)
/*_CylinderPyramid[1].make(-CVector::I, lb); // left
_CylinderPyramid[2].make( CVector::I, rb); // right
_CylinderPyramid[3].make(-CVector::J, lb); // bottom
_CylinderPyramid[4].make( CVector::J, lt); // top*/
// Build the initial shape
Shapes.resize (1);
SConvexShape &rShp = Shapes[0];
rShp.Vertices.resize (nNbSide);
for (uint32 i = 0; i < rShp.Vertices.size(); ++i)
rShp.Vertices[i].U = rRadius * cosf(i*2.0f*(float)Pi / rShp.Vertices.size());
rShp.Vertices[i].V = rRadius * sinf(i*2.0f*(float)Pi / rShp.Vertices.size());
_DistCyl = rDistCyl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTRay::clip (const CTriangle& t)
sint i;
CVector tv0= _InvVertexMat.mulPoint (t.V0);
CVector tv1= _InvVertexMat.mulPoint (t.V1);
CVector tv2= _InvVertexMat.mulPoint (t.V2);
// **** Contribution in the cone part
CVector apolyIn[3+NumConePlanes];
CVector apolyOut[3+NumConePlanes];
CVector *polyIn= apolyIn;
CVector *polyOut= apolyOut;
sint numVerts;
polyIn[0]= tv0;
polyIn[1]= tv1;
polyIn[2]= tv2;
numVerts= 3;
numVerts= _ConePyramid[i].clipPolygonBack(polyIn, polyOut, numVerts);
swap(polyIn, polyOut);
// entirely out
// for all result triangles
CVector v0= polyIn[0];
CVector v1= polyIn[i+1];
CVector v2= polyIn[i+2];
// cone: project at z=distCyl
v0= v0 * _DistCyl / v0.z;
v1= v1 * _DistCyl / v1.z;
v2= v2 * _DistCyl / v2.z;
// **** Contribution in the cylinder part
polyIn[0]= tv0;
polyIn[1]= tv1;
polyIn[2]= tv2;
numVerts= 3;
numVerts= _CylinderPyramid[i].clipPolygonBack(polyIn, polyOut, numVerts);
swap(polyIn, polyOut);
// entirely out
// for all result triangles
CVector v0= polyIn[0];
CVector v1= polyIn[i+1];
CVector v2= polyIn[i+2];
// cylinder: no projection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTRay::clipProjected(const NLMISC::CVector &v0, const NLMISC::CVector &v1, const NLMISC::CVector &v2)
CUV tri[3];
tri[0].U = v0.x; tri[0].V = v0.y;
tri[1].U = v2.x; tri[1].V = v2.y;
tri[2].U = v1.x; tri[2].V = v1.y;
// Backface swapping
if (((tri[1].U-tri[0].U) * (tri[2].V-tri[0].V) - (tri[1].V-tri[0].V) * (tri[2].U-tri[0].U)) < 0.0f)
// **** Clip the convex shapes
std::vector<SConvexShape> shapesOut;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < Shapes.size(); ++i)
SConvexShape &rShp = Shapes[i];
// Clip each shapes with the triangle
if (isShapeMustBeClippedByTriangle (rShp, tri))
std::vector<SConvexShape> shapesTmp;
shapesTmp.resize (0);
clipShape (rShp, tri, shapesTmp);
for (uint32 j = 0; j < shapesTmp.size(); ++j)
shapesOut.push_back (shapesTmp[j]);
else // The shape is not clipped by the triangle so must be add it directly
shapesOut.push_back (rShp);
// We are now like shapesOut
Shapes = shapesOut;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float CRTRay::getArea ()
float rSize = 0.0f;
// For all shapes
for (uint32 i = 0; i < Shapes.size(); ++i)
SConvexShape &rShp = Shapes[i];
// Get all triangles from the shapes
for (uint32 j = 0; j < rShp.Vertices.size()-2; ++j)
CUV v1 = rShp.Vertices[j+1] - rShp.Vertices[0];
CUV v2 = rShp.Vertices[j+2] - rShp.Vertices[0];
rSize += 0.5f * fabsf(v1.U*v2.V - v1.V*v2.U);
return rSize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTRay::isShapeMustBeClippedByTriangle (CRTRay::SConvexShape& scs, CUV tri[3])
uint32 i,j;
bool bAllVertExt;
// Is the convex shape vertices are all on a side of the triangle
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
CUV &p0 = tri[i];
CUV &p1 = tri[(i+1)%3];
bAllVertExt = true;
for (j = 0; j < scs.Vertices.size(); ++j)
// Does the vertex j is interior ?
if (((p1.U-p0.U) * (scs.Vertices[j].V-p0.V) - (p1.V-p0.V) * (scs.Vertices[j].U-p0.U)) > 0.0f)
bAllVertExt = false; // Yes so all vertex are NOT exterior
if (bAllVertExt)
return false; // Clip not needed because all vertices exterior
// Is all vertices of the triangle on a side of the convex shape side
for (i = 0; i < scs.Vertices.size(); ++i)
CUV &p0 = scs.Vertices[i];
CUV &p1 = scs.Vertices[(i+1)%scs.Vertices.size()];
bAllVertExt = true;
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
// Does the vertex j is interior ?
if ((p1.U-p0.U) * (tri[j].V-p0.V) - (p1.V-p0.V) * (tri[j].U-p0.U) > 0.0f)
bAllVertExt = false; // Yes so all vertex are NOT exterior
if (bAllVertExt)
return false; // Clip not needed because all vertices exterior
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTRay::clipShape (CRTRay::SConvexShape& ShapeIn, CUV Tri[3], vector<CRTRay::SConvexShape> &ShapesOut)
uint32 i, j, lastj;
SConvexShape Front, Back, BackInput;
BackInput = ShapeIn;
// For each side of the triangle
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
CUV &sideV0 = Tri[i];
CUV &sideV1 = Tri[(i+1)%3];
// Front is the polygon exterior to the side (which does not contain the triangle)
Front.Vertices.resize (0);
Back.Vertices.resize (0);
lastj = BackInput.Vertices.size()-1;
bool previousExt = ((sideV1.U-sideV0.U) * (BackInput.Vertices[lastj].V-sideV0.V)
- (sideV1.V-sideV0.V) * (BackInput.Vertices[lastj].U-sideV0.U) < 0.0f);
// BackInput -> Back, Front split from the current edge
for (j = 0; j < BackInput.Vertices.size(); ++j)
bool currentExt = ((sideV1.U-sideV0.U) * (BackInput.Vertices[j].V-sideV0.V)
- (sideV1.V-sideV0.V) * (BackInput.Vertices[j].U-sideV0.U) < 0.0f);
if (currentExt)
// Vertex j exterior
if (!previousExt) // Previous vertex interior ?
// Ok, intersect
CUV tmp = getLineIntersection (BackInput.Vertices[lastj], BackInput.Vertices[j], sideV0, sideV1);
Front.Vertices.push_back (tmp);
Back.Vertices.push_back (tmp);
// Store new vertex front
Front.Vertices.push_back (BackInput.Vertices[j]);
// Vertex j is interior
if (previousExt) // Previous vertex exterior ?
// Ok, intersect
CUV tmp = getLineIntersection (BackInput.Vertices[lastj], BackInput.Vertices[j], sideV0, sideV1);
Front.Vertices.push_back (tmp);
Back.Vertices.push_back (tmp);
// Store new vertex back
Back.Vertices.push_back (BackInput.Vertices[j]);
previousExt = currentExt;
lastj = j;
// Run through the front and back to weld vertices
weldVertices (Front);
weldVertices (Back);
if(Front.Vertices.size() > 2)
// Front is a poly that we will out
ShapesOut.push_back (Front);
// Get the back poly to the next iteration
BackInput = Back;
if (BackInput.Vertices.size() < 3)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTRay::weldVertices (CRTRay::SConvexShape& Shp)
uint32 curVertex = 0;
for (uint32 j = 0; j < Shp.Vertices.size(); ++j)
CUV &p0 = Shp.Vertices[j];
CUV &p1 = Shp.Vertices[(j+1)%Shp.Vertices.size()];
if (((p1.U-p0.U)*(p1.U-p0.U)+(p1.V-p0.V)*(p1.V-p0.V)) > 0.0001f)
Shp.Vertices[curVertex] = p0;
Shp.Vertices.resize (curVertex);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUV CRTRay::getLineIntersection (const CUV &l1p1, const CUV &l1p2, const CUV &l2p1, const CUV &l2p2)
float denominator = (l1p2.U-l1p1.U)*(l2p2.V-l2p1.V) - (l1p2.V-l1p1.V)*(l2p2.U-l2p1.U);
if (denominator == 0.0)
return l1p1; // The segment are colinear
float k = ((l2p1.U-l1p1.U)*(l2p2.V-l2p1.V) - (l2p1.V-l1p1.V)*(l2p2.U-l2p1.U) ) / denominator;
if (k <= 0.0f)
return l1p1;
if (k >= 1.0f)
return l1p2;
return l1p1 + (l1p2-l1p1) * k;
// ***********************************************************************************************
// Light accelerator for directionnal lights
// ***********************************************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rMin = 100000.0f;
rMax = -100000.0f;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelDir::create (int nSize, float rRadius, CVector &vDirection)
grid.create ( nSize, 2*rRadius );
CMatrix tmp;
CVector I = (fabs(vDirection*CVector(1.f,0,0))>0.99)?CVector(0.f,1.f,0.f):CVector(1.f,0.f,0.f);
CVector K = vDirection;
CVector J = K^I;
tmp.setRot (I, J, K, true);
invMat = tmp;
invMat.invert ();
grid.changeBase (tmp);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelDir::insert (CTriangle &tri, SGridCell &cell)
CVector vMin;
CVector vMax;
CTriangle t = tri;
t.V0 = invMat.mulPoint (t.V0);
t.V1 = invMat.mulPoint (t.V1);
t.V2 = invMat.mulPoint (t.V2);
vMin = t.V0; vMax = t.V0;
if (vMin.x > t.V1.x) vMin.x = t.V1.x;
if (vMin.y > t.V1.y) vMin.y = t.V1.y;
if (vMin.z > t.V1.z) vMin.z = t.V1.z;
if (vMin.x > t.V2.x) vMin.x = t.V2.x;
if (vMin.y > t.V2.y) vMin.y = t.V2.y;
if (vMin.z > t.V2.z) vMin.z = t.V2.z;
if (vMax.x < t.V1.x) vMax.x = t.V1.x;
if (vMax.y < t.V1.y) vMax.y = t.V1.y;
if (vMax.z < t.V1.z) vMax.z = t.V1.z;
if (vMax.x < t.V2.x) vMax.x = t.V2.x;
if (vMax.y < t.V2.y) vMax.y = t.V2.y;
if (vMax.z < t.V2.z) vMax.z = t.V2.z;
grid.insert (vMin, vMax, cell);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelDir::select (CVector &v)
CVector vSel = v;
vSel = invMat.mulPoint (vSel); (vSel, vSel);
itSel = grid.begin();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelDir::select (CVector &v, float rRadius)
CVector vSelMin = v, vSelMax;
vSelMin = invMat.mulPoint (vSelMin);
vSelMax = vSelMin;
vSelMin.x -= sqrtf(2.0f)*rRadius;
vSelMin.y -= sqrtf(2.0f)*rRadius;
vSelMax.x += sqrtf(2.0f)*rRadius;
vSelMax.y += sqrtf(2.0f)*rRadius; (vSelMin, vSelMax);
itSel = grid.begin();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SGridCell CRTLightAccelDir::getSel ()
return *itSel;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelDir::nextSel ()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTLightAccelDir::isEndSel ()
return (itSel == grid.end());
// ***********************************************************************************************
// Light accelerator for point and spot lights
// ***********************************************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRTLightAccelPoint::CRTLightAccelPoint ()
CMatrix tmp;
CVector I, J, K;
// grids[kUp].changeBase( );
I = CVector( 1, 0, 0 );
J = CVector( 0, -1, 0 );
K = CVector( 0, 0, -1 );
tmp.identity(); tmp.setRot( I, J, K, true );
_Grids[kDown].changeBase( tmp );
I = CVector( 0, 0, 1 );
J = CVector( 0, 1, 0 );
K = CVector( -1, 0, 0 );
tmp.identity(); tmp.setRot( I, J, K, true);
_Grids[kLeft].changeBase( tmp );
I = CVector( 0, 0, -1 );
J = CVector( 0, 1, 0 );
K = CVector( 1, 0, 0 );
tmp.identity(); tmp.setRot( I, J, K, true);
_Grids[kRight].changeBase( tmp );
I = CVector( 1, 0, 0 );
J = CVector( 0, 0, 1 );
K = CVector( 0, -1, 0 );
tmp.identity(); tmp.setRot( I, J, K, true);
_Grids[kFront].changeBase( tmp );
I = CVector( 1, 0, 0 );
J = CVector( 0, 0, -1 );
K = CVector( 0, 1, 0 );
tmp.identity(); tmp.setRot( I, J, K, true);
_Grids[kBack].changeBase( tmp );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRTLightAccelPoint::~CRTLightAccelPoint ()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelPoint::create (int nSize)
_Grids[kUp].create ( nSize, 1.0f / ((float)nSize) );
_Grids[kDown].create ( nSize, 1.0f / ((float)nSize) );
_Grids[kLeft].create ( nSize, 1.0f / ((float)nSize) );
_Grids[kRight].create ( nSize, 1.0f / ((float)nSize) );
_Grids[kFront].create ( nSize, 1.0f / ((float)nSize) );
_Grids[kBack].create ( nSize, 1.0f / ((float)nSize) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelPoint::insert (CTriangle &tri, SGridCell &cell)
CPlane p[4], gp;
// Construct clip pyramid for grid : UP
p[0].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,-1,+1 ), CVector( +1,-1,+1 ) );
p[1].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,-1,+1 ), CVector( +1,+1,+1 ) );
p[2].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,+1,+1 ), CVector( -1,+1,+1 ) );
p[3].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,+1,+1 ), CVector( -1,-1,+1 ) );
gp.make( CVector(0,0,1), CVector(0,0,0.5) );
project( tri, p, gp, kUp, cell );
// Construct clip pyramid for grid : DOWN
p[0].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,-1,-1 ), CVector( -1,-1,-1 ) );
p[1].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,-1,-1 ), CVector( -1,+1,-1 ) );
p[2].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,+1,-1 ), CVector( +1,+1,-1 ) );
p[3].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,+1,-1 ), CVector( +1,-1,-1 ) );
gp.make( CVector(0,0,-1), CVector(0,0,-0.5) );
project( tri, p, gp, kDown, cell );
// Construct clip pyramid for grid : LEFT
p[0].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,-1,-1 ), CVector( -1,-1,+1 ) );
p[1].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,-1,+1 ), CVector( -1,+1,+1 ) );
p[2].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,+1,+1 ), CVector( -1,+1,-1 ) );
p[3].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,+1,-1 ), CVector( -1,-1,-1 ) );
gp.make( CVector(-1,0,0), CVector(-0.5,0,0) );
project( tri, p, gp, kLeft, cell );
// Construct clip pyramid for grid : RIGHT
p[0].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,-1,+1 ), CVector( +1,-1,-1 ) );
p[1].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,-1,-1 ), CVector( +1,+1,-1 ) );
p[2].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,+1,-1 ), CVector( +1,+1,+1 ) );
p[3].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,+1,+1 ), CVector( +1,-1,+1 ) );
gp.make( CVector(1,0,0), CVector(0.5,0,0) );
project( tri, p, gp, kRight, cell );
// Construct clip pyramid for grid : FRONT
p[0].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,-1,-1 ), CVector( +1,-1,-1 ) );
p[1].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,-1,-1 ), CVector( +1,-1,+1 ) );
p[2].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,-1,+1 ), CVector( -1,-1,+1 ) );
p[3].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,-1,+1 ), CVector( -1,-1,-1 ) );
gp.make( CVector(0,-1,0), CVector(0,-0.5,0) );
project( tri, p, gp, kFront, cell );
// Construct clip pyramid for grid : BACK
p[0].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,+1,+1 ), CVector( +1,+1,-1 ) );
p[1].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( +1,+1,-1 ), CVector( -1,+1,-1 ) );
p[2].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,+1,-1 ), CVector( -1,+1,+1 ) );
p[3].make( CVector(0,0,0), CVector( -1,+1,+1 ), CVector( +1,+1,+1 ) );
gp.make( CVector(0,1,0), CVector(0,0.5,0) );
project( tri, p, gp, kBack, cell );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelPoint::select (CVector &v)
SSelector sel;
CPlane gp;
// Get the plane
if( ( -v.z <= v.x ) && ( v.x <= v.z ) &&
( -v.z <= v.y ) && ( v.y <= v.z ) &&
( 0.0f <= v.z ) )
sel.nSelGrid = kUp;
gp.make( CVector(0,0,1), CVector(0,0,0.5) );
if( ( v.z <= v.x ) && ( v.x <= -v.z ) &&
( v.z <= v.y ) && ( v.y <= -v.z ) &&
( v.z <= 0.0f ) )
sel.nSelGrid = kDown;
gp.make( CVector(0,0,-1), CVector(0,0,-0.5) );
if( ( v.x <= 0.0f ) &&
( v.x <= v.y ) && ( v.y <= -v.x ) &&
( v.x <= v.z ) && ( v.z <= -v.x ) )
sel.nSelGrid = kLeft;
gp.make( CVector(-1,0,0), CVector(-0.5,0,0) );
if( ( 0.0f <= v.x ) &&
( -v.x <= v.y ) && ( v.y <= v.x ) &&
( -v.x <= v.z ) && ( v.z <= v.x ) )
sel.nSelGrid = kRight;
gp.make( CVector(1,0,0), CVector(0.5,0,0) );
if( ( v.y <= v.x ) && ( v.x <= -v.y ) &&
( v.y <= 0.0f ) &&
( v.y <= v.z ) && ( v.z <= -v.y ) )
sel.nSelGrid = kFront;
gp.make( CVector(0,-1,0), CVector(0,-0.5,0) );
if( ( -v.y <= v.x ) && ( v.x <= v.y ) &&
( 0.0f <= v.y ) &&
( -v.y <= v.z ) && ( v.z <= v.y ) )
sel.nSelGrid = kBack;
gp.make( CVector(0,1,0), CVector(0,0.5,0) );
CVector newV = gp.intersect( CVector(0,0,0), v );
_Grids[sel.nSelGrid].select(newV, newV);
sel.itSel = _Grids[sel.nSelGrid].begin();
_Selection.push_back (sel);
_CurSel = 0; // Point on the first non-empty grid
while ( (_CurSel < _Selection.size()) &&
(_Selection[_CurSel].itSel == _Grids[_Selection[_CurSel].nSelGrid].end()) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelPoint::select (CVector &v, float rRadius)
// Perpendicular projection of the circle on each plane
_CurSel = 0; // Point on the first non-empty grid
while ( (_CurSel < _Selection.size()) &&
(_Selection[_CurSel].itSel == _Grids[_Selection[_CurSel].nSelGrid].end()) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SGridCell CRTLightAccelPoint::getSel ()
return *_Selection[_CurSel].itSel;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelPoint::nextSel ()
while ( (_CurSel < _Selection.size()) &&
(_Selection[_CurSel].itSel == _Grids[_Selection[_CurSel].nSelGrid].end()) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CRTLightAccelPoint::isEndSel ()
return (_CurSel == _Selection.size());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRTLightAccelPoint::project (CTriangle &tri, CPlane pyr[4], CPlane &gridPlane, sint32 nGridNb, SGridCell &cell)
CVector vIn[7], vOut[7];
sint32 i, nOut;
vIn[0] = tri.V0; vIn[1] = tri.V1; vIn[2] = tri.V2;
nOut = pyr[0].clipPolygonFront( vIn, vOut, 3 );
if( nOut == 0 ) return;
for( i = 0; i < nOut; ++i ) vIn[i] = vOut[i];
nOut = pyr[1].clipPolygonFront( vIn, vOut, nOut );
if( nOut == 0 ) return;
for( i = 0; i < nOut; ++i ) vIn[i] = vOut[i];
nOut = pyr[2].clipPolygonFront( vIn, vOut, nOut );
if( nOut == 0 ) return;
for( i = 0; i < nOut; ++i ) vIn[i] = vOut[i];
nOut = pyr[3].clipPolygonFront( vIn, vOut, nOut );
if( nOut >= 3 )
CVector vMin(1, 1, 1), vMax(-1, -1, -1);
for( i = 0; i < nOut; ++i )
vOut[i] = gridPlane.intersect( CVector(0, 0, 0), vOut[i] );
if( vMin.x > vOut[i].x ) vMin.x = vOut[i].x;
if( vMin.y > vOut[i].y ) vMin.y = vOut[i].y;
if( vMin.z > vOut[i].z ) vMin.z = vOut[i].z;
if( vMax.x < vOut[i].x ) vMax.x = vOut[i].x;
if( vMax.y < vOut[i].y ) vMax.y = vOut[i].y;
if( vMax.z < vOut[i].z ) vMax.z = vOut[i].z;
// Create the bbox
_Grids[nGridNb].insert( vMin, vMax, cell );