
2577 lines
76 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdnet.h"
#include "nel/misc/entity_id.h" // for createMessage()
#include "nel/misc/variable.h"
#include "nel/misc/thread.h"
#include "nel/misc/mutex.h"
#include "nel/net/unified_network.h"
#include "nel/net/module_common.h"
#include "nel/net/naming_client.h"
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
#include <sched.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLNET {
static size_t ThreadCreator = 0;
static const uint64 AppIdDeadConnection = 0xDEAD;
uint32 TotalCallbackCalled = 0;
uint32 TimeInCallback =0;
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
/// Yield method (Unix only)
CVariable<uint32> UseYieldMethod("nel", "UseYieldMethod", "0=select 1=usleep 2=nanosleep 3=sched_yield 4=none", 0, 0, true );
/// Reduce sending lag
CVariable<bool> FlushSendsBeforeSleep("nel", "FlushSendsBeforeSleep", "If true, send buffers will be flushed before sleep, not in next update", true, 0, true );
/// Network congestion monitoring
CVariable<uint> L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues("nel", "L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues", "Number of bytes pending in send queues (postponed by non-blocking send()) for network congestion monitoring. N/A if FlushSendsBeforeSleep disabled)", 0, 0, true );
/// Receiving size limit
CVariablePtr<uint32> DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize("nel", "DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize", "If receiving more than this value in bytes, the connection will be dropped", &CBufNetBase::DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize, true );
/// Sending size limit
CVariablePtr<uint32> DefaultMaxSentBlockSize("nel", "DefaultMaxSentBlockSize", "If sending more than this value in bytes, the program may be stopped", &CBufNetBase::DefaultMaxSentBlockSize, true );
#define AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY nlwarning
//#define AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->displayInternalTables (), nlerror
const TServiceId TServiceId::InvalidId = TServiceId(std::numeric_limits<uint16>::max());
// Callbacks from NAMING SERVICE
// when a service registers
void uNetRegistrationBroadcast(const string &name, TServiceId sid, const vector<CInetAddress> &addr)
nldebug ("HNETL5: + naming %s-%u '%s'", name.c_str(), sid.get(), vectorCInetAddressToString(addr).c_str ());
CUnifiedNetwork *uni= CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance();
if (uni->_SId == sid)
// it's me! don't add me!!!
// add the unified connection
if(sid.get() >= uni->_IdCnx.size ())
uni->_IdCnx.resize (sid.get()+1);
if (uni->_IdCnx[sid.get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
uni->_IdCnx[sid.get()] = CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection(name, sid, false);
uni->_UsedConnection.push_back (sid);
if (!uni->_IdCnx[sid.get()].ExtAddress.empty ())
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: %s-%u already inserted in the table with '%s'", name.c_str(), sid.get(), vectorCInetAddressToString (uni->_IdCnx[sid.get()].ExtAddress).c_str ());
// set the list of external addresses
nlassert (!addr.empty());
uni->_IdCnx[sid.get()].ExtAddress = addr;
// associate nid with ext address
uni->_IdCnx[sid.get()].setupNetworkAssociation (uni->_NetworkAssociations, uni->_DefaultNetwork);
// when a service unregisters
void uNetUnregistrationBroadcast(const string &name, TServiceId sid, const vector<CInetAddress> &addr)
nldebug ("HNETL5: - naming %s-%u '%s'", name.c_str(), sid.get(), vectorCInetAddressToString (addr).c_str ());
// get the service connection
CUnifiedNetwork *uni = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance();
CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection *uc = uni->getUnifiedConnection (sid);
if (uc == 0) return; // should never happen, the getUnifiedConnection() will generate a AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY
// call the user callback
uni->callServiceDownCallback(uc->ServiceName, uc->ServiceId);
if(!uc->Connections.empty ())
// set all connection to dead, now, all messages received on this socket will be ignored and closed
for (uint i = 0; i < uc->Connections.size (); ++i)
if (uc->Connections[i].valid())
uc->Connections[i].setAppId (AppIdDeadConnection);
// It's the first connection that added the _NamedCnx so if there's no connection, no need to
// remove entry in _NamedCnx
uni->removeNamedCnx (uc->ServiceName, uc->ServiceId);
// remove the _UsedConnection
bool found = false;
for (vector<TServiceId>::iterator it = uni->_UsedConnection.begin (); it != uni->_UsedConnection.end(); it++)
if (*it == uc->ServiceId)
found = true;
uni->_UsedConnection.erase (it);
if (!found)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: can't find the sid %hu in the _UsedConnection", uc->ServiceId.get());
// reset the unified connection
uc->reset ();
// Callbacks from connection/disconnection services
void uncbConnection(TSockId from, void * /* arg */)
nlinfo ("HNETL5: + connec '%s'", from->asString().c_str());
from->setAppId (AppIdDeadConnection);
void uncbDisconnection(TSockId from, void * /* arg */)
if(from->appId () == AppIdDeadConnection)
nlinfo ("HNETL5: - connec '%s'", from->asString().c_str());
CUnifiedNetwork *uni = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance();
TServiceId sid(uint16(from->appId()));
CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection *uc = uni->getUnifiedConnection (sid);
if (uc == 0)
nlinfo ("HNETL5: - connec '%s' sid %hu", from->asString().c_str(), sid.get());
nlinfo ("HNETL5: - connec '%s' %s-%hu", from->asString().c_str(), uc->ServiceName.c_str (), sid.get());
if (uc->IsExternal)
if (!uc->AutoRetry)
// If it s a external service with no auto retry, remove the connection
// call the user callback
uni->callServiceDownCallback(uc->ServiceName, uc->ServiceId);
uni->removeNamedCnx (uc->ServiceName, uc->ServiceId);
// call the user callback
uni->callServiceDownCallback(uc->ServiceName, uc->ServiceId);
// reset the connection
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < uc->Connections.size (); i++)
if (uc->Connections[i].valid() && uc->Connections[i].CbNetBase->getSockId(uc->Connections[i].HostId) == from)
if (uc->Connections[i].IsServerConnection)
// we have to remove the stuffs now because HostId will not be accessible later
// if it s a client, we can't delete now because the callback client is currently in use
// only disconnect
if(uc->Connections[i].CbNetBase->connected ())
uc->Connections[i].CbNetBase->disconnect (uc->Connections[i].HostId);
if (i == uc->Connections.size ())
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: received a disconnection from a service but the connection is not in my list!");
from->setAppId (AppIdDeadConnection);
// Callback from identification services
void uncbServiceIdentification(CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase)
string inSName;
TServiceId inSid;
if (from->appId () != AppIdDeadConnection)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: received a connect ident from an unknown connection 0x%"NL_I64"X", from->appId ());
// recover the service name and id
uint8 pos;
msgin.serial (pos);
bool isExternal;
msgin.serial (isExternal);
nlinfo ("HNETL5: + connect ident '%s' %s-%hu pos %hu ext %d", from->asString().c_str(), inSName.c_str(), inSid.get(), (uint16)pos, (uint8)isExternal);
nlassert (pos == 0);
if (inSid.get() == 0)
if (isExternal)
inSid = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_ExtSId;
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_ExtSId.set(CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_ExtSId.get()+1);
// the following was an nlwarning but this is in fact desired behavior and not an error so we have changed to nlinfo
nlinfo ("HNETL5: Received a connection from a service with a SId 0, we give him the SId %d", inSid.get());
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Received a connection from a service with a SId 0 and wasn't external, disconnecting it");
// add a new connection to the list
CUnifiedNetwork *uni= CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance();
if(inSid.get() >= uni->_IdCnx.size ())
uni->_IdCnx.resize (inSid.get()+1);
case CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed: // add the new unified connection
uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()] = CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection(inSName, inSid, isExternal);
uni->_UsedConnection.push_back (inSid);
if (uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].IsExternal != isExternal)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Receive a connection that is not totally external %d %d", uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].IsExternal, isExternal);
bool FirstConnection = (uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].Connections.size () == 0);
// add the connection to the already inserted unified connection
if (pos >= uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].Connections.size ())
uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].Connections[pos] = CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::TConnection(&netbase, from);
// If the connection is external, we'll never receive the ExtAddress by the naming service, so add it manually
if (isExternal)
uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].ExtAddress.push_back (netbase.hostAddress (from));
uni->_IdCnx[inSid.get()].setupNetworkAssociation (uni->_NetworkAssociations, uni->_DefaultNetwork);
// send the callback to the user with the first connection
if (FirstConnection)
// insert the name in the map to be able to send message with the name
uni->addNamedCnx (inSName, inSid);
uni->callServiceUpCallback (inSName, inSid);
// the callbacks wrapper
void uncbMsgProcessing(CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &/* netbase */)
if (from->appId() == AppIdDeadConnection)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Receive a message from a dead connection");
CUnifiedNetwork *uni = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance();
TServiceId sid(uint16(from->appId()));
CUnifiedNetwork::TMsgMappedCallback::iterator itcb;
itcb = uni->_Callbacks.find(msgin.getName());
if (itcb == uni->_Callbacks.end())
// the callback doesn't exist
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't find callback '%s' called by service %hu", msgin.getName().c_str(), sid.get());
CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection *uc = uni->getUnifiedConnection (sid);
if (uc == 0)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Received a message from a service %hu that is not ready (bad appid? 0x%"NL_I64"X)", sid.get(), from->appId ());
if((*itcb).second == 0)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Received message %s from a service %hu but the associated callback is NULL", msgin.getName ().c_str(), sid.get());
static map<string, CHTimer> timers;
map<string, CHTimer>::iterator it;
string callbackName = "USRCB_" + msgin.getName();
it = timers.find(callbackName);
if(it == timers.end())
it = timers.insert(make_pair(callbackName, CHTimer(NULL))).first;
TTime before = CTime::getLocalTime();
// const std::string &cbName = itcb->first;
(*itcb).second (msgin, uc->ServiceName, sid);
TTime after = CTime::getLocalTime();
// sum the time used to do callback
TimeInCallback += uint32((after-before));
TCallbackItem unServerCbArray[] =
{ "UN_SIDENT", uncbServiceIdentification }
// Alive check thread
class CAliveCheck : public NLMISC::IRunnable
CAliveCheck() : ExitRequired(false) { }
virtual void run();
virtual ~CAliveCheck() { }
volatile bool ExitRequired;
static CAliveCheck* Thread;
struct CCheckAddress
CCheckAddress() : ConnectionId(0xDEAD), NeedCheck(false), AddressValid(false) { }
CInetAddress Address;
std::string ServiceName;
TServiceId ServiceId;
uint ConnectionId;
uint ConnectionIndex;
volatile bool NeedCheck;
volatile bool AddressValid;
CCheckAddress CheckList[128];
void checkService(CInetAddress address, uint connectionId, uint connectionIndex, const std::string &service, TServiceId id);
CAliveCheck* CAliveCheck::Thread = NULL;
IThread* AliveThread = NULL;
void CAliveCheck::run()
// setup thread
Thread = this;
TTime t = CTime::getLocalTime();
while (!ExitRequired)
if (CTime::getLocalTime() - t < 10000)
uint i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(CheckList)/sizeof(CheckList[0]); ++i)
if (CheckList[i].NeedCheck && !CheckList[i].AddressValid)
CCallbackClient cbc;
// success (no exception)
CheckList[i].AddressValid = true;
catch (const ESocketConnectionFailed &e)
nlinfo ("HNETL5: can't connect to %s-%hu now (%s)", CheckList[i].ServiceName.c_str(), CheckList[i].ServiceId.get(), e.what ());
nlwarning ("HNETL5: can't connect to %s-%hu now (%s)", CheckList[i].ServiceName.c_str(), CheckList[i].ServiceId.get(), e.what ());
t = CTime::getLocalTime();
ExitRequired = false;
void CAliveCheck::checkService(CInetAddress address, uint connectionId, uint connectionIndex, const std::string &service, TServiceId id)
uint i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(CheckList)/sizeof(CheckList[0]); ++i)
if (CheckList[i].NeedCheck)
CheckList[i].Address = address;
CheckList[i].ConnectionId = connectionId;
CheckList[i].ConnectionIndex = connectionIndex;
CheckList[i].ServiceName = service;
CheckList[i].ServiceId = id;
CheckList[i].AddressValid = false;
CheckList[i].NeedCheck = true;
bool CUnifiedNetwork::init(const CInetAddress *addr, CCallbackNetBase::TRecordingState rec,
const string &shortName, uint16 port, TServiceId &sid)
// the commands can now be invoked
if (_Initialised)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Unified network layer already initialized");
return true;
ThreadCreator = NLMISC::getThreadId();
vector<CInetAddress> laddr = CInetAddress::localAddresses();
_RecordingState = rec;
_Name = shortName;
_SId = sid;
if (addr != 0)
_NamingServiceAddr = *addr;
// if the address isn't 0, uses the naming service
if (_NamingServiceAddr.isValid ())
// connect the callback to know when a new service comes in or goes down
// connect to the naming service (may generate a ESocketConnectionFailed exception)
CNamingClient::connect(_NamingServiceAddr, _RecordingState, laddr);
if (port == 0)
port = CNamingClient::queryServicePort ();
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
/// Init the main pipe to select() on data available
if ( ::pipe( _MainDataAvailablePipe ) != 0 )
nlwarning( "Unable to create main D.A. pipe" );
//nldebug( "Pipe: created" );
// setup the server callback only if server port != 0, otherwise there's no server callback
_ServerPort = port;
if(_ServerPort != 0)
nlassert (_CbServer == 0);
_CbServer = new CCallbackServer( CCallbackNetBase::Off, "", true, false ); // don't init one pipe per connection
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
_CbServer->setExternalPipeForDataAvailable( _MainDataAvailablePipe ); // the main pipe is shared for all connections
//nldebug( "Pipe: set (server %p)", _CbServer );
bool retry = false;
retry = false;
catch (const ESocket &)
nlwarning("Failed to init the listen socket on port %u, is the service already running ?", port);
// wait a little before retrying
retry = true;
} while(retry);
_CbServer->addCallbackArray(unServerCbArray, 1); // the service ident callback
_CbServer->setDefaultCallback(uncbMsgProcessing); // the default callback wrapper
_CbServer->setConnectionCallback(uncbConnection, NULL);
_CbServer->setDisconnectionCallback(uncbDisconnection, NULL);
nlinfo ("HNETL5: ServerPort is 0 so I don't create a CCallbackServer");
if (CNamingClient::connected())
// register the service
for (uint i = 0; i < laddr.size(); i++)
if (_SId.get() == 0)
if ( ! CNamingClient::registerService(_Name, laddr, _SId) )
nlinfo ("HNETL5: Registration denied");
return false;
CNamingClient::registerServiceWithSId(_Name, laddr, _SId);
sid = _SId;
nlinfo ("HNETL5: Server '%s' added, registered and listen to port %hu", _Name.c_str (), _ServerPort);
AliveThread = IThread::create(new CAliveCheck(), 1024*4);
_Initialised = true;
return true;
void CUnifiedNetwork::connect()
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::connect() whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
if (CNamingClient::connected())
// get the services list
const list<CNamingClient::CServiceEntry> &services = CNamingClient::getRegisteredServices();
// connects to the registered services
list<CNamingClient::CServiceEntry>::const_iterator its;
// don't connect to itself
for (its = services.begin(); its != services.end(); ++its)
if (_SId != (*its).SId)
// add service with name, address, ident, not external, service id, and not autoretry (obsolete)
// we put the last true because the name callback should already inserted it by uNetRegistrationBroadcast()
addService((*its).Name, (*its).Addr, true, false, (*its).SId, false, true);
// don't process services received after mine because they'll connect to me
void CUnifiedNetwork::release(bool mustFlushSendQueues, const std::vector<std::string>& namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending)
if (!_Initialised)
// the commands can't be invoked
// terminate the auto reconnection thread
if (CAliveCheck::Thread)
CAliveCheck::Thread->ExitRequired = true;
delete CAliveCheck::Thread;
delete AliveThread;
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
// Ensure all outgoing data are sent before disconnecting, if requested
if ( mustFlushSendQueues )
nlinfo( "HNETL5: Flushing sending queues..." );
float totalBytes = 0;
uint bytesRemaining, i=0;
while ( (bytesRemaining = tryFlushAllQueues( namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending )) != 0 )
if ( i == 0 )
totalBytes = (float)bytesRemaining;
if ( i % 20 == 0 )
nldebug( "%.1f%% of %.3f KB flushed so far", // display without HNETL5 to bypass filters!
((float)(bytesRemaining-totalBytes))/totalBytes, totalBytes / 1024.0f );
nlSleep( 100 );
nldebug( "HNETL5: Flush done in %u steps", i+1 );
// disconnect all clients
delete _CbServer;
_CbServer = 0;
// disconnect all connections to servers
for (uint i = 0; i<_IdCnx.size(); ++i)
if (_IdCnx[i].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
for(uint j = 0 ; j < _IdCnx[i].Connections.size (); j++)
if (_IdCnx[i].Connections[j].valid() && !_IdCnx[i].Connections[j].IsServerConnection)
if (_IdCnx[i].Connections[j].CbNetBase->connected ())
delete _IdCnx[i].Connections[j].CbNetBase;
_IdCnx[i].Connections.clear ();
// clear all other data
_UsedConnection.clear ();
// disconnect the connection with the naming service
if (CNamingClient::connected ())
CNamingClient::disconnect ();
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
::close( _MainDataAvailablePipe[PipeRead] );
::close( _MainDataAvailablePipe[PipeWrite] );
void CUnifiedNetwork::addService(const string &name, const CInetAddress &addr, bool sendId, bool external, TServiceId sid, bool autoRetry, bool shouldBeAlreayInserted)
vector <CInetAddress> addrs;
addrs.push_back (addr);
addService (name, addrs, sendId, external, sid, autoRetry, shouldBeAlreayInserted);
void CUnifiedNetwork::addService(const string &name, const vector<CInetAddress> &addr, bool sendId, bool external, TServiceId sid, bool autoRetry, bool shouldBeAlreayInserted)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::addService() whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
if (external)
sid = _ExtSId;
nlinfo("HNETL5: addService %s-%hu '%s'", name.c_str(), sid.get(), vectorCInetAddressToString(addr).c_str());
if (external && addr.size () != 1)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Can't add external service with more than one connection");
// add the entry in the unified connection table
if (sid.get() >= _IdCnx.size())
CUnifiedConnection *uc = &_IdCnx[sid.get()];
// at this point it s possible that the service already added in the _IdCnx by the uNetRegistrationBroadcast()
if (shouldBeAlreayInserted && _IdCnx[sid.get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: the unified connection should already set by the naming reg broadcast and is not (%hu)", sid.get());
if (!shouldBeAlreayInserted && _IdCnx[sid.get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: the unified connection should not already set but is (%hu)", sid.get());
if (_IdCnx[sid.get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
*uc = CUnifiedConnection(name, sid, external);
_UsedConnection.push_back (sid);
// If the entry already set, check that all is correct
if (name != uc->ServiceName) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: name are different in addService %s %s", name.c_str (), uc->ServiceName.c_str ());
if (sid != uc->ServiceId) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: sid are different in addService %hu %hu", sid.get(), uc->ServiceId.get());
if (addr != uc->ExtAddress) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: external addr are different in addService '%s' '%s'", vectorCInetAddressToString(addr).c_str(), vectorCInetAddressToString(uc->ExtAddress).c_str ());
uc->AutoRetry = autoRetry;
uc->SendId = sendId;
uc->ExtAddress = addr;
nlassert (!addr.empty());
// associate nid with ext address
uc->setupNetworkAssociation (_NetworkAssociations, _DefaultNetwork);
// connect to all connection
bool connectSuccess;
if (uc->Connections.size () < addr.size ())
uc->Connections.resize (addr.size ());
vector<CInetAddress> laddr = CInetAddress::localAddresses();
for (uint i = 0; i < addr.size(); i++)
// first we have to look if we have a network that can established the connection
uint j = 0;
// it s, it s ok
if (!addr[i].is127001 ())
for (j = 0; j < laddr.size (); j++)
if (laddr[j].internalNetAddress () == addr[i].internalNetAddress ())
// it's ok, we can try
// If we don't found a valid network, we'll try with the first one.
// It's happen, for example, when you try to connect to a service that is not in the network but use IP translation
if (j == laddr.size ())
nlwarning ("HNETL5: I can't access '%s' because I haven't a net card on this network, we'll use the first network", addr[i].asString ().c_str ());
j = 0;
// Create a new connection with the service, setup callback and connect
CCallbackClient *cbc = new CCallbackClient( CCallbackNetBase::Off, "", true, false ); // don't init one pipe per connection
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
cbc->setExternalPipeForDataAvailable( _MainDataAvailablePipe ); // the main pipe is shared for all connections
//nldebug( "Pipe: set (client %p)", cbc );
cbc->setDisconnectionCallback(uncbDisconnection, NULL);
connectSuccess = true;
catch (const ESocketConnectionFailed &e)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: can't connect to %s (sid %u) now (%s) '%s'", name.c_str(), sid.get(), e.what (), addr[i].asString ().c_str());
connectSuccess = false;
if (!connectSuccess && !autoRetry)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't add service because no retry and can't connect");
delete cbc;
uc->Connections[i] = CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::TConnection(cbc);
if (connectSuccess && sendId)
// send identification to the service
CMessage msg("UN_SIDENT");
TServiceId ssid = _SId;
if (uc->IsExternal)
// in the case that the service is external, we can't send our sid because the external service can
// have other connection with the same sid (for example, LS can have 2 WS with same sid => sid = 0 and leave
// the other side to find a good number
msg.serial(ssid); // serializes a 16 bits service id
uint8 pos = uint8(j);
msg.serial(pos); // send the position in the connection table
msg.serial (uc->IsExternal);
cbc->send (msg);
if (addr.size () != uc->Connections.size())
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't connect to all connections to the service %d/%d", addr.size (), uc->Connections.size());
bool cntok = false;
for (uint j = 0; j < uc->Connections.size(); j++)
if (uc->Connections[j].CbNetBase != NULL)
if (uc->Connections[j].CbNetBase->connected ())
cntok = true;
if (cntok)
// add the name only if at least one connection is ok
addNamedCnx (name, sid);
callServiceUpCallback (name, sid); // global callback ("*") will be called even for external service
nldebug ("HNETL5: addService was successful");
#define TIME_BLOCK(tick, instr) \
{ \
TTicks _time_block_before = CTime::getPerformanceTime(); \
instr ; \
TTicks _time_block_after = CTime::getPerformanceTime(); \
tick += (_time_block_after - _before); \
void CUnifiedNetwork::update(TTime timeout)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::update() whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
bool enableRetry; // true every 5 seconds to reconnect if necessary
// Compute the real timeout based on the next update timeout
TTime t0 = CTime::getLocalTime ();
if (timeout > 0)
if (_NextUpdateTime == 0)
_NextUpdateTime = t0 + timeout;
TTime err = t0 - _NextUpdateTime;
_NextUpdateTime += timeout;
// if we are too late, resync to the next value
while (err > timeout)
err -= timeout;
_NextUpdateTime += timeout;
timeout -= err;
if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0;
TTime remainingTime = timeout;
// check if we need to retry to connect to the client
enableRetry = (t0-_LastRetry > 5000);
if (enableRetry)
_LastRetry = t0;
// Try to reconnect to the naming service if connection lost
if (_NamingServiceAddr.isValid ())
if (CNamingClient::connected ())
CNamingClient::update ();
else if (enableRetry)
vector<CInetAddress> laddr = CInetAddress::localAddresses();
CNamingClient::connect (_NamingServiceAddr, _RecordingState, laddr);
// re-register the service
for (uint i = 0; i < laddr.size(); i++)
CNamingClient::resendRegisteration (_Name, laddr, _SId);
catch (const ESocketConnectionFailed &)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Could not connect to the Naming Service (%s). Retrying in a few seconds...", _NamingServiceAddr.asString().c_str());
if (CAliveCheck::Thread)
uint i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(CAliveCheck::Thread->CheckList)/sizeof(CAliveCheck::Thread->CheckList[0]); ++i)
CAliveCheck::CCheckAddress &address = CAliveCheck::Thread->CheckList[i];
if (address.NeedCheck && address.AddressValid)
CUnifiedConnection &uc = _IdCnx[address.ConnectionId];
if (uc.ServiceName == address.ServiceName &&
uc.ServiceId == address.ServiceId &&
uc.ValidRequested = false;
uc.ValidExternal = true;
address.NeedCheck = false;
address.AddressValid = false;
// update all server connections
if (_CbServer)
_CbServer->update2((sint32)remainingTime, 0);
// update all client connections
for (uint k = 0; k<_UsedConnection.size(); ++k)
nlassert (_IdCnx[_UsedConnection[k].get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready);
for (uint j = 0; j < _IdCnx[_UsedConnection[k].get()].Connections.size (); j++)
// WARNING : don't take a reference in the outside loop because
// _IdCnx can be resized by execution of a callback
CUnifiedConnection &uc = _IdCnx[_UsedConnection[k].get()];
nlassert(_IdCnx[_UsedConnection[k].get()].Connections.size() > j);
CUnifiedConnection::TConnection &conn = _IdCnx[_UsedConnection[k].get()].Connections[j];
if (!conn.valid())
if (conn.IsServerConnection)
nlassert(uc.Connections.size() > j);
if (conn.CbNetBase->connected ())
nlassert(uc.Connections.size() > j);
conn.CbNetBase->update2((sint32)remainingTime, 0);
else if (enableRetry && uc.AutoRetry)
if (uc.ValidExternal)
uc.ValidExternal = false;
uc.ValidRequested = false;
autoReconnect( uc, j );
else if (!uc.ValidRequested && CAliveCheck::Thread)
uc.ValidRequested = true;
CAliveCheck::Thread->checkService(uc.ExtAddress[j], _UsedConnection[k].get(), j, uc.ServiceName, uc.ServiceId);
// reset closed client connection
for (uint i=0; i<_ConnectionToReset.size(); ++i)
// remove the _UsedConnection
bool found = false;
for (vector<TServiceId>::iterator it = _UsedConnection.begin (); it != _UsedConnection.end(); it++)
if (*it == _IdCnx[_ConnectionToReset[i].get()].ServiceId)
found = true;
_UsedConnection.erase (it);
if (!found)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: can't find the sid %hu in the _UsedConnection", _IdCnx[_ConnectionToReset[i].get()].ServiceId.get());
enableRetry = false;
if ( FlushSendsBeforeSleep.get() )
// Flush all connections
L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues = tryFlushAllQueues();
// t0 --------- previousTime -------------------------- t0 + timeout
// prevRemainingTime
// t0 -------------- currentTime ---------------------- t0 + timeout
// remainingTime
TTime prevRemainingTime = remainingTime;
TTime currentTime = CTime::getLocalTime();
remainingTime = t0 + timeout - currentTime;
// If it's the end (or if the Unix system time was changed forwards), don't sleep (currentTime > t0 + timeout)
if ( remainingTime <= 0 )
// If the Unix system time was changed backwards, don't wait more than requested and don't provide an erroneous time to the sleep function that would fail (currentTime < previousTime)
if ( remainingTime > prevRemainingTime )
// Restart at previousTime
nldebug( "Backward time sync detected (at least -%"NL_I64"d ms)", remainingTime - prevRemainingTime );
remainingTime = prevRemainingTime;
t0 = currentTime - (timeout - remainingTime);
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
// Sleep until the time expires or we receive a message
switch ( UseYieldMethod.get() )
case 0: sleepUntilDataAvailable( remainingTime ); break; // accurate sleep with select()
case 1: ::usleep(1000); break; // 20 ms
case 2: nlSleep(1); break; // 10 ms (by nanosleep, but 20 ms measured on kernel 2.4.20)
case 3: ::sched_yield(); break; // makes all slow (at least on kernel 2.4.20) !
default: break; // don't sleep at all, makes all slow!
// Enable windows multithreading before rescanning all connections
H_TIME(L5UpdateSleep, nlSleep(1);); // 0 (yield) would be too harmful to other applications
H_TIME(UNAutoCheck, autoCheck(););
* Auto-reconnect
void CUnifiedNetwork::autoReconnect( CUnifiedConnection &uc, uint connectionIndex )
CCallbackClient *cbc = (CCallbackClient *)uc.Connections[connectionIndex].CbNetBase;
nlinfo ("HNETL5: reconnection to %s-%hu success", uc.ServiceName.c_str(), uc.ServiceId.get());
// add the name only if at least one connection is ok
if (!haveNamedCnx (uc.ServiceName, uc.ServiceId))
addNamedCnx (uc.ServiceName, uc.ServiceId);
// resend the identification is necessary
if (uc.SendId)
// send identification to the service
CMessage msg("UN_SIDENT");
TServiceId ssid = _SId;
if (uc.IsExternal)
// in the case that the service is external, we can't send our sid because the external service can
// have other connection with the same sid (for example, LS can have 2 WS with same sid => sid = 0 and leave
// the other side to find a good number
msg.serial(ssid); // serializes a 16 bits service id
uint8 pos = uint8(connectionIndex);
msg.serial(pos); // send the position in the connection table
msg.serial (uc.IsExternal);
uc.Connections[connectionIndex].CbNetBase->send (msg, uc.Connections[connectionIndex].HostId);
// call the user callback
callServiceUpCallback (uc.ServiceName, uc.ServiceId);
catch (const ESocketConnectionFailed &e)
nlinfo ("HNETL5: can't connect to %s-%hu now (%s)", uc.ServiceName.c_str(), uc.ServiceId.get(), e.what ());
nlwarning ("HNETL5: can't connect to %s-%hu now (%s)", uc.ServiceName.c_str(), uc.ServiceId.get(), e.what ());
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
void CUnifiedNetwork::sleepUntilDataAvailable( TTime msecMax )
// Prevent looping infinitely if an erroneous time was provided
if ( msecMax > 999 ) // limit not told in Linux man but here:
msecMax = 999;
// Prepare for select()
fd_set readers;
FD_ZERO( &readers );
FD_SET( _MainDataAvailablePipe[PipeRead], &readers );
SOCKET descmax = _MainDataAvailablePipe[PipeRead] + 1;
// Select
timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = msecMax * 1000;
//nldebug( "Select %u ms", (uint)msecMax );
//TTime before = CTime::getLocalTime();
int res = ::select( descmax+1, &readers, NULL, NULL, &tv );
if ( res == -1 )
nlwarning( "HNETL5: Select failed in sleepUntilDataAvailable");
//nldebug( "Slept %u ms", (uint)(CTime::getLocalTime()-before) );
bool CUnifiedNetwork::isConnectionConnected(TServiceId sid) const
// a Connected connection is a connection that is Ready but that is not yet connected (serverUp will be called latter via L5).
return sid.get() < _IdCnx.size()
&& _IdCnx[sid.get()].State == CUnifiedConnection::Ready
&& !_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.empty();
uint8 CUnifiedNetwork::findConnectionId (TServiceId sid, uint8 nid)
if (_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.size () == 0)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send message to %s because no connection are available", _IdCnx[sid.get()].ServiceName.c_str ());
return 0xFF;
// by default, connection id will be the default one
uint8 connectionId = _IdCnx[sid.get()].DefaultNetwork;
if (nid == 0xFF)
// it s often happen because they didn't set a good network configuration, so it s in debug to disable it easily
//nldebug ("HNETL5: nid %hu, will use the default connection %hu", (uint16)nid, (uint16)connectionId);
else if (nid >= _IdCnx[sid.get()].NetworkConnectionAssociations.size())
nlwarning ("HNETL5: No net association for nid %hu, use the default connection %hu", (uint16)nid, (uint16)connectionId);
if (_IdCnx[sid.get()].NetworkConnectionAssociations[nid] >= _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.size ())
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send message to %s because nid %d point on a bad connection (%d and only have %d cnx), use default connection", _IdCnx[sid.get()].ServiceName.c_str (), nid, connectionId, _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.size ());
connectionId = _IdCnx[sid.get()].NetworkConnectionAssociations[nid];
if (connectionId >= _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.size() || !_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].valid() || !_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase->connected())
// there's a problem with the selected connectionID, so try to find a valid one
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't find selected connection id %hu to send message to %s because connection is not valid or connected, find a valid connection id", (uint16)connectionId, _IdCnx[sid.get()].ServiceName.c_str ());
for (connectionId = 0; connectionId < _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.size(); connectionId++)
if (_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].valid() && _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase->connected())
// we found one at last, use this one
//nldebug ("HNETL5: Ok, we found a valid connectionid, use %hu", (uint16)connectionId);
if (connectionId == _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections.size())
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send message to %s because default connection is not exist, valid or connected", _IdCnx[sid.get()].ServiceName.c_str ());
return 0xFF;
return connectionId;
uint CUnifiedNetwork::send(const string &serviceName, const CMessage &msgout, bool warnIfNotFound, uint8 nid)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::send(const string&, const CMessage&) whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
TNameMappedConnection::const_iterator it;
pair<TNameMappedConnection::const_iterator,TNameMappedConnection::const_iterator> range;
range = _NamedCnx.equal_range(serviceName);
uint found = 0;
if (range.first != _NamedCnx.end())
for (it=range.first; it!=range.second; ++it)
TServiceId sid = it->second;
if (sid.get() >= _IdCnx.size () || _IdCnx[sid.get()].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
// It often happen when the service is down (connection broke and the naming not already say that it s down)
// In this case, just warn
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send %s to the service '%s' because it was in the _NamedCnx but not in _IdCnx (means that the service is down)", msgout.getName().c_str(), serviceName.c_str ());
return false;
uint8 connectionId = findConnectionId (sid, nid);
if (connectionId == 0xff) // failed
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send %s message to %hu because no connection available", msgout.getName().c_str(), sid.get());
_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase->send (msgout, _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].HostId);
if (!found && warnIfNotFound)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: can't find service %s to send message %s", serviceName.c_str(), msgout.getName().c_str());
return found;
bool CUnifiedNetwork::send(TServiceId sid, const CMessage &msgout, uint8 nid)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::send(TServiceId, const CMessage&) whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
if (sid.get() >= _IdCnx.size () || _IdCnx[sid.get()].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
// Happens when trying to send a message to an unknown service id
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send %s to the service '%hu' because not in _IdCnx", msgout.getName().c_str(), sid.get());
return false;
uint8 connectionId = findConnectionId (sid, nid);
if (connectionId == 0xff) // failed
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send %s to the service '%hu' because no connection available", msgout.getName().c_str(), sid.get());
return false;
_IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase->send (msgout, _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].HostId);
return true;
void CUnifiedNetwork::sendAll(const CMessage &msgout, uint8 nid)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::send(const CMessage&) whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
for (TServiceId::size_type i=0; i<_IdCnx.size(); ++i)
if (_IdCnx[i].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
uint8 connectionId = findConnectionId (TServiceId(i), nid);
if (connectionId == 0xff) // failed
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't send message to %u because no connection available", i);
_IdCnx[i].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase->send (msgout, _IdCnx[i].Connections[connectionId].HostId);
/* Flush all the sending queues, and report the number of bytes still pending.
* To ensure all data are sent before stopping a service, you may want to repeat
* calling this method evenly until it returns 0.
* \param namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending If not empty, only the send queues to the
* services specified (by short name) will be flushed.
uint CUnifiedNetwork::tryFlushAllQueues(const std::vector<std::string>& namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending)
uint bytesRemaining = 0;
for (uint k = 0; k<_UsedConnection.size(); ++k)
CUnifiedConnection &uc = _IdCnx[_UsedConnection[k].get()];
// Skip the connection if it is not found in the 'only' list (except if the list is empty)
if ( (! namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending.empty()) &&
(std::find( namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending.begin(), namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending.end(), uc.ServiceName ) == namesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending.end()) )
nlassert (uc.State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready);
for (uint j = 0; j < uc.Connections.size (); j++)
if (!uc.Connections[j].valid())
if (uc.Connections[j].CbNetBase->connected ())
uint bytesRemainingLocal;
uc.Connections[j].CbNetBase->flush(uc.Connections[j].HostId, &bytesRemainingLocal);
bytesRemaining += bytesRemainingLocal;
return bytesRemaining;
void CUnifiedNetwork::addCallbackArray (const TUnifiedCallbackItem *callbackarray, sint arraysize)
uint i;
for (i=0; i<(uint)arraysize; ++i)
void CUnifiedNetwork::setServiceUpCallback (const string &serviceName, TUnifiedNetCallback cb, void *arg, bool back)
nlassert (cb != NULL);
if (serviceName == "*")
if (back)
_UpUniCallback.push_back (make_pair(cb, arg));
_UpUniCallback.insert (_UpUniCallback.begin(), make_pair(cb, arg));
if (back)
_UpCallbacks[serviceName].push_back (make_pair(cb, arg));
_UpCallbacks[serviceName].insert (_UpCallbacks[serviceName].begin(), make_pair(cb, arg));
void CUnifiedNetwork::removeServiceUpCallback (const string &serviceName, TUnifiedNetCallback cb, void *arg)
if (serviceName == "*")
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_UpUniCallback.size(); ++i)
if (_UpUniCallback[i].first == cb && _UpUniCallback[i].second == arg)
// we found it
if (i == _UpUniCallback.size())
nlwarning("HNETL5 : can't remove service up callback, not found");
if (_UpCallbacks.find(serviceName) != _UpCallbacks.end())
std::list<TCallbackArgItem> &list = _UpCallbacks[serviceName];
std::list<TCallbackArgItem>::iterator first(list.begin()), last(list.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->first == cb && first->second == arg)
if (first == last)
nlwarning("HNETL5 : can't remove service up callback, not found");
if (list.empty())
// no more callback for this service
nlwarning("HNETL5 : can't remove service up callback, not found");
void CUnifiedNetwork::setServiceDownCallback (const string &serviceName, TUnifiedNetCallback cb, void *arg, bool back)
nlassert (cb != NULL);
if (serviceName == "*")
if (back)
_DownUniCallback.push_back (make_pair(cb, arg));
_DownUniCallback.insert (_DownUniCallback.begin(), make_pair(cb, arg));
if (back)
_DownCallbacks[serviceName].push_back (make_pair(cb, arg));
_DownCallbacks[serviceName].insert (_DownCallbacks[serviceName].begin(), make_pair(cb, arg));
void CUnifiedNetwork::removeServiceDownCallback (const string &serviceName, TUnifiedNetCallback cb, void *arg)
if (serviceName == "*")
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_DownUniCallback.size(); ++i)
if (_DownUniCallback[i].first == cb && _DownUniCallback[i].second == arg)
// we found it
if (i == _DownUniCallback.size())
nlwarning("HNETL5 : can't remove service down callback, not found");
if (_DownCallbacks.find(serviceName) != _DownCallbacks.end())
std::list<TCallbackArgItem> &list = _DownCallbacks[serviceName];
std::list<TCallbackArgItem>::iterator first(list.begin()), last(list.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->first == cb && first->second == arg)
if (first == last)
nlwarning("HNETL5 : can't remove service down callback, not found");
if (list.empty())
// no more callback for this service
nlwarning("HNETL5 : can't remove service down callback, not found");
uint64 CUnifiedNetwork::getBytesSent ()
uint64 sent = 0;
uint j;
for (vector<TServiceId>::iterator it = _UsedConnection.begin (); it != _UsedConnection.end(); it++)
if (_IdCnx[it->get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
for (j=0; j<_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections.size (); ++j)
if(_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].valid () && !_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].IsServerConnection)
sent += _IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].CbNetBase->getBytesSent();
sent += _CbServer->getBytesSent();
return sent;
uint64 CUnifiedNetwork::getBytesReceived ()
uint64 received = 0;
uint j;
for (vector<TServiceId>::iterator it = _UsedConnection.begin (); it != _UsedConnection.end(); it++)
if (_IdCnx[it->get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
for (j=0; j<_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections.size (); ++j)
if(_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].valid () && !_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].IsServerConnection)
received += _IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].CbNetBase->getBytesReceived();
if (_CbServer)
received += _CbServer->getBytesReceived();
return received;
uint64 CUnifiedNetwork::getSendQueueSize ()
uint64 sent = 0;
uint j;
for (vector<TServiceId>::iterator it = _UsedConnection.begin (); it != _UsedConnection.end(); it++)
if (_IdCnx[it->get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
for (j=0; j<_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections.size (); ++j)
if(_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].valid () && !_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].IsServerConnection)
sent += _IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].CbNetBase->getSendQueueSize();
if (_CbServer)
sent += _CbServer->getSendQueueSize();
return sent;
uint64 CUnifiedNetwork::getReceiveQueueSize ()
uint64 received = 0;
uint j;
for (vector<TServiceId>::iterator it = _UsedConnection.begin (); it != _UsedConnection.end(); it++)
if (_IdCnx[it->get()].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
for (j=0; j<_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections.size (); ++j)
if(_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].valid () && !_IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].IsServerConnection)
received += _IdCnx[it->get()].Connections[j].CbNetBase->getReceiveQueueSize();
if (_CbServer)
received += _CbServer->getReceiveQueueSize();
return received;
CCallbackNetBase *CUnifiedNetwork::getNetBase(const std::string &name, TSockId &host, uint8 nid)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::getNetBase() whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
sint count = (sint)_NamedCnx.count(name);
if (count <= 0)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: couldn't access the service %s", name.c_str());
host = InvalidSockId;
return NULL;
else if (count > 1)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: %d services %s to getNetBase, returns the first valid", count, name.c_str());
TNameMappedConnection::const_iterator itnmc = _NamedCnx.find(name);
uint8 connectionId = findConnectionId ((*itnmc).second, nid);
if (connectionId == 0xff) // failed
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't getNetBase %s because no connection available", name.c_str());
host = InvalidSockId;
return NULL;
host = _IdCnx[itnmc->second.get()].Connections[connectionId].HostId;
return _IdCnx[itnmc->second.get()].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase;
CCallbackNetBase *CUnifiedNetwork::getNetBase(TServiceId sid, TSockId &host, uint8 nid)
nlassertex(_Initialised == true, ("Try to CUnifiedNetwork::getNetBase() whereas it is not initialised yet"));
if (ThreadCreator != NLMISC::getThreadId()) nlwarning ("HNETL5: Multithread access but this class is not thread safe thread creator = %u thread used = %u", ThreadCreator, NLMISC::getThreadId());
if (sid.get() >= _IdCnx.size () || _IdCnx[sid.get()].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't get net base to the service '%hu' because not in _IdCnx", sid.get());
host = InvalidSockId;
return NULL;
uint8 connectionId = findConnectionId (sid, nid);
if (connectionId == 0xff) // failed
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Can't getNetBase %hu because no connection available", sid.get());
host = InvalidSockId;
return NULL;
host = _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].HostId;
return _IdCnx[sid.get()].Connections[connectionId].CbNetBase;
TUnifiedMsgCallback CUnifiedNetwork::findCallback (const std::string &callbackName)
TMsgMappedCallback::iterator itcb = _Callbacks.find(callbackName);
if (itcb == _Callbacks.end())
return NULL;
return (*itcb).second;
bool CUnifiedNetwork::isServiceLocal (const std::string &serviceName)
// it s me, of course we are local
if (serviceName == _Name)
return true;
pair<TNameMappedConnection::const_iterator,TNameMappedConnection::const_iterator> range;
range = _NamedCnx.equal_range(serviceName);
if (range.first != _NamedCnx.end())
TServiceId sid = (*(range.first)).second;
return isServiceLocal (sid);
return false;
bool CUnifiedNetwork::isServiceLocal (TServiceId sid)
// it s me, of course we are local
if (sid == _SId)
return true;
if (sid.get() >= _IdCnx.size () || _IdCnx[sid.get()].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
return false;
vector<CInetAddress> laddr = CInetAddress::localAddresses();
for (uint i = 0; i < laddr.size(); i++)
for (uint j = 0; j < _IdCnx[sid.get()].ExtAddress.size(); j++)
if (_IdCnx[sid.get()].ExtAddress[j].is127001 ())
return true;
if (_IdCnx[sid.get()].ExtAddress[j].internalIPAddress () == laddr[i].internalIPAddress ())
return true;
return false;
* Return the name of the specified service, or "" if not found
std::string CUnifiedNetwork::getServiceName(TServiceId sid)
string s;
CUnifiedConnection *c = getUnifiedConnection(sid, false);
if (c)
s = c->ServiceName;
return s;
* Return a string identifying the service, using the format "NAME-sid" (or "sid" only if not found)
std::string CUnifiedNetwork::getServiceUnifiedName(TServiceId sid)
string s;
CUnifiedConnection *c = getUnifiedConnection(sid, false);
if (c)
s = c->ServiceName + "-";
s += toString(sid.get());
return s;
//CUnifiedNetwork *CUnifiedNetwork::_Instance = NULL;
bool CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ()
return (_Instance != NULL);
CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection *CUnifiedNetwork::getUnifiedConnection (TServiceId sid, bool warn)
if (sid.get() < _IdCnx.size () && _IdCnx[sid.get()].State == CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
if (sid != _IdCnx[sid.get()].ServiceId)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Sid index %hu is not the same that in the entry %hu", sid.get(), _IdCnx[sid.get()].ServiceId.get());
return NULL;
return &_IdCnx[sid.get()];
if ( warn )
nlwarning ("HNETL5: Try to get a bad unified connection (sid %hu is not in the table)", sid.get());
return NULL;
void CUnifiedNetwork::autoCheck()
uint i, j;
for (i = 0; i < _IdCnx.size (); i++)
if (_IdCnx[i].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
_IdCnx[i].AutoCheck = 1;
_IdCnx[i].AutoCheck = 0;
TNameMappedConnection::iterator itn;
for (itn = _NamedCnx.begin(); itn != _NamedCnx.end(); ++itn)
if ((*itn).first != _IdCnx[itn->second.get()].ServiceName)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: problem with name synchro between _NameCnx '%s' and _IdCnx '%s' '%hd'",
_IdCnx[itn->second.get()].ServiceName.c_str (),
if (_IdCnx[itn->second.get()].AutoCheck == 0)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: problem with name synchro between _NameCnx '%s' and _IdCnx '%s' '%hd'",
_IdCnx[itn->second.get()].ServiceName.c_str (),
if (_IdCnx[itn->second.get()].AutoCheck > 1)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: problem with name synchro between _NameCnx '%s' and _IdCnx '%s' '%hd' more than one entry is named with the same name",
_IdCnx[itn->second.get()].ServiceName.c_str (),
for (i = 0; i < _UsedConnection.size (); i++)
if (_IdCnx[_UsedConnection[i].get()].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: problem with the _UsedConnection syncro sid %d is not used in _IdCnx", _UsedConnection[i].get());
for (i = 0; i < _IdCnx.size (); i++)
if (_IdCnx[i].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
for (j = 0; j < _UsedConnection.size (); j++)
if (_UsedConnection[j].get() == i) break;
if (j == _UsedConnection.size ()) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: problem with the _UsedConnection syncro sid %d is not in _UsedConnection", i);
for (i = 0; i < _IdCnx.size (); i++)
if (_IdCnx[i].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
if (_IdCnx[i].ServiceName != "DEAD") AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d name should be DEAD and is '%s'", i, _IdCnx[i].ServiceName.c_str ());
if (_IdCnx[i].ServiceId.get() != 0xDEAD) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d sid should be 0xDEAD and is 0x%X", i, _IdCnx[i].ServiceId.get());
if (!_IdCnx[i].Connections.empty ()) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d connection size should be 0 and is %d", i, _IdCnx[i].Connections.size ());
if (!_IdCnx[i].ExtAddress.empty ()) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d ext addr size should be 0 and is %d", i, _IdCnx[i].ExtAddress.size ());
if (_IdCnx[i].AutoCheck != 0) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d prob with syncro with _NamedCnx", i);
else if (_IdCnx[i].State == CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::Ready)
if (_IdCnx[i].ServiceId.get() != i) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Bad syncro sid index sid entry for %d %d", i, _IdCnx[i].ServiceId.get());
if (_IdCnx[i].ServiceName == "DEAD") AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d name should not be DEAD and is '%s'", i, _IdCnx[i].ServiceName.c_str ());
if (_IdCnx[i].ServiceId.get() == 0xDEAD) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d sid should not be 0xDEAD and is 0x%X", i, _IdCnx[i].ServiceId.get());
if (!_IdCnx[i].ExtAddress.empty () && _IdCnx[i].Connections.size () > _IdCnx[i].ExtAddress.size()) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d ext addr size should not be 0 and is %d", i, _IdCnx[i].ExtAddress.size ());
if (_IdCnx[i].AutoRetry == true && _IdCnx[i].Connections.size () > 1) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d auto retry with more than one connection %d", i, _IdCnx[i].Connections.size ());
if (_IdCnx[i].AutoRetry == true && _IdCnx[i].IsExternal == false) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d auto retry with internal connection", i);
if (_IdCnx[i].AutoRetry == true && _IdCnx[i].Connections[0].valid() == false) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d auto retry with invalid connection", i);
for (j = 0; j < _IdCnx[i].Connections.size (); j++)
if (_IdCnx[i].Connections[j].valid() && !_IdCnx[i].Connections[j].IsServerConnection && _IdCnx[i].Connections[j].CbNetBase->connected () && _IdCnx[i].Connections[j].getAppId() != i) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d bad appid %"NL_I64"X", i, _IdCnx[i].Connections[j].getAppId());
for (j = 0; j < _IdCnx[i].NetworkConnectionAssociations.size (); j++)
if (_IdCnx[i].NetworkConnectionAssociations[j] != 0)
if (_NetworkAssociations[j] != _IdCnx[i].ExtAddress[_IdCnx[i].NetworkConnectionAssociations[j]].internalNetAddress ()) AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HLNET5: sid %d nid %d have address 0x%08x and is not the good connection net 0x%08x", i, j, _NetworkAssociations[j], _IdCnx[i].ExtAddress[_IdCnx[i].NetworkConnectionAssociations[j]].internalNetAddress ());
void CUnifiedNetwork::displayInternalTables (NLMISC::CLog *log)
uint i, j;
log->displayNL ("%d Named Connections:", _NamedCnx.size ());
for (TNameMappedConnection::iterator it = _NamedCnx.begin(); it != _NamedCnx.end (); it++)
log->displayNL ("> '%s' -> %hu", (*it).first.c_str(), it->second.get());
uint nbused = 0;
for (i = 0; i < _IdCnx.size (); i++)
if(_IdCnx[i].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
log->displayNL ("%u/%u Unified Connections:", nbused, _IdCnx.size ());
for (i = 0; i < _IdCnx.size (); i++)
if(_IdCnx[i].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
_IdCnx[i].display (false, log);
for (j = 0; j < _IdCnx[i].NetworkConnectionAssociations.size (); j++)
log->displayNL (" * nid %d -> cnxn %hu", j, (uint16)_IdCnx[i].NetworkConnectionAssociations[j]);
log->displayNL ("%u Used Unified Connections:", _UsedConnection.size());
for (i = 0; i < _UsedConnection.size (); i++)
log->displayNL ("> %hu", _UsedConnection[i].get());
log->displayNL ("%u Network Associations:", _NetworkAssociations.size());
for (i = 0; i < _NetworkAssociations.size (); i++)
log->displayNL ("> 0x%08x -> '%s'", _NetworkAssociations[i], internalIPAddressToString (_NetworkAssociations[i]).c_str ());
bool CUnifiedNetwork::haveNamedCnx (const std::string &name, TServiceId sid)
CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator it;
pair<CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator,CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator> range;
range = _NamedCnx.equal_range(name);
if (range.first != range.second)
for (it=range.first; it!=range.second && (*it).second!=sid; ++it)
return (it != range.second);
return false;
void CUnifiedNetwork::addNamedCnx (const std::string &name, TServiceId sid)
// check if not already inserted
CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator it;
pair<CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator,CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator> range;
range = _NamedCnx.equal_range(name);
if (range.first != range.second)
for (it=range.first; it!=range.second && (*it).second!=sid; ++it)
if (it != range.second)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: Try to add 2 times the same connection %s-%hu", name.c_str(), sid.get());
// insert the name in the map to be able to send message with the name
_NamedCnx.insert(make_pair(name, sid));
void CUnifiedNetwork::removeNamedCnx (const std::string &name, TServiceId sid)
// get all map nodes of that service name
CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator it;
pair<CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator,CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection::iterator> range;
range = _NamedCnx.equal_range(name);
// assume not empty
if (range.first == range.second)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: The unified connection %s-%hu wasn't on the _NamedCnx", name.c_str(), sid.get());
// select good service id
for (it=range.first; it!=range.second && (*it).second!=sid; ++it)
// assume id exists
if (it == range.second)
AUTOCHECK_DISPLAY ("HNETL5: The unified connection %s-%hu wasn't on the _NamedCnx", name.c_str(), sid.get());
// remove service for map
void CUnifiedNetwork::addNetworkAssociation (const string &networkName, uint8 nid)
if (nid >= _NetworkAssociations.size ())
_NetworkAssociations.resize (nid+1, 0xFF);
_NetworkAssociations[nid] = stringToInternalIPAddress (networkName);
nlinfo ("HNETL5: Associate network '%s' 0x%08x '%s' to nid %hu", networkName.c_str(), _NetworkAssociations[nid], internalIPAddressToString (_NetworkAssociations[nid]).c_str(), (uint16)nid);
void CUnifiedNetwork::callServiceUpCallback (const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid, bool callGlobalCallback)
// now we warn the user
CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedCallback::iterator it = _UpCallbacks.find(serviceName);
if (it != _UpCallbacks.end())
// call it
for (list<TCallbackArgItem>::iterator it2 = (*it).second.begin(); it2 != (*it).second.end(); it2++)
TUnifiedNetCallback cb = (*it2).first;
if (cb)
cb(serviceName, sid, (*it2).second);
nlwarning ("HNETL5: User set an empty callback for '%s' service up", serviceName.c_str());
for (uint c = 0; c < _UpUniCallback.size (); c++)
if (_UpUniCallback[c].first != NULL)
_UpUniCallback[c].first (serviceName, sid, _UpUniCallback[c].second);
nlwarning ("HNETL5: User set an empty callback for '*' service up");
void CUnifiedNetwork::callServiceDownCallback (const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid, bool callGlobalCallback)
// now we warn the user
CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedCallback::iterator it = _DownCallbacks.find(serviceName);
if (it != _DownCallbacks.end())
// call it
for (list<TCallbackArgItem>::iterator it2 = (*it).second.begin(); it2 != (*it).second.end(); it2++)
TUnifiedNetCallback cb = (*it2).first;
if (cb)
cb(serviceName, sid, (*it2).second);
nlwarning ("HNETL5: User set an empty callback for '%s' service down", serviceName.c_str());
for (uint c = 0; c < _DownUniCallback.size (); c++)
if (_DownUniCallback[c].first != NULL)
_DownUniCallback[c].first (serviceName, sid, _DownUniCallback[c].second);
nlwarning ("HNETL5: User set an empty callback for '*' service down");
void CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::display (bool full, CLog *log)
log->displayNL ("> %s-%hu %s %s %s (%d ExtAddr %d Cnx) TotalCb %d", ServiceName.c_str (), ServiceId.get(), IsExternal?"External":"NotExternal",
AutoRetry?"AutoRetry":"NoAutoRetry", SendId?"SendId":"NoSendId", ExtAddress.size (), Connections.size (), TotalCallbackCalled);
uint maxc = (uint)std::max (ExtAddress.size (), Connections.size ());
for (uint j = 0; j < maxc; j++)
string base;
if(j < ExtAddress.size ())
base += ExtAddress[j].asString ();
base += "NotValid";
string ext;
if(j < Connections.size () && Connections[j].valid())
ext += "Server ";
ext += "Client ";
ext += Connections[j].CbNetBase->getSockId (Connections[j].HostId)->asString ();
ext += " AppId:" + toString(Connections[j].getAppId());
if (Connections[j].CbNetBase->connected ())
ext += " Connected";
ext += " NotConnected";
ext += "NotValid";
log->displayNL (" - %s %s", base.c_str (), ext.c_str ());
log->displayNL (" * ReceiveQueueStat");
log->displayNL (" * SendQueueStat");
Connections[j].CbNetBase->displaySendQueueStat(log, Connections[j].HostId);
log->displayNL (" * ThreadStat");
// Commands
bool createMessage (CMessage &msgout, const vector<string> &args, CLog &log)
for (uint i = 2; i < args.size (); i+=2)
string type = args[i+0];
string value = args[i+1];
if (type == "s8") { sint8 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "s16") { sint16 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "s32") { sint32 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "s64") { sint64 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "u8") { uint8 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "u16") { uint16 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "u32") { uint32 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "u64") { uint64 v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "f") { float v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "d") { double v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "b") { bool v; fromString(value, v); msgout.serial (v); }
else if (type == "s") { msgout.serial (value); }
else if (type == "e") { CEntityId e; e.fromString(value.c_str()); msgout.serial(e); }
else { log.displayNL ("type '%s' is not a valid type", type.c_str()); return false; }
return true;
// Commands and Variables
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_VARIABLE(nel, uint32, TotalCallbackCalled, "Total callback called number on layer 5");
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE(nel, uint64, SendQueueSize, "current size in bytes of all send queues")
if (get)
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
*pointer = 0;
*pointer = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getSendQueueSize();
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE(nel, uint64, ReceiveQueueSize, "current size in bytes of all receive queues")
if (get)
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
*pointer = 0;
*pointer = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getReceiveQueueSize();
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE(nel, uint64, ReceivedBytes, "total of bytes received by this service")
if (get)
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
*pointer = 0;
*pointer = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getBytesReceived ();
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_DYNVARIABLE(nel, uint64, SentBytes, "total of bytes sent by this service")
if (get)
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
*pointer = 0;
*pointer = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getBytesSent ();
* Simulate a message that comes from the network.
* for the bool (b type), you must set the value to 1 or 0
* for the string (s type), we don't manage space inside a string
* for stl containers, you have first to put a u32 type that is the size of the container and after all elements
* (ex: if you want to put a vector<uint16> that have 3 elements: u32 3 u16 10 u16 11 u16 12)
* ex: msgin 128 REGISTER u32 10 u32 541 u32 45
* You'll receive a fake message REGISTER that seems to come from the service number 128 with 3 uint32.
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, msgin, "Simulate an input message from another service (ex: msgin 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)", "<ServiceName>|<ServiceId> <MessageName> [<ParamType> <Param>]*")
if(args.size() < 2) return false;
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
log.displayNL("Can't do that because the service doesn't use CUnifiedNetwork");
return false;
uint16 sId;
fromString(args[0], sId);
TServiceId serviceId(sId);
string serviceName = args[0].c_str();
string messageName = args[1].c_str();
if (serviceId.get() > 255)
log.displayNL ("Service Id %d must be between [1;255]", serviceId.get());
return false;
if ((args.size()-2) % 2 != 0)
log.displayNL ("The number of parameter must be a multiple of 2");
return false;
CMessage msg (messageName);
if (!createMessage (msg, args, log))
return false;
msg.invert ();
TUnifiedMsgCallback cb = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->findCallback (messageName);
if (cb == NULL)
log.displayNL ("Callback for message '%s' is not found", messageName.c_str());
cb (msg, serviceName, serviceId);
return true;
* Create a message and send it to the specified service
* for the bool (b type), you must set the value to 1 or 0
* for the string (s type), we don't manage space inside a string
* for stl containers, you have first to put a u32 type that is the size of the container and after all elements
* (ex: if you want to put a vector<uint16> that have 3 elements: u32 3 u16 10 u16 11 u16 12)
* ex: msgout 128 REGISTER u32 10 u32 541 u32 45
* You'll send a real message REGISTER to the service number 128 with 3 uint32.
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, msgout, "Send a message to a specified service (ex: msgout 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)", "<ServiceName>|<ServiceId> <MessageName> [<ParamType> <Param>]*")
if(args.size() < 2) return false;
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
log.displayNL("Can't do that because the service doesn't use CUnifiedNetwork");
return false;
uint16 nId;
fromString(args[0], nId);
TServiceId serviceId(nId);
string serviceName = args[0].c_str();
string messageName = args[1].c_str();
if (serviceId.get() > 255)
log.displayNL ("Service Id %d must be between [1;255]", serviceId.get());
return false;
if ((args.size()-2) % 2 != 0)
log.displayNL ("The number of parameter must be a multiple of 2");
return false;
CMessage msg (messageName);
if (!createMessage (msg, args, log))
return false;
TSockId host = InvalidSockId;
CCallbackNetBase *cnb = NULL;
if (serviceId.get() != 0)
cnb = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getNetBase (serviceId, host);
cnb = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getNetBase (serviceName, host);
if (cnb == NULL)
log.displayNL ("'%s' is a bad <ServiceId> or <ServiceName>", args[0].c_str());
return false;
cnb->send (msg, host);
return true;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, l5QueuesStats, "Displays queues stats of network layer5", "")
if(args.size() != 0) return false;
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
log.displayNL("Can't display internal table because layer5 is not used");
return false;
log.displayNL ("%u Unified Connections:", CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_IdCnx.size ());
for (uint i = 0; i < CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_IdCnx.size (); i++)
if(CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_IdCnx[i].State != CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::NotUsed)
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_IdCnx[i].display (true, &log);
return true;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, l5InternalTables, "Displays internal table of network layer5", "")
if(args.size() != 0) return false;
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
log.displayNL("Can't display internal table because layer5 is not used");
return false;
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->displayInternalTables(&log);
return true;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, l5Callback, "Displays all callback registered in layer5", "")
if(args.size() != 0) return false;
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
log.displayNL("Can't display internal table because layer5 is not used");
return false;
log.displayNL ("There're %d registered callbacks:", CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_Callbacks.size());
uint i = 0;
for (CUnifiedNetwork::TMsgMappedCallback::iterator it = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_Callbacks.begin(); it != CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->_Callbacks.end(); it++)
log.displayNL (" %d '%s' %s", i++, (*it).first.c_str(), ((*it).second == NULL?"have a NULL address":""));
return true;
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, isServiceLocal, "Says if a service is local or not compare with this service", "<sid>|<service name>")
if(args.size() != 1) return false;
if (!CUnifiedNetwork::isUsed ())
log.displayNL("Can't do that because the service doesn't use CUnifiedNetwork");
return false;
uint16 nId;
fromString(args[0], nId);
TServiceId sid(nId);
if (sid.get() > 0)
log.displayNL ("Service %s-%hu and sid %s are %son the same computer", CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_Name.c_str(), CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_SId.get(), args[0].c_str(), CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->isServiceLocal (sid)?"":"not ");
log.displayNL ("Service %s-%hu and %s are %son the same computer", CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_Name.c_str(), CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->_SId.get(), args[0].c_str(), CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance ()->isServiceLocal (args[0])?"":"not ");
return true;
NLMISC_CLASS_COMMAND_IMPL(CUnifiedNetwork, addService)
TParsedCommandLine pcl;
if (pcl.SubParams.size() != 2)
return false;
// syntax is as follow :
// <serviceName> ( address=<address:port> [sid=<serviceId>] [sendId] [external] [autoRetry] )
TParsedCommandLine * serviceInfo = pcl.SubParams[1];
const TParsedCommandLine *address = serviceInfo->getParam("address");
if (address == NULL)
log.displayNL("Can't find param 'address'");
return false;
CInetAddress ia(address->ParamValue);;
if (!ia.isValid())
log.displayNL("Can't parse internet address in '%s'", address->ParamValue.c_str());
return false;
TServiceId serviceId(0);
const TParsedCommandLine *sid = serviceInfo->getParam("sid");
if (sid != NULL)
uint16 nId;
fromString(sid->ParamValue, nId);
bool sendId = serviceInfo->getParam("sendId") != NULL;
bool external = serviceInfo->getParam("external") != NULL;
bool autoRetry = serviceInfo->getParam("autoRetry") != NULL;
log.displayNL("Adding service '%s' as sid %u with [sendId = %s], [external = %s], [autoRetry = %s]",
sendId ? "YES" : "NO",
external ? "YES" : "NO",
autoRetry ? "YES" : "NO"
return true;
} // NLNET