khanat-opennel-code/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_mesh_lib/export_mesh_interface.cpp d5c601ffa5 initial version
2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

786 lines
25 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "export_nel.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "nel/misc/line.h"
#include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/3d/quad_grid.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_mrm_skinned.h"
#include "export_appdata.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
using namespace std;
// a vertice of a mesh interface, private use
struct CMeshInterfaceVertex
CVector Pos;
CVector Normal;
// test wether the given vertex can be welded to one of this interface vertices
bool canWeld(const NLMISC::CVector &vert, float threshold) const
NLMISC::CVector distV = vert - Pos;
return distV.norm() < threshold;
// try snapping a vertex to this mesh Interface
bool snapVert(NLMISC::CVector &vert, NLMISC::CVector &normal, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat, float threshold)
if (canWeld(toWorldMat * vert, threshold))
// snap to pos and normal
// The pos of the interface vertex is in world space, so we put it back in object space
NLMISC::CMatrix invMat = toWorldMat.inverted();
vert = invMat * Pos;
normal = invMat.mulVector(Normal);
return true;
return false;
// a mesh Interface, private use
struct CMeshInterface
std::vector<CMeshInterfaceVertex> Verts;
// try to snap a vertex to one of this Interface vertex
bool snapVert(NLMISC::CVector &vert, NLMISC::CVector &normal, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat, float threshold)
for(uint k = 0; k < Verts.size(); ++k)
if (Verts[k].snapVert(vert, normal, toWorldMat, threshold)) return true;
return false;
// test wether a vertex can be welded to that interface. snapTo get the index of the interface vertex snapped to
bool canWeld(const NLMISC::CVector &pos, float threshold, uint &snapTo) const
for(uint k = 0; k < Verts.size(); ++k)
if (Verts[k].canWeld(pos, threshold))
snapTo= k;
return true;
return false;
// test wether a vertex can be welded to that interface
bool canWeld(const NLMISC::CVector &pos, float threshold) const
uint dummy;
return canWeld(pos, threshold, dummy);
// build a bbox from this interface
void buildBBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &dest)
CVector minV = Verts[0].Pos;
CVector maxV = Verts[0].Pos;
for(uint k = 1; k < Verts.size(); ++k)
minV.minof(minV, Verts[k].Pos);
maxV.maxof(maxV, Verts[k].Pos);
dest.setMinMax(minV, maxV);
// build this Interface from a max mesh (usually a polygon converted to a mesh)
bool buildFromMaxMesh(INode &node, TimeValue tvTime);
bool CMeshInterface::buildFromMaxMesh(INode &node, TimeValue tvTime)
// Get a pointer on the object's node
Object *obj = node.EvalWorldState(tvTime).obj;
// Check if there is an object
if (!obj) return false;
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(tvTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt=false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
// build a local to world matrix
Matrix3 localToWorld = node.GetObjectTM(tvTime);
CMatrix nelMatLocalToWorld;
CExportNel::convertMatrix(nelMatLocalToWorld, localToWorld);
// Build the vertices, setup in world
CPolygon poly;
CVector polyNormal;
CExportNel::maxPolygonMeshToOrderedPoly(mesh, poly.Vertices, nelMatLocalToWorld, polyNormal);
// copy to dst
uint numVerts = poly.Vertices.size();
uint k;
for(k = 0; k < numVerts; ++k)
Verts[k].Pos= poly.Vertices[k];
// compute normals
for(k = 0; k < numVerts; ++k)
CVector prevNorm = (Verts[k].Pos - Verts[(k + numVerts - 1) % numVerts].Pos) ^ polyNormal;
CVector nextNorm = (Verts[(k + 1) % numVerts].Pos - Verts[k].Pos) ^ polyNormal;
Verts[k].Normal = (prevNorm + nextNorm).normed();
if (deleteIt)
delete tri;
return true;
return false;
// private func to apply a set of mesh Interface to a meshbuild
static void ApplyMeshInterfacesForMRM(std::vector<CMeshInterface> &interfaces, CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat, float threshold)
// get the mat from worldSpace to objectMat.
CMatrix toObjectMat= toWorldMat;
// get the correct mat to apply to normals
CMatrix toObjectMatNormal= toObjectMat;
// **** build Mesh Interfaces info in meshbuild
for(uint m = 0; m < interfaces.size(); ++m)
// Copy the polygon vertices/normals
mbuild.Interfaces[m].Vertices.resize( interfaces[m].Verts.size() );
for(uint k = 0; k < mbuild.Interfaces[m].Vertices.size(); ++k)
// back in object Space, because the CMeshInterface is in WorldSpace
mbuild.Interfaces[m].Vertices[k].Pos= toObjectMat * interfaces[m].Verts[k].Pos;
mbuild.Interfaces[m].Vertices[k].Normal= toObjectMatNormal * interfaces[m].Verts[k].Normal;
// **** for every vertices, link to interfaces
for(uint k = 0; k < mbuild.Vertices.size(); ++k)
// reset
mbuild.InterfaceLinks[k].InterfaceId= -1;
// against each Interface
for(uint m = 0; m < interfaces.size(); ++m)
uint snapTo;
if ( interfaces[m].canWeld(toWorldMat * mbuild.Vertices[k], threshold, snapTo) )
mbuild.InterfaceLinks[k].InterfaceId= m;
mbuild.InterfaceLinks[k].InterfaceVertexId= snapTo;
// Force pack / unpack to be aligned with CMeshMRMSkinned vertices
CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex vertex;
vertex.setPos (mbuild.Vertices[k], NL3D_MESH_MRM_SKINNED_DEFAULT_POS_SCALE);
vertex.getPos (mbuild.Vertices[k], NL3D_MESH_MRM_SKINNED_DEFAULT_POS_SCALE);
// private func to apply a set of mesh Interface to a meshbuild
static void ApplyMeshInterfacesUsingInterfaceNormals(std::vector<CMeshInterface> &interfaces, CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat, float threshold)
// for every faces
for(uint k = 0; k < mbuild.Faces.size(); ++k)
// test each corner
for(uint l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
// against each Interface
for(uint m = 0; m < interfaces.size(); ++m)
// a face of a node, used in a quad tree
struct CNodeFace
CVector P[3]; // vertices;
uint32 SmoothGroup; // smoothgroup;
void buildBBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &dest)
CVector minV(P[0]);
CVector maxV(P[0]);
minV.minof(minV, P[1]);
minV.minof(minV, P[2]);
maxV.maxof(maxV, P[1]);
maxV.maxof(maxV, P[2]);
dest.setMinMax(minV, maxV);
CVector getNormal() const
return ((P[1] - P[0]) ^ (P[2] - P[1])).normed();
float getArea() const
return 0.5f * ((P[1] - P[0]) ^ (P[2] - P[0])).norm();
typedef NL3D::CQuadGrid<CNodeFace> TNodeFaceQG;
/** Append faces from a node tree to the given quadgrid
static void AddNodeToQuadGrid(const NLMISC::CAABBox &delimiter, TNodeFaceQG &destQuadGrid, INode &node, TimeValue time)
CAABBox nodeBBox;
if (CExportNel::buildMeshAABBox(node, nodeBBox, time))
if (delimiter.intersect(nodeBBox))
nldebug((std::string("Adding ") + node.GetName() + std::string(" to mesh interface quad grid")).c_str());
// add this node tris
Object *obj = node.EvalWorldState(time).obj;
if (obj)
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(time, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
// pointer that called ConvertToType()
bool deleteIt = false;
if (obj != tri)
deleteIt = true;
Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
Matrix3 nodeMat = node.GetObjectTM(time);
CNodeFace nodeFace;
uint numFaceAdded = 0;
for(sint l = 0; l < mesh.getNumFaces(); ++l)
for(uint m = 0; m < 3; ++m)
Point3 pos = nodeMat * mesh.getVert(mesh.faces[l].v[m]);
CExportNel::convertVector(nodeFace.P[m], pos);
// test if we must insert in quadgrid
if (faceBBox.intersect(delimiter))
nodeFace.SmoothGroup = mesh.faces[l].smGroup;
destQuadGrid.insert(faceBBox.getMin(), faceBBox.getMax(), nodeFace);
++ numFaceAdded;
nldebug("%d faces where added", numFaceAdded);
if (deleteIt)
delete tri;
// deals with sons
for(sint k = 0; k < node.NumberOfChildren(); ++k)
::AddNodeToQuadGrid(delimiter, destQuadGrid, *node.GetChildNode(k), time);
/** Build a quadgrid of all the faces in a node and its sons that are inside the given BBox
* The quad grid is arbitrarily oriented in the X-Z plane (has this will mainly be used with characters)
static void BuildNodeFacesQuadGrid(const NLMISC::CAABBox &delimiter, TNodeFaceQG &destQuadGrid, INode &baseNode, TimeValue time)
const uint numQuads = 16;
NLMISC::CMatrix qgBasis;
qgBasis.setRot(NLMISC::CVector::I, NLMISC::CVector::K, - NLMISC::CVector::J, true);
destQuadGrid.changeBase (qgBasis);
NLMISC::CVector halfSize = delimiter.getHalfSize();
float width = 2.f * NLMISC::maxof(halfSize.x, halfSize.y, halfSize.z);
if (width == 0.f) width = 0.1f;
destQuadGrid.create(numQuads, width / numQuads);
::AddNodeToQuadGrid(delimiter, destQuadGrid, baseNode, time);
/// Build a normal from a list of node faces. It is assumes that all faces share at least one smoothing group
static void BuildNormalFromNodeFaces(const std::vector<const CNodeFace *> &faces, NLMISC::CVector &dest)
dest = CVector::Null;
for(uint k = 0; k < faces.size(); ++k)
dest += faces[k]->getArea() * faces[k]->getNormal();
static void ApplyMeshInterfacesUsingSceneNormals(INode &sceneBaseNode, std::vector<CMeshInterface> &interfaces, CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat, float threshold, TimeValue time)
NLMISC::CMatrix toWorldMatInv = toWorldMat.inverted();
std::vector<const CNodeFace *> candidateFaces;
TNodeFaceQG sceneQG;
// for each interface
for(uint k = 0; k < interfaces.size(); ++k)
// extend bbox from threshold
iBBox.extend(iBBox.getMax() + NLMISC::CVector(threshold, threshold, threshold));
::BuildNodeFacesQuadGrid(iBBox, sceneQG, sceneBaseNode, time);
uint numWelds = 0;
// test each corner of the meshbuild faces
for(uint l = 0; l < mbuild.Faces.size(); ++l)
for(uint m = 0; m < 3; ++m)
const CVector &vert = toWorldMat * mbuild.Vertices[mbuild.Faces[l].Corner[m].Vertex];
if (interfaces[k].canWeld(vert, threshold))
// find all candidate faces - NLMISC::CVector(threshold, threshold, threshold),
vert + NLMISC::CVector(threshold, threshold, threshold)
TNodeFaceQG::CIterator faceIt = sceneQG.begin();
while (faceIt != sceneQG.end())
uint32 sg = (*faceIt).SmoothGroup;
// the face must have at least a smoothing group in common with this one
if (((*faceIt).SmoothGroup & mbuild.Faces[l].SmoothGroup) != 0)
// test each vertex to see if it can weld with the current corner
for(uint n = 0; n < 3; ++n)
if (((*faceIt).P[n] - vert).norm() <= threshold)
if (!candidateFaces.empty())
::BuildNormalFromNodeFaces(candidateFaces, mbuild.Faces[l].Corner[m].Normal);
mbuild.Faces[l].Corner[m].Normal = toWorldMatInv.mulVector(mbuild.Faces[l].Corner[m].Normal);
++ numWelds;
nldebug("%d vertices have been welded for interface %d", numWelds, k);
/** private func : Select vertices in a max mesh that match a CMeshInterface
* It returns true if the operation was done properly
static bool SelectVerticesInMeshFromInterfaces(const std::vector<CMeshInterface> &inters, float threshold, INode &node, TimeValue tvTime)
Object *obj = node.EvalWorldState(tvTime).obj;
// Check if there is an object
if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
// Get a triobject from the node
TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(tvTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
if (obj != tri)
// not a mesh object, so do nothing
delete tri;
return false;
Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
// unselect all vertices
// build the local to wordl matrix
Matrix3 localToWorld = node.GetObjectTM(tvTime);
CMatrix nelMatLocalToWorld;
CExportNel::convertMatrix(nelMatLocalToWorld, localToWorld);
mesh.selLevel = DISP_SELVERTS ;
// test each vertices against the junctions
for(uint k = 0; k < (uint) mesh.getNumVerts(); ++k)
CVector pos;
Point3 maxPos = mesh.getVert(k);
CExportNel::convertVector(pos, maxPos);
for(uint l = 0; l < inters.size(); ++l)
if (inters[l].canWeld(nelMatLocalToWorld * pos, threshold))
return true;
/** private func to build a vector of meshs interface from a max file
* The max file is merged to this one
static bool BuildMeshInterfaces(const char *cMaxFileName, std::vector<CMeshInterface> &meshInterfaces, CExportNel &exportNel, TimeValue tvTime)
std::string maxFileName(cMaxFileName);
// make a set of current scene nodes
std::vector<INode *> nodes;
exportNel.getObjectNodes(nodes, tvTime);
std::set<INode *> firstNodes(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
if (CFile::getExtension(maxFileName).empty())
maxFileName += ".max";
/** don't know why, but a call to Interface::MergeFromFile freeze the application, so we
* use a call to maxscript instead
std::string maxFileNameWithSlash;
for(uint k = 0; k < maxFileName.length(); ++k)
if (maxFileName[k] == '\\')
maxFileNameWithSlash += "\\\\";
maxFileNameWithSlash += maxFileName[k];
// Before merging, rename the materials if in non-echec export mode and backup there original names in a map
map<string, string> renameMap;
nlassert (exportNel.getInterface ());
MtlBaseLib *lib = exportNel.getInterface ()->GetSceneMtls ();
nlassert (lib);
uint size = lib->Count ();
uint i;
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
// Rename the material
string newName = "NelAutoMergeRenamedTmp" + toString (i);
string originalName = (*lib)[i]->GetName ();
renameMap.insert (map<string, string>::value_type (newName, originalName));
(*lib)[i]->SetName (newName.c_str ());
// Merge the interface project
bool mergeSuccess = true;
std::string command("mergeMAXFile \"" + maxFileNameWithSlash + "\" #noRedraw #mergeDups");
if (CExportNel::scriptEvaluate(command.c_str(), NULL, scriptNothing) == false)
nlwarning("Unable to merge %s", maxFileName.c_str());
CExportNel::scriptEvaluate(("print \"Failed to load mesh interfaces " + maxFileNameWithSlash + "\"").c_str(), NULL, scriptNothing);
mergeSuccess = false;
// Rename the new material name with a generics names
nlassert (exportNel.getInterface ());
lib = exportNel.getInterface ()->GetSceneMtls ();
nlassert (lib);
size = lib->Count ();
// First, rename all the new materials in the scene
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
// Find the name in the map ?
string key = (*lib)[i]->GetName ();
map<string, string>::iterator ite = renameMap.find (key);
// Not found ? This is a merged material
if (ite == renameMap.end ())
// Rename the material
string newName = "NelAutoMergeRenamed" + toString (i);
string originalName = (*lib)[i]->GetName ();
renameMap.insert (map<string, string>::value_type (newName, originalName));
(*lib)[i]->SetName (newName.c_str ());
// Now, rename all the old materials in the scene with there original names
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
// Find the name
string key = (*lib)[i]->GetName ();
map<string, string>::iterator ite = renameMap.find (key);
if (ite != renameMap.end ())
// Rename the material with its original name
(*lib)[i]->SetName (ite->second.c_str ());
// Continue ?
if (!mergeSuccess)
return false;
// make a set of current scene nodes + merged nodes
exportNel.getObjectNodes(nodes, tvTime);
std::set<INode *> allNodes(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
std::set<INode *> mergedNodes;
// compute difference to get merged nodes
std::set_difference(allNodes.begin(), allNodes.end(),
firstNodes.begin(), firstNodes.end(),
std::inserter(mergedNodes, mergedNodes.begin())
if (mergedNodes.size() == 0)
nlwarning("Couldn't find interface : %s", maxFileName.c_str());
// build meshs interfaces set from merged nodes
std::set<INode *>::iterator it;
for(it = mergedNodes.begin(); it != mergedNodes.end(); ++it)
CMeshInterface meshInterface;
if (meshInterface.buildFromMaxMesh(**it, tvTime))
if (!meshInterface.Verts.empty())
nldebug("adding interface %d from %s", meshInterfaces.size(), exportNel.getNelObjectName(**it).c_str());
// well we could avoid a vector copy
nlwarning("unable to build interface from %s", exportNel.getNelObjectName(**it).c_str());
// remove loaded nodes from scene
for(it = mergedNodes.begin(); it != mergedNodes.end(); ++it)
exportNel.getInterface()->DeleteNode(*it, FALSE);
return true;
void CExportNel::applyInterfaceToMeshBuild(INode &node, CMesh::CMeshBuild &mbuild, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat, TimeValue time)
nldebug("Applying interface on : %s", node.GetName());
std::string interfaceFile = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_INTERFACE_FILE, "");
if (interfaceFile.empty()) return;
// get the threshold
float threshold = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_INTERFACE_THRESHOLD, -1.f);
if (threshold < 0.f)
nlwarning("Invalid threshold used for interface merging, in node %s", CExportNel::getNelObjectName(node).c_str() );
std::vector<CMeshInterface> meshInterface;
if (! ::BuildMeshInterfaces(interfaceFile.c_str(), meshInterface, *this, time))
// store interface info in mesh for MRM, & mark vertices that are on an interface
::ApplyMeshInterfacesForMRM(meshInterface, mbuild, toWorldMat, threshold);
// process the mesh build to correct normal
bool useSceneNodeNormals = (CExportNel::getScriptAppData(&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_GET_INTERFACE_NORMAL_FROM_SCENE_OBJECTS, 0) != 0);
if (!useSceneNodeNormals)
::ApplyMeshInterfacesUsingInterfaceNormals(meshInterface, mbuild, toWorldMat, threshold);
::ApplyMeshInterfacesUsingSceneNormals(*CExportNel::getRootNode(), meshInterface, mbuild, toWorldMat, threshold, time);
bool CExportNel::useInterfaceMesh(INode &node)
std::string interfaceFile = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_INTERFACE_FILE, "");
return !interfaceFile.empty();
bool CExportNel::selectInterfaceVertices(INode &node, TimeValue time)
std::string interfaceFile = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_INTERFACE_FILE, "");
if (interfaceFile.empty())
nlwarning("SelectInterfaceVertices : This node has no mesh interface : %s", this->getNelObjectName(node).c_str() );
return false;
// get the threshold
float threshold = CExportNel::getScriptAppData(&node, NEL3D_APPDATA_INTERFACE_THRESHOLD, -1.f);
if (threshold < 0.f)
nlwarning("Invalid threshold used for interface merging, in node %s", CExportNel::getNelObjectName(node).c_str() );
return false;
std::vector<CMeshInterface> meshInterfaces;
if (!::BuildMeshInterfaces(interfaceFile.c_str(), meshInterfaces, *this, time))
return false;
return ::SelectVerticesInMeshFromInterfaces(meshInterfaces, threshold, node, time );