khanat-opennel-code/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_mesh_lib/export_nel.h d5c601ffa5 initial version
2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

1106 lines
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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh.h"
#include "nel/3d/material.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_vertex_program.h"
#include "nel/3d/camera.h"
#include "nel/3d/key.h"
#include "nel/3d/track_keyframer.h"
#include "nel/3d/bone.h"
#include "nel/3d/animation_time.h"
#include "nel/3d/animation_time.h"
#include "nel/../../src/pacs/collision_mesh_build.h"
#define UVGEN_MISSING (-1)
#define UVGEN_REFLEXION (-2)
#define FLOAT_EPSILON 0.001
#define NEL_MTL_A 0x64c75fec
#define NEL_MTL_B 0x222b9eb9
#define NEL_LIGHT_CLASS_ID_A 0x36e3181f
#define NEL_LIGHT_CLASS_ID_B 0x3ac24049
#define NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_A 0x7f374277
#define NEL_PACS_BOX_CLASS_ID_B 0x5d3971df
#define NEL_PACS_CYL_CLASS_ID_A 0x62a56810
#define NEL_PACS_CYL_CLASS_ID_B 0x4b3d601c
#define NEL_FLARE_CLASS_ID_A 0x4e913532
#define NEL_FLARE_CLASS_ID_B 0x3c2f2307
#define NEL_WAVE_MAKER_CLASS_ID_A 0x77e24828
#define NEL_WAVE_MAKER_CLASS_ID_B 0x329a1de5
#define MAX_MORPHER_CLASS_ID Class_ID(0x17bb6854, 0xa5cba2a3)
// ***************************************************************************
enum TNelValueType
// ***************************************************************************
enum TNelScriptValueType
// ***************************************************************************
namespace NL3D
class CAnimation;
class ITrack;
class CTrackKeyFramerConstBool;
class CSkeletonShape;
class CMRMParameters;
class IMeshGeom;
class CInstanceGroup;
class CVegetableShape;
class CLodCharacterShapeBuild;
class CShapeBank;
class IDriver;
class CLandscape;
class CTextureCube;
namespace NLPACS
class CRetrieverBank;
class CGlobalRetriever;
class CPrimitiveBlock;
namespace NLMISC
class CAABBox;
// ***************************************************************************
// Interface for feed back during calculation
class IProgress
virtual void setLine (uint32 LineNumber, std::string &LineText)=0;
virtual void update()=0;
// ***************************************************************************
struct CExportNelOptions
bool bShadow;
bool bExportLighting;
bool bExportBgColor;
bool OutputLightmapLog;
std::string sExportLighting;
sint32 nExportLighting;
float rLumelSize;
sint32 nOverSampling;
bool bExcludeNonSelected;
IProgress *FeedBack;
bool bShowLumel;
bool bTestSurfaceLighting;
float SurfaceLightingCellSize;
float SurfaceLightingDeltaZ;
// If no configuration file
bShadow = false;
bExportLighting = false;
bExportBgColor = true;
OutputLightmapLog = false;
sExportLighting = "c:\\temp";
nExportLighting = 0; // Normal lighting
rLumelSize = 0.25f;
nOverSampling = 1;
bExcludeNonSelected = false;
FeedBack = NULL;
bShowLumel = false;
bTestSurfaceLighting= true;
SurfaceLightingCellSize= 1.5f;
SurfaceLightingDeltaZ= 0.8f;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream& stream)
sint version = stream.serialVersion (6);
// Check version
switch (version)
case 6:
stream.serial (OutputLightmapLog);
case 5:
bool fake= false;
stream.serial (fake);
case 4:
stream.serial (SurfaceLightingDeltaZ);
case 3:
stream.serial (bTestSurfaceLighting);
stream.serial (SurfaceLightingCellSize);
case 2:
stream.serial (bExportBgColor);
case 1:
stream.serial (bShowLumel);
stream.serial (bShadow);
stream.serial (bExportLighting);
stream.serial (sExportLighting);
stream.serial (nExportLighting);
stream.serial (rLumelSize);
stream.serial (nOverSampling);
stream.serial (bExcludeNonSelected);
// ***************************************************************************
class CExportDesc;
// ***************************************************************************
typedef std::map<INode*, sint32> TInodePtrInt;
// ***************************************************************************
/** Descriptor of a WindTree VertexProgram AppData
class CVPWindTreeAppData
enum {HrcDepth= 3, NumTicks=100};
/// Scale value for sliders
float FreqScale;
float DistScale;
/// Frequency of the wind for 3 Hierachy levels. Slider Value
int Frequency[HrcDepth];
/// Additional frequency, multiplied by the globalWindPower. Slider Value
int FrequencyWindFactor[HrcDepth];
/// Power of the wind on XY. Mul by globalWindPower. Slider Value
int DistXY[HrcDepth];
/// Power of the wind on Z. Mul by globalWindPower. Slider Value
int DistZ[HrcDepth];
/// Bias result of the cosinus: f= cos(time)+bias. Slider Value
int Bias[HrcDepth];
/// BST_CHECKED if want Specular Lighting.
int SpecularLighting;
// ***************************************************************************
/// Skeleton Spawn Script build, used at addAnimation()
class CSSSBuild
struct CKey
std::string Value;
NL3D::TAnimationTime Time;
struct CBoneScript
// The name of the bone on which the track is bound
std::string BoneName;
// The Temp Track definition
std::vector<CKey> Track;
std::vector<CBoneScript> Bones;
// if not empty, compile all bone scripts, and add to the animation of the skeleton
void compile(NL3D::CAnimation &dest, const char* sBaseName);
// ***************************************************************************
* 3dsmax to NeL export interface for other things that landscape.
* \author Cyril Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CExportNel
class CAnimationBuildCtx;
static const char* ErrorMessage[CodeCount];
typedef std::map<INode*, Matrix3> mapBoneBindPos;
/// Constructor
CExportNel (bool errorInDialog, bool view, bool absolutePath, Interface *ip, std::string errorTitle, CExportNelOptions *opt);
// *********************
// *** Export mesh
// *********************
* Build a NeL mesh
* skeletonShape must be NULL if no bones.
NL3D::IShape* buildShape (INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt *nodeMap,
bool buildLods);
* Build a NeL meshBuild
* This method does not care of the skeletonShape
* if isMorphTarget is true, no "mrm/normal mesh interface" is built
NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild* createMeshBuild(INode& node, TimeValue tvTime, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBaseBuild*& baseBuild, const NLMISC::CMatrix &finalSpace = NLMISC::CMatrix::Identity, bool isMorphTarget= false);
/** Test wether the node has app datas specifying interface meshs.
* \see applyInterfaceToMeshBuild
static bool useInterfaceMesh(INode &node);
/** Use interface mesh from a max file to unify normal at extremities of a mesh
* Example : a character is sliced in slots, each parts being stored in a file.
* The normals at the junction part are incorrect.
* An "interface" is a polygon that is used to unify normal between various meshs
* IMPORTANT : the meshbuild should have been exported in WORLD SPACE
* Note : the name of the max file that contains the name of the interface is stored in an app data attached to this node
* \param node the node from which datas must be retrieved (name of the .max file containing the interfaces)
* \param meshBuildToModify The mesh build whose normal will be modified
* \param toWorldMat a matrix to put the meshbuild vertices into worldspace
* \param tvTime time aty which evaluate the mesh
void applyInterfaceToMeshBuild(INode &node, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild &meshBuildToModify,
const NLMISC::CMatrix &toWorldMat,
TimeValue tvTime);
/** This takes a max mesh, and select the vertices that match vertices of a mesh interface
* This has no effect if the mesh has no app datas specifying a mesh interface
* \see applyInterfaceToMeshBuild
* \return true if the operation succeed
bool selectInterfaceVertices(INode &node, TimeValue time);
* Build a NeL instance group
NL3D::CInstanceGroup* buildInstanceGroup(const std::vector<INode*>& vectNode, std::vector<INode*>& resultInstanceNode, TimeValue tvTime);
* Build a complete NeL scene with objects attached to the scene root node
* \param scene is the scene to build
* \param shapeBank is the shape bank to use with the scene
* \param tvTime if the time to use to build the scene
* \param options is the options structure to use to build the scene
* \param landscape is a pointer ona landscape created with the scene. Can be NULL if you dan't want to build landscape zones.
* \param progress is the progress bar to use to display build progression. Can be NULL if no prgoress bar is needed
* \param buildHidden If it is true, build hidden nodes
* \param onlySelected If it is true, build only selected nodes
* \param buildLods If it is true, build lod of objects
void buildScene (NL3D::CScene &scene, NL3D::CShapeBank &shapeBank, NL3D::IDriver &driver, TimeValue tvTime,
NL3D::CLandscape *landscape, IProgress *progress, bool buildHidden, bool onlySelected, bool buildLods);
* Build a NeL camera
void buildCamera(NL3D::CCameraInfo &cameraInfo, INode& node, TimeValue time);
* Return true if it is a mesh.
* skeletonShape must be NULL if no bones.
* if excludeCollision then return false if the mesh is a collision (NL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION)
* else don't test NL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION.
static bool isMesh (INode& node, TimeValue time, bool excludeCollision= true);
static bool isCamera (INode& node, TimeValue time);
static bool isDummy (INode& node, TimeValue time);
static bool isVegetable (INode& node, TimeValue time);
/** Compute an aabbox of a mesh, in world.
* \return true if the conversion succeed.
static bool buildMeshAABBox(INode &node, NLMISC::CAABBox &dest, TimeValue time);
* Return true if the node is a mesh and has a Nel_Material attached to it
static bool hasLightMap (INode& node, TimeValue time);
void deleteLM (INode& node);
bool calculateLM (NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild *pZeMeshBuild,
NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pZeMeshBaseBuild,
INode& ZeNode,
TimeValue tvTime, uint firstMaterial, bool outputLightmapLog);
bool calculateLMRad(NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild *pZeMeshBuild,
NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild *pZeMeshBaseBuild,
INode& ZeNode,
TimeValue tvTime);
// *********************
// *** Export animation
// *********************
// Add animation track of this node into the animation object pass in parameter.
void addAnimation (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* sBaseName, bool root);
// Build a NeL track with a 3dsmax node and a controller.
NL3D::ITrack* buildATrack (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, Control& c, TNelValueType type, Animatable& node, const CExportDesc& desc,
CAnimationBuildCtx *animBuildCtx, bool bodyBiped=false);
// Build a Nel bool track from a On/Off max Controller (doesn't work with buildATRack, which require a keyframer interface
// , which isn't provided by an on / off controller)
static NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstBool* buildOnOffTrack(Control& c);
// Add tracks for particle systems
void addParticleSystemTracks(NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* parentName) ;
// Add tracks for the bone and its children (recursive)
void addBoneTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* parentName,
CAnimationBuildCtx *animBuildCtx, bool root, CSSSBuild &ssBuilder);
// Add biped tracks
void addBipedNodeTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* parentName,
CAnimationBuildCtx *animBuildCtx, bool root, CSSSBuild &ssBuilder);
// Add a note track. It tackes the first note track of the object
static void addNoteTrack(NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node);
// Add a SkeletonSpawnScript track. It takes the first note track of the object
static void addSSSTrack(CSSSBuild &ssBuilder, INode& node);
// Build a Nel String track from the first NoteTrack
static NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstString* buildFromNoteTrack(INode& node);
// Convert keyframe methods
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyFloat& nelKey, ILinFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyInt& nelKey, ILinFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBool& nelKey, ILinFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyVector& nelKey, ILinPoint3Key& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyRGBA& nelKey, ILinPoint3Key& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyQuat& nelKey, ILinRotKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyVector& nelKey, ILinScaleKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBezierFloat& nelKey, IBezFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBool& nelKey, IBezFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBezierVector& nelKey, IBezPoint3Key& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBezierQuat& nelKey, IBezQuatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBezierVector& nelKey, IBezScaleKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyTCBFloat& nelKey, ITCBFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyBool& nelKey, ITCBFloatKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyTCBVector& nelKey, ITCBPoint3Key& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyTCBQuat& nelKey, ITCBRotKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
static void buildNelKey (NL3D::CKeyTCBVector& nelKey, ITCBScaleKey& maxKey, float ticksPerSecond, const CExportDesc& desc, Control& c);
// Create the transform matrix tracks
void createBipedKeyFramer (NL3D::ITrack *&nelRot, NL3D::ITrack *&nelPos, bool isRot, bool isPos,
float ticksPerSecond, const Interval& range, int oRT, const CExportDesc& desc,
INode& node, CAnimationBuildCtx *animBuildCtx);
// convert to nel time value
static NL3D::TAnimationTime convertTime (TimeValue time);
// ************************************
// *** Export skeleton and skinning
// ************************************
* Build a skeleton shape
* mapBindPos is the pointer of the map of bind pos by bone. Can be NULL if the skeleton is already in the bind pos.
void buildSkeletonShape (NL3D::CSkeletonShape& skeletonShape, INode& node, mapBoneBindPos* mapBindPos,
TInodePtrInt& mapId, TimeValue time);
// Build an array of CBoneBase
void buildSkeleton (std::vector<NL3D::CBoneBase>& bonesArray, INode& node, mapBoneBindPos* mapBindPos,
TInodePtrInt& mapId, std::set<std::string> &nameSet,
TimeValue time, sint32& idCount, sint32 father=-1);
* Add Skinning data into the build structure.
* You must call first isSkin. If isSkin return true, then you can call this method.
* Can return the following errors:
* skeletonShape must be NULL if no bones.
* NoError
* VertexWithoutWeight
* InvalidSkeleton
static uint buildSkinning (NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild& buildMesh, const TInodePtrInt& skeletonShape, INode& node);
// Return true if the mesh is a skin, else return false.
static bool isSkin (INode& node);
// Return the root node of the skeleton attached to the node. Return NULL if no skeleton.
static INode* getSkeletonRootBone (INode& node);
// Add bind pose matrix of the bone used by the model in the map.
static void addSkeletonBindPos (INode& node, mapBoneBindPos& boneBindPos);
// Enable / disable the skin modifier
static void enableSkinModifier (INode& node, bool enable);
/// return true if the bone must unherit his father scale. Special cases for biped, biped father etc...
bool getNELUnHeritFatherScale(INode &node);
/** This method do the same thing as getLocalMatrix() mut manages complexs cases of Scale unheritance,
strange Biped node Scale stuff, etc....
void getNELBoneLocalTM(INode &node, TimeValue time,
NLMISC::CVector &nelScale, NLMISC::CQuat &nelQuat, NLMISC::CVector &nelPos);
/// Physique Mirroring
bool mirrorPhysiqueSelection(INode &node, TimeValue time, const std::vector<uint> &vertIn,
float threshold);
// **************
// *** Export Lod
// **************
void addChildLodNode (std::set<INode*> &lodListToExclude, INode *current = NULL);
void addParentLodNode (INode &node, std::set<INode*> &lodListToExclude, INode *current = NULL);
// *********************
// *** Export collision
// *********************
/** Export a CCollisionMeshBuild from a list of node.
NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild* createCollisionMeshBuild(std::vector<INode *> &nodes, TimeValue tvTime);
/** Export a list of CCollisionMeshBuild from a list of node, grouped by igName. User must delete the meshBuilds.
* meshBuildList is a vector of tuple igName-Cmb
* NB: check NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION. if not set, the node is not exported
bool createCollisionMeshBuildList(std::vector<INode *> &nodes, TimeValue time,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild*> > &meshBuildList);
* Parse all the scene and build retrieverBank and globalRetriever. NULL if no collisions mesh found.
* \param retIgName eg: if IgName of a collisionMesh "col_pipo_1" is found in the scene, and if
* igNamePrefix=="col_" and igNameSuffix=="_", then retIgName returned is "pipo".
* If different igName may match, result is undefined (random).
void computeCollisionRetrieverFromScene(TimeValue time,
NLPACS::CRetrieverBank *&retrieverBank, NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever *&globalRetriever,
const char *igNamePrefix, const char *igNameSuffix, std::string &retIgName);
* Retrieve the Z rotation in radian of an object with its I matrix vector, assuming that the K matrix vector is near CVector::K
static float getZRot (const NLMISC::CVector &i);
* Build a primtive block with an array of inode. Return false if one of the object is not a PACS primitive object.
bool buildPrimitiveBlock (TimeValue time, std::vector<INode*> objects, NLPACS::CPrimitiveBlock &primitiveBlock);
// *********************
// *** Export misc
// *********************
// Transforme a 3dsmax view matrix to camera matrix.
static Matrix3 viewMatrix2CameraMatrix (const Matrix3& viewMatrix);
// Convert a 3dsmax matrix in NeL matrix
static void convertMatrix (NLMISC::CMatrix& nelMatrix, const Matrix3& maxMatrix);
// Convert a NeL matrix in 3dsmax matrix
static void convertMatrix (Matrix3& maxMatrix, const NLMISC::CMatrix& nelMatrix);
/// Convert a 3dsmax uv matrix to a nel uv matrix
static void uvMatrix2NelUVMatrix (const Matrix3& uvMatrix, NLMISC::CMatrix &dest);
// Convert a 3dsmax vector in NeL vector
static void convertVector (NLMISC::CVector& nelVector, const Point3& maxVector);
// Get local node matrix
static void getLocalMatrix (Matrix3& localMatrix, INode& node, TimeValue time);
// Decompose a 3dsmax matrix in NeL translation, scale, quat.
static void decompMatrix (NLMISC::CVector& nelScale, NLMISC::CQuat& nelRot, NLMISC::CVector& nelPos,
const Matrix3& maxMatrix);
// Convert a 3dsmax color in NeL color
static void convertColor (NLMISC::CRGBA& nelColor, const Color& maxColor);
// Return true if the node as the classId classid or is derived from a class with classId class id
static bool isClassIdCompatible (Animatable& node, Class_ID& classId);
// Return the pointer on ther subanim with the name sName of the node. If it doesn't exist, return NULL.
static Animatable* getSubAnimByName (Animatable& node, const char* sName);
// Get the node name
static std::string getName (MtlBase& mtl);
// Get the node name
static std::string getName (INode& node);
// Get the NEL node name. ie either NEL3D_APPDATA_INSTANCE_SHAPE appData or just GetName().
static std::string getNelObjectName (INode& node);
// Get lights
void getLights (std::vector<NL3D::CLight>& vectLight, TimeValue time, INode* node=NULL);
// Get the root node of the scene
INode *getRootNode() const;
// Get All node (objects only) of a hierarchy. NULL => all the scene
void getObjectNodes (std::vector<INode*>& vectNode, TimeValue time, INode* node=NULL);
// *** Paramblock2 access
// Return the pointer on the subanim with the name sName of the node. If it doesn't exist, return NULL.
static Control* getControlerByName (Animatable& node, const char* sName);
// Return the pointer on the subanim with the name sName of the node. If it doesn't exist, return NULL.
// Support only those type:
static bool getValueByNameUsingParamBlock2 (Animatable& node, const char* sName,
ParamType2 type, void *pValue, TimeValue time, bool verbose = true);
// Get the first modifier in the pipeline of a node by its class identifier
static Modifier* getModifier (INode* pNode, Class_ID modCID);
// Get the ambient value
NLMISC::CRGBA getAmbientColor (TimeValue time);
// Get the backgorund value
NLMISC::CRGBA getBackGroundColor (TimeValue time);
// Get the light group
static uint getLightGroup (INode *node);
// Get the light animation name
static std::string getAnimatedLight (INode *node);
// *** Script access
// Eval a scripted function
static bool scriptEvaluate (const char *script, void *out, TNelScriptValueType type);
// *** Appdata access
// Get an appData float
static float getScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, float def);
// Set an appData float
static void setScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, float value);
// Get an appData integer
static int getScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, int def);
// Set an appData integer
static void setScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, int value);
// Get an appData integer
static std::string getScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, const std::string& def);
// Set an appData integer
static void setScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, const std::string& value);
// Get an appData RGBA
static NLMISC::CRGBA getScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, NLMISC::CRGBA def);
// Set an appData RGBA
static void setScriptAppData (Animatable *node, uint32 id, NLMISC::CRGBA val);
// Output error message
void outputErrorMessage (const char *message);
void outputWarningMessage (const char *message);
// Get an appData VertexProgram WindTree (ensure same default values for all retrieve).
static void getScriptAppDataVPWT (Animatable *node, CVPWindTreeAppData &apd);
// Set an appData VertexProgram WindTree.
static void setScriptAppDataVPWT (Animatable *node, const CVPWindTreeAppData &apd);
/** private func : this convert a polygon expressed as a max mesh into a list of ordered vectors.
* This also gives an average normal by averaging faces normals.
static void maxPolygonMeshToOrderedPoly(Mesh &mesh, std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> &dest, const NLMISC::CMatrix &basis, NLMISC::CVector &avgNormal);
// ********************
// *** Export Vegetable
// ********************
* Build a skeleton shape
* mapBindPos is the pointer of the map of bind pos by bone. Can be NULL if the skeleton is already in the bind pos.
bool buildVegetableShape (NL3D::CVegetableShape& skeletonShape, INode& node, TimeValue time);
// ********************
// *** Export Lod Character
// ********************
/* is this node a lod character ???
static bool isLodCharacter (INode& node, TimeValue time);
* Build a lod character from a node
bool buildLodCharacter (NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild& lodBuild, INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt *nodeMap);
// *************
// *** Misc ***
// *************
// get a ptr to max interface
Interface *getInterface() const { return _Ip; }
/// Return true if error must be in dialog, false if error must not stop the process.
bool isErrorInDialog () const;
// A class that describe how build a NeL material with a max one
class CMaterialDesc
friend class CExportNel;
// Default constructor init _IndexInMaxMaterial to MISSING_VALUE, _UVMatrix to indentity and clamp to 0, 0, 1, 1
CMaterialDesc ()
const Matrix3 &getUVMatrix() const { return _UVMatrix; }
// *** Data
// Index in material
sint _IndexInMaxMaterial;
sint _IndexInMaxMaterialAlternative;
// Matrix for UVs
Matrix3 _UVMatrix;
// Crop region
float _CropU;
float _CropV;
float _CropW;
float _CropH;
// Max material info
class CMaxMaterialInfo
// Default constructor
CMaxMaterialInfo ()
AlphaVertex = false;
ColorVertex = false;
AlphaVertexChannel = 0;
TextureMatrixEnabled = false;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_MAX_TEXTURE; i++)
UVRouting[i] = 0xff;
// Remap UV channel
std::vector<CMaterialDesc> RemapChannel;
// Material names
std::string MaterialName;
// Alpha vertex in this material
bool AlphaVertex;
/* UV channel routing :
* (UVRouting[i] == 0xff) UV channel i is not needed
* (UVRouting[i] != 0xff) UV channel i is needed for the material
* (UVRouting[i] == i) UV channel i is present in the vertex buffer
* (UVRouting[i] != i) UV channel i is not present in the vertex buffer. It is routed to another UV channel.*/
uint8 UVRouting[MAX_MAX_TEXTURE];
// Color vertex in this material
bool ColorVertex;
// Alpha vertex channel for this material
uint AlphaVertexChannel;
// allow to export a user texture matrix
bool TextureMatrixEnabled;
// Max base build structure
class CMaxMeshBaseBuild
CMaxMeshBaseBuild ()
NeedVertexColor = false;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_MAX_TEXTURE; i++)
UVRouting[i] = 0xff;
// First material in the array
uint FirstMaterial;
// Num of materials
uint NumMaterials;
/* UV channel routing :
* (UVRouting[i] == 0xff) UV channel i is not needed
* (UVRouting[i] != 0xff) UV channel i is needed for the material
* (UVRouting[i] == i) UV channel i is present in the vertex buffer
* (UVRouting[i] != i) UV channel i is not present in the vertex buffer. It is routed to another UV channel.*/
uint8 UVRouting[MAX_MAX_TEXTURE];
// Need vertex color
bool NeedVertexColor;
// Remap UV channel
std::vector<CMaxMaterialInfo> MaterialInfo;
// *********************
// *** Export mesh
// *********************
// Get 3ds UVs channel used by a texmap and make a good index channel
// Can return an interger in [0; MAX_MESHMAPS-1] or on of the following value: UVGEN_REFLEXION, UVGEN_MISSING
static int getVertMapChannel (Texmap& texmap, Matrix3& channelMatrix, TimeValue time);
// Build a CLight
static bool buildLight (GenLight &maxLight, NL3D::CLight& nelLight, INode& node, TimeValue time);
* Build a NeL base mesh interface
* if skeletonShape is NULL, no skinning is exported.
void buildBaseMeshInterface (NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild& buildMesh, CMaxMeshBaseBuild& maxBaseBuild, INode& node,
TimeValue time, const NLMISC::CMatrix& basis);
* Build a NeL mesh interface
* if skeletonShape is NULL, no skinning is exported.
* if isMorphTarget is true, no "mrm/normal mesh interface" is built
void buildMeshInterface (TriObject &tri, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild& buildMesh, const NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild& buildBaseMesh,
const CMaxMeshBaseBuild& maxBaseBuild, INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt* nodeMap,
const NLMISC::CMatrix& newBasis=NLMISC::CMatrix::Identity,
const NLMISC::CMatrix& finalSpace=NLMISC::CMatrix::Identity,
bool isMorphTarget= false);
* Get all the blend shapes from a node in the meshbuild form
void getBSMeshBuild (std::vector<NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild*> &bsList, INode &node, TimeValue time, bool skined);
* Build a NeL mrm parameters block
static void buildMRMParameters (Animatable& node, NL3D::CMRMParameters& params);
* Build a mesh geom with a node
NL3D::IMeshGeom *buildMeshGeom (INode& node, TimeValue time, const TInodePtrInt *nodeMap,
NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild &buildBaseMesh, std::vector<std::string>& listMaterialName,
bool& isTransparent, bool& isOpaque, const NLMISC::CMatrix& parentMatrix);
* Build the mesh morpher info in the mesh geom */
void buildMeshMorph (NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild& buildMesh, INode &node, TimeValue time, bool skined);
// Get the normal of a face for a given corner in localSpace
static Point3 getLocalNormal (int face, int corner, Mesh& mesh);
// Build a water shape. The given node must have a water materiel, an assertion is raised otherwise
NL3D::IShape *buildWaterShape(INode& node, TimeValue time);
// build a wave maker shape
NL3D::IShape *buildWaveMakerShape(INode& node, TimeValue time);
// *********************
// *** Export FXs ***
// *********************
// Build shape from a particle system node
NL3D::IShape *buildParticleSystem(INode& node, TimeValue time);
// Build shape from a remanence node
NL3D::IShape *buildRemanence(INode& node, TimeValue time);
// Build shape from a flare node
NL3D::IShape *buildFlare(INode& node, TimeValue time);
// *********************
// *** Export material
// *********************
/** Test wether the given max node has a water material. A water object should only have one material, and must have planar, convex geometry.
* Morevover, the mapping should only have scale and offsets, no rotation
static bool hasWaterMaterial(INode& node, TimeValue time);
// Build an array of NeL material corresponding with max material at this node.
void buildMaterials (std::vector<NL3D::CMaterial>& Materials, CMaxMeshBaseBuild& maxBaseBuild, INode& node,
TimeValue time);
// Build a NeL material corresponding with a max material.
void buildAMaterial (NL3D::CMaterial& material, CMaxMaterialInfo& materialInfo, Mtl& mtl, TimeValue time);
// Build a NeL texture corresponding with a max Texmap.
NL3D::ITexture* buildATexture (Texmap& texmap, CMaterialDesc& remap3dsTexChannel, TimeValue time, bool forceCubic=false);
/// Build a NeL texture cube from a Reflect/refract map containing 6 textures.
NL3D::CTextureCube *buildTextureCubeFromReflectRefract(Texmap &texmap, TimeValue time);
/// Build a NeL texture cube from a Composite map containing 6 textures. (note: no re-ordering is done, because it didn't reorder composite cube in previous version either).
NL3D::CTextureCube *buildTextureCubeFromComposite(Texmap &texmap, TimeValue time);
/// Build a NeL texture cube from a single texture.
NL3D::CTextureCube *buildTextureCubeFromTexture(Texmap &texmap, TimeValue time);
/** Return true if a mesh has a material whose shader requires a specific vertex shader to work (for example, per-pixel lighting).
* This also stores the result in shader
static bool hasMaterialWithShaderForVP(INode &node, TimeValue time, NL3D::CMaterial::TShader &shader);
/// Test wether the given material need a specific vertex program to work correctly
static bool needVP(Mtl &mat, TimeValue time, NL3D::CMaterial::TShader &shader);
/** Build a mesh vertex program associated with the given shader
* For now there can be only one vertex program per mesh, so you must specify the shader this v.p must be built for.
* The meshBuild may be modfied by this operation (to add tangent space infos for example)
* \return The vertex program or NULL if the op failed, or if there's no need for a v.p.
static NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram *buildMeshMaterialShaderVP(NL3D::CMaterial::TShader shader, NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild *mb);
/// Test wether a material need a vertex program
// *********************
// *** Export Animation
// *********************
// Add tracks for the node
void addNodeTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* parentName,
CAnimationBuildCtx *animBuildCtx, bool root, CSSSBuild &ssBuilder,
bool bodyBiped=false);
// Add tracks for the light
void addLightTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* parentName);
// Add tracks for the morphing
void addMorphTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, INode& node, const char* parentName);
// Add tracks for the object
void addObjTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, Object& obj, const char* parentName);
// Add tracks for the material
void addMtlTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, Mtl& mtl, const char* parentName);
// Add tracks for the texture
void addTexTracks (NL3D::CAnimation& animation, Texmap& tex, uint stage, const char* parentName);
// Get a biped key parameter using script
bool getBipedKeyInfo (const char* nodeName, const char* paramName, uint key, float& res);
// Get inplace biped mode
bool getBipedInplaceMode (const char* nodeName, const char* inplaceFunction,
bool &res);
// Change inplace biped mode
bool setBipedInplaceMode (const char* nodeName, const char* inplaceFunction,
bool onOff);
// Current context for addAnimation()
class CAnimationBuildCtx
struct CBipedKey
TimeValue Time;
// The correct Nel Local TM
NLMISC::CVector Pos;
NLMISC::CQuat Quat;
NLMISC::CVector Scale;
struct CBipedNode
INode *Node;
// Oversampled position
std::vector<CBipedKey> Keys;
// The animation range for Biped Nodes. BipedRangeMin and BipedRangeMax are inclusive
TimeValue BipedRangeMin;
TimeValue BipedRangeMax;
// All biped nodes we must export.
std::vector<CBipedNode> BipedNodes;
bool hasBipedNodes() const {return BipedNodes.size()>0;}
// compile the bipedMap from BipedNodes, and other infos
void compileBiped();
// From a node, get its associated CBipedNode in the BipedNodes array.
CBipedNode *getBipedNodeInfo(INode *node);
/* return true if this node must export Track Position. It returns true for bodyBiped and LClavicle and RClavicle
limb for now.
NB: We use script to now if the node is a clavicle (ie not hack-tested by node name)
But this slow test is done in compileBiped().
bool mustExportBipedBonePos(INode *node);
// Map from INode * to CBiped Id in BipedNodes
typedef std::map<INode*, uint> TBipedMap;
TBipedMap _BipedMap;
// List of node which must export their position.
typedef std::set<INode*> TBipedSet;
TBipedSet _ExportBipedBonePosSet;
// Add a limb node to the _ExportBipedBonePosSet. eg: #larm.
void addLimbNodeToExportPos(INode *rootNode, const char *limbId);
// Bkup ctx of a biped bone.
struct CBipedNodePlaceMode
INode *Node;
bool InPlaceMode;
bool InPlaceYMode;
bool InPlaceXMode;
void buildBipedInformation(CAnimationBuildCtx &animBuildCtx, INode &node);
void overSampleBipedAnimation(CAnimationBuildCtx &animBuildCtx, uint overSampleValue);
/// return the Nel Scale Reference node if any.
INode *getNELScaleReferenceNode(INode &node);
/// return true if the node has a biped controller (either body or slave).
bool isBipedNode(INode &node);
/// As part of getNELBoneLocalTM.
void getNELBoneLocalScale(INode &node, TimeValue time, NLMISC::CVector &nelScale);
// Pointer on the interface
Interface *_Ip;
// Texture are built path absolute
bool _AbsolutePath;
// Build to view the scene
bool _View;
// Errors goes in dialog
bool _ErrorInDialog;
// Error title
std::string _ErrorTitle;
// Build options
CExportNelOptions _Options;
/** replacment for sprintf scanf (because of localisation in max)
float toFloatMax(const char *src);
// Same as to float max, but returns true if succeed
bool toFloatMax(const char *src, float &dest);
std::string toStringMax(float value);
std::string toStringMax(int value);
#endif // NL_EXPORT_NEL_H
/* End of export_nel.h */