
1813 lines
58 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include <nel/misc/stop_watch.h>
#include <nel/misc/bit_set.h>
#include <nel/net/login_server.h>
#include <nel/net/login_cookie.h>
#include "fe_types.h"
#include "fe_receive_sub.h"
#include "game_share/action_factory.h"
#include "game_share/action_position.h"
#include "game_share/action_sync.h"
#include "game_share/action_disconnection.h"
#include "game_share/action_association.h"
#include "game_share/action_generic.h"
#include "game_share/action_login.h"
#include "game_share/action_sint64.h"
#include "game_share/action_dummy.h"
#include "game_share/action_block.h"
#include "game_share/action_target_slot.h"
#include "game_share/tick_event_handler.h"
#include "game_share/synchronised_message.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "fe_send_sub.h"
#include "frontend_service.h"
#include "fe_stat.h"
#include "uid_impulsions.h"
#include "id_impulsions.h"
#include "game_share/ryzom_entity_id.h"
#include "game_share/system_message.h"
#include "../entities_game_service/mem_debug.h"
#define MEM_DELTA_MULTI_LAST2(a, b)
#define MEM_DELTA_MULTI2_MID(a, b)
#define MEM_DELTA_MULTI2(a, b)
using namespace std;
using namespace NLNET;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace CLFECOMMON;
const TUid BaseAutoAllocUserid = 1000000000;
TUid CurrentAutoAllocUserid = BaseAutoAllocUserid;
bool verbosePacketLost = false;
extern void flushMessagesToSend();
//void cbGwTrConnection ( TClientId clientId);
void cbGwTrDisconnection ( TClientId clientId );
CVariable<string> SaveShardRoot("variables", "SaveShardRoot", "Root directory of all files saved by any shard", "", 0, true, NULL, false);
extern CVariable<bool> VerboseFEStatsTime;
* Return the string for the message invalidity reasons
string getBadMessageString( uint32 reasons )
string s;
if ( reasons & InsufficientSize )
s += " Insufficient size;";
if ( reasons & NotSystemLoginCode )
s += " Not system login code;";
if ( reasons & BadCookie )
s += " Bad cookie;";
if ( reasons & BadSystemCode )
s += " Bad system code;";
if ( reasons & HackedSizeInBuffer )
s += " Hacked size in buffer;";
if ( reasons & AccessClosed )
s += " Access closed;";
if ( reasons & IrrelevantSystemMessage )
s += " Irrelevant System Message;";
if ( reasons & MalformedAction )
s += " Malformed action;";
if ( reasons & UnknownExceptionType )
s += " Unknown Exception;";
if ( reasons & UnknownFormatType )
s += " Unknown format type;";
if ( reasons & UnauthorizedCharacterSlot )
s += " Unauthorized character slot;";
return s;
* Init
void CFeReceiveSub::init( uint16 firstAcceptableFrontendPort, uint16 lastAcceptableFrontendPort, uint32 dgrammaxlength, CHistory *history, TClientIdCont *clientidcont )
// Preconditions
nlassert( firstAcceptableFrontendPort != 0 );
nlassert( lastAcceptableFrontendPort >= firstAcceptableFrontendPort );
nlassert( dgrammaxlength != 0 );
nlassert( history && clientidcont );
nlassert( (_ReceiveTask==NULL) && (_ReceiveThread==NULL) );
// Start external datagram socket
nlinfo( "FERECV: Starting external datagram socket" );
_ReceiveTask = new CFEReceiveTask( firstAcceptableFrontendPort, lastAcceptableFrontendPort, dgrammaxlength );
_CurrentReadQueue = &_Queue2;
_ReceiveTask->setWriteQueue( &_Queue1 );
nlassert( _ReceiveTask != NULL );
_ReceiveThread = IThread::create( _ReceiveTask );
nlassert( _ReceiveThread != NULL );
// Setup current message placeholder
_CurrentInMsg = new TReceivedMessage();
_History = history;
_ClientIdCont = clientidcont;
_ClientIdCont->resize( MaxNbClients+1 ); // because the client ids start at 1
TClientIdCont::iterator iclient;
for ( iclient=_ClientIdCont->begin(); iclient!=_ClientIdCont->end(); ++iclient )
*iclient = NULL;
// Setup connection stat log
_ConnectionStatDisp = new CFileDisplayer( string("data_shard_local/connections.stat"), false, "ConnectionStats" );
ConnectionStatLog = new CLog( CLog::LOG_NO );
ConnectionStatLog->addDisplayer( _ConnectionStatDisp );
* Release
void CFeReceiveSub::release()
if ( ConnectionStatLog )
delete ConnectionStatLog;
if ( _ConnectionStatDisp )
delete _ConnectionStatDisp;
nlassert( _ReceiveTask != NULL );
nlassert( _ReceiveThread != NULL );
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
// Send dummy data to a bound udp socket, to wake-up the receive thread
vector<CInetAddress> addrlist = CInetAddress::localAddresses();
if ( ! addrlist.empty() )
CUdpSock tempSock;
uint8 dummyByte = 0;
addrlist[0].setPort( _ReceiveTask->DataSock->localAddr().port() );
tempSock.sendTo( &dummyByte, sizeof(dummyByte), addrlist[0] );
// Under Windows, closing the socket wakes-up recvfrom().
delete _ReceiveThread;
delete _ReceiveTask;
_ReceiveTask = NULL;
_ReceiveThread = NULL;
nlassert( _CurrentInMsg != NULL );
delete _CurrentInMsg;
_CurrentInMsg = NULL;
// Receive time except CVision::update()
CStopWatch RecvWatch;
* Update
* Deprecated: replaced by modules (see initModules() in frontend_service.cpp)
/*void CFeReceiveSub::update()
* Read incoming data from the current read queue
void CFeReceiveSub::readIncomingData()
// Remove the clients who need to
TClientsToRemove::iterator ictr;
for ( ictr=_ClientsToRemove.begin(); ictr!=_ClientsToRemove.end(); )
if ( (*ictr).second == 0 )
// If the clientid has been removed
removeClientById( (*ictr).first );
ictr = _ClientsToRemove.erase( ictr );
--((*ictr).second); // wait, see addToRemoveList()
// Read queue of messages received from clients
while ( ! _CurrentReadQueue->empty() )
//nlinfo( "Read queue size = %u", _CurrentReadQueue->size() );
_CurrentReadQueue->front( _CurrentInMsg->data() );
nlassert( ! _CurrentReadQueue->empty() );
_CurrentReadQueue->front( _CurrentInMsg->VAddrFrom );
// Measure and display rate evenly (at a low frequency)
static TTime lastdisplay = CTime::getLocalTime();
if ( CTime::getLocalTime() - lastdisplay > 5000 )
// Message stats
if ( VerboseFEStatsTime.get() )
displayDatagramStats( lastdisplay );
lastdisplay = CTime::getLocalTime();
_RcvCounter = 0;
CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->sendCounter() = 0;
// Hacking detection: message size
uint nbrej = _ReceiveTask->nbNewRejectedDatagrams();
if ( nbrej != 0 )
nlinfo( "FEHACK: Rejected big messages: %u", nbrej );
// Hacking detection: bad identification
if ( ! _UnidentifiedFlyingClients.empty() )
nldebug( "FEHACK: Received messages from %u unidentified clients:", _UnidentifiedFlyingClients.size() );
THackingAddrSet::iterator ias;
for ( ias=_UnidentifiedFlyingClients.begin(); ias!=_UnidentifiedFlyingClients.end(); ++ias )
nlinfo( "FEHACK: * User %u %s --> %u msg, reasons:%s", (*ias).second.UserId, (*ias).first.asString().c_str(), (*ias).second.InvalidMsgCounter, getBadMessageString( (*ias).second.Reasons ).c_str() );
if ( VerboseFEStatsTime.get() && (RecvWatch.getDuration() > 20) ) // does not include the vision updating
nlinfo( "FETIME: Time of receiving: AllButVision peak=%u", RecvWatch.getDuration() );
* Swap receive queues (to avoid high contention between the receive thread and the reading thread)
void CFeReceiveSub::swapReadQueues()
if ( _CurrentReadQueue == &_Queue1 )
_CurrentReadQueue = &_Queue2;
_ReceiveTask->setWriteQueue( &_Queue1 );
//nlinfo( "** Write1 Read2 ** Read=%p Write=%p", &_Queue2, &_Queue1 );
_CurrentReadQueue = &_Queue1;
_ReceiveTask->setWriteQueue( &_Queue2 );
//nlinfo( "** Read1 Write2 ** Read=%p Write=%p", &_Queue1, &_Queue2 );
* Handles client addition/removal/identification, then calls handleReceivedMsg() (if not removal)
void CFeReceiveSub::handleIncomingMsg()
nlassert( _History && _CurrentInMsg );
//nldebug( "FERECV: Handling incoming message" );
// Retrieve client info or add one
THostMap::iterator ihm = _ClientMap.find( _CurrentInMsg->AddrFrom );
if ( ihm == _ClientMap.end() )
if ( _CurrentInMsg->eventType() == TReceivedMessage::User )
// Handle message for a new client
handleReceivedMsg( NULL );
nlinfo( "FERECV: Not removing already removed client" );
// Already existing
if ( _CurrentInMsg->eventType() == TReceivedMessage::RemoveClient )
// Remove client
nlinfo( "FERECV: Disc event for client %u", GETCLIENTA(ihm)->clientId() );
removeFromRemoveList(GETCLIENTA(ihm)->clientId() );
removeClientById( GETCLIENTA(ihm)->clientId() );
// Do not call handleReceivedMsg()
// Handle message
handleReceivedMsg( GETCLIENTA(ihm) );
bool CFeReceiveSub::acceptUserIdConnection( TUid userId )
for (THostMap::iterator it = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin(); it != CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end(); it++)
if ( GETCLIENTA(it)->Uid == userId)
nlwarning( "Can't accept connection of uid %u (already connected: client %hu)", userId, GETCLIENTA(it)->clientId() );
return false;
return true;
* Add client
CClientHost *CFeReceiveSub::addClient( const NLNET::CInetAddress& addrfrom, TUid userId, const string &userName, const string &userPriv, const std::string & userExtended, const std::string & languageId, const NLNET::CLoginCookie &cookie, uint32 instanceId, uint8 authorizedCharSlot, bool sendCLConnect )
if ( ! acceptUserIdConnection( userId ) )
cbDisconnectClient( userId , "FS CFeReceiveSub::addClient"); // simulate a request by the login system (NeL Launcher bypass mode)
return NULL;
CClientHost *clienthost;
// Create client object and add it into the client map
TClientId clientid = _ClientIdPool.getNewClientId();
if ( clientid == InvalidClientId )
nlwarning( "Front-end is full, new client %s rejected", addrfrom.asString().c_str() );
return NULL;
MEM_DELTA_MULTI2_MID(Client,BeforeNewCClientHost); // 0
/// callback the gateway transport
// cbGwTrConnection(clientid);
THostMap::iterator cmPreviousEnd = _ClientMap.end();
clienthost = new CClientHost( addrfrom, clientid );
nlassert( clienthost );
nlinfo( "Adding client %u (uid %u name %s priv '%s') at %s", clientid, userId, userName.c_str(), userPriv.c_str(), addrfrom.asIPString().c_str() );
ConnectionStatLog->displayNL( "Adding client %u (uid %u name %s priv '%s') at %s", clientid, userId, userName.c_str(), userPriv.c_str(), addrfrom.asIPString().c_str() );
//MEM_DELTA_MULTI2_MID(Client,BeforeInsertClient); // = CClientHost
if ( ! _ClientMap.insert( make_pair( addrfrom, clienthost ) ).second )
nlwarning( "Problem: Inserted twice the same address in the client map" );
MEM_DELTA_MULTI2_MID(Client,AfterInsertClient); // 24
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.DistanceSpreader.notifyClientAddition( cmPreviousEnd );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.SortSpreader.notifyClientAddition( cmPreviousEnd );
/*CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.PositionSpreader.notifyClientAddition( cmPreviousEnd );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.OrientationSpreader.notifyClientAddition( cmPreviousEnd );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.DiscreetSpreader.notifyClientAddition( cmPreviousEnd );*/
// Set entity ids
(*_ClientIdCont)[clientid] = clienthost;
_History->addClient( clientid );
clienthost->Uid = userId;
clienthost->UserName = userName;
clienthost->UserPriv = userPriv;
clienthost->UserExtended = userExtended;
clienthost->LanguageId = languageId;
clienthost->LoginCookie = cookie;
clienthost->InstanceId = instanceId;
clienthost->AuthorizedCharSlot = authorizedCharSlot;
clienthost->initSendCycle( false );
CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->setSendBufferAddress( clientid, &addrfrom );
//This must be commented out when the GPMS always activates slot 0
//CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.addEntitySeenByClient( clientid, 0 );
#error should not be active
static uint8 buf [500];
nlassert( CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientBandwidth()/8 < 500 );
CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->outBox( clientid ).serialBuffer( buf, CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientBandwidth()/8 );
return clienthost;
// Take current time as receive timestamp (set it at login to avoid immediate probe)
// Send UserId to the EGS
//nldebug( "%u: Sending user id %u for C%hu: to EGS", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), userId, clientid );
if ( sendCLConnect )
if ( ! CFrontEndService::instance()->ShardDown )
CMessage msgout( "CL_CONNECT" );
msgout.serial( userId );
string un = userName;
msgout.serial( un );
string up = userPriv;
msgout.serial( up );
string ux = userExtended;
msgout.serial( ux );
string langId = languageId;
msgout.serial( langId );
string addrStr = addrfrom.asIPString();
msgout.serial( addrStr );
CLoginCookie logcook = cookie;
nlinfo("WEB: sent cookie %s to EGS from player %d", cookie.toString().c_str(), userId);
msgout.serial( logcook );
sendMessageViaMirror( "EGS", msgout ); // because the EGS can despawn an entity
// The client object will be removed when the client exits
return NULL;
TClientId mon = CFrontEndService::instance()->MonitoredClient;
if ( mon != 0 && clientid == mon )
nlinfo( "CLTMON: Client %u is connecting", mon );
beepIfAllowed( 660, 150 );
beepIfAllowed( 880, 150 );
//CFrontEndService::instance()->validateUserWebEntry(userName, cookie.toString());
return clienthost;
* Remove a client by iterator on THostMap (see also byId)
/*void CFeReceiveSub::removeClientByAddr( THostMap::iterator iclient )
if ( iclient == _ClientMap.end() )
// It may have already been removed on purpose
nlinfo( "FERECV: Removing client %u at %s", GETCLIENTA(iclient)->clientId(), GETCLIENTA(iclient)->address().asIPString().c_str() );
doRemoveClient( GETCLIENTA(iclient) );
//nlassert( GETCLIENTA(iclient)->clientId() < _ClientIdCont->size() );
//(*_ClientIdCont)[ GETCLIENTA(iclient)->clientId() ] = NULL;
//delete GETCLIENTA(iclient);
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.DistanceSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( iclient );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.PositionSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( iclient );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.OrientationSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( iclient );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.DiscreetSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( iclient );
_ClientMap.erase( iclient );
void CFeReceiveSub::setClientInLimboMode( CClientHost *client )
LimboClients.insert( make_pair( client->Uid, CLimboClient( client ) ) );
removeClientFromMap( client );
removeClientLinks( client );
deleteClient( client );
CClientHost *CFeReceiveSub::exitFromLimboMode( const CLimboClient& lc )
nldebug( "Restoring user %u from limbo mode", lc.Uid );
CClientHost *client = addClient( lc.AddrFrom, lc.Uid, lc.UserName, lc.UserPriv, lc.UserExtended, lc.LanguageId, lc.LoginCookie, 0xF, false );
NLMISC::TGameCycle tick = CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle();
client->setFirstSentPacket( client->sendNumber()+1, tick );
client->QuitId = lc.QuitId;
return client;
void CFeReceiveSub::removeClientFromMap( CClientHost *client )
THostMap::iterator icm = _ClientMap.find( clientIdCont()[client->clientId()]->address() );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.DistanceSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( icm );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.SortSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( icm );
/*CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.PositionSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( icm );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.OrientationSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( icm );
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.DiscreetSpreader.notifyClientRemoval( icm );*/
_ClientMap.erase( client->address() );
* Remove a client by iterator on TClientIdCont (see also byAddr)
void CFeReceiveSub::removeClientById( TClientId clientid, bool crashed )
TClientIdCont::iterator ici = _ClientIdCont->begin() + clientid;
nlassert( ici >= _ClientIdCont->begin() && ici < _ClientIdCont->end() );
if ( (*ici) != NULL )
// Bypass disconnection process if already engaged (can occur if WS requests it several times but not necessary for this case if it can't be inserted twice in the remove list)
if ( ! GETCLIENTI(ici)->isDisconnected() )
nlinfo( "FERECV: Removing client %hu at %s", GETCLIENTI(ici)->clientId(), GETCLIENTI(ici)->address().asIPString().c_str() );
doRemoveClient( GETCLIENTI(ici), crashed );
removeClientFromMap( GETCLIENTI(ici) );
// Not expected because cbDisconnectClient prevents from adding twice the same client
nlwarning( "Bypassing extra-removal of client %hu (uid %u)", GETCLIENTI(ici)->clientId(), GETCLIENTI(ici)->Uid );
//delete GETCLIENTI(ici);
//*ici = NULL; // later
* Utility method to remove a client
void CFeReceiveSub::doRemoveClient( CClientHost *client, bool crashed )
// Tell the other clients that this one has disconnected
/// DEBUG BEN don't send the disconnection to the others yet
THostMap::iterator ihm;
for ( ihm=_ClientMap.begin(); ihm!=_ClientMap.end(); ++ihm )
if ( GETCLIENTA(ihm) != client && _Vision->see(client->entityId(), GETCLIENTA(ihm)->entityId()))
// Creating a new action object for each one is required
CAction *action = CActionFactory::getInstance()->create( ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE );
action->FTEntityId = client->entityId();
GETCLIENTA(ihm)->ImpulseEncoder.add(action, 1);
// Remove the client from the EGS
if ( client->Uid != 0xFFFFFFFF )
// Handle the case when the id is not set yet (uid instead of id)
CMessage msgout( "CL_DISCONNECT" );
//Sid sid = client->sid();
//msgout.serial( sid );
msgout.serial( client->Uid );
msgout.serial( crashed );
sendMessageViaMirror( "EGS", msgout );
nlinfo( "Sent CL_DISCONNECT for client %hu (uid %u) to EGS", client->clientId(), client->Uid );
ConnectionStatLog->displayNL( "Sent CL_DISCONNECT for client %hu (uid %u) to EGS", client->clientId(), client->Uid );
// unless user wants to reconnect, disconnect him from login service
//if( ! findInReconnectList( client->Uid ) )
//nldebug( "disconnecting client %d from login service", client->clientId() );
CLoginServer::clientDisconnected( client->Uid );
CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->disableSendBuffer( client->clientId() );
// Here, we don't free the client's id yet (neither remove the entity/client in the history),
// because CPrioSub::processVision() will need it when removing the corresponding couples.
// It will call freeIdsOfRemovedClients() after that.
_RemovedClientEntities.push_back( client );
TClientId mon = CFrontEndService::instance()->MonitoredClient;
if ( mon != 0 && client->clientId() == mon )
nlinfo( "CLTMON: Client %u is disconnecting", mon );
* End perf measures
* Display prio stats
nlinfo( "-- Stats for client 1 --" );
TEventPerSeenEntityCounterFrame::displayAll( "Dist", DistCntClt1 );
TEventPerSeenEntityCounterFrame::displayAll( "Delta", DeltaCntClt1 );
TEventPerSeenEntityCounterFrame::displayAll( "Prio", PrioCntClt1 );
TEventPerSeenEntityCounterFrame::displayAll( "PosSent", PosSentCntClt1 );
void CFeReceiveSub::removeClientLinks( CClientHost *clienthost )
if ( ! clienthost->eId().isUnknownId() )
EntityToClient.removeEId( clienthost->eId() );
if ( clienthost->entityIndex().isValid() )
EntityToClient.removeEntityIndex( clienthost->entityIndex() );
void CFeReceiveSub::deleteClient( CClientHost *clienthost )
nldebug( "deleting client %d", clienthost->clientId() );
// Callback gateway transport
(*_ClientIdCont)[ clienthost->clientId() ] = NULL;
_History->removeClient( clienthost->clientId() );
_ClientIdPool.releaseId( clienthost->clientId() );
delete clienthost;
* After a client has been removed from the tables, free its identifier
void CFeReceiveSub::freeIdsOfRemovedClients()
vector<CClientHost*>::iterator ic;
for ( ic=_RemovedClientEntities.begin(); ic!=_RemovedClientEntities.end(); ++ic )
CClientHost *clienthost = *ic;
// Display info
nlinfo( "FE: Freeing client %u (%s)", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->address().asString().c_str() );
clienthost->displayClientProperties( false );
// Reset vision and links in tables
removeClientLinks( clienthost );
// Remove all about the client and delete object
deleteClient( clienthost );
beepIfAllowed( 880, 150 );
beepIfAllowed( 660, 150 );
NLMISC::CBitMemStream Msgin( true ); // global to avoid useless realloc
// This variable helps testing the bug that produced the warning
// "handleReceivedMsg : FERECV: client %d sent messages dated in future"
// after a Stall Mode recovery.
//CVariable<bool> BypassForceSynchronizeState("fs", "BypassForceSynchronizeState", "", false);
* handleReceivedMsg
* clienthost is NULL when handle message from a new client, in this case the first CAction *must* be a CActionLogin with a valid cookie
void CFeReceiveSub::handleReceivedMsg( CClientHost *clienthost )
// Preconditions
//nlassert( _History );
//nlassert( _CurrentInMsg && (! _CurrentInMsg->data().empty()) );
//nlinfo( "RECEIVING NOW (%u)", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle() );
// Prepare message to read
uint32 currentsize = _CurrentInMsg->userSize();
//nlinfo( "currentsize: %u", currentsize );
memcpy( Msgin.bufferToFill( currentsize ), _CurrentInMsg->userDataR(), currentsize );
uint32 receivednumber;
bool systemMode;
uint32 sendnumberack;
uint32 ackbitmask;
// Read received number and mode bit
Msgin.serialAndLog1( receivednumber );
Msgin.serialAndLog1( systemMode );
// for debug purpose
/*if (receivednumber < 1000)
nlinfo("FSRCV-DBG: received packet %d (%s) from client %d %s", receivednumber, systemMode ? "SYSTEM" : "NORMAL", clienthost ? clienthost->clientId() : -1, clienthost ? clienthost->eId().toString().c_str() : "<Unknown>");*/
// Check incoming client login
if (clienthost == NULL)
if ( ! _AccessOpen || ! CFrontEndService::instance()->AcceptClients )
rejectReceivedMessage( AccessClosed );
CLoginCookie lc;
bool validCookie = false;
string result;
uint8 code = 255;
if ( systemMode )
if ( (!systemMode) || (code != SYSTEM_LOGIN_CODE) )
rejectReceivedMessage( NotSystemLoginCode );
string userName = "NotSet";
string userPriv;
string userExtended;
uint32 instanceId, charSlot;
//if ( removeFromReconnectList( lc.getUserId() ) )
// validCookie = true;
result = CLoginServer::isValidCookie (lc, userName, userPriv, userExtended, instanceId, charSlot);
validCookie = result.empty();
if ( ! validCookie )
// Not a valid client
rejectReceivedMessage( BadCookie, lc.getUserId() );
uint32 uid;
if ( lc.getUserId() == 0xDEADBEEF )
// The client has neither been authenticated nor provided a user id, but is allowed to connect (dev mode)
nlinfo ("%s using AutoAllocUserid", _CurrentInMsg->AddrFrom.asString().c_str() );
string filename = CPath::standardizePath( SaveShardRoot.get() ) + CPath::standardizePath( IService::getInstance()->SaveFilesDirectory.get() ) + "auto_uid_map.bin";
// Get previously allocated user ids
if ( _AutoUidMap.empty() )
// Load from file
CIFile file( filename );
sint v = file.serialVersion( 0 );
file.serialCont( _AutoUidMap );
catch ( Exception& )
nlinfo( "No AutoAllocUserid data found yet" );
// Init CurrentAutoAllocUserid
TUid maxUid = 0;
for ( TAutoUidMap::const_iterator itaum=_AutoUidMap.begin(); itaum!=_AutoUidMap.end(); ++itaum )
if ( (*itaum).second > maxUid )
maxUid = (*itaum).second;
CurrentAutoAllocUserid = std::max( BaseAutoAllocUserid, maxUid + 1 );
// Look up the address
TAutoUidMap::iterator itaum = _AutoUidMap.find( _CurrentInMsg->AddrFrom.internalIPAddress() );
if ( itaum != _AutoUidMap.end() )
// This ip address is already known: if not already connected, give the same user id back.
// (two clients either on the same machine or connected through a gateway won't get the same user id)
uid = (*itaum).second;
while ( findClientHostByUid( uid ) != NULL )
uid = CurrentAutoAllocUserid++;
(*itaum).second = uid; // store the new user id if the previous one is not available
// This ip address is new to us, give a new user id and store it
do { uid = CurrentAutoAllocUserid++; }
while ( findClientHostByUid( uid ) != NULL );
_AutoUidMap.insert( std::make_pair( _CurrentInMsg->AddrFrom.internalIPAddress(), uid ) );
// Save the allocated user ids
COFile file( filename );
file.serialVersion( 0 );
file.serialCont( _AutoUidMap );
catch ( Exception& e )
nlwarning( "Could not save AutoAllocUserid data: %s", e.what() );
uid = lc.getUserId();
string languageId;
clienthost = addClient( _CurrentInMsg->AddrFrom, uid, userName, userPriv, userExtended, languageId, lc, instanceId, (uint8)charSlot );
// Check if the addition worked
if ( clienthost != NULL )
nldebug( "FERECV: received LOGIN(%s) from client %d", lc.toString().c_str(), clienthost->clientId() );
NLMISC::TGameCycle tick = CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle();
clienthost->setFirstSentPacket( clienthost->sendNumber()+1, tick );
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
// Take current time as receive timestamp
// Check system messages
if ( systemMode )
uint8 code;
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// and don't acknowledge packet number because this is a system message
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
nlinfo( "FERECV: Client %u is disconnecting", clienthost->clientId() );
removeFromRemoveList( clienthost->clientId() );
// false because the client, in this case, didn't crashed
removeClientById( clienthost->clientId(), false );
// actions are automatically removed when deleting blocks
if (code == SYSTEM_QUIT_CODE)
uint32 quitId;
nlinfo("Received QUIT %d from client %d (current client QuitId = %d)", quitId, clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->QuitId);
if (quitId > clienthost->QuitId)
clienthost->QuitId = quitId;
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// and don't acknowledge packet number because this is a system message
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->disableSendBuffer( clienthost->clientId() );
// Send disconnection to EGS...
CMessage msgout1( "CL_DISCONNECT" );
msgout1.serial( clienthost->Uid );
bool crashed = false;
msgout1.serial( crashed );
sendMessageViaMirror( "EGS", msgout1 );
// ...and then a new connection to EGS
CMessage msgout2( "CL_CONNECT" );
msgout2.serial( clienthost->Uid );
msgout2.serial( clienthost->UserName );
msgout2.serial( clienthost->UserPriv );
msgout2.serial( clienthost->UserExtended );
msgout2.serial( clienthost->LanguageId );
string addrStr = clienthost->address().asIPString();
msgout2.serial( addrStr );
msgout2.serial( const_cast<CInetAddress&>(clienthost->address()) );
msgout2.serial( clienthost->LoginCookie );
sendMessageViaMirror( "EGS", msgout2 );
nlinfo( "Client %hu (uid %u) reset", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->Uid );
// Put client aside, then remove it
setClientInLimboMode( clienthost );
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// and don't acknowledge packet number because this is a system message
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
// Skip double messages or swapped packets
if ( receivednumber < clienthost->receiveNumber()+1 )
nldebug("FERECV: Received an old packet from client %u, expected %d, received %d", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->receiveNumber()+1, receivednumber);
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
else if ( (receivednumber > clienthost->receiveNumber()+1) && (!systemMode) )
LOG_PACKET_LOST("FERECV: Lost packet(s) from client %u, expected %d, received %d", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->receiveNumber()+1, receivednumber);
// if (BypassForceSynchronizeState.get() == 1)
// {
// if ((code == SYSTEM_ACK_SYNC_CODE) && (clienthost->ConnectionState == CClientHost::ForceSynchronize))
// {
// clienthost->setSynchronizeState();
// nldebug("Accepting Ack_Sync during Stall Recovery");
// }
// }
switch (clienthost->ConnectionState)
case CClientHost::Synchronize:
//case CClientHost::ForceSynchronize: // in ForceSynchronize, don't let Synchronize be replaced by Connected (ignore this ack_sync, subsequent synchronization will bring a new ack_sync)
// in synchronize, only accept ACK_SYNC
//nldebug("FERECV: received ACK_SYNC from client %d", clienthost->clientId());
// decode long ack
uint32 frontack;
uint32 backack;
CBitSet longackbitfield;
uint32 syncCode;
// use this bitfield as a rolling buffer, as long as frontack-backack < NumBitsInLongAck
// check the received sync is correct
if (syncCode == clienthost->LastSentSync)
// process ack
uint ack = std::max(backack, clienthost->LastReceivedAck+1);
//nlinfo("BEN-DBG: ACK_SYNC, start reading longackbitfield from client %d", clienthost->clientId());
for (; ack<=frontack; ++ack)
bool ackvalue = longackbitfield[ack&(NumBitsInLongAck-1)];
//nlinfo("BEN-DBG: ACK_SYNC, ack %d: %s", ack, (ackvalue ? "true" : "false"));
_History->ack(clienthost->clientId(), ack, ackvalue);
if (ackvalue)
//nlinfo("BEN-DBG: ACK_SYNC, end reading longackbitfield from client %d", clienthost->clientId());
clienthost->LastReceivedAck = frontack;
rejectReceivedMessage( IrrelevantSystemMessage );
else if (code != SYSTEM_LOGIN_CODE && code != SYSTEM_ACK_PROBE_CODE)
nlwarning("FERECV: Received from client %d (state Synchronize) system message %s (%d), expected ACK_SYNC (%d)", clienthost->clientId(), CLFECOMMON::SystemMessagesNames[code&31], code, SYSTEM_ACK_SYNC_CODE);
case CClientHost::Probe:
// in probe, only accept ACK_PROBE
nldebug("FERECV: received ACK_PROBE from client %d", clienthost->clientId());
uint32 numProbes, probe;
// get next received probe, and compare to the previous one
// if one step increment consecutive counter, else reset consecutive counter to 1
for (; numProbes>0; --numProbes)
if (probe == clienthost->LastReceivedProbe+1)
nldebug("FERECV: received probe %d, OK", probe);
nldebug("FERECV: received probe %d, expected %d", probe, clienthost->LastReceivedProbe+1);
clienthost->NumConsecutiveProbes = 1;
clienthost->LastReceivedProbe = probe;
if (clienthost->NumConsecutiveProbes >= 5)
nldebug("FERECV: received %d consecutive probes, resynchronize...", clienthost->NumConsecutiveProbes);
// Setup SYNC for the client
NLMISC::TGameCycle tick = CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle();
clienthost->setFirstSentPacket( clienthost->sendNumber()+1, tick );
// clean up history, packets numbers aso
nlinfo("FERECV: Received from client %d (state Probe) system message %s (%d), expected ACK_PROBE (%d)", clienthost->clientId(), CLFECOMMON::SystemMessagesNames[code&31], code, SYSTEM_ACK_PROBE_CODE);
// if ((code == SYSTEM_ACK_SYNC_CODE) && (clienthost->ConnectionState == CClientHost::ForceSynchronize))
// nldebug("Ignoring Ack_Sync during Stall Recovery");
//rejectReceivedMessage( BadSystemCode, uid ); // occurs in normal behaviour
// Skip double messages or swapped packets
if ( receivednumber < clienthost->receiveNumber()+1 )
nldebug("FERECV: Received an old packet from client %u, expected %d, received %d", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->receiveNumber()+1, receivednumber);
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
else if ( (receivednumber > clienthost->receiveNumber()+1) && (!systemMode) )
LOG_PACKET_LOST("FERECV: Lost packet(s) from client %u, expected %d, received %d", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->receiveNumber()+1, receivednumber);
if ( clienthost->ConnectionState != CClientHost::Connected )
// discard incoming normal message if client is not in connected state
//nlwarning("FERECV: Received from client %d normal message whereas state is %d", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->ConnectionState);
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// only acknowledge packet number for normal messages in connected state
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
// Read acknowledgement numbers and submit them to the history
Msgin.serialAndLog1( sendnumberack );
Msgin.serialAndLog1( ackbitmask );
/*if (receivednumber < 1000)
nlinfo("FSRCV-DBG: received normal packet %d (%s) from client %d %s, Ack=%d AckBitMask=%08X", receivednumber, systemMode ? "SYSTEM" : "NORMAL", clienthost ? clienthost->clientId() : -1, clienthost ? clienthost->eId().toString().c_str() : "<Unknown>", sendnumberack, ackbitmask);*/
list<CActionBlock> blocks;
while ( (uint32)Msgin.length()*8 - (uint32)Msgin.getPosInBit() >= (uint32)CActionBlock::getHeaderSizeInBits() )
if ( ! blocks.back().Success )
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
rejectReceivedMessage( MalformedAction, clienthost->Uid );
/*if ( blocks.size() == 0 )
//nlwarning( "Client %s sent 0 action (hacker?)", clienthost ? clienthost->address().asIPString().c_str() : "<null>" );
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// only acknowledge packet number for good normal messages
//computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
/* //OBSOLETE: now it is handled by a system msg SYSTEM_DISCONNECTION_CODE
// if client sends disconnection, remove it, and leave
else if (!(*blocks.begin()).Actions.empty() && (*blocks.begin()).Actions[0]->Code==ACTION_DISCONNECTION_CODE)
// actions are automatically removed when deleting blocks
nlinfo( "FERECV: Client %u is disconnecting", clienthost->clientId() );
removeFromRemoveList( clienthost->clientId() );
removeClientById( clienthost->clientId() );
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// only acknowledge packet number for good normal messages
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
// procede with acks
if (sendnumberack != 0) //clienthost->LastReceivedAck != 0xFFFFFFFF)
const uint AckBits = sizeof(ackbitmask)*8;
uint numAcks;
sint i = 0;
if (clienthost->LastReceivedAck != 0xFFFFFFFF)
numAcks = sendnumberack - clienthost->LastReceivedAck;
if (numAcks > AckBits+1)
// we lost too many acks !!
// must resync completely !!
// TODO: ignore all incoming packets from this host until we complete resync
nlwarning("FE:BEN: Too many ACK from client %d lost [Last=%d,Current=%d], setting to probe state", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->LastReceivedAck, sendnumberack);
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// only acknowledge packet number for good normal messages. Here a probe issue, don't ack message
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, false );
i = -(sint)(numAcks)+1;
if (i < -(sint)(AckBits))
i = -(sint)(AckBits);
// scan ack bits
bool hasNegAck = false;
for (; i<=0; ++i)
if (i == 0 || (ackbitmask&(1<<(-1-i))) != 0)
// positive ack
// acknowledges sent impulses at for that packet
_History->ack(clienthost->clientId(), sendnumberack+i, true);
// negative ack
//nlinfo("FE:BEN: neg ACK from client %d (packet %d)", clienthost->clientId(), sendnumberack+i);
_History->ack(clienthost->clientId(), sendnumberack+i, false);
hasNegAck = true;
//if (hasNegAck)
// nlinfo("FE:BEN: Client=%d Packet=%d Ack=%d AckBits=%d LastAck=%d", clienthost->clientId(), receivednumber, sendnumberack, ackbitmask, clienthost->LastReceivedAck);
else if (sendnumberack != 0)
_History->ack(clienthost->clientId(), sendnumberack, true);
if ( sendnumberack != 0 )
_History->ack( clienthost->clientId(), sendnumberack, ackbitmask, sizeof(ackbitmask)*8 );
clienthost->LastReceivedAck = sendnumberack;
uint j;
/*static char debugdisplay[256000];
static char debugcat[128000];
debugdisplay[0] = '\0';*/
uint numActions = 0;
// Make stats and set client's receive number
// only acknowledge packet number for good normal messages
// now we can acknowledge the message safely
computeStats( clienthost, receivednumber, currentsize, true );
// Iterate on the action blocks (each block corresponds to one game cycle)
for (list<CActionBlock>::iterator it=blocks.begin(); it!=blocks.end(); ++it)
CActionBlock &block = (*it);
if (block.Cycle <= clienthost->LastReceivedGameCycle)
//sprintf(debugcat, "old-block[%d][%d actions] ", block.Cycle, block.Actions.size());
//strcat(debugdisplay, debugcat);
clienthost->LastReceivedGameCycle = block.Cycle;
//sprintf(debugcat, "new-block[%d][%d actions] ", block.Cycle, block.Actions.size());
//strcat(debugdisplay, debugcat);
// Iterator on the actions in a block
for (j=0; j<block.Actions.size(); ++j)
CAction *action = block.Actions[j];
switch ( action->Code )
case ACTION_GENERIC_CODE: // forward an impulsion
CActionGeneric *ag = static_cast<CActionGeneric*>( action );
//vector<uint8> &vect = ag->get().bufferAsVector ();
uint8 msgtype;
if ( clienthost->eId().isUnknownId() )
//nlinfo( "FERECV: Forwarding IMPULSION_UID (%d bytes) from client %u to IOS", ag->get().length(), clienthost->clientId() );
routeImpulsionUidFromClient( ag->get(), clienthost->Uid, block.Cycle );
//msgout.setType( "IMPULSION_ID" );
msgtype = 1;
//nlinfo( "FERECV: Forwarding IMPULSION_ID (%d bytes) from client %u to IOS", ag->get().length(), clienthost->clientId() );
routeImpulsionIdFromClient( ag->get(), clienthost->eId(), block.Cycle );
CActionGenericMultiPart *agmp = static_cast<CActionGenericMultiPart*>( action );
// manage a generic action (big one that comes by blocks)
vector<uint8> &v = agmp->PartCont;
// add it
if (clienthost->GenericMultiPartTemp.size() <= agmp->Number)
clienthost->GenericMultiPartTemp.resize (agmp->Number+1);
clienthost->GenericMultiPartTemp[agmp->Number].set(agmp, clienthost);
// Convert clientid,slot to id
CActionTargetSlot *ats = static_cast<CActionTargetSlot*>(action);
TDataSetRow targetindex;
switch ( ats->Slot )
case INVALID_SLOT : // Untargetting
targetindex = TDataSetRow::createFromRawIndex( INVALID_DATASET_INDEX );
case 0: // Self targetting
targetindex = clienthost->entityIndex();
default: // Targetting an entity in the vision
targetindex = CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionArray.getEntityIndex( clienthost->clientId(), ats->Slot );
routeImpulsionIdSlotFromClient( ats->TargetOrPickup, targetindex, clienthost->entityIndex(), block.Cycle );
// TODO: jarter
CActionDummy *dummy = static_cast<CActionDummy*>(action);
if (dummy->Dummy1 - clienthost->LastDummy != 1)
nlwarning("******* PB: LastDummy=%d dummy->Dummy1=%d", clienthost->LastDummy, dummy->Dummy1);
clienthost->LastDummy = dummy->Dummy1;
nlwarning( "Received unknown action code %d from client %d", action->Code, clienthost->clientId() );
if (clienthost->LastReceivedGameCycle > CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle())
nlwarning("FERECV: client %d sent messages dated in future (tick=%d whereas server is at %d)", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->LastReceivedGameCycle, CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle());
catch( EStreamOverflow& )
TUid userId = clienthost ? clienthost->Uid : 0;
rejectReceivedMessage( InsufficientSize, userId );
catch( EInvalidDataStream& )
TUid userId = clienthost ? clienthost->Uid : 0;
rejectReceivedMessage( HackedSizeInBuffer, userId );
catch ( Exception& )
TUid userId = clienthost ? clienthost->Uid : 0;
rejectReceivedMessage( UnknownExceptionType, userId );
catch ( ... )
TUid userId = clienthost ? clienthost->Uid : 0;
rejectReceivedMessage( UnknownFormatType, userId );
//nlinfo("FERECV: received packet %d from client %d (%d actions decoded): %s", receivednumber, clienthost->clientId(), numActions, debugcat);
// warning: actions in CActionBlock are automatically removed when deleting block
* Do not accept the current message (hacking detection)
void CFeReceiveSub::rejectReceivedMessage( TBadMessageFormatType bmft, TUid userId )
//nlwarning("FEHACK: Incoming client failed identification: systemMode=%s, code=%d, isValidCookie=%s", (systemMode ? "true" : "false"), code, result.c_str());
pair<THackingAddrSet::iterator,bool> res = _UnidentifiedFlyingClients.insert( make_pair( _CurrentInMsg->AddrFrom, THackingDesc() ) );
THackingDesc& desc = (*(res.first)).second;
if ( ! res.second )
++desc.InvalidMsgCounter; // increment the counter
// Set the userId and the reasons flag
desc.UserId = userId;
desc.Reasons |= bmft;
* Compute stats about received datagrams
void CFeReceiveSub::computeStats( CClientHost *clienthost, uint32 currentcounter, uint32 currentsize, bool updateAcknowledge )
// Host stats
clienthost->computeHostStats( *_CurrentInMsg, currentcounter, updateAcknowledge );
// Global stats
_RcvBytes += currentsize;
* Display datagram loss statistics
void CFeReceiveSub::displayDatagramStats( TTime lastdisplay )
uint32 pcsum=0, pcnb=0;
THostMap::const_iterator ihm;
for ( ihm=_ClientMap.begin(); ihm!=_ClientMap.end(); ++ihm )
// Avoid clients that have not sent anything yet
if ( GETCLIENTA(ihm)->receiveNumber() != 0xFFFFFFFF )
// Calc percent
uint32 diff = GETCLIENTA(ihm)->receiveNumber()-GETCLIENTA(ihm)->firstReceiveNumber()+1;
nlassertex( diff!=0, ("receiveNumber: %u; firstReceiveNumber: %u", GETCLIENTA(ihm)->receiveNumber(), GETCLIENTA(ihm)->firstReceiveNumber()) );
pcsum += GETCLIENTA(ihm)->datagramLost() * 100 / diff;
// Reset
GETCLIENTA(ihm)->firstReceiveNumber() = GETCLIENTA(ihm)->receiveNumber();
CFrontEndService *fe = CFrontEndService::instance();
float loadavg = (pcnb != 0.0f) ? ((float)pcsum/(float)pcnb) : 0.0f;
/*float reenableRatio = 0.0f;
if ( fe->PrioSub.PropDispatcher.NbSetPrio != 0 )
reenableRatio = (float)fe->PrioSub.PropDispatcher.NbReenable / (float)fe->PrioSub.PropDispatcher.NbSetPrio * 100.0f;
fe->PrioSub.PropDispatcher.NbSetPrio = 0;
fe->PrioSub.PropDispatcher.NbReenable = 0;
uint32 sentMsg = fe->sendSub()->sendCounter();
uint32 backendrecvtime = fe->BackEndRecvWatch1.getPartialAverage() + fe->BackEndRecvWatch2.getPartialAverage() + fe->BackEndRecvWatch3.getPartialAverage();
nlinfo( "FESTATS: Ticks: %u - In msg: %u (%u Bps) - Out msg: %u - Loss average: %.2f - Clients: %u - RBackEnd=%u (PVision=%u) User=%u Recv=%u Fill=%u - Cycle=%u ms",
fe->CycleWatch.getPartialAverage() );
_PrevRcvBytes = _RcvBytes;
* Remove from the list of clients
void CFeReceiveSub::removeFromRemoveList( TClientId clientid )
TClientsToRemove::iterator icr;
for ( icr=_ClientsToRemove.begin(); icr!=_ClientsToRemove.end(); ++icr )
if ( (*icr).first == clientid )
_ClientsToRemove.erase( icr );
uint32 CFeReceiveSub::getNbClient()
return (uint32)_ClientMap.size();
* Find a client host by Uid (slow)
CClientHost *CFeReceiveSub::findClientHostByUid( TUid uid, bool exitFromLimbo )
// First, find in limbo clients
map<TUid,CLimboClient>::iterator ilc = LimboClients.find( uid );
if ( exitFromLimbo && (ilc != LimboClients.end()) )
CLimboClient& lc = (*ilc).second;
CClientHost *clienthost = exitFromLimboMode( lc );
//clienthost->QuitId = lc.
LimboClients.erase( ilc );
return clienthost;
// If not found, find in online clients
THostMap::iterator ihm;
for ( ihm=clientMap().begin(); ihm!=clientMap().end(); ++ihm )
if ( GETCLIENTA(ihm)->Uid == uid )
return GETCLIENTA(ihm);
return NULL;
* |<entityId>
* If the first argument is an entity id, it is used to look-up the player (the provided dynamic id
* is ignored, you can provide 0).
* entityId not implemented, because using the 'clientByUserId' command is easier.
NLMISC_COMMAND( displayPlayerInfo, "Display the properties of a player", "[<clientid> [<sortByDistance(1/0)=1> [<displayAllPropertiesSent(1/0)=0>]]]" )
// Get the values
if (args.size() > 0)
// Try to interpret the first argument as an entity id (beginning by '(')
/*CEntityId entityId;
if ( (!args[0].empty()) && (args[0][0] == '(') )
entityId.fromString( args[0].c_str() );
// If the first argument is not a valid entity id, interpret it as a client id
TClientId clientid;
/*if ( entityId.isUnknownId() )
clientid = atoi(args[0].c_str());
// Use the dynamic id of this frontend
entityId.setDynamicId( IService::getInstance()->getServiceId() );
bool sbd = true;
bool allProps = false;
if ( args.size() > 1 )
sbd = (args[1] == string("1"));
if ( args.size() > 2 )
allProps = (args[2] == string("1"));
CClientHost *clienthost;
if ( (clientid <= MaxNbClients) && ((clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid]) != NULL) )
clienthost->displayClientProperties( true, allProps, sbd, &log );
log.displayNL( "There is no such a client id" );
log.displayNL( "List of all clients and their properties:" );
THostMap::iterator ihm;
for ( ihm=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin();
ihm!=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end(); ++ihm )
GETCLIENTA(ihm)->displayClientProperties( false, false, false, &log );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( slotToEntityId, "Get the entityid of a slot of a client (and possibly display info)", "<clientid> <slot> <0/1>" )
if ( args.size() < 2 )
return false;
TClientId clientid = atoi(args[0].c_str());
if ( clientid <= MaxNbClients )
TCLEntityId slot = atoi(args[1].c_str());
TEntityIndex entityIndex = CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionArray.getEntityIndex( clientid, slot );
if ( entityIndex.getIndex() < (uint32)TheDataset.maxNbRows() )
CEntity* entity = TheEntityContainer->getEntity( entityIndex );
if ( entity )
CMirrorPropValueRO<TYPE_SHEET> propSheet( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertySHEET );
log.displayNL( "Slot %hu of client C%hu is %s, sheet %u", (uint16)slot, clientid, TheDataset.getEntityId( entityIndex).toString().c_str(), (uint32)propSheet() );
if ( args.size() == 3 )
if ( args[2] == "1" )
CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionProvider.displayEntityInfo( *entity, entityIndex, &log );
log.displayNL( "Unable to find entity" );
log.displayNL( "Found invalid entity index" );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( displayPlayers, "display the client ids used, and short info about them", "" )
THostMap::iterator ihm;
for ( ihm=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin();
ihm!=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end(); ++ihm )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( displayShortStats, "Display some stats", "" )
CFrontEndService *fe = CFrontEndService::instance();
log.displayNL( "Clients: %u", fe->receiveSub()->clientMap().size() );
return true;
NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE( uint32, NbPlayers, "Number of connected players" )
// We can only read the value
if ( get )
*pointer = (uint32)CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().size();
NLMISC_COMMAND( displayMonitoredClientInfo, "Display info about the monitored client", "" )
CFrontEndService *fe = CFrontEndService::instance();
CClientHost *client = fe->receiveSub()->clientIdCont()[fe->MonitoredClient];
if ( client )
client->displayClientProperties( true, false, true, &log );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( openAccess, "Open/close the access for new clients", "<1/0>" )
bool b, get;
if ( args.size() == 0 )
b = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->accessOpen();
get = true;
b = (args[0] == "1");
CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->openAccess( b );
get = false;
log.displayNL( "Access is %s %s", get?"currently":"now", b?"open":"closed" );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( resetAutoAllocUserid, "Reset the auto-incrementable user id (use with caution)", "" )
CurrentAutoAllocUserid = BaseAutoAllocUserid;
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( clientByUserId, "Get a client id by user id", "<userId>" )
TUid userId;
if ( args.empty() )
return false;
userId = atoi(args[0].c_str());
CClientHost *clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->findClientHostByUid( userId );
if ( clienthost )
log.displayNL( "Found C%hu E%u %s %s", clienthost->clientId(), clienthost->entityIndex().getIndex(), clienthost->eId().toString().c_str(), clienthost->address().asIPString().c_str() );
log.displayNL( "Client not found" );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( dumpClientInfo, "Dump all client info into a file", "<fileName> <clientid> [<sortByDistance(1/0)=1>]" )
string filename;
TClientId clientid;
bool sbd = true;
if ( args.size() < 2 )
return false;
filename = args[0];
clientid = atoi(args[1].c_str());
if ( args.size() > 2 )
sbd = (args[2]==string("1"));
CClientHost *clienthost;
if ( (clientid <= MaxNbClients) && ((clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid]) != NULL) )
CFileDisplayer *fd = new CFileDisplayer( filename, false, filename.c_str() );
CLog flog( CLog::LOG_NO );
flog.addDisplayer( fd );
clienthost->displayClientProperties( true, true, sbd, &flog );
delete fd;
log.displayNL( "File %s saved with info of C%hu", filename.c_str(), clientid );
// TODO: send the same command to the client
log.displayNL( "There is no such a client id" );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( retrieveEntityNames, "Request the IOS to send the names of all online entities, for next calls to other commands", "" )
CMessage msgout( "RETR_ENTITY_NAMES" );
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( "IOS", msgout );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( clearEntityNames, "Clear the entity names after retrieveEntityNames", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( verbosePacketLost, "Turn on/off or check the state of verbose logging of packet lost", "" )
if ( args.size() == 1 )
if ( args[0] == string("on") || args[0] == string("1") )
else if ( args[0] == string("off") || args[0] == string("0") )
log.displayNL( "verbosePacketLost is %s", verbosePacketLost ? "on" : "off" );
return true;