
273 lines
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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/3d/coarse_mesh_build.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_multi_lod.h"
#include "nel/3d/register_3d.h"
#include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/bsphere.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NL3D;
using namespace NLMISC;
// Shape file descriptor
class CShapeFileDesc
IShape *Shape;
std::string FileName;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Filter addSearchPath
InfoLog->addNegativeFilter ("adding the path");
// Register 3d
// Get start time
sint64 startTime=CTime::getLocalTime ();
if (argc!=2)
// Doc..
nlinfo("build_coarse_mesh [config_file.cfg]\n");
// Read the config file
CConfigFile cf;
// Load and parse "test.txt" file
cf.load (argv[1]);
// Get the texture_output variable (a string)
CConfigFile::CVar &texture_output = cf.getVar ("output_textures");
std::vector<std::string> texture_output_path;
uint outputTextureCount = texture_output.size();
texture_output_path.resize (outputTextureCount);
uint i;
for (i=0; i<outputTextureCount; i++)
// Get the i texture
texture_output_path[i] = texture_output.asString (i);
// Get the texture_mul_size variable (a float)
CConfigFile::CVar &texture_mul_size = cf.getVar ("texture_mul_size");
float texture_mul_size_float = texture_mul_size.asFloat ();
// Get the list_mesh variable (an array of string)
CConfigFile::CVar &search_path = cf.getVar ("search_path");
for (uint path=0; path<(uint)search_path.size(); path++)
// Add search pathes
CPath::addSearchPath (search_path.asString (path));
// Get the list_mesh variable (an array of string)
CConfigFile::CVar &list_mesh = cf.getVar ("list_mesh");
// Vector of shapes
std::vector<CShapeFileDesc> shapes;
std::vector<CCoarseMeshBuild::CCoarseMeshDesc> coarseMeshes;
coarseMeshes.reserve (list_mesh.size ());
shapes.reserve (list_mesh.size ());
// Load all the shapes
uint list_mesh_count=list_mesh.size ()/2;
for (i = 0; i < list_mesh_count; i++)
// Shape path
std::string intputPath=list_mesh.asString (i*2);
std::string outputPath=list_mesh.asString (i*2+1);
// Output
nlinfo ("Loading %s...\n", intputPath.c_str());
// File
CIFile inputFile;
if ( (CPath::lookup (intputPath.c_str())))
// Load a shape stream
CShapeStream shapeStr;
inputFile.serial (shapeStr);
// Cast pointer
CMeshMultiLod *multiLod=dynamic_cast<CMeshMultiLod*>(shapeStr.getShapePointer ());
if (multiLod)
// Coarse mesh found
bool found=false;
// Get the coarse meshes
uint count=multiLod->getNumSlotMesh ();
uint j;
for (j=0; j<count; j++)
// Is a coarse mesh
bool coarseMesh;
// Get a mesh
IMeshGeom *iMeshGeom=multiLod->getSlotMesh (j, coarseMesh);
// Is a coarse mesh ?
if (coarseMesh)
// Cast
CMeshGeom *meshGeom=safe_cast<CMeshGeom *> (iMeshGeom);
// Shape not used ?
if (!found)
// Build an info class
CShapeFileDesc fileDesc;
// Add it
shapes.push_back (fileDesc);
// Found one
// Add it in the list
coarseMeshes.push_back (CCoarseMeshBuild::CCoarseMeshDesc (meshGeom, multiLod));
// No coarse mesh ?
if (!found)
// Output error message
nlwarning ("ERROR this shape has no coarse mesh. %s\n", intputPath.c_str());
// Delete the shape
delete multiLod;
// not good type
nlwarning ("ERROR This mesh is not a multilod ! %s...\n", intputPath.c_str());
// Output
nlwarning ("ERROR file not found: %s\n", intputPath.c_str());
// Some coarse mesh ?
if (coarseMeshes.size()>0)
// Output text
nlinfo ("Compute the coarse meshes...\n");
// A bitmap
vector<CBitmap> coarseBitmap;
coarseBitmap.resize (texture_output_path.size ());
// Build the coarse meshes
CCoarseMeshBuild::CStats stats;
CCoarseMeshBuild builder;
if ( (coarseMeshes, coarseBitmap, stats, texture_mul_size_float))
// Save the shapes
for (i=0; i<shapes.size(); i++)
// Output text
nlinfo ("Write %s...\n", shapes[i].FileName.c_str());
// File output
COFile outputFile;
if ([i].FileName))
// Load a shape stream
CShapeStream shapeStr;
shapeStr.setShapePointer (shapes[i].Shape);
// Write
outputFile.serial (shapeStr);
nlwarning ("ERROR can't write file %s\n", shapes[i].FileName.c_str());
// Write the bitmaps
for (i=0; i<texture_output_path.size (); i++)
nlinfo ("Write textures %s...\n", texture_output_path[i].c_str());
// File for the texture
COFile outputFile;
if ( (texture_output_path[i]))
// Write a TGA file
if (!coarseBitmap[i].writeTGA (outputFile, 32))
nlwarning ("ERROR can't write the file %s\n", texture_output_path[i].c_str());
nlwarning ("ERROR can't write file %s\n", texture_output_path[i].c_str());
// Show stats
nlinfo ("\nCoarse meshes computed: %d\nTexture size: %dx%d\nArea of the texture used: %f%%\nCompute time (s): %f\n",
shapes.size(), coarseBitmap[0].getWidth(), coarseBitmap[0].getHeight(), stats.TextureUsed*100.f,
((float)(uint32)CTime::getLocalTime ()-startTime)/1000.f);
nlwarning ("ERROR global texture too small to contain all textures.\nPlease increase the texture_mul_size parameter.\n");
nlwarning ("WARNING no coarse mesh to compute, abort.\n");
catch (EConfigFile &e)
// Something goes wrong... catch that
nlwarning ("ERROR %s\n", e.what ());
catch (Exception &e)
// Something goes wrong... catch that
nlwarning ("ERROR %s\n", e.what ());
return 0;