
957 lines
22 KiB

-- Export zones and transzones
ligo = 1304892483
ligo_passable_app = ligo
ligo_rotate_app = 1266703978
ligo_scale_app = 1266703979
ligo_instance_app = 1266703980
TransitionScale = #( false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false)
TransitionRot = #( 2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0)
TransitionPos = #( [0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [-1, -2, 0], [0, -2, 0], [0, -3, 0], [-1, -3, 0], [-2, -3, 0], [-3, -3, 0])
TransitionIds = #( #( 1, 2 ), #( undefinded, 3 ), #( 5, 4 ), #( 6, 7, 8, 9 ) )
TransitionType = #( "CornerA", "CornerA", "Flat", "CornerA", "CornerB", "CornerB", "Flat", "Flat", "CornerB")
TransitionNumBis = #( 5, 4, 2, 3, 7, 6, 0, 1, 8)
NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME = 1423062564 -- string : name of the Instance Group
tagThisFile = true
-- Unhide category
fn unhidecategory =
if (geometry.count > 0) then
unhide geometry[1]
if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide object toggle
if (shapes.count > 0) then
unhide shapes[1]
if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide shape toggle
if (lights.count > 0) then
unhide lights[1]
if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide light toggle
if (cameras.count > 0) then
unhide cameras[1]
if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide camera toggle
if (helpers.count > 0) then
unhide helpers[1]
if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide helper toggle
-- Lower case
fn lowercase instring =
local upper, lower, outstring
outstring = copy instring
for iii = 1 to outstring.count do
jjj = findString upper outstring[iii]
if (jjj != undefined) then
outstring[iii] = lower[jjj]
outstring[iii] = instring[iii]
return outstring -- value of outstring will be returned as function result
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
-- Log a message
fn nlerror message =
if nlErrorStream != undefined then
format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
flush nlErrorStream
-- To the console
print message
-- Add properties
fn addProperties node propsArray =
-- The passable properties
if (getappdata node ligo_passable_app) != undefined then
append propsArray #( "passable", "yes")
append propsArray #( "passable", "no")
-- Is this node a debug markers ?
fn isDebugMarker node =
return matchPattern pattern:"[NELLIGO]*"
-- Delete debug markers
fn DeleteDebugMarkersFn =
-- Array to delete
arrayToDelete = #()
-- For each error names
for i = 1 to rootNode.children.count do
-- Node id
id = rootNode.children.count-i+1
if (isDebugMarker rootNode.children[id]) == true then
append arrayToDelete rootNode.children[id]
-- For each node to delete
for i = 1 to arrayToDelete.count do
-- Node id
delete arrayToDelete[i]
-- Get the transition zone coordinate
fn getTransitionZoneCoordinates node x y =
-- Get nelsize
cellSize = NeLLigoGetCellSize ()
-- Object center
center =
-- Get X and Y coordinates
x[1] = (center.x / cellSize) as Integer
y[1] = (center.y / cellSize) as Integer
-- Valid Y coordinate ?
if (y[1] < 0) or (y[1] >= TransitionIds.count) then
if (nodeArray != undefined) then
messageBox ("The zone "+nodeArray[zone].name+" is not well positionned. Check the transition scheme.") title:title_msgbox beep:true
return false
-- Valid X coordinate ?
if (x[1] < 0) or (x[1] >= TransitionIds[y[1]+1].count) then
if (nodeArray != undefined) then
messageBox ("The zone "+nodeArray[zone].name+" is not well positionned. Check the transition scheme.") title:title_msgbox beep:true
return false
return true
fn selectAllPatch =
clearselection ()
for i in geometry do
if (classof i) == RklPatch then
if (i.isFrozen == false) then
selectmore i
-- Get the ig name of this object
fn getIg node =
igName = (getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME)
if igName == "" then
return undefined
if (igName != undefined) then
return (lowercase (igName))
return undefined
-- Export collisions from the current loaded zone
fn exportCollisionsFromZone outputPath filename =
max select all
-- Export the collision
if (NelExportCollision ($selection as array) outputPath) == false then
-- nlerror ("WARNING No collision exported from file "+filename)
nlerror ("OK collision in folder "+outputPath)
fn buildTransitionMatrix mt transitionZone cellSize =
copyMt = mt
backupPos = copyMt.pos
copyMt.pos = [0,0,0]
-- Scale ?
if TransitionScale[transitionZone] == true then
copyMt = scale copyMt [-1,1,1]
-- Rotate
if TransitionRot[transitionZone] != 0 then
copyMt = rotateZ copyMt (90*TransitionRot[transitionZone])
-- Translation
return translate copyMt ( (TransitionPos[transitionZone] * cellSize) + backupPos)
fn buildTransitionMatrixObj mt transitionZone cellSize =
-- Place at the origine
copyMt = transMatrix (TransitionPos[transitionZone] * cellSize)
-- Center the zone
copyMt = translate copyMt [-cellSize/2, -cellSize/2, 0]
-- Scale ?
if TransitionScale[transitionZone] == true then
copyMt = scale copyMt [-1,1,1] true
-- Rotate
if TransitionRot[transitionZone] != 0 then
copyMt = rotateZ copyMt (90*TransitionRot[transitionZone])
-- Translation
copyMt = translate copyMt [cellSize/2,cellSize/2,0]
-- Compose
return (mt * copyMt)
-- Export instance groups from the current loaded zone
fn exportInstanceGroupFromZone inputFile outputPath igName transitionZone cellSize =
-- Unhide
max unhide all
-- unselect
max select none
-- Exported object count
exported = 0
-- Ig array
ig_array = #()
-- Scan all the ig in this project
for node in geometry do
ig = getIg node
if ( (ig != undefined) and (ig != "") and ( (igName == "") or (ig == igName) ) ) then
-- Transition ?
if ( ig == IgName) then
-- Transform the object
node.transform = buildTransitionMatrixObj node.transform transitionZone cellSize
-- Found ?
found = false
-- Already found ?
for j = 1 to ig_array.count do
if (ig_array[j]==ig) then
found = true
-- Found ?
if (found == false) then
append ig_array ig
for node in lights do
ig = getIg node
if ( (ig != undefined) and (ig != "") and ( (igName == "") or ( ig == igName) ) ) then
-- Transition ?
if ( ig == IgName) then
-- Transform the object
node.transform = buildTransitionMatrixObj node.transform transitionZone cellSize
-- Found ?
found = false
-- Already found ?
for j = 1 to ig_array.count do
if (ig_array[j]==ig) then
found = true
-- Found ?
if (found == false) then
append ig_array ig
for node in helpers do
ig = getIg node
if ( (ig != undefined) and (ig != "") and ( (igName == "") or (ig == igName) ) ) then
-- Transition ?
if (ig == IgName) then
-- Transform the object
node.transform = buildTransitionMatrixObj node.transform transitionZone cellSize
-- Found ?
found = false
-- Already found ?
for j = 1 to ig_array.count do
if (ig_array[j]==ig) then
found = true
-- Found ?
if (found == false) then
append ig_array ig
-- Have some ig ?
if (ig_array.count != 0) then
-- For each ig
for ig = 1 to ig_array.count do
if ( (igName == "") or (ig_array[ig] == IgName) ) then
-- Output filename
output = (outputPath + ig_array[ig] + ".ig")
-- Check date
if (NeLTestFileDate output inputFile) == true then
-- Select none
max select none
-- Select all node in this ig
for node in geometry do
-- Select it if in the ig
if ( (getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
selectmore node
-- Select all lights in this ig
for node in lights do
-- Select it if in the ig
if ( (getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
selectmore node
-- Select all helpers in this ig
for node in helpers do
-- Select it if in the ig
if ( (getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
selectmore node
-- Check export
-- Export the ig
instancegroup2export = $selection as array
if (NelExportInstanceGroup instancegroup2export output) == true then
nlerror ("OK "+output)
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR exporting ig "+ig_array[ig]+" in file "+inputFile)
tagThisFile = false
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ig "+ig_array[ig]+" in file "+inputFile)
tagThisFile = false
nlerror ("SKIPPED ligo ig "+output)
tagThisFile = false
-- ***********
ligopath = getINISetting ((GetDir #plugcfg)+"\\nelligo.ini") "LigoConfig" "LigoPath"
if ligopath != "" then ligo_root_path = ligopath
ligopath = getINISetting ((GetDir #plugcfg)+"\\nelligo.ini") "LigoConfig" "LigoExportPath"
if ligopath != "" then ligo_export_path = ligopath
MaxFilesList = getFiles (ligo_root_path + "*.max")
-- Set the bank pathname
bank_filename = "bankFilename"
NelSetTileBank bank_filename
cellSize = NeLLigoGetCellSize ()
for curFileName in MaxFilesList do
-- Free memory and file handles
gc ()
resetMAXFile #noprompt
tokenArray = filterString (getFilenameFile curFileName) "-"
if (tokenArray.count == 3) and (tokenArray[1] == "zonematerial") then
-- Get the tag file name
tag = ("output_directory_tag/"+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+(getFilenameType curFileName)+".tag")
-- Compare date with the tag file
if (NeLTestFileDate tag curFileName) == true then
-- Try to tag this file
tagThisFile = true
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("Scanning file "+curFileName+" ...")
mergeMaxFile curFileName quiet:true
-- Unhide category
DeleteDebugMarkersFn ()
selectAllPatch ()
-- nlerror ("EXPORT "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
props = #( #("zone", (tokenArray[2] + "-" + tokenArray[3])), #("material", tokenArray[2]) )
if (selection as array).count > 1 then
nlerror ("ERROR In file "+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+", multiple NelPatchMesh. Can't export.");
tagThisFile = false
if (selection as array).count == 0 then
nlerror ("WARNING In file "+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+", no NelPatchMesh to export.");
addProperties $ props
dstFileName = ligo_export_path + tokenArray[2] + "-" + tokenArray[3] + ".ligozone"
-- Error catching
-- export ligo zone
if (NeLLigoExportZone $ dstFileName props false false) then
nlerror ("OK "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
nlerror ("ERROR Error exporting ligo zone from file "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
tagThisFile = false
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ligo zone "+curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- export matching igs
exportInstanceGroupFromZone curFileName (ligo_export_path + "igs\\") "" 0 cellSize
nlerror("couldn't export ig for " + curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- export collisions
exportCollisionsFromZone (ligo_export_path + "cmb\\") curFileName
nlerror("couldn't export collision for " + curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- Write a tag file
if tagThisFile == true then
tagFile = createFile tag
if tagFile == undefined then
nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
print "toto" to: tagFile
close tagFile
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("SKIPPED BY TAG ligozone "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
for curFileName in MaxFilesList do
-- Free memory and file handles
gc ()
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
tokenArray = filterString (getFilenameFile curFileName) "-"
if (tokenArray.count == 4) and (tokenArray[1] == "zonetransition") then
HaveToExport = #()
for zone = 1 to 9 do
filename = tokenArray[2] + "-" + tokenArray[3] + "-" + tokenArray[4] + "-" + ((zone-1) as string)
filename = ligo_export_path + "zoneLigos\\" + filename + ".ligozone"
if (nelTestFileDate filename curFileName) == true then
append HaveToExport true
append HaveToExport false
-- Get the tag file name
tag = ("output_directory_tag/"+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+(getFilenameType curFileName)+".tag")
-- Compare date with the tag file
if (NeLTestFileDate tag curFileName) == true then
-- Try to tag this file
tagThisFile = true
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("Scanning file "+curFileName+" ...")
mergeMaxFile curFileName quiet:true
-- Unhide category
DeleteDebugMarkersFn ()
selectAllPatch ()
-- nlerror ("EXPORT "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
-- Array of selection
nodeArray = #()
if $ == $selection then
nodeArray = $selection as array
append nodeArray $
-- Ok flag
ok = true
findOne = false
-- Cell Size
if cellSize != undefined then
-- Array of transitions zones
transitionZone = #()
for zone = 1 to 9 do
append transitionZone undefined
for zone = 1 to nodeArray.count do
-- Find one
findOne = true;
-- Get the zone coordinates
x = #()
y = #()
ok = getTransitionZoneCoordinates nodeArray[zone] x y
-- No error ?
if ok == true then
-- Transition number
id = TransitionIds[y[1]+1][x[1]+1]
-- Store it
if (id == undefined) then
nlerror ("ERROR A zone is not at the right position in "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
tagThisFile = false
ok = false
transitionZone[id] = nodeArray[zone]
-- Continue ?
if (ok == true) and (findOne == true) then
-- For each zone selected
for zone = 1 to 9 do
-- Zone name
zoneBaseName = tokenArray[2] + "-" + tokenArray[3] + "-" + tokenArray[4] + "-" + ((zone-1) as string)
-- Get the destination filename for export
filename = ligo_export_path + zoneBaseName + ".ligozone"
if (HaveToExport[zone] == true) then
-- Defined ?
if (transitionZone[zone] != undefined) then
-- Make an array of properties
props = #( #("zone", zoneBaseName), #("transname", (tokenArray[2]+"-"+tokenArray[3]) ), #("transtype", TransitionType[zone] ), #("transtype", TransitionType[zone] ), #("transnum", (TransitionNumBis[zone] as string) ) )
-- Add the properties
addProperties transitionZone[zone] props
-- Transform the zone
c = instance transitionZone[zone]
-- Change the name = "[NELLIGO] tmp export"
-- The matrix
mt = buildTransitionMatrix transitionZone[zone].transform zone cellSize
-- Scale ?
if TransitionScale[zone] == true then
setappdata c ligo_scale_app "1"
-- Rotate
if TransitionRot[zone] != 0 then
setappdata c ligo_rotate_app (TransitionRot[zone] as string)
-- Transform the node
c.transform = mt
-- Export the zone
-- Error catching
-- nlerror ("EXPORT "+ (getFilenameFile filename))
if (NeLLigoExportZone c filename props false false) then
nlerror ("OK "+ (getFilenameFile filename))
nlerror ("ERROR Error exporting ligo zone from file "+ (getFilenameFile filename))
tagThisFile = false
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ligo zone "+curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- Delete
delete c
nlerror ("SKIPPED ligozone transition "+ (getFilenameFile filename))
-- export igs
exportInstanceGroupFromZone curFileName (ligo_export_path + "igs\\") (lowercase (zoneBaseName)) zone cellSize
nlerror("couldn't export ig for " + curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- export collisions
exportCollisionsFromZone (ligo_export_path + "cmb\\") curFileName
nlerror("couldn't export collision for " + curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- Write a tag file
if tagThisFile == true then
tagFile = createFile tag
if tagFile == undefined then
nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
print "toto" to: tagFile
close tagFile
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("SKIPPED BY TAG transition "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
for curFileName in MaxFilesList do
-- Free memory and file handles
gc ()
resetMAXFile #noprompt
tokenArray = filterString (getFilenameFile curFileName) "-"
if (tokenArray.count == 2) and (tokenArray[1] == "zonespecial") then
-- Get the tag file name
tag = ("output_directory_tag/"+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+(getFilenameType curFileName)+".tag")
-- Compare date with the tag file
if (NeLTestFileDate tag curFileName) == true then
-- Try to tag this file
tagThisFile = true
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("Scanning file "+curFileName+" ...")
mergeMaxFile curFileName quiet:true
-- Unhide category
DeleteDebugMarkersFn ()
selectAllPatch ()
-- nlerror ("EXPORT "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
props = #( #("zone", tokenArray[2]), #("material", "special") )
if (selection as array).count > 1 then
nlerror ("ERROR In file "+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+", multiple NelPatchMesh. Can't export.");
tagThisFile = false
if (selection as array).count == 0 then
nlerror ("WARNING In file "+(getFilenameFile curFileName)+", no NelPatchMesh to export.");
addProperties $ props
dstFileName = ligo_export_path + tokenArray[2] + ".ligozone"
-- Error catching
if (NeLLigoExportZone $ dstFileName props false false) then
nlerror ("OK "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
nlerror ("ERROR Error exporting ligo zone from file "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
tagThisFile = false
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ligo zone "+curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- export matching igs
exportInstanceGroupFromZone curFileName (ligo_export_path + "igs\\") "" 0 cellSize
nlerror("couldn't export ig for " + curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- export collisions
exportCollisionsFromZone (ligo_export_path + "cmb\\") curFileName
nlerror("couldn't export collision for " + curFileName)
tagThisFile = false
-- Write a tag file
if tagThisFile == true then
tagFile = createFile tag
if tagFile == undefined then
nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
print "toto" to: tagFile
close tagFile
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("SKIPPED BY TAG ligozone special "+ (getFilenameFile curFileName))
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ligo zone in folder"+ligo_root_path)
tagThisFile = false
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
quitMAX () #noPrompt