2010-08-27 22:29:13 +02:00

515 lines
11 KiB

-- Some globals
NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL = 1423062561 -- type of accelerator : "32" = is not an accelerator and IS clusterized
-- "0" = is not an accelerator and IS NOT clusterized (always visible)
-- "1" = is an accelerator type PORTAL
-- "2" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER
-- "6" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE
-- "10" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
-- "14" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE and VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
-- "17" = is an accelerator type PORTAL DYNAMIC
NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
-- "0" = export me
-- "1" = DONT export me
NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD = 1423062537
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
-- Unhide category
fn unhidecategory =
if (geometry.count > 0) then
unhide geometry[1]
if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide object toggle
if (shapes.count > 0) then
unhide shapes[1]
if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide shape toggle
if (lights.count > 0) then
unhide lights[1]
if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide light toggle
if (cameras.count > 0) then
unhide cameras[1]
if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide camera toggle
if (helpers.count > 0) then
unhide helpers[1]
if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then
max hide helper toggle
-- Log a message
fn nlerror message =
if nlErrorStream != undefined then
format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
flush nlErrorStream
-- To the console
print message
-- This node is n accelerator ?
fn isAccelerator node =
accel = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL
if (accel != undefined) then
if (accel == "0") or (accel == "32") then
return false
return true
return false
-- Must export this node ?
fn isToBeExported node =
if (isAccelerator node) == true then
return false
if ((classof node) == RklPatch) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_ps) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_cylinder) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_box) then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
return true
-- Must export this node ?
fn isAnimToBeExported node =
automaticAnimation = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_AUTOMATIC_ANIMATION
if (automaticAnimation == undefined) then
return false
if (automaticAnimation == "0") then
return false
if (isAccelerator node) == true then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_cylinder) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_box) then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
if (doNotExport == "1") then
return false
return true
-- Cast shadow ?
fn isCastShadow node =
if (classof node == nel_ps) then
return false
if (isAccelerator node) == true then
return false
return true
-- List the lod
lod_array = #()
-- is a lod ?
fn isLod node =
for i = 1 to lod_array.count do
if (lod_array[i] == node) then
return true
return false
-- have a coarse mesh ?
fn haveCoarseMesh node =
-- Get lod count
nodeCount = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT
if (nodeCount != undefined) then
-- For each lod
nodeCountNum = nodeCount as Integer
for lod = 1 to nodeCountNum do
-- Get the lod
lod = getappdata node (NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME+lod-1)
-- Exist ?
if (lod != undefined) then
-- Select a node
nd = execute ("$'"+lod+"'")
-- Node exist ?
if (nd != undefined) then
-- Is a coarse mesh ?
if (getappdata nd NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_COARSE_MESH == "1") then
return true
return false
fn goShapeExport =
-- Get filepath
filePath = "shape_max_file_path"
-- Delete lod files
lod_array = #()
-- Ok ?
ok = false
-- Free memory and file handles
gc ()
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Get the tag file name
tag = ("output_directory_tag/" + (getFilenameFile filePath) + (getFilenameType filePath) + ".tag")
-- Open the max project
nlerror ("Scanning file " + filePath + " ...")
if loadMaxFile filePath quiet:true == true then
-- Unhide category
-- Unhide
max unhide all
-- unselect
max select none
-- Exported object count
exported = 0
-- Add the lod
for node in geometry do
-- Get lod count
nodeCount = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME_COUNT
if (nodeCount != undefined) then
-- For each lod
nodeCountNum = nodeCount as Integer
for lod = 1 to nodeCountNum do
-- Get the lod
lod = getappdata node (NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD_NAME+lod-1)
-- Exist ?
if (lod != undefined) then
-- Select a node
nd = execute ("$'"+lod+"'")
nlerror ("Error in Execute $'"+lod+"' from node "
nd = undefined
-- Node exist ?
if (nd != undefined) then
append lod_array nd
-- Select objects for shadows
for node in geometry do
if (node.parent == undefined) then
-- Cast shadow ?
if (isCastShadow node == true) then
-- Select this node
selectmore node
-- Tag this file ?
tagThisFile = true
-- Array of node to export
array_node = #()
-- Add geometry
for node in geometry do
append array_node node
-- Add shapes
for node in shapes do
append array_node node
-- For each node
for node in array_node do
-- It is root ?
if (node.parent == undefined) then
-- Is not a skeleton ?
if ( != "Bip01") then
-- Can be exported ?
if (isToBeExported node == true) then
-- Not a lod ?
if ((isLod node) == false) then
-- Output directory
if (haveCoarseMesh node) == true then
output = ("output_directory_with_coarse_mesh/"+(".shape")
output = ("output_directory_without_coarse_mesh/"+(".shape")
-- Compare file date
if (NeLTestFileDate output filePath) == true then
-- Export the shape
if (NelExportShapeEx node output shape_export_opt_shadow shape_export_opt_export_lighting "shape_lightmap_path" shape_export_opt_lighting_limit shape_export_opt_lumel_size shape_export_opt_oversampling true false shape_export_opt_lightmap_log) == true then
nlerror ("OK "+output)
exported = exported+1
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR exporting shape "" in file "+filePath)
tagThisFile = false
return 0
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting shape "" in file "+filePath)
tagThisFile = false
return 0
-- Error
nlerror ("SKIPPED "+output)
exported = exported+1
-- Export default animations
for node in objects do
-- Can export it ?
if (isAnimToBeExported node) == true then
-- Anim output directory
output = ("output_directory_anim/"+(".anim")
-- Export the animation
if (NelExportAnimation #(node) output false) == false then
nlerror ("ERROR exporting animation "+output)
return 0
nlerror ("OK "+output)
-- Write a tag file
if tagThisFile == true then
tagFile = createFile tag
if tagFile == undefined then
nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
print "toto" to: tagFile
close tagFile
-- Something exported
if exported == 0 then
-- Error
nlerror ("WARNING no shape exported from the file "+filePath)
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR exporting shape: can't open the file "+filePath)
gc ()
nlerror ("ERROR gc " + getCurrentException())
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
nlerror ("ERROR resetMAXFile " + getCurrentException())
gc ()
nlerror ("ERROR gc " + getCurrentException())
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting shape in file " + filePath)
return 0
-- Error
nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting shape in file")
return 0
undo off
nlerror ("BYE")
quitMAX #noPrompt
quitMAX () #noPrompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
quitMAX () #noPrompt