About Shared Library (shared) and Module Library (module) type of cmake target INSTALL command has different behaviour for ARCHIVE LIBRARY RUNTIME depending on the platform
854 lines
22 KiB
854 lines
22 KiB
global systempreferencefilename = "\\\Amiga\\3D\\Database\\system\\zs_sys_prefs.ini",
--global systempreferencefilename = "c:\\zs_sys_prefs.ini",
ProjectPath = (getINISetting systempreferencefilename "Filepath" "ProjectPath")
error_list_file = "\\\Amiga\\3D\\Database\\system\\zonefiles_error_list.ini" -- pour faire fichier de report
error_array ; if error_array == undefined do error_array = #()
rollout dbase_cleaner_rollout "Database Zone Project Cleaner"
-- ui elements def
group "The Checker "
Button CheckTheDatabase "Check the Database" width:110
-- CheckBox CheckOnly "report only please" checked:true
-- Label textcheck "(Don't modify Database)" enabled:true
-- Label textclean "(Do Clean the Database)" enabled:false
progressbar progress_bar color:blue width:588
Label textcurrentproj "Current file : --" enabled:false align:#left
group "The Files "
label Count_Files "--" align:#left across:2
button reset_lists "Reset" width:50
listbox Files_listbox "Files with possible errors :" height:10 items:error_array
group "Manual "
button load_proj "Load" width:50 across:2 enabled:false
button save_proj "Save" width:50 enabled:false
button basic_clean "Clean Loaded" width:100 enabled:false
group "Auto "
button basic_clean_all "Basic Clean Listed Files " -- enabled:false
button test_only_basic_clean_all "Tst Bazc Clean Listd Filz" -- enabled:false
button collapse_nel_patch_all "Collapse all listed"
progressbar progress_bar2 color:green height:8 width:588
group "The objects "
listbox Objects_listbox "Objects in current File :" height:18
-- Fonctions def
Fn backupfilezone nomdufichierzone = -- backup a file named day and time and oldfilename in a subdir named (the number of the week 0-51)
local s=localtime , s1 , tabjourdesmois , nb_jours , i , semaineencours , file2backup , nouveaunomdefichier , sfinale="__" , directory4backup , s1= filterstring s "/ :" , tabjourdesmois=#("31","28","31","30","31","30","31","31","30","31","30","31")
if s1[3]=="00" or s1[3]=="04" or s1[3]=="08" then tabjourdesmois[2]=((tabjourdesmois[2] as integer) +1) as string -- ann<6E>es bisextiles
nb_jours=0 --determiner le numero de la semaine
for i=1 to ((s1[2] as integer)-1) do -- ajouter les jours de chaque mois <20>coul<75>
nb_jours=nb_jours + (tabjourdesmois[i] as integer)
nb_jours=nb_jours + (s1[1] as integer) -- ajouter les jours <20>coul<75>s du mois courant
semaineencours = nb_jours/7
if (getfiles (projectpath + (semaineencours as string) + "\\\\" + nomdufichierzone + ".max")).count == 0 -- creation du repertoire de backup
then (makedir (projectpath + (semaineencours as string) + "\\" )) else (print "le repertoire existe d<>j<EFBFBD>, pas besoin de le cr<63>er")
for i=1 to S1.count do ( sfinale=sfinale + "_" + s1[i]) --determiner le nouveau nom de fichier : date + heure
copyfile (projectpath + nomdufichierzone + ".max") (projectpath + (semaineencours as string) + "\\\\" + nomdufichierzone + sfinale + ".max") -- bouger le fichier dans le repertoire de backup
print ("fin du backup")
Fn delete_unwanted_entitys = -- materials / camera / shapes....
-- undefined LM_DATA persistent array
LM_DATA = undefined
print "LM_Data array undefined"
-- clean the material editor
for i = 1 to meditMaterials.count do (meditMaterials[i]=standard()) -- reset material editor
-- delete cameras
delete cameras
-- delete unwanted names
obj_to_delete = #()
for i in objects do
if ((matchpattern (i.name) pattern:"* name")==true) AND ( matchpattern (i.name) pattern:((getfilenamefile maxfilename)+" name"))==false -- l'objet est un nom *ET* n'est pas celui du projet.
append obj_to_delete i
print "deleting objects : "
print obj_to_delete
delete obj_to_delete
-- ui process def
on CheckOnly changed arg do
textcheck.enabled = arg
textclean.enabled = NOT arg
fn lowercase instring = -- beginning of function definition
local upper, lower, outstring -- declare variables as local
upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -- set variables to literals
for i=1 to outstring.count do
j=findString upper outstring[i]
if (j != undefined) do outstring[i]=lower[j]
return outstring -- value of outstring will be returned as function result
fn findID node =
-- Const
NameTab = filterString node.name "_"
if (NameTab != undefined) and (NameTab.count == 2) then
Z_ID = -1
alpha_letter1 = NameTab[2][1]
alpha_letter2 = NameTab[2][2]
alpha_letter1_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter1
alpha_letter2_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter2
-- Decompose theh name in an array array[1]=numeric string value array[2]=alpha string value
-- The index of the engine start at 0 but the script one at 1 so we sub 1 each time
alpha_sub_id = (((alpha_letter1_value as integer - 1) * 26 + (alpha_letter2_value as integer)))-1
num_sub_id = (NameTab[1] as integer)-1
-- Array of 256 per 256
-- 0 1 2 3 ... 255
-- 256 257 258 259 ... 511
-- 512 513 514 515 ... 767
-- ...
Z_ID = num_sub_id*256 + alpha_sub_id
return Z_ID
return 0
fn idToCoord coord =
zoneX = floor (coord.x/160)
zoneY = floor (-coord.y/160)
return zoneY*256 + zoneX;
fn atTheGoodPosition node =
-- Get the center
center = node.center
-- Check position
if (findID node) == (idToCoord center) then
return true
return false
on CheckTheDatabase pressed do
--remettre <20> zero
error_array = #()
Files_listbox.items = error_array
deletefile error_list_file
progress_bar.value = 0
textcurrentproj.enabled = true
project_files = getFiles ( projectpath + "*.max" )
counter = 0
Files_listbox.items = error_array
for f in project_files do
-- Error ?
bFound = false
bMultiZone = false
bWrongName = false
bWrongMaterial = false
bLoaded = false
bWrongPosition = false
-- Name of the file
fileName = getFilenameFile f
-- Load the project
if (loadMaxFile f) == true then
-- Zone loaded
bLoaded = true
-- Check there is only one zone with the name of the file
for node in geometry do
-- It is a NeL zone ?
if (classof node) == RklPatch then
-- Already a zone ?
if bFound == true then
bMultiZone = true
-- A zone has been found
bFound = true
-- The same name ?
if (lowercase fileName) != (lowercase node.name) then
bWrongName = true
-- The position
if (atTheGoodPosition node) == false then
bWrongPosition = true
-- The material..
if (classof node.material) == MultiMaterial then
-- Big material ?
if (node.material.numsubs > 20) then
bWrongMaterial = true
-- Set error
bError = (bWrongPosition == true) or (bWrongMaterial == true) or (bWrongName == true) or (bMultiZone == true) or (bFound == false) or (bLoaded == false)
-- Set error message
errorMessage = fileName
if bLoaded == false then
errorMessage += ", can't load it"
if bFound == false then
errorMessage += ", can't found a NeL patch object"
if bMultiZone == true then
errorMessage += ", multiple NeL zone"
if bWrongName == true then
errorMessage += ", NeL zone has a wrong name"
if bWrongMaterial == true then
errorMessage += ", NeL zone has a big material"
if bWrongPosition == true then
errorMessage += ", NeL zone position is wrong"
-- Append error ?
if bError == true then
setinisetting error_list_file "Zone error" fileName errorMessage
append error_array errorMessage
Count_Files.text = error_array.count as string
Files_listbox.items = error_array
Files_listbox.selection += 1
print (" ---> project : " + filenamefrompath f)
progress_bar.value = 100.*counter/project_files.count
counter += 1
if counter >0
Files_listbox.selection = 1
basic_clean_all.enabled = true
test_only_basic_clean_all.enabled = true
on Files_listbox doubleClicked error_list_index do
-- Load the project
fileName = filterString Files_listbox.items[error_list_index] ","
if (fileName != undefined) and (fileName.count != 0) then
-- Make a file name
fileName = ProjectPath+"\\"+fileName[1]+".max"
loadMaxFile fileName
on Files_listbox selected error_list_index do
--load_proj.enabled = true
--Objects_listbox.enabled = false -- juste pour montrer que <20>a bosse
--Files_listbox.enabled = false -- juste pour montrer que <20>a bosse
--Count_Files.enabled = false -- juste pour montrer que <20>a bosse
--Current_proj = (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
--Objects_listbox.items = (getMAXFileObjectNames current_proj)
--Count_Files.enabled = true -- juste pour montrer que <20>a bosse
--Files_listbox.enabled = true -- juste pour montrer que <20>a bosse
--Objects_listbox.enabled = true -- juste pour montrer que <20>a bosse
on reset_lists pressed do
error_array = #()
Files_listbox.items = error_array
on load_proj pressed do
loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
messagebox ("Loaded project for zone : " + Files_listbox.selected + "\n \n Please Clean the project and save")
max unhide all
save_proj.enabled = true
basic_clean.enabled = true
on save_proj pressed do
if (querybox ("Do You Really want to overwrite this ZONE ?\n" + MaxFileName )) == true and querybox "Really sure ?" == true
print ("saving zone : " + MaxFileName)
save_proj.enabled = false
backupfilezone (getfilenameFile MaxFileName)
print (" zone backuped : " + MaxFileName)
max file save
print (" zone saved : " + MaxFileName)
print ("no save for : " + MaxFileName)
on basic_clean pressed do
-- basic_clean.enabled = false
on basic_clean_all pressed do
compteurdeligne = 0
for proj_file in Files_listbox.items do
compteurdeligne += 1
progress_bar2.value = 100.*compteurdeligne/Files_listbox.items.count
Files_listbox.selection = compteurdeligne
print ("processing file : " + proj_file)
loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
backupfilezone (getfilenameFile MaxFileName)
print (" zone backuped : " + MaxFileName)
max file save
print (" zone saved : " + MaxFileName)
print ("nombre de projets trait<69>s : " + Files_listbox.items.count as string)
if (querybox "Do you want to Build an updated list of possible errors ?" ) == true
print "faire mise <20> jour "
on collapse_nel_patch_all pressed do
compteurdeligne = 0
for proj_file in Files_listbox.items do
compteurdeligne += 1
progress_bar2.value = 100.*compteurdeligne/Files_listbox.items.count
Files_listbox.selection = compteurdeligne
print ("processing file : " + proj_file)
loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
patch_name="$'"+(substring maxfilename 1 (maxfilename.count-4))+"'"
execute (" obj_to_check = " + patch_name)
if obj_to_check.modifiers.count != 0
collapsestack obj_to_check
backupfilezone (getfilenameFile MaxFileName)
print (" zone backuped : " + MaxFileName)
max file save
print (" zone saved : " + MaxFileName)
else print ("nothing to do with " + proj_file)
print ("nombre de projets trait<69>s : " + Files_listbox.items.count as string)
if (querybox "Do you want to Build an updated list of possible errors ?" ) == true
print "faire mise <20> jour "
on test_only_basic_clean_all pressed do
compteurdeligne = 0
for proj_file in Files_listbox.items do
compteurdeligne += 1
progress_bar2.value = 100.*compteurdeligne/Files_listbox.items.count
Files_listbox.selection = compteurdeligne
print ("processing file : " + proj_file)
loadMaxFile (ProjectPath + Files_listbox.selected )
print (" zone tested : " + MaxFileName)
print ("nombre de projets trait<69>s : " + Files_listbox.items.count as string)
on dbase_cleaner_rollout open do
Count_Files.text = error_array.count as string
-- Find and log doubling names
fileType = #( "Shape", "Animations", "Skeleton", "Swt" )
keyWords = #( #("shape_source_directory"), #("anim_source_directory"), #("skel_source_directory"), #("swt_source_directory") )
checkMeshName = #( true, false, false, false )
checkProjectName = #( true, true, true, true )
objectDouble = #()
objectDoubleProject = #()
objectArray = #()
NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
-- "0" = export me
-- "1" = DONT expo
rollout dbase_cleaner_double_rollout "Database Double Detector"
-- A button to select the config file
label ConfigFileLabel "Config files path:" align:#left
edittext ConfigFile "" width:588
button SelectConfigFile "Browse for config path" width:588
dropdownlist TypeCheck "Type of project to check:" items:fileType selection:0
listbox DirectoryList "List of directory to check:" width:588
label ExcludeLabel "Excluded names:" align:#left
edittext Exclude "" width:588
button Refresh "Refresh list" width:588
button Check "Check for double" width:588
listbox DoubleObject "List of project with same object name:" width:588
listbox DoubleProject "List of project with the same name:" width:588
-- On select the config file
on SelectConfigFile pressed do
-- Open a file browser
result = getOpenFileName caption:"Select the build process config file" filename:"config.cfg" types:"Config Files (*.cfg)|*.cfg|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
-- Ok ?
if (result != undefined) then
ConfigFile.text = getFilenamePath result
-- Get a list of options
fn getOptions filename keyword array =
-- Open a file stream
stream = openFile filename
-- Success ?
if (stream != undefined) then
-- Look for the keyword
while (skipToString stream keyword) != undefined do
-- Remove the '=' caracter
skipToString stream "="
-- Get the option
line = readLine stream
-- Remove spaces
while (line.count != 0) and (line[1] == " ") do
line = substring line 2 (line.count-1)
-- Remove spaces
while (line.count != 0) and (line[line.count] == " ") do
line = substring line 1 (line.count-1)
-- Add the options
append array line
-- Close the file
close stream
-- Ok
return true
return false
fn convertString instring =
index = findString instring "/"
while index != undefined do
instring[index] = "\\"
index = findString instring "/"
return instring
-- Add the object
fn addObjectToList name path =
append objectDouble (name + " - " + (filenameFromPath (convertString path)) + " - " + (getFilenamePath (convertString path)) )
append objectDoubleProject path
-- File type selected
on TypeCheck selected selection do
-- Config file path
siteF = ConfigFile.text + "site.cfg"
-- Get the database directory
databaseDirectory = #()
if (getOptions siteF "database_directory" databaseDirectory) == true then
-- Ok ?
if (databaseDirectory.count == 1) then
-- Clean the directory list
copyArray = #()
DirectoryList.items = copyArray
-- Look for the directories
if selection != 0 then
-- Directory file path
directoryFile = ConfigFile.text + "directories.cfg"
-- Array of keyword
directoriesArray = #()
for keyword in keyWords[selection] do
if (getOptions directoryFile keyword directoriesArray) == false then
-- Error message
Messagebox ("Can't read directory file " + directoryFile)
return undefined
-- Add the directory
for directory in directoriesArray do
append copyArray (databaseDirectory[1] + "/" + directory)
-- Set the array
DirectoryList.items = copyArray
-- Error message
Messagebox ("Syntax error in config file " + configF)
-- Error message
Messagebox ("Can't read config file " + configF)
fn lowercase instring = -- beginning of function definition
local upper, lower, outstring -- declare variables as local
upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -- set variables to literals
for i=1 to outstring.count do
j=findString upper outstring[i]
if (j != undefined) do outstring[i]=lower[j]
return outstring -- value of outstring will be returned as function result
-- Refresh list
fn refreshList =
objectDouble = #()
objectDoubleProject = #()
-- Get the keyword list
keywords = filterString Exclude.text " "
-- Search for double
object = 1
while object <= objectArray.count-1 do
-- First names
firstNames = filterString objectArray[object] ";"
-- Filter first name
same = false
for keys in keywords do
if (findString firstNames[1] keys) != undefined then
same = true
-- Not keyword
if same == false then
-- Second names
secondNames = filterString objectArray[object+1] ";"
-- Same name ?
if firstNames[1] == secondNames[1] then
-- Add the first
addObjectToList firstNames[1] firstNames[2]
-- Add the other
while (firstNames[1] == secondNames[1]) do
-- Add the second
addObjectToList secondNames[1] secondNames[2]
-- Next
object = object + 1
-- Last one ?
if (object == objectArray.count) then
-- Get the new second
secondNames = filterString objectArray[object+1] ";"
object = object + 1
-- Copy the array
DoubleObject.items = objectDouble
-- Refresh
on Refresh pressed do
refreshList ()
-- Check
on Check pressed do
-- Check double name in objects
if checkMeshName[TypeCheck.selection] == true then
-- Object array
objectArray = #()
-- For each directory
for folder in DirectoryList.items do
-- Get the max files
files = getFiles (folder+"/*.max")
for file in files do
-- Get the object in the max file
objectsMax = getMAXFileObjectNames file
-- For each object
for object in objectsMax do
-- Insert a reference
append objectArray ( (lowercase (object as string) ) + ";" + file)
-- Sort the array
sort objectArray
-- Refresh list
refreshList ()
DoubleObject.items = #()
-- Check double name in prject name
if checkProjectName[TypeCheck.selection] == true then
-- Object array
objectArrayProject = #()
projectDouble = #()
-- For each directory
for folder in DirectoryList.items do
-- Get the max files
files = getFiles (folder+"/*.max")
for file in files do
append objectArrayProject ( (filenameFromPath (convertString (lowercase file))) + ";" + (lowercase file) )
-- Sort the array
sort objectArrayProject
-- Search for double
object = 1
while object <= objectArrayProject.count-1 do
-- First names
firstNames = filterString objectArrayProject[object] ";"
-- Second names
secondNames = filterString objectArrayProject[object+1] ";"
-- Same name ?
if firstNames[1] == secondNames[1] then
-- Add the first
append projectDouble firstNames[2]
-- Add the other
while (firstNames[1] == secondNames[1]) do
-- Add the second
append projectDouble secondNames[2]
-- Next
object = object + 1
-- Last one ?
if (object == objectArrayProject.count) then
-- Get the new second
secondNames = filterString objectArrayProject[object+1] ";"
object = object + 1
-- Copy the array
DoubleProject.items = projectDouble
DoubleProject.items = #()
-- double click in the window
on DoubleObject doubleClicked index do
-- Check
if (index>0) and (index<=objectDoubleProject.count) then
loadMaxFile objectDoubleProject[index]
-- double click in the window
on DoubleProject doubleClicked index do
-- Check
if (index>0) and (index<=DoubleProject.items.count) then
loadMaxFile DoubleProject.items[index]
-- macroscript begins
if dbase_cleaner_floater != undefined do
closerolloutfloater dbase_cleaner_floater
dbase_cleaner_Floater = newRolloutFloater "Database Cleaner" 640 815 800 200
addrollout dbase_cleaner_rollout dbase_cleaner_Floater rolledUp:true
addrollout dbase_cleaner_double_rollout dbase_cleaner_Floater rolledUp:true